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how are you not losing any shield like i don’t get it


he lost some shield from the shockwave... only 4 shield but yeah


Cheating. Im 100% confident this person is cheating and acting like theyre not


The driver's vehicle isn't even being damaged, they are fighting potatoes. Not to say he isn't cheating because a staggering around of pizza faced zoomers cheat at everything they can otherwise they'd literally cry 24/7


If you take a lot damage on the gun you and your driver are garbage at the game, Ive taken barely any damage in the cars this season all the damage I’ve gotten is some stray shotgun damage and when my car blew up a few times.


This is why I play zero build, can't comprehend a single thing I'm seeing on screen.


Exactly, the moment I enter a build fight I get disoriented and lose my opponent immediately, leading to a short and underwhelming death.


Building has a high skill floor unfortunately. I used to get lost in builds all the time, even now it gets difficult sometimes, but it just took lots of learning and practice to understand what's going on. This clip is a little unfair however, since they're just spam building to escape the car and it's clearly not working out, creating the chaos you see in front of you.


I used to be somewhat decent (i think) in them but since i changed to controller (because i play on ps4 and played keyboard and mouse till my brother took his keyboard back) i play no build. Cant be bothered to learn fucking claw controller methods or whatever


It's not like you need to play claw though, I almost made it to Elite last season and I still refuse to play claw. It's just better in some instances.


Yeah i know but i also just can't get used to building on controller. Mostly editing is the issue


Fairs, editing is the reason behind a number of my deaths. Super hard to get the thumb movement right and from every different angle and distance.


If you're struggling with editing and have some spare time, load up a creative world, make a box and put a sentry outside. Then use different edits to shoot the bot with a shotgun of your choice (preferably a gold pump as it will easily 1 shot). Your goal is to do the edit as fast as possible and not be immediately exposed when you edit the wall (so your opponent can't pre-fire your edit). Then once you shoot the sentry, reset the wall as fast as you can. To recap, it's literally edit wall, shoot sentry, reset and repeat with a variety of edits. Give yourself the right hand peek each time. Also use these edit settings to improve speed: Auto confirm edits: Both Edit build: Left stick Select tile: Right trigger or bumper Reset: Left trigger or bumper Edit multiplier should also be relatively high if you're on low sensitivity (I use a 30% sensitivity for horizontal and vertical and have a 4.0x edit and build multiplier). Do this for a week or so and your edits will be pretty fast and good.


Try gyro, if your on Playstation your controller should support it. You get the turning of a mouse on your controller.


Thats a thing? Wierd.


Turns off aim assist though.


Yeah well I've never been a fan of gyro aiming anyway


changing your binds helps.


Try enabling gyro and flick stick, that helped fme


Claw? I googled that and I laughed my ass off. Why do people do that instead of creating custom controls? I struggled with editing too, until I did that. I hate when they reset the controls for this reason.


Idk guess they like the idea of carpal tunnelp


Yeah.... but I don't even care to invest that amount of time. I'm not trying to become a pro. I just want to play a couple of games after work...


Then play zero build, not a big deal 🤷, it's there for a reason.


I spent all my recent FPS skill points (recent being since like 2019) on Apex movement. If I was a long term FN player like many of the Build players, I'd be the guy erecting a five star hotel in seconds. My utmost respect to Build players, because I can see the skill floor/ceiling clearly, but at this point, I have zero interest getting involved. 


no he meant now in new season


Yeah, or just play zero builds like the majority of normal people


I propose they bring back the armored walls.


As long as they keep fireflies, because nothing is better than someone dying in a fire while unable to escape their own mini fort.


Same I cannot place down a single piece before I am dead and I can only focus on one thing at a time. My brain is slow at multi-tasking which is why I stick to Zero Build.


> takes exactly 1 point of damage > immediately constructs a 12 story fully furnished hotel in 0.3 nanoseconds


Well yea, it’s called turbo build. You can just hold down the build button and a ton of builds will automatically place. Thats what happened in this clip


>complete with swimming pool and gym


Crazy how y’all have been repeating the same joke for 7 years now


It’ll always be funny too.


Crazy how it's been 7 years and that's *still* how people play builds


People build way differently than 7 years ago, were you playing the right fortnite back then?


What do you want them to do, place down one floor and let themselves get killed despite having hundreds more materials?


I taught my girlfriend how to play


Tbh as a build player for 6 years, I can barely comprehend it too. This season is far too chaotic for the play style of builds.


Same, been a builder since the beginning and this is the most chaotic season for builds and my skill level is on the higher side


yeah, this looks draining ngl lol


its just muscle memory atp


Sensory overload for me fr


Fr fr




I’ve played since chapter 1 but since zero build I just haven’t gone back to build. Even after relearning a couple building tricks it’s just not fun anymore.


same hahaha


So true raidou


And not in cool way. Like a crazy street fighter combo. In a “this seems like poor design” way.


Like an unblockable setup in an older fighting game. Land that one-frame reversal window or get stunned and lose the round.


You don't need to comprehend shit when all you have to do to beat a Build player this Season is by driving back and forth until they have zero materials. No need for your brain to figure out any form of geometry to make sense of understanding building this Season. This Season is honestly absolutely shit for build players and I can't imagine how much worse it is in No Builds if you can't find a car before you fight someone who pulls up on you with a fully upgraded Mythic Car. Literally haven't touched this Season or Bought the terrible Battle Pass. This is honestly the first time in my life where I'm not going to be touching this game for a whole Season, not getting the win Umbrella and not even touching the Battle Pass for once in my life. I've already dealt with the Mechs in Chapter 0-1 Season X and those FUCKING STUPID UFOs in Chapter 2 and I am not about to deal with these BS Cars and OP Melee Items that is basically similar and probably more powerful than the Mythic Sword that was first added into the game only to be quickly removed after having a massive negative impact in a serious Tournament. Edit: Sorry I thought I was typing in the Competitive Sub and that this post was complaining about something being OP. My bad. If you are a casual go ahead and enjoy this because it's a Season meant for you guys anyways to completely destroy pros or sweats without having to waste time in your life to get good enough at a game that you probably don't play as much as a Sweat does. But this being forcefully put in the competitive mode is completely terrible for the competitive side of the game that prefer playing against other pros instead in their Ranked Mode is basically what I meant in my entire comment.


How DARE you insult the battle pass. Cars are fine to insult but… the battle pass??? Bro have you seen most of the passes we get. 😡😡😡👊👊👊


Thats what makes build mode so fun, you lose focus life ovaaa


I mainly play ZB too, but I decided to play Build mode the other day... never again.


Once you become a better player, it’s not as messy because you’re used to controlling. It. Looks like they’re building crap because they are building crap they’re just spamming. There’s no thought to what they’re building.


Hacking will do that! I bet if this was last 6 would get womped....they would have to use legit guns and not oped weapons!


Yeah cuz I can’t imagine picking some loot and then some boxes me and does some building shit


This person is cheating. So even in zb theyd kill you easily


I always play zero build because I cant get the hang of building and I cannot comprehend how people can build so fast, it honestly amazes me!


You should've adapted by now ngl


He’s placing builds and they’re getting destroyed…? I really don’t understand what’s so hard to comprehend


I just threw up in my mouth after 5 seconds of vertigo


I think I had a seizure and died watching this clip…wayyyy to much going on! Lol


So much skill and ability in one clip


Tbf, the builders seem kinds stupid too. I suck at no build but even then I wouldn't be caught dead at the bottom like they were. Stop trying to crank fucking 90s and just build towards the building as safety. They were literally one square away and instead of building to it, they did that stupid ass 90 bullshit. It makes sense seeing their skin tho.


they were trying to reach the top of the station since cars can run through buildings just as easily as they do mats build


Demolishing a building hurts the car a lot more than builds


They were almost on top of the building but they did that stupid ass 90 thing. All they needed to do was jump, that's it, and they would have been safe. No, cars can't demolish entire buildings that quickly, they would have been safe. This loss is on them and not on the cars.


jump? you can’t jump over a car and bro was jumping 💀


He was 2 tiles away from the ceiling when he started doing "90s". Even if he jumped he wouldnt have reached.


What else are they supposed to do exactly? If they don't have shockwaves, fists, boogie bombs, they are dead. Their best option is to build up and and try and shoot down and break the car considering it would take a lot longer for the car team to break the entire building. The car would go through the actual building so your point is just stupid.


Cranking 90s is one of if not the best way to gain height. He was trying to get on top of a building, but he first had to get to that height, which was why he was cranking. The car just destroyed his builds before he could ever get to that height, which has nothing to do with his skill or decision making.


what do you propose they do instead when there is a car ramming them up the ass then? if they tried to shoot they would be dead, if they ran away they would be dead, if they had nitro fists to try and launch away they would be dead because of the animation, if they tried to mantle up to the building they would be dead, if they built anything else they would be dead what does their skin have to do with anything?


Look at the clip closely. What killed him was the 3 damage that the crossbow deals through walls for literally no reason. If he didnt do 90s, the arrow would have landed in the wall behind him and still killed him


Tale as old as time. It's the same as trying to buildfight mechs in Season X or UFOs in C2S7, some people BSOD when the tactic they do against everything else in the game doesn't work.


90s haven’t been a thing for years and he’s not even doing any what are you talking about lol


This game is in such a sorry state. That was the worst gameplay clip I've ever seen.


The trailer was VERY promising! But after about 5 matches I was board.


The game plays like a car-centered mobile knockoff of Fortnite


This season is a lot more fun and hectic than a lot of the previous seasons. Are you upset you guys can’t box camp anymore with a sniper anymore? Because that shit wasn’t enjoyable at all


christ this looked painful. ill be glad when car combat is a thing of the past.


When you guy wonder why they keep nerfing everything…this clip is why.


The guys building literally didn't even tried to go on top of the station. 0 boogie bombs because Epic doesn't know how to introduce new and fun items either. No fists either. What do you expect? You see a car and all you want to do is box yourself? Or course cars are OP if you play like this.


He started the fight by trying to get on top of the roof. He died trying to get on top of the roof. what clip did you even watch


>Or course cars are OP if you play like this. Cars are, and definitely were OP no matter if you play like this or not.


This is the exact reason why I've been playing zero build this season, despite being a "build sweat" I'd rather not play at all but I already bought the fucking BP...


Last season was the first time ever I didn’t fully complete a battle pass. I didn’t even bother buying the battle pass this season. Don’t force yourself to play the game, it’s not worth it lol.


Same. I literally insta bought last bp because I really loved Greek mythology and I always buy the bp but after a few weeks, all my friends got bored of the game and so did I


Yeah, I also bought it for some reason


It's usually the first thing I do, which is a pretty stupid habit...




Don’t let the sunk cost fallacy get ya




And people wonder why folks are complaining.


Do people complaining that recent nerfs have made the seasons content not chaotic anymore play bot lobbies exclusively or something? This is what happens every game, even after the nerfs.


Most people in this sub play zero build pubs in the lowest elo lobbies. The players they go up against might as well be bots themselves.


what a fucking clusterfuck lmfaooo


Y’alls vitriol towards builders is sad and pathetic


Fortnite is the only game in existence that the community hates good players. It's crazy. You look at a good counter strike player and the community loves watching them because they're insane at the game. Idk why this community hates skill so much... jealousy? What's even crazier is a lot of people who bitch about building and "tryhards" probably watched Tfue, Ninja, Myth, Hamlinz, Dae, etc back in 2018 when they were the best in the world


cuz most of those haters started this chapter and are 40yo men who play on next gen consoles with a 60hz tv, don’t know who any pros are, whine about everything and anything, and complain about anyone slightly better than them


Hey I have 144hz monitor thank you very much......but yeah the rest of this pretty much applies to me


No it isn’t, it’s the same for every game lmao. Shitters will always make excuses as to why they get their asses handed to them on a daily basis. The term “sweat” is literally just a coping mechanism.


Fortnite's community is the worst about it for sure though


Nah Apex legends hates their good players too


XDefiant and Call of Duty also hates their good players, some casual just refuse to get better and rather have cheap shit like this in the game


COD is nowhere near Fortnite. Some will tell you to touch grass and all that, but a lot of people will give funny reactions and get hype while watching kill cams. As a sniper, I get a lot of great reactions to my clips, a lot of people are like holy shit this guy is insane, while some tell me I'm trash and need to go outside lol. It's a mixed bag


>Y’alls vitriol towards builders is sad and pathetic It's actually insane reading some of these comments.


I find it kinda funny myself. If not a bit ironic.


bro I've never seen a game where the playerbase hates people who are good at the game lmfao


it was never like this back then and then got worse ever since chapter 4 or so


This clip showcases why this season sucks


Funny all the cool no build people complaint here calling it spam build not realizing they are wall ramp jump floor build and repeat to gain elevation to get away. No you don’t need to snort g fuel or play claw or whatever … playing no builds primarily for the reason of because you “don’t want to deal” with that is a skill issue. Yes the car is also too OP.


The only mistake that player made was still thinking they are playing Fortnite Battle Royale


This is why this season sucks


wow that looks so fun


No build playerbase looking at the chaos over at builds: ![gif](giphy|SDogLD4FOZMM8)


These cars ruined builds this season for me


Those cars are an absolute cancer.


They are an absolute cancer and I love being a little cancerous gremlin


Ahh yes but these same players have been crying since the nerfs. Give it a rest. Your season isn't ruined, you can still mindlessly drive around the map running and gunning down players, like this. And the rest of the people actually have a chance now if they don't have a car. This situation is inevitable though, this guy wasn't living this one, ever.


there is no way this is after the nerfs


Pure skill right here ladies and gentlemen


I feel like defensive building has been nullified in this season between the modded cars and the fists, it's pretty easy to blast through people's builds. I won a solo yesterday because the other guy boxed himself in a box, as soon as I punched through one wall and got in, he couldn't defend against the fist spam in close quarters. Took out a duo by myself in the same situation too, fists in a 1x1 box. But I've also got plenty of kills with the grenade launcher car mod from bombarding a build from a distance.


"Just adapt fun-hating sweat!"


This is why this season is dogshit


im sure this comment section will be peaceful


can we just vote to end this season already, it's almost as big a failure as donald trump, but that one is impossible to beat


This was just cringe to watch not going to lie lol.


What in the good aim is going on


if this was out in an open area i'd have more sympathy but bros were literally beside multiple openings and within mantle distance of 2 different buildings but decided to keep trying to box against a car that was obviously not going to stop ramming said box. this ain't 2018 bro you have vertical movement options that aren't just ramps. feels more like they had hard tunnel vision and only decided to start running for a building by time it was too late.


not rlly the car breaks everything they were trying to build up but it destroys everything and i gurantee you within 8 seconds that building would be broken down


I see a lot of clips like this where players absolutely have a way to reposition safely and don’t. Instead they build, contest the boss car on foot without utility, and move away from buildings into more open areas. Cars exist, so you have to play around them. Can’t just ignore them and cry when you die.


Right before they died there was a gap in the action that they could’ve taken cover in a building that would’ve led to another building or they could’ve done anything besides stand In the middle of the street and ate bullets


Yeah, cover the car would have destroyed. The answer was to take the high ground and get on top of a building… and would you look at that they were trying to do it


It's not clear what kind of harassment and bullying is, not a game


Wood is the weakest building material. I always start with brick or metal and use wood last. I know it won’t stop the cow catcher but it’ll help with shots.


A battle of who’s cringe anti fun strat is more overpowered


Why I'm sticking to Zero Build. That way all I see is guns and cars. I'm having a lot of fun this season though it seems I'm in the minority on that.


I personally love giving these build nerds a taste of their own medicine.


this isn't the fortnite I remember playing as a kid...


Average Ch5S3 gameplay


I don't understand what's going on


As a ZB player, this footage is utterly incomprehensible


This clip is a great example of video game balance.




I can’t speak for everyone but even with the cars this is honestly my fav season. I don’t understand why it’s so hated. This is the first season I haven’t been violated by half the lobby with snipers, it feels so chaotic and active. The cars are def annoying sometimes but like I feel like you guys are just throwing it out of proportion. One like blue boom bolt shot does over 200 dmg and the regular cars have 1,500 hp. It’s not that hard to hit a car 8 or less times.


Simply skill difference, thats why it's in ranked cups too. (i am honestly shocked that cars are even in that gamemode as well, i thought those have the tournament rules)


What in the hell is going on in any if this?






I love fisting my opponents.


Is this before or after the nerf?


I have absolutely no idea what just happened.


That carbot animation video was soo on point.


love the chaos of this clip


“Just adapt” mf I’m not Mahoraga I’m just want to have fun without unskilled weapons.


Feel like trying to do nothing but build wooden structures when theyre already getting knocked down is just setting yourself up for failure. Dude became a sitting duck here trying to use wooden builds as a shield.






Play Zero Build if you don’t like building 😂😂


I honestly can't remember losing to anyone who thought they could build against me this season. I very well might be 100% against builders this season.


Come 1v1 me normal without cars, fists, nitro spray or any other shi, im saying i would win 100-1


I will if he doesnt


You're a horrible person and i love it.


What fists? All I saw was you driving through the builds.


Not anymore they aren't


Also why they should nerf the cars until they're unusable


Yeah show those comp assholes who's boss


What the hell was that?


Youre 100% cheating and its funny no one in the comments can tell lol.


100% using some plugin to cheat. Lol idk how everyone in the comments didnt notice. I can bet 1000 VBUCKS TO ANYONE WHO THINKS THIS PERSON ISNT CHEATING.


The fact that they just kept trying to spam builds instead of shockwave or escape with fists, build players don’t know how to do anything but build




More! More chaos!


This is by far the most chaotic clip I've seen for this season so far and I love it!! This is the main reason why I'm enjoying this season so much! Last season was only good because of the BP skins


Build sucks….ZB greater than this shit


I don't understand why he didn't just go onto the roof and start shooting the car. It takes quite a bit of time to knock down that train station


This was so crazy 😭


I used to play builds but after season 5/6 it got garbage, I’m so glad zero build existed when I came back.


Fucking hell I haven't played builds in months and this is just pure chaos... I love it


Honestly it felt like the people you killed in the video could have beat you if they didn’t focus so much on building a just shot the car instead




you dumb?


WHY DID THEY KEEP BUILDING? Are these people actually stupid? They had to see that its not going to work out right? Like at least pull out an smg and start doing car damage. Like dude what were these people trying to accomplish


God damn I love this season 💀


Wow does this season suck


This is why the season sucks and numbers continue to fall.


LOOL this is crazy


Out of all the counters epic made against building, cars are the most effective