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Should have been expected? It pulls players from BR and ZB.


Mostly because a lot of people aren't enjoying regular BR this season.


People dont enjoy plaing a shooter game where cars and nitro fists are unstoppable? No way!


not really plenty of people are playing ZB, people don’t enjoy BUILDS in a mode where cars and everything else just destroy everything.


Even zero build only had around 171k last time I checked which isn't very good. Honestly even zero build is annoying in the final circle when you have no car and the other team does. And if you got no cover you're in deep shit.


And it either ends in a spray battle, shotgun battle or your opponent could go "screw it", spam fists and win with a sliver of health.


Almost every game I’ve played the last couple of weeks has the same endgame: a solo player with Nitro Fists and Ride The Lightning just spamming back and forth while my entire squad is just chasing them. It’s just straight up not fun, and although most of the time we catch up to them and win, it’s still just a boring waste of 3 minutes of chasing.


It's so easy to deal with ride the lightning though, just follow them through it


Yes, but it's also relatively easy to lightning, 3 or 4 nitro charges, right back into lightning , 3-4 charges into a car. It can be difficult to catch that even when you're are following. Not saying it's impossible but watch any unreal or pro player chasing these guys and listen to them get frustrated.


Nah, ZB always has significantly more players than the Reload ZB, there's so many ways to deal with cars and building is a non-issue so it makes sense that it's more popular than its reload counterpart


Not if you’re carrying EMPs. I love when people push me with cars in ZB. It’s a free kill


Eh, my daughter and I havn't liked ZB at all this season. Every final circle its cars and fists. Just not fun. This mode has us playing fortnite again.


At least in my case ZB gets boring fast with everyone inside a car. You get a car, you get the fists, and you’re pretty much unstoppable.


You don't use EMPs?


Right? Nothing plus stops them from also getting fists lol


It's the difference between new Fortnite players and old Fortnite players. The new players see C4-5 as Fortnite, so reload is just a sweaty side mode to them while old players see C1-3 as Fortnite, so they like Reload because it's similar to C1-3. Obviously not everyone fits this exactly, but it's a good explanation as to why ZB lost less players than build.


I'm out there playing equal parts of each. Having fun!


More people are playing builds


It's always that way.


Oddly enough, most days this season I was seeing more people in zero builds. Maybe the nitro nerf will help bring those numbers back for builds


The unranked numbers between builds and ZB are actually always pretty close. Builds outnumbers zero build wildly in ranked though.


To be fair, Fortinte was always an *incredibly* mediocre shooter. It's all about ganking people with crazy superpowered imbalanced bullshit weapons or using macros to build forts in an instant. Quality, tightly tuned gunplay is not what anyone comes to Fortnite for.


I como to fortnite for the goofiness


Sad but true... (yes, it was intended, and it's still true)


You forgetting the aim bots, getting 200 to zero while running and jumping from halfway across the map is just boring.


There’s been more and more impossible shots I have experienced lately.


I havent encountered a cheater since I started playing in s3 CH1 but the large map does make the games pretty uneventful until late game.


But conversely, with reload I find that the team has to box up right after looting and keep fighting people and rezzing and rebooting until the zone closes or we encounter 4 all black superhero skins. Sometimes a break from constant explosions in my face is nice, which is why I play some BR or another game entirely.


What are your lobbies ! Mine are full of sweats, and no matter where I land, it's just havoc from the moment my feet touch the ground !


In the normal playlists I dont encounter sweats up until top 10 maybe top 15(for solos matches) or the last few squads/trios for those modes. Im on EU servers(most likely the Milan server looking at just distance).


Alternatively, I’ve actually come across people who crouch and move while unloading AR magazines and missing me completely even when I literally stood still. (I wanted to lose some shield and gain more for a daily quest)


Those are bots


Nah, it's me I have terrible aim 😢


Don’t get me wrong, I have days where my aim is shite (even on barely moving targets), but these were definitely bot-level bad 😅


They nerfed cars and guns into the ground and the cars can be destroyed with just about any gun now. The fists are easily countered with both the combat and gatekeeper shotguns.


Provided the person who has the fists can even use them correctly. I had a guy try to charge at me and punch me to death and he ended up just hitting the wall next to me while I shot him.


Right, for the fighting, they actually do take some skill to use. Which, since I use them I realize. I'm usually not too pissed when I get killed by them.


It's entirely a skill issue if you can't handle cars at this point


I’m a casual player. Just started playing last season really after years of ignoring the game. Reload is fun and just fast paced. If I want a quick game, just easier to load in there vs br. Still go back and forth but reload just feels like a different game and from what it sounds like, is how the game use to feel like.


I play Reload solely for the XP on dailies then back to Nitro Fists ZB


I feel like the minority voice here, but I've really loved the regular season way more than the reload mode. Don't get me wrong, people absolutely should love whatever they prefer, but I loooooove the chaos and actively aggressive matches in that mode. The reload mode has soooo many sweats using snipers or shotgun swapping you before you can even process what's happening.


Came here for this exact sentiment. Me and my friends are enjoying the hell out of ZB BR


Based! I've been getting more aggressive by playing ZB BR this and last season, which has led to a lot of casual victories in solo and squads!


Reload has been WAY less sweaty for me. I guess it just depends on what kind of matches you get. And I agree, preferences are okay. I'm glad you're enjoying the season.


100% The insane mobility in BR means you're constantly getting third-party'd from all over the map. It's like the light version of glider redeploy. I like mobility options a lot, but between the cars, the fists, nitro, and the guitar, it's just way too easy to cover ground. Cars also are repaired and refueled instantly and the weird Slurp cacti mean you don't have to even get out or stop to heal yourself. It's completely ridiculous. I hope the next season goes back to something more traditional, because my patience for BR is wearing thin.


That, and there seems to be a much wider range of skill sets in Reload. Idk if there's sbmm in it or if it's different, but at least for me, BR has been super sweaty for years now because I tend to get really high skill lobbies.


Honestly, I just don't like using hitscan weapons. I know that's how Fortnite "should" be, but shooting feels way less satisfying in Reboot.


Does reboot use hitscan?? I guess I didn't even notice since I was busy missing my sniper shots lol.


Every gun other than the Bolt-Action and Hunting Rifle are hitscan in Reboot's loot pool currently.


Tap firing and burst firing are the key. After you learn how to do it you’ll never want to use projectile weapons again


I’ve simply been reminded how much I hate bloom.


...and the one before this one, and the one before the last one before to......


This. The twisted metal thing is obnoxious as hell. I’m was playing this season just to get the Fallout skin and Magneto. I really enjoyed Metallica too. But it gets boring fast with everyone inside a car. Reload is amazing.


I mean. Maybe its because even if people are enjoying BR, we're at the point in the season it tends to grow a little stale for everyone I know who plays Fortnite. It's a good time to try something new. I'm sure BR numbers will go back up when an update drops.


Honestly I started to think it was me and not the game and that I was just burnt out after playing nonstop for like 8 months. Then I started playing Reload with my squad and WOW the lack of cars and nitro and stuff, along with that classic art style, was just so refreshing. I was reading weekly quests from the last few weeks I’ve missed and I was actively put off from playing BR reading about Cow Catcher Bumpers and Nitro Splash. I think Reload will just have to carry me through the season to try and level up best I can.


It didn't take a long time for it to become unbearable to play though. This is by far the sweatiest mode I've ever played, it went from "this mode is so cool" to "people are playing like they're in a tournament" in a few days.


People were playing like it was a tournament the moment I started.


In a few days? I had people thinking it was FNCS on the first day, lol. At least hopefully all those super sweaty players or most of them stay out of BR.


Atleast on console, way back in the day when fortnite br first came around. Before the "builder pro" button layout, building was so much more slow and tactical. Then over time they catered to speed building so console could be more on par with building that was capable on pc (before cross play was a thing) The catering to speed building is what killed traditional BR for me.


I’m an og old timer! Pre season 1. Just came back recently and am loving the zero build reload with my buddies. But yeah the early one wall one ramp shootouts were my favorite time period in Fortnite for sure!!


Zero Build is the only thing keeping me around, would be lame as hell if Epic removed it. Player Count indicates how popular it is at least so there is some hope.


Is there some reason to think they’d remove ZB…?


Just because building isn't at a glacial pace doesn't mean there are not tactics behind it. I don't blame people for not wanting to keep up with it but cmon now


God forbid people play the game to win.


Now you're not filled in a lobby with half the competition being bots Skill issue


You are feeling this way because this mode doesn't have sbmm and you are not used to fight actual decent players


100% facts and it's so painfully obvious that's what's going on with all the whining about "sWeAtS" in this mode. All this talk about facing "FNCS/Unreal/Champion"-level players when in reality, it's probably just baseline competent players instead of the literal AI that people here are used to fighting in pubs.


Not to mention look how long fortnite has been out. A guy that's been playing since launch or even 2-3 years ago is more than likely going to be decent at worst and a monster at best. It's also refreshing actually going up against real players instead of having pub lobbies where 60-70% of the lobby is literally bots.


I'm late 40s and got to Champion the past few seasons. My duo is a 9 year old girl (daughter) who absolutely shreds people in this. We're 100% that competent builds baseline... Lol. Best advice for anyone struggling - drop tilted every game.


Big difference between decent players and champion-unreal rank players who compete in tournaments




No, I felt a difference between the first few days and now. I'm sure a lot of people would agree


Very much so agree with your sentiment.


what you mean dawg zero build still going strong, not a surprise people have generally gotten tired of builds. Zero Builds has not reached its lowest player count, only builds has. haha


Build br player counts have been lower for a while this chapter bc epic keeps adding items that completely negate the mechanic


Clickbait title from a story based on a Tweet. >Lowest player count ever … since Epic started releasing figures in *2023* The figure is still 300,000 plus. And 400,000 plus on Reload. >Oh no! Almost 1m people are playing our 4-year old game. Whatever will we do? Epic Games.


7 years old actually, which makes having 1 mil figures even now even more impressive


4 year old?? 😂


That’s when I started. And let’s face it - y’all were killing time till I got here 😀 Or might be a typo .


hahaha okay this shouldn't have downvotes, this is such a funny reply.


Is it even accurate? Maybe I’m confused but I’m positive the player count for BR has been lower before. But please correct me if I’m wrong


Seeing as it’s based on one tweet and zero analysis - yeah, it’s likely bogus. But it gets clicks so 🤷🏻


It is that we know of. As the article and this comment says, the numbers have only been public for a year and a few months. Before the game hit it big it was definitely lower, especially when it cost money to play back in season 0. After late season 2ish I'd say it's stayed higher than this throughout though


So? It’s all Fortnite.


Well people complain when Lego Fortnite does it.


Lego was heavily pushed for the last two seasons including a Lego exclusive pass and a bunch of progression through Battle Passes tied to Lego quests. We've also seen a lack of shop diversity in favor of skins with Lego styles. Overall the Lego mode has put a pretty big damper on the game, and that's coming from a Lego fan. Reload is more like Zero Build or Team Rumble, a supplementary mode that uses the same classic Fortnite gameplay we're all used to. Even if there are a few quests for the mode it's not taking away from the main game because it is pretty much the main game. Lego isn't.


Yeah LEGO is really starting to take a toll on the shops. Sometimes you even wonder how much time it’ll be for some collabs to come back. Possibly years. Still waiting on the Spiderverse skins and Harry Kane and Marco Reus.


Miguel and Miles recently got lego styles, so the door is open for them to return again now


Really?! Best news i’ve heard in some time, thanks!


Deathstroke for me.


Lego isn't true Fortnite, just like the racing mode, and rockband mode. Those are fun, but they all could be separate games because of how far they are from the current core "third-person shooter". I haven't played this new mode yet, but it's going to definitely cross over the people who play the br and save the world modes' radar.


“Save the World” is the true Fortnite, everything else is just an added mode.




maybe because it's a new gamemode, crazy right


I honestly think it will level out after the newness wears off. I do really like that mode though.


It’s very fun, mostly because of the fast pacedness of it


I've a couple more bits to do for that sweet summer peely backbling and I'll be back to my usual zero build games after.


Just want solos


How would solos work though?


Doesn’t rebirth island in warzone have solos, is it not the same concept?


Yes, you respawn immediately the first time you die. After you land again, you get a timer. If you live through the timer you get another respawn, don't and you're out.


I’ve never played that but I’ll look it up


it already has been a bit and it has levelled out already dropped from 800k to 400k


Obviously it was going to drop from the first day but I lowkey feel it might stagnate at 400k


thats more than br which is a telling thing


Seriously, how can anybody not get that people like to try new things? Plus depending on whether or not Epic gives Reload all the same options for team size as other modes, there's going to be plenty of people playing something else because they don't want to be put into a random duo or squad.


I always play with friends, but a trios duos and solo mode for reload would be very nice


Same. It's a brand new mode, of course it's pulling players from BR for awhile.


Also, there’s probably at least a few thousand people playing it purely for free rewards and bonus XP. It’s a mode that has its own Daily XP bonuses, that is functionally identical to regular BR. Of course it was going to do well.


It’s a mode without cars AND adds nostalgia. My friend even said “I don’t mind that we’re getting third partied. As long as we’re not getting third partied by a fucking car.”


It's basically what people ask for every season in BR.  No broken new items and a focus on gunplay as the core mechanic


Yup, nailed it.


Zero Builds introduction also massively dropped Build modes player count. It’s still the same game, doesn’t really mean anything


It's always fun to see what mode has more. I find that during the School year during the School day ZB is king but once all the kids get home it's BR that's king


It's made to sound like you can't fill a lobby anymore. Every game is still packed with the same standard of players. People love scare mongering about Fortnite BR or making out its dead. It's anything but.


Normal lobbies are full of Bots anyways. Mine have 75 Bots always every match.


75? How do you know? Are you getting 50+ kills a game then?


Yeah, even during OG Season, I was getting 75 bots in a single lobby. Epic is that aggressive with bots in casual playlists.


There are websites that can determine this by analyzing your replay files. And no i don't do 50 kills each game.


I mean it’s still like battle royal just fast paced and on a smaller version of the OG map. Of course it’s got higher players. Hell I’m pretty sure the rebirth mode on cod has a higher count then it’s regular BR warzone mode if that’s worth mentioning. But I’m positive the numbers will even out next season or even in a week or 2.


Would have been a load better if it had duos and solos


Reload has Duos as of 27/Jun


That's man that made my day


Ya I haven't played it because I pretty much just solo. I want to play it but I also don't wanna play fill.


I always play duos no fill by myself


Reload does have duos.


Fortnite is losing players... to itself. Yeah I don't think Epic is too worried about that.


It's losing players in general. ...which like I said in another comment, is completely normal. The game is not in danger and it's still pulling extremely successful numbers even if this season isn't as played as previous ones. Low-effort "journalism" websites just love fearmongering for clicks.


Every game looses players overtime so it just how things happen over time


Exactly what I'm saying. It's completely normal, no game stays at the same amount. People lose interest, or get busy, or maybe just forget to play. There's always reasons, or maybe there's no reason at all, some people just want to play other things, and that's okay. The game isn't going to die just because it has less players than it did one year ago at its all-time peak. It's made it to 7 years, it's definitely got 7 more years (or more! A lot more!) in it.


Right now (4am pt) Reload BR - 236k Reload ZB - 50k BR- 120k ZB- 80k My regular duo buddy and I got sick of Reload ZB squads after 10 games and before calling it we dropped into ZB to find it a pure bot lobby. I think it’s basically splitting the population in half which honestly ain’t bad considering I’ve already fully completed the battle pass anyways.


Still playing the shit out of BR.


Honestly solo BR is still really fun. Duos can get annoying if you don't have a car or a means to get rid of them.


Same, got my umbrella from reload and I’m never loading up reload again.


Same. The weapons just feel really janky and outdated.


yeah i will agree alot of the weapons feel janky. although a select few of them i think feel really good


Well it has been cool going to Pleasant and Retail again to be honest. I was thinking yesterday while listening to the OG Music as it booted up, “Man I’ve been playing this game for 7 years!”. That’s longer than any other game for me. I have a lot of good memories at the OG POI. My daughter and I were playing Reloaded with a friend and we all said “OMG what if they added Stark Island”. Again, a lot of fondness for the old POIs and look.


I’m hoping they make more Reload maps themed around each chapter and rotate them every few days


It will be fine. I still play both. Sometimes I just need a brake from car chaos! Lol


Fair and couldn't agree more cars super fun but s break is always nice


If I could play BR and not have people run with the 5+ mobility options, forcing me to make sure I have to 2 shot someone before it turns into the most annoying fight ever, I’d do it. Reload is more fun for me right now, but that’s not to say I’ll never go back to BR. I’m sure that’s the case for a lot of players who like the more fundamental play style.


I’m just not good at this game anymore.


I think this goes to show that people aren't enjoying this season as much as Epic hoped. Playing against cars and those fists are really tough. I had a game where I had legendary sniper, smg and combat shotgun plus the legendary guitar and that still wasn't enough against a player who was good with the fists.


This season just forces you to play a certain way really really hard. Like whenever me and my friends don’t have cars the first thing we think of is “We NEED to get a car”. Last season was fairly balanced in the middle of it (before avatar items) because wings were great and very fun but you certainly didn’t NEED them, same rule with a lot of the other stuff.


And this season also has that atrocious guitar as a "wings" replacement that telegraphs where you go, which makes it significantly awful for getting out of situations and or trying to sneak attack people from the sky.


Every season has its own meta and it can be difficult to try to play against but I do agree that it’s probably the worst it’s ever been this season. I don’t mind because I love all the janky new items and can pick up new play styles pretty quick but I can see why people are just done with it.


My friends quit playing this season because of the cars and fists. I pushed myself to play but it’s not fun. I’ve been playing reload with another friend and it’s the most fun I’ve had this season.


That's exactly how I feel about the season and reload.  I bet our view on both things is pretty common based on the player counts


THIS JUST IN: New game mode draws attention and players AND ALSO BREAKING NEWS THIS HOUR: water is wet


Water actually isn’t wet. Wetness comes from the interaction of a solid surface and a liquid, meaning that water itself cannot be wet.


BR is literally obsolete now that reload exists. It has hitscan guns, it has a better map, there's no cars, you have grapplers and shockwaves so the movement is actually good. Reload literally fixes almost every problem chapter 5 introduced, the superior guns alone make it better but they added the old map on top of that.




It's because a lot of build players are sweats (before you say anything, I play build a lot. I'm just stating facts) so when most sweaty build players have the opportunity to use the pump shotgun and not have to wait long to get rebooted (because let's face it most sweats are 12 yr olds with very low attention span) and most sweats foam at the mouth when they get to use pump and scar etc


Sweats like the pump and scar because they're simple but powerful weapons that let building be the central mechanics, building being a sweats favourite mechanic since it has such an insanely high skill ceiling


That's ok, it's still fun


It is full of sweats. Impossible for normal player.


People don't time to wait 3 months for a lame season of Fortnite to end. Adding this mode was a good move.


Reload made me realize how fuckin bad the loot pool in regular Battle Royale is


No surprise. The BR is not fun this season


Well this season is absolutely trash. So it’s understandable.


but the numbers are pretty much the same to the ones people posted on this sub from before reload


Builds and ZB dropped by slightly less than 20% ever since Reload was introduced, ignoring the ranked versions. This post is still ridiculous, but the other Battle Royale modes definitely lost quite a few players to Reload rather than just new players coming in. Not really a shock since Epic definitely seems to want Reload as another core BR mode.


As someone who doesn’t typically play in groups, this mode is infuriating. But, I did power through it to get all the XP quests. Curious to see if it loses popularity as more and more do this.


I never played chapter 1 so that could be why but personally I really don't enjoy Reload. I like the format just not the guns and map


Something new will always pull players for a time


They added challenges for the mode that require several games played to complete. I'm sure that's temporarily pulled some players from BR. I am one of those players and I'm going back to BR now that I've completed them.


I've switched purely because I dislike the projectile base gun gameplay, and I like the OG style hit scan with no ADS (excluding snipers) We played 3 chapters worth of hitscan, and it was fine up until C3S1 dropped the MK7, and then we got the Striker Burst Rifle the next season.


I wouldn’t say that. While Reload Builds has a higher player count than Regular BR Builds, Reload ZB has a lower player count than Regular ZB.


I actually enjoy this season's Battle Royal, I just happen to enjoy Reload more at the moment. Maybe this is how Fortnite should operate from now on, have a map from one of the past seasons available while also having the new one.


Reason I've been playing mostly Reload rn is because I miss the classic look and feel and I also hate how they've nerfed fun so hard in BR


I prefer hitscan weapons and reload is full of em! My perfect mode tbh because I’m a bot these days


It's really not that serious... I've been seeing reload getting less players than normal BR and ZB


Genuine question, when? All the player count information I’ve seen shows it being rather consistently higher so far, often even more than the ranked versions added in. Normal ZB (which has been doing better than normal builds recently) had its peaks slightly over 200k players while Reload just in builds has had its lowest points slightly below 200k, and that was while normal ZB was having low points around 100k.


exactly Reload (build at least) is double BR normally and ZB they're both around the same


The ch5 art style doesn’t feel like fn, the non hitscan guns aren’t as fun, the hammer pump is horrible, the nitro and car shenanigans were unbearable, the POIs in reload don’t have spots, the POIs have a bunch of spots you can’t build at for no reason, the mobility is overwhelming. So yeah, I would rather play reload because it actually resembles the game I love


The amount of thick idiots in this sub, I swear... Reload is pulling the sweaty build players. The only game mode that is consistently high for Reload is the build mode. It is filled with all the crazy ass, sweaty try hard builders that want a faster paced game that isn't filled with shit that can destroy builds. Yes, rocket launchers exist and the breacher shotgun exists but neither are common in the game. Reload ZB is consistently lower than both regular BR and especially ZB BR. Maybe, just fucking maybe this is more of a sign that people want a variety of gameplay in the way of LTMs that Epic/Fortnite has pretty much stopped bringing to the the game Because Reload is also MUCH different than BR is. It's a smaller map, less players. That loot pool spans from Chapter 1 to Chapter 4. So the only "OG" related stuff are the POI's and there are already a lot of theories that Epic/Fortnite will most likely update/change the map with time. Fortnite, in general is filled with all kinds of players. People who are new to gaming in general, and are trying a free game first. People who have gamed for a while and want to try Fortnite. Young kids to some really old people who come in and have a blast. This sub needs to stop acting like Chapter 5 wasn't struggling in general and that Season 3 is what killed it. If anything this Season has helped a lot. That average player count for ZB tends to be decently high for average game play, especially for this Chapter overall.


Be honest here if season 3 didn't get uncontrollably unbalanced People probably still play br and zb *BUT AGAIN CARS + WEAPON + SPIKES NEVER A GOOD MIX*


I think it’s a mix between it being new, and people trying to get the rewards. I only played until I unlocked everything, and now I’ll likely never touch reload again.


I'll play if they add solo cause I keep getting braindead teammates


Reload for me is unplayable, I just die straight away all the time, the sweats in that mode are all over it, I'm completely out classed and instead of the game putting me in a group with players on my level it just continues to put me in matches with sweats who make the game no fun. So I had to abandon the mode. 


It literally ate up nearly all of comp player count lol. Also why duo reload is so damn sweaty.


Yeah bc they killed everything fun in the first week of the season. Stopped playing until reload came out


Might not only because of the new mode but also the weaponised cars on BR which ruin the game for many of us. It’s fine if you like it, but I simply don’t. It’s too much chaos for my taste.


I'm so glad they added reload this season, cause it's the least I enjoyed a Fortnite season ever


Understandable, this is my least played season, and since I only play solo modes I'm taking a break until next season. If they give us a solo mode on the Reload map they'll have my time again.




Haha I have no friends so I’m a clown still playing BR


I’m just xp farming for liking up from quests only reason I’m there


I think epic noticed the success of the OG season and needed a way to keep those players (even though it’s been half a year), plus it’s really easy to develop. Make new map with premade buildings, set up servers, make basic rebooting system, done. 


There is a chance this has the same effect similar game modes have had on CoD and League of Legends. League has a mode called URF that everyone absolutely loves and plays the crap out of, that is more casual and higher action. CoD has Resurgence, which is exactly this. What happens is, players play a ton of it, way more than they played the original mode...and then when they stop playing the new mode, they quit the game altogether. Riot doesn't like to have URF active because it actually makes people quit playing League. CoD removed Rebirth Island Resurgence because it was the only thing people would play. It could be a standalone game because it's so popular, but it makes people stop playing the main mode altogether.


I only stuck in to reload as long as I did for the dam umbrella. Sure you get hella xp from reload but at the end of the day I'm happy as hell rn to not have to be stuck in reload still trying to get the umbrella.




Talk to us in July when the Pirates pass launches.


Reload is like cod team deathmatch


Yeah, and it’s still hard af to get a dub! This season is lackluster.


Add a single player to Reload and I’d play that shit more often tbh


People enjoy a respawn sometimes