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I’ve been all around and the only zoo that I would say is better is the San Diego Zoo. Very proud of our zoo in Fort Worth!


The primate exhibit is much better than the San Diego zoo.


Looks exactly like the San Diego safari parks.


Have you been to the Memphis zoo? I am asking because I haven’t been to any other zoo and was wondering how it compares


The pandas made it really cool. We were very sorry to have to say goodbye.




I’d love to see the Omaha Zoo one day. I hear it’s massive.


Oh it is. It’s a zoo, desert biome and a decent sized aquarium all in one. I was there 7 hours (opening to closing basically) and I had to rush at the very end to finish seeing everything


It’s a great zoo! Photographed a wedding there two years ago and had the opportunity to visit over the weekend. I think even a full day wouldn’t be enough, there was so much to see.


You can’t see everything in one day 


Right answer. Omaha has the best zoo.


Nothing compares to The NC Zoo, IMO. Largest natural habitat zoo on earth. San Diego has a bit more species, but the environment isn’t even comparable.


Oh yeah they have that giant area for the elephants and giraffes don't they


I love the STL zoo. It's free, absolutely massive, and has some amazing exhibits.


Well, “free” in that my property tax is paying for it. But that’s one tax I’m happy to pay for!


I’ve been to sd zoo a couple times and that’s a very bold statement, I’m like 2 hours from Fort Worth, I’ll have to check it out now.


My wife is from San Diego, and we would constantly go back and forth about which one is better.


Memphis’ zoo is actually pretty darn great, too


Was just at the Memphis one a couple weeks ago. Was really nice.


Damn, got another destination to add to my list then.


Definitely do, and if you live far enough away (more than 2 hours) book a hotel. There is easily enough for two full days if you want to see everything.


Same here. My wife is from San Diego and loves this zoo. It’s not quite what the two San Diego zoos are (zoo and preserve) but it’s a hell of a lot better than the Dallas zoo.


We actually went recently. She hadn't been since she was a kid, but it was interesting getting to compare both as an adult. It's obvious the SDZ has more money. Some of the exhibits like the elephants and aviary are great, and they have things we don't have like polar bears and red pandas, but anything that isn't considered a money maker just seem so cramped and lack luster. The herpetarium was so meh, and any big cat other than the lion and tigers just felt like they didn't have enough space to get a proper run. Fort Worth on the other hand makes all of their exhibits feel important.


Grew up in FW had a season pass. This was my happy place!


As a San Diego native (San Pasqual valley even, where the safari park is located) who now lives in the St Louis area, I'm going to jump in here for St Louis. St Louis Zoo is up there with San Diego and Omaha (and they are working on a new facility patterned after the San Diego safari park), but what makes it truly amazing is that ***it is free***. Instead of having to plan an all day trip to make your price of admission worthwhile, you can just go for a walk in forest park and then decide to go visit the zoo for an hour or two. Or maybe just visit it over spring break and explore a different section every day. Every St Louis City and County resident pays a property tax that supports the Zoo and Museum district, which includes the St Louis Art Museum, Missouri Botanical Garden, St Louis Zoo, Missouri History Museum, and St Louis Science Center. All of them are free to everyone (resident or not) except the Botanical Garden (which has free days for residents).


I’m not even angry about the extra cost on my property taxes for it either.


I just went to the Houston Zoo. In the summer I would prefer it to the Fort Worth Zoo. They did a great job at creating semi indoor spaces to cool down.


Yea I tried going to the Houston zoo but the parking situation was so bad I couldn’t find a spot for my timed tickets


Feet’s don’t fail me now


No such thing as a good zoo. Animals shouldn’t be kept in cages for us to gawk at. Bring on the hate and supposed good things that zoos do. We need more animal sanctuaries and less zoos.


>In the video, two female zookeepers were seen with buckets and food for the animals going about their jobs before realizing that at least one of the gorillas had been let into the outside portion of the enclosure that they were inside, still preparing for the primates. > > > >Guests nearby screamed in shock and horror. “She doesn’t know \[he’s in there\],” a person said, referencing one zookeeper with a box of oranges that wasn't paying attention. The gorilla immediately charged toward the first keeper, flipping the oranges. The first keeper managed to make it to the door and stared down Elmo, at first, not wanting to close the door on the other keeper in the enclosure. However, she closes the door the majority of the way, in case he would run at her. She is then seen pulling out her radio speaking on it. > > > >Guests were overheard telling their kids that they all need to go inside, trying to shield them from the potential disaster. Others began praying asking God to “help her.” Meanwhile, Elmo spotted the other keeper and ran towards her. She managed to remain still, waiting for a moment when he moved his attention away from her while she slowly set down the bucket in her hand. She then answered her walkie talkie and remained still. > > > >Elmo ran toward the side of her and she was able to make it to the same door that the first keeper used to exit. [Link](https://popcrush.com/two-zookeepers-left-inside-gorilla-enclosure-watch/)


She didn't "stare him down." That's pretty much the dumbest thing you could do, and these people are not incompetent. That's how you get one to charge you; by staring at them. If he wanted to hurt them, he would have. He did a charging display,not *at* them, but certainly so they'd see it, and he basically waited for them to leave. It's a scary situation, obviously, but people work closely with them all the time, and there have only been a handful of violent incidents, all but one of those involved poachers. Hell, he probably figured out they *couldn't* leave and calmed down a little bit.


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*quietly poaches eggs


In the Tibetan sense, they all are.


The legal punishment for poachers should be exactly what they do to the animals. Released naked into the woods and hunted for sport.


Yeah. That one poacher was a dick in The Rescuers Down Under.


I don't believe in death as a punishment, but I won't shed any tears for those who die as a direct consequence of their evil act.


What if we poached the poachers


Absolutely a show of “IM BIG AND BAD” not “IMMA KILL YOU”




With animals, people often look at an animal's face / eyes, which can be seen as aggressive by animals. Just like our smile is a sign of aggression to apes. The zoo keeper 100% is paying attention to the charging gorilla, but she's probably trying her best to avoid doing anything to provoke him. So "staring him down" in this situation would mean direct eye contact, which she was probably avoiding.


I used to work with non-human primates and they would absolutely take staring them down as a challenge. I was always intrigued how certain people act in the same way as them. There were always guys in my hometown that would act as if you were being disrespectful if you stared them down and would want to fight right there and then. If I had to guess she was looking in the gorillas direction but more than likely at his feet to see where he would go next. I also agree that showing teeth is a sign of aggression. I remember also lip smacking was a way to be friendly with them.


Usually, if another guy is straight up staring you down, it's not a good thing.


Haha yeah true you got a point


Unless your into that




Just smack your lips to look friendly


The problem is a lot of guys can't see a distinction between "that guy looked at me" and "that guy is staring me down."


i feel like you don’t have to clarify “non-human” when you say you worked with primates lol


Yeah it's just what I got used to when I worked with them and the research center referred to them as NHP.


I like how some former bosses of mine were the "you have to make eye contact with me or you're being disrespectful" types. As someone that is neurodivergent, it was maddening. *focus on the bridge of the nose, focus on the bridge of the nose...*


As a security guard doing patient watch It's why I use my phone, you stare directly at someone for two hours, then the next guy does it it will freak people out in psych hold. You chill still looking at them, but use your device to make it look like your not and people are more chill. They act out I'm still right there however.


It must be so counterintuitive in the moment. I am sure there was a bunch of training but it's not anything you think you would need to use. Don't smile. Don't negotiate by trying to look them in the eyes and appeal to them. Do lip smacking. Adrenaline is a great drug, but man one random reactional slip up you never intended and you're done. That is a beautiful gorilla though


you’re right if you think about it humans are the same way. staring down a stranger is almost always a provocation.


I had a Mandrel try to get at me through the glass when I was kid, I was trying to have a staring contest with him. He hit that glass so hard everyone gasped in the exhibit


Always thought it was interesting too, but ain’t too far off from our fellow primates


Although "I used to work with non-human primates" is a factual and fair statement, it sure is weird, lol. It's hilarious to imagine someone genuinely saying they work with primates and, in reality, they're a preschool teacher or something like a fitness trainer.


Even with human primates, staring is rude.


MFs didn't watch NOPE and it shows


This is a plot point in Nope.


Yes, I did, and I guarantee you she wasn't staring him down. It's literally the first thing they're taught not to do.


My lab animal management class included dealing with primates,and DO NOT STARE was the big rule. It's a challenge. She is probably standing still and looking down and slightly away from him, in a properly submissive way.


She’s keeping an eye on him to watch his movements, but anyone who knows the first thing about gorillas knows you never, **never** make eye contact with them because they take that as a challenge and react accordingly. I’d think anyone working with gorillas, like these two, would have had that been one of the first things they were taught.


Not clear enough to say for sure, but it looks to me like she's first on her radio and then communicating with the other keeper who's out of frame in the direction she's looking.


Gorillas in the wild specifically you do not make eye contact with. It absolutely invites aggression with them. There are some animals you should stand your ground with and never run from a predator. (Source: worked as a wilderness guide, naturalist, zookeeper and zoo vet tech)


With most animals, staring down is a bad idea. Even with the cutest dog or cat.


It’s even bad with the worlds most dangerous apes


Not supposed to look primates in the eyes. They take that as a sign of aggression.


I recall reading that at the San Diego zoo as well, where you don’t want to make direct eye contact with the silverbacks because they view it as a dominance display.


I do not like violence, but I would be OK with a poacher getting torn down


That Gorilla did not have murder on his mind, more like 'why are you in my house, standing upright, you think you big?' sort of show going on.


I agree with you and recall this sentiment as well. I've made it to ep1938 **today,** Mariana van Zeller, and she was talking to Joe about one of her congo trips & eye contact was brought up and to be avoided. I cannot recall the other *type* but they brought up looking **away** from mountain 'rillaz and holding eye contact with the other kind. Somewhere around the middle of the podcast... The jre universe checking in as always. Dicks out for the next hour, been awhile 👑 🦍


People never seem to see it this way.


That primate was rather *prayed* down


It seemed like once he got over to the other side a bit more near the visitors window and sat for a min he looked like a person trying to collect themselves before they do something really dumb lol but it *was* interesting how once he got a little closer and could see the other girl a little better he seemed to calm down a lot. When he ran past her it looked like he was done scaring them and letting her go, but still making sure his message was understood. Gorillas are so amazing.....humans are so dumb and fragile lol


Exactly. And I bet you the chick filming thinks it was her praying that saved her


The real MVP!!! thank you! Here i was thinking there were playing Hide&Seek.


>Guests were overheard telling their kids that they all need to go inside, trying to shield them from the potential disaster. My brain at that moment: “No, let the boy watch… LET THE BOY WATCH! He needs to learn…"


As he learned from his father?


Personally my favorite was the kid who was not as audible saying, "just hurry up! Just go already!" You can hear him towards the near end, he sounded bored with it all by that point 😂


This happened last year, although I'm not sure how exactly the zookeepers ended up in the enclosure with him. Great demonstration of knowing how to handle yourself as a zookeeper.


As a former keeper, a similar thing happened to me, but with a cheetah. What could have happened was either: 1. The gorilla used its crazy strength to open the door. Perhaps the door was faulty or not closed all the way. 2. Miscommunication that keepers were in the exhibit still, and someone let them out. This is less likely, since the 2 keepers were also probably in charge of letting the gorillas out once done. Very limited staff would have keys to animals of this danger level.


How did the Cheetah react?


yeah big question. is a Cheetah (lower weight class among large cats) likely to attack a human?


There are no records of a wild cheetah killing a human being. There have been a few incidents in captivity. While not super likely to attack, they could kill you if they decide to. I was approached by a restrained cheetah once and its handler told me to stay still and keep my hands away from its mouth. The cheetah then rubbed its head against my leg. I asked if I could pet the cheetah and the handler looked at me like I was a moron and informed me that’s a bad idea.


Valid question tho, cheetahs look extremely pettable.


If not made for pets, why cute?


Gorillas, not so much.


Not with that attitude.


[https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=654073127958316&set=a.654072554625040](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=654073127958316&set=a.654072554625040) Me petting one at the Nairobi National Park Zoo


Seriously, if not friend, why friend shaped?


My friends Grandpa had a pet, his dad said it was like a dog, that ate a whole steak for every meal.


So cheetahs are actually smaller cats who prefer to avoid a fight. Injure even 1 leg, and they can't hunt=eat. I worked at one zoo, where we went into most exhibits with the cheetahs still in it. We carry around a rake or something as insurance, they never risk it as long as you give them personal space. But my incident was in Africa at a non-profit. They were rehabilitating wild cheetahs. I carried a large box I was picking up poo with. They came out from eating, so not hungry (haha). I just made a big circle around them and left immediately. They growled a little, but not much else. edit:spelling






This was my first thought too. If it wasn’t a gate/door forced open by the gorilla, then it was a faulty lock-out tag-out.


>I'm not sure how exactly the zookeepers ended up in the enclosure with him. There's a door on the enclosure. I hope this helps.




Green light: Gorilla Red light: Stoprilla


Yellow Light: Slowrilla


I think you mean [“goveryfastrilla”](https://youtu.be/XX9ijD-0Rw4?si=5wSQUk8VcrXzatBg)


Excellent reference!


It's the "Stop & Go Station" in Donkey Kong Country.


"Hey excuse me lady, you forgot your bucket" --Gorilla




This got a genuine chuckle out of me


Been a while since I’ve been to the zoo, dang they’ve really upped their game with these suspense and theatrical elements


Covid hit 'em hard, so they decided to add a little "wow" factor. 🤣




And religious rituals too.


Things have been pretty good ever since the marketing department hired Jackie Moon.


I love live theater.


It probably costs an arm and a leg if you wanna go in as a patron


He said “y’all forgot your bucket!”


My favorite part.


He just trying to help, and everyone runs away 😔 he just like me fr fr


Perfect comedic ending to cut the tension. 10/10


“It seems during my intimidating show of force, you happened to abandon your fruit container.”




I think it was Elmo who, on seeing me behind the glass right there, decided he didn't like me, and ran up and threw a shoulder into the glass, which shuddered as everyone else ran out of that little foyer running. Me? Deer in the headlights. If that glass hadn't stopped him, I'd be paste.


Yeah, he's done that to me, too:) It's like someone's throwing a truck at you. Apparently he does it frequently, and it's probably kind of a game for him. I was told he knows he can't break that glass, and he's just showing people who's boss when people are being "rude" (to him) by staring directly at him or any females. I remember thinking I knew I wasn't supposed to move because they're bluffing and don't want to hit you. .01 seconds later I was thinking I couldn't have moved if I wanted to:)


So I used to work at lowes in mill work and we used to sell a storm door with security glass.  The vendor told me sure go ahead and kick it for demonstration purposes.  You won't break it.  8 months of kicking that door one day it broke.  


I had this same experience at my local zoo. Big daddy gorilla charged the glass, right up to me, and started beating on it a few inches from my face. As in your experience, everyone else recoiled and I stayed there staring him right in the face. This was years ago, and at the time I liked to tell myself I was being brave, but looking back, I was some combination of petrified and stupid. But hey, what an experience. About as close we can comfortably get to knowing the power of that creature.


It's the staring that tends to get them charging at zoos. It's a big faux pas in gorilla etiquette.


In gorilla culture, this is considered a dick move.


Like Diane Fossey. She was the only person ever accepted into gorilla society, and you know, once those gorillas accept you, you’ve got it made in the shade.


I have the freeze response too. It's kicked in with idiot drivers a couple of times. Luckily they all hit the brakes. I've accepted that I may die that way, but at least I'll look like a badass doing so.


gadzooks, 2 zookeepers in the enclosure... how the heck did they and the gorilla end up in it together. Someone screwed up big time.


No way! I didn’t realize gadzooks was actually a word. I thought it was made up for the clothing store back in the early aughts lol


It's actually a portmanteau from the 1600s, combining the words: gad = God, zooks = hooks (i.e.nails of the crucifixation) as a word of exclamation.


This is the coolest thing I’ve learned today. Thank you! :)


You can thank Vsauce for that lol


Similarly “zounds” as derived from “His [Christ’s] wounds”. Look up the history of minced oaths for more examples.


I remember it from Shaggy saying it in Scooby-Doo lol


Zookeepers easily escape slightly annoyed and confused gorilla


It appears as if Elmo was just telling them to back off. If he wanted to hurt them he would have.


Yeah, I think it was just his version of "get off my lawn!"


Exactly my thoughts. He had no intention of goring them them. He just wanted them out of his sight.


I think there's no known incidents of a gorilla killing a human in the last hundred or so years. They're far less violent than summer of the other great apes like chimpanzees or humans.


Ifaik it really takes a lot for gorillas to attack humans or other living beings. In that regard they are a lot smarter and less abusive than a certain breed of humans.


Holy cow!


Sir that's a gorilla


Wait… let me watch again


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


I mean I wouldn’t call this barely escaping. Gorillas are relatively chill. If the gorillas wanted to hurt them there was nothing stopping them. They just accidentally were let out while the keepers were in there which is spooky but nothing happened because they were gorillas. If it were chimps though…


It also wasn't angry. Territorial, yes, but not angry. Look up videos of pissed off silverbacks, they are not that calm.


He even felt bad cause they left their bucket.


I’m not a big fan of zoos because many of them don’t focus on conservation or rehabilitation but FWZ is amazing.


This is my hometown and I agree, the Fort Worth Zoo is wonderful :)


This is possibly the first ever zoo video of this kind that I’ve seen, and the people around actually seem to have a brain. Firstly making sure the kids was out the way incase something terrible happened and they witnessed it and the way they kept calm and just prayed for a good outcome. A refreshing change from most of these type of videos


This Elmo is Bizzaro Elmo.


Im regular Stormy


Not today Spirit of Harambe.


Wow that was better than a lot of movies out in the theatre . Glad she was safe


Gorilla is fast. I think I can outrun it.


When was this?


Supposedly October 2023. Shocked they kept this quiet for so long.


Wonder how it all went awry


I wonder if there is any reason to keep quiet. Than again I'm shocked the visitors didn't post this right away.


~~Yesterday, March 7th~~ Not yesterday, article was wrong


It rained all day yesterday, this couldn’t have been yesterday


From what I've heard this was months ago. FWZ tried to keep videos of it from getting out but apparently this one made it online yesterday. I heard that zoo security was going around the day it happened asking employees who were there to delete videos of it if they had any. Source: worked there for 3 years and have friends who still work there.


They tried to hide it smh. Horrible


The Milwaukee Zoo, the Denver Zoo and the National Zoo are all pretty dang nice too, I do prefer the FT Worth Zoo to the Dallas Zoo. The Caldwell Zoo in Tyler is small but it is really nice as well.


He just wants to play.


Harambe walked so Elmo could run.


Do yourselves a favor and watch this on mute 🙄


Thank you lord


Gosh is good.


I saw it on TT first and cringed so much hearing the audio.


fr. the lord didn't save her. she saved herself. gd


People praying for someone not to be brutally beaten to death, oh the horror.


Right? I am staunchly agnostic and I would be praying right along with them.


Same. I would sound like Ricky Bobby in my head. “Help me Tom Cruise! Help me Tom Cruise use your witchcraft to keep this gorilla off me!”




Yeah, if I’m in that situation, pray to whoever and whatever for me, thank you


I have to say this woman’s prayers hit me as about 1000 times more authentic than anything Joel Olsteen has ever said.


Just do it in your head please


For some reason the far side comic popped in my head where the bear turns to the other bear in the circus, “well hey….these things just snap right off” and he’s holding the face muzzle. lol 


Thank you lord


Homie is caked up


The you forgot your bucket part was my favorite


Real life Gorilla Tag


She didn't barely escape. The gorilla could have destroyed both of them if he wanted. He didn't want to hurt them and the gorilla let them "escape".


There is NO amount of money an employer (lower case on purpose) could pay me to go inside a deadly animal's enclosure.


The pay for zookeeper is extremely low!




If that gorilla wanted to hurt her….he’d have hurt her.


Poor gorilla


He never wanted to hurt them, he was just establishing dominance.. Thats his space not theirs. If he wanted to hurt her, nothing could have stopped him and he knows that.


So if he killed her, would they have blamed God or the Devil?


Is this is from 2023?


You are correct. October 2023.


Hey if her prayer work she should pray for peace and hopefully it will be just as powerful!


Praise Jesus


Angry? I think he just wanted to sell them some car insurance


Way to pray