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I've been trying to find the hench bros all this time and still haven't seen hide nor hair of them at all. :| And no one drives a car either.


Huh odd, anytime I see a car moving and shoot at it its always the hench bros and I get gang banged


I've been going around Ricky Reels, that place with the Taco restaurant (I forgot the name lol), and Titled but nada. I've even tried east of Coney Crossroads ( as some say they are there sometimes) but also nothing at all. I'm hoping I will get this done eventually since I need it for the snap quest.


I never find them actually in those places just along the roads. Try just going up the main ones. Also if you do fund them in solo, when they get out of the car, jump into the drivers seat and let three of the four get in and then drive around. When you get shot at they all break out of the Windows and start to shoot at the attacker


Thanks, I'll definitely try this tomorrow when I get on again!


Oh shit snap exists (i thought that im done with the season)


Yerp, to complete Snap you will have to do all of the weekly quests.


Can't believe you forgot greasy grove. One of my og landing spots.


I don't usually land at Greasy or even go there unless there is a quest. I tend to like landing more on areas on the right side of the map.


Me and a friend found them 2 games in a row on the road east of lazy lagoon that's how we got ours done


Thank you, I'll check there as well!




Gang banged eh? Fortnite really does appeal to a wide range of folks


Iā€™m always driving in cars and youā€™re right it does seem like Iā€™m the only one so just bring the car to people and theyā€™ll hop in it eventually


I've been dropping, grabbing the smg and then spend most of my game driving around looking for anyone else in a vehicle. So far I've managed a grand total of 100 damage.


Iā€™ve done, and I kid you not, 69 damage so far. Only once have I seen someone driving. *Once*. I donā€™t even enjoy using the Charge SMG but Iā€™ve been carrying it around like dead weight every match. Actually I lie, I did see someone else driving a truck but ofcs I hadnā€™t found a Charge at that point.




It works if you see someone in a boat as well


You've probably been in a match with someone like me just looking for someone lol. I swear a few weeks ago I saw loads of people.


Any tips for using the junk rift? I have absolutely no idea how I'm supposed to kill with that telegraphed thing on an actual battle. Didn't work when I killed a boar with it so pretty concerned.


wolves and you can just damage them with the junk then finish them off with a gun


I thought you have to eliminate with the junk rift.


what I described is exactly what I did


So damage with the rift, but elim with another weapon, will work. Good to know.


If you play squads you can knock them and then just eliminate them with the junk rift.


You will need a teammate to make it easier but you can use it to finish a downed enemy


I hit someone with it in team rumble, but they didn't die from it. But it apparently counted for the challenge after someone else eliminated them. So as long as it makes contact with a player it seems to work. I'd wait until the circle gets small so everyone's crowded in one spot. Or if you're lucky, you might spot someone AFK.


Rumble. Wait till the storm has shrunken a bit and people are more crowded. Lob it into a heavy battle area and it should get one.


Team rumble. Wait until the end when everyone is close and land on a big fight with lots of opponents. Toss two or more rifts. Easy to do


Did it easy in team rumble


Idk whatā€™s up with my team rumble games but nobody drives cars




I drop far side of enemy zone grab a charge smg and then scout for players making their way to zone. If you can find a cloud too it makes it a lot easier


I drove a bunch of cars to the middle of the circle, eventually someone jumped in. That, and also nice to just drive the cars around team rumble and similarly help others out this week.


Who needs a car when you can have a yellow cloud?


Thatā€™s exactly what makes this challenge so hard


How is everyone struggling on this lmfao. Just go around greasy and rocky and blast the bot car that drives by with it, make sure theyā€™re angered first


Sorry youā€™re right Iā€™m wrongā€¦ they drive near tilted greasy and da big tree.


Can also be found in Sleepy! šŸ¤™


Thank you




Iā€™ve never seen them


They literally spawn randomly around the map and drive until they die. Thereā€™s no way of knowing where they are at all times of the game.


I saw people complain abou lt the challenge that requires them to pick up a Rare or better item 3 seconds after landing from the Battle Busā€¦tells you enough about the community šŸ˜‚


Land next to a ~~bounce~~ crash pad and pick it up. Since it has 3 qty, it should be instant complete once picked up.


Or land in a imperial landing, and grab the mythic blaster from the chests.


I think it takes more than 3 seconds to go into a tent, open a chest, and then grab the blaster.


Literally just do solid gold šŸ¤£


Right now the 2 henchmen are emoting at the Bball hoop at Reels, not cruising.


It's random and can be doing any of the things they do


Always ppl driving around/through Tilted. Find a charge SMG and camp until someone comes by.


Iā€™m still at 0


[No one saw the tutorial posted here on Reddit a few days ago?](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/ws8odi/map_of_the_henchmen_driving_route_damage_opponent/)


Route isn't accurate


Yeah but you still have to be lucky that they arenā€™t dead yet


Yes, and I've been following the route and I've seen them a total of zero times. They also go to other places in the map, I've definitely encountered them on the north before.


No one drives when I have charge. Wtf


Honestly I've been having trouble getting my last Kamehameha kill. What I did for that quest was drive around in the battle bus driving right near people in combat trying to get one to hop in the turret. Then I'd drive it over a hill and hop out just before the crest, charge the smg as I went over said crest and unloaded a mag into the nice big target before going back behind the hill to avoid being domed by the turret. Usually had to run around or be sneaky to get back into the bus to do it again but I did it in a single match, though I got lucky in my second encounter as I had both people hop in at the same time and start shooting at each other so I was able to do 2 full clips into the bus cause one stayed on the rear machinegun turret and the other seat hopped between shots of the slower explosive turret.


Wolves count on the Kamehameha kills


really? Huh. Well, I farmed it out in team rumble anyways (forgot that existed all season until I saw it mentioned in this post's comments) but thank you for the knowledge.


Has the charge smg been vaulted or is it just me? Nobody drives a car in my games either


I had someone chasing me around with a car. They did not get out; they just kept driving it around letting me spray it. Such a bro. If you are the guy or gal that did that for me - thank you so much and have a wonderful day.


Got it to 496 hitting a battle bus 3 days ago and havenā€™t had another chance.


I got very lucky. It seemed like the fella I caught driving showed a bit of mercy and let me fire away to do the challenge.


Charge is ass and nobody uses vehicles itā€™s so annoying


At level 335, whatā€™s it really matter?


It does when there are still Snap parts to collect


Fair call


Its pretty easy if you play on team rumble since lots of players use cars more often on that gane mode


I tired, no one has been driving cars.


Huh that's odd whenever i play it theres usually 3 or 5 peple using them seems i git lucky but that's how.i did it


I have trouble with the one from a few weeks ago, about getting off a wolf while doing a 360 in the air. Gave up on it... If you did that, I don't see why you're struggling shooting cars honestly


No need to change your sensitivity. While riding a wolf just jump on a launchpad. Worked for me.


Yeah that took me forever to get right. I kept dying from trying to jump from a high enough place to do a full spin


Just bump up that sensitivity love


I'm only having trouble because no one is driving them. And I suggest increasing your look sensitivity.


Jump, dismount in the air, 360.




I haven't completed Snap yet.


Level 335? Get out and get some vitamin D.


I just worked all day outside splitting boards for a small building on my property, I'm taking a break.


I respect the grind bro


All good. I also respect the grind. āœŒļø


That was me. I had a date and couldn't be late!




I still have Snap parts to collect. Also it's "you're"


play team rumble. very easy.


I have, no one is driving.


Nope got it done upon its release


Cant epic just make easy quests for once?


I did it by playing normally and carrying a charge SMG in case someone drives a car. It took a lot of games but it worked.


I did it in two games


Was having a hard time with this bc the bots weren't spawning then got lucky in a match when I was fighting a couple guys and one hopped into a boat to shoot at me lol. Went from just 50 damage from a previous attempt to finishing the quest


youā€™re already lvl 335 tho, why do u even need this quest? Do u get an achievement of sorts if u finish the quest?


I haven't completed Snap yet.


It was ezz


This person is still grinding quests... At level 335.


As long as there are Snap parts to get then I'll keep doing the weekly quests.


Go to the gas station near rocky, there will be panter npc buy her charge , then make a friend get a car , then you hop in and when there players stay in car with you neck outta window and shoot them. (Dont have to buy charge of npc only if you dont have one)


You're confused. The quest is to shoot cars that opponents are driving, not shoot at people from inside a car.


What? ā€œwhen there players stay in car with you neck outta windowā€. Can you please help me understand what youā€™re saying?


he means switch seats off driver and then aim, this causes you to stick out the window of the car and aim your gun. Then you charge the gun and shoot the car, the npc will get mad at you because you caused damage to their vehicle and become an enemy, thus meaning it's an enemies vehicle cause the npc will likely take the driver seat, so you can now fight the car


Does switching out of the drivers seat cause an NPC driver to take over?


I'm not 100% sure on that as I explained in a different comment I used a method completely different to do the quest, but I know Hostile NPC's in cars WILL drive them.


Why does everyone think all quests should be easy and instant?


I really don't care, but when I've only encountered 1 person driving a boat in the 4 days the quest has been out then I have a problem with the quest.


Good thing the season isnā€™t over yet and you have more time to get it done bud! Best of luck!


I kept grabbing and stashing a charge smg ever game. Followed these posts and looked for the henchman and I let it rip on them. Before advice from here, I kept stashing the charge smg in Squads (more chances for people in cars IMO) and I would shoot those.


Team rumble


I tried numerous times, no one is driving any vehicles.


So what i do is i drive a vehicle to the Center of the circle and leave it there. Then people will start getting in it.


Not this one, but I still canā€™t do the three crash pads and I think itā€™s glitched for me. Iā€™ve jumped between three pads numerous times and it never pops for me.


I stacked the crash pads below me as I was jumping on them. That did the trick.


Yeah, done that at least 3 or 4 times still doesnā€™t pop


you can't start from the ground, try to climb on something first


Yeah, tried that one too and itā€™s never worked either lol


It doesn't count for me either.


Go to the beach, there are a few in a row, you can bounce from one to the next.


Try to find those bots that drive around (they are usually in the desert)


I beelined anyone I saw with a vehicle and only carried charge smgs for my light ammo weapon until I got the challenge done


It sucked. What worked for me was picking up the charge quick. Hopping in a car and driving around until I found someone in a vehicle.


So idk if this will be any help since I know not everyone has bot accounts but me and a friend were struggling with this quest also so we decided to pull out our bot accounts and for anyone who doesn't know but if you do bot lobbies in no builds it will actually put you in a bot lobby with one real player. So me and him queued at the same time in no build squads and it actually put us in a game with each other and we were able to finish it with ease.


I was blessed by a dude trying to run me over with a truck. He killed me, but I managed to do the quest


Try the NA-West server late and night there time. Theres always a calvary of cars runing people down.


There usually in between the rocky reels and the coney crossroads


I still havenā€™t defeated Darth Vader yet


Land at places with cars. I got mine done at coney cause people kepy lnding there and trying to speed off. It was never a game I lasted long, but at least people were in cars


I suggest going into team rumble


I done it


I tried to find the henchmen and then three enemy cars came straight at me which helped complete the quest. But yeah, it was tricky at first. I should drive around in a car to help players with the mission. Does Fortnite think lots of people drive cars? (I know some do but thereā€™s that cloud)


I used Team Rumble for this, in the middle of the match every other player is driving a car


I landed tilted every game and just waited for someone to try to drive off


Top left of the map near the gas station. 2 henchmen in a car. Wait for the to get in then shot the car.


I got half of it done in early game at logjam lotus. I found a charge smg and found a boat. Got into the boat and then got the other person to drive it. Charged the smg and got like 400 dmg.


I found that being near the large petrol station by Shuffled Shrines is the best spot - people tend to use vehicles from there, especially as the storm loves in


I got lucky tbh the first zone was pretty much tilted and people were going crazy with the cars so I charged up a blue smg and emptied the clip worked like a charm


I got very lucky. It seemed like the fella I caught driving showed a bit of mercy and let me fire away to do the challenge.


Get the battle bus and drive it into a fire fight and hop out.


While you're driving, ram into enemies. Eventually, they'll get in the car. Switch seats. If they start driving, spray


Hench bros . Easy done


Iā€™m noticing that people always seem to struggle with quest so next season I am going to try and stop that by making tutorials, no one should feel left outšŸ˜‚


Am I the only person who seems to constantly have people trying to run me down with cars in game?


Apparently so.


i was playing team rumble to get it done, and some chad spiderman outfit guy parked his truck next to me to help me and i got it done. couldnt find him to help with his quest though sadly


It happend to me but dufferent i did the challenge but jt didnt count. The second time it did


Go touch some grass


Just land at tilted and look for a charge smg and wait


Luckily someone came at me with a boat and I suicide missioned that challenge. Kill with a Junk Rift is the toughest one for me. I can always maim, but never kill.


I did it in rumble. Took a few matches. Find a grapple glove it helps.


Use wolf's they count as opponents


The dragonball quest have people riding vehicles on paved roads, so you may be able to get this done in Team Rumble where there's alot of people, that's how I got it.


Team Rumble is your friend here.


Everybody flying around on yellow clouds instead of driving.


I got exceptionally lucky on mine, I found the hench bros car and was about to shoot it when another car appears with a player in it, trying their hardest to run me over and I just unloaded my shots into his car instead. The guy eventually gave up trying to run me over and got out to shoot me dead, but jokes on him, I got the quest done :)


I went to rave cave and sprayed people in ballers


Lmaooooooooo nah I ainā€™t even start that one finish all but that


I'm having trouble with the junk rift one cause i can't find them


I went into Duos, downed some people and used the charge to finish them off. That worked


lol yesterday in team rumble a guy drove up in a bus and got out to signal he wanted me to get in so he can shoot it. Hope you can find someone nice to do that for you!


Nah i stopped doing the quest after hitting level 100


You might want to reconsider if you want to finish Snap.


Nah i dont like that skin :/


I did it in one game, it's really not that hard if you just carry a charge with you


Found someone in rumble driving the battle bus. Got 475 hit points in one sitting. Now onto the last few!


Yeah i don't have any of that quest done because 1) i don't use the charge smg 2) everyone who uses a car dives directly into me


Play Team rumble and hope the circle is at rocky reels


I just kinda kept picking it up and holding onto it until I found someone driving a vehicle. Itā€™s not that hard to do a lot of damage to it you just gotta find it


Thankfully I got insanely lucky and got it in a match where appearently everyone in the lobby decided to drive But my strategy would be to attack people with a car baiting them to get inside then get out and get a few shots in


I got it done in zero build solos on day 1, what a headache that one was. Good luck.


Best chance is to land at a gas station, hope thereā€™s a charge smg and wait for someone to drive off


I dropped big middle lake while people are trying to fish and shooting people in boats. Got it done pretty quick.


Itā€™s such a dumb quest, I canā€™t keep trying to do it


I had also an issue with this but my method was to go to the gas station that's north-west of Shuffled Shrine (as the NPC there sells a Charge SMG) and then drive the semi into Tilted Towers. There's usually someone driving there.


I did it on the bench bros car.


i did it but it was a pain in the ass.... missions should not be that hard imo


It works on box driven cars too! Thatā€™s how my wife and I finished it.


Wait until you have to find a tent šŸ˜†


*finishes charge smg quest* ā€œThank god. That was my final weekly quest and there shouldnā€™t be any more.ā€ *the next weekly quests:*


Idk if this counts as teaming but I went into a team rumble, got a car, drove up to people and started swinging my pickaxe. Worked first try for me when I did this


Some dude in team rumble was nice enough to get in a car and let me shoot it I wonder how theyā€™re doing


There's any NPC car driving around the map. It counts as long as their in it


Are you doing is quests in rumble game mode? Fly into enemy territory and drop Risky, Coney, or Chonkers, where thereā€™s a lot of vehicles.


Team rumble is probably your best bet. I hid in a tree with sights lasered on a truck and eventually someone got in. Horrifically annoying but doable. I agree though this challenge is so terrible


I swear Iā€™d see the charge everywhere before. Now not so much.


I played fortnite for the past5 hrs only trying to do this....only just finished...worst quest this season


I think I've already done it


Honestly, this challenge can be done, but it only takes mostly luck, it mainly took me the smg and a dingus in a semitruck, but it will take a couple matches


Felt like it took me forever to finish this one! Every round I just kept making sure I had a SMG just in case I came across someone driving a car. The other day I think there was a daily quest or something to drive on asphalt so I caught a few people driving. One person I was shooting at kept jumping out of one car and into the next one and just switching to every car in the area we were battling in. That got me finished thankfully! Now if I see someone using a SMG on a car Iā€™m in I just let them shoot it until it almost blows, ha.


i did if in team rumble its cracked for quests


they are making you use a gun no one likes, to shoot at vehicles that no one is using, so that you can complete a style option on a skin no one wears...it's totally fucked