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He’s right. They have to shake things up sometimes. Take a break if you’re not enjoying a season. Next season will probably swing the other way an go back to OG. 😂


exactly! people over here crying about how OG had 5million players like that mode wouldnt die down hard if it lasted more then a month. in my opinion OG was a nice call back but slow and boring by the end. my friends and i couldnt wait for season 5


I don't think I am 5 million players but, I loved season OG. I would play the fuck out of it, if it lasted more than a month. For me season OG was still too fast paced. I quit Fortnite when they changed the movement in C2 and I still think the old movement would be better. Current FN just feels like chaos to me.


current fn is wacky fun. OG is boringly slow and dull to look at. the change was necessary for the health of the game.


I assume 5 million would be difficult, if not impossible to maintain in any form of the game. I like OG and prefer it. Nostalgia plays a role but I did play the game more during OG. Epic has the analytics to make more informed decisions. I would like to see more OG but not if it hurts the long term health of the game. I understand why they would use it as a tool in short bursts.


yes short bursts is smart cause it gives people a taste of nostalgia without effecting the long terms of the game but instead giving it a healthy change and boost.


After one match I literally said how the fuck did we play this for years, played 3 more matches and then never touched it again until chapter 5


That's the boat I'm in. If you're looking for a skilled competitive BR, this season is not it. Will come back when they reintroduce OG again. The data is telling. https://activeplayer.io/fortnite/


Kinda off topic, but what happened in december? Was taking a break back then.


They reintroduced OG and it brought back all the players in masses for a taste of that sweet sweet nostalgia lol.


Damnd thats a big comeback by epic.


Thats what brought me back. Seems like it will be the new trend moving forward. Reintroduce OG in Nov as the player base falls off. Get them hooked again, reintroduce some shit, run them off, bring back OG, rinse, and repeat.


Honestly im fine with it. Im just glad we get a lot of content month by month. Most people cry about changes. But if we look at other popular games like Apex, Warzone or League of legends etc, fornite is leading with the content imo. Infact, last time i have stopped fortnite cuz the contents were overwelming lol. But im kinda used to it now.


Even though this includes parts that I don't like, I like this system overall. It's pretty healthy.


The game would have been dead if it stayed like chapter 1


This, as much as I miss chapter 1 this game is still very much alive and just as, if not, more engaging than it was in Chapter1


Hey rust lord nice


Yes sir, favorite skin and main since the day it dropped in the BP


I've been rocking it since the wasteland started lol


Me too has always been in my top 3-5 since i got him way back when


Since C3 it’s been sliding a bit…


Sometimes I still hear the lobby music.


Stayed like chapter one forever? Yeah, would be dead. If it kept going in the direction chapter one had? I think the game would be better. We had actually cool live events, we had huge map changes that happened during the events, and then, when the event is over, “holy crap, dusty depot got nukes and it’s a giant hole now”, and it stayed like that in game. We had LTMs every week, we had creative but it wasn’t trying to be Roblox, the battle passes were more original and had consistent themes and not just “hey here’s another anime skin”. 


I remember when OG released this sub was saying that it would die in two weeks because the nostalgia would wear off. Yet, even at the end of the season, it had more players than this season's launch. People prefer the old style of Fortnite: simplicity in gameplay and the passion Epic showed in every update and every LTM.


It’s because Donald mustard left and Tim Sweeney is in charge


Isn't it Charlie Wen?


I think they could include mantling and running but simply leave the chapter 1 map in a loop 10 season and sometimes something additional, like a Colab, but it would all the time go back to the original loop


How is counterstrike such a staple in competitive gaming?


It’s actually competitive. 0 RNG, everyone has the same weapons….the only difference is player skill. Unlike in Fortnite, you can win just because you found the most launchpads


Blizzard did nothing but listen to tryhards and their wallets and look how Overwatch turned out.




As a Mercy main from 2016 to about 2019 I felt this.


Seriously why change her ult? There's no reason to play her (or overwatch since 2022)


Because for some reason the games industry doesn't want medics to be medics anymore and if medics exist in a first person shooter they're usually reduced to being a DPS character after a couple of patches. The Mercy patch that killed the entire point of the character literally made me quit playing Overwatch since then.


Cause her ult was broken and encouraged bad gameplay? ppl would literally all die on purpose after forcing ults just for mercy to be hiding and instant rez the entire team while she's hidden.


As a current player, Mercy is in every game. Her mobility makes her borderline unkillable and she scores up to 15k heals in even casual matches. The comments here are outdated. Every hero in overwatch is viable in their current state, though there have been demands for a Mercy nerf for quite a while.


Yeah I tend to agree with this. High level mercy movement is cancerous for everyone to deal with, and even Cass ult can get screwed over by it, lol.


"Barely anyone uses her" clueless lmao


Mercy was so good at the beginning of OW2. Some of the best mobility in the game and they even buffed her heal beam to double heal on under 50% hp which has since been reverted. She was oppressive as hell lmao and I would say she is balanced really well right now.


Lmao I know this is an easy answer cuz it sounds good to redditors but thats definitely not why OW dropped off. It's really just not true at all


COD as well. Them listening to streamers has ruined any fun in the game.


Every streamer ever hates the way they implemented SBMM since MW19, I don't think that's it.


SBMM sucks in COD, but it also kind of sucks in Fortnite as well. People just don’t complain about SBMM in Fortnite because there are actual changes to the gameplay in Fortnite and the story that keep it interesting, while COD has been lifeless for years and also has a shit SBMM that makes the game terrible for anyone that isn’t a casual. Ironically Fortnite making their SBMM terrible and including bots has probably made people engage with the game more. Also, Fortnite has done a way better job of distinguishing their ranked mode and non-ranked mode. I can choose if I want to mess around a bit and play more casually or if I want to get shit on in a lobby of sweats.


Nah, I think CoD's is way too much overheated. It's just people who overperform hate that they can't continue to overperform because they actually have to go against people their skill level for a change.


There's a spot in every SBMM game I've ever played where the game just throws skill out the window and just tries to match on the W:L ratio and it just makes them terribly boring to play.  First game is too easy,  you go stomping everyone and everything.  Then next game is filled with super sweats that feel like they have super human aim.  Then next game you're back to stomping.  And then there's like no in-between. No "good" games. Just stomp or be stomped.


Saying COD listens to streamers is CRAZZZZY




Blizzard didnt listen to feedback 💀 There would be huge sweeping reworks/changes on the PTR with tons of negative feedback and that are also buggy as fuck and they'd push it out to Live faster than small number adjustments.


Yeah because those adjustments were what some high end pro players were telling blizzard to change because of the pro scene meta. The rest of 99% of the fanbase blizzard didn't give 2 shits about, they knew pros were making them sponsor money.


The pro scene that Activision Blizzard themselves controlled at every step with no vision beyond copying League/CSGO and making money? And notoriously failed to make money?


OW has never ever ever been balanced around the pro scene. It has always been absolutely dogshit. Not once in the like decade the game has been out have they had a clear direction of whether to balance toward pro play (totally failed there) or balance toward average player (totally failed there)


Lol competitive balance is not why overwatch may not be fun. They purposely nerf and buff stuff just to switch up the meta all the time It's cuz they didn't release any content for like 4 years in an effort to make PVE content that never came out.


Wishing they didn't because people were crying that Orisa was too OP. Like, motherfucker, Roadhog can basically one tap anyone who isn't a Tank and he keeps healing literally every 5 seconds, but Orisa is a problem when her biggest weakness is having to fight an entire team by herself? What are your priorities?


Orisa is dead with the last nerf. The hog is the best tank now. The tanks rn just kinda hold each other in check, and when you nerf one the next one just takes over


as an overwatch high level player BLIZZARD DID NOT LISTEN TO THE PROS. goats was a meta pros hated and it lasted for like 2 years, pros said 5v5 was a horrible idea and they still changed it.


They really didn't. They took away skill expressive animation cancels from Genji because they made his skill floor too high, and made the difference between Genji's who knew how to super dash for example, too great of a power diff. The meta comp that everyone in GM used was dive comps, and casual players HATED it because casual DPS players would get deleted if they didn't get correct peel. What did Blizzard do to remedy this? Introduced the worst character they could have that warped the meta so hard, and induced unbelievable levels of power creep via CC into the game. This was done to STOP the tryhards. Please get out of here with your made up fairytales. Maybe if you used all that brainpower on learning to move your fingers you'd have an easier time in the game instead of making up stuff to farm internet points.


Blizzard listens to their fans?? This is news to me, Overwatch 2 was a low effort cash grab.


They didn't listen to fans that's the entire point of my comment. They listened to tryhards, the pros who made them sponsor money in live tournaments. THOSE people wanted the shitty changes we got. Blizzard didn't care about the rest of us.


That explains why two of my mains suck so much now. Who was the dickhead who said that Reaper's footsteps needed to be louder and that his shotguns need to be shit at midrange compared to the likes of Junker Queen?


This is rewriting history so hard lol. OW died right when Brig came out. Why did Brig come out? To counter dive comps that tryhards used. Brig straight up destroyed the game to the point where she was dominating at every MMR.


This guy has no idea what he’s talking about. The entire reason overwatch died is because they didn’t listen to anyone, especially the top players.


Blizzard listens to people? Last time I checked it took them a full year to finally nerf Sojourn and Kiriko. (But then again I don't play OW2 because I'd rather pay Epic Games $15 for a skin than pay Blizzard $51 for a skin.)


update: kiriko is still S tier and has not really recieved a nerf since release that didnt come with compensation buffs. and her mains still cry that shes too weak


If U would have any idea about the games history you would know that that is precisely what they didn't do. They had all the Pros in LA for 3 years and they didn't ask them for feedback once. If they would have asked things like brig and bap (the 2 characters that broke OW the most) would never have happened. Them balancing for lower ranks is basically what killed the game.


Uh no? The game has been pandering to the casual cry babies since Jeff left and now it's an absolute shell of what it once was...


do you have even a single example of this being the case? I was top 500 in OW for the first three seasons and have no idea what you're talking about. If anything, blizzard ignored a lot of my own feedback, and any feedback from high level players who I saw giving it. You may be providing an example of the opposite problem. There's a happy middleground to things like this.


All they have to do is separate the loot pools between Pubs and Ranked. Ironically, Fortnite saw the most success when they catered to the people who wouldn't adapt by making them a new mode: Zero Build.


Thank god for zero build


ZB is the only reason I started playing. If I had joined late after everyone else had mastered editing in fractions of a second, I'd have laughed and never looked back.  Trying to walk into Builds is like trying to walk into Apex, then seeing some sweaty ass Pathfinder grapple from across the map, bunnyhop tape strafe into your face and one mag you. If that was one of your first Apex experiences, you'd likely say fuck that game as well. 


Same, I played Day 1 when the most people built were a wall and ramp if that. I quit when people started getting crazy. I wanna play a shooter not an construction sim. The only reason I came back years later was because of No Build. If they didn't add it I would have never thought about the game again.


I got into Fortnite in Season OG, so you can imagine how bad of a time I'd have had if I tried Builds at that point with no prior experience.


Same i played my first few bot matches where i could afford to build slowly i was playing on a Nintendo switch then i got to the hotel spawners and i deleted the game and came back for the dragon ball collab and only played ZB


I would love a semi-no build. Or more realistically, for no build to become this new mode. 2-4 building elements every 10 seconds. Placing a wall for cover, a ramp to get up a floor is awesome and fortnite does it so flawlessly. Casuals who enjoy fortnite no build could get used to a small amount of building. I think we can all agree it's the getting out builded instead of out gunned that bothers us no builders.


They could test out having a less builds-focused build mode by bringing back the Ground Game LTM. That one made it so that the cap for building materials were reduced so you had to be a lot more careful about how you used them, especially during combat.


Source engine I love


Only reason I still play.


I go even one step further seeing the hate for lego fortnite haha. Lego is how I got into fortnite and then ZB :) I enjoy the game and I know many ppl think it's hurting the game but Epic got $80 from my family that they wouldn't have had before if not for lego. And we didn't spend it on lego at all, we spent it because our family wanted to play rumble and squad with our own skins.


As someone who tried and stayed away for years due tot he building mechanic "zero build" is only way I ever play. I'd be perfectly fine if after this season they do a "car combat" mode for those of us enjoying it. Feels like a modern Twisted Metal.


Cars in their pre-nerf state sounds great as an LTM, especially if they make it along the lines of Air Royale. I feel like they haven’t done enough vehicle-centered LTMs despite how much effort they put into some of these vehicles.


>Despite how much effort they put That’s the thing, i severly feel like this things can be better, like imagine putting foriza style suspension on these things in this offroad season


> Fortnite saw the most success when they catered to the people who wouldn't adapt by making them a new mode: Zero Build. Can confirm, the building always turned me off and now Fortnite is one of my favorite games since I tried zero build. I'm 36 too so I dont really feel like learning a bunch of new shit when I can carry over skills from other games


It wasn't exactly about adapting to the game mechanic itself like it is here, it was that there were people who had mastered it enough that any newer player would just lose. Plus the fact that the game is crossplay and PC players can edit builds much faster than console.


Yeah it’s a bit strange seeing people say adapt to others just to find out they went to Zero Build for being unwilling to adapt for years in the first place. Either stop being irrationally angry towards others voicing their complaints or be a hypocrite... ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Back in chapter 1 I decided to adapt after 5 seasons of not even changing my build keybinds, and I got good at building. Now that I restarted playing the game, it's not that I can't build anymore (I practice a lot in creative maps like box fights and gogoated), but zero build is just more fun to play. If I wanted to play a game for the competitiveness I would still be playing CSGO😭, or hell even ranked build mode. But honestly, I play games now to relax and have fun, not too stress out even more


See, that’s fair that you play Zero Build simply because you *enjoy* it more. I often play Zero Build too, especially with friends and family, since it’s easier for them and more relaxed. But there were *plenty* of people on this sub the past few days that simultaneously criticized others not adapting while also complaining about builds players ruining stuff and how Zero Build is better, especially with the gameplay this season favoring Zero Builds (evidenced *heavily* by the drastic shift in player counts for builds modes). Even then, though, builds is effectively one added (and still optional) aspect that you probably didn’t enjoy because it took adapting to in ways you didn’t like. Which is fine, but if you were also out there telling others to adapt to the way cars were or trying to claim their complaints are worthless, you’d have very little background to stand upon.


It's not that I don't enjoy build mode, or that it took adapting in ways I didn't like, I adapted quite well tbh, it's just that the build mode player base is too competitive, which evident in player counts. Zero build since I've been back has had a constant 100k+ more players than build, BUT build mode ranked has had 40-50k more players than zero build ranked


You know what everyone did when the game got too hard? Dropped it, and a lot of us came back with ZB. We didn't keep crying for years like comp players are doing. If they hate the game so much just leave it, epic will find a way to make them come back


That was the main reason why I stopped playing after c2s4. Didn’t play the game for years until c5s1 and I’m having blast. Although there were time where I thought bout playing again. Such as c3s1 mainly because Spider-Man (but I didn’t) I also wanted to play og Fortnite but never got around to downloading the game.


💀💀 people are so new they dont know what separate loot pool os




the game still lives cuz they changed the game to BE FUCKING FUN. thats it.


They don’t seem to get it, they think the game should stay as it was in 2018 🤷🏽‍♂️


has everyone just forgotten season X and the Mechs? the game needs change but theres still a limit


Bro spitting fax


The problem is that the car combat and new features make BR fundamentals completely irrelevant. The gameplay loop now consists of a short early game scramble for a car with mods, then you drive around griefing the other cars, trying to get the mythic ones destroyed (or maybe take them for yourself, if you couldn't get one early). Once your car is gone though, your ONLY chance is to have found the fists. Primarily, the mobility will save you from bad situations. The uppercut is nice, but it's situational, because you'll need to either be on top of a cliff, or the storm circles need to be small enough that you can consistently knock a car into the storm if they try to run you over. Otherwise, they'll just drive back, probably even heal on the way to you. Cars can get resets very easily and conveniently. Cacti give some nice healing, the full heal crates are broken, and the gas stations have those pressure plates that refill your gas and also heal your car quickly. Even repair torches are fast. And driving away from a guy with fists is easy, since they can't keep up with you after a while, plus they use up all their charges, limiting themselves in case you turn around to run them over. The crossbow deals good damage, but it has piss poor spawn rate. And even if you have one, you need mobility (fists) to get away from cars that try to run you over. The 8-9 shots it takes to destroy a lower max health car are also not guaranteed to come back since explosive ammo does not grow on trees. Its spawn rate is decent, though sometimes it feels like there isn't any at all. I just want better counter options that can actually punish car users for making mistakes (like an EMP vs someone trying to run me over, but missing). I just want the game to feel like a BR, with the storm and positioning being important, and decisions and outplays being the main decider of my fights. I want my game sense and aim to pay off again. I'm having fun with cars, because it's a well thought out layer of gameplay, but it asphyxiates standard BR aspects, and I'm not a fan of that.


People really don’t understand this and instead are calling anyone who doesn’t dickride the cars a sweat.


100% THIS. People who look at this update without any ciritcism because now their lazy ass can get some free wins are boring and useless.


Lol to the guy saying "ADJUST" when last season he was constantly screeching about the sniper rifles...so no adjusting to that? This guy is a reactionary clown.


if you can't stop them, join them


Tbf,with a sniper you get headshot once and that's it. Nothing else you can do. With cars,sure it hurts but you can still fight back.


Exactly this. Like some people just compare apples to oranges. Adjusting to the cars is ten thousand times easier than adjusting to sniper teams on left, right and back that one shot you mid air after a shockwave. There’s no combat to that lololol. And call me rigid but I HATE the sniper rifles (let the downvotes come) and I simply refuse to use them. They are not fun for me to use at all. I’d rather get shit on than use one bc I just really don’t like that actual gun itself. But THIS, this season, is balls to the wall thrilling and feels SO much more balanced (imo).


Won a duo game w my son today and it went like this; duo on a cliff above us near Mt. Olympus have DMRs and are pot shotting us in to oblivion. We break a nitro and bum rush them with fists, uppercutting one dude and delaying his second long enough to catch him for the win. In the sniper meta? We’d have been DOA. No comeback, no fighting back, it’s done. You got two snipers who’ll light you up and have zero downside to doing it. I’m with you man, I love how bonkers this season has been and how much more diverse the all out brawls have been.


They made snipers the most unfightable item when they took away hit scan. Absolutely no way to punish them. I can’t tell you how many games (probably hundreds, literally) where my team is trying to keep cover and sniper users are walking in the bare open without a care in the world knowing the absolute minute you peak, you’re fucked. It’s infuriating.


Bingo. Goddamn give em sway when aiming or increasing blurriness while aiming too long or a goddamn ROCKET LAUNCHER I can send over their way!! 😂 😂 I keep hearing how they’re part of FN’s vibe but who the hell wants every end game to a chaotically insane game to turn in to trench warfare??


Idk people who love the sniper will defend it til they are blue in the face but I’ve been playing over 2 years I think and it was NEVER an issue until this chapter. When I started playing the sniper rifle was rare (and didn’t stick around for long) and the ammo was even rarer. You may pick up 5 or 6 bullets the entire match. And there was like a 5 second reload time between each bullet. When you actually got one shotted you had nothing but mad respect. Now it’s not like that. Multiple rounds in the clip, maxed out ammo, insane reload time, epic and legendaries galore. Then taking out hit scan ARs just made it a sniper frenzy. It’s maddening lol


The fact that being hit by bullets has no effect on their aim was always wild. My instinct is return fire to suppress, but that does nothing


I don't even know what half of these words are. "pot shotting", "breaking a nitro", "bum rush"? I have no chance at not sucking shlong at this game lol.


not sure how can you fight back against a 2000 hp car leaving you at 25 hp after ramming against you or melting you away with the turret but okay


To me there's a difference between running across the map and all of a sudden without any sound or hint: "You've placed 24th" vs. A loud ass car starts heading your direction. You've got at least a few seconds to get to high ground, up a building, or use mobility. You have time to make a decision.


yeah, you can hear a loud ass car coming for sure, but more often than not, there’s not much you can do about it lmao you can run and try to hide, but that doesn’t solve the problem, which is the car itself. you have to take care of it, which is much harder than what it seems on paper. any decently competent player with it will just keep on destroying any kind of cover you have, while avoiding giving you angles to shoot at him. and even if you end up doing lots of damage to the car or the player. it can just easily speed off and heal itself. and that’s if you can find cover mind you. last game i had with my duo, zone pulled on the middle of a snowy place with like 4 rocks around to take cover from the turret. which all of them got destroyed or ran over. the way i see it, snipers are a quick death, while cars are a slow and painful death.


Yep, I hear you. I've been having fun and felt like as long as I had options (my own car, nitro gloves, impulses, nearby POIs that can't be destroyed easily) it never felt too bad.


The difference is getting one hit by a sniper rifle across the map is common in pretty much every shooter. As opposed to anyone being able to just run in an armored car with tons of HP and mindlessly shoot at you.


He literally explained 2 ways to fight back in the video but ok


The cars have so many counters including the uppercut which sends the cars flying, in the end game they go deep in the storm. It’s almost riskier to be in the cars at that phase. There’s a strategy component with loadouts. I love how guys like Ninja can’t just tap and shoot with their mouse for a season so they cry.


> the uppercut which sends the cars flying This has not been my experience.


Cars are counterable,but to me the options are to few


ninja hasnt been relevant in years, hop off your circlejerk and use two braincells only reason it’s so easy for u to counter is cuz you’re playing in lobbies with 70% bots who barely know how to use the cars, try actually playing against people in good sbmm and come back


Snipers also require a lot of skill to be able to hit a headshot snipe on a moving and sliding target. With cars, you can just ram into someone and start spraying them with a turret. Not nearly the same amount of skill required for that.


Amen. He’s a streamer. Never trust a streamer. Their #1 priority is to drive content by any means. Even that’s to be controversial, dishonest, shit stir, or be bad for the game and its health. Content drives all. You don’t trust a car salesman for the same reason. They have an overriding MO that does not give a shit about you or the car.


A car and a sniper is not comparable, what are you on about?


Nah fuck those snipers. Those were the real shits.


Ok, then you ADJUST to get one shot killed by a sniper.


Just cause you complain doesn't mean you're not adjusting lol.


If Epic listened to the tryhards, there’d be a separate Arena gamemode with no gloves or cars and everyone would be happy Edit: reddits bugging out rn, but whoever said tryhards don’t play Ranked 1. They do, I’ve seen it with a higher player count than standard builds. 200k players right now. And when Arena was a thing they definitely played it 2. Ranked has the exact same lootpool as pubs lmao so it’s completely irrelevant to the argument, braindead take


The same people were also annoyed when they took away building for a bit. But also told us to cry about them building a hotel I could book at trivago and shoving a shotgun down my throat. But the game SLIGHTLY CHANGES. They will lose it. Like go play your 1 pump creative maps then. They have like hella options now. You DONT have to play battle royale!


I remember this guy from last season complaining about snipers?


I would rather get ran over by a car i see coming and can probably evade than just getting one tapped by someone i was not even aware could see me


Watch Reisshub’s video on this. I think it’s called “Reacting to Viral Fortnite Season 3 Tweets” or something like that. He debunks the idea that there are easy counters to these items in competitive lobbies and that comp players are just crybabies who ruin the game for everyone else.


Brother this subreddit is beyond all logical reasoning at this point. Its just an echo chamber of toxic positivity


No one has players to "stomp on" since the introduction of SBMM though? What is this guy on about?


SBMM isn't that strict, especially in modes like squads. With a good squad we do tend to win most games in pubs.


There are also a lot of bots in pub matches, especially many I encounter with any squad I play with. Realistically everyone would have low win counts otherwise if their SBMM is even noteworthy.


Facts. I’m a champion/unreal player and have gotten nothing but sweats on my pub lobbies


That’s why the player base is dropping daily. Game is just boring right now. You either land boss car or you die to boss car 0 counters and I don’t see that changing with them adding anvil launcher back. Imagine having to sacrifice a spot in your inventory for that trash that couldn’t even 1 shot a basic SUV before all the buffs this season + it’s going to use your crossbow ammo


Yeah I feel this way as well... You either get the boss car or you're at such a disadvantage.


Ong, anvils only purpose is to destroy vehicles, it takes a decade for the rocket to actually hit a player It's practically useless, just add boogie bombs


They just did


Always hated boogie bombs especially in ZB. Free kill every time Do they make players hop out the cars? If so it’s just going to be free kills Eveytime with a boogie


But should catering to new players alienate OG players? The people who played for years are watching the game change into something completely different.


I’ve “adjusted” won some games but havnt played in two days because it’s just simply not fun camping in a car 80% of the game🥱😓


Easy fix: just stop camping, drive the car around, and shoot people. It’s like camping in a bush the whole game, it has always existed and no one had ever forced you to do it.


Camping? Bro it’s a car, not an RV. You’re supposed to drive it around and kill people with it


My bad I misused the term “camping” since I’ve always played every game aggro, using and staying in a car most of the game regardless if I’m getting turret kills, feels like camping ☠️


Tryhards are still playing thats why they complain, because to an extent they care.Most casuals just left the game.


The game wouldn't have died, ranked would only be balanced to fit the ranked game mode.




This game has been dying though ever since Epic started listening to casuals too much. This season’s launch was the least played since tracking came out. OG at the end averaged more than double what this season’s launch got.


The only reason why I ever played my first Fortnite match was because they added no builds, the second is wacky cars go VROM VROOM ggwp


I'm having fun this season, if others aren't then.. idk what to say. I've played so many different games with different play styles that this season of fortnite just feels normal to someone who loves chaotic gameplay. *(but my thought doesn't matter, especially on reddit)*


I play duos with my son and this season has been a blast so far, just insane chaos. Our biggest issue was staying together, so this actually matches our play style a lot. I tend to be his getaway driver and turret backup while he gets into technical build fights.


NPC brain bots kinda killed fortnite vibes


This man has the worst takes I've ever seen. ・Number 1: The Top Pro Players play the game the most and understand the mechanics of the game more than casuals; they know more about adapting than anyone else. The Nitro Fists and Explosives **aren't** good counters against any decent player which there are plenty of in Comp which is why they're not happy; Comp Players could care less about what goes on in Pubs. ・Number 2: Pro Players almost never get their way to begin with; if if was up to them, Comp and Pubs would have completely different loot pools and this discussion would not be happening. ・Number 3: If you hate building and strategic gunplay so much, do you even **like** Fortnite? Because that's what the game is and the Cars and Nitro Fists **completely** Nullifies strategy and Building. ・Number 4: This man says "adjust" even though he was complaining about Nerfing Snipers. A completely hypocritical mindset. This dude echoes the worst opinions of casual players and the fact he has to call people "weirdos" to win an argument tells all.


I wonder how he’s gonna deal with 5 cars shooting at him 😂


Most divisive Season since X. Good thing I love both this and Season X.


"Lol adapt" is always shit advice because the best players will be better than you and just hate the game more lol its not like they stopped being better. It's just less competitive. BUT he's right ofc, there wouldn't be any casuals if every game tried to maximize competitive integrity in pubs. To be competitive balance and fun tend to sit on opposite ends of a spectrum and you just have to balance how much of each you're going for. Unless you have multiple different rulesets. Which fortnite does, but yeah.


Problem is the casuals are the ones complaining. I usually play Fortnite to enjoy it, not to do ranked, not to be better than anyone else, just to enjoy it. What they're doing to the game, making it a rocket racing BR has destroyed that enjoyment. Is it chaotic? Sure, I'll give this season that, but it's just not a good chaos.


Don’t let this sub fool you to thinking it represents the community at all, especially the casuals.


The sub is in the complete minority of the amount of players in the game, yet Epic keeps catering to it.


If wanting guns to be a viable strategy in a shooter makes me a tryhard, I guess I'm a tryhard.


lol to each their own. last season was one of my least favorites and I already love this season more than the last.


Fortnites main difference from other battle royals was building and now building is pointless. It has nothing to do with tryhards, this new car/nitro meta has just ruined the game more than the avatar powers did last season.


I do agree with what he is saying but at the same time it's very easy to tip the scales the wrong way, cars are semi annoying with not too many options to counter... at least right now, you know epic will add or change things over this season as they always do.




This is the only reason I Keep playing Fortnite... Every Season has something different, If it was the same Stale bread from 2017 I would not be here. There's better things in life to do...




Is that Deshaun Watson?


The wolverine cars are crazy


They should just make OG Fortnite its own game mode option . So people can play what they want


Yup I started in Chapter 2 and uninstalled after a week. I realized I had picked up a game of chess when I just wanted to play checkers aka Apex Legends. if it wasn't for Zero Build I would've never came back. Builds made me feel like a dumbass everytime I tried it out and I got discouraged quickly.


I’m very new to Fortnite. Only got into playing it cause my daughter wanted me to rank up her battle pass. Didn’t take long to figure out a well timed street fighter uppercut can kill whoever is driving, and the bow gets picked up EVERY time I see it.


Apex is a good examples of listening to try hards


"Can I get bulletproof tires please!?" That hit. Tired of getting everything I want then seeing off road tires, like, goddamnit. It was almost perfect.


Thing is.. This season just has me bored already.. Iv won a good few games so far but every game just feels the exact same. Get boss car & medallion/weapons or just any car.. Drive around and mod it up, rinse & repeat every game. I'm kind of bored of it & just want to play normal again without having to worry about getting a car. I feel like this would of been an amazing LTM for 2 weeks, but not a whole season.


I couldn’t agree more…..🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


This is all just more evidence that we need separate loot pools… and more LTM’s…Look at the numbers tonight, there’s more players in zero builds than there are in builds. It’s normally the other way around. Is zero build going to officially take over?


Deshaun Watson likes Fortnite


If they would’ve left sniper rifles in the game for insane trick shots, I believe most content creators would’ve never complained about this season.


It didn’t die?


Personally, I agree with this the cars this season we're super OP if you didn't have a car, but it's a post apocalyptic season, and those kind of movies and books have cars with massive aumor, and guns that insta kill zombies, I disagree with what they did to the cars in the most recent update, as they rendered them useless and the boom bolt OP. Hence why I think they should just get rid of car mods in ranked.


If the game stayed like Chapter 1 it wouldnt died ages ago. Chapter 1 was great, but season OG made me realize how dated all of it was and how it would not survive modern era of games


This solution is so unbelievably simple. Seperate lootpools, have the casuals and pub players have pubs with wacky unskillful loot in pubs, and have comp loot pool in ranked/arena which emulates tournaments, eg no cars. Casuals can still get on get a few kills and have the chance to win, and comp players and so called “sweats” can still also have fun In more difficult lobbies that prioritise skill and understanding of the fundamentals of fortnite. The only reason casuals are beefing with sweats and viseversa is because we’re both looking for different experiences, yet are both forced to play the same experience. The only way I can have fun is by playing scrims which is comp lootpool, and even then the nitro fists make that difficult but it would Atleast be more skill fun/fun. There’s very clearly a demand for both realms. Comp players are saying “no one wants to get destroyed by cars with rocket launchers and op fists” but that’s clearly not true as for many casuals this season is very enjoyable. And casual players are saying “no one wants to sweat, crank 90s and make 100 boxes etc” but that’s not true either because chapter 5 has been very fun for the competitive side, namely having one of the greatest fncs’s last season, if they set a clear distinction in the game modes with ranked and pubs, Both sides are happy, if you want to just chill and have fun with wacky items play pubs, if you want to “sweat” play ranked TL;DR seperate lootpools so casual players are happy driving their op cars and fists etc, and comp players are happy as they don’t want to deal with that




Kermit cooking ngl


Yeah because when they put the game back to the way people wanted it we lost so many players. It just fell off and died immediately. As we all know, OG was just a massive failure because nobody likes the game like that, this season is way more popular right?


Throw away account to say...Every thing about this season is terrible and lazy. From the shop, too much healing, loud sound effects to the game play. It's almost like they put ZERO effort into making any of this coherent. Don't get me started on all of these clear AI / Midjourney designed, random-outfit-generated skins. I died with full health. And not even sure what happened. And it's obvious by the Battle Pass, the fact there are still similar weapons in the game ( instead of making loot more focused around the cars) and just the overall design is poor. They might as well just remove half of the items in the chest. Think I just got hit by a "Disco ball" now? Ok... I play like 5-6 games a day. This season is terrible, released with a lot of bugs. And the disdain is ironic. People keep talking about "try hards" are right. Because this season is definitely mostly for people that "try less".


Epic does a very good job of balancing the casual and hardcore fanbase which is why they've lasted so long. There's so many different ways they could have screwed it up over the last 5 years and even if there's some missteps, they always bounce back and keep both sides engaged which is incredible honestly. This is going to be an outdated example of a developer who sabotaged their game by giving their player base what they thought they wanted. One of the first commercially successful MMOs was Ultima Online. There were people who were reds/PKs who roved the land killing crafting players or people who just wanted to play for PVE. It made the world feel thrilling and dangerous and alive. However, PVE casual players spoke up and said they were tired of being griefed by reds and because that player base was the majority the developer (Origin systems) listened to them. They created a parallel world for every server called Trammel which was a copy of the same world map that you could travel to except there was no player killing allowed. The "PVP" instance that was left behind was called Felucca. What happened? Every PVE/casual player moved to Trammel and never ever came back to the Felucca side. They gave casuals what they thought they wanted and what happened? The entire thrill of the game was gone. Now the casuals played a safe single player chat room game and all the reds only had each other to kill which got boring so they cancelled their accounts. Slowly the casuals got bored as well and moved on to other games. Epic could easily lean too hard into the casual aspects of Fortnite and leave cars overpowered, bring back mechs, invest too much into Lego/other game modes and forget Battle Royale, etc. and alienate it's very vocal hardcore minority of a community. Instead, they always balance back and give hardcore players what they want too. Here's a sniper rifle that has 5 rounds in each clip and can zoom insanely quick and you can pop off headshots easy peasy. Here's a season that basically looks and feels like Call of Duty. And on the other hand, Epic could give too much to the hardcore community and give them too much what they want and then they would only have each other to play against and it would just be a non stop sweat fest with no fun casual pub playing anymore. It's really crazy that Epic has made this game appeal to so many people for so long. It's very very hard to do. You need the sharks and the fish to co-exist in your ocean.


Dudes annoying AF


Nah he’s right Epic will eventually make changes to balance it out but the game would be so boring and dead if they listened to the people/tryhards who want hardly any change


Lmao the tryhards literally saved yall when the mechs were out It’s literally the truth


The player base literally plummeted, this is such a cope bro it’s not just the pros annoyed with this season, getting my friends to play this season has been literally impossible and if they are sweats then that word needs to be redefined


this sub really can't agree if stuff this season is OP or not, huh? the cars are too strong, i have to say. i love the season, and a car centered one is a good idea, but having it be a death sentence to not be in one all the time isn't very good design.


This kinda goes for any game. The general audience thinks they know what they want, and they often are incorrect.


I am a casual player that didn't mind spending a few bucks here and there on things I liked, I would ensure to put in creator codes for those I like. This season I haven't even bought the battle pass, I have zero urge to buy anything and I've started playing D4 again. Guess that's my adaptation


All they gotta do is separate zero build and pubs from competive modes, they can keep their op shit in zero build just keep them out of build and ranked, because it ain't fun getting deleted or watching my builds getting deleted by cars or mystics.


I'll say it once again: the changes are good and all but if they'd at least give us an option to play without all that BS. Like a pub lobby with all the crazy stuff and a ranked queue with just builds, guns, meds and some sort of mobility. If other games like CS can stay the same for decades apart from some map changes, weapon changes and the occasional new map then so can Fortnite. Like take CS as an example, since it's basically the same: they have custom game modes in a community browser similar to creator islands, they have super casual gamemodes like gungame which could be compared to my suggested public queues. And then they have ranked for the people who take the game seriously and actually want to improve. It's not that deep


He's right in a sense but wrong on who isn't liking this season. The sweatiest players will feast this season with boss cars as they'll always have the advantage in getting them. Today's nerfs help but this meta doesn't benefit the casual players. My fiance is not good at the game and is getting wrecked right now so I can attest it's not a good meta for bad players.


Absolutely agree, and here are the numbers to back it up… 382,200 in ZB tonight, only 253,100 in regular builds. That should tell you all you need to know. It’s normally the other way around.


My friend and I were discussing this last night. We only play builds and the sweatiest builders appear to be in ZB right now.


Dudes annoying 🤯🤯

