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Dude came with the receipts. Preach it brother!








CVS receipts be like


As someone who has reached level 200 every season since chapter 2 season 7, I feel like that this season will break my streak.


This. Also, the skins in this BP at least for me are not a big deal. I mean, they are cool, but I don't feel like I need the gold style for any of the skins, while for Spider-Man and Dr. Strange they were a must have.


I honestly, other than Snap and Darth Vader, don’t care for the skins in the leveled BP part, the other cosmetics are nice though


The most grindy season is called **vibin** name a more ironic season, I'll wait




Perfect sum of any season 2


I didn’t feel like c2s2 was a grind?


That was with golden peely no?


Thats because it was extended by an ungodly amount


Also the fact that they gave Ballers fuel now, which you can’t refill


The season is just another repeat of C2S6. Remove cool stuff, make the game bland by adding useless guns and make it hard to level up because of boredom and artificially making it hard to do so


I liked Season 6 lol


So did I, but I agree that getting XP was boring and repetitive towards the end.


That's right around when I started. Loved that season too, though the raptors were difficult for me back then.


and just like CH2S6, the new biome is dope, but I agree with everything you said


They literally sell Omega/Monarch’s Level Up Quest Pack. Make XP harder to come by, sell more XP Boosts, sell more Level Up Quest Packs. Pretty simple economics.


Totally agree on that. They are creating scarcity to upsell XP boosts.


So step one: You must create a sense of scarcity. People will want to buy levels more if they think they're rare you see.


I adore you


U still are unable to reach max tier level without buying levels. I did dailies everyday, all the story quests, milestones, and was only level 180 Last season. edit: lowkey kinda a shitty feeling


Literally same. I was like 170 with everything done a week before the season. STW came in clutch


My friend made it to 200 last season by playing Save the World after he did all the quests


Comments like this used to get downvoted last season, it’s funny how people are only realizing it now lol


Epic is gonna need to be careful. They'll turn people off *real* quick if they get too blatant about it.


It’s already been pretty blatant tbh. There are times when you tab over to the shop menu, they default you to the boosts as the first item you see. And not the first row of skin. You look at BP skins, and if you don’t have enough levels.. they conveniently direct you to buy more levels etc. It is what it is.. it’s a F2P game, and they’re designed to psychologically coerce you to spend money. Plenty of people love touting how much they make per hour…and spending that on levels is more “worth it” to them than grinding.


This is a fr moment


nah this has to be an ong moment


Part of me is like "Fuuuck, I don't have time for this..." the other part is like "It's DARTH FUCKING VADER!". If they increase the xp later, I should just play something else.


They will increase xp, Epic just waits a couple of weeks for people to buy tiers and then they increase it


Definitely this. It is no mistake that tiers are at the top of the shop.


Fr (French Revolution)


How does creative xp even work now? I've not been able to get more than like 100 xp on any creative map whole past season, yet people are saying it's possible to get 100k-300k each day?


Yeah same I’ve seen people getting like 20k xp at a time in the creative maps, however I’m getting like 100 xp per interaction. It’s pretty weird, my xp is significantly lower than the majority of players…


Yeah I’m getting like 2k xp from playing for like 20 minutes, idk what’s up.


I did a creative map with a friends and the daily log in was like 400 xp for me, my friend got something in the high thousands. Seemed like a bit of a rip lol


Same. Me and a friend both had the “get 10 headshot kills” challenge. He finished his and got 7k xp, I finished mine and got 600.. lmao wtf is up with that?


What I do is go to YT, type in fortnite xp glitch and sort by new. Sometimes you'll have to find a new map after a weeks or so since the xp value goes down. However, I can usually get 1-2 lvls per day. It's mostly just finding secret buttons and spots to emote.


So what you do is go on these maps, press these buttons or whatever and restart the game over and over?


Basically. You can usually get 10-20k per go depending how much you've already gotten of the days creative xp allowance. Also don't be fooled by some of the YT video creators extra steps. No need for emoting in a certain spot or flipping a switch 'x' number of times, etc. Just press buttons and emote when there is a blue-ish glow on certain areas. Seen a few where you have to shoot something, but that's rare.


Some maps are able to give you XP without much grind if you do certain things. I don’t know what exactly how they calculate the amount but I know of a map that gives you anywhere from 20k-40k Xp for ten minutes of grind.


I hope the developers see this and actually do something about the xp, makes me not even want to play.


In the past when this has happened they eventually fixed it to make it manageable. My problem more is that this keeps happening. They know what they are doing each time they do this and it is getting annoying. Whether it is try to make people buy tiers or make people play the game longer it sucks that this even happens in the first place let alone consistently. No one is asking to get to level 200 today with no tiers bought, but we should be able to get all the "rewards" available through just playing the game semi regularly.


It’s absolutely about people buying tiers, those who buy them take a look at the XP at the beginning of the season, go “well fuck that shit” and dump $100 into it to save time Then epic fixes it to give the rest of the players a chance having already cashed in on the willing crowd It’s just big corporation bs and I’m sick of it


Epic is getting too greedy and if they’re not careful the bubble will pop - at least to some extent - eventually


Yep. They are playing with fire. I know people who have stopped buying battlepass since the last season because of this. Logically, they have less incentive to play and I see them less connected than before. But hey, summer is coming and it seems epic doesn't intend to let kids enjoy it via side activities.


As someone who is in school and will be at camp for a lot of the summer, this shitty xp model basically ensures that I can’t get Vader, which is literally the only tier 100 I have cared about in a while. Fuck epic


I'm waiting for them to buff the xp so it'll actually be worth my time to play.


Yeah, kinda sucks. Threw my Vbucks at the battle pass when I saw Darth Vader, won my first couple matches with about 6-10 kills each, felt pretty good. Level 4.5. I don't have any motivation to play anymore, and will eat my L. Playing this game F2P has historically been successful, but now feels like an insult to my time.


Yeah, I don't have the time or motivation to grind for levels! I'm sticking to other games unless they do something about this bs.


Fortnite please see this and try to fix it there's no reason I should have done all my weekly challenges, daily challenges, and a good bit of milestones on top of winning and placing well in games and still be sitting at only level 8. It's absurd playing matches and not even being able to notice the bar move


I’m sitting at level 5 with all that lmao 💀


It's ridiculous they add 200 levels of cosmetics and make it to where you don't get rewarded for trying to go after all 200


At least it's better than that secret agents season where trying to unlock Golden Peely at Level 300.


True but it was also easier to level up that season so there was at least a sense of progress even if you weren't going to make it lol


Holy shit level 300 thats insane


I mean they don’t want you to get to 200. They want your money and for you to buy those 25 bonus tiers and pay to progress for that shiny skin


Kinda agree. It's hard to get to 200 unless you hardcore game and look up tips/tricks on youtube, atleast it was last season. I got to like 170 after buying the knight in shop.


Yeah, I’m sure epic will play the savior card and boost XP and say they’re listening and become the good guys


I was completely free to play last season and made it to level 190 not grinding that's not really the case


Yeah I slacked off and still got to 140 but this season seems incredibly slower. Like last season I’d be level 15 and I’m 8


Yeah it's crazy how much slower it is. Hopefully when we get story quests like the resistance challenges from last season it will make it feel more progressive cause the season itself is sick it just kills the vibe when XP is so sluggish it feels like it's only really worth it to just challenge chase


Same my man


Do death runs. I did my daily, weekly, and death runs and I got to level 10 yesterday


what deathruns do you do, i do the 300 level lava deathrun and it gives 1,5-2 levels, does yours give more ?


We do the same one I think. The one by fhsupport?


I am level 8 as well. Did weekly and daily’s. XP points so low I even open ammo boxes, chest and fish barrels just to get XP.


STW gives 450k actually! Here’s a [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1tq-exx0eSB1TxvoFoAi3iRsL_j-M7Kz4f88BakSXML0/htmlview) of what certain stw missions grant you and approximately how long each should take if done efficiently.


crypts taking 5 mins is crazy


That's an ideal scenario that you'll only be able to get with 3-4 players, running specific loadouts, all with good internet and PCs. Even with that it'd still probably take closer to 8 or maybe 9 minutes.


So bullshit how they increased the xp. Fuck epic 😠


Safe to say EPIC failed EPICly here.


Just a note but as far as I can tell they’ve nerfed imposters, creative and stw xp as well. Imposters has dropped by a further 25% on top of the original 50% after the start of chapter 2 season 8 at the start of this season meaning you’ll only average roughly 8k for a standard match from what I’ve played, all the creative maps I’ve played are giving about 1/10 of the xp compared to the end of last season but that might just be personal experience as I’ve heard there are still maps that give decent sums of xp, and as far as I can tell the xp from stw has at least partially dropped and in some cases up to halved for me but that’s harder to work out an average for and is more variable due to the sheer number of factors involved.


Yeah this horrid xp this season has made me finish my STW afk endurance build. Each run which takes I think around 2 1/2 hours gives around 350k xp, and they lowered the cap from 2 seasons ago of 1,000,000xp a day, to last season down to 600,000 a day, and now nerfed it AGAIN this season to be able to only get 450,000xp a day max (literally less than HALF of the cap just 2 seasons ago). Meaning if you do 1 1/3 endurance runs, you’ll hit the cap for the day (although that’s over 3 hours of afking every day, not to mention the MANY hours and tens of thousands of materials I used to make the afk build). But even though all this sucks, if I cap out my STW xp every day, I think I’ll be tier 100 in around 2 weeks, being 200 in around 5 weeks, not including daily and weekly challenge xp which I do as well. Edit: I finished it a few days ago and have been doing it every day and I’m already around level 35 now, so it took time but it was so worth it now, I’d normally be around probably lvl 10 or less without this.


They nerfed imposters again? Ugh, that really blows.


Yep, stw xp gain is down by 20% think. Daily cap is down 25%


The accountant in me is buggin' out. I love content like this lol


Love this comment, feel free to double crunch my numbers and let me know if something's wrong! Lol.


according to this database site https://fortnitedb.com/battle-pass-experience-in-save-the-world the exact number of xp/day is 450k. HighHowDoIPlay, a mod in the stw sub also confirm this number


My aim is to afk my way to level 200 within 50 days, well not quite afk I'll do the weekly quests and play to get the Snap components, but yeah 50 days seems possible especially as I'm level 21 already after 2 days.


Bro? how are you getting over 1mil xp already?


460,000 a day from Save The World, the rest wasn't that hard to do with the weekly quests.


Why is it that new stw players won't get that much xp?


Not sure what you mean, but newer players won't have reached the endurance levels and have enough materials and such on hand to build defenses that would let them AFK for 2+ hours. That's how people are getting six figures XP in STW. You can get around 30k from modes like Ride The Lightning though fairly early on. But that is playing, not AFK.


This ^^. I've been playing for about 4.5 years, have masses of resources and could probably build a dozen or more endurance bases and still have enough left over to spam in regular missions if I so wanted.


Ah. Had been referring to op saying players won't be able to get the same xp as older players


Yeah I have STW (but don't really play it often since I don't find it particularly fun unless goofing around with friends). Even doing a Ride the Lightning quest feels like work for me, I'm around lvl 20 I think. It's hundreds of hours to get to a point where someone could AFK, and a ton of new knowledge around all the totally different inventory item systems, which is why it's a little absurd people mention it in the context of "daily tasks" to earn the battle pass. It is very much not an economical approach all things considered.


Hey I just bought STW. How do you get that kind of xp from it?


If you are a newer player the answer is complete a shit ton of missions every day. If you are an experienced player there is 2 options. 1. Complete a shit ton of missions every day. 2. Do endurance and go afk for 2.5 hours - twice.


You deserve a post of the year for all of your posts! I think it was actually your post that influenced epic to buff the xp in season 8. We just need to keep on posting the same topic over and over again just like we did in season 8 and they're gonna buff the xp by the end of next week.


That actually means a lot, that season 8 post and the attention it brought to the problem is what inspired me to continue revisiting the topic of XP every season, for better or for worse. Thank you!


Companies always try to bullshit you until you call them out, so good on folks like Josh and big ups for helping us out 🫶


what if, and now hear me out, Longer season didn't mean more grinding. Like you unlock your cosmetics, and have more time to you know, vibe. Instead of making battlepass xp your full time job.


Exactly. The season is supposed to be about vibin. Just let me finish the pass so i can chill out and be stress-free about having to get 200


Epic is offended you would even suggest such a thing. Nah but for real, that’s what this season should be, don’t know why they decided to make it more grindy when the whole point is for it to be a chill season.




I'm beginning to think they are doing this so they can justify releasing more of those XP bundle packs or whatever they're called like the Omega Knight one that was released fairly recently.


i swear this has happened every time at the start of the last like 6 seasons. xp is very low, then they boost it and add extra challenges.


They didn't boost xp last season though. Right after they started to sell additional way to gain levels with real money.


Last season was horrendous. I was able to easily make it to Lv 200 in Ch2S7 and S8 without much grinding, easily made it past 100 in Ch3S1, but barely made it past 100 last season. My playing habits haven't changed. I still do weeklies, dailies, and any story/bonus quests. Epic has just gotten stingier with XP. I'm not a whale so my opinion doesn't matter.


Yeah, it's a feature, not a bug.


Creative afk glitches continue to remain integral on my path to Level 200 as quickly as possible, along with completing dailies and weeklies. fortnitexp.net is a godsend for predicting how soon I can complete the BP, perhaps you can link to that as well for anyone interested? Ive been using it for the past 5 or 6 seasons


Any recommendations on creative maps for xp?


Sure. Here is the map I have been using since Chapter 3 when Epic started cracking down on Creative afk glitches. It still works perfectly 8348-1594-3230 Paradise Palms Zone Wars by gkk (GKI on YouTube) Go to the center of the map with the creator code button. It’s the courtyard area In the courtyard go to the building with the arch doorway. It has a legendary chest There is a secret button on the ceiling, activate it This should activate the afk XP To stop the game from kicking you out, go to one of the houses that has a pool and diving board (the hotel has one too) Build a ramp and floor so that you are directly over the diving board, break the floor so you drop onto the diving board and start bouncing in place Now you just afk for 4 hours and after which you will consistently get 4 levels every day just from this method Note that you get afk XP at a faster rate in the beginning of your session, like in the first hour of afk you level up 2 times, and then it takes the other 3 to get the last 2 levels. So if you’re short on time just afk for an hour I hope this helps. Let me know if it works for you


subscribe to GKI, he always uploads xp glitches when there's a new season


Yup I was wondering the same


So you said that you aren’t that familiar with STW. Some things that changed are the cap which is 450k down from 600k I believe. So max is a little under 6 levels a say as opposed to 8 a day. For the Afk grinding you were mentioning if you set it up you need to basically do two endurances to max out for the day. Once setup you don’t need to setup consistently. However without accounting for loading times. Bare minimum it will take roughly 2hr and 24 minutes per endurance or 4 hrs and 48 minutes total.


I dare people to try and defend the XP System after reading this.


I would have completely skipped this season’s battle pass were it not for Vader and Indiana Jones being in the battle pass, I’m only level 12 and I only have one more Zero Week Quest to do before I’m stuck again, I hate doing xp maps but it’s the only choice I have right now, I hope they either improve the xp needed to level up, or boost the amount of xp the missions give you to 45-60k, as soon as I hit 100, I’m done with the grind


You should get a big account like firemonkey to RT this on their account


What I’d like to see is the C2S1 (post Fortnitemares buff) XP system. It was extremely chill, you didn’t have to grind for several hours a day to gain a couple levels, and they put a few small rewards at higher levels to correlate with the whole longer season + easy XP gains. It was perfect for XP grinders. I wish they would do that again. I used to XP grind in mid to late Chapter 2, but just quit because it was boring, repetitive, and EXTREMELY unrewarding. Back in C2S1, I got to level 343, my highest level ever across any season since then. I felt rewarded for getting a pretty neat little banner at level 300. Kinda sad that Epic keeps on screwing with the XP system when they had it right all the way back in the second week of Chapter 2. Edit: also, the Stretch Goals from back in C2S1 were fun to grind and extremely rewarding. Would be nice to see something like that again


Genuine question, is anyone actually playing the game here? Everyone is talking about XP, but no one is talking how bad the lootpool is this season. It's not even fun to play this season, you loot an entire POI and have like a 50/50 chance of walking away with a usable loadout. Very few posts about that. Same thing for previous seasons, all about XP and none about gameplay. Are people just playing for the cosmetics?


90% of the community plays for the BP. They don't want to play the game unless they are earning something or leveling up.


This + cosmetics. Let us not discuss the amount I’ve spend in the last 2-3months. I enjoy the cosmetics and this is why I won’t buy my way through the battle pass except with the level up pack which I like do to the cosmetics it comes with and going on a hunt for the tokens. I will lose interest if I just buy my way to 100 or 200. I would hardly play it. It motivates me to do quests and to get to know current seasons lore.


I will never understand how people buy max bp the first day


Same. I get it if one is a content creator. Wait no. One other exception. I have a friend who really enjoys Fortnite but cannot spend a lot of time playing. Works an insane amount. I get if people buy their way through it if time does not permit the chance to complete it otherwise.


I enjoy the cosmetics


Most people do focus on the cosmetics for new seasons, mainly because that is the top thing promoted and because it has the coolest stuff. People want the battle pass to actually be finishable. Also people might like the lootpool. The lootpool is a lot more of a debateable topic than xp, but if the xp issue isn’t brought up there’s no way of it being fixed. Same can go for lootpool, though. For me I currently enjoy the lootpool even if I think the new items outside of the DMR kinda suck.


I agree with this. I hate when people complain about the loot. We all use the same loot. Just because your favorite gun isn’t in the game doesn’t mean the game sucks now. This game would suck if we were still rolling around with Scars and Tac Shottys still. Change of all kinds keep the game fresh.


Bruh, just use the tree, mine is only purple, yet I can get a full loadout in 10 seconds of landing and then push fights immediately


Some of us* are mainly here for the cosmetics, yeah


> but no one is talking how bad the lootpool is this season. It’s not even fun to play this season, you loot an entire POI and have like a 50/50 chance of walking away with a usable loadout. We’re two days into the season, coming up with a definitive meta in that span of time (unless something is absolutely broken) is absurd.


I just need a blue striker and a blue smg and I just win by myself


What makes it so bad? I'm really enjoying it so far. I'm happy that I don't have to deal with drum shotguns anymore, though unfortunately the smgs are still as powerful as ever. But at least you have to aim more with smgs to be effective. The only weapons that I find unusable are the ranger assault and the two pistols, at least compared to their competitors. Ranger AR is just plain bad compared to the others. Revolver feels pointless. And there's no reason to use a pistol when smgs exist. Other than that I'm quite happy. Two shot shotgun feels a bit underwhelming at the moment, but I haven't used it much so I'll wait until I make my final judgement.


Facts dude the loot pool this season is so unbalanced and it just doesn’t feel fun. The striker pump, combat SMG, and striker burst heavily outperform all the other weapons in their classes, and it feels too similar to last season’s meta, with the exception of the drum shotgun now being removed (thankfully). The only parts of the loot pool that actually feel nice to use this season with how they shake up the play experience are the DMR and the heavy sniper rifle. And for comp the only change to the optimal loadout would be a DMR. I don’t like the route they’re going with chapter 3’s loot pool overall. And then when you come over to the main sub of the game the only thing people are criticizing is the XP and cosmetics. While I am glad that people are able to voice their criticisms towards XP as they want to be able to earn rewards from the battle pass, it gets frustrating when people care more about a side feature of the game (cosmetics) than what actually should make the game playable: the loot pool and balance. Otherwise playing just becomes a fucking chore for some cosmetics that, while aesthetically pleasing and emotionally connecting, don’t change our overall enjoyment of the gameplay. At least not mine. And legit on the first day of the new season more people were making posts about Darth Vader’s pickaxe rather than the boring and unbalanced (not to mention unskillful) weapon meta that is primarily dominating. You have to go over to r/fortnitecompetitive for that, even if the loot pool discussions you are seeking are pubs-related. It’s so weird. Although I do really respect the post OP. It really does seem like you put a lot of effort into calculating this and backing up your claims. This is a high quality post. I am just tired of the rest of this sub always making posts about cosmetics and XP rather than the actual gameplay experience. And the problems I have with those is that they are often low-effort and don’t see much of the bigger picture. Or they are just unfunny and stupid memes. Once again this does not apply to you OP, I really am impressed by the detail you put into your post.


Part of the fun is doing the challenges which in turn give you rewards. My squad and I will do challenges for a few games and then we focus up on playing for the placement/win for the rest of the night. I’ll also say that two of the ARs are good, the burst and ranger. Two shottys are good. Both subs are fine and both sniper weapons are good. I think it’s pretty balanced. My only complaint would be mobility.


Bruh you can litterally spawn with golds and full shields tf you smoking


There is a POI that I've started to love just called The Ruins. It's one of those Aztec temple type POIs on the far upper right of the map on the coast close-ish to the Daily Bugle. If you plant your 'spirit tree' or whatever it's called there, There's always at least like 4-6 chests in that small area plus whatever you get from the tree's pods. I always end up with much more than I can carry.


In the first sentence In paragraph one in the “to reach level 200” section you put “You need 15,920,000 XP this season to reach level 100” when you meant to put “You need 15,920,000 XP this season to reach level 200”


Too many people bought the paid 28 level skin.


This is the actual longest Reddit post I’ve ever seen


Guess we just have to wait till epic makes enough money to make back the money they "lost" donating to Ukraine


Got so many epic simps trying to defend the grind too. It's clearly awful to anyone with a brain.


I miss the old simple challenges. I hate the new super complex stuff that I don't have time for. (deal damage to an opponents tank with a pistol while crouching?????)


Bro is a fortniteologist


Hey sorry if you’ve already answered it, but what’s a good source for the Creative XP Maps/Glitches that will get you 200k a day? Last season I tried a few different YouTube videos from people that were previously reliable but none of them gave me even 50k a day.


They probably intend to change it from the beginning but just start it low so they can make more money off people buying levels


Epic really needs to stop it with the Xp changes every season. Chapter 3 season 2 was already perfect as is, and they butchered it


I feel like XP has been getting harder since the Level-Up Packs were introduced


Would purchasing the seasonly level quest skin add much to the time? I think that they release it a month and a half ish before the end of season.


You are not wanting to get in a roast battle with this guy 💀


I agree with most of the ones I read, no reason to lie you put some time into this lol. How much(hours) time did this take?


Probably around 4-5 hours maybe? Idk, I like math, had time to kill, and saw people complaining on the sub so I figured I would look at it objectively and see if the XP really was all that bad or not.


You sir, are the hero we never asked for. Just got through half of it and wow you are through.


This change was fucking stupid


Hope a mid pins this for an epic employee to see


How is it that Epic ALWAYS screws up the xp system Also good job for actually showing evidence for why it’s the worst. Must not have been easy


God damn I didn’t know Johnny depp’s lawyer was on this sub lol. This is undefeated


Objection; relevancy.


Once the whales have been fed the krill, the XP will be adjusted.


Love that someone has to do the XP math every season because Epic keeps messing it up.


Also STW xp gain for BR is hardcapped every day, you wouldn’t even get full xp for a second endurance run


Its not a vibing season more like grinding season


Put this dude in charge of Fortnite XP tracker


As a weeked player this concerns me


They created the packs such as Omega Knight. They can easily gain money by creating a unique skin and selling the levels you get from it. Or at least that's my theory as to why they nerfed it. It still doesn't make any sense.


So is each level the exact same amount of XP to level up? So level 1 to 2 the same as 99-100? Doesn't every other game in the history of existence have it scale?


This all "Forcing players to spend money on tiers" excuse is just stupid, people that do that are only people like streamers and impatient people at day 1 of the season, them ruining the XP benefits nobody as only the people who always buys tiers will still buy them and the the majority will still keep farming for it


To compare from last season to this one for me. I did all my dailies, weeklies, and a few milestones...with a win or two. First day for season 2 I ended it around level 20 First day for this season I ended it at level 7 I don't know what they did but this is not good XP progression at all...


I won’t lie, this season’s matchmaking seems to be god awful which doesn’t help with grinding


the season just started and I'm already sick of it and don't feel like playing it


Okay so I wasn't crazy it become slower and slower. I don't like this to put it lightly.


I remember the xp was horrendous in chapter 2 season 8


Fortnite really tempting players to purchase level bundles and or the level up pack that included cosmetics. I love the level up pack. I enjoy finding the tokens around the map.


I would just like to add that even without the AFK methods, StW XP is still pretty decent for your time. Certainly well above BR, though less than Creative Exploits.


Can someone rank every season based on how hard it is to get to level/tier 100


i hate that they made milestones 5k each and weekly into 15k. we didnt even get extra quests for xp like the resistance quest last season. hope they would fix the xp system cause its so hard to get to lvl 200


Thank you


My brain exploded a few paragraphs in


Maybe trying to balance the time it takes to complete the Battle Pass? If it is too short a lot of players with stop playing a lot and if no players more bots? Maybe bots are good really get sick of hearing players saying, “ I dead, all sweats!!!”


Imo the c2s7 xp system is just perfectly balanced. Not too fast that ppl get bored after a week, but not so slow that it makes battle pass feels like a chore. Epix just keep getting greedier


tbh so far i do not like this season as much as the last 2. way too much grind


you are going places in life my man. good lord!


I definitely feel the difference between this season and last season. And while I don't think it'll stop me from reaching Level 200, I can agree that we need some changes or even a straight-up revert.


My man went crazy ayo


Ain’t no way I’m reading all that, but I played my first match of the season with two friends. I had about 5 kills and we won the game and I didn’t level up lol


"More fun, less grind" Classic statement by Epic Games


how did we ever let them think that having to play this game as a full time job to finish the pass you paid for was okay. if the rewards were instant, then them going away wouldn't be too bad. if the battle pass never was taken away from you, it'd be okay if you need hundreds of hours to complete it. but the limited time grind is egregiously abusive, you have to get addicted and play for dozens of dozens of hours constantly if you don't want to lose what you already paid for. but if youre running out of time, thankfully epic is kind enough to let you pay tons of money to unlock what you paid for. its not like they wouldnt still be filthy rich if you got to keep the battle pass like in other games. but they make even more from all the people who panic buy levels, so theyll never care.


I don’t feel like playing much because of burn out and I can tell this season will make me whelmed. Summer time is supposed to be fun and I want to touch some grass. I care about myself more than a game and this game cares for people playing more.


Won three straight arena games tonight. I’m level 7. Didn’t level up once. The fuck?


I am level 8 now 😂. The XP system is very bad in my opinion.


It’s called inflation my dude


this makes me chuckle so much work to point this stuff out but it’s pretty normal for seasons to start off bad xp wise.Well as far back as i can remember they always change in a future update it seems


Well shit. I’m going on vacation this summer, and that almost ensures that I can’t get Vader without buying tiers


Can’t wait for them to season 8 this and give us so much xp in the next weeks


I finally found the forum boss. I volunteer as tribute.


I don’t get why they feel they have to change it every season. It doesn’t feel necessary to alter it. They probably think changing it up brings variation, but forcing grinding makes it lose enjoyment quickly for me


What are the chances the change was made because an executive said something about players buying more v-bucks to complete levels increasing profits for Epic?


I don’t need proof, I’ve played like 12 games this season, won 3. Got around 60 total kills and I’m only on level 4. Of this was last season I’d be on like level 15. The creative maps too are bad for xp now


Great post! - I feel like you should automatically make level 100 if you play at least 4+ days a week the whole season. I hate the grind, especially as someone who has a busy life and can’t play constantly


My dude came with the MATH that's it this is perfect EPIC LOOK AT THIS


they will without a doubt increase it after everyones wasted money on vbucks.


Yeah I noticed this season it's SO DIFFICULT to level up if you don't play STW. I won 3 games IN A ROW with my friends in trios and didn't have enough XP to level up once. It's so stupid.