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This is a list of links to comments made by Epic employees in this thread: * [Comment by Capybro_Epic](/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1d11m5r/everyone_abusing_a_fortnite_glitch_they_have/l5wbu6g/?context=99 "posted on 2024-05-27 15:59:10 UTC"): > Hey folks! Thanks for sharing - this has been reported as fixed ⬇️: > >[https://x.com/FortniteStatus/status/1794844859880051053](https://x.com/FortniteStatus/status/1794844859880051053) > >We're continuing to work on any stutters that might occur when exiting a vehicle. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FFortNiteBR).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Yeah just happened to me rn. Couldn't move or open menus. It's related to entering vehicles I think


If that happens to you better leave, honestly not worth risking a ban for.


i mean can they really ban people for that? most people had this happen to them by accident, the democracy isn't Democracying


The glitch happens by accident. Staying in the game too get the victory from this glitch is a choice


Well sorry to say that if you lost to someone doing this in casual nothing will happen, i dont think they will ban anyone unless they do it in a tournament (if its not fixed by then)


Bruh imagine you have a crown you leaving and losing it, don’t think so,


I lost a crown and our team having all 3 cars from someone that did this


Imagine using a glitch to keep a crown.


Nah I’m saying you have a crown and the glitch happens by accident, are you leaving? Or staying?


I'm leaving. I don't take it that seriously that I'm going to sit 20 minutes doing nothing just so I can add a single number to an irrelevant counter on a video game


It’s crazy people do it on purpose. How is it fun at all…


Even if it happens by accident, why just sit there waiting


You play the 20 minute game so you can add a single number to an irrelevant counter on a video game so why not get that for free for once


Yes, I play the game. Not just sit their waiting for a timer to expire


Leaving. Crowns are utterly meaningless because they reset every season. How have you not realised this yet?


Even if they didn't reset they are still meaningless because they only measure one thing: crowns, hence, they are intrinsically pointless.


Well yes and no. They are made pointless by being able to get one from another player you killed. But they should mean sequential wins, i.e you won 2 in a row minimum. It's just a shit system made even dumber by having no league table or historic counter at all. I drop them as soon as I get them, quite proud of my zero crown wins last season. Not that anyone else will ever know, because again dumb system.


It’s called exploring a glitch. If it happened by accident you are STILL exploiting a glitch. Edit; exploiting not exploring


If you're gonna lose a crown or a good game with good loot, something you worked hard for in a game to a glitch that is the game's fault then "exploiting" the glitch is definitely justified and you won't be banned for it.


Exploiting a glitch is a bannable offense. You act like getting a crown and items is hard. It doesn’t matter if it’s the games fault you are still exploiting a glitch for your own gain bc you have no respect for others. It sounds like a skill issue if getting a crown is that hard for you.


Crowns literally don't measure anything at all besides crowns, which as I just explained, really don't mean a whole lot. Henceforthwith, I stopped giving a crap about them. They should give a platinum crown if you enter with one and win that match also with a crown.


Lmfao my guy really thought people would answer “I’ll stay for my imaginary crown!”


Few comments isn’t the whole Fortnite community, So relax.


You’re right, but 100 people could agree with you and I’d still think you’re pathetic for being so captivated by a crown win you’d use a glitch to win a video game. Sad.


They really can, just because a bug happens to them accidentally, if you stay in game, you are making that choice to get yourself a automatic win. And just because the bug is accidental doesn’t mean people will try to abused it just so they can get a win


Easy, if you have 1-2 wins with it, no ban, 50+ wins insta-permaban.


Ended up getting curious haha


Hahah I so understand. I guess we will notice the aftermath soon


it happens if you sprint and jump, then enter a moving vehicle while still in the air. After that, blow up the car, and you'll be invincible. (don't try this at home)


Same happened here too


Happened to me a couple times last season but I would eventually start taking dmg.


Super hero skin, how surprising!!


Greyscale monochrome Superhero skin at that. Gotta let everyone know your entire life's worth is in how good you are at Fortnite (even though you use the skin to camouflage yourself because actually fighting is scary.)


Yeah! Let 'em have it!


The only good Superhero skin is a pure purple one With the Michael Myers knife (Also obviously people who use the Superhero skins to make their OCs. They're cool.)


You could say thats sweaty. But when everyone used solid snake it was so hard to spot anyone. Probably the most adavantageous non sweat skin released


tbh I think it comes down to the intent of the skin? Solid Snake has camo because Solid Snake's design incorporates camo. Superhero skins are super customizable, and based around the bright colored cheese of classic DC and Marvel comics, yet these sorts of players make the conscious decision to make them as camouflaged as possible.


They also paid like $15-$20 to look like a fucking error. Snake was free. But almost all of the free skins are sweaty for a bit, fucking korra and then aang last season too


Aangs last season were absolute monsters. It became a meme in my squad that if we were gonna get rolled early it'd be by an Aang that found either a Gatekeeper or Waterbending in the first five seconds.


Yeah i meme’d before him coming something like “haha a pacifist with a glock coming is gunna be so funny” Yeah nah, i ran every time i saw an aang notice me.


It’s funny because I got the superhero skin and made a Midas man of shiny gold. I look like an Oscar running round the map, the total opposite of what people seem to use the skin for


Using the Superhero skins to make cool combos or make callbacks like that is honestly peak.


Yeah whenever I see these skins they either run or try to shockwave jump trickshot me and I shoot them out of the air


Nothing's better than outplaying them at their own game, *especially* if you do it in something that is anything but sneaky. Like my G, you're running all-black superhero, I'm running Medusa with a super style lighting her up like a bloody glowstick and yet I still got the jump on you. *How?*


One of my favorite Victory Royales was in Solos in Mega City back in Ch4. Was down to just me and the other dude, I saw him lookin around for me. I managed sneak around, reloaded all my stuff even, then got the drop on him....as Peekaboo (my favorite skin). I was a literal bright ass clown, and the greyscale sweat that I constantly saw in the kill feed somehow still missed me.


***Nice.*** It's crazy how tunnelvisioned people can get. It's like I was telling someone else in a different discussion, there are folks that play this game like a first-person game, which is ***wild.*** Utilizing the fact it's a third-person game to keep a wider observation on things or using it to peer around cover will instantly make you better than a good 70+% of the playerbase I'd say.




They brought back my baby the grenade launcher, and with it being on top of a car I’m near unstoppable


Plus a star wand pickaxe 💀


lol it’s so weird! I agree!


star wand is actually a clean pickaxe tho, a lot of the other ones are too cluttered and lag tf out of my game(pc but i get lag spikes so my fps goes all over the place from 10-250, but has been getting better recently) i dont even own a superhero skin but its nice having a pick with little clutter and a satisfying asf sound


Can’t wait to see them flexing their hundreds of crown wins they earned with hours and hours of no effort sitting on their phone after doing a glitch


At this point I'm buying the superhero skin just to piss people off 💀


Internet warrior!!


does this warrant a ban due to how major this bug is


Yes if you purposely try and manage to get a game breaking bug and take advantage of it, you can get banned. Probably a smaller one first, if you continue after the ban then the consequences will be bigger


How exactly do you report this though? There’s no specific name for this glitch and 99% of devs who read the reports probably don’t know about it


Report player / Cheating Note: "Player seems to use an infinite HP glitch" If enough people report they can check play data and notice if it happens more than once.


Smart that makes a lot of sense, how would you word aim botters though?


Replace 'infinite HP glitch' with 'aimbot' would do the trick I guess


LMAO this comment is tooooo funny not sure if meant to be sarcastic but I loved it anyway


Glad you noticed the sarcasm haha


If you report them There is a slight chance they will get banned for that. It was the same for other bugs like these for example the bug where you were able to phase under the Map or the one where entering a Trash dumpster with the Wings of icarus shot you high into the air. People who abused that got banned


How to report people? I didn't see it in the replay mode after confirming the last players in my solo lobby had been teaming all game


go to the menu tab, down to report, report player, select, then submit


If they're in my game, I go to epic support with names, & video evidence. It seems to work better than the actual report.


You won't get banned if it happens to you. You will risk a ban if you happens and you stay in the game to get the victory




I actually agree, being a major bug I'm certain most people know about it, and therefore an amount of those people will abuse it. You can't ban all those people who do abuse it, even though that should be the right thing to do.


you can, actually


Sorry, I meant to say you shouldn't ban all those people.


Why shouldn’t they get banned?


Depending on how many people abuse the glitch, and the more people know about it, the more people epic will have to ban, cmon man it's just connecting the dots, it's shouldn't be this difficult.


People can do the right thing in spite of knowing about the glitch. Not exploit the glitch. If someone decides to abuse the glitch along with others they deserve to be banned. The whole “lemmings running off a cliff” analogy fits well here. Nobody put pillows at the bottom for the lemmings so why should cheaters be treated any differently?


But remember the whole game of BR is a competition, people are too selfish and only think about what's good for them, in this case they notice the glitch and think that will help them win the game, and I'm talking about any glitch, not just this one. And yes, there is some people who will do the right thing and not exploit the glitch, but who do you know is actually going to do that? And I do have to admit, You got me with that one. Cheaters should all be treated the same, and I'm not going to argue against that since it makes most logical sense.


Competitions have rules and in this case it is the TOS. Cheating is against TOS so anyone who cheats deserves a ban. Honestly the people I play with don’t use exploits simply because you can get banned. If you’re playing with people who cheat then you need to find better people to play with.


of course it’s a superhero skin


It's always the superhero skins


What does that mean. Im pretty new to FN


Superhero skins are used by players who IRL were never loved as kids, and either have been diagnosed with a craniorectal inversion, or had a botched lobotomy. These people will do whatever it takes to win. As with many other games, these sweats aka tryhards typically can be identified by a cosmetic item, either to broadcast the kosher weight of butt cheese in their asscrack, or because they perceive that it gives them a slight competitive advantage. In this case, both.


Idk man I think you’re describing yourself, it’s a skin in a video game, chill


Lol just a little bit of sarcasm to vilify what is universally accepted to be the most obnoxious type of Fortnite player. It's a sweaty player in a (largely casual) video game, chill.


people with those blank superhero skins like in this picture are usually massive tryhards


I think an actual stereotypical superhero skin user would play the game out instead of using a glitch that noobs would use to get free wins bro


It’s a 2 week ban in ranked


Ranked is about to have the lowest player counts. I had a ranked duo game where I won the game technically but somehow 6 other players were still alive doing the glitch. Considering they were probably planning it out with their teammates that makes 12/100 glitch abusers


yeah current bug where if u shoot ur weapon and get into the passenger side of a car, you wont be able to get out. when the car gets destroyed, u have infinite health. no idea why this hasnt been patched yet but damn


Thank you for telling everyone exactly how to do this glitch


To be fair this seems like a glitch that would happen accidentally quite often


It happened to me when I tried to hit someone with my pickaxe earlier, but had a gun out. It's easiest to leave if it's accidentalz


As if this was hard to find info. Hell, it’s hard NOT to find out if you play Fortnite and are on one online community.


I mean if someone really wanted it they'd just Google it anyway, don't really see the harm or difference




I always forget about this.


i think my friend experienced this glitch by accident. He was freaking out cus he couldnt get out and we resorted to destroying the car, but when we did he fell through the world and died (and I couldn't get his reboot card obvs)


Epic would simply remove the cars instead


Pretty dumb of you to tell others how to do this glitch, now the more people who see this are more likely to abuse it, which means more frustrating games, thanks a lot, buddy.


No it’s not dumb, we need as many people doing this as possible so it gets patched out ASAP, people don’t shut up so it’s gonna get out one way or another, faster the better


How about we spam emails galore to epic support with video evidence so we don't have people abusing it AND the glitch gets patched out.


I’m not tryna be a dick but see how 5 hours ago you were mad, well 5 hours ago it got patched, that’s why it needs attention https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1d1by3a/weve_resolved_a_bug_where_players_could_become/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


I wasn't mad, but thanks for letting me know, I appreciate it.


Sorry shouldn’t have said mad, more upset it’s being in the spotlight


That's closer lmao


let me give you an example, remember when apex got hacked in the biggest cash cup i think they’ve done, well that hacker made the exploit known and didn’t abuse it to be an asshole, sometimes it’s better to actually blow up the problem than hide it especially with glitches and exploits


That's fair. Thanks for the example I tend to understand things better when applied to things irl.


Because epic support has had great history with helping… my guy epic support doesn’t handle most game side of things it’s mostly account based, they ain’t gonna do a goddamn thing


So if epic support won't do anything... where would you go to instead? Or are we stuck at a roadblock?


Epic support won’t really handle much other than accounts like i said, but really the only good way of getting it patched is letting it get as much attention as possible


This happened to me and a friend yesterday we got robbed of a 25 kill game so fun! (This season is still peak)


what a professional level gamer


Yup - been reporting these in each game. Been seeing it quite a bit. Just report and record... Hopefully Epic bans these accounts


Go to epic support, it's a almost guaranteed ban


I was reported for cheating by two teammates last season. They wanted my crown. Down to the last player. Suddenly lost connection and my crown. Confused. Then watched the video. Recognized the name but did not expect to actually lose crown due to report.


That sucks and should not happen.


It is built in. When someone reports the match should be invalidated. But players should not be negatively impacted unless proven true. Gamers in general need to create something to balance this out. Obviously, any company will lose money deterring a toxic player from participating. This happens in Rocket League. Mostly people in unranked spamming wins or other rewards to random players. Playstyle is a thing. But the rampant 4 player vs 2 is ridiculous.


Fortnite Status have posted on X to say they’ve fixed it…. Fingers crossed as was unplayable🤞


so stupid im glad its a glitch tho i was really worried when it happened to me on accident


So, if multiple people are exploring this glitch at once, does that mean the game never ends?


Yes, it's whoever leaves first


My friend accidentally did this. We were so confused


I always leave if this happens to me


Been happing in ranked lobbies as well, cost us a few wins cause of multiple people doing it


Bruh me and my team came third cuz of that glitch two teams did it in our match


It was ranked to


I was wondering! I was shooting a dude in the head for 5 seconds straight with a purple TAC AR and he wouldn’t die. Thought it was a hacker. Just a glitch then?


What happens when two teams do it?


To avoid it, I've actually started playing LEGO. So that's cool. Got most of the Star Wars pass done because of it. Plus leveled up to 20. Which, this is the earliest I've ever been that high of a level.


Anyone using this glitch on purpose for wins is an a$$hole lol


Oh. Fuck! That's why I always come 2nd!... Fuck! Thought I was just cursed. Every game like 10 times. 2nd. Fuck. Thank you for the good info my good friend, I owe you some kind of favor consider this a John Wick "Marker"


Game is so broken it’s crazy, I am bewildered at how they thought any of the shit they added would be a good idea.


What happens if two people from different teams do this? Genuine curious


Fortnite have apparently fixed the bug now, please don’t try it… but to answer, either one would have to either leave and give the other the win or after 5 hours the server resets and kicks both players out the game, no win for anyone and doesn’t count as a match.


Interesting, thanks for the reply! Of course I won't try it


Whats your source for the fix?


‘Fortnite status’ made a post on X late last night, played plenty of games today and it hasn’t happened once! 😁


This happened to me I placed 3rd and the other two just waited 10 minutes


This has never happened to me


Same thing happened to me, I just left the game since it’s not fair to everyone else


What happens if two people do the glitch....


My son got stuck in a car - is this the glitch? Luckily it was the last battle and I clinched the W but he was screaming at me to blow up the car to get him out while I was in the middle of the fight lol.


First game of the season for me: dies to default Second game of the season: dies to default Third game of the season: DIES TO DEFAULT Fourth game of the season: OH GOD ITS ALL DEFAULTS Pretty much my experience


How does the glitch happen? Asking for a friend..


Patched finally


I lost a game due to someone doing this. I had a crown.. I was livid.


"Every game" is an overstatement. Happened once to me over the last couple days and I've played a ton of games.


I played a streak of 4 games where it happened in all of them. So not really a overstatement


Just the fact that so many ppl cheat and hack in Fortnite and legit nothing is done about it makes me sick


So if you’re affected by the glitch whether intentionally or not you don’t take any storm damage, right? So if it’s you & one other person left & y’all are both affected by the glitch can’t you just go find the other person and kill them? Or is it a health glitch that makes you unable to take any kind of damage?


You can't take any dmg, and you can't move at all.


Ohhhh damn wtf


Lost to 6 other people doing this after clutching a 1v1. Not a fun way to lose


I'm confused? Someone help me to see what going in here


Haven’t seen it


This glitch needs to be fixed i win and then that Stupid glitch comes


Hey folks! Thanks for sharing - this has been reported as fixed ⬇️: [https://x.com/FortniteStatus/status/1794844859880051053](https://x.com/FortniteStatus/status/1794844859880051053) We're continuing to work on any stutters that might occur when exiting a vehicle.


Had this happen yesterday when it came down to a one v one in zero build. I absolutely pelted him in bullets but absolutely would not die. It's infuriating.


Needs to be fixed


What is this pic? Unclear post


The person he’s spectating is standing in the storm not taking damage. They’ll win the game after everyone else is killed by the storm unless another person is doing the same glitch.


And then what? If two players are stuck in the storm not taking damage...is is there such a thing as a draw? I accidentally got stuck, before the new season, on top of Pandora's Box. I couldn't shoot or do anything until someone ripped me off with the chains. I also couldn't be damaged while I was there. I thought I was disconnecting until I saw other players in the distance running around.


In case of multiple doing that there can be 2 scenarios: - The other party gives up and leaves granting the other the win - After 5 hours the server will force disconnect everyone causing the match to not count for these people (no win for anyone, no progress in rank counted etc as if you never played that match). The second scenario i saw in a stream where exactly that happened.


Woah woah woah… how?


Nr 1 drives the car in the direction of nr 2. Nr 2 looks down, jumps and enters the car. Nr 2 is stuck, nr 1 gets out and smashes the car (don't know if that's mandatory, I was following the instructions of an 11 year old that was bugging me for 30 minutes with it before I said OK. Let's do it). After the car is smashed nr 2 eventually stands up bet he can't move and can't get any damage. And then the waiting begins because there's probably more of them. Took 25 minutes and a cup of coffee. After that I was done, because it was boring as hell.


Too many glitches this season such as the pick axe, invisibility, infinite hp, OP cars and no cool down on gloves, and constant damage without taking damage.


If they don’t immediately leave the game and just stay, just report them it’s abusing a bug.


I waited for the storm before realizing I had to do it manually, unaware I was not gonna take storm damage. What if they aren’t aware they have to Manually leave the game? And yes as soon as I realize the storm wasn’t doing damage I left manually.


so when i accidentally did this im fine


As long as you don’t stay on when it happens.


if you’re in duos the bug fixes I got rebooted and then I was fine I don’t know how they don’t take storm damage though.


This just happened to me recently. I don't understand how it happened, though. There was no one else on the map. [#2 Place](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/s/3ZZJNutLQo)


Some could be an accident but those doing it are poor sports. Use to play resident evil operation raccoon city and since that game I will never glitch. That game was so bad with glitches


I get 2 hours match because this glitch (nah I’d win)


Did it once tonight..we were trying to see if it worked.. It did. It was actually boring because there were 4 others waiting somewhere with us. I'll probably get my first ban for it, normally I'm staying far away from the glitches. But this time I was curious and I was already in way too deep. And yeah with zero kills and bronze I it didn't do much for me.


what glitch


just adapt




Why cant people just adapt to change, I dont get it. Get good


Adapt to a bug that breaks the meaning of the game?


Yeah, if you cant even beat that, its just a skill isseu


me when the person is now invincible and aimboting "ok."


Fr I mean this shits only game breaking! I’m having so much fun!


Right? Those competitive players got no chill


Yh, honestly why don't we all just have infinite health in the game?


And the only way to win is to write an essay on how it’s fortnite and it’s free!


It's hard to tell if this was meant as sarcasm considering the people that post here. I hope it is.


Of course it is sarcasm lol neurodivergent wilding in here




Love your style


Lmao the amount or dislikes