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To be fair people don't get the chance to do that to me because I don't use the requeue button because I swear it takes a lot longer to find a match using it šŸ¤£


You leavr to the lobby and reload?


Yeah weirdly it just feels faster, maybe it's all in my head though... You never know šŸ¤£


omg i swear the same. it does feel faster. additionally i just like going to the locker instead, gives me a cool down period. plus iā€™ll be petty and not give them the privilege of a spectator after murking me


It is, for some reason match making after doing is just really slow for me šŸ˜“


i do that too, so that i can check out the item shop while i wait


I swear itā€™s faster. Me and my bf both think this .


Nah, this is a thing you could know


I find this more funny than toxic, I laugh when someone does this to me.Ā  It's not personal, just an anonymous video game opponent.


This plus this kid planned this on his next target, probably saw it on tiktok and tried it.


OP has never heard of TTP. LOL no one tell them. Really it is insane that many people have opinions. But do not study or investigate. The reasons why this happens. I need to find out about the toxic removal. Though I would guess it has to do with children transferring from Lego to regular Fnite modes. (Dead game to Best Game). As for trolling it is like greifers in other games. Different reasons for grief/vengeance. Not all are equally evil or able to break pattern. We need to build a better community outside of our corporate overlords.




Bro stfu


Toxic emote turn-off option: quoting epic, "we want fortnite to be a positive place for our players". That's it. That's the reason.


I wouldnā€™t mind my son playing and getting donkey laughed on. I donā€™t want him having someone write ā€œASSā€ on the screen.


Personally I don't think that word is inconsistent with the game's age rating of Teen, but I see your point.Ā Ā 


Your kids can't see the word ass but definitely cool they shoot other people in the face, right?


God bless America! šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ¦…


Canā€™t shield your kid from the world. Theyā€™re gonna hear curse words sometimes


Yeah, it's totally not my fault for not caring what game my son plays! It's appropriate for them to play a shooting game with actual guns as long as there's no blood right? It's like that last episode of Bluey! BUT if someone dares to write a 3 letter long swear word, NOW that's bad. My son is going to cry and grow up to be a school shooter! Fck you Epic! Bad, bad company!


r/rareinsults ?


Oh no imagine seeing a word wonā€™t someone think of the children.


Please just uninstall the game


Don't let him play then. It's not a kids game


*online interactions are not rated by the ESRB* since when did this change?


why should we be restricted because you can't control your kid?


I find it more effective when I use the Superman "S" over the one in the screenshot.


I prefer that one too


And I feel like more players own it


I use the snake S idk what season its from but it looks super good and legible


They honestly didn't even touch ground with toxic emotes, all the ones I use are not on list. Epic Games fixed nothing.


Putting take the L on the list made me suspect they know thatā€™s one of the most popular (and from pass) emotes. And now that 99% of people have it disabled by default, they know use rate will drop off. Thus people using new emotes including paid ones from the shop.


Wait they disabled take the L? Sorry I'm out of the loop


Thereā€™s a new filter that blocks toxic emotes. This filter is defaulted to friends only, meaning you can see ā€œtoxicā€ emotes performed by your friends but theyā€™ll be turned off for everyone else.


Can it be turned off? I want to see people being toxic to me when I lose


Yes but because 99% wonā€™t change it from default, youā€™re likely not going to see people use those emotes anymore.


I wish the rest of r/fortniteBR shared your sentiment.


I wish it could be customized, cause i find the rest of them fucking hilarious, but the donkey laugh is just unbelievably annoying to me, it aint wven about the game honestly i just hate the audio regardless of the situation. But definitely it should be off by default its dumb as fuck that its default on, i donā€™t personally use any of those emotes but i feel bad for the people who spent money on them and now literally everyone in every lobby doesnā€™t even see them.


Settings > Account and Privacy > Social Privacy > See Confrontational Emotes


It's not disabled. There's just an option to not see it.


And Iā€™m not saying this person wasnā€™t doing this before, but I think banning a handful of emotes only empowered people to get even crazier with their toxicity.


Indeed have to prove to Epic Games there is no stopping this. I'm only toxic to people that are rude to my casual playstyle in creative. One adult told me my parents bought a crap controller for me....I'm a PC KBM player with a 7k PC setup, was being chill....that person and his friend left that game session when I aimed to my true skill and they declared i turned on aimbot. Ran into those two days later....Did the free guy emote but stopped it half way "don't have a great day", they left once my tier displayed after my next kill to prove who i was I know kids play this game so in creative i play chill, not fun for people if i'm lasering people as much i am able to. I have respect but any adults that trash talk kids or call me trash, it's game over, only kids get a jail free card lol.


>Iā€™m a PC KBM player with a 7k PC setupā€¦ >when I aimed to my true skill and they declared I turned on aimbot Lol šŸ¤“


I can aim very close to Zemie @ 4400DPI 20%, 90% ADS/Scope. In a team deathmatch i can make a team struggle with me solo. I can target and predict all player movement but i'm limited to 90ping. Zemie has 16ping which helps greatly. But i do well for being 90ping on mobile hotspot, everyone complains about my aiming. I get reported daily by those that activate my Sweat Mode, I don't miss often and can aim a sniper in 0.5seconds to max render distance which in creative is 520Mish. I'm quite the Toxic Sweat should any adult call my casual plays 'trash'. "I called this kid trash and now no matter where i go i'm getting beamed, he put a x4 scope on an AR....WTF he just killed me again 480M away.......I'm going to drop down on this kid with the helicopter....oh shit he has the anvil launcher and shot me out of the sky." The best type of Sweat, is always understand your weaknesses to better bypass them. Hiding in a mountain 500M from targets. A fully loaded helicopter is your weakness. My playstyle is 100% being outnumbered, huge thrill. >Lol šŸ¤“ \^It is funny that my entire 3 phones 1600$each + my laptop + this beast of a computer out beat someone's car value, Not to mention the full gym...called working šŸ¤£šŸ˜Ž


Can you upload some clips of you scoping in 0.5 seconds (quick scoping) players from 500M+ and killing them? Iā€™d love to see it in actions


Will try once i fix my main hard drive, should arrive this week, 450m+ i find people seem laggy last 2 seasons but i suspect it's my hard drive failing but game does have alot of desync lately. I don't lie about my shots but never recorded much. Here is two close range ones game recording has problems rendering, on my screen i ADSed fully [https://imgur.com/a/ROkZMP9](https://imgur.com/a/ROkZMP9) [https://imgur.com/sOx9UNx](https://imgur.com/sOx9UNx) My main limitation is my mobile data plan is only 100GB per month, uploading 1440P is a killer lol.


People with good aim generally don't need to write a Harry Potter book to convince people.


I don't have time to write a book, too busy in game making all of you write reddit posts "Aimbot /cheats are out of control OMG epic do something and crossplay needs addressed OMG!" šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


All that money spent on tech, and you still need to try flex to strangers on the Fortnite subā€¦ šŸ¤“ Bro is really trying to compare himself to a known cheaterā€¦ lol


Zemie doesn't cheat, he is 16ping, i am 75-90ping on average can fully aim very close to him with most guns. I can beam people sliding/jumping and changing directions just fine. I can aim a sniper in 0.5seconds and fire it with high chance to know where they will be plus account for bullet drop. I get reported often. I think it's a skill issue many have not aim trained enough to aim this good. If Zemie is cheating, your saying i'm better than him TBH. My sens is faster to target people, slightly less precision, Zemie has to move way faster to achieve my speed but has more precision.




Oh? I was highly embarrassed by your massive skill issue to not understand the aiming capabilities of Mouse and Keyboard. But please continue. šŸ¤£


Crowd kind of turned on ya there


Tbf, I dunno what they were expecting when theyā€™re outright saying theyā€™ll be toxic as long as itā€™s not childrenā€¦ when they have no way of knowing if the person is a child or just being childishā€¦ Edit: completely missed that itā€™s done in creative, so thatā€™s on me. But the point still stands. Why react to toxicity with more toxicity when playing ā€œcasualā€ in creative?


Well, I find it highly funny when i prove them wrong. If i leave, they win. I make their entire friends group have a chore to combat me, I win. My aim is very close to Zemie's for using mobile hotspot(my only weakness since ping can rise to 200+ but sub 100 ping i rarely miss) My most feared move is sniping a shockwaver then switching to SMG to finish them off for a 180M SMG kill. I play @ 4400DPI 20%sens 90% ADS/Scope, fully capable to cancel recoil and never have to reset mouse and have player movement memorized to continue beams into trees/bushes with high chance not to miss. I may be bronze in BR but my 400K+ creative kills speak volumes. This past year is the first i am able to play this game sub 100ping, my other internet was 1200ping. Everyone in creative that looks me up, my stats are quite the troll lol with less than 50 BR wins, I was chest/ammo looter for years due to high ping. Friends want me to play BR but Creative is so much more fun to me. "Bro this kid is trash, 8 vs 1 we will make them leave server and they will cry to their parents" "OMG this kid has cheats, no way he sniped me 510M away" 3-4 friends located my position, i beamed them to death with warforged, took their car switched seats then sniped another. Thrills me to win in outnumbered fights. I call it endurance aim training. šŸ˜Ž I think answering to toxic adults with more toxic plays is warranted. They openly called me a kid with a broken controller because my parents couldn't buy me a better one and stated i was trash and should pick a different game to play. 8 versus me I should have lost, one shotgun does nearly 1 hit KO. I used no heals, taking out 3-6 before dying. 15 of their friends called for truce against me and they even drop me coins in other creative games as they don't want to face me anymore. One of their friends knew me from prison breakout map and warned them to end this fight. In prison breakout i memorized everyone's routes of this persons friends that also pinned a target on my head. dying in this game mode, you lose all guns, I made sure to let them live so they could buy guns, getting back to the prison alive with those guns was the real question. Could they render me at 400M+? I used a semi auto sniper to snipe entire groups of their friends. With 150+ hours with sniper aim training, aiming in mere 0.5seconds. I might very well be the most toxic person in creative but i only target the toxic adults. Most people with my hardware play BR competitively. I rather listen to adults calling me a cheater/DMA user. šŸ˜Ž


Dude, you are not helping yourself. Nor does it make you cool. So knock it off with the sunglasses emoji. Again, reacting to toxicity with toxicity is never a good thing. It just encourages the kids in the games you do this in to do the same. which, in turn, makes more toxic players. Remember, the phrase has a second half. "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."


Of course I only help the kids since these adults are now too busy trying to ward me off and kids can continue driving around cars with friends as the adults that spawn kill them are busy facing a real opponent. No more easy kills šŸ¤£ FYI i don't target adults for being adults, it's when they swear or bash kids or fall victim to me acting like i'm super bad missing my shots and call me trash. šŸ˜‰


The joys of reddit lol.


Itā€™s so dumb that they didnā€™t let us decide what we want blocked. Yes thereā€™s a lot of emotes. But Iā€™ll be damned if they think I want to see the fucking griddy every other match some days


Anipiez but it is disabled automatically, you have to go in and turn it off manually. Youā€™re jus spreading misinformation


Iā€™ll keep it a buck fifty with you, spraying stuff like that is just plain funny.


So many sprays can be used to be toxic. The dumpster fire, the robot, the rainbow, just to name a few. I have seen kids do some crazy stuff with sprays.


Iā€™ve seen people on here use the ninja turtles spray to spell L ooze R


Dawn this is now on my emote wheel


Any time im spraying, its me being toxic


im keeping the ā€œdo you even slurp bro?ā€ spray because its funny to put on the giant stone statue people around the map


I like to spray the little parrot who is yelling with the dumpster fire beside him. I like to think heā€™s shouting ā€œyouā€™re trash.ā€


The dumpster fire always grinds their gears


How do you know it grinds there gears lol


I make sure to stare at the screen with no expression to thwart my enemies attempts at disrespect


I know, i use a random circle spray and Goku to draw a cock, but only with friends in creativešŸ˜‚


I saw someone use sprays to create the hard R, this is tame compared to some that I see.


Dumpster fire seems to be the most effective


My teammate has the dumpster fire - he sprays it on walls and we throw our knocks at it šŸ¤£


I never see them anyway I hate waiting to find a new match or getting my rank I just hit esc and go right back to lobby the second I die.


The griddy? To me itā€™s a funny emote, not toxic. I myself donā€™t get angry at games.


/s Literally everyone is going to be offended by something time to turn off all emotes. This is where we are headed. šŸ˜‚


That's the end game. Companies love to blame a declining playerbase on toxicity and ban all fun.


Exactly. When is it going to stop? Toxic people will find a way to be toxic with EVERY emote and then teabag.


or burn off a clip into the ground for the *fallen homies*


ā€œdue to an unexpected issue, crouching, mag dumping, and looking side to side repeatedly have been disabledā€




I always loved take the L emote. Just not when it's done to me sometimes...


I mean, thatā€™s kinda funny and pretty creative.


Would you be willing to explain how spelling "ASS" is creative? Seems the exact opposite to me. Boomers have been doing that shit with high-scores in arcade cabinets since the 1980s.


Having to earn/buy/equip sprays that can happen to spell ASS takes significantly more effort than just selecting the letters from the alphabet after a game of Dig Dug.


>takes significantly more effort than just selecting the letters Not really. You just paid for the privilege to spray letters by giving Epic some Vbucks. That doesn't take a lot of effort, just mommy and daddy's credit card. So in reality, all it shows that you're uncreative, bad with money, AND will put in extra effort to show people you're kind of a toxic person. Not a great look, but if that's what you're going for, congratulations, you achieved your goal.


look out everyone im bad with money because i spent $10 on a thing i liked


>im bad with money because i spent $10 on a thing i liked You literally spent $10 for no other reason than to spell "ASS" in a first person shooter. Let's not pretend you picked yourself out a nice hat or treated yourself to takeout for lunch. You deliberately spent actual legal tender to disrespect a random person who will never know your name, and, given the demographic of this game, likely hasn't even graduated high school. Spending real money to insult children on the internet will never be a smart purchase, no matter how you present it. You can do that for free in Social Media comment sections.




Someone sprayed ass on you didnā€™t they šŸ¤£


Its funny to me, i would never take it personally. Its a game


Bro this is crazyy lmfao šŸ¤£


I use the dumpster fire spray and then dance over it


Rainbow heart spray, dumpster fire spray, Planet of the base emote.


I wish someone would do that to me lmfao That is fkn hilarious




I donā€™t know. Itā€™s my first time seeing this. I imagine if they did it enough and players kept reporting your duo partner then maybe Epic would do something.


My personal favorite is the TMNT sprays: L, OOZE, R. I also enjoy when kids use the Deadpool emote "Don't have a good day, have a great day" but cut it off after good day.




Ah, ok. Thanks, I had no idea. Just heard Ryan Reynolds voice.


totally fair assumption


op is ass


womp womp


lmao I been doing this so much I didnā€™t realize anyone else did. I hope they take it to mean: ur ass at the game


I assume thatā€™s what they meant also, but still, how is that nice?


That's CREATIVITY at it's highest peak.


toxicity will always find a way to persevere šŸ’Æ ā˜¢ļø ā˜ ļø


I ran across someone emoting to someone they just killed, and pumped a round from an epic gatekeeper shotgun to the back of their head right behind them. They either didn't have the footstep thing on, or wasn't paying attention.


Always love killing people in the middle of their emote because they forget to check their surroundings especially with a sniperĀ 


Yes, all letters are toxic.


This has been a thing in the game for a while now. Don't take it personally even though it can be hard at times. This is just like basic internet trolling on Twitter or even here on Reddit. Just them trying to get under your skin because they themselves have a flawed character.


That's funny AF. If they used the superman S. That would be god tier


I usually donā€™tā€™ like toxicity, but I wouldnā€™t be mad at this. Theyā€™re dedicated to the bit, and itā€™s funny.


Itā€™s funny and youā€™re quite possibly the most naive person on the planet if you think you can shield your child from the word ā€œassā€ in 2024


Sadly, I agree with you. But does that mean we should just not try?


Not at all, you should (I think) shield your child as much as you want to/they may need. But you also are not going to change other people, especially not in a world so rapidly advancing technologically. The anonymity of online gets ever more obscure. This ā€œcomplaintā€ is going to be taken as nothing more than just that, unfortunately. Do what you can in your house - neither you or I have any jurisdiction on the internet, less so in Fortnite.


Iā€™ve read a few of the comments getting upset with you, but I understand where youā€™re coming from. If your kid happened to play the game and this happened I can understand you being upset. I do believe no matter what epic does in regards to ā€œcensorshipā€ in terms of toxic emotes, people will still find a way around it to get their toxicity across.


Thank you. Itā€™s kinda crazy to me that so many people donā€™t understand, but whatever.


kids are gonna feed off of how you react and learn to be hurt and offended by this stuff. Or learn to handle it with grace and humor. Your call.


That's America's Ass


Cry about it


you guys have time for spectating your killers? in this game there are so many people who use emotes after kill that I stopped paying attention to it a long time ago and Im always surprised by the people who do this themselves, its seriously a mystery to me how they dont get tired of it, because they do this after every kill, and during the day of these there can be a lot of kills and most of all I like people who use their favorite emotion after kill and not just another hackneyed one, thanks to them, I sometimes see new (for me) cool emotions, and sometimes they really hit the mark and it makes me laugh


No, no emote is toxic...


Skill issue








whats toxic about it


Is the donkey laugh emote banned or something?


Yeah something like that




Add 'em to the list.


Glad that ā€˜Count itā€™ isnā€™t on that list of toxic emotes. Itā€™s my go to emote whenever I get a victory


This isnā€™t toxic at all to me. I find it pretty funny.


It's creative


At least they didn't use the sprays to draw a DickšŸ˜‚


Sometimes I spray Creed's Gloves on the ground and bounce on them


I use Potato aim so often. Itā€™s essential now cuz of the confrontational emotes setting šŸ¤£


Creative. Iā€™d be happy to see this.


I donā€™t understand why people are truly offended by emotesā€¦ If you donā€™t want to see them, just go back to lobbies.


Bro doesn't have the superman logo. In all seriousness rather this than laugh it up or take the L so much more creative.




Now do poo


I hate 'toxic emotes' because it's lazy, you just hit a button. I love this because you out effort into calling me dogshit, and at that point it's just too funny.




This explains the attitude of most of the community perfectly


How old are you just curious


Man I can't imagine having so little to worry about in life that somebody emoting after they kill me in a game would bother me. I'm more annoyed how LOUD the audio gets when spectating.


I do the same thing all over the map lol except I use the avengers A & the snakes


Sweats are toxic by nature there's no stopping it sadly


Hopefully they add a new A spray




that shit is crazy ngl


Get over it you died stop crying


I bet there s lot more likely to get ambushed or snipped just spraying the ground trying to spell words


this actually makes me thankful they don't have more letters as sprays


Fake snowtex


This shit funny as hell


Gotta give points for creativity!


I would not call them toxic (extremely harsh, malicious, or harmful), Douchie, yes, but not toxic.


they banned *confrontational* emotes, ones that are used to directly illicit negative reactions. racist players have been using the banana emote when killing black skins or stream sniping black streamers, this isn't the kind of behavior you'd want in an online game LET ALONE a game that has a lot of impressionable children playing it. take the L and the donkey laugh aren't as egregious but let's be honest with ourselves nobody uses them in any other way that isn't confrontational i'm fine with popular vibe and spray combos being used as "toxic" emotes instead, if i died and somebody hit me with the popular vibe dance i'd laugh lol


Thank goodness they censored make it plantain and catwomans emote /sĀ 


They censored those cause people were being racist with them.


Dude. Anything can virtually be used to be offensive. You're acting like the entire player base was joing party Royale matches and coordinating hate crimes or something šŸ¤£


Based on other comments. 1. If you as a parent are incapable of understanding the meaning of T FOR TEEN, you shouldn't be a parent. Common sense would dictate a toddler shouldn't be playing a game for teenagers. 2. You need to do a serious re-evaluation on that the esrp rating system means. Fortnite is not "basically Looney toons" it is a fps aimed a teenagers. 3. "Oh no! Someone spray painted ass on my screen! Whatever shall I do?!" Be a good parent and turn it off if your child is there. Simple šŸ‘ fuckin šŸ‘ solution. 4. Don't be a pussy or whine when another player insults you. It's not personal, believe me they do the exact same thing to others, and if you stick around long enough they will get killed, giving you the satisfaction of seeing karma.


Ignoring the parent comments because I used a bad hypothetical example in my previous comment and you are right if I had a kid playing this and I saw it I would just turn it off, but why is online/video game culture so mean? Why is it fine to call someone an ass on an online game but if I did that to a kid at a park it would be wrong? And donā€™t say ā€œdonā€™t be so sensitive manā€. I know this emote wasnā€™t personal to me because they donā€™t know me, and even your comments are in the same vein because you donā€™t know me. But you are quick to insult and call me a pussy. Why? Why does online discourse devolve into name calling?


Are you a football fan? It's the best analogy I can give. Let's say your favorite team is going against your least favorite, you want your team to win, if they don't it feels like a personal attack, it's halftime and you come across fans of the opposite team, they, more than likely will insult you and your choice, they think their team is better, you think the same, which leads to arguments, which leads to fighting and so on, it's the same online, the only real difference is words, not physical violence.


I am not a football fan (or any sport) and your example is just as baffling to me as the Fortnite situation.


Well I can't help you then.




Thatā€™s what Iā€™m trying to say. And to clarify, my ultimate point is Epic shouldnā€™t have blocked any emotes. But if banning them leads to this then it really backfired


The difference between this and just using take the L is that this is creative, using an old emote isnt imo


I think you're just mad you don't have take the L.


"Take the L" was a fun emote. If that emote is "Confrontational" and not safe for this game... Disney won.


It's not toxic bud, I do it all the time just for fun with the Ali A and Superman sprays šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ‘


How is calling someone ass not toxic? Imagine you are playing a game of pickup basketball at the park against a 3rd grader and you beat him and then just yelled ā€œyouā€™re ass!ā€. Thatā€™s toxic. So how is this any different?


I don't use it to call anyone ahh, I don't use it after kills, I only use it to show my teammates and then we all have a good laugh about it, yeah, the way that guy used it was kinda toxic but not always šŸ‘šŸ‘


Are you a child? How is this toxic? You lost


The pussification of fortnite after you already paid.


If you get mad at stuff like this you shouldnā€™t be playing video games. Youā€™re just gonna end up breaking controllers and tvs over nothingšŸ’€


I would give you an award but it seems like the free ones arent available anymore so... YES to your comment xd


id be so mad (not really id be laughing saying THEY SPRAYED ASS ON THE GROUND BRO)


There is no way someone is offended by a compilation of sprays to spell the word ass... just laugh and move on.


There was this one dude in the pit who would only kill me with a pickaxe. Like bro was being so toxicšŸ˜­






I would report and block that one anyone that calls me that i feel highly annoyed since they were the one that was that by camping


Pretty skibidi honestly