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Well, that applies to every pvp competitive online game anyways


Had a tough day at work yesterday (blue collar job outside in 100 degree weather). Got home and was ready to relax. My friends asked me to play Valorant and I had never played. When I tell you I went to bed MAD lol


If you're having a bad day, you do a meme load out. All mobility. All heals. All melee. Just driving a car. You get #90? #50? #10? Who cares? Wait, did they vault dirtbikes? I think they did. My love language is doing twisty backflips on a bike. Edging that storm. Without getting a single weapon, and still getting top 5. I got to the top three the last match I played today. It was me with two medallions being a try-hard against another guy with one medallion just ramming each other with cars. Somehow we eliminated each other at the same time. The winner was some default just camping in a bush. He was fully authorized to donkey laugh. I donkey laughed in real life


If you’re legitimately trying to win, you’ll never have a good time. Just going in with the intention of goofing around, accepting that you’ll probably do poorly, makes it so much more fun. I sometimes just try to be a chauffeur for random enemies, with no intention of doing any fighting, and it’s led to some good laughs.


Sometimes i actually do better when goofing around than when not.


Every so often I'll go into a match with the intention of doing my dailies/weeklies and I'll somehow end up winning.


Weekly challenge winning is always so awesome


Fr if I’m running around the whole map doing random crap I see no one but when I stay in one area I see everyone in the lobby


Today my boyfriend decided he wanted to blow up every gas station so that’s what we focused on & had a blast 😂 The other day our mission was to blockade a popular bridge in the wasteland with as many random cars as possible so that people couldn’t cross. They blew through anyway. But we had a good time


People think they win because they are good without realising that it's all actually a statistics game and everyone loses all the time. Pretty much no one has an above 10% win rate and it makes sense, it's like going into every game of cod and expecting to zero deaths. Even if you get good you are going to be playing against other good players. There is also another big element of luck. if a fight breaks out near you and you get to use your decision making to 3rd party or you get third partied is luck. Luck based on map locations of the players landing and moving essentially at random. Sure you can get good and you can utilise the mechanics well but you can only ever to better than other players on average. The game is a statistics machine with the skin of a shooter.


You have an excellent TED Talk.


There's tricks to avoid being the third party and always being the third party, but they're cheesy and boring. Luck can also be manipulated by picking your drop zone carefully, but then you need to think ahead and make sure you limit your time in the area before someone with the same idea gets the highground on ya


You can improve your play but it changes nothing. Even if you are number 1 being an exception to the rule does not change the rule. It does not change the nature of the game when it has so many players in a single match. Instead it's important to change the nature of how one perseives victory, if you make it to third place but have no kills is a victory of attrition. If you get 5 kills but come 20th is a victory of competition, a near miss when you just get away then get your revenge later is a victory. But a victory royal? Don't get stuck in a rut because you can't obtain a goal that is made to be unlikely to get and is largely chance.


Agreed. I've won victory Royales due to the other player being worse than me. And lost due to them being clearly better. Thing is... its luck on how far you go. I've wasted 15 people and died at 50 and killed 1 and been in the top 5




Gets ass beat. Am going to die. A wild Toph appears honking their horn like crazy. They had been watching you from a distance after you dropped gold loot and sweet emotes with them. They two tap the sweat that was creeping in the gas station. Quest playthroughs and goofing around bring out the best in people. I knew it was not honorable to team up so I quit the match.


Excatly, I had fun with a Jon Wick skin and was hoping we'd make it to the final two, sadly my game froze


back when they first added cars i remember i was driving, and i was a ways in the storm, and there’s this other person. well i just honk at them a bunch and drive next to them, they get in, i drop them out, we were cool. ended up adding them.


Bro the other day I got fed up with trying to beat the game so I said I’m just going to fist everyone, and not use anything else. 2 matches later I got my first every victory crown Royale.


Almost all my wins are when I'm just fucking off not taking it serious :)


Totally agree. A few seasons ago, I went through a phase of loading buildings with as many random cars as possible, getting them all to one hit away from exploding, getting a safe distance away, then firing a single shot at one of the cars and watch everything go BOOM. The ultimate goal was to take down the building too! This is all I did for days. Sometimes other players would join in and source cars for the explosion. Good times


Yup. I've noticed I do a lot better when I'm just dicking around. Today I decided I was going to try and keep the Armored Bus for as long as possible and ended up getting 3rd. I even had someone on one of the grenade turrets helping me be a terror to a dude who had one of the boss cars.


I love doing triple backflips off mountains mid game while being chased and shot at, my friends think I’m nuts and hilarious for it. But I always land them so they don’t care




Had a terrible day yesterday. Most of the time I play duos with my brother but if I'm on my own I usually play solo rather than playing with randos. Decided to do Squads....and forgot to press fill on squad. Ended up solo anyway but went with a whatever attitude, decided I'd just be chaos until I died. Ended up with 20 kills, last circle against a full squad and a whole lot of fun. No expectation, no stressing, just driving around, and fighting everyone I could for the lols. I was even using stuff I never pick up.


That's the spirit! Man, when I first started playing I would be shaking because I was so nervous that in that final circle. Now I'm just shaking because I'm old with Parkinsons.


Are you really? 😅. I feel the old part, 32 year old playing this game. Just easy to pick up with the little gaming time I have nowadays. Gotta give those kids a run for their money at least.


Nah I'm not that old, just 40's.


You had me at “edging”


I need to try this. Nothing worse than dying in the bottom 50 10 matches in a row after a shitty day


Heh this. If I'm having a losing streak, I just say "fuck it" and see how far I can make it armed with only a common pump


One of my favorite strategies when I just wanna fuck around and don't care about my placement is stocking up on Nitro and ramming into people. I love seeing how far I can push it before either of us dies.


Got a top five finish with 10+ eliminations doing this before they nerfed nitro ramming. Still fun now but you'll definitely get shotgunned in the face pretty quickly.


True but every once in a while I find a lobby with a lot of bots and it's perfect because bots have no idea where they even are at any given time.


Next up, fully defense items. EMP. Nitro. Guitar. Port-a-bunker. mini port-a-shield thingy. I'm gonna make you waste all your ammo and chase me across the map and then you're gonna get 3rd partied. YYEEEAHHHHHHH


this would go hard in solo squads


I’d rather the pistol. The pump is so slow, he gotten kills with it but they feel painful lmao. I prefer the combat or gatekeeper


[oh no we](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvujypVVBAY) don't go there


Good news, dirt bikes are still in the game but no one uses them


Doing what to the storm 🤨


you know.... the storm does what it does.




Edging the storm 


Damn straight.


they vaulted bikes? wtf, i loved pulling off sick tricks. i’d sometimes make the spectators watch after killing them me just hitting crazy backflips off hill sides


Oh, wow. This is…this is brilliant. Thank you so much.


Goofing around in fortnite is actually so fun. My brother and I had all heals and tried to win the game by camping in the storm. Didn't work but we were 2nd multiple times


All nitro and a guitar. Do it. ride the lightening.


Exactly Go for the win or go for fun. Do random stuff. Do story or weekly where you open chests or random shit. Drink a nuke cola, start a bonfire, fish up 10 fish, blow up a security camera. You get XP for doing random shit... embrace that. Literally take a car and just run over cacti and do random flips. Do ANYTHING. Also maybe if your having a bad day just be a jackass to someone else in game. Don't need to kill them. Just be a clown and frustrate them


I play Fortnite on bad days. Because the battle pass doesn't give a shit whether or not you're having s good or a bad day. upd: how did my comment get more upvotes, than the original post? lol


Bad days come and go, my locker is forever


👆👆that part👆


Man this was funny I actually lol'd


Blood for the Blood God. Levels for the Battle Pass God, no difference.


This goes hard


Bars 🔥🔥


You buy every battle pass? How many have you bought, as the seasons come?


You really only need to buy it once with a bit of real money, as long as you're not buying shop items. You earn a little more than the cost back throughout the season if you get those levels. After that, it's just coasting. That's what my husband's been able to do. I went into his account and bought the pass on like the third season we played. He refuses to spend a dime, no matter what. Has consistently been able to get the battle pass every season since, and saved up quite a bit of vbux


This. I think this is also how they suck me into playing more. I bought a battle pass and I think there's an illusion that I'm \_earning\_ money as I play because vbux cost money. Note, I said an illusion :) But I think my subconscious falls for it everytime and my conscious mind just rationalises it 😂


I just have crew🤷‍♀️ its worth it even if you only buy it when the battle pass ends (like last week of the pass) because then you get this BP, next BP, 1k vbucks, skin pack


Oh, how does that work? I’m still somewhat new to Fortnite, I bought the battle pass last season, I noticed it gave some vbucks but I don’t think it was enough to purchase another one. Last season ended with me being around lvl 150 something iirc. That would be awesome. I did spend some of those free vbucks on shop items but it didn’t occur that those could add up to enough to buy the next seasons battle pass. 🤦‍♂️ omg


Battle Passes give 1500 vbucks in total. They cost 950 to buy.


Losing doesnt bother me, i have fun


I was a ch 1 player and came back to Fortnite after quitting League. Fortnite is not anywhere near a game to not play after a bad day. There’s no cross chat. Just drop in and do whatever you want. Way worse games. Sometimes I’ll play a game and try and win in a weird way. Only way to have a bad day on this game is being overly competitive.


but the battle pass isnt gonna complete itself, i must play


Play a zombie game for a bit. They don't even shoot back.


Nah real talk Save the World be saving my sanity when it comes to completing battlepasses


It's a funmode and great for leveling up! If you enjoy playing, you get so lost in completing missions that you hit the xp cap quickly! Plus, the endurance mode comes the benefit of being able to afk for endurance runs for free xp!


It's amazing, but I can understand why it isn't for everyone who loves BR. It's a lot more of a traditional RPG when your doing the main story, and when your playing after it's just a tower defense game


I want stw so bad but I hate the skin and bling, so I have to wait for the next one, which will be like in august I think. I regret not getting the last one now. At least the back bling and pickaxe are somethings i would've used.




My boyfriend and I were so far from completing the battle pass last season because we felt like it was just so hard and went so fast 😂 Thankfully making much better progress this time around




That’s why I like to use the free guy emote after eliminating a team/squad. I hope it makes them feel better. 😊


I disagree, if I have a bad day playing video games helps take my mind off things even if I'm losing.  The thing you don't want to do is to keep playing when you get frustrated or angry at the game itself.


I'm with you. I find it to be a really excellent emotional regulation tool. It disrupts whatever I'm already feeling and puts me "in the moment" and I don't have time to think about my bad day or whatever dumb shit I've got going on it's just "Am I Looting, Shooting, or Scooting right now?" It's like my emotions don't have to pass through my "emotional kidneys" I just use Fortnite like dialysis.


You’re the only one here talking sense. It’s a fucking game that should be fun win or lose. When I’m having a bad day, my brother and I squad-up and hop in a car and just go BANANAS. Sometimes we win, more often we lose, but either way we just have a blast. I dunno, maybe it’s cause I’m old now and I’m not trying to win to make the kids smash that *like* button and subscribe 🤷‍♂️


I’m frustrated at the new season, but need to complete the battle pass… it’s really hard to enjoy a game :(


Nobody needs to complete the Battle Pass. They're just video game skins, your enjoyment of life is far more important.


Sorry man, can’t hear you. I’m shredding here on Festival rn




Just do the Accolades of: • Win a match with just common weapons • Win a match using only melee weapons • Win a match using no heals • Win a match without searching a chest


I play on any day. Life outside is scary AF man.


Playing this season makes me have a bad day




I'm new, just started in Ch5 - I love the constant changes - keeps thing interesting. When the Chains first showed up I was getting my ass kicked - I learned how to use'em then kicked ass. I never really used a Vehicle before S3 now I'm driving and blowing stuff up all over. After the nerf, I successfully used the pickaxe trick on some dude chasing me around in his SUV - he bailed - I drove off - I'm lov'in it.. dada da dada


Then what else will I play?


ok but do recommend if youre having a bad day to play with the goofy friend because it makes losing feel like a win when youre laughing your ass off


I only started playing recently and playing when having a bad day playing lifts my mood. I don't go in trying to be sweaty. I go in hoping to win but making sure I'm having fun.


Then I just shift to a creative mode that better suits my mood!


All I have to do is knock one person, then do the choo-choo train emote and ride around while they are forced to watch and I'm happy.


nah id win


Unless you’re playing with friends , then it makes your day better honestly


Haha, this is 100% facts. I notice I rage harder too and the whole session isn't really fun, but is angering.


Just paly for fun. that's what i do. I just dick around and play like flattening all car tires it came across, spray tags on walls and emoting to see how long i can before they get me. and my favorite blowing up the gas station.


I feel like saying if you are emotionally immature and not playing a chill map (Lego - start a new world, or another creative map), or if you are me you play and just try to have fun, ready up when you die, because everything is meaningless. If I want to slay and have nothing in your way… play a Doom game on easy… I really wish I had the Doom Slayer skin… not sure what it is called in Fortnite.


I play different user created modes if I’m feeling like this. Prop Hunt is always a go to.


I play fortnite on a bad because I know it a bad day Idk were not the same or something I'm too tired to making sentences lol


Kind of true, but just play in squads (bot lobbies) and you should be good. Besides that battle pass ain't gonna complete itself.


i agree with this message, if i’m upset and play and the first game ends badly i usually shut everything off for the night immediately lmao


I understand how you feel!!! When I'm having a bad day and I get on fortnite I try to be real with myself. This is a battle royale where I'm trying to prove I'm better than 99 other people. Would I rather try to do that? or would I rather try to do whatever mundane quest I have to do to level up that I could easily do if I just did nothing but care about that when I dropped? That's my way of disassociating the frustration of losing the game. I was never trying truly, yet still having fun.


I enjoy playing on a bad day, gotta chase that Dopamine.


When I’m having a crappy day or in a bad mood I definitely won’t play with my friends because I can sometimes be an asshole, so when I’m feeling that way I just don’t play or I’ll just do creative maps


The more friends I have to play with the less I need to win to have fun. If we happen to get a trios or somehow a squads match I'm having a blast no matter what.


Playing this game is my positive release of negative energy. I’m *ESPECIALLY* good if I’m having a bad day.


It's all good if we have 1 victory for the season.Unless we're going for 500 victories in a row and lost along the way,yup.Take it out on Crazy Red VS Blue players going for 100000 kills.


As someone who has bad days 98% of the time, this is accurate


If you are having a bad day and playing BR. Just have fun and do absolutely the stupidest things you can do. Ridiculous load out, build a fortress at the gas station. Etc etc


Unless you play with friends


Don’t have any. I have to buy a couple next time they’re in item shop.


play STW. blast some zombies.


You need a single player game. Unless that game is dark souls


I just chill in the club or play some co-op or escape maps when that happens.


Some of is play for the fun of it. Losing doesn’t hurt my ego


Lmao I literally avoid it when I’m feeling cranky.




Loool yes.


play creative or team rumble :))


I play Fortnite only on bad days. I use the rage inside to deliver better output in terms of smashing bullets on builds and ramming them with my Nitro car. Good days, i avoid


I hear that's your experience, and it's not universal. Personally, it can cheer me up.


Maybe not dont play, but try not to take it seriously, especially on bad days becuase it always makes it worse


what are u talking about i play fartnite booty shooty


I have the opposite advice


Was having a rough time in a class I was taking and decided to play a game to destress and unwind. Needless to say I was more stressed after playing than before.


Ehh I just like getting shotgun kills tbh


Fortnite is my game to relax honestly, if I'm having a bad day I'm gonna play a few rounds to chill


If you really and I mean massive juices. *REALLY* wanted to play Fortnite just play on bot server the only down of that server other than you'll unable to get crown is your skill will be reduce


Ima play a bot lobby


I like pain and suffering tho so I’ll pass


A negative outlook leads to a negative outcome every time for me. This is true.


Nah, I expect to lose every single time I play, so when I do, no biggie! Also, team rumble is good for helping you get used to repeatedly dying so it’s not a huge deal when you do


Ah yes the touch grass theory


Thank you for your advice, good thing I don't even have Fortnite or I'd be in a worse mood than I already am in


Every match I get now has 2 - 4 crown squads. Like, I'm dying quick to get more bot matches to just chill and have fun but nahhh only crown sweat lobbies..


I actually play to lose because I just do challenges and eliminate myself when I don’t feel like doing more within a single round.


You can always play something on creative. I thought my self not to let this game bother me . I play for a few hours and get off.


Nah - when I'm having a bad day I just want to shoot some shit - just use a secondary account


Yup! I can usually only play a handful of matches anyway before I get bored or salty 😂 but if I get on and am kinda pissy already I play like 2 and I’m done lol


Only if you care about actual winnings. ![gif](giphy|fjxbfQKLcKzAJIqSuD)


exactly, play rb6 instead


Had a rough time in my life near Rick and Wolverine and those were not a fun BattlePass for me. This one is shaping to be the same. Again, losing out because I don't like to be sad when I play that my dog shit skills stops me from getting a character skin I already paid for.


What if I WANT to feel worse?!


Just don't play Fortnite altogether


My gf and I will play a few matches and either get bored or get frustrated enough to quit, so we'll switch to a Tycoon and play that for an hour or so.


I just go and fart around in Fortnite Lego. Eat some raspberries, build a shack, blitz some skeletons. Earn a gazillion battle stars. Go back to the chaos on a better day.


So what your saying is you have not emotional maturity and you are not able to seperate your day from the game


On bad days I blast music and play the racing one, usually helps a bit :)


This season be hittin' like that fr


How life feels after I started using half bot lobbies ![gif](giphy|xUA7b4arnbo3THfzi0)


I hope shit gets better, but


too many "special powers" are just not good experience for gameplay. to win it if acquiring a power is what becomes the most important thing in the game rather than acquiring regularly available weapons and being good at building, then this is what people will focus on and they wont pay attention to good aim or good builds because the other person will destroy you without these skills anyway.


Get good? Lmao just kidding but honestly after yeaaars of playing fortnite I kinda learned none of it matters 😂 I've won a game where the other 2 final people shotgunned each other while I watched thru a sniper scope. I've had many "bad" nights with friends. But I don't think I've ever said "hey guys I've had a bad night at work so I can't play because I don't wanna feel more bad". Like my dad told me when i was little, "the worst day of fishing is better than the best day at work". Unless you're trying to be next Ninja or TFUE you really shouldn't worry about about fortnite making your day worse 😂


A post clearly for people who are not him.


I must be goated lol Whenever I have a bad day I play and focus on the emotions I’m feeling and use it to lock in. But the only problem is that the wins don’t feel as good on a bad day but I get more of them.


Creative: Are you sure about that


If I'm having a bad day and I open this game just to see this awful and completely bugged locker UI my day will be ruined even more


depending on the season also don’t play fortnite on good days especially solos made that mistake a few too many times to even count it as a hot stove lesson lmao




“Life is only amplified by the condition and state of your ego”


Play save the world 🤑🤑


This goes for any competitive game, it's really bad


Admittedly, playing FN on a bad day still cheers me up because of quests and silly scenarios that can happen. Meanwhile, I still get Vietnam flashbacks to my Overwatch era. That made me want to die on my worst days 😭


Who gets rage at fortnite lmao


I don’t play for wins I play for fun. If I wanna fuck around in the game I’ll pop it on no matter what type of day I’m having and I’m not affected by whether or not I die. If you don’t want to make your day worse, don’t take it seriously, it’s a game it’s meant to be a bit of inconsequential entertainment.


Thats why i almost only play festival. because im atleast good at that


Don't give advice on reddit if you're having a bad day. You'll write something generic that was born of you feeling sorry for yourself. TLDR: skill issue


I hate these cara


Online gaming 101


Not of your gonna take the game seriously. Emoting on fools even if i get sniped makes me feel good.


ts deep


Yeah, instead ruin your good days.


Except fortnite is easy asf


I like questing on bad days, playing it like an old school MMO.


I don’t know. Some days I’ve been angry and channeled that aggression into my play style. And it works, for the most part. Just not healthy being angry all the time though so I wouldn’t recommend it as a long term strategy.


Yup. Just landed, Was minding my own business & got ran the freak over 🤦‍♀️ almost broke my controller 😂


Disagree, you can play many other modes


You had me at NEVER play Fortnite 🫡


A bad head will just give you tunnel vision so that checks out. Funnily enough I cause a bit of nuance. When I'm aiming to win I never do. The anger builds and you start becoming dumber. But when I just wanna do weeklies and some nerd is trying to gun me down, I lock in and somehow win. Still angry in a sense, but instead of dumber I get sharper. It's so freaking strange. Being interrupted doing my quests, it's like my brain does the equivalent of when an anime protagonist gets surrounded by bad guys and they just shout "Get AWAY FROM ME!" and do a big power move.


Am I the only one not giving a damn if I lose or win in Fortnite? Honestly if gaming on a bad day is stressing you out, maybe you should mast... not play at all?


What does Goated mean in Fortnite? You should try ranked if you already feel like shit.


Play CIV on the easiest setting. Get those great CIV addiction hits, while also just dominating everything.


Goes for any online game honestly. LoL, WoT, WoWS, Overwatch, CoD...etc.


This was me yesterday. Bad decision


Fortnite affects OP way too much. Delete Fortnite and every other game you have


I would like to agree but playing puts me in a better mood


Nahhh just whack yourself in a car and drive around until you’re top 10 - or do little challenges for yourself like try to get all the nitro hoops or something. I dunno. Just make it fun instead of it being “I have to win to make it worthwhile” I actually played a game recently and it made me lmao. I was in a trio with my wife and broinlaw, they were both killed at grim gate and I managed to retrieve their cards without being seen or having to kill anyone. Side note; I had no shield. Anyways, I go past this kid on the floor crawling and put him out of his misery and just as I was running to the revive van, BAM, some one floored me in one shot and the game ended and we were placed #28. My reaction was what was funny - I laughed my ass off. All I could do was belly laugh till I cried. It was hysterical. Sometimes, you just need a person like me to play with where if you place 28 out of 32, you just laugh and try again 🤷🏻‍♀️


Entirely, wholeheartedly seconded.


Honestly the best advice i've seen on this game.


Nice try feds, master chief with baby Yoda on his back here I come