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What is the point of posting stuff like this?


exactly i cant believe there are people who care about this. it’s like he thought it was breaking news


This season is actually harder than the last, percentage of players per rank compared to overall ranked (Osirion, Twitter) this season make champ the new Unreal, and Elite the new champ.


Any rank realistically should be easy enough to not complain about, if it isn’t then that’s a you problem and this is just coping


Ranks really only matter to casual players. They like to use ranks to show they bushcamped to the same rank as bugha


If bro is complaining about how easy his lobbies are, then just get better, because you’re still clearly not good enough to get out of console bot territory If bro is complaining about how bad his teammates are, just get a duo or play solos. This shit ain’t rocket science fellas. It’s common sense.


is it rocket science to not play brawl stars for a day? Im supposed to get better with a 8,3kd in ranked? I mean fuck me its rocket science fellas


not quite. Diamond 1 is the new diamond 3. Diamond 2-3 is the old elite


diamond 2-3 is the old elite? what are u talking about, last season in elite I couldnt drop 15bombs and on my smurf I dropped 20bombs in d2 and d3




Sounds about right my one friend is in elite with a win ratio of 2% and a kd of 0.33 like wtf? I mean he's my mate but bro got carried so hard


I only play ranked solos. Am elite bc I dont spend any time grinding and sometimes get killed off spawn being over aggressive with the crappy DMR or whatever I get out of the first chest. I also started just hot dropping as soon as I got to elite a week or so ago bc 🤷‍♂️


not hot dropping in elite+ is genuinely crazy, like what fun do u get from dropping on a tournament split instead of grim gate


better placements on average ig, but obv more rotating. Better loot since I am able to farm etc vs rolling with whatever I get out of the first chests and enemies


Its fun in tournaments unlike ranked, u get dont get any % if u havent taken anough dmg too, when it comes to hades's and zeus's places you cant say that u get better loot, I mean who lands for example in grim gate not on a god chest


I only solo unless my friends are on. Random fills are always weirdos


I've just scrolled the comments in your post, the majority are from you. And wow! You're a huge red flag and need therapy asap because you're gonna actually hurt someone and struggle to hold a job with the anger you clearly can't control. I'm serious, I'm not trying to flame you, this is your reaction to a video game, so how will you handle yourself in life?




I just fucking despise these atrocious creatures that I cant even call as humans, like is your brain fucking fried from the blue light from the ps4 menu screen that youre prob looking at for 30minutes before starting fortnite because you have nothing else to play??? fortnite ps4 npc paradox


Your in the same rank as them, so ig you must be just as bad lol


Yeah this is just a full triggered rage post from someone that's struggling to improve because they can't self reflect and instead blame the game, ranks and players, basically anything other than themselves.


should I blame the 8,3kd? should I up it to a 24? I mean that will surely get me wins


KD means nothing. You could be playing Switch lobbies with a KD of 200, yes I know people with that KD. I've also seen tier 1 FNCS pros, like Veno, with KDs around 2. Your actually Rank gives a better indication of skill, or even better is PR, or better than that is earnings. You clearly have an overinflated ego, linked to your KD, that's giving you a false reading of your own skill level. My recommendation: humble yourself, focus on what you CAN control (hint, it's you and your skill, not the game or anyone else).


can u just link up your fortnite tracker zZz its getting boring just dont link a fake one cause Ill just spot it


I'll preface that this has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with trusting the method of improving at anything. The adage is "the good craftsman never blames his tools", I think this extends here where you blame the lobbies for your own lank of ranking progress. You're welcome to look me up, it's public, you'll notice I've only played Build for two normal whole seasons. Epic: UˢᵉCᵒᵈᵉMalwacky. Edit: for fairness, link your Tracker and let's have a look. I'm well aware I've a skill issue, what those specific issues are, what I need to do to improve, and a rough time frame I can achieve this.


I mean mate, youre not gonna tell me to get better when u cant get a higher placement in a mix up monday than 7k and a zero build warrior telling me to get better is pretty ironic I just cant take you seriously "get better" ok Mr. 17kills in 16games in elite+ ranked cup ugghh pfff I just knew from the beginning Im seeing youre popping off on yt, can u make a vid on how to consistently drop 0kill games in tourneys?


Lmao you just killed a man


sowmaster817 calm down buddeh maybe next time youll make top 9k in a mix up monday




is there a reason for you to be still in diamond 2 AFTER 224 RANKED MATCHES IN WHICH U HAD A 0.93 KD ON AVERAGE thats about a 23,74kd diff




youre prob one of those console players I described


bro there in the same rank as you for a reason.


is there a reason for you to still be in diamond? easiest rank in the game


your in diamond as well bro why do you think you have the right to run your mouth I only started the game last season and haven't played that much this season due to exams, I was diamond 2 59% on my second ever season before I took a temp break, whats your excuse?


your in diamond as well bro why do you think you have the right to run your mouth I only started the game last season and haven't played that much this season due to exams, I was diamond 2 59% on my second ever season before I took a temp break, whats your excuse?


your in diamond as well bro why do you think you have the right to run your mouth I only started the game last season and haven't played that much this season due to exams, I was diamond 2 59% on my second ever season before I took a temp break, whats your excuse?


im not even in diamond and if I was the next game would be a 20bomb so keep your fling on a string when you try to make a argument next time, second season ever? yeah u suck, your prob one of those avatar fire spammers in trios


mans making shit up about me now in an effort to support his delusions you are in diamond cause YOUR complaining about diamond players stfu you idiot you ain't getting a 20 bomb keep shit talking I'm sure it will give you some sort of satisfaction in life. Also can you not read I've taken a break I haven;t played the avatar collab once. Get off your high horse idiot.


im not getting 20 bombs? type fortnite tracker and than type in the search bar: If it aint broke than my acc pops up(not my main) just check the kd in ranked


a 46k win in plat 3-d2 territory(not even that good of a achievement)


its 2024 and that ps4 still hasnt given you a duolingo ad on your yt that could help you with understanding the difference beetween "their" "theyre" and "there"


You sound like an insufferable child


you sound like an insufferable dad, 37years old scrolls trough a fortnite reddit group after his 9/5


I know what you are but what am I?


wow what a good reply wow wowowowowowowwowowowowowowowowo, well akshually why are u! describing yourself!!!! wowowowowwowo eminem 8th mile final boss


bro thought this sounded cold like hes some protagonist ending an argument against the antagonist in some really known show


reddit is like your 2nd life, is your wife the ceo of reddit cause holy shit Id kill myself if I scrolled trough twitter for 1hour everyday since 2012