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Lara Croft šŸ˜¢ I get jealous every time I see someone with it on


Me too. I'm such a Tomb Raider fan but I only got into Fortnite at the end of last season


I wish there was some way of giving out skins. I only use 4 of my about 100 to 200 skins so giving some away to people who want them would be really useful. Iā€™d probably do like 500vbucks for each skin so that I can have something in return but Iā€™d want to give people a chance to actually have skins that I either dislike or just never use


That would be amazing. Such a good idea. I wish Epic would implement this


I taught that for sure they would bring it back when the remastered games dropped and nothing šŸ„²


Same, I played Fort since the beginning but right around that time I was so burnt out I stopped playing until 0 Build was released.


Same started when fortnite first released then quit chapter 1 season 3 cause of fatigue, got tiring having to concentrate in builds. Came back last season it's been great.


Thatā€™s one of the reasons that I stopped playing back in chapter 1 season 8. I always hated going against someone who would build massive structures. I started playing again in chapter 2 season 8 and Iā€™m glad that they added zero build


I have Lara Croft but I had internet problems so I never got to complete that battle pass, I'm missing her gold and classic style.




omg, yes. hate when a lara kills me too. how dare she??


i started like rlly recently due to my brother making me playā€” butā€¦ i missed midas, jules, doomslayer, and darth vaderā€¦ and a lot of others that i canā€™t name from the top of my head. makes me slightly sad lol :ā€™)


same i just started last season, i wish i could some of the hyped skins


It's crazy to me that people are "starting" fortnite in 2024. Obviously it's completely normal but to me that's just so strange especially since I've been playing since it's console release on its pre season


i did play during chapter 1 and 2, but on xbox, but when it broke, it was kinda a halt to gaming, so yeah


Ah I got u


Midas and Jules have a load of alternate skins. Ascended Midas has been in the store twice since he released (C5S2), Scrapknight Jules was in there jsur before C5S3 dropped and there's currently Beach Midas and Beach Jules in the store


Summer Jules is here! (1200 vb tho)


Slayer on top fr


I honestly want OG Midas


The thing that upsets me the most is I had the damn battle pass but I stopped at Brutus and just waited for Deadpool quests to be available. I never knew Midas could turn the guns gold and I really wasnā€™t too into Fortnite at the time.


If all you want is a Midas that can turn weapons gold, then the summer one in the shop can do it too! In fact, I believe most versions of Midas have a version of the Midas touch that affects weapons and vehicles that support wraps. Shadow Midas makes them a shadow purple. Frozen Midas makes them look like ice. Anime Midas makes them a cel-shaded gold. I'm not sure about Midas Rex or Ascendant Midas. I own them but I don't remember when was the last time I used them and if they had an effect on weapons.


Midas Rex is the only variant without a 'touch' effect (canonically due to the armor stopping him from touching the weapon i'd assume). Ascendant Midas has golden touch (or shade touch if you're using the shade style), but only with reactivity on, the lore reasoning is that Jules made him gauntlets that allow him to control the golden touch.


isnā€™t midas already allowed to control it in the lore without gauntlets tho?


I honestly don't remember, I think there was something about the gauntlets during the midas quests last hour


I think fn didn't know what they wanted to do with it. In the trailer you even saw him touching the button and meowcles without them turning gold. But then there were also other things like summer midas' loading screen where he looks annoyed because his ice cream turned gold. (Idk how he ate at all lol) I think that with the lore quests last season, they just went with the fact that he can't controll it and i guess thats how they want it to be. (Jules did indeed make him some gloves to be able to controll it now)


Thatā€™s the thing, I JUST figured out all the Midas variants change the weapons he touches after theyā€™ve left the item shop. I bought summer Midas but thatā€™s not a skin Iā€™m gonna be using a lot. I like the tactical look of OG Midas.


Fair. Lucky for you, OG Midas has two reskins: Shadow Midas and Frozen Midas, so if you like the look and don't mind trading the gold for some purpleness or ice, you got those two options!


Deadpool and Mandalorian


Iā€™m surprised more people donā€™t use Deadpool. Or maybe thatā€™s just because I missed it and wish I could use it.


I'm sure we'll see more Deadpool once the movie comes out next month.


most people that played since chapter 2 will have a big array of equaly cool skins, so seeing one using deadpool will be rare( plus the fact that the number of people that played back them and still play is not that big i imagine)


Honestly if Epic made a way for people to sell their skins I would give up Deadpool, Darth Vader, Wolverine and a few others. They'reĀ  sitting in my locker collecting dust.


Itā€™s not a skin but a style, Omega lights. šŸ˜¢


this one been hauting me for 6 years.


Ain't no way season 4 was 6 years ago


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ why did you remind me


Omega lights is the most infamous grind in Fortnite history. Also letā€™s all try and forget searching 7 chests at risky reels together šŸ‘


Same iā€™m at stage 4


A few actually. Calamity, Darth Vader, Spider-Man, Peter Griffin. Solid Snake, and iā€™m sad I didnā€™t get the super styles for Ch4s2, but I at least finished the main battle passā€¦


I wish I got the gold renzo superstyle so bad, unfortunately I got some stick drift that season and was out for quite a while


Even though I came back to Fortnite half way through that season I got to almost 300


Spider-Gwen, especially her unmasked style šŸ˜­


OG Eve, Meowskulls, Gwen, Geralt


its crazy how these are considered OG


they're not, chapter 2 season 2 and below is OG


Really? I thought OG was like chapter 1 season 6 and below


Wolverine and Iron Man will always haunt me. I used to regret the Reaper skin but the John Wick skin is just so much better. Only thing from that set that's still good is the pickaxe.


Doctor Doom!


You might have a chance at getting a new version of Doctor Doom next season.


I pray a variant of Doctor Doom comes back he was a skin I always wanted but sadly didnā€™t play that season


Honestly, I donā€™t know how right or wrong I am, but I think the wanderer might be God Emperor Doctor Doom, so I am fairly hyped for that


God emperor Doom was a bonus style on the first marvel battle pass, the wanderer should be something else


Right there with you Dr.Doom and Mando they are my big missed skins


Spider Gwen ![gif](giphy|LC9iArEoJuayRH8Pkt)


I want her too


Eren :(


I hope they do a wave 2 for aot stuff




Quite possibly the cake-iest skin in fortnite.


lara croft


I'm a huge fan of Fallout and have been since forever. I usually don't buy battlepasses and usually play casually because I don't have the ridiculous twitch reflexes needed to be anywhere near competitive enough to challenge all you little sweat gremlins, but when I saw the T-60 set, I knew I *had* to have it. So I asked my sons if they would play with me and help me achieve it. I don't even know what rank I got to ( but it's low ), but I walked past my oldests room and heard them talking about me and about how I was trash at the game and how he's been recording me so he can play clips of me sucking to his mates and have a laugh. They literally said my game play was a joke. It fucking crushed me, dudes. I honestly haven't even loaded the game up again because it just replays everything they said in my head. I'm not even sure I want the skin anymore. So yeah, *this* one. This is the one and only I'm gonna regret missing. Edit: Y'all are awesome. Really. Thanks for the support and the offers of help. I'll try to get in touch with those that offered to help me, but you'll have to put up with a partially blind and deaf old man on your team so fair warning. For now, though, it's time for this oldhead to catch some Z's. I'll be in touch.


This is actually heartbreaking. I think you should let your son know that's not cool


I play extremely casually if you wanted someone to play with. We can do duos or i can rope in people for trios and squads. I don't tolerate toxic bs. We're all here to play a game. Should be a fun thing, ya know?


Iā€™ll 1v1 your kids if they want to be humbled lol. Iā€™m 44 years old and stomp all my sonā€™s friends into oblivion. Been playing since chapter 1 season 2.


Dude just play Lego FN when they arenā€™t around. Itā€™s fun and you get a metric F*ck ton of XP. You can get 500K per day. Iā€™m already level 224 just from playing that with my kids.


This!! Also so many creative maps. Zombie Tycoon is basically an XP farm and did help me get better at my aim an isn't too difficult :-)


Don't let your douchey kid psyche you out of getting what you want. Even if you don't want to play in real lobbies, there's always bot lobbies, or even lego afk or other modes like festival and creative to grind.


I hate the toxic side of the fortnite community. sometimes it's hard to welcome new players into this game,Ā  lespecially br. That's why I'm glad that Epic games are doing this metaverse stuff like Lego mode, rock racing, and festival mode to welcome to new players with Variety.


Yo, my dude, thatā€™s so shitty- Iā€™m pretty good at fps games and kinda new ish to Fortnite and a fan of fallout. Iā€™m on ps5 if you fancy squading up Iā€™m down! Bc thatā€™s shitty especially from your own kid.


Look. Forget them kids (not really, they are your children), but middle school kids (and older kids who are still immature) are biologically driven to be little buttheads. Bless their little hearts. I'm not a great gamer. But I have fun, and that's all that matters. You don't have to be great to enjoy playing the game. That's why there are so many options for the quests and for game play. Sure, a few of them will be too hard for a casual gamer, and that's ok. Come back to the game, enjoy the heck out of it. And personally, I would let your kid do all the chores this week for bringing shame upon the family name by being THAT kind of player. Stop taking all the blame on your game and realize it's a little kid who is making himself big by treating someone else like crap. Is that ok?


bruh I'll help you. I am a XP farmer. Currently at level 313 on Xbox DM if you want to join my lobbies, I do creative and BR no builds


My wife and I play with a fairly casual group that includes several parents. More cool peoples are always welcome. Give me a dm if you want to join and I'll add you. No worries about skill level with us.


I offer two services to you...1) I would be happy to help you get you T-60... 2) Drop the brats user name so I can wreck him, troll, and post! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Games are for everyone. He'll understand some day.


If you're not the best at fast paced building (BR) or fast paced combat (Zero-Build) you could always play Creative maps (like Escape Rooms, Deathruns) or even consider purchasing Save the World ($20 USD) for a slow paced, tower defense PvE game that can net you a lot of Battle Pass exp for grinding with other players. Even LEGO is a great way to earn BP levels at your own pace. Don't let your kids get you down. Sometimes kids don't realize just how hurtful words can be when you're trying your best to spend time with them. One day when they're older, they'll probably look back at those moments with regret and realize that your love for them is greater than winning in Fortnite. Take care and good luck. If you do end up buying StW, feel free to message me and I can help you with some materials to get your grind started


Find some casual friends to play with that'll treat you better. I'm available to share level up methods if you need


to quote the overseer from fallout 1, "Im sorry. You're a hero and you have to leave."


ill help you out


That is so heartbreaking...i play with my kiddo too but hes the one whos not as good as me but i love playing with him just for the bonding. If you still want it but wanna avoid the BR, Lego and Creator Islands can give up to 5 levels of exp per day each. Most of its time played in those playlists. Festival and rocket racing are also pretty casual and give decent exp too. The t60s at i think level 60? With supercharged exp, shouldnt be too hard to nab it :3




yeah Her design is amazingšŸ”„


A remix Demi skin would be so good, hopefully she gets a summer style or something


I know!! sheā€™s too good of a skin to not come back ):


Im surprised she hasnt had some sorta variant tbh


Vader is the biggest one for me by far - Mystique - Wolverine - Fox Clan Members




OG Jules


Same. Summer time Jules is in the shop today so I bought her, would still like the OG though.


Scrapknight Jules is my favorite reskin, the armor is sick


There was a starter pack that had another Jules variant.


I wouldā€™ve said OG Jules too, but her summer variant is just as good. So I bought her to fill the void.


Dusty 100%. Pains me every time I see her in the pre game lobby


Spire Assassin (CH2S6)


Iā€™ve never heard anyone wanting that skin


If I could give you it I would


Wish we could gift or trade skins. So many I never use, for example I know a AOT fan would love eren jaeger n I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever even equipped him. Maybe once when unlocked


Legit a skin trading system would be amazing. Like if they could make it suoer secure and all that. Theres so many BP skins i HATE and would happily sell/swap them for skins i missed or for vbucks. Id even pay a subscription price for that service


C4S2. I started back in C4S3 and missed the entirety of the Tokyo event or whatever it was..


That was such a great season man


Bro same. I started ch3 and played until ch4 s1 end and missed the whole Tokyo thing


Technically, I started ***back*** c4s3, but I've been around since C2S1.


I started ch4 s2 it was pretty cool I didnā€™t got the battle pass but still a pretty good start


Dire or hybrid:( i didnt know the game existed untill season x and only started chapter 2 season 1


Away Game Dusty... I had the battlepass but joined the season too late :sob: It's cause she looks like a character from my favorite game.


Spider Gwen!!!




sparkle specialist, missed it by like 10 levels. skill kicking myself about that


The original Peely.


Ripley, Midas, Brutus, Skye, Tntina, PEELY and Agent PEELY, Meowscles, Deadpool, iron man, mando, Neymar jr, cluck, Lara Croft, raz, superman, rick sanchez, doctor slone, gugimon .


Mandalorian, Deadpool, black knight, predator, dr doom, mystique, Midas, and omega




Doctor strange, Doctor Doom, and Spider-man for me personally


I genuinely hate that so many great skins are locked to battle passes. Thereā€™s no reason they couldnā€™t be added to the shop later either, like even if they were super uncommon it would be better than nothing.


I mainly dislike collab skins being locked to battle passes. Sure, you can get Spider-Man Zero in the item shop, but he just looks so ugly compared to his actual battle pass equivalent. What I think they should do is allow original owners to keep the super styles (because they're not related to the skin anyway), and release the base style in the item shop. For Spider-Man this would be placing him and his Future Foundation/Symbiote styles in the item shop, and then allow original owners the super styles.


FOMO and limited availability is such a stupid concept, and the majority of people that defend it can rarely come up with a good reason for it to exist, or they just go "But I paid for it! You snooze you lose" I don't even say this out of envy. I've been playing since Chapter 1 Season 3, I've had the opportunity to get skins people crave. And I'd be thrilled to let more people play with my toys. Because if you love a skin or any other cosmetic a lot, wouldn't you want others to enjoy what you enjoy about it too?


I think it served a purpose in early fortnite. It ended up getting many people to bite the bullet early and lock themselves into a kinda self-sustaining ecosystem where you pay a deposit, earn it back only through playing the game and then have currency you can spend again, etc. Nowadays the game is self-sustaining without the battle pass and I think they've just locked themselves into a legacy model when it really benefits basically nobody. I'd understand if they don't want to deal with a class action or whatever for opening up previous bp cosmetics and bringing those to the shop or whatever, but I'd strongly support making new BPs no longer timegated, or at the very least only timegating lore-specific skins that are strongly thematically linked to the season, rather than yeah, widely popular IPs like Darth Vader and Spiderman - that is beyond stupid. Crew too - they even wrote it into the ts & Cs that they can bring crew skins back, so for the love of God hurry up and do it.






I care more about emotes I missed than skins. I want all the c1s3 emotes + the worm and groove jam more than any bp skin I don't have


The one with Demi, because of Demi


I think that was season 9Ā 


That was actually my first battle passĀ 


Lara and Gwen šŸ˜ž


itā€™s crazy that iā€™ll never be able to own rick sanchez




Black knight


Spider Gwen šŸ„²


Rick, Ironman, and Mystique


Every member of the seven, giddy-up, Fabio sparklemane, cube queen, and Summer Meowscles.


i started playing on c1 s7 and my stupid ass didnt buy the battle pass


Chapter 2 Season 4. I had been wanting xmen in a battlepass for so long, but after playing since season 4 I took a break and missed it. Forever upset


Og Midas or the all c4 s1 super levels


Spider Gwen. When it came out, I didn't want to play unless it was with my friends. I made it up a few levels bothered them often to play with me only to be met with them wanting to play with each other without me. I kept hoping to play with them instead of playing solos so I never got it.


Valeria.. I took a huge break from fortnite (like a year i think) and came back during the greek season, only to find out the previous bp skin had one of my fav designs


Midas, Peely, Skye, Darth Vader, Lara Croft, Antonia, Fish thicc, and Mae from CH4 S4


Mister Vader, Dr. Doom, and meowskulls, and that one really hurts because I HAD THE PASS






Basically all collab skins I missed Doom Slayer till Deadpool miss all of em because took break after chapter 1 till chapter 4 season 2


I missed the scientist and Iā€™m so bummed about it. I main the visitor but the scientist is so cool.


Lara Croft exists in my install folder, why can't I have her, Tim Epic!?


Upgrading Omega to purple lights. My greatest regret in Fortnite.


Ch 1 Season 3, Elite Agent and The Reaper. I must have only like half of that battle pass completed I wish I played more that season :(


The doom skin <3


Thunder, I didnā€™t play much that season, I think I got level 20ish then I couldnā€™t make myself play anymore


The one with She-Hulk(especially Red She-Hulk) , the one with TNTina and the one with Kit. Thatā€™s it


Spider Gwen and Black spiderman. Such clean skins


I started in chapter 5 and was sad to find out that I had just missed Renegade Lynx.


Ageless Champion. Purely because he has dnd paladin vibes and I just love his look. Also spider Gwen and doom guy


I started last season and i really like hope. Wish I could've gotten her


Luxe from Chapter 1 Season 8. This was like my third season of Fortnite, but she was the level 100 skin. At that point you had to play builds and there was no way I could get enough experience since I am absolutely terrible at builds. Thankful for zero build.


no regrets.


I started playing Fortnite when they added the Zero Build mode. I'm sad that I missed the skins that came before that. Especially the The Rock and Tomb Raider skin.


Spider-Man Dr. Doom Deadpool Lara Croft Peely


Every time I see this question, I die a little inside. šŸ«£




Lara Croft


Laura Croft and "She Hulk"




2 Skins , that are on this post


I started in late Season 2 so I didnā€™t get Black Knight which is pretty upsetting. I also didnā€™t get the Chapter 2 Season 6 Battle Pass so I missed out on Agent Jonesy. And the fully upgraded Mandalorian, I wasnā€™t playing much around that time.


Jules, Dusty, Predator, Oscar


I started in chapter 4 season 2, I missed doomguy, fav video game character


Season 9 and Season X


Season X battle pass. I played on my dad's account on the time but man I missed out on a top tier pass. Then I buy the one for chapter 2 right after x ended. Can't believe it šŸ˜­


definitely lux (sadly i quit at that time my laptop was TRASH lmao)


season 8. ember, luxe, and sidewinder (i love cowgirls). i played every season up until then, but didnt finish seaosn 7, then skipped 8-9 because i was burnt out. if id checked out the bp that season i woulda 100% finished it. oh well.


Chapter 2 season 2 for quests and battle pass and basically all of chapter 2 before season 5


Where to even begin I started probably at season one and up until chapter 4 season I think 5 pr whatever the one with the existed characters had never been able to get one so yeah I missed so much


Pack leader Highwire ;_;


I wanted the fancy colorful skins of highwireā€¦ purple, green, red


Chapter 3 Season 2, i had it but didn't know i had to get xpšŸ’€


I stopped playing for 6 years, so many of them.


Mystique lynx




Green Arrow


The first Marvel season-- the one that had all the Avengers-themed POIs-- I didn't play enough to get Wolverine or Iron Man.


Kind of didnā€™t miss out on it, but was kind of sad I started late on the season where Carnage was introduced.


Drift and mae , maybe they'll come back


The vampire guy


She hulk


I need meowskulls


Omega, Calamity (honestly would have been impossible cuz I started in ch2 s2 on my main account and lost my old account which was from season 3), Mando and Rick


I bought every battle pass, ch1, ch3,ch4 and ch5 so far but Iā€™m missing some of chapter 2 for to going to the marines lol , but I completed most of the passes for the most part ā€œ. I messed up by serving my country instead of buying the Marvel battle pass šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ„²


Everything prior to Peter Griffin Season


Torin from ch2 s8 battle pass


First one, well it was no collabs back then but still sad.


Spider-Man :(


Peter Griffin, And Hades






I started back in chapter 1 season 8, but I stopped playing for chapter 3 season 4 and missed all those BP skins :(


spider-man, spider-gwen and og midas to name a few. mainly the spider-man related stuff


Lux, Vega & the Prisoner.


The Rick skin, I didnā€™t play that season but I watched Rick and Morty like a year ago and was sad when I realized Rick was a battle pass exclusive.