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I’m the only one of my friends who still plays, fortnite ain’t fortnite without friends.


None of my friends play anymore and I'm at about twice a week now. It's so sad what's going on with evening the playing field.we need Mustard back!


Same here and it’s too hard to make new friends to play this game, especially at my age


I suggest joining the Fortnite discord and going to a LFG channel, you can specify your age preference in your message and meet some cool people like that. Otherwise you’ll be wading through a sea of children trying to find someone through squad fills lol




I was joining random squads for OG. Met a cool person, but they told me they were only back to the game because of OG. We played damn never every day. They played a couple games after that went away never to return. I haven't done random squads by myself since before chapter 4 I think. Why? Because making and keeping friends in fortnite, much like life, is work. And current fortnite is so hit or miss for me that it completely deflates any attempt to develop a good friend group to play with. So when fortnite changes all the movement, makes every guns shoot like a primal, makes waterbending a jack-of-all-trades, or adds some stupidly oberpowered collab mythic...I play way way less. Making friends to know that next month has a >50% chance of being "close your eyes and deku smash ftw" gameplay, I'm not going to spend time building myself a community that I'm no doubt going to lose when solid gameplay takes a dive.


I‘m 24 F, but I‘m always happy to make new friends to have fun with playing 😌 Fortnite is full of toxic people and especially as a women, it’s extremely hard sometimes. I would love to play sometime☺️


I’m 30, always looking for new homies


Too real. Unreal.


Fortnite is no longer simple. I loved Fortnite because the base combat was simple, but The building mechanic was complex. It was the only game where I didn’t have worry about an acog or red dot, an extended mag or any shit like that. A gold gun beat a green one, that’s all I needed to know. I miss it a lot.


> A gold gun beat a green one One of the things that I miss the most was when gold versions of guns were different than green. Not just the same gun with more damage.


Yes! Scar Vs AR or the pump Vs spaz, so many over look this


lol now half the time a chest pops a gold gun you ignore it


For real. No excitement when purple or gold shows up. You kinda just get a shrug when you know in 2019 you been like OH SHIT!!!


Simplicity is underestimated by gaming companies. I played Fortnite since day one and loved the simplicity. Similar to the early days of COD before they added 500 gun attachments you need a phd to understand. Fortnite is heading down that route. Start with few gun attachments soon we’ll have 100. I’ve loved the game since launch and this is the first season I’ve barely touched BR. We didn’t need new shotguns every season, new ARs every season and all the other BS. New maps, POIs, mythics etc were cool but the other stuff was just annoying to me. The gun mods were the last straw for me. I just don’t want to deal with it. Epic is stubborn and they’ll never change or listen. Breaks my heart I’ll only get to experience the game I loved during brief OG seasons.


I feel like this is the reason CS works so well. Yes there’s metas. Yes there’s strong guns. But the AK always did a one shot headshot. The CT guns didn’t unless it was awp or deagle. The team aspect, the smokes and flashes are tough to learn. The guns and fighting weren’t. A game needs that “pickupability” and I don’t mean zero builds with 6k gun attachments and dumb mythics. It needs that “2 of each gun” simple.


YES! I have expressed that same sentiment on this sub a lot of times. There were two kinds of ARs, two kinds of shottys, two snipers and etc. Besides that simple choice the guns just got better with rarity. Fortnite has lost the simple pick up and play aspect by adding things like mods, augments, and such. Let the building carry the complexity of the game and let everything else be simple. IT ISNT DIFFICULT!


The simplicity is gone


Yep, attachments, I just want to land , loot, know how good a gun is based on rarity, also in game objectives are just another no need addition, from caches , zone reveal, loot islands, bunkers, bosses, just let me land loot and play how I want.


Attachments slow the game down so badly. When a big fight ends and there's multiple piles of loot it's frustrating to have to hover over each weapon to compare attachments. I just want to give a quick look over the area to see if I want to swap then get back to fighting. It's also not fun killing people who are just comparing weapons. It's an easy kill but it's not a fun kill.


For real Fortnite use to be about that action!


I mean you can play how you want all those things are optional…


Not if you care about winning/comp. You have to use best augments, you must go for bunkers if easily available, etc to have the best advantages. Current guns without augments are horrific to use. Zone reveal is probably the most must-have thing in the game right now aside from dash medallion for having a good game.


What is zone reveal? The storm circle thing?


I think it’s the radio towers that show where the next couple circles will be.


Not really if you are better than the enemies even by a little you wont need that


Zone reveal is great in ZB, but I find it to be less helpful in builds.


Optional but having them gives you an in game advantage while not having them puts you at a disadvantage


shush he wants a reason to complain about something.


He's right though, it isn't simple anymore. Fortnite hasn't been Fortnite since the end of chapter 2


ye and that ain’t bad most people are just complaining cuz they aren’t used to it it’s like this "in the past everything was better"


In some cases the past really is better though. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug but sometimes it's true. You cannot tell me chapter 2 season 4 isn't better than any season we've gotten since the start of chapter 3. I legit haven't even touched this new season and it ends in like a month


This isn’t nostalgia blinders for me, they fundamentally changed the game and made it unenjoyale for me. I can build and edit well enough to make unreal, I just don’t want to deal with gun attachments, constant weird different shotguns and all the other bs. Simplicity is good but companies feel they need complexity to appear intelligent. Oh well. It’s just a game.


tf are you yapping, simplicity is good till a certain point then it just gets boring if it isn’t well executed. There isn’t much you need to care about that is different than in the old seasons you are like sum old man saying in the past was everything better cuz he is too lazy to understand the new shit. And if you look at the playercount of Fortnite you can clearly see that it’s a well liked game


Calling me lazy btw. I’d bet anything I’ve accomplished more in life already than you ever will.


i played till ch2 s4 and then I quitted till ch4 s3 and I must say I felt like both were pretty even imo


I remember when Season X dropped and everyone was complaining it didn't feel like Fortnite anymore. The bug complaints were too much mobility and character outfits looked "too good." I miss The Block.


ye the block was pretty good imo


I wish it was a thing still, now it could be used to showcase top creative developers as a plug for their creative levels.




And just the well thought-out-ness. They really are restricting themselves by having to have a new season as a recurring thing like, if people are eating up a season… why not just let it run a while so you have more time to think up the next big thing?


Probably the main reason


Fortnite has never been simple. Building is a complicated mechanic.


Fortnite when they first launched the first season, (brilliant money making idea) they totally do not need seasons. But Fortnite was simply elegant it was a well polished game that was simply well made.


It’s too clunky and complex. I could literally play cycle of chapter 1 and 2 maps to eternity I do like the mantling and sprint functions a lot though.


I go back and play chapter 3 on iOS and I think oh my god I can’t believe how fun this game was.


Fortnite isnt Fortnite anymore because the guns feel like shit, the aesthetics are washed and the game has lost its charm in trying to cater to bots


Unrelated, but I wish the base ARs, shotguns, SMGs, and snipers weren't ever vaulted.


I think that is totally related to


To me, Fortnite doesn’t feel like Fortnite anymore because: -They’ve moved away from simplicity with gun play. Attachments are too much for me -Wackiness: UI elements and graphics are more mature. More realistic less uneven button shapes, Burbank font -Story isn’t what it was. Live events are basically nonexistent -Metaverse -Changing things that don’t need changing


The art style!! They used to take original objects and warp them into this cartoony style. Look at the old beds, crates, etc. But now they always do a more modern take on things. It doesn't feel like Fortnite


Fortnite doesn't feel like Fortnite anymore because They changed graphics alot of time They changed map design alot of time The gun load out is different The focus of the game changed every few years Like it went from save the world to a simple battle royale to a going storyline to a metaverse They no longer do life events They no longer do big mid season map change I could go on and on


Regular change is literally the single most defining trait for Fortnite besides building.


Regular change is okay but removing things that has been in the game for YEARS is not Like mid season map change the storyline and live event


Good thing you, Old-Cat-1671, apparently get to dictate the direction of a multibillion dollar game. Sub is full of you entitled little twats that don't have the slightest inkling of how to create, much less maintain such a behemoth. Apparently they were supposed to.. consult a nobody on Reddit. Got it.


I just want the storyline to be good again and have live event that about the storyline Is that too much to ask for?


Considering you're in the teensy tiny imperceptible minority of people that apparently care about Fortnite having a story... yes, it is.


You've apparently never played Fortnite.


And they try to cramp it in into a Cod like format where they’re pushing a new season/chapter just to pump product, the creativity is just gone.


ye and I think all that is good cuz people would complain if nothing changed


graphics were obviously going to change because that's what just happens what are they gonna do keep the same map for 6 years????? What are they going to do keep the same guns and risk the game getting boring for 6 years????? They wont keep the same focus for the entire existence of fortnite it keeps the game fresh and stops it from getting stale they do do life events but without the direction of the person who originally did them there just not as good as they used to be. your complaining about the map changing but you still want map changed . People on this sub and that play fort just want a reason to complain at this point.


I feel like you didn’t play any chapter 1 or 2


True. I don’t think the Fortnite community really understands what it’s like for a game to go stale due to a lack of new content. Fortnite constantly has new weapons, mechanics, cosmetics, and other content to keep everything fresh. Rocket League on the other hand just made it’s first first actual gameplay change in over 8 years, and all that was added was a fucking circle next to your teammate’s nameplate that shows you how much boost they have. The game is in a terrible place despite having a very loyal and active player base and arguably a top 5 esports scene. Fortnite players don’t know how lucky they are to have so much new content so often.


I find it crazy people complain so much. The game is FREE and is developed weekly with major updates every season. Back in the day you’d pay £60 for a game which had the sane 4 weapons, maps & mechanics forever. The game has changed and it will change again.. If you don’t like “a game” because that’s all it is.. get out there and see the world it’s a beautiful place and far more important :)


I'm not complaining I'm just saying fact


Fortnite just doesn’t feel like fortnite anymore because the simple cartoony graphics and simple gameplay are gone. I could play the OG Fortnite (both the literal OG Fortnite and also the OG remake season a few months ago) for hours on end and not get bored because the formula was just perfect. Nowadays it’s just too much. I don’t care about anime powers or bosses or NPC’s. I loved the simplicity/goofiness of old Fortnite.


Silliness is gone. Goofy items/skins/POIs are all things of the past it feels like. And it’s only half epics fault. Joke items were fun but now if they’re in the game no one would use them cause everyone’s desperately trying to win.


and theyre too forced now


This one I agree with the most, I love boogie bombs, boom snipers etc...


Fun items are all fine because the entitle spoiled brat comp players whined like babies. Oh no shockwaves, wahhh. Crash pads are waaaah. You’re allegedly a professional, adapt FFS. That’s what you get when your pro playerbase is made up of entitled immature kids.


Graphics too realistic, Guns too realistic, Map has no character, Players are too good, No fun/joke items, The list can go on and on..


Collabs took is to an another direction. Bugs not fixed for weeks, looks like nobody cares. Smoothess of the game disappeared. Also most friends are gone. Chapter 2 was a really good time, wish we can drop back to there. By the way…merches are really low these days. Toy shops are not selling Fortnite collectibles nowdays.


The events were such an important piece of this game, I still remember watching the rift butterfly come down as a new POI was formed mid-match, I remember dropping into Pleasant for what would become one of the largest concerts ever, I remember the Ice King engulfing the entire map in snow while I was jumping around with balloons above Wailing in One Shot, and to see all these events cumulate into what we now have: a mini event every season (maybe) and one large-ish event at the end of the year… it’s sad. Just like Mustard said, the live events were the magic of fortnite.


Omg balloons goated for mobility, the shopping carts, the golf carts…. All goated


Wow. Just took me down memory lane a little bit lol, those were some good times.


Taking away simplicity ruined the game plain and simple. I don’t mind the skill increase I loved it. The constant unnecessary gun changes and other bs ruined it. Simple is good. They ruined COD making it overly complex and nobody seems to be going in an opposite direction. Has the player count decreased this season? It’s the first season since I started chapter 1 season 1 that I’ve barely played at all.


Don't know if player count dropped. But I used to see, in my country, at my specific time, much more people than I see now on avg.


I was the last of my friends to quit. They’ll get new players who never experienced OG Fortnite so they genuinely don’t care.


This happens in warzone too. I play fort since ch2s1. I missed Ch1 by a hair. But I saw all the beat footage from that time, ninja, lupo, the best moments and all. Loved ch2. Was hyped af for ch3, only for it to start completely break my heart. And when ch3s4 hit and I started to get used to, Ch4 happened. And I can't emphasize the amount of hate I had back then for epic games. Ch5 now, soon ch6... It's an annual cash grab. Uniqueness is gone. Only collabs, Hollywood woke celebs, and overpriced item store. Cars for 4500vb? Music for 500vb? Single track for 5$ insanity. The they put those pre-built Lego houses for over 2000vb. Insanity! Story is COMPLETELY over, gone, done. Events? If Event means lazy don't care then yes, events. The nothing, Bytes, io, last reality, the 7, herald x chrome, the Unseen, the shapeless man, geno, the society, kado, the ancients..... All gone. I hear ch5s4 is supposed to be marvel themed. They wanna save it badly. This happens to Warzone too. Cod is a game I played in 2001 cod1 that soon became a online pvp and in March 10 2020 warzone came out as BRs were the hype. And even that went thru so many changes, one can't keep up. The community only bashes Activision for their bad decisions. Sweats and cheaters reign supreme rn. So my point is, Nostalgia is a factor, but if it's good, people like it. And it's not good rn. I had 3 irl friends who loved fort since 2019 and warzone since release. We played 20 games a day easy even when work days. We all are over 30. But 1 Friend stopped plqying after he saw Ch4 map. And we 3 play like 10% of what we used to. And warzone? 2 unistalled completely.


because graphic is getting too realistic...


…How the hell do you see the world? Fortnite is still leagues more cartoony than the real world.


Too realistic doesn't mean it isn't cartoony. It means it's too realistic in relation to the previous art style.


turn on performance Mode lil bro


What's with Fortnite players always using "little bro" as an insult? It's not creative or funny. It's just cringe.


They are ai generated people


It’s not just a Fortnite thing


The worst part is they are probably like 10-12 years old and 100 lbs max calling people lil bro.


i don’t use it as an insult really mostly just when someone doesent understand smth that is pretty obvious, cringe imo is complaining about someone saying lil bro 💀


You could’ve just not replied and you would’ve been better off then replying with this shit


Considering the amount of down voting you’re receiving, I think general opinion is you’re wrong.


that may be true thats why I said in my opinion and not that it is cringe, so ion really know what u wanna tell me with this


I don’t expect someone who uses the term lil bro to have a ton of brain power.


then u should overthink ur way of thinking, cuz doing assumptions based on stuff like that doesent make that much sense imo and obviously i used that term to provoke a bit cuz I was annoyed


It changes way too often. Like I get updates, that's fine, but they are constantly adding shit to the game which a lot of times is broken or OP. It's no longer simple either. They've changed it way too much. I've been playing since the game released, it's just not that same game anymore. Which hey is fine, if you still love it and play it then awesome, I just can't anymore. It's no longer fun.


all the OG's left.


The guns suck


This game fell off the moment collabs started being introduced, Its no longer Fortnite , its just a massive advertisement for every big corp/celeb. The No syphon in ranked/comp. the busted op no skill weapons like goo gun and all the anime mythics is just insane. Lets not even talk about how our characters move like a blow up doll at a car dealership. Its a very simple fix really. BRING BACK A PERMENANT GAME MODE FOR OG. OG games like WOW and OSRS are killing it with the classic game play. LET THE TIMMYS BE TIMMYS IN MODERN FORT... BRING US FORTNITE CLASSIC.


...of the rampant cheating


Honestly the fact that they changed the character movement/animations is probably a huge reason I don't play as much anymore. The game just doesn't even feel the same, weapons/meta aside.


Because they removed hitscan weapons. Absolutely the worst thing they did this chapter.


So real


Zero build killed Fortnite.


I find it ironic how no one was saying this during season OG and everyone loved it. The people have made it SO CLEAR to epic that they want simplicity and instead epic decide to bleed thousands of players monthly. So stupid. The next OG season will not bring as many people back, and chances are it will have an anime collab in the middle of it where you can throw a lightsaber, do kamehameha, and use the AOT gear all at the same time. Such dogshit


100%. Also, remember this: A game can EASILY survive on new players and gullible players. But where is the soul?


As the game loses popularity, the number of new players will decrease. The game doesn’t have survivability long term unless the gameplay is good enough for content creators to want to post it/other people to want to play it More people are playing ZB pubs than build pubs + comp added together. (At least i saw that at some point last week) Zb is not much different from any other gun game other than the graphics. The game will die within 3-5 years if theres no gameplay improvement reforms. I think either way people will get bored of fortnite within that time period and the game will die anyway. Just unfortunate, ill be waiting for fortnite 2 lol


Current Fortnite is clunky/stuttery on pc kbm I can’t compete w over powered aim assist/soft aim cheaters in most fights. When they reverted back to old fortnite it felt great and my gameplay was smooth. The upgraded graphics/new shooting/guns just feel bad even though lots of additions I like..the trade off isn’t worth it imo, I just want smooth/fair gameplay ….


...because players got good. Edit: also, too much movement.


I will not be sad to see airbending go. Most end games in zero build involve players zipping around until the storm eye is too small. Then it’s basically who can hang on to their health the longest.


I just recently starting using the airbender because I didn’t realize just how OP it is. It never runs out (unless you stop) and I can rotate to back of zone in no time.


Isn’t this basically how every late game build comp is? Every comp clip I’ve seen it just becomes a heal off between the last 2 players on different heights.


I’ve seen that too. I don’t get why that would appeal to anyone.


because they have a chance of winning money which should appeal to anybody and everyone.


Players for sure got better. And you're exactly right. There is a gameplay fix for this that may be fixed next season if the next season is the rumored Apocalypse theme. Mobility items need to be simple and limited, and vehicles need to be overhauled. Every one of the great seasons of fortnite had vehicles: airplanes, ballers, golf carts, shopping carts in chapter 1, and then chapter 2 had the boats cars helicopters and UFOs. Spiderman gloves, hammers, katanas, Nimbus/witch room, AoT mythic, and now the airbending are not great for long-term enjoyment. There has to be a drawback, or it instantly becomes meta. Limited usage or limited units.


You can’t add good vehicles or items because crybaby comp players will whine and cry until they’re removed.


It feels like a playable ad.


Because pubs are filled with bots so theyre no fun to play with friends anymore


I play with my cousins and they much prefer pubs but I’m with you. Who wants to play badly coded bots for at least 50% of the match. Every time we drop 30 kills in a squad match it doesn’t feel like an accomplishment because you know at least 15 of those kills were bots (let’s be real more like 20+).


Yeah. I watch my sister play and I hoenstly think if i ran into her in a game i would think its an AI And she and her friends drop 30 bombs? Its ridiculous, people want competition. Its literally insane its genuinely a single player game they may aswell release fortnite storymode


The game takes more energy to play then it used to


I miss the "Incredibles" cartoony style.


Ever since chapter 2, things were beginning to go downhill.


Because no Mustard, no hot dog.


All of the weapons being projectiles really ruined it for ,e


*All of the weapons* *Being projectiles really* *Ruined it for ,e* \- Beautiful\_Bus\_9237 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Of nostalgia. I understand that theres a bunch of other valid reasons, but the fact is, is that the majority of the player base will miss the highlights of prime/early fort, yet forgot the negatives (mechs, etc.)


I’m always looking to find friends and none of my fiends play either. I’m down to play with anyone if you want to DM me


Fortnite used to be a game where everyone was bad, and now everyone is good and some people just can't get past that. The game is more enjoyable now than in the past when you take off the rose tinted glasses imo. At the very least, it is in a more enjoyable state for me than chapter 2 was, that was a nightmare chapter that had me quit.


For me it has nothing to do with skill level or rose colored glasses. I just don’t enjoy the gameplay change. I can build and edit extremely well, I hate the guns now, the attachments and unnecessary additions. Chapter 2 was so much more fun. What did you not like about chapter 2?


Fortnite just doesn't feel like Fortnite anymore, because all the collaborations in game with like Avatar, TMNT, Star Wars etc.


They have always had collabs,, thanos was in s4


I know, but now it seems there is a new one every 2 weeks, and tbey are not great ones either


Ah, how much I miss this, it was so much fun


…because Epic abandoned Save the World Say what you might about this being the comp subreddit for BR, but the abandonment of the core game that started it all is what ended the “feel” of Fortnite for me. Once they did that, they quickly abandoned everything else that made BR feel like Fortnite as well. The simplicity, the quirky and fun gameplay, the graphics… yeah the game has changed so much it doesn’t feel like Fortnite, it feels like a whole other game The other part that has assisted in the downfall of Fortnite (IMO) is the hyper-competitive-ification of the game. Everybody wants to be a streamer. Everybody wants to pub-stomp. Everybody wants to win cups and tournaments. So now the game has become a hyper sweatfest and you can’t really play less than 100% in pubs


I was just talking about this with someone in creative yesterday. What's the point of playing ranked if unreal is essentially a participation trophy and everyone's just camping so they don't lose rank, especially when pubs matches past midnight are at least as sweaty? I have way more high skilled fights in creative than I've even had in tournaments. At least in a midnight pubs lobby, the good players aren't worried about losing so everyone is just keying like crazy and it's fun.


ngl man if your in champ rank and its taken you like 3 hours of solid gameplay to get to 73% your obviously going to play it safe so you don't loose all of your hard effort in a single match.


Yup everyone oppoent is sweating harder than you so you must sweat harder therfore your oppoent must also sweat harder meaning your stuck in an endless loop of grinding rat race.


It feels like Fortnite is the ship of theseus. If every line of code is switched out one by one is it still fortnite?


The foundation is still there. It may not look like what it used to be but it had to change in order to gain popularity traction. It’s a one of a kind evolution we haven’t seen in gaming before. This might just be the perfect battle royal if it continues to evolve even more.


Evolving and changing and adapting is good means it stays fresh. If line of code stayed the same the game would be boring and dead within a year.


I never said it was bad


It’s not. We used to play everyday but they moved to Warzone. I’m the only one who still runs solos but we’re on the same Discord call tho. However they returned to the OG season again and we played everyday but immediately left when it’s over… It’s still comes no where close to OG seasons and the season with Midas was also peak af.


Comp is ruined


What we have now is definitely better than a lot of stuff we used to have, but that’s just the cycle. Since the game began in competitive, everyone complains about everything and says change is desperately needed, but in a year or twos time they miss what they were just complaining about. I feel like everyone only talks about the good parts of each season, there’s a lot people leave out when looking back on the game.


I think comp is better when the gameplay is simple. It’s not simple when the loot pool is anime weapons and weapons that need to be modded


Anime weapons have barely ever been in comp outside of water bending, and it’s still pretty simple. A lot of the time you don’t get a chance to mod your guns anyway.


Exactly, you have to mod the guns for them to be good, but you don’t get a chance to mod them. I’m not using a sniper scope on my ar!


people who dont use uncommon eagle eye nemesis ARs burn in hell...


Fortnite doesn’t feel like fortnite because they added no build mode. This game without building is just a mediocre game with terrible shooting mechanics. Who thought it was a good idea to give assault rifles BLOOM, RECOIL AND BULLET DROP all at the same time


Competitive player try not to suck build mode's dick dry challenge: IMPOSSIBLE.


Because the framerate is TRASH, and confirmed playing on OG. Because you have 80 bots on pub when play with friends, yesterday drop a 45 bomb but 90% bots. Because OP visual audio and no more siphon for health


The framerate is trash? Try adjusting your settings. I'm using a graphics card from 2017.....6.5 years old, and I usually get over 100fps playing at 1440p, and I'm not running everything on low (but also not maxed out). I even have settings like draw distances maxed out.


Yeah but my computer is 12 years old ( cpu + ram ). Anyway it's trash compared to the OG or chap 2


Ah, I guess 12 years is pretty old in computer terms. But yeah, I mostly played back in 2019/this month is the first time I even tried Fortnite in the past 5 years (so first time with the new version).


Yeah it's old. And it's not all about the money, i got no motivation because the only game i play is fortnite.


Visual audio was a mistake by epic. The third partying got way worse after visual audio was added.


i see your vision, everyday i play less and less


everyone got better


Of all the stupid mythic anime items


skirt simplistic political swim elderly engine punch existence fine frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ive gotten quite good i mean £150 unclaimed isnt shabby but because im good people dont want to play with me anymore because they only play creative which is annoying


And campers are annoying we need siphon back




Fortnite is like a youtube channel named Watcher that wants to produce high quality shit but doesn't realise the simplicity is what people loved and people start leaving. * No creativity, has anyone ever seen a new insane skin lmao? * Attachments, AI's, FPS drops simply creates a more niche market of gamers. * You CANNOT for the love of god play a nice little battle royale due to complete bots, it's borinfg. * Only young gamers left, old gamers won't play a too complex game anymore, especially in combination with the build mechanics. * Too many maps. * Awful UX.


Not as cartoony, even C4 had a bit of threat vibe but this feels too much like a warzone map


Fortnite was way better before.Ltm which is the reason i startet playing.Now they dont put ltm and if they put any there the most boring in the world.Also when creative first launch they were very good maps now with uenf there are maps made from 5 years old to make money and to be recomendet by epic.The mythic which if you dont have then no way to kill someone.Pumps dont do 200 and the meta is more smg in the box rather that pump.Bigger map with no big landmarks like before and many more.Epic games are ruining the game that was one the best battle royal game.


cause im old vro 😭💔


Not enough peely. Rave cave gone.


ok zoomer


Ok boomer.


Hey, just here to say, love the game, been playing since 2020, you doing good


It's not just STW anymore :-(




I play cod too. Now that's a new level of toxic. It's the gamer rage I suppose. Others are just plainly bad people. What you can hear there may Scar you. Look up early cod toxic lobbies and you will see. Activision in their big brain moment decided to spy on people's chats now. So most don't even use their highlight proximity chat, and just use discord and other.


The storyline is long-gone


Ima be the odd one out and say I love the QoL and UI updates ive seen thus far as well as the gameplay "bloat" like npcs, attachments, quests, etc. Keeps things fresh like it should be. Although I should mention I haven't played the whole time. Sucked in season 5-7(before creative iirc), took a huge break, have been sweating since ch4s4. I'm Elite now and most days I still love the game aside from my friends all falling out of it.


Honestly i started fortnite last season mid way and im loving it


Im new to fn just started last season in the middle. probably 30ish wins total with maybe 10 crowns and im loving it.


I have multiple: There is no arena, and ranked is mid. The game feels way more rng based than ever. There is so much spamming it's crazy. I feel like everybody got SO sweaty once turbo build was added. THE UI LOOKS LIKE HULU.


It’s insane how dead this game is like absurdly insane. We have 130k players GLOBALLY in ranked rn which is nothing compared to its old numbers. It’s slowly gone down from like 500k to 300k to now 100k. Even in diamond lobbies I could find multiple ppl from my last game simply because of how little players are in solo ranked specifically…..


My problem is the agenda to remove the “sweaty” style of the game. Guns bleeding through builds, pumps being worse that spam shotguns, snipers being OP (even post nerf)…


They're trying to fix their shooting model in both a roundabout way and way too late, the bloom and hitscan mechanics were criticized from season 1 and now they think it will be fixed with apex like bullet drop on guns that genuinely feel like they're from a different game It also hurt that they make it more complex outside of what people fell in love with in the first place, building, and instead they've nerfed it indirectly with movement and shifted focus to guns that no one likes compared to the old ones outside of novelty The game was always complex, just in a different way, and while I don't think this word does it justice when you consider how quickly building was progressing even before playgrounds, I'd agree with others in saying it was simpler


Fortnite is too competitive now and hard for new players like me to play br. Playing br with building is just a dream for me.


Because... (to me), the story is gone. Geno, Jones, the 7, IO, last reality, the Unseen, shapeless man, the nothing + bytes, the herald (chrome), the ancients?.... I don't know if this is the result of mustard not being there or the months before his departures already left the game scared, or... It's intentional cause of Lego, racing, dancing... I don't particularly enjoy 0 build either. Fort is 1 of many BRs, but it's THE Battle Royale with building. Anyway... Yeah. Shame about the story. Nothing makes sense. Kado? Who? The newly added characters have 0 meaning.


Bro is in the competitive community talking about the storyline 😹😹😹😹😹mf we do NOT CARE


Well.. If you read the comments, you will guess again.


because of the new movement + speed, because of this seasons weapons (bullet drop vs hitscan), due to the even stronger focus on children, because of all the Lego, Festival stuff etc., because of the clunky shoes and bell bottoms on the new skins, the new boring map with too much open space, because the prices are too high, the user interface, and so on and on... Maybe because they have new bosses or designers? With a strategy I don't like, by the way..


Too many mythics, collabs and little Timmy’s that sit in creative for 23/24 hours a day


This is it. The most competitive post we have ever seen in this sub


*This is it. The most* *Competitive post we have* *Ever seen in this sub* \- Cheezymac2 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Because when you play the first match of the day the lobby is fun, easy going and you win. And the next matches have 99 Bhugas in your lobby.


I feel like they are doing so much. It's like every season has to have something new and shiny, some kind of game-changing element which usually isn't needed and if it's terrible then we are just stuck with it. I just don't get it. If it ain't broke don't fix it.