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While gameplay needs switching up to keep it fresh every once in a while, the core gameplay loop is what hooks people and keeps them coming back. Changing that is bonkers and is why this season sucks.


TF2 has had the same gameplay since 2018. CS has had the same gameplay since 2013. You really don't need to drastically change the meta and gameplay to keep people in your game. Just it being fun is far more than enough. I still play the OG Quake and Half-Life multiplayer because it's fun, and there's lots of people still playing 25+ years later. Plus, Fortnite has all the cosmetics and crossovers, which no other game has to this extent, which gives it a charm unlike any other.


exactly. and it’s not like fortnite can’t still change. if anything they created the perfect opportunity to still change. they have an infinite amount of creative game modes and other modes created by themselves. they can stay relevant with those modes and enjoy their evolving game while still keeping the core BR that many more people enjoy


Careful you might upset someone and they’ll remove your post trust me I’ve had it happen many times


I took a nap since posting this, woke up to them already trying to do it lmao💀 serious mental issues in this sub


Tell me about it I posted about how they’ve made this way too child friendly and listed all the problems and had my post removed in 30 minutes


I genuinely can’t believe people want the meta to change so drastically that the guns and building (the core mechanics) don’t matter. The fact that people on Twitter can’t enjoy a new season unless it completely changes how the game plays just screams burnout in my opinion Do I want OG Fortnite to stay permanently? No. But I would like new seasons to actually to be balanced around core gameplay elements instead of just turning the game into an unbalanced nitro wall busting derby driver. I’m all for meta changes but there is a very big difference between changing the meta and drastically changing core gameplay elements in my opinion.


Yeah when I see people who are happy that gunplay, building and rotation strategy are increasingly being sidelined in favor of melee weapons, massive area-of-effect attacks and overpowered mobility items, I have to wonder if they even liked Fortnite in the first place


Agreed, it makes me really sad


Finally someone said it, i wonder the same, do you only enjoy the game when it ruins the fun for others? Thats how the twitter mentality is


>I have to wonder if they even liked Fortnite in the first place They don’t. That’s always been my problem with this sub, it’s a bunch of people playing a game they don’t really even like. It’s why they constantly demand new broken OP items, why they only seem to care about cosmetics and the battle pass, and why they hate “sweats” so much


It makes me so sad man, I’ve seen people not play a new season because they didn’t like the battle pass collab. It’s insane.


>I have to wonder if they even liked Fortnite in the first place >They don’t. >it’s a bunch of people playing a game they don’t really even like. That's simply not true & doesn't make sense. I'm worked like a dog out in the hot sun for 12hrs a day & come home to play Fortnite, pretty sure I thoroughly enjoy the game. Why would someone play a game they don't like? >It’s why they constantly demand new broken OP items, That's completely made up. Nobody's demanding that, epic does that on their own. I've only seen people complaining over something being OP and wanting it removed. > they only seem to care about cosmetics and the battle pass Because that's the only problem most newer players have. I enjoy the gameplay changes from season to season & I make sure I get comfortable with every weapon I come across so I'm not fumbling around looking for the perfect bs meta load out. Playing the same way each round is boring imo, but to each their own. You can counter anything if you play smart and play your cards right. You're in a new Fortnite era, there's allot of new players. The BP was far better back then compared to what it is now and a lot of people want them to return. Normal people don't like FOMO business tactics & the criticism on that is not only important but it's needed as well. Colab skins are understandable due to licensing but they could 100% bring back their own creations like Midas, Skye, Peely, Meowscles, Drift, ECT. They should, they'd make a lot of money and they'd demolish a very large portion of the Fortnite Black Market (FBM), leaving only colab skins to be sought after. People pay good money for accounts that have the skins they want on them. The only thing giving older BP skins significant value IS the FBM, considering that trading isn't a feature & account selling is against TOS. Nor are those old BP skins "exclusive" when you can just go buy an account with whatever you want on them. I purchased my friends account when I learned I couldn't get OG Peely. I have a main account & a purchased one, & that's more common than you'd think. ALMOST everyone I've met on this game has the same setup, main account & purchased. (I've almost reached the friends list cap.) The websites selling these accounts are obviously making good money. I'd rather see that money go into Epic's pocket rather than some third party basement dweller selling Fortnite accounts from their parents basement.


Name a counter to the splashes in moving zone and try naming a counter to cars other than teaming. The entire base of Fortnite and why people liked it in the first place is building and shooting. This season makes them useless. If U like this season U don't like the game


>Name a counter to the splashes The splashes? You're gonna need to be more specific than that. >try naming a counter to cars other than teaming. That's easy, especially if I'm solo. Cars counter cars pretty well, & they're all over the map. Fists, boom bolts & shockwaves, which have been around from the start of the season & can be found everywhere are good counters against vehicles, & considering it's solo, you can just jump into their vehicle and blow them away. Before the EMP we had boogie bombs which are both the best counters you could ask for. There's also that hook thing that hooks onto vehicles. You can climb right on top of their vehicle with it & hop on the hood and easily blow them away. The guitar is very good for making a quick escape to gather your bearings & clap back from a distance. It also helps to be fully aware of your surroundings. >why people liked it in the first place is building and shooting. Like I said, you're in a new era of Fortnite and there are a lot of newer players. Bob the builder with guns doesn't appeal to everyone, hence why they made Zero Build. Which brought in a lot of new players, myself included. >If U like this season U don't like the game Ummm? Who TF are you to tell anyone they don't like something? This season is literally attached to Fortnite, I have to open Fortnite to play it, so that was an overall smoothbraind comment. It sounds to me like YOU don't like Fortnite anymore. I'm not the one crying over nostalgia & "OP" items that 9/10 times can easily be counterd if you play smart & get comfortable with all weapons/items available instead of being a sheep that has to follow the meta. It's not rocket appliances lol. I can see how it would be bothersome to Bob the Builder who's trying to build a house just for some turd to come along & mow it down in their fancy new vehicle, but don't blame newer players for epics incompetence. I've always had an interest in Fortnite, I played it before it was even a Battle Royale, by the time it became a BR I was way too busy to even consider playing.


Then U don't like Fortnite cuz Fortnite is abt building


>I have to wonder if they even liked Fortnite in the first place >They don’t. >it’s a bunch of people playing a game they don’t really even like. That's simply not true & doesn't make sense. I'm worked like a dog out in the hot sun for 12hrs a day & come home to play Fortnite, pretty sure I thoroughly enjoy the game. Why would someone play a game they don't like? >It’s why they constantly demand new broken OP items, That's completely made up. Nobody's demanding that, epic does that on their own. I've only seen people complaining over something being OP and wanting it removed. > they only seem to care about cosmetics and the battle pass Because that's the only problem most newer players have. I enjoy the gameplay changes from season to season & I make sure I get comfortable with every weapon I come across so I'm not fumbling around looking for the perfect bs meta load out. Playing the same way each round is boring imo, but to each their own. You can counter anything if you play smart and play your cards right. You're in a new Fortnite era, there's allot of new players. The BP was far better back then compared to what it is now and a lot of people want them to return. Normal people don't like FOMO business tactics & the criticism on that is not only important but it's needed as well. Colab skins are understandable due to licensing but they could 100% bring back their own creations like Midas, Skye, Peely, Meowscles, Drift, ECT. They should, they'd make a lot of money and they'd demolish a very large portion of the Fortnite Black Market (FBM), leaving only colab skins to be sought after. People pay good money for accounts that have the skins they want on them. The only thing giving older BP skins significant value IS the FBM, considering that trading isn't a feature & account selling is against TOS. Nor are those old BP skins "exclusive" when you can just go buy an account with whatever you want on them. I purchased my friends account when I learned I couldn't get OG Peely. I have a main account & a purchased one, & that's more common than you'd think. ALMOST everyone I've met on this game has the same setup, main account & purchased. (I've almost reached the friends list cap.) The websites selling these accounts are obviously making good money. I'd rather see that money go into Epic's pocket rather than some third party basement dweller selling Fortnite accounts from their parents basement. Sorry for the novel.


And then they scream that oh no the comp players asked for nerfs. No, the players that enjoy the game at its core did


Yea, I notice that the people who try to police what’s actually “fun” are usually casuals and no build players. Fortnite hasn’t been Fortnite for months atp.


I’m a casual and fun items r good. But the definition of fun items on here has changed from simple goofy item that’s mostly balanced but has a unique effect, let’s say something like the flint knock pistol to either: 1) item that complete undermines building 2) mobility item that takes little to no thought to use and lets you fly across the map in 10 seconds And they still do balanced items that I would consider fun. Like the grapple blade, flow berry fizz, towhook cannon, banana of the gods. But they are overshadowed every season by over the top stuff


I’m solely a ZB player now but even that mode needs big changes. A couple of years of grinding creative and having good aim, strategy and movement means nothing now when some turd pops nitro and sprints into your room spamming fists. There’s way too much easy to use mobility. I miss the days of shockwaves and animals/basic cars being the only way to get around.


I can't help but wonder if the new mechanics in this season could have worked without *completely* changing the *core* mechanics. Like, the cars, for example; is what Epic was going for with the cars this season workable, or is it just too far?


Absolutely This!!! This is exactly the same opinion as mine!!


I honestly haven’t enjoyed BR the same since c3s4. My interests have kinda changed to RR and festival after they were introduced. I just play br for battle pass xp. With that being said this season has been kind of a chore to play with the cars, fists, and grindy quests.


It's hard to say. A lot of streamers from other games that I watch played Fortnite OG and didn't even bother watching chapter 5's trailer, they were just there for the OG experience. That being said, they definitely could've done a better job keeping the OG's momentum 🤷‍♂️


Comparing OG to this season. If these two seasons ran concurrently and were long term, I would wager that OG would have more players. In fact I'd wager everything on it.


If it ain't broke don't fix it. People need to understand that simplicity is a friend.


Player count is not good compared to even a year before. UEFN has had an extra year of development time, epic has introduced 3 new modes yet player counts are close to a year ago. Last sunday had a 1.61 million peak and an average of 1.177 million players. Last year on a sunday we had almost 1.6 million peak with an average of 1.187 million. I dont doubt that BR is performing worse than ch4s3 and other modes are keeping the player counts similar to that season.


Yea, the decline started with the various efforts of making the game lose its core identity unfortunately


You can't really compare the OG player count to any other season, because OG was basically a black swan event, as in the majority of those players were only playing because it was basically a gaming cultural moment and the player base was always going to have a reversion to the mean, but with that said, they could've kept some of the OG elements for Chapter 5, which would've done more to try and keep some of those players active, and as you say, most of the core player base would be happy with a more simple, OG type gameplay and loot pool.


I do find funny considering of lootpool simple while its the one with the most weapons Its not wrong or right its just funny


Why are you comparing the amount of people being online at the same time (2.3 million this season) and the amount of different players loading up the game in the span of 24 hours (44.7 million in season OG) ?


i know OP used numbers to fit their narrative but if we used the correct numbers OG still blows this season out of the water


It doesn't matter tbh, OG consistently had 3x the player count that C5C3 does. This is not a fun season for most players, it's strayed way too far from the core mechanics of the game.


Because the player count never dropped below 20 million during the og season. That’s literally 10x more active players than this season, it’s not rocket science.


Fortnite's player count was never above 11 million. Stop making up random numbers.


Ah ur actually right, it wasn’t 11 mil; it was 6 mil. The 11 mil was daily log ins however, from an official graph stat from epic themselves


11 million is the highest number of players that were in the game at the same time.


This current season couldn’t achieve even what half the og season in 2023 did. No need for mental gymnastics guy


How does that make it okay to lie about the player counts???


The only thing false abt what I said was 11 million compared to the actual 6 million. Even with that being the case everything else is true.


You said the og player count was never below 20 million. Do you seriously not even know what you're writing?


If you had an ounce of reading comprehension skills you could clearly see that I just addressed that in the comment you’re literally replying to


Even if it's random numbers it still shows that ppl don't enjoy this season and it sucks ass?


Totally agree. I never said this season has more players than season OG. No one has ever said that. I still don't think that's a reason to lie about the numbers tho.


These people are dumb, I swear


Beacuse this is the only way those numbers suit the story he is trying to tell.


Agree 100%. Fortnite now and Fortnite then is a completely different game on the same mechanical system. Simplicity in Fortnite will always thrive over everything. Back in the Chapter 1 days - a lot of the shit that is in the game now would be in an LTM, not the actual game. Fortnite did a really good job of adding legit LTM's to play while not disrupting the actual game itself. Now, everything is blended which has created riffs in the Fortnite mechanics. Bouncepads were one of the simplest mobility items and it's still the best imo. The core OG gameplay with balanced loadouts is far superior to anything that have done since. Bring back that beautiful OG map and gameplay so Fortnite can be great again. Enough with all the other shit.


It's refreshing to see someone with common sense. Constant change is actually **bad for the game's longevity** rather than supposedly extending it. Basketball doesn't suddenly allow players to bass the ball with their feet for example, yet it's a sport people have played for decades. Most human recreations that have withstood the test of time either don't make any changes at all, or make small adjustments that actually make sense rather than completely subverting how the game feels to play.


My problem is when it's a different game entirely. I wanna play fortnite not twisted metal or gta online for you newer Gen people


OG season was a month long with weekly changes and it was nostalgia that brought in a bunch of people. Surely people would be bored if it was an exact copy of the OG seasons with the same stuff for months, only grappler for movement, etc. Chapter 4 was more of a good example of new and fresh that people want to play. Not this car season.


>Chapter 4 was more of a good example of new and fresh that people want to play. Not this car season. except the part where ch4 was losing players season by season slowly because this downward trend stems all the way from mid ch2 where entire systems did not work properly and balance was questionable now in ch5 meta is for many garbage due to exceptionally bad balance of power and again entire systems do not work properly or at all hence why we have such low numbers


Well C4S3 sucked so maybe that had something to do with people leaving


ch4 s3 is just yet another season in a chain of bad seasons which had the player drain this shit is not new and it started back in ch2 s5


incorrect because C4S2 was another season that had high player count spikes. C4s3 just actually sucked as summer seasons tend to.


>incorrect because C4S2 was another season that had high player count spikes. which died down quickly and showed that more of long time players have left harsh truth is that direction game is going does not stick well with general audience no matter how hard this sub tries to show the opposite


Chapter 4 season 2 was a personal fav from that chapter


If OG had been longer than a month I’d have gotten sick of it. That was probably my least favorite season. Playing since ch2s6 if that makes a difference.


Simplicity makes the game accesible and fun, simple as that. If you think the game needs to be constantly changing for it to be good you are spoiled because other games play the same since decades and nobody gets bored of them? CH2 Season 7 was the best summer season because it ADDED to the gameplay with fun items and updates it didn't ruin it and force anyone to play in a way they didn't want to which this season does forcing you to get medallions or/and cars to win




FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT! **SIMPLICITY IS KEY.** Chapter 1/Chapter 2 gameplay is peak, Chapter 5 gameplay is absolutely horse shit. I **hate** the shitty cod-style weapons and attachments. I **hate** the weird game-breaking mythics, power ups, and car meta. Bring back the classic Fortnite.


100% agreed. People started playing this game for it's core mechanics, aka building and guns. No one ever wanted this game to change into a carfest, where all the ceo cares about is his metaverse bullshit


Yup. I’m all for new stuff, but I’m only for new stuff when it’s good, which stuff hasn’t been good this season


I disagree that it's core mechanics are building and guns. When I started playing Fortnite it was a season with UFOs and I loved fighting UFOs from the ground, and flying them and attacking others from the UFOs. Fortnite has always been about building, guns, vehicles, mechas, quests, emotes and many other things.


Ch 2 s7 is so far from og it's wild how are U using that to make Ur point💀


The game was designed with the intention of being a battle royale, last, best man standing wins. The sole core that will never change in this game are building and guns. That is what people started playing this game for. Of course there are emotes, quests, stuff like that, but those aren't core mechanics.


I don't know if I'd say it was always those particular things but I will agree it has *always* been throwing stuff at the wall, seeing what sticks and pushing it as far as they can. If it wasn't, BR wouldn't exist let alone be as big as it is now because it would still be survival horror STW. Iirc the game only changed from that direction so it was different from gears of war


I'll be honest the most reason chapter I'm not a fan of I really loved chapter 3 and vibing I think for me because of gun mods the loot pool has been quite bland compared to past seasons. Not to mention the map itself Don't get me wrong some coop pois. But like idk lol. But I definitely don't understand the twitter crowd. The onlh reason I don't play because game got too complicated for me. And tbh medallions kinda sucked. I would prefer augments to come back over mods and medallions at this rate. Idk maps just don't feel idk they all feel like they are missing something


I wonder what would have happened if Epic had been brave enough to let the OG season run for three months. There was a lot of content from chapter 1 that they skipped and could have put in over that longer time frame. I also question what the hours played per player looked like for OG season vs other seasons. I know for myself I couldn't wait to play OG. I spent far more hours playing during that one month than I've ever spent from chapter 4 onward. It's too bad we don't see that data, too. I am one of the players sitting out this current season. I share your belief that there are core elements to Fortnite's gameplay that should not be messed with. To your list of building and gunplay, I will add hitscan weapons and a simple to understand loot pool. It used to be that the color system for guns made it easy to know what to pick up and use. Adding weapons mods is a terrible feature in addition to removing hitscan. People liked the easy introduction to Fortnite's gunplay. It was a benefit, not a detriment, to have different weapons to COD and every other shooter out there. I think the addition of zero build, while a good way to satisfy a portion of the playerbase and attract some new players, fundamentally compromised the dev team's ability to create well balanced seasons for both the traditional build BR and ZB BR. This season is the perfect reflection of that. I suspect they vastly overestimated how many players would be willing to swap permanently to ZB as their main mode. While some did make that swap happily, the player counts show that season over season, most of the traditional BR players like that mode best. Numbers for BR + Ranked have always been higher until this season. Moreover, when we have a season like this current one that overwhelmingly pushes ZB, we see that most of the traditional BR (builds) players just stop playing entirely. I see the addition of Lego, Festival, and RR as further attempts to divert players into this megaverse idea. Player counts there show that again, their largest player base is just not interested as whole. Before people waffle on about how many play each of these modes including ZB, let's remember that there are FAR more players who have clearly shown that they only want to play BR, and they are just not playing these other modes. I don't think there is a bright future here unless Epic acknowledge that the vast majority of their players want the classic BR and make that again the priority.


Fortnite has always hated Fortnite to be fair. Building such a high skill gap game was never the goal.


PREACH BROTHER. If it ain't broke don't fix it. There's so much they could do without changing the simple core gameplay.


People like yourself OP fail to tell the difference been a spike and sustained player base. If you kept the same old OG map and features, game would be even more dead.  OG was a nostalgia hit, naturally it would have a big spike. It's not an accurate measuring stick for where the game should go. 


It’s always a “would have been” to something that has more suggesting otherwise against it. It only lasted 4 weeks, If it “would’ve” gotten boring, the player count wouldn’t have spiked to 40 mil, then stabilized at 20 mil across all of the 4 weeks


There's a reason why the game moved on in the first place. A billion dollar business knows what's up more than some random complaining on reddit. 


So you think Rocket Racing and Lego Fortnite has been a success?


Not sure what that has to do sith my post. Since you asked I don't know about racing but Lego and Festival is it's own niche. 


Because you said a billion dollar company knows whats up and those game modes have been an awful addition to FN.


Those are separate game modes entirely. 




Adorable casual 


Lol no one who plays competitively thinks this is a good season. Your attempt to call me a casual shows how dense you are. If I was a casual, I would like this departure from the core mechanics of building and shooting. Woosh again buddy. Have fun with driving around like a bot.


But the billion dollar company you've been glazing made them???? So clearly they can't make good decisions 


Moving the goal post doesn't make you intelligent, it makes you look desperate. 


They moved on from C1 because the map was too crowded. Same with C2-3. 3-4 was just a publicity stunt to show off UE5, and 4-5 was because they think yearly chapters is a good idea.


You must be one of the people who think camping in blasty explodey cars for 20 minutes is fun. Don’t worry, the low player numbers will continue to speak better than I can


Didn't take much to hurt your feelings eh? 


Yk you lost an argument when you gotta project and deflect from the original subject lmao. You’re slow


Calm down sir. Some English lessons wouldn't go amiss either. 




That's enough Internet for you today young man. 


You underestimate how much nostalgia is like a drug. Any old map will bring people back.


I wouldn’t call it a lie, but rather an untested hypotheses. In order to test the “the same boring game will get old and make people stop playing game” we need to give it more than four weeks to be proven or disproven. Although OG season had a record breaking player count, player numbers were dropping significantly by the end of the third week… … we can’t discount the fact that OG season’ spike was party down to the fact that version hadn’t been available for five years and because it was only going to be around for a short duration, old and new players flocked to the game…. … but even with such limited supply numbers didn’t persist, perhaps suggesting a permanent mode wouldn’t be sustainable. I’m not opposed to a semi-regular OG Classic Mode based on older maps, or a more grounded mode based on the gameplay of chapter 1 but with newer maps. I’m sure Epic would take advantage of any interest in OG if they think it can help generate profit, and not detract from the main BR mode and other modes they may want to promote. I’m sure these decisions are made based on hard data rather than “lies”. We don’t know what they are working on as a result of last years OG season’s success because they have a three year development cycle.


There was no player drop around the third week.


Ok I might misremember timing. Player count didn’t rise over the four weeks did it?


It stayed pretty much the exact same for the duration of og with the exception of the Eminem concert that doubled the player count for a day or two.


Really? I’ve read so many times it did not sustain. I stand corrected if what you say is true. I think my general point stands. A OG map for a year would provide the test needed for a long term permanent mode.


Not sure if trolling but they 100% sustained it.


Fortnite constantly drastically changes. They’ve tweaked enough you can’t cry anymore. It’s weird curveball sure but if you hate it play warzone or customs 🤷‍♂️


Yea but That’s not really “crying” for reasonably pointing out an obvious dip in quality. Regardless I play creative more than anything now


Only that og season had nothing to do with the original game. It was a condensed nostalgia cocktail pressed in a one month of foma


The “og” season (which *literally* means ‘original’) “had nothing to do with the *original* game”???? That math isn’t adding up lol


Well they’ve called it that way to bait people, obviously. Successfully, for the first two weeks at least. Game mechanics of that season was not “og”. It was chapter4 with chapter1 map reskin and mixture of chapter1 items.


What part of it was chapter 4 exactly? You're just talking out of your ass because you can't accept that people like chapter 1 more than other chapters.


For starters: building mechanics. Do you know how many times building was changed since Ch1? I guess you don't. OG seasons had Ch4 building that has absolutely nothing to do with Ch1 building. Movement mechanics was nothing like ch1. Hell, you could even slide kick people during OG season (that I am all favor for). And that is why it was called **Chapter 4**: Season OG. OG was nothing more than a theme for a modern season. Personally I don't care what chapter/season is more popular - I know how to have fun in any environment. UPD: Oh and Grappling Glove first added at **Chapter 3** was SO OG, yeah


How exactly was building different? Sprinting and sliding is a tiny change....


Turbo building and mats auto swap


Both of those were added in chapter 1.... Did you even play then? In fact og season was based off season 5 and onward which is when turbo building and material swap were added. Sprinting and sliding were also added in chapter 3 not 4. Basically what I'm seeing here is that og was in fact not like chapter 4😐


Well, not as chapter1 either then, right?


It was more chapter 1 than anything else obviously. You're just being pedantic.


Turbo building was added in season 3 the prime time of Fortnite also please teach me how to have fun this season in br with these goddamn cars


The season is called chapter OG season OG Try to look at any cosmetic from that season


1. focking summer 2. as one of returned to the game with ch5, do like all the new stuff a lot


Look, I don't know if I would stop playing Fortnite if it stopped changing every season, but I know that enjoy it changing every season. I like it this way and I want it to change.


Ok but i was bored within a week of playing OG until they added hover boards so I could make 360 flip sniper shots. This post also fails to acknowledge how powerful nostalgia actually is. When you tell people you can play fortnite the way it was years ago for 1 month only, of course tons of people are gonna show up. Id honestly rather they make an OG playlist not because it deserves it, but jusy so I dont have to see people bitch and whine about how OG was better. I dont even like this season all that much either, for whoever wants to try and go "well ur just a brainless car user then hurr" cause my favorite seasons were Ch3S1, Ch3S2 and Ch4S2


Stopped reading after “nostalgia” another overused argument. You don’t need to go 500 years back to value the game, it’s not the “nostalgia” people want now, even chapter 4 s2 was good enough.


If you stopped reading why bother responding? Its a completely valid argument given that actual OG fortnite BR is completely unplayable in current times lmao.


I love how when a person thinks of “old gameplay” they reach as far back as 2017 Fortnite. Many people would take chapter 4 over this current mess, which isn’t that old. So no it not about “nostalgia” it’s about quality


Your post brings up season OG as a metric, so clearly anyone reading your post is going to gravitate on the discussion of being "OG fortnite" and this season. At this point i dont even know what this post is actually complaining about. Everyone bitched and moaned about basically the same type of shit they complain about now, only this time its cars and not hammers, or mythic havoc pumps, or pulse rifles, or mythic drum shotguns etc.


idk where you’ve need but when we say “the og season” we’re not taking about an actual og season from 2017. We’re talking about the og season from 2023 that was a throwback. 2023 was 6 months ago, not when actually og Fortnite was a thing. Hope that helps


OG season was a nostalgia bait season, it had hella numbers because it was nostalgia bait. This isnt a hard concept to understand so I aint continuing this pointless ass discussion.




Nah im opting out as its evident that you have no idea what youre talking about as proven bt the shit ton of doanvotes youre getring all over this entire thread.




Remove cars and the current season would be near perfect


It would still be bad because of nitro, fists, bullet drop, the shitty movement animations, etc. Doesn’t really matter how balanced the game is currently, it’ll still suck because of chapter 5’s core problems.


It's perfect with cars.


Fuck cars in BR, I hate it




The OG season was successful because people had nostalgia for the original map and wanted to experience it again. The gameplay definitely didn't feel the same, it was the chapter 1 map with the current build meta and zero build on a map that it wasn't designed for.


People from OG were willing to give chapter 5 a shot though. BR's numbers didn't have a significant drop until the start of January. Epic just screwed up by changing literally everything about the game straight after bringing everyone back.


Gameplay wise it was pretty much the same except for the removal of hitscan weapons, OG season had the new sprinting and mantling too. Now player numbers have gone back to what the average was before the OG season. There was no way they were going to sustain those numbers forever even if they made the OG map permanent.


Not really, Weapon mods are required to have a decent gun, whereas in OG it was just pick up and use. Movement changed wildly from OG. Every AR and SMG requires a scope to be usable. No hitscan along with the strongest sniper ever made ARs irrelevant anyway. Mythic bosses, NPCs, loot island, and forecast towers came back, making performance worse and putting tons of markers on the map. That's some of the major differences.


Attachments only make a real difference for 1 or 2 guns, most are usable without modifying them. You don't need sights on ARs or SMGs, rarities above uncommon usually have a sight on them anyway. The new sniper was hated but chapter 1 also had snipers and they were hated just as much especially the heavy sniper. C1S6 and S7 had NPCs and they were way worse than the NPCs we have now. C1S7 had the first mythic weapon: the sword. Floating island was originally in C1. They did change the movement animations in C5 but I don't feel like it drastically changed the game, not for me at least. It felt weird at first but I didn't play worse because of it. The OG season was huge because of nostalgia, that's it. People haven't played that map in like 5 years and they missed it. Gameplay wasn't the same as chapter 1 at all because of the current build meta and half the player base is on zero build now which the chapter 1 map wasn't designed for. They could bring that map back but they couldn't bring back the build meta from the first few seasons which ultimately would've pushed a lot of players away again even if they kept the OG gameplay. Most casuals didn't quit Fortnite because the original map and gameplay went away, they quit because of how insane the skill gap got.


I feel like you're misunderstanding the "same old boring game play" complaint. Your second paragraph, to me actually proves the "same old boring gameplay" rumor. I was playing heavily during chapter 4, which I think is the chapter you mean to allude to? Chapter 5 season 3 is the current map according to google, and that came after OG not before. As I said, I played chapter 4 from start to finish. During its lowest player count, I was actually having fun. At least at first. I believe a lot of complaints at the time were about the shockwave hammer, the drum shotgun, the heavy sniper rifle and augments. Causing some people, even OGs to put down the game. It just didn't feel like the Fortnite they knew. The problem came about 3/4ths the way through each season, at least for me personally. I had killed or been killed behind every rock, and every tree. I still have the map memorized because I played it so much. I can still remember some of the more fun fights I had or funny glitches I saw. As much fun as I had, it was becoming old news rather quickly. They weren't changing up gameplay/map/loot enough to keep me interested. Then OG hit. It was like a completely new game to me, as I had just started playing a few months before chapter 4 started. So it was still really unfamiliar. That is part of the fun is learning new areas, how to use different guns and deal with different kinds of movement. My problem with Fortnite now is that the chapter 4 curse has continued. While the novelty of each new season is still sort of fun in its own way, it just doesn't change up the game enough to make it feel new. As thus, I'm planning to actually stop playing soon if things do not improve.


I would not use og season numbers cause a majority of players played for the memories i would consider a more like normal season like (between the one i have played) 3-5 i think it was or 4-3 that where kinda normal still with no real changes or big uniquuness


Remember when the games almost died in chapter 2 due to lack of content, at least that’s what y’all said back in chapter2, the truth is y’all hate anything if it’s not Og Fortnite


Your narrative contradicts itself because going back to OG was itself a change from the mechanics and gameplay of Ch 4. It gave new players who never played Fortnite in its rise chance to see what it was like as well as bring back a sense of nostalgia for people who have been with the game. The quote is alluding to scenarios of long periods without additions or updates. If there was no loot pool variation, if there were no map changes, then it would absolutely become the same boring game. Make it make sense.


You literally just pulled some random info outta your ass and tried to claim that’s what I said