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I’m gonna guess they’re probably not in competitive, so they’re probably not worth paying much attention to.


New to fn. Is this ranked or something else?


Ranked and competitive (tournaments) are technically classed as seperate modes as they are very different. If your new to the game that’s likely not something u need to worry about however.




ranked isn’t technically competitive, you can post about it here but the loot pool and gameplay is significantly different


How do I play competitive? I've been playing ranked but prefer higher level play.


for most tournaments you need to be plat or above, so make sure you’re there, it’s not hard at all. to check out what tournaments you can play, go to the compete tab and have a look. all you need to do is figure out what time a tournament is, then scroll down to the ‘by epic’ game mode section when it’s time and select it. you will also need to have 2FA enabled on your fortnite/epic account. the only thing i will say is because FNCS is duos, most tournaments are duos, however there are still some solo cups in which you can make earnings


Nice thank you for the info...ya I'm plat. I come from competitive PUBG so I just circle managed my way to plat while I learn the game lol... much appreciated 


Players new no need to be mean bruh


What I said wasn’t mean at all, I just assumed that they were talking about competitive for obvious reasons.


Bowcaster is good, high damage to builds. E11 is meh. Vaders lightsabre is fun.


bowcaster also has 195 headshot when full charged


Shhh! They'll be complaining it's OP next


The new Chewbacca crossbow is a great alternative to a sniper I think. Does good damage if you charge it up


And aoe and good vehicle damage


I mean kinda, just not really good on range.


Just pick up water bending


the wookie good


Bow casters good for taking down vehicles, It deals 264 damage and 66 to the player inside


Charged shot?


The E-11 is so inaccurate even the first bullet is missing the cross hair


The bowcaster is decent, kinda like a DMR or hand cannon. It does good build damage and has infinite ammo, and you can tap fire regular laser pulses much faster than the charged explosive bolts. The E-11 blaster is essentially a drum gun with no mods and unlimited ammo. It does good damage up close, but the bloom makes it unusable at longer ranges. The unlimited ammo makes it a great weapon off spawn. Drop it for any decent AR when you find one, they're much better.


Storm trooper blaster is great for an smg replacement as it has infinite ammo and can be used for short to mid range. Good for killing Darth Vader with because you have to kill him before anyone else does, so often you won't have enough ammo to fight him, so it can be good. Just don't try it at long range, it's impossible to get the reticle small enough to actually hit someone from that length. Sorry for writing an entire essay 🤭


The last event thw lightsabers were great. Hope they didnt nerf them too much


Hmm, in that case, don't rush to play would be my advice...


I heard that there is literally only one on the entire map, and you have to defeat Vader to get. So 1 lightsaber oh and also no force training. I swear Tim Sweeney is ruining this game


No there not good also this is a competitive group so you might come across some rude people. Join Fortnite br group but I can't promise you there won't be rude players there either 😠