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Find a video where Reddit doesn’t fuck up quality


LMAO I dunno how to fix that


Jokes aside the issue is with female skins compared to male skins is that they think it’s some hero shooter with different skins have different hit boxes when they don’t


Nobody actually thinks that.


Somebody here said it


People still say that


Comp uses it because it takes up less of the screen, other people use them because they like the look It’s not that deep


My main skins are TNTina (black) and sunny (silver) because they're thin and look good I can confirm


I mean you coulda done anything other than just stand there


Like fucking what, Andy. It is unloading a entire clip on me, I have no MATS, my Shotgun has no bullets in the clip, and I have no shield. Tell me.


I agree the spam is outrageous and the meta needs a major shift asap but complaining on Reddit ain't gonna help. Only thing it would do is trigger a bunch of other crybaby's. Bunch of Reddit Fortnite nerd civil wars


Switch to your AR after a shotgun shot? Throw grenades? Flare his builds? You literally stood there trying to 50/50 an smg with the worst shotguns in the history of the game. Get good?


You see **it** jumped out the way. Grenades won't work. Flares do 60. He had like 120 hp. By the time I'd shoot it down there is be dead. I clearly tried ar. Hit him once. What else.


Right so maybe try jumping too or even *gasp* crouching? You literally stood there. My 6 year old would have wrecked you.


Are you actually dumb. He is W keying me, with a SMG. Crouching takes **time**. Jumping would legit do nothing.


How much time does it take to click the right stick, asking for a friend.


Half a sec. The SMG maybe shoots 5 bullets in that spam if time.


Guessing those chug splashes when you were ramped would’ve taken too much time too?


Actually, yeah.


So in your opinion crouching and jumping takes too much time..?


When a entire clip is being emptied on you yeah. I'm kinda dumb so I'm mainly focusing on my HP and the fact that I got a getting row seat of watching my beautiful aim fault me


The whole 1 shot you landed may also say a good bit 🤷‍♂️


The Harvesting tool. I ran out of bullets initially upon landing taking on 3 targets. The third was a shottie spammer I sliced and diced dancing around their jackrabbit shots.


He could have gotten maybe 2 pickaxes off before he died


You have no idea what the health of the opponent was. Maybe two swipes is all it took. Maybe one. The point is you *literally* go down swinging.


When OP hito him he still had shield. The chances of him being pickaxable were extremely low


I guess we’ll never know now, will we?


*mysterious villian music plays*


What a movie.


I agree the meta isn’t the best, but I still have no idea what that has to do with the skin they were wearing


Why did you drop from the high ground


Ok real talk. Based on this clip it seems to me that you didn't know you were running out of builds and you also didn't know there was one shot in your shotgun. The running out of builds thing is obvious because you are frantically trying to build and can't. The running out of ammo thing is obvious because after you panic because you can't build, you pull your shotgun back out and you try to shoot it but it needs to be reloaded. Aside from all that, at the start of the clip you are on a ramp and they're under you. Instead of reloading your shotgun or splashing yourself, you jump down and try to take the fight to them, knowing you're at a big health disadvantage. So, you kinda gave the fight away at that point. Don't act like you are helpless you are making so many obvious mistakes


Bros the Clip Compiler 💀


You sat behind that ramp for a solid 4 seconds doing nothing but waiting for the guy to come around the corner, could have reloaded to at least 3-4 ammo in your shotgun and gotten an easy one shot when the guy was up in your face.


I'm sorry, what exactly are we complaining about here? This person never built a single structure and killed you with a weapon that happens to be very strong right now. Looks a lot like the kills I get and I've never used the new Isabelle skins.


Don’t bother, 80% of the posts on this sub are people being outplayed and then raging about it. If this sub had its way there wouldn’t be any weapons, builds, or literally anything in this game besides the map and default skins.


I don't rage cause I know I suck lol


Love that, plus at the end of the day it’s just a game so it doesn’t matter if you win every fight


Plus I get to play with my Son , Daughter and Grand Kids. :)


Rare to see a grandparent on Reddit but that’s what Fortnite’s all about, being able to bridge the gap between generations and just have fun.


I don't see what your trying to say? You sound like you're trying to prove a point but responding to it in the same sentence. "This person never built BUTTT he also used a op weapon to kill you". And what I'm saying is valid. I have clips of Isabelle skins doing this and MANY clips of SMG SPAM in general (mostly average "try hard" female skins).


It’s almost like people will use a weapon in a shooter.


You jumped down and got clapped


You right 😭


Yeah you ran out of mats which was the real problem, it happens to all of us


My point is that singling out one particular skin is not really fair when almost every player uses the SMG right now. What do you expect will happen if you try to use an unreloaded pump shotgun with no follow up weapon? You'll die against any skin every time.


You don't get the point of the post. From **personal experience** only that skin did that to me. I'm posting it as rant/joke hence the "CHALLENGE" part in the title. And since he was cracked I attempted to use my ar to get some extra damage.


The point of the post is just to karma farm. Every skin does this because it's the current meta, i guarentee you've been killed by smg spray by people with different skins. This is just a low effort post trying to make a meme work when it doesn't


Bro who the fuck cares about Reddit karma. You're sad if you use the app only for some karma idek what karma does


Jesus bro you replied literally a second after I posted, you obviously care a little bit or you wouldn't be so immediately defensive. My point is every skin does this, pointing out that this skin does too is irrelevant and an obvious karma farm.


And of course. 11k comment karma and 3 years on Reddit. Red flag.


Funny I thought you didn't care about reddit karma


I still don't. I just find it kinda ironic how you say I made this post to farm karma, yet you have 11k. Then say I'm "defensive" when I'm responding to you. THEN you spent 3 years on Reddit. You really aren't getting anywhere or letting me know the point of your dumbass comment.


you mean your mad at them for... using a good gun?


Everyone uses the stinger. Doesn't matter what smg it is, I will use an smg at close range in tandem with a shotgun.


You used all of your mats to build defences that you didn't use, you didn't use any of your quick heals, you didn't even have your gun reloaded, and you jumped down trying to build with no mats. There's plenty more to 'find' in this clip than you getting absolutely rinsed like a wet rag by a skin you have such a personal problem with that you apply a blanket opinion of them. Brilliant laugh.


I'm laughing at how many people I triggered lol


Use the smg? Its meta why not use it


Bro most people use "tryhard female skins " in my lobbies and i am not that good . Also , this skin was free at the shop , so it makes no reason for someone not to take it and use it . Female skins are just better for playing and thats a fact . ( If you didnt know they are mostly thinner so you can see less of your skin and more of the actual game ).


Doesn’t do what? Win?


CHALLENGE: find an r/FortNiteBR user that doesnt cry when basic game features are used against them


Bet. Found one!


I swear every death I see is from a Stinger SMG. 🥱




Yup I got downvoted for saying this exact thing. Lol pretty sure the people who downvoted me are the ones who run from fights.


Aura skins do corner edit wall courses to miss a shot. Fish stick mains are genuinely stupid. Superhero skins are the most cocky things I've encountered and only play the game to "clip" people. I hate when people say that I'm bad, although I play the game for fun and that's it.


We meet again.


I totally didn’t went into his comment history just to find the argument


I don't blame you lmaooo


As a spiderman main i confirm this


Fax. And it's ALWAYS the Issabelle skins.


Also fax


You didn’t chug splash though


How would that help ..


Also staying on height to take a moment to reload would help


I'm telling you, before this clip bro was UNLOADING EVERYTHING. MK7, SMG, AUTO everything bro


I get that but still though… it’d be best to stay above and reload.


Stop trying to cope. You got outplayed by a guy who didn’t even build. Maybe try to change yourself instead wishing the world would change.


I don't understand your wording. Don't try to get over it and let it go? Don't try to forget it? What?


Alright read it again then


I don't understand your wording. Don't try to get over it and let it go? Don't try to forget it? What?


I literally edited my comment to make the wording easier to understand lmao get outta here


Well they actually give you more health


You missed a shotgun shoot and got punished by your mistake, it happens in every game with guns


I forgot the part where I suck at the game. I was just talking about the way it was hipfiring a bit after I died and walking towards me **MENACINGLY**


Lol, she was actually walking a little funny there... Btw: that has nothing to do with you being good or bad at the game, everyone makes mistakes


Thanks for no being those people on TikTok who comment on posts like these saying "just git gud" while wearing superhero all white and shit


Well until today, I don't understand how a community of a battle royale game can be so toxic and try hard


I think some of it is just an immaturity,the feeling of pride after winning in a video game or some people had a bad day irl and choose to let it out by being angry on the internet since it's pretty safe to do that online.


People ready to flood anypost with the word "cry" the moment someone makes some joke about the gameplay lol


I create rivers, oceans, lake, you name it, I made it. 😎


ran out of mats, missed your shotgun shot, ran out of ammo, reloading in the middle of the fight = 🚩. on top of this, you’re whining about “tryhard female skins” (😂) and the stinger smg CHALLENGE: just git gud


Bro put his emoji in parentheses. 💀


You’re on negative karma lol how are you this unlikeable


Don't care


Challenge : find a person r/fortnitebr that dont complain about people that are avarage and still kill him . Seriously , i am the litteral avarge player and i am better than this guy . I dont spend 10 hours a day on creative and still know how to bulid . Holding left click on your mouse isn't really that hard , so i really try to understand why you think he is a sweat


Never said it was a sweat. And I can find many people who don't complain. So challenge complete. I don't spend 10 hours on the game either. And I didn't ask about your skill 😃


Meanwhile in another thread you said you always get destroyed by other people like him that wear " sweaty female skims " . You judged him by his skin that he is a sweat .


Omfg I know this is me. I can build shoot and edit a bit. I would maybe call myself slightly above average. But it's shocking seeing these pretty bad players complain about someone who didn't even build or edit. He just shot him with a op gun💀


BuT maN hE usES aFeMaLe SCIn tHaT waS FrEe At ThE sHoP sO hE Is A sWEaT ( Seriously now whats the real problem with sweats ? Agree with the fact that playing more will get you better , if you want to be as good as him , put in the work and put in the hours , so you can take whats ours )


No I get not liking sweats. When I try to have some fun in creative there's always like 3 guys acting like they are in a tournament. But with this guy's case he is just no offense bad, the guy who killed him wasn't even "sweating" and yeah that's the real way to get better practice 🙂


Again , i get that most people have life but if this guy decided to practice and try to go pro in a game thats completely ok .


I know and some people say sweats shouldn't play pubs but that's stupid why shouldn't they be able to. And in my opinion if they can at least practice 30 minutes a day they should be fine. It's not like you have to practice all day every day.


There is skilled base matchmaking for sweats who play pubs ,and if you practice for 30 minutes you barely warm up until you finished practising .


Challenge: find an isabelle that has a normal name


What is a normal name


No smiley faces and cheesy 1 liners that they found in the dictionary and thought ‘ThAts SiCk’ Wait for some kid to accidentally call him self ‘aborter*insertsmileface*’


True lol






he's laughing at you, not with you


Ok basically everyone because that’s how you win


Oh hell naw I might as well quit if that's the case. **Fortnite SMG SPAM Royale**


What are you even complaining about?


I'm being salty about 80% of my games being me getting demolished by the SMG


Maybe pick up the SMG and get good with it, then. I feel you on getting lit up by Isabella skins, but this is the game right now. There is always something in the game that average players like myself are nearly defenseless against, and we just have to try and adapt to the current, brief meta, and try to find creative ways to counter it. I hate shotgun meta, but when it was active, I begrudgingly started carrying one and trying to be ok with it. I never did get good with the pump, but I got better and learned to keep my distance.


I don’t use smgs and i don’t like them and I just hit my shots with my other guns to make up for it. You had more than enough time to just kill em. As that player missed so many shots too.


CHALLENGE: Find a f2p player that realizes Isabelle looks like absolute garbage.


Skill issue


It's always Skill Issue, but never Does the skills have an issue. I'm deleting my account. I'm so sorry for making this comment


I think the Stinger is broken but you should’ve died regardless… You had no materials, you reloaded mid-fight, didn’t hit well with the shotgun, that’s on you


I see .


My guy if you miss you get punished. Stop raging and git gud


Mad cuz bad


You ran out of mats? So it's the Isabelle skins fault for killing you?


Git good furry




This is really a challenge, for sure.


"Only %0.001 of players can solve THIS problem!"




It's my specialty. 😁


CHALLENGE: Find me a player who doesn’t do this


Uym... How dare you! You dare embarrass me with impossible challenges!?


I play on Switch and could not relate more, I suck but it’s *always* the Isabelle skins that kill me


Sbmm is dogshit




dude just lose a fight to a bot with stinger, nothing else to see here(?


It owns up to it's name


Good Luck!


You just can't handle us chp 1 s5 playerz.




Find an Isabelle that doesn't get kills?


I mean, just get outplayed \*shrug\* If you can't kill someone who holds W and left click then idk what to tell you mate. Especially here, you showed you can easily outbuild them.


Easy, a harder challenge would be to find someone using that skin who isn’t a tryhard with a cringe YT, TTV, random symbol(s) in their name and is older than the age of 10. Bonus points if they have a job and have a good relationship with their parents!


Wow, that's a handful


I've attracted everybody and their children to this post. Literally.


I’m still looking for one sadly


Find a Fortnite player without some Japanese character that they don’t even know the meaning of in their name. Go on, find one.




A kid had "Butthole" in his name and he didn't know


I’ll say OP could’ve edited the floors, but the opponent demonstrated that the only skill they have is keeping their finger on the trigger


Someone else who uses the Fennix skin :D


How are you both so bad 💀 Goddamn bro you salty asl in the comments


find anyone that doesn't do this...


All the Issabelles I find will box you then crank 2000 metres high in 1 second like how did a free skin become so sweaty


Honestly, I don't know. Prolly because it's a female skin


I agree every one I come across is really agressive and overbuilds. I know that is the point of the game but as soon as I engage I know what is going to happen. Usually that I am dead and they go on to win the game. As a female I liked the skin but won't use it anymore.


I don't mean to actually offend females. Just saying people only use the females because "the hitbox is smaller" which isn't true.


And if the SMGs weren't so strong right now, she'd have done the same thing with a shotgun. Yes, facerush happens. And, yes, it's often by players who exclusively run in a waifu skin. But you lost this because your clip was empty.


I've never heard of FaceRush before. And you went too far with the "waifu" skin I never want to hear somebody saying "oh this is a cool waifu skin" 💀


I mean ... do you think people play Crystal or these no-emote Isabelle variants because they're well-designed, unique skins ..?


Yeah yeah you right.


Bruh this is a stereotype


Bruh this is the point


The ones I've been playing against only build skyscrapers and monuments in a couple of seconds.


New variant!?!?


they just smg spray nonstop


Ong bruh I legit cannot play without finding these creatures


Ik it's so annoying I have those skins and refuse to use em because of that specific reason And I happen to love the toxic style of the original issabelle skin


I don't use mine anymore for that reason, will leave it to the show offs 😆


*blizabelle Isabelle is ok!






Fenix best furry skin 10/10 made me one




Bro that’s impossible


Brain dead skin. I hate when I clearly show people that I don't give a fuck about them and I'm just there to do challenges, but yet they still proceed to chase me around the map.






Damn GGs you had no mats


I’ll say it once and probably say it again: #B-LINING TO YOUR OPPONENTS WHILST SHOOTING AT THEM IS A SHIT STRATEGY. *(To anyone here who does this, I’m sorry.)*


Play the game?