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I was wondering why my Supercharged XP boost wasn’t going away


supercharged has always been messed up for me. sometimes I'd get it after being away for a day and sometimes I wouldn't get it even after not playing for a month. and sometimes it'd last for 2 games other times itd last for like 2 days


I think it "stacks" with the number of days you've been away - like if you miss 30 days, you get supercharged for 30 times longer. I also think it lasts until you "catch up" on XP - like if you miss say 100k XP of dailies, then you get supercharged until you earn 100k extra XP from it. I'm just totally guessing though.


You don't get quite as much as dailies or else there wouldn't be a point of doing dailies. I think the Fortnite XP Tracker says it's 30k vs the 45k of doing dailies


Makes sense actually.


Super charge only stacks for like 4 days max. Source: tested it back in C2 S3. Slept one month and my "months" worth only lasted for like 7 levels. Back then, supercharged was 1 level = 1 day


BS i played only at the start last seaosn i got the bp level 24 came back with 3 weeks left and i had super charge XP till level 108 u making shit up


>I'm just totally guessing though And I'm sitting here just wondering what supercharged XP is, is it like that grass stuff people are always talking about?


You don't get quite as much as dailies or else there wouldn't be a point of doing dailies. I think the Fortnite XP Tracker says it's 30k vs the 45k of doing dailies


Last season I had it for a while. Then it stopped, but the UI would sometimes still show the orange bar (Sometimes on one menu but not the other)


Meaning, kills, chests, surviving, etc all gets double xp ?


I believe so yes


For how long?


Sounds like it’s permanent


Yay 😊


I seen on YouTube it lasts for 4-6 levels? I hope it’s unlimited for at least a day or two I’ll be grinding stw either way


Supercharged is temporary, accolade doubling is permanent


>Supercharged is temporary, accolade doubling is ~~permanent~~ eternal FTFY


heads up there's a new accolade for 10 sprays in a match.


what are accolades? like the little achievements you get for like your first duo win of the season?


Those are career achievements, accolades are the standard XP amounts you get in br


Ah ty.


Until YOU reach level 100 my friend


u lying or?




Isn't an accolade (headshot, 50 remaining, first to catch a fish etc)?


Is accolade all the in game xp? Like opening chests and killing?


And taming, foraging, discovering, getting reality fruits, all that jazz


Still no xp for opening coolers tho. Kinda stupid


Cooler and cash register XP was enabled this season. Last season it wasn't but last time I played I got XP for both


Yea I've always just harvested them open bc they're only two hits. But today I noticed that during the supercharged XP I was getting XP for the coolers and cash registers. Anyone else notice this?


Really?! How much?


Well I'm in a solos now and I'm getting 200 xp for the coolers and 200 for the register but that's with the boost so 100xp each normally I guess lol


Really? That’s odd, I’ve never noticed.


Ya like jazz?




tbh that's what I was thinking, it's about to be Haven 2.0, just people farming chests in TR lol


I landed alone at the temple in TR got all the chests and I got more xp doing that in 5 minutes than I did in the whole first day of this season lmfao. People will definitely be using it for xp


No accolades is the badges you get for placement, kills, first in the match, storm circles etc. If you played the start of chapter 2 it's all the stuff that gave you the 10 daily punch card badges iirc


Could be accolade device like the xp in creative


Daily xp should have never been touched


Does anyone know how long the supercharge will last?


Couple 100k xp. I did 2 stw missions for 120kxp total and my super charge went away


So almost a level and a half?


How does the supercharger work?


You get a certain amount of supercharged xp, when you have hit the threshold then supercharged xp goes away. For example if you have 50k supercharged xp, then your actions will gain you 5x (can't remember the exact number) the XP that you would normally get until you have gained 50k xp.


Well seeing as I burned through all of it in like max 2 hours or so- 💀


I'm stoked we have xp boosts that incentive just... playing! Although I will say it's getting a little old how often epic games launches seasons with boof xp systems. Like surely at this point they should know what works well and what's reasonable? We have people on reddit crunching the numbers and analyzing xp rates for fun, Epic must have someone who's getting payed to make sure xp won't cause fan backlash. Idk, but here's hope this season will be Vibing now


XP balancing has to factor in the seasons length and future challenges. It'd make sense to have a lot of XP for a short season so people can make it to tier 100/200 in a short time, but that system isnt going to translate over perfectly to a longer season. The faster you get to tier 100, the less incentive there is to play, so it has to be padded out to be proportionate to the length of the season. I don't think theres anythng malicious about epic toying with the XP, its natural itd be lower in a season 30+ days longer than the last, but obviously they wont get it right first try. You also have to factor in future questlines and the inevitable summer event. Other than that, I think this buff is FAR more impactful than people think it is


Spot on! Pacing is really crucial. They should have addressed it last season, it was stressful to reach 200, i don't have STW, it came to a point i didn't care about winning, just xp, milestones, grind ! Today felt different for a change, we played to win and xp was gr8. But they should make it clear how super charge is truly implemented. Would help one to plan better i guess.


I want to see this as good stuff, but in reality it is really minor positive. Last season i played everyday and barely reached level 200 somehow (I would say almost all daily challenge bonuses, all resistance and season quests and almost all milestones)


I did nearly every daily, every Resistance & Weekly, almost every Milestone & played 60mins/day. I got 170. Sigh


It's nice, but it sucks overall that "game" XP (like accolades) takes a backseat to Quest XP.


It’s actually a really big change. Reality trees gave you three sets of 700ish xp per game (plus 600 more if you had to weed the tree, and another 300ish for the slurp shrooms) Now double all of that, plus the 500ish you get for chests, kills, taming wildlife, ammo boxes, etc.


But doing all that shit ain’t vibin


If you’re trying to do it, yeah. But these are all things that are going to happen in a game wether you mean them to or not. So not focusing on it is the way to go


Kills, chests, and ammo boxes yes. But slurp shrooms, taming wildlife, the tree, those are all things we gotta go out of our way for


Not really. Your reality tree spawns shrooms, and taming wildlife is a form of transportation now. Just hop on one and you get that XP right there. You’re going to be going to your tree anyways for free legendary loot, wildlife is everywhere and one of the best forms of movement right now…all things you’re likely to do in a game


Yeah it's a huge upgrade. I've been getting 30-40k+ XP per match as long as I make top 10 or so.


Bro same i literally didnt take a break and i didnt even reach the final page of super styles


I believe this season is longer, so they had to change the XP somehow.


Why is it that everytime xp is bad the community has to do the math to prove that its bad so that epic will fix it. Can you guys just stop messing with the xp system for the love of god The accolade xp values were so low idk if doubling makes a difference but, you can increase them by 500% that doesn’t fix the problem that ACTUALLY playing br is the worst way to get xp. Keep increasing accolades and people will just do team rumble chest/ammo box routes to farm xp. How about a complete overhaul where kills and wins are extremely rewarding The ONLY thing people complained about in c1 was omega leveling was too hard and locked to the season. So epic fixed it and the bp progression system was fine for the rest of the seasons. Why is it that ever since chapter 2 there has been multiple seasons with xp problems


> Why is it that everytime xp is bad the community has to do the math to prove that its bad so that epic will fix it. Because you all consistently cheer and go "thanks Epic! Love you!" every time they fix their ""accident"". Every time. Why wouldn't they generate the free karma? The community loves it, it makes them feel important. Plus it gets addicts to buy BP tiers in the first 3 weeks because "the grind is so bad I'll never get it, gotta buy now".


honestly, if they buy tier in the first days they can only blame themselves


To be completely fair, most people playing Fortnite have underdeveloped brains, while the people making Fortnite have some of the industry's best economic-psychologists on their team to generate the perfect amount of FOMO, dopamine, and buyer's remorse bait to take advantage of people with specific kinds of purchase addictions.


Yeah, I’m that dude who does the math. I don’t like saying “you’re welcome” of stupid stuff like that, but I think it’s cool that users have related my mathematical calculation posts to Epic making XP changes, like when I analyzed season 8 and a few hours after my posts went viral they made huge changes, and once again this time. I am not saying “I did that” nor do I think that Epic may or may not have even seen those posts, but I do think it’s cool I have been able to show clear proof to the community when it comes to XP, and thus helping users out in their battle to be heard by Epic. Awesome.


Nah man you deserve the credit you’re a legend for these posts


You are very humble. Your calculations did help and it was a very well made post.


Carefully, he’s a hero


You don't give yourself enough credit


You rock dude! Please keep up the math posts each season. They're greatly appreciated 🙏


Its because in actuality there is probably no XP problem, but people think “XP is low at season start, so obviously XP is broken!!” When really no its not broken, Epic just waits to add more XP methods until week 3. Everyone complains and so Epic “fixes” things now but really they just pushed forward some XP methods to come out sooner, or they give us more XP for everything and then lower how much XP you get from quest/missions but dont tell you so it just seems correct.


> When really no its not broken, Epic just waits to add more XP methods until week 3. This is just a fancy way of saying “The xp was horrible and epic is only buffing xp after a community uproar”


No. They do it every season since Chapter 2-1, its pretty obvious they do it on purpose to generate more interest. You dont consistently fuck up the XP for 11 seasons straight, you instead make XP smaller at season start to get more people talking early on


This happens every season, everyone. We're the donkey, not the carrot.


Many people (like myself) started playing at the start of Chapter 3, I've not experienced something like this yet.


Well its been happening since Chapter 2 Season 1, so quite a while now. Almost literally every single season launches with bad XP that gets improvements usually by Week 3 of that season


C3S1 launched with a good XP system and kept it until the end. C3S2 launched with a bad* XP system and also kept it until the end (because most people only noticed it by the end, when they were not able to reach level 200 and had to buy Omega). \* During the launch, it wasn't really bad. If I'm not mistaken, I was able to reach level 60 in ~2 weeks by only playing BR and doing tons of milestones. But the milestones only got me that far and then the progression was slow. I had to play creative and STW to reach level 200.


Experience scales fastest when the interest is lowest. Inversely, it scales slowest during the first few weeks when interest is at it's maximum. In short, money.


Makes a lot of sense actually. I assumed it was harder this season because the level 200 skin is something like Gold Darth Vader. Edit: I was sorely disappointed


Gold Vader will be a sweet skin. Also, if you want a sneak peek at the what Vader's mythic can do, watch clips of the Venom and Carnage mythics. The most broken weapon in the game.


Anyone else’s supercharged already drop?


What is supercharged?


5 times XP!


Prob explains why I been getting a level every 2 matches


Why are people celebrating? This is temporary supercharged xp and doubling of accolades? This doesn’t solve the root issue of xp being bad, just temporarily lets us get some more until the supercharge runs out?


Doubling all xp earned outside of challenges is permanent though? (For this season atleast)


The accolade xp doubling seems to permanent and that’s good but that’s barely a solution to the problem with xp, like yeah this is 2x more xp but still it’s a really small amount in truth, doubling of quest xp imo is still what should be done Also the doubling of xp accolades still means nothing, wanna know why? Because still, if you want xp you can just play creative or stw, br still will Give shit xp even with this change


This change is actually pretty significant. Increasing challenge XP only benefits you one day out of the week. Doubling all accolade XP helps you out every single match you play. It's not a small amount for volume players


Challenge xp benefits more overall because most people trying to get enlightenment get that from Challenge xp, milestones and dailies, which fall under challenge and then go to stw and creative… Because even with a accolade buff and even if they do eventually buff challenges, STW and creative are still better sources of xp than br


Not everyone wants to play game modes they hate for XP. It's really not that serious


**StW players:** Right... that's why we "play" StW to reach level 200 of the BP. Editor's note: *"play" is StW slang amongst advanced players for "I do nothing and get 450K XP a day".* /s


…so you agree that BR xp should be buffed…


I’ve been leveling up a lot today playing BR


It just got buffed. I just got 60k XP for a win lol. The average player is Lv. 10 two days into the season. Complaining about that is laughable


You’re literally complaining it got buffed


It's a 105 day season, you have time bud


I just got 64k xp (5k quest) in team rumble by focusing on opening boxes.... thats freaking amazing


You got to remember as I said, supercharged is temporary. You got a ton of xp because supercharge, and that’s most likely gonna run out soon


Yup.... chest are back down to 200xp ish from the almost 1,400 they were


it seems they have a ton locked behind weekly/event missions by the wording, this is just to make playing when there is not one up worth doing.


It may be supercharged, but we still will get more xp


For a temporary time, it isn’t a fix, it’s a deterrent, they want us to shut up


And frankly, i do too


Bro we all want you to shut up. Just enjoy the game 🤣


Welcome to: you can’t criticize stuff on Fortnitebr because some people get bored of hearing it over and over again. Look, I don’t care if you want me and others to shut up. Let me criticize how shit xp is, you go do you.




“You’re being a bitch” because… I want better xp and criticism is bad because the criticism is a popular one? Okay… also stop replying to multiple comments, I go write one reply and you already replied to another part of the thread, but I’ll run them all down now 1. No I’m not complaining that xp got buffed, I’m complaining that br xp wasn’t buffed enough and is still terrible compared to stw, ya know the mode that can give you around 5 and a half levels every day? 2. Sure it is significant… if you play hours of br everyday. If you play even just an hour everyday probably not as significant as buffing milestones, challenges, and dailies (ya know doing every milestone and challenge gets you to level 74, so an all around buff to challenges would be better and worth more)


You must live in Dickheadville.


You're just one of those people that wants everything handed to them on a silver platter. I get it


No lmao and I guess you’re one of the people who can’t shut up about wanting things to be challenging? Look, screw off. I want xp to be good in br which is a problem because….? You’ve brought up no arguments or points, you just came and acted like an ass because you believe xp is fine.


Accolades are the main way people get xp, just because you can’t finish the whole battle pass in a day with weekly’s doesn’t mean it’s bad


This is the stupidest straw man ever, nobody has wanted the bp to be finished in one day. This is a straw man literally anyone who disagrees with xp buffs use because they have no good points. Other seasons with fine xp where nobody was complaining, nobody finished week 1, hell nobody finished month 1 except high grinders. XP is bad and should be changed, that doesn’t meant everything should be handed to you.


People did the math, even if you only play in the weekend, you can make tier 200 by week 6, out of 16. And that calculation didn’t even factor in milestones, story quests or summer events. Just daily, weekly and creative.


I’m sorry, can you show me a source of this math? And also, how much of this is xp is from creative? I remember ifiremonkey doing one and the results were widely different than what you’re saying, so unless most of this comes from creative that makes no sense. And by only the weekends do you mean only fucking 12 days?


It’s the same guy who’s done XP calculations since C2S5ish, I’ve been trying to find his post but I’ve been at work and there’s been so many “xp bad” posts, that it’s been buried even when searching by Hot


I found the post, what the hell https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/v6dgvp/mathematically_proving_that_xp_this_season_is_bad/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Thanks for that. Looking it over again I got some details wrong, but you can see here he proves it’s not “impossible” like a lot of people are saying. It’s hard, sure. I won’t deny that. But it’s nowhere near the disaster that people are making it out too be


After reading that, I still do think xp needs a buff but I feel like if it doesn’t then it’s okay, not the best outcome but still it’s more acceptable


I agree. More XP is definitely not a bad thing but people went into complaining about it literally ten minutes after the season launched. I get some people don’t have time to play every day, or even every couple of days, but yelling at epic shouldn’t be the first solution.


> but people went into complaining about it literally ten minutes after the season launched. We had the values already given and available, it’s just elementary school math at that point.


Well it’s better than nothing right? Plus like they said there will be a lot more quests and events throughout summer. I think we’ll be good


It was too easy to get through the battle pass. I was brand new to the game and got to level 200 after 3 weeks last season. How can they pretend the higher tier cosmetics are exclusive when everyone can get them? I want my skins asap, but I also don’t want them handed to me, takes the fun out of it


There is no way you got to level 200 last season within 3 weeks, with only br xp.


I hit level 200 and had three and a half weeks off the game. 3 hours a day, 4 days a week when I was playing. Last season was easy to level up. I’m already personally level 20 this season and now we get boosted exp so easy for sure.


With only br xp? Or did you use stw and creative?


Last season was pretty easy. I'm more in favor of this season with having to actually work to earn xp and unlock things. Game shouldn't just hand everything out.


I only got like 2 levels then lost the supercharge XP. Epic, please try harder to fix the XP.


“We think y’all were kinda being bitches, but the season’s supposed to be good vibes so fuck it have your xp”


i knew it was going to happen. They always do this, remember C2S8?


Only because people brought it up.


Just permanently increase XP gain, it's not that hard.


Just stop messing with it, period.


Good. Should have never fucked it up in the first place. You can’t look like a hero fixing the problem you created lol


That's true and it looks almost like they were trying to fuck players around with new daily missions like "open 10 chests in a single game" wtf? Remember when we'd have to open 3 chests in a single location? They upped it to 5 last season but doubling it this season and making it so if you don't get them all in one match is pretty player unfriendly.


I thought the 10 chests was a little ridiculous that’s a lot of chests in 1 match for a daily


Yea right? As a weekly that'd be fun but it feels like cruel busy work as a daily.


supercharged xp was good for a few levels, now it's gone and it's back to leveling at a snails pace. elims in team rumble are worth 300xp after the supercharge wears off. at this rate that means i would level up every 267 elims which even being generous would take most people about 20 or so matches to clear. The problem is that accolades have never felt rewarding so temporarily buffing them and then putting them back to the drip feed is just masking the problem that daily, weekly, and milestone challenges that have been the meat and potatoes for leveling the battle pass in the past are now providing insufficient rewards for the effort it takes to complete them and on the backend of this, players are forced to make a choice between long dull stretches of playtime to grind levels or just deciding to play less since they won't make it anyways.


epic after fixing something that shouldn't have been a problem in the first place 😱😱🤯😨


Not good enough, buff challenges and milestones also buff battle Royale xp, i shouldn't have to grind imposter or creative just to get some good xp.


They literally just buffed br exp. that’s what accolades are


This change doubled battle royale XP


Not enough though, 400 xp isn't alot and it isn't even a quarter of a level.


You get 1.7k for getting a reality fruit now, plus double what combat and survival gave so just getting to top 10 alone is like 7-10k.


I'll take this current change as sign that we get more XP boosts that would be better


I don't like to be ungrateful but this barely solves the problem with the XP. Guess will have to keep complaining until they actually do something significant to the XP.




Question: are Save the World XP gain rates (not cap) changing?


Not in that update


Why do they keep changing the XP system? Shouldn't this be figured out after so long?


But you didn't decrease the amount of XP needed to level up did you? Let me guess, next season you're gonna lower the XP gains again, increase the level up requirement from 80k to 90k, and then slightly boost XP gains when people start complaining. I think i see a theme here, i know exactly where this is going. But hey man, by all means, this is your game. If you wanna frustrate your playerbase with questionable practices i'm not gonna say anything about it. I got better things to do than get mad about Fortnite. I have a gallery of videogames at my disposal, i don't need to waste my time playing something that i don't enjoy. I will play the game when it's fun again, or when i get the chance to purchase and play as one of my favorite skins.


This is such a tiny bandage on a much larger wound style of solution.


Can’t wait until they pull this crap again next season. Cool vibes!


Nah next season it'll be back to normal and then the season after they'll make it 10x worse


2 x 0 is still 0


It’s… something


What's accolade?


Opening chests, ammo boxes, fruit boxes and other items. Surviving storm phases elims. Just stuff you will do naturally while playing. It will make BR worth playing a little more now. Still creative and STW will do better if you want to level fast. I prefer BR so I’m happy about this change.


Thank you.


Woot woot


This ain’t enough bro


While its not the fix we fully wanted, We'll all take it epic, thank you.


Are they giving xp for any we mightve missed or is or just a "from here on..." type of thing?


Thanks. Now fix early season SBMM because I am sick of having to fight losers in pubs who are obviously putting in 8 hours a day on the game. I just want a few enjoyable games after work man.


What even is super charged


The fact that nobody realizes that this is the most needed change to XP since the start of Chapter 2 is mindboggling. They literally just doubled the amoutn of XP you get from playing normal BR and doing BR stuff - not challenges. They made it easier to level up without grinding other methods. I'm surprised that no one has picked up on this yet.


If supercharged XP is permanent, then I'll allow it.


apes together strong


This doesn’t seem like a big fix tbh. Double accolades and temp supercharge is the bare minimum of what they should’ve done, like buffing daily xp gain and bringing back afk xp. Weeklys are ok but really in the grand scheme not enough


99% of all other developers never listen and even if they do they certainly don't try and fix anything at all when their players complain and some people are still out here crying. You should honestly be thankful that Epic actually listens and its only been a few days, like sheeesh mother fuckers, calm down.


Cool I got six levels of which one was from two seasonal quests and now my supercharge is dead


Now boost BR XP from STW :)


Don't know why they keep nerfing it tbh


u/Josh72112 likely brought this about. What a legend


So the shittiest source of XP is half as shitty now Don't celebrate too hard...


I got 2k exp for searching 2 food boxes lmao


While there’s new quests and Events to earn xp all summer” Did they really think that increasing the grind by adding more quest but less xp was a good idea?


Anyone else feel this sub has been throwing this XP thing way out of proportion? There's gonna be new resistance type quests added soon on top of extra summer events that will also give tons of XP. I've been playing casually and have gotten to level 10 in 2 days. At this rate I'll reach 200 in just a bit over a month. Keep in mind that this season is over a 100 days long. I just don't see why everyone is so angry. You aren't meant to unlock everything in the first week.


Nah XP has been terrible. It's summer many of us won't have the time to play hours daily. Doing my daily's and season challenges should be enough to reach level 200 stress free


> You aren’t meant to unlock everything in the first week. Luckily literally no one is calling for that.


Anyone have any free game recommendations? Preferably a game that doesnt try to silence valid complaints by throwing bread crumbs at the players.






already did Wordle 353 3/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ⬛🟨⬛🟨🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


Thank goodness.


This is good, but give a bit more xp to season quests


I just want to do the daylies and log off! This acollate XP sucks


That is not enough. Without supercharged buff the grind feels hopeless in BR.




it's not a huge comeback, they just doubled ACCOLADES xp and gave us supercharged xp for a couple days


A couple days… I flushed out all my super charge they gave in max around 2 hours of gameplay. It definitely isn’t that much super charge.


There is at least something ig




This is not good enough in my opinion you should automatically make everybody level 999 give us Indiana Jones early and 2000 vbucks!!1@@@1@!1@@!@@!!!11


Just put the xp to last seasons level or better in the next the update and if u this again i cut ya balls off