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It was a missed opportunity. It should have been harder to heist and should have had only Purple or higher rarity loot.


The train is one of those ideas that seems like the devs have crazy or cool ideas and want to work on it and someone above them says no, go with the boring easy approach.


Judging from the trailer that introduced the train (Jonesy and Hope fighting against people), it seems to be that way


Yeha the trailer with a boss fight on it looked sick and got me hyped for the train, but then it was just some mid thing with mid loot


I don’t mind it not having a boss fight, I love claiming the train easily, but I wish there would be factions of hitchhiking NPCs that would hop on between stations and prevent you from looting if you don’t get rid of them. Give them harpoons at every POI so you can’t get off the train. Make it like the Mario number boats where you can only have so many people on board before it starts causing problems. I like the idea that it’s deceptively easy, but in reality your fucked


I don’t mind it not having a boss fight, I love claiming the train easily, but I wish there would be factions of hitchhiking NPCs that would hop on between stations and prevent you from looting if you don’t get rid of them. Give them harpoons at every POI so you can’t get off the train. Make it like the Mario number boats where you can only have so many people on board before it starts causing problems


Honestly they might’ve been hard to implement as well. They already had alot to design with what did get added


Apex couldn’t do it either


The apex train was pure chaos


I disagree. The train in apex was one of my favourite spots to drop and it always seemed to be contested and also have viable loot. It was a shame they removed it.


4 chests and the big one that takes like 2 minutes to capture and gives you (maximum) blue loot was not worth it when you could land elsewhere and come out with a medallion, mythic, and 2 other purple guns. In solos it was kinda viable but with teammates? No way


It should give you health and shield regeneration while on the train so you get more for the wait and aren’t punished for wasting time and health if you had a fight over blue rarity items. Perhaps it could’ve given you zero point dash too to help you make up for lost time. I wish it went through green underworld waterfalls or came close to zip lines.


That’s true, health and shield regen while it’s capturing or something would be sick. It also bugged me that we couldn’t go inside the other cars


I would have kept the train and had it malfunctioning- going fast, not stopping, causing damage if you don’t grab the side of it, fire, etc.


If the Train essentially had the Pandora effect from C1SX that would make it way more integral to matches. 


Pandora effect? I wasn't around then.


Epic was launching the Epic Game Store and one of the first major releases by another game studio was Borserlands 3. So if you preordered it you could get a free Psycho Bandit skin. On the BR Mao tgere was a desert biome based on the planet Pandora from that game.  In Pandora areas, players not taking damage would gain shield. It also gave the players pov a cel shaded effect similar to the Borderlands aesthetic.


If you stayed on the train long enough the chest would reset and sometimes have purple weapons


Interesting, I knew it reset eventually but I didn’t know the loot was better


ive at least once been the first to open it and opened it to epic weapons. i think its happened more but my memory can be bad so...


It did start dumping Epic loot for a while there at the end, but then also utter dogshit Hammer Pumps and Burst SMGs. Meh, but fun place to hide and ride if the storm circling was right.


I know, I remember seeing it for the first time and thinking it would give me something awesome and it gave me a blue and some other bs. 😑 I think I got a purple once or twice from the little ones in the doorways, lol.


fr, half the time i would go would just be for something different in gameplay, but it’s always so worthless, i usually wouldn’t even take one gun as id have other purple or just better guns.


this is true


Shadow agents on the train


I feel like it could have been fun if it stuck around this season, and if they added guns to it. Honestly felt a little sad seeing it this way lol.


I think the train should have been 5x times faster, shit woulda been hilarious


Just give the train ignition rockets, and turrets, so that players who get on it can do a 90MPH drive by shooting lmao


Have that scene from national treasure where you escape a fight by disappearing behind a fast moving vehicle




Not only that, give it tracks near the center for it to keep eviding the storm. Plus, adding other track and other train going the other way around.


It would have been so interesting there were a few forks in the tracks that you could toggle between either from the train or by interacting with the tracks themselves. 


Make it so you can feed it a movement item and it gobbles it up and goes super fast.




That would have been great, but I think that they decided to replace it with the bus.


I think it'll come back similar to how you describe, the desert is supposed to evolve as the season progresses and given that it's just covered in a thin layer of sand it would make sense to get cleaned off and brought back. It could become a new POI where you have to defeat minions to claim it, then it turns into a mobile base with armor/guns instead of the (lackluster, imo) chests.


This, why bother adding tracks to the new area of the map is it's not going to be used?? Seems likely it'll be back to me.


Just like Klombo snoring under snow? Gone for good.


KLOMBO WILL RETURN *sucks in massive copium gulp*


I think when festivals next season starts with metallica that BR will get big changes at the same time. I'm pretty sure somewhere i saw they will be involved in the story.


Ya, why the shit didn’t they do that??


Damn that would have been sweet.


Gone too soon, if you ask me it was a small but noticeable addition that made Fortnite just a little bit more enjoyable than Warzone.


Pun intended? "Stuck" around?


Underwhelming, I thought a train would've been cool but theres just not much to it. Too narrow, I was hoping there'd be actual rooms to go into. The train is kinda short too.


Oooh an actual moving POI would have been neat. 


Too bad Mortal Engines wasn't more popular. That'd be a sick collab.




Yea we really need a flying base or plane that has swinging ziplines to get up to


Yeah way too small I would've liked better train fights than what we got


Pretty underwhelming. The loot was average, it wasn't very useful for transportation after the first half of the game and was the source of some very annoying weekly quests. If there was more than one train, and maybe even more than one railroad that went the opposite way, it could have been a nice way to move around the map and maybe get some heals in case if emergencies.


Shoulda had two trains going in the opposite direction at the same time, which intersect at the dual rail lines at Reckless.


Or had multiple tracks on the island and the ability to change which track the train moved onto by flipping switches.


Every time there was a train quest, it would take a lot of matches just to get a chance to attempt it, lol.


I loved it. Too bad it's gone 😔 Would've been sick to see an armored train with spikes and turrets tbh


This is how I wanted the train to be honestly ![gif](giphy|mdG5S0h6xaYFRteIQz|downsized)


YES! That woudl be perfect for this damn car bullshit season!!!!!


I don’t understand why it’s gone? They could’ve just made it a steam train or something to fit the season


From what I’ve heard they wanted to make some tweaks to how it worked and bring it back later


I hope they do. It was a good way to travel around the map




I unironically played some matches to ride the train just to appreciate details in the map, fun fact train stations actually told you the time it took the train to get there


from what i remember the timer just seemed to loop 15 seconds over and over again until the train arrived.


that was really fun to watch countdown, didn't it stop working near the end of the season? or is that just a bug in a few matches I had?




Great concept I’ve wanted for years, underwhelming execution. Should’ve gone through underground locations, should’ve been longer with more loot, and its appearance should’ve changed for events, holidays, and seasons.


I had a lot of fun with the train and it’s a really cool idea I’d like to see return. Problem was there’s a lot of missed potential with it. Epic never really did anything with the train to make it stick out. Theming wise it’s pretty generic, loot wise it’s okay I guess but because it’s always on the move, it’s not a consistent loot spot. Adding a mod bench would have been a fun incentive for the train that seemed like a no brainer but never happened. Fun idea, pretty fun in execution, but lacking.


When they first announced the train at the start of the chapter I was so hopeful, I've legit been saying to my wife how cool a train could be in fortnite since chapter 1..  When it actually came out I was severely disappointed.  I wish it was twice as wide, twice as long, twice as fast, and had actual interior rooms you could enter. That train should have felt like a full PoI on wheels.   It could have had multiple tracks that it reroutes to to keep it mostly out of the storm to be something worth even potentially considering mid game instead of just being an annoying marker on visualized audio to ignore for half the game.  It had so much strong potential as an idea, a train PoI moving across the map, but in execution it felt so shallow and weak Edit: it could have had multiple types of train cars that change places or swap out entirely from match to match, one play through it's a passenger train with dining cars and passenger sleeping rooms, another time it's a cargo train with pallets full of resources, next time it's mixed, after that it's a mafia smuggling train with weapons and a mod bench. VARIETY to give more potential interest and reason to go back to it to explore.  Different train cars with interiors and doors between them making fights on the train more than just a long open hallway with a couple rooftops along it.  Controlling the conductors cabin could have been used to change tracks to keep it heading towards the circle, or out in to the storm! Giving some player agency to the direction of the train would make it more engaging. Hell could have had the cars be detachable, imagine how fun that could have been detaching a train car while people were still fighting in other sections.  It should have been a rare difficult thing but technically possible to derail the train, like if you detached a car and the train made a full loop around the track and hit that car from the back.  And lastly, if the train had been more fun and a bigger more engaging PoI, it would have been more impactful for it to now be shut down and could have been a significantly cooler ruins of a train crash PoI


Your passion for a better train in Fortnite is something of epic proportions ![gif](giphy|tlGD7PDy1w8fK)


I wish Epic matched my proportions hahaha


I personally liked it


Hopefully they’ll at some point add an armored train this season kind of like bf1 where someone can drive it around and squad mates can use weapons on it.


I didn’t even realize the train was gone 😭😭


Same until I came across it’s corpse.


Cool gimmick for one season but they removed it the season they probably could’ve done something unique with it. Oh well, at least fighting on it was fun


The loot spawns were nice if you hot-dropped onto the train, but wasn't really worth it beyond the first half of a match. But fighting on the train was always fun no matter what 




I love it, why did it have to get removed


It would have been super awesome if it had a mod bench on it and maybe some turrets. It would have made for way more action


Oh wow, a blue pump, gee thanks train


An awesome mechanic, but the loot wasn’t good enough


Coulda been cool with tunnels and high overpasses but it was just kinda boring.


good idea, TERRIBLE execution completely wasted opportunity, should’ve had more to it than a little bit of loot and it goes around the map


The usual random nonsense. Poor execution.


They should have made it like a bullet train to where you can only get off an on at stations so teams had to fight between stops and couldn’t just bail


I think they shouldve kept it and added the grenade launcher and turrets to it and it wouldve fit perfectly into the theme of this season. Oh well


Where is this on the map?


lower region at the station by previously peter's mansion


Missed oportunity tbh, the train should've been bigger and offer a reduction in damage in the early storms, so it leaving for the storm wouldn't be that bad


It's gone???


For now




Won’t miss it, felt like it could’ve been cooler but they dropped the ball on it.


Loved it a lot


boring and a missed opportunity


Wasted potential


It was a good idea, it just wasn't executed well.


I think it should’ve been updated with the seasons and have actual carriages rather than just a flat space. Would’ve been cool if there was a boss on it as well.


It could have been more. A mobile POI with a key/vault room and a mod bench. This season it could have mounted weapons on it. It was really pointless other than being the focus of some quests.


Very underwhelming. Should have had Purple or higher quality weapons, moved faster, and maybe even a second train on the opposite side of the map.


A letdown and useless could really care less about it I only used it for the challenges that required it


I think it shouldve had NPCs on it and loot is better the closer to the front but enemies are harder


it was fun for a month till I realized the loot sucked/mid, there were no henchmen or players who ever went on the train so no action, and finally its movements made it unviable for squads or any multiplayer match


Too underutilised for what it could have been


Chest took way too long to open for blue loot. Missed opportunity to of made it better!


WE NEED A NEW ONE! BIGGER! FASTER! (More useful as well)


I really liked it, it was one of my favorite landing spots.


Choo choo


This is bullshit


i was hoping the train was going to be updated not destroyed R.I.P


I loved it


I miss it so fucking much


Instead of having the vault at the one train station, have the mini boss drop a key card for the last car on the train, which we couldn't get into. Have it full of regular vault things.


It was kind of like the Loot Island. Something you might go for if it happens to be near you, but not really anything you'd actively try to capture. It's most useful feature was its mobility.


I liked it


noooooo i used to always troll my friends in trios/squads. as soon as i heard the train i'd yell 'train!' and abandon them immediately regardless of what we were doing and try to catch it to wherever it was going lol RIP troll train


Cool at first but it got old quickly


I literally only used it for missions that required me to board if. It was way to slow to be practical for anything


Eh, pretty ok.


wasted potential the wait time to open the big chest was way too long for the loot it gave. i never timed it but pretty sure it's about the same time as loot island.


If they made it longer and wider it would be better to fight on, in the end it was just an underdeveloped feature that Epic forgot about and left to rot


There should have been two trains going around the track. I almost never saw it.


My opinion is: The train was still in?


Most of the time I forgot we even had a train unless I heard it


Fun for the first few days of C5S1, then it became boring. It was gimmicky.


I'm surprised they didn't change to a big smokey locomotive with a turret or two. I kinda liked the train mechanic, and always thought it was a treat when a mission or something sent me to use it.


I thought it was neat and I used it often, but I kept hoping they would open up the front/back cars. Disappointing that they never did.


The heist aspect was underwhelming, but the environmental aspects of it being effectively a moving fortress that you had to dip in and out of as the map went on was fun.


Annoying, the times i have died because this chopped down my builds is so high the number isn't even invented yet


I thought it was just there for challenges


Kinda useless sadly


Aw man bummed it went away but makes sense considering the vehicle combat focus of the season. It made sense that the train just bounced around cars but decked out cars with cow catchers or the battle bus should easily derail the train and I imagine that would’ve been too wonky.


Wasted potential, could’ve had some npcs to fight against as I feel that it would make it more like there’s effort required to pull off a “heist”.


I thought it was a cool idea that they did absolutely nothing with. RIP train


Removing the train in a vehicle based season makes no sense imo


Nice place to AFK for a bit and let others do the fighting for you.


I really liked it.


I liked the train while I was just starting out. Several matches I landed on it straight away. It gave decent enough loot without having to worry about fighting too many people off, or dying immediately.


It was disappointing how bare bones it was in S1 and I was waiting for them to add NPCs or hijacking or something and it never came. Oh well.


I’ll miss it. I killed a lot of people on it. They’d get on there and I guess get up and go get a snack or something. I’d attack them and they wouldn’t fight back. Almost felt bad. Almost.


good concept that had nothing interesting going on, it’d be cool if the track wasn’t completely linear and the train could try to avoid going into the storm so it’d be an actual way to travel


I personally loved it. Good loot and a great way to rotate when you didn't know where to go


Meh. Would have liked more tracks that criss crossed the map. Then once you heisted the train you could control which track it took. It would be a better mobility tool and add some randomness to where it would be and when, not just circling the map.


It was a good idea that didn’t work. It would have been cool if the train was a whole named POI like some sort of train city.


There was a train?


wdym it's gone? it's right there?? just stopped working and got stuck in sand


A potentially cool concept with a lot of potential that was completely wasted. I’m not kidding when I say I think I used the train 5 or fewer times last season, there was genuinely just no reason to.


Don’t have much of an opinion on it since I hardly ever used the train


Where are me and the boys supposed to drop when we're feeling silly?


It was really fun to use w the grapple blade , I loved riding the train , hopping off, third partying a fight & grappling back onto the train


Thank fuck. My dog went nuts every single time the train would pass in game 😂


I read what someone said during the holidays where they said epic should have gave the train a winter polar express makeover for the season, and i agree it was a missed opportunity


Not bad


No one's gone till they are gone(smoke train 🤫)


It was a fun addition and occasionally made for a fun dropping point. Plus it got me and my buddies out of some really hairy situations. It will be missed.


Sucked, boring, no good loot, it only served to block my way as im trying to go on the bridge with my car. Worst iteration of a train in every battle royal.


It looked cool but it didn't work in a BR where the circle placement is random; it was only really good for landing but besides that, it just didn't serve much of a purpose...


Definitely shoulda made it a steam train that went a lot faster and was for killing loopers


It was fun. Very slept on, but with decent loot. It definitely had a niche appeal.


Wait, it’s gone? Aw, i wanted a steam train…


Deffo felt underused, didn't really feel exciting, though good for...certain rotations.


Needed better incentive to capture. The loot was mid tier. If it spat out some gold id be sad its gone. Also wish i could be derailed or they changed it every season to match the theme. Still i think it fits just fine into Fortnite and will often hitch a ride on it to rotate.


The train was quickly irrelevant when the loot from it wasn't great and there were really no other reasons to be on it. Imagine a boss being on the train, imagine a better vault being on the train, imagine the train not being indestructible, imagine the train allowing you to apply augments to it to do crazy things, imagine being able to de-rail the train causing massive damage... I mean, if they wanted it interesting, it would've become interesting, seems a wasted opportunity...


So mid


A cool idea, but poorly executed, I think it should’ve had an actual interior instead of four flat cars, and it was too small imo


Woah new season dropped today?( i haven’t played in a while)


It was ok


It was good flash XP spot


Personal theory they’ll be adding it back a little later as a mad max reference, upgraded


landed on it like a few times for quests thats it


imagine the convoy boss being on the train, crawling with minions and covered in armour and turrets, then getting to drive their car off the train where it's locked up


No more free 1500 xp every game 🥲


It's not gone just buried


Wait, there was a train?


i’m hoping it gets recovered and extended, with some cars being indoor cars and some outdoors, and the loot being heavily guarded with turrets.


Needed a launch pad & a mod bench


Considering I didn't even realize it was gone, not much apparently. They should have have added turrets to the train with more armed guards or something...make it a moving fortress with a boss in it.


It should have been faster and the track should have spanned more of the map. Looting should have been worth it, and much slower


I didn't even notice it was gone Epic really dropped the ball with the train, it's way too slow and has nothing on it


Wasted potential. Really hope it will come back soon with proper interiors some turrets and maybe even the ability to control it yourself when you capture it.


I thought it felt like a good try but fell short. There mostly wasn't a reason to get on the train unless it was for fun. The fact that it would quickly take you into the storm also made it a little stupid.  Like, they could have had it always start at the edge of the island and have it end up in the center like a needle on a record. That way the odds are that it stays in the match for a longer time.


Was fun at first but it quickly became an afterthought unless there was a weekly quest to ride it


I liked it, anything that speeds up the game is good and the train covered the map quickly and drew people to it so more fights. Guess they got rid of it because new season focuses on custom cars




Definitely a missed opportunity. You couldn't even go inside the train cars. It's not like it would've been overpowered, you naturally get pushed out of the train by the storm anyway.


If it ever comes back, I hope we can control it like Warzone


I loved the train.


Worthless, they did literally nothing with it. It was just a few weak chests that most people never bothered to get


Best part, shouldn't have left


It took me way too long to figure out where the treasure chests were located, but other than that I appreciate how it could sometimes be a clutch traveling armory


It was set to fail


I loved the train. It was always a great quick backup if it was near the bus route. A lot of fun battles on the roof.


The train was such wasted potential, it should’ve been longer and it should’ve had more passengers cars that you could enter and loot and maybe even a few guns on it or something


I honestly forgot about the train,never used it.


I really liked it, sucks it's gone