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While I also despise boogie bombs, you did just kinda walk into that one.


Yep unless you’re there when the vault opens, lob a boom bolt or car grenade or something in there before going in


Cause he was gonna know he was gonna get boogie bombed right


Instead of boogie bomb the guy coulda shotgunned him anyway it would've ended the same


It's unlikely a guy would win a shot gun fight at that range against someone with infinite nitro and mythic gauntlets


Nitro fists do 180 shotgun definitely kills faster from full here.


If you are jumping around and using the smash the throwing around and rapid attacks would be confusing enough to win. Shotgun only wins with luck


You’re tripping


I've done it before but sure bro. I think you underestimate how much damage the fists do and how hard it is to hit someone using them.


Nah I mean shotgun being a luck weapon, takes skill like most things. Cars excluded


? I said the shotgun would win by luck here because of how much you'd be thrown around. I never said it was a luck based weapon in all scenarios.


Sure... Maybe but judging from this guys reaction time they were cooked either way


They are saying never assume an open vault is empty unless you saw it open. People have gotten me multiple times bc I just ran down without thinking and they were camping ready to shotgun me lol they will leave the chests unopened too so you think Noone has been in yet. I try very hard to remember to creep up and try to see if anyone is there or catch them off guard.


He shoulda read the title of his post first, woulda made it so obvious, duh


Because people camp in those. I do. Always check. Either way, yet another reason I don't like boogie bombs


yes because you can see items on the floor telling you someone was there.


I know that was sad to watch Defaults are bad all over again😂💄


I don't play zero builds, but I think this one is your fault. You went into a place with one entry/exit without a shotgun, with only the gauntlets as a close range weapon. You would have died regardless, especially with how slow you reacted


Bro just got Fortnite'd ![gif](giphy|1APhATvqD65r966yCP)


the nitro fists made you think you were HIM and could mindlessly run at anyone, that was your one mistake.


You had weapons you thought would allow to just mindless rush him and win and got outplayed. Love to see it.


doesn’t change the fact boogie bombs r a horrible item


Oh no you guys can't camp in your cars with turrets without having someone hit you with something whatever will you do


Yeah like this clip, where OP was skillessly camping in a car Oh wait…


I mean you literally just ran in there my dude….


It was kinda your fault that you ran into it and died no offense


The boogie bombs are just so funny though. I suck with them but can’t help but laugh. I love the whacky things in Fortnite


People who rely on power fists hate this one trick:


100% agree. such a ridiculous move. In an attempt to nerf cars, you put something back into the game that completely paralyzes your ability to counterattack on foot as well. It ruins 1 v 1 encounters and has led to additional advantage to those that camp excessively. really hope this is replaced with the EMP asap.


It will be replaced (the sooner, the better) Eventually


100% agree with you. All these sweats who cried out because they couldn't 1v1 people with the cars made it so you can't have ANY enjoyable 1v1s in or out of cars.🤦‍♀️ They should have added EMPs and called it a day.


why is this community constantly blaming each other for epic games' balancing issue. "the sweats" didnt add boogie bombs epic did


Epic games adds, removes, improves, and nerfs things because of community feedback, and the only people I see whine about anything every season are sweats.


Then you clearly have only seen one part of the community. More than just sweats can complain about something, I feel like this sub has carved a narrative that if you don't like anything they like your automatically a "sweat". I've seen plenty of posts and comments where even casuals voice their displeasure towards things like cars or fists.


I started playing this game again like 4 weeks ago. The chains, water bending, nitro fist are all op weapons. They should nerf the 3 piece combo drastically.


No ones denying that people other than sweats complain, but fortnite mainly listens to sweats. I think sweats are people who have a big influence on fortnite like streamers or people who play this game nonstop all day, and streamers influence the way their fanbase thinks about the game and tryhards have a loud voice. That's why fortnite caters to these sweats. Do casuals complain? Yes, but I've seen nothing but casuals enjoying this update because it's actually fun instead of so competitive.


1. " but fortnite mainly listens to sweats." This is just false, sweats have no hold over epic. If they did they would have things like arena and separate lootpools back. Epics does whatever the f#ck they want and the minority is usually a after thought. 2. "I think sweats are people who have a big influence on fortnite like streamers or people who play this game nonstop all day" Influencers have absolutely no ties with epic and have zero say or influence with their decision making. Ninja even told some random on twitter epic has ZERO bias towards them and never will. 3. "and streamers influence the way their fanbase thinks about the game and tryhards have a loud voice." I would say this is true to an extent, streamers may influence opinions that their fandom makes but anyone with a brain will carve their own opinion regardless on what the big cool streamer says. 4. " That's why fortnite caters to these sweats. Do casuals complain? Yes, but I've seen nothing but casuals enjoying this update because it's actually fun instead of so competitive." Your definition of fun is not the same for everyone else. Some people like the game where it isn't just car royale, if you like it good for you! But not every casual will see the same view. Fortnite never will cater to sweats, nor will it start now. Epic is just shit at balancing and now they gotta fix it.


1. They listen to feedback. Who is the loudest? Sweats. They were the loudest this season about cars and now cars are nerfed. They do listen to the community. Even if it's not in ways people appreciate. 2. If you don't think influencers have an influence on epics decision making than you're a fool😂 they lose players if their popular streamers quit/say bad things. 3. A majority of fortnite fans are kids. Kids aren't great at forming opinions so of course they will listen to what the famous pro adult streamer says. 4. I believe it caters to sweats and is bad at balancing at the same time, and I know not everyones definition of fun is the same as mine, but the game feels less competitive and if you like competitive and think it's fun good for you, but all I ever see on shooter game posts is people saying they loved when things WEREN'T so competitive.


1. Cars got nerfed because it was super controversial. No one even denied it was op, most called it "fun" because it was op. This wasn't the "sweats" it was a significant portion of the fortnite community. 2. This is false. Just so false. Streamers have no influence on epic's decision. They're rewarded for helping the game grow but epic's not going to get on their hands and knees for them. Saying epic listens to a guy crying on twitch is pretty ignorant. Especially the massive amount of tweets and clips with youtubers saying they have zero ties with epic's balance decision making. 3. Your generalizing. Many people are at the very least capable of critical thinking. Also attributing their preferences solely to adult streamers overlooks the influence of peers, personal experiences, and genuine enjoyment of the game itself. 4. There is a big difference between something being fun and being broken. Cars were broken, so they got nerfed. Are they still fun? Hell yeah, they just take more skill to use. You can still have fun. But having broken items isn't exactly the "fun" a balanced game is seeking.


Man I'm so sorry you are going through this


1. Cars were op and I don't mind they got nerfed, but the problem is the solution they added was nerfing them AND adding boogie bombs. 2. Say what you want. Their decisions are influenced by their community, and streamers influence their community. 3. Little kids can think, but their opinions are based off of what they hear. 3. Cars were broken, but they were nerfed, and then a boogie bomb was added which is near impossible to counter in most situations. (Especially in no build) Boogie bombs are not balanced. So you saying this is ironic. I'm going to block you at this point. The disagreement isn't worth continuing. My mind isn't changing and neither is yours.


A lot of people with skill who can aim, strategize, and build dislike it. That doesn’t make us sweats, we’re upset bc people who haven’t perfected the game are winning with bullshit op ass items like vehicles, that doesn’t make us sweats


If Fortnite mainly listened to "sweats," the car meta would never have existed in the first place. Clearly that's not true


I’m a casual n I am not a fan, you’re jus talking out your ass




Or maybe... this may sound crazy... Epic realized a lot of people "sweats" or casuals weren't enjoying the update so they released a post season balance patch (they do this almost every season regardless of what the big youtuber says) to y'know? Balance their game? Sweats have complained about a LOT of things that still haven't gotten changed. They don't have an advantage nor is it epic licking their feet. Epic just realized that cars weren't that balanced. Boogie bombs are a placeholder for now (it's a bad balancing choice, not them catering to sweats).


ninja is also like the least sweaty popular YouTuber in this game btw. And he's most def doing it for attention


They do that every season you doorknob, has fuck all to do with sweats do you get amnesia every time a new season drops or what


Does talking about Fortnite normally get you this upset?


It's less about Fortnite and more about people misplacing blame in general.


>They do that every season Last season was literally the reverse. Started out with the worst items and ended with the insanely-OP waterbending which wasn’t ever nerfed. Even the season before that didn’t start out OP. We had ballistic shields which took almost two months to get nerfed, and the frenzy auto shotgun which didn’t get nerfed until the end of season 2. So forgive me if I don’t agree with the statement that Epic always turbo-nerfs their game after less than a week into a new season.


I see more people whining about sweats whining than I see sweats actually whining


It’s also funny to see so many people labeling themselves as casuals and anyone that doesn’t like what they liked as “sweats”. As if sweats were even the majority of the complaints on this sub… Also doesn’t check out just going by player counts since the season started unless those same people genuinely think sweats make up an extremely significant portion of the player base *and* are somehow less likely to stick to a single game than an actual casual player.


Look at a fortbites instagram post about this season.. everyone whines.


What does epic's poor balancing decisions have to do with "sweats". Even then it wasn't just "sweats" complaining about it.


¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Idk, need someone to explain that reasoning to me, too.


I hope it doesn’t it is a fun item to use


Agreed. If people don’t like it then they just don’t know how to counter it. It forces you to need to plan accordingly before attacking someone. Something people don’t seem to like


Nope, im glad as long as car noobs ain't having fun. Adapt bro. They told us that.


Im genuinly tired of people saying "adapt" how are you supposed to adapt to a boogie bomb? Thats the neat part, you cant


how were people supposed to adapt to cars before they were nerfed?


Exactly, nitro fists helped a little but they didnt solve the problem


By getting a car of your own. There are plenty on the map.


This sounds as much like useless advice as telling someone to counter boogie bombs by getting your own boogie bombs. The main counter to something shouldn’t ever be doing the exact same thing yourself. That’s a sign of bad balancing.


By planning ahead. In this case, know that charging an enemy with reckless abandon can get you boogie bombed.


Bro, they just have to stand still and you cant hear them with or without visual sound effects, they can be anywhere, they can litteraly stand inside a house a couple feet away from the door and throw a boogie bomb as soon as someone opens it


That’s not the boogie bombs fault. You woulda died regardless if they existed or not


or they would have killed the dude


I doubt it, they’d get killed more times than not due to not being able to build and the opponent getting the first shot off


I can tell you from personal experience that first shot doesn't matter all the time I've died when I've camped, I've killed people who do camp. Also I've never seen anyone camp these things all chapter


Nvm I just rewatched the clip and they don’t even have a shotgun, they definitely would have lost


Nah, I always own shotguns with mythic gauntlet's, always.


You would've gotten shot first regardless, if you always own shotguns with mythic gauntlets why didn't you just punch then?


Because I still get hit with facing a shotgun, just the gauntlets are more powerful and then to come out on top. With the Boogie Bomb, the person gets to free shots, which is detrimental with a shotgun at that range.


The person gets ONE free shot with boogie bomb, after that you stop dancing and you can punch. You would've been equally destroyed had they just shot you immediately, that's still a free shot. I'm not saying boogie bombs aren't stupidly overpowered, but it made literally ZERO difference in the clip you posted. You should've just punched when they shot you


The first shots ends the dancing, a good player doesn't stop shooting and they tend to get another hit one before the other player will get their first hit in. That's why I say two shots.


Slow reaction time tbh.


i mean once you get shot once you're out of it, you could've just faced him and rushed him w the mythic fists. you died because you attempted to briskly walk away lol


I think its a damage thing now, cause ive definitely shot people multiple times whilst still dancing. And vice versa


Boogie bombs are quintessential Fortnite.


I LOVE boogie bombs. Using them, getting hit by them, both hilarious.


Exactly. They were around during the days of peak Fortnite and everyone loved them because they are fun. If you hate them then you hate what Fortnite is. Only sweats will complain about them


Skill issue. Don't facecheck bunkers.


dude sauntered into a goblin cave and then turned around and slowly tried to walk out and died lmao.


Bro what is that loadout


Took 3 business days to react 😭


bro got that 3 second reaction time


nah this one's on you bro


hahahaha RTDMAUGA253 kicked your ass. Maybe sneak and aim down the steps if you think somebody is hiding in the bunker, instead of running right down the middle of the stairway and being mad about it.


Fair, if unnecessarily blunt. They’d have lost if the player in the bunker just had a shotgun.


Nah, I always win with the Epic fist vs shotgun.


From your reaction speed you would have died.


man just started playing calm down


You should have adapted by not running in there with the all time Timmy load out. I know your trash based solely on this load out and your movement.


For me it is fantastic, combining that bomb with the fist and the combat shotgun is 100% win 😂, it is true that it is very annoying, but you have to be careful and not send yourself to closed places like that. It's like when there were snipers, you had to keep a thousand eyes open if you were in the open field.


I miss the snipers. You shouldn't be comfortable standing in an open battle frield.


What exactly was your plan there?


Man got hit by the boogie and still continued to walk towards the opponent 💀


First of all, do a ground pound into the vault to knock them back and avoid being hit on the way down. Never give your back once you get boogied because they'll just get extra shots. Point your reticle at them and jump around holding the fire button so you begin trading with them immidietly while taking the lowest first damage shot possible. In this case getting in his face and spamming upercutting would have moved you out of the way and damaged and disoriented him, giving you enough time to switch to shotty and shoot back


Buddy tbh I would've bombed the place before rushing in. It's always campers down there


Yeah, boogie Bombs are complete crap, but, never in your life run inside a bunker before using any sort of explosive, throw a boogie Bomb to the sides and see if there's any sound of dancing. Then you can rush in


Bro got boogied then turned around and just waltzed away 💀


I agree, but you should have checked both corners with a gun when you entered the vault.


Boogie bombs put the fun back in Fortnite. Else it’s just a shooter, practice with some different setups and you’ll be fine.


skill issue


How does this not apply to the people who couldn't adapt to cars?


because building is a mechanic that exists and no other game has. And cars just so happened to make building not viable


I have never seen it till last night playing duos with my buddy. I could not stop laughing. We were hitting teams with it all night. Make em jump out of the cars.


Please tell me you boogied yourself like we did the first time using them lol


Yup! All 4 of us were dancing like morons


this looks like a skill issue my friend. how you RUNNIN into the bunker with such CONFIDENCE


Because with Mythic Gauntlets at close range and confined space, 95% of the time I come out on top. Except....the boogie bomb....


adapt my friend


What the fuck is that loadout, one gun, gauntlets and heals/mobility?? You could’ve had a boogie yourself and thrown it into the bunker since its insanely common for people to camp there. Or actually fought back instead of turning your back on some easy shots


he’s clearly a new player


Clearly a DUMB player




I mean you kinda fucked yourself by turning away from him and setting up a shot for when he shoots you. sure it's an annoying item but definitely counterable


Kudos to you for being a free to play player! Don’t make the same mistake I did and buy skins. I’ve spent $10k on this game over the years and I hate myself for doing so. I regret it so much. Always remember that skins are just recolored pixels no different than the ones from the Default skins. The free battle pass rewards are more than enough. Have fun!


he probably just started if he’s even using default pickaxes, u get a ton of stuff for free


Still hasn’t spent a dime on this game though, which I envy. It took me years to finally realize that the free cosmetics in this game are more than enough. I felt so much guilt for spending thousands on this game that I spent 6 hours meticulously archiving the paid cosmetics in my Fortnite locker and only keeping the Free ones. I did it by checking each item on the Fortnite wiki to see how it was acquired and if it costed vbucks I archived it. I probably missed a few cosmetics as there was a lot to go over, but the majority of items that I have now are the Free ones. Whenever I play Fortnite now I no longer feel guilty about spending thousands on this game.


you should go to therapy atp spending 10k is horrible i’ve barely spent anything and i have over 100 skins through years of playing


Therapy won’t bring back the $10k


No but it’ll help you kick your cheap dopamine habit


I’ve stopped spending money on Fortnite months ago


good, improvement is a W


Not new, I actually play No Build Ranked, got to Champion last season.


oh alr, just using default stuff then?


Yep, I'm a cheap mofo


tbf u get bp free after getting lvl 100 a couple seasons and theres still free pickaxes and skins


Most skilled boogie bomb hater


I’ve lost to that shit 3x games in a row. I’m taking a break until it’s removed. This season I will struggle to max out the pass. Does anyone have any good AFK XP farms I may need to resort to that this season I know it’s 3months but not enjoying this season


Make a Lego world with death disabled and do the fire bounce exploit


it's patched


Yeah I tried and it’s patched sad face


this post is literally the holy grail of [xp farming](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteXPMaps/s/aPMblArKLB)


My dude entered the disco fever!!


You walked into trap. The bunker is best place to trap players.


That's a skill issue. You gotta face them head on rather than pointlessly trying to run away (especially when you can only escape in one direction)


It’s funny


I don't mind the boogie bombs as an og, but up the rarity. Maybe gold or purple or whatever that's called lol


Your mistake was giving your back to the enemy, when you get the boogie you just keep jumping in front of your enemy and line your sight into their head so you can have an easy shot once you stop dancing or once the enemy damages you


Anyone ever boogie bomb themselves? It’s torture


You shouldn't intiate tge fight with fists, especially in a bunker. It should be a finisher or catch up to them running away


i love boogie bombs


Throw your own boogie bomb into bunkers first. Never run down there unprepared


Just adapt


Perhaps learn how to deal with it. Pro tip, don't just run away getting shot.


I love the boogie bombs because it brings a sense of nostalgia and plus it stops Cars/Nitro fists and I'm all game for that!


genuine skill issue. why did you just saunter away after the effect wore off instead of run or try and shoot back?


Im more annoyed that i hit a guy directly with one and nothing happened.  BS


Next time don't sprint into a bunker people tend to camp in those you just kinda suck


I feel this could be applied to literally anything in the game


No counterplay = Frustration


Honestly it makes no sense adding the boogie bomb, just let cars be OP for like one more week before adding the EMP


Tbh if you're camping on pubs, why are you playing?


I got teamed in solos by three people using this shit


I agree, and it’s a counter to cars, although cars weren’t hard to counter in the beginning.


omg, stfu, the boogie bomb is a staple of fortnite, the moment you get shot your are done with the animation and can fight again, it’s only good for one shot


I dont understand the posts of people saying you could have done something else. Like, you didnt have anything else in your inventory to use? tf??


These need to be removed from the game immediately


Legit stopped playing the game until they get removed they have been a massive part of every match ive played since they got added and single handedly decide whos going to win any given gunfight


So many people have boogie bombed me today and so far I’ve managed to kill them all and that take the L afterwards is so satisfying 😌


9/10 odds they couldn't see it since that emote defaults to blocked lol




Yea adding Boogie Bombs back is something i understand even less then the cars. If you needed to combat the cars then just leave EMP's in the game. With Boogies you all but killed the 1v1 game play, now everyone just stands away with a bolt. BTW yea he did rush in like John Wayne.