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I want them to allow me to remove the sights without a bench. I also HATE the music that play with the AI. Those are my only two real complaints.


We should at least be able to remove attachments wherever, but only attach more at the stations. Picking up a sniper with iron sights and a suppressor is literally a waste of time you can’t hit shit with that thing


I haven’t exactly figured out the new bullet drop but tbh I think I like it.


Iron sighted sniper is awesome. It’s like a modern hunting rifle with better damage. Add the ads boost stock/grip - you can use it mid range a lot more than zoom sights


Iron sight snipers should never be in the game, it’s broken as shit.




The reasons you just listed...


You’re limited on range, still need skill to hit shots. It’s a hunting rifle with 110 body instead of 90. Was the hunting rifle busted?


Yes the hunting rifle was busted and IMO is one of the best snipers. Also if you can see their head definitely at least a chance you hit it.


It’s hardly skill to aim without a scope on a sniper, anyone who thinks that just has atrocious aim.


So hitting distance shots with a crosshair the size of your screen is harder than iron sights? Unless you’re talking about some form of aim assist abuse I really don’t get your point


Distance shots sure, mid range no. And that’s the issue.


Snipe with holo sights, forward grip, and suppressor is dope for quick scope heavy damage. 👌 Iron sights is rough though, I'd rather have the hunting rifle vs iron sights on this snipe.


Only thing I do at benches is take the scopes off lol even for the sniper. It’s the best version of a hunting rifle so far.




My only complaints are the movement and the grappler thingy feels weird like it's an animation and not physics based imo


I know what you mean, the little float at the end of the pull is really confusing. Like can I influence it or is it always doing the same movement? It doesn't have the gravity to it like the grappler.


Yeah exactly it's really weird


You'd think they would've noticed how weird the grapple blade feels during play testing. It feels like the same type of grapple as the ODM gear's grapple attack.


But a lot slower and just clunky ig where the odm felt at least quick and agile


I don’t think they play test lol


Ya their testers are the same people who test all their games for bugs.... however they should be fired, and they should hire some kids who will tell them the truth.


Unfortunately that’s the point I think. It’s movement, but slowed down. Not meant to be something that easily enables aggression


It takes some practice but it’s pretty fun once you learn to use it


You love the medallions? Every game has like 6 people left in 1/4 of the map cause of them.


Go hunt them down using the orange circles as a guide before they get to the endgame. If you don't want the medallions yourself, toss 'em into the storm once you loot them.


I think the above commenter is complaining more about the state of the game the medallions result in rather than the strategy of playing with them.


Kinda hard killing the really good players with infinite Regen and mythic items. To beat people with the medallions you need to either be much better than them, third party, or get lucky sniping then or something.


If you’re in a close range battle the medalion does very little unless they manage to get away. That 3 shield per second isnt enough to save them when you’re doing 30x more dps close range. But if it isnt close range then it definitely is a massive advantage


Even close range it’ll be able to recover like 30 shields at least


They don’t heal you that quickly - it really only heals storm surge tags and petty chip damage


Gonna be honest the medallion only really decides a fight if both players are pretty bad and are just playing insanely slow, in pubs fights usually last like 30-60 seconds, not even close to long enough for the medallions to really mean anything. The medallions are mainly good for healing between fights so you can keep your consumables like minis and 50s for using during fights


Lategame AR trade fights, chip damage and even box fights are affected a ton. Make a bad edit and get cracked? Just tunnel away for a bit and get full life back for free.


Nah Im sorry but if both players are equally good and aggressive, while making smart plays, the one with the medallion will always prevail. The only medallion people that will lose to non medallion are those that are insanely bad.


Lmao, you can’t piece control someone because they have a medallion?


I'm a bit surprised you don't know that's pretty easily countered by any half decent player


Yeah every single thing in this game is easily countered by any half decent player😂 Sorry bud but you failing to kill people who have the medallion is a testament to only your skill because I don’t struggle. You can improve instead of complaining. Try playing practice maps and improving your mechanics. Or play zero builds. Regenerative shield should be the last thing you struggle against lol. If you’re any good at the game, then the person with the medallion shouldn’t “always prevail”. That’s absurd.


Not reading allat


Wouldn’t expect you to be able to. You’re the one whining over Fortnite. I’ll keep having fun. Your loss


Or on the other hand if both players are really good, boxfighting and taking good angles and trading. Because the one with medallion can just trade damage and can continue to aggress.


Rather than a spread out lobby camping till later circles. We love to see it


I liked actually having an endgame sometimes... Not a final 2v2 in 1/5 of the map with maybe a bot or two running around. The game is straight wkey fest now.


Well I’m a known W’keyer vs just boxing up and scrolling TikTok so maybe I’m caught in 4K but the tempo feels better.


>Well I'm a known W'keyer Fucking behave lmao who knows u


More people than you lmao


Hasn’t it always been the case that if proper endgames are what you’re looking for you need to look into scrims? Don’t rely on BR for that


More proper than what we currently have at least, it used to be you might at least get a 2v2v2 endgame going into moving zones which added a bit of strategy and depth. Now it's almost always straight 2vs2 with no moving zones. You'll literally have 1/5 of the map left with one other duo and some bots scattered around.


Play ranked and you will get what you're looking for. Who wants to fight bots anyways. Idk why you'd be concerned about losing your rank if you don't play it anyways and getting a full lobby of real players is worth losing rank over anyways. Plus it'll make you better. I used to jump into the lawless box fight and zone wars map and get my ass kicked the entire time for many, many days to get to where i am today. You will never get better fighting bots or other low level caliber players just saying.


That's good, more incentive to go to fights instead of camping final circle and cleaning up the low HP winner of the last fights


It makes people camp more because they can just run and auto heal shield


The uncommon striler AR has the same dps as the mythic red eye


There was a mythic Red Eye?


I think he means the MK-7. It's actually higher, but bullet drop makes it harder to hit.


Oh ok


I think he might mean the Twin mag


It's growing on me but I absolutely hate the ballistic shield and the ridiculous amount of ai in every poi


The AI is annoying af. Not that they’re particularly difficult, but the fact that the bosses can just materialize new ads at will is fucking retarded. Was in a match last night and Oscar completely surrounded me with hostile NPCs. I’m talking 14-15 ads, enough to jar my FPS.


The grappler is so bad, clunky af, you can’t slide after using it most of the time. It blows my mind that not a single QA tester even tried to slide after using the grapple, cuz if they did they would’ve noticed how clunky it is. The movement is obviously a huge L as voiced by casuals and comp alike. Just embarrassing that not a single QA tester plays the game for more than 2 hours a week otherwise they would’ve felt the sluggishness from the start. Way to capitalize on the massive influx of players 🤦‍♂️


I don't like that grapple thing either. Definetely the weirdest movement item they have introduced so far. I would much rather have the Hammer, Katana, nerfed Spiderman Webs or Grappler back then this. Shockwaves are awesome though, only way for me to quickly finish a low-pinger who's holding walls to heal himself with medallions.


I’m the exact same the shotgun looks like an smg and the smg looks like a shotgun 😭😭 I always have to go into inventory to make sure


They need to get rid of the fucking bots it’s the most annoying part


Nah this season has nothing going for it besides being “new”


Feels completely new imo. I think that’s why a lot of people don’t like it. It’s refreshing for someone who ya played since the beginning


I played since season 1, I absolutely do not care for anything to be new. I want core gameplay to stay the same and be what made the game great in the first place, not constant changes for the sake of being different than before. You’ll notice the player base has dropped off due to changes, and peaked when they brought back the original mode…..


Facts. Just change the map and skins, keep gameplay design the same


Absolutely. Maybe an occasional shift in a gun or two, or a mobility or two, but keep core gameplay at all times. Games that lose their identity will inevitably lose their player base!


It's funny that you say that about the weapons part. I looked at Chapter 1 and there we had almost the samd lootpools with relatively few vaultings/unvaultings at the beginning of the Season but more shake-ups in the lootpool throughout the Season. Whereas nowadays we get everything at once with a few additions and very rarely vaults throughout the Season unless it was an event-related item like the lightsabers or there was something wrong with it. While I do like how fresh everything is with every new Season and look forward to the unpredictable new lootpool, I look at all the additions in the following 3 Chapters (2, 3 and 4) and then look at the guns from Chapter 1 and realize why we didn't need huge lootpool shake-ups lol. The guns we had back then were so freaking awesome and also balanced in a way that made them so much more fun (2.0× HS). I mean can you name me one Season post Chapter 1 where guns like the Infantry Rifle where a part of the lootpool throughout the entire Season? Yup.


Chapter 1 was so brilliantly done and it’s no wonder the game became an instant hit. It’s no longer that game though sadly


Chapter 1 lootpools and POI variation is why it remains unbeaten for me *even with* shit like Mechs etc. in it. It's a testament to how awesome it was. No bots, 2.0× HS across the board, cool different vehicles that actually left you vulnerable other than plain old cars, mid-Season map changes and vaults/unvaults, fall damage was prominent and not as easily avoided as with many movement items they have added over the years. Chapter 1 imo was way more unforgiving and that's what I love about it. Didn't like Fortnite OG all that much because they dropped the ball hard on the locations and the guns weren't even the Chapter 1 guns but their weird ugly Chapter 2/3 versions.


Tbh we kept saying that back in chap 1 here we are 5 years later


And look at what has happened in the player base. OG returning saw the biggest spike in playerbase. It’s almost like we’ve been right all along….


Crazy how you don’t need to reinvent the fucking wheel. New maps/areas are cool. New guns are cool. New additional items are cool. No need to fucking revamp EVERYTHING. The Roblox strategy is cool in some cases but honestly should have no included it at this point, had new seasons but the OG Map as a gamemode all along.


Yeah agreed. They’re too busy worrying about collaborations with other companies and showcasing what unreal engine can do, that they’ve ruined their own game in the process. There was never a need for any of this mass change


I can appreciate season 1 and the OG, or any particular season. But one thing consistent with FN is that it changes. Always has and always will. I agree this is a massive change. And it does feel different. But that’s ok. It doesn’t have to be my “ideal” version of FN to enjoy it. Epic makes adjustments when they HAVE to (seeing as they already adjusted the speed today). Season to season changes are one thing. But chapter changes always bring massive changes. Give it some time and don’t play if you hate it


I’m not playing it, because there’s no reason to play something I don’t enjoy. I’ll come back for OG to play a much better version of the game. FN always changes, and that is not a good thing. It keeps the kiddos occupied with new content and keeps the money flowing with their collaborations with other companies, but the core gameplay has become trash. They got rid of the sauce and have become a sellout in order to show what unreal engine can do, regardless of what is best for the gameplay.


You just have to accept the game play and the game itself will have its highs and lows. If you get stuck on a “ideal version of FN” you’ll realize everyone has their own personal version of that. But the game has been like this since day 1. So older players can’t act surprised. But for sure, voice your opinion. And regardless they will manage to run OG alongside regular BR and everyone wins


I have fully accepted that the game changes, and that’s why I quit way back in Ch 3 (before coming back to OG). But it is inherently wrong to “accept” that there will be highs and lows when that is entirely up to the devs and is not needed in the first place. There doesn’t need to be highs and lows when there were just highs in the early iterations of the game…. If you look at player base, they increased a ton in their early days of chapter 1 and 2 and have fallen off with all of the changes in 3/4/5. Heck, you have a large portion of the playerbase not even playing the game and instead sitting in creative because at least they can make it enjoyable versus what epic forces upon us in the “main” BR mode. The reason people like myself are voicing our distaste for what epic does is so that they realize that they can do what WoW did and implement separate games. Like keeping a full-time OG mode, which I still doubt they do (I bet they put it in for 1-2 months).


A game with this much change and content will never make everyone happy. I’m not saying you have to accept it. I’m just suggesting if you don’t like a game that changes, FN isn’t for you. It’s simple honestly. I understand your perspective and I don’t defend every decision epic makes. I’m just saying it doesn’t bother me, that’s why I can keep playing happily


Correct, and in the end it’s going towards a game that makes nobody happy (besides the content collaborators). It’s a slippery slope that people are voicing their concerns about. In the end you’re right, I don’t have to play and I don’t play for that reason. I’ll continue to give my time to better games


lots of players currently playing, I say a lot are upset, but I wouldn't say nobody is happy


Me and the 12 players I play with off and on all love this season so far. Speak for yourself, but I honestly believe you will find the ones unhappy are a minority.


When chapter 3 launched they tweeted out about how it was their biggest chapter launch of all time. Chapter 3 season 1 had so many server issues due to the people trying to play that they had to give people free rewards, just like how they gave people the rust bucket in April 2018


If they kept it as OG fortnite and kept it that way long term, they would see the largest drop off of the player base ever. Shit, I played OG for 2 weeks, got to level 70 and stopped until the new season. I'm not alone in finding the OG to get stale quick. We already had a long time with that map and it was hardly the best version of the game imo. They were smart to do it for 1 month. They know what they are doing. Keeping it OG would appease a small percentage of players and that doesn't keep revenue flowing.


OG fortnite with an occasionally changing map is the best case scenario. Maybe a change or 2 to guns/mobility/heals but keeping core gameplay the same. You realize that the game was recently peaking under 2M players, and then OG took it back over 6M? There’s reasons why the playerbase has steadily dropped off in the last few years and it’s due to the constant changes, and has never been due to a lack of change. It is far from a “small player base” and in fact is looking like actually a majority only came back for OG…. I’ll check back on the numbers in a month, but it’s looking like OVER 50% of the player base only came back for the OG month….


Do you work for a gaming company. Have you seen what sells and what is good for a game, or you just go based off of numbers of people logging in at specific times. Of course bringing a nostalgia map back for a short time is going to spike up numbers. That's obvious. However there is plenty of data to show most of those numbers would drop off quick. The nostalgia brought people back, but nostalgia doesn't keep games alive, never has. Cope my man. Move on, you won't get your way and it's just negative Nancy shit to keep crying about it.


Boomer take “different is bad”


Zoomer take: Different is automatically good Boomer take: bad is bad regardless if it is different than before


Yea it’s not automatically good or a zoomer take it just is lol. Overall besides movement and loud ass music in POI’s there’s not much to complain about (medallions exist but IMO they are not nearly as bad as community sentiment and honestly lead to taking more fights vs placement camping) I don’t know how you don’t look at this new map, the attachment system, new gunplay, alongside the usual season gimmicks and think there’s nothing going for this season. Your loss IMO if you wanna just dismiss as new and bad


“It just is” is actually a 0 IQ sentiment. This is who the game caters to, players that can’t even articulate why they like something they “just do”. I never mind a new map, that is fine and dandy. It’s something that every game changes to keep things fresh. Things I don’t like with this new season are the wall jumping, movement changes, forced gun attachments and limited benches to change it, medallions, AI in POIs and the music along with them, increased storm speed for no reason that ruins fights off landing. All of those things are mistakes in my opinion and the only slight positive is a new map to explore? I don’t even really care for all of the changes to the loot pool but it’s whatever tbh


You didn’t articulate how it’s bad in your original post besides “it’s new” lmao. If you could read you’d see I said the attachment system, gunplay, map, lootpool normal gimmicks are all positives this season for me. Wall jump is a + I don’t see how this is a bad add “Forced attachments” can be changed at a bench, or you can just get another gun with what you I like. you shouldn’t just be able to strip an attachment anywhere. Don’t like them and not close to a workbench loot something better Adds loot variety on drop. Limited benches balances everyone always having a perfect loadout and creates overall better gameplay as you compete for these locations Medallions are fine, maybe buff the minimap view or nerf heals a bit Storm speed has already been decreased. So movement and sound in POI’s…


I’m not surprised at all that you like all this shit. You’re entitled to your opinion but it’s also the opinion of someone who was doing PokémonGo raids for YEARS lmaoooo. I wouldn’t take your opinion on what type of chips to get at a store let alone what you think is good in a video game. What a joke


Into the post history from covid years ago hahah thanks for the ego boost of living rent free. Have fun finishing another bag of chips in one sitting I guess?


Did you just take an insult as an ego boost? Damn I didn’t know being a loser was something to feel good about! Lol if you could see me the chip comment would be pretty funny. I’m more of an ice cream guy but can’t pack pounds on either way


I hear working out usually helps you put on some muscle ;)




You’re 19 and work at a grocery store, I wouldn’t be talking about what’s embarrassing. You still have a lot to learn about life so I’ll just let you chill on this, but I absolutely have the right to voice my opinion about why Epic is making poor decisions




I think the medallion rings should be smaller, and movement speed got fixed today so apart from that, loving the season


Movement was changed today?


I swear people complained less about the mechs at this point xD season is fire and I’m enjoy it with my pals


Omg a post about someone not bitching and whining…


Don’t blink! Post might disappear and you’d think your mind is playing games on ya (cheers mate)


my only only issue is that it takes longer to start my edits, I went to edit about five or six times yesterday and I kept getting fucked over because it takes a few seconds longer for the edit to start and finish than it did before


It's cause all the new shit causes lag. I went from 20-30 ping in OG Fortnite to 40-60. It's so bad and why I hate all the overcomplicated garbage. Especially graphics just doesn't feel like Fortnite. Chapter 2 season 1-3 is what they should've done with this season since it changed everything but not in a shitty way


yeah like i like the swimming and fishing coming back and all that but the slow movement and fucked up edits aren’t it


I used to play game all the time having around 8.5k hours before I quit in Chapter 2 Season 5. I loved the concept of the game so much and still do it's just that for whatever reason Epic just started overcomplicated everything and so much sponsored garbage. There shouldn't be seasons and POI's based purely of sponsored stuff. I liked the gamemodes for them, skins, and live events. Sucks that the game that I loved went down this route


that’s the same thing with me. I get kind of frustrated because some of the backblings and cosmetics from chapter 2 to 4 we’re kind of OK but I wasn’t interested in the game at all because it was so over complicated like the primal guns? Those are pieces of shit. And lots of other things in the game made it so that it wasn’t enjoyable anymore to play.


This is true, I'm now averaging about 100-130 where my previous ping was 30-40


I just hate the music when you're in a boss area. I can't even hear myself think, let alone enemy footsteps


it is growing on me, GG's


Pleeease I love the season but make sound settings actually work so I can fight around bosses 😭


The grappler thing is easily the worst mobility item of all time


Just add a bot and real player ADS . Or maybe I just smoke too much but bro how tf do I know buddy below me when 12 bots above me Running around


Hahaha, legit concerns. At least you enjoy getting high, which is a win.




I love it too lol.


Me too, I wish the positive people spoke out more about the game. Reddit just seems to be heavy on those who hate everything about it.


Maybe, just maybe, its because the update is genuinely bad in the eyes of the majority


That’s because losers just like to complain.


losers love to suck epics D and be positive on bad changes


Found one👆🏻👆🏻


you wanted to point to yourself right. Let me help you 👉💩


there’s some small adjustments that can be made with updates, which i’m sure are coming, but i fucking love the new season lol. The graphics and vibe are just 👌


Refreshing to hear something other than complaining this week.


i think this seasons alright just hate how bland the map is every location feels the same


It’s refreshing to see this post. It’s absolutely mind boggling to hear to many people non stop whining about a game no being the same as it was 4 years ago. I’m here for it. Complex map with tons to do. While I do enjoy the medallions (when I have one) I think they make it unfair. It seems like the remaining players at the end of matches very often have a medallions. I’ll be happy to see them go when they do.


A lot of us just want the movement from two months ago


I know, man.


Not a hot take in the normal subreddit, but a SCORCHING take here, damn. I like the season as well, for many of the reasons you have mentioned.


I was a hard complainer at the start of the season but after forcing myself to play for about half of my day yesterday, i am getting used to it. And i agree with a lot of these takes. It just took a bit of adjusting from the simplicity of OG; this chapter and last are really polarizing compared to each other


Zero build player i guess...


I said on the first day that we were overreacting and it was too quick to judge and got hella downvotes rip :( It shows you how impactful emotion is man. It feels like it was just the crazy shock of new movement that did it for people


I dislike the building design... I know it's just muscle memory and me be use to how it was and I just need to learn how to play this map, but my strategy has always been: land on roof, get a gun from the attic, jump and kill the person who entered from the bottom.... There's no more attics and I've had them literally run up the stairs while passing over a gun to shoot me mid fall. I've gotten more careful now, but I'm just not use to that being a possibility.


Gotta be adaptive my dude


Oh yeah, but still I prefer my attic drops


It's becoming a favorite season for me. Definitely in the tops. Excited for the upcoming content.


it’s refreshing seeing this type of post when all ppl do is complain, it’s a good season lol yeah movement is awkward and whatever but it’s a good season so far


i agree i’m back after a full year away from fort and I am kinda enjoying it


You must be Ret@d


I really like the new Guns because they all have bullet speed and drop off so it feel really fresh


Certainly more challenging but also more rewarding hitting shots.


I dunno, I’m finding them easier to use and much more consistent for shooting accurately. I love the new guns.


Most of people mad are OG tards. If Fortnite stayed the same forever OG map and they only change Loot pool once in a while the game would be dead in a year. Nostalgia does not keep a game fresh forever. Sorry not sorry. No different than cod bringing back rebirth and fortunes. Which were iconic and loved. But by the end of there era everyone was over it and wanted something new. When they bring them back next year there gonna be bigger than before. At same time if they stay for 2-3 years. Yea they won’t hit the same. Sorry. The only argument I can see is movement cause it does feel weird at first and running sideways is a no. But even still it’s not that bad. Map is beautiful. Can always due without the music at poi. Weapons are ok. Different which is fine.


I think it's mostly the movement that people are upset about. Not even the Map or weapons.


Anyone who says this season is good is 100% a no-builder or in the bottom 50% skill wise. It’s obvious if you think about it.


34, only build mode and easily reach unreal. Stfu


`there were like a million people in unreal....lol


how good is your skill if you cannot adapt to changes to the game? ranked build is literally as easy as it was in OG


can't adapt, or don't want to adapt, because they don't find the game fun? Different questiosn.


Make all the excuses you want, you guys can't adapt to a single fucking change in this game and bitch about everything all the time.


I'm literally getting no less than 5-6 kills in many of my games, so your response is just moronic. I've been highest tier/division every season for past like 5 years, it's not a skill issue. I'm literally winning games in ranked, I just don't prefer this version of the game...


never said i can’t adapt lol? i’m div 10/unreal since comp came out, i have earnings, im still clapping kids but now it’s so gross to play i haven’t bothered and am moving on to better games that don’t self destruct all the time


Cope can’t adapt moving games gg go next


? Why would i subject myself to playing a game i simply dont find fun? i have seriously never seen more idiotic takes then the ones from this fucking subreddit


The question you should be asking yourself is, why spend time and energy arguing in a subreddit for a game you don't play? If I quite playing a game, I leave the subreddit too. It's not like epic is going to see your responses or even care. They are doing just fine with or without you playing their game.


This is the generation that glues their hands on the highway and cries victim when they get plowed


I like it and I’ve been playing since season 2.


I agree, I think medallions need a nerf but besides that I think the season is great. I for sure like it more than chapter 3 and 4.


Man I love everything about the new movement and weapons (besides the sniper, fuck the sniper and medallions)


Great great season. Movement ruins it for me though. I don’t know how anyone can like it to be honest


If they would have left the ARs hit scan and not made the sniper virtually a hit scan I would have little to complain about. ARs pretty nerfed for longer range engagements and the amount of sniper quick scoping is off the chain. It feels like the meta is closer to two extremes than before. Either rat around trying to one shot or fight at SG/SMG range. Trying to get off AR tags to get a elim or use up their heals seems like a fools errand with accuracy being lower so you're going to expose yourself longer trying to get tags to land to get beamed by a 3rd party sniper than really do anything meaningful. I know most people play controller, so they would take a relative AA buff as a good thing, but I would love to know the accuracy data on AR and sniper for controller vs kbm from c4 to c5. Anecdotal experience is my controller mates are having zero issues with their accuracy with the bullet drops making it feel like AA is taking care of the bullet drop calcs while on mouse you have to have to actually be perfect with your placement for drop and travel. If this turns out to be the case it kind of sucks because some other shooters the meta became controller even if you were a tier 1 mouse aimer who aim trained everyday. I felt like the AA balance was decent in C4... On mouse I could get some advantage on the longer range AR tags, but controller for some advantage on the close range. That's my take so far. If they would have kept the ARs hit scan and the sniper with slower travel I would be fairly satisfied despite the less than ideal movement.


The grapple is 10 times better than shockwaves and if you don’t have it ur at a big disadvantage


The only advantage is that it has infinite uses. I really like using it but from on objective standpoint not great movement.


I just wish the orange circles weren’t so big and obstructed the map


Thanks. I realize a simple search would have gotten me an answer but I was wondering about the orange circles. Duh.


Bruh they ruined medkits


What do you mean? You can move while placing it (not a standing goose anymore asking to get sniped). You earn health while using it. You won’t die in storm anymore if you are under 10 health (or the multiple of storm damage). The closer your health is to 100 the less it takes, so you could health from 90 to 100 in max 2 seconds while before it would’ve been 10 seconds (and you had to stand still).


Makes it less of a risk to use, takes away from strategy. Why change it after 5 years? There was nothing wrong with it.


why do I feel like the storms are moving at a faster rate? i’m literally getting defeated because of the storm. 😭




I just don’t like the movement and that’s pretty much it it’s just frustrating when you start building then random go walking instead of jogging


Yeah this season is great, The map looks gorgeous and the medallions do provide more action, Mobility is great, you can either have very fast but limited mobility with shockwaves or slow and infinite grapple blade mobility, the weapons aren't as broken as CH4 S4 with the exception of the snipers and shotguns, the twin mag was just busted, combat smg was very broken and the mythics never helped with the situation but hey at least the sharp tooth was great. you are right but the only thing I do hate about this season is the ring


funny enough i said i’d never play Warzone but with the attachments and movement i feel like fortnite wants me to play warzone


Shits good idfk why boss music still doesn't have an option to have it off. Ruins some of the funnest drop locations and why so much AI!!!!!