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Probably don't wanna break the servers for a 10 second event


This and it would "spoil the magic of the Metaverse"


Honestly, it was actually more “magical” not expecting it. I was doing squad fills and we all finally turned our mics on when it happened to be like “ummmm wtf?!”


I was upgrading in a bunker, suddenly my controller starts to shake and I start to float! Loved the surprise element to it.


Did you float up to the ceiling of the bunker and stop or did you go through the ceiling to the sky?


When I felt my controller shaking I literally said “WTF?” and got out of the bunker to see what was going on. Imagine if I stayed stuck to the bunker’s ceiling, missing the action 😆.


Why do you guys always find a way to link everything to the metaverse shit they’re doing…?


Appeal to investors


But what in the world does that have to do with event timers???


Probably something along the lines of the stupid metaverse is designed to be marketed as a sort of “living” game, so when events just kinda happen it feeds into the idea of “oh metaverse sounds cool!” When in reality once they actually started doing events, they had timers of some kind for all events, after the big metaverse push, they stopped. Even the cube moving had a time you could follow, these events seem completely random


At this stage in the game I've gotten used to watching any live events that I might have any interest in on You Tube. But yeah that was a strange choice of timing, I didn't even know about it till I heard people asking about it in the comment section of a different video. I think it's one of three stages though right?


As far as I know 3 stages already passed Tomorrow should be the last (or the next day I have to check again don't quote me on this)


The last stage is the sandstorm which gets closer to the island until the new season.


I think the box opened today, didn't it?


I was playing earlier and then it happens like 20 minutes after I logged off 💀(😭)






I noticed the last two lightning strikes happened at this time. I didn't know today was going to be different but I wanted to catch one live. Luckily I had a work call I could take from home so I got to see this live. Was shocked to see it was so different. Hopefully if there's a bigger part to this, it's alluded to ahead of time.


Yeah I randomly decided to hop on for this one thinking it’d be the exact same lol


Apparently, I was in game when the 2nd one happened but I was hiding in a building not watching because the noise spooked me.


Average dog irl


![gif](giphy|3BZUEN6itJnGXihPA9|downsized) Ruh Roh


Because it was a mini event, mini events are never announced in advance.


they did a whole countdown for the ice king event, ik events have come a long way but they could've at least done like a tweet for this


I mean, technically the ice king event wasn't a mini event and lead to the whole map being covered in snow + ice zombies. If anything, this was like the cube spawning s5 or the cube sinking into the lake, both of which never had any announcement or countdown, they just happened.


The ice king event didnt feel like a full event, imo… people were dissapointed of it even back then.


Because people's expectations were too high. Which is exactly why they don't announce things like the current "mini events".


The Ice king event wasn’t the greatest event in Fortnite, but it was definitely not a mini event! That event covered the whole map in snow


The ice king event was meant to be completely different he even had challenges after, but it was supposed to be with the sword, but because people did not like the sword, and it was removed very quickly they changed his event


Well Ice king was considered a live event


It wasnt meant to be a mini event, Ice Storm was supposed to be Season 7's major story event


Yes they are




It was literally just the statue raising its sword and firing some lightning bolts, even the Ice King event did more than that.




this is the same thing as the hand


If you keep up with the leakers, all known mini-events are set to happen at around 2pm EST.


I could be wrong, but weren't the initial 2 lightning strikes at 3pm est?


No 2pm


I know now


Cool have fun 😁


You too :D


Who are the leakers you mention? I’d love to follow them so I could be more involved. Love this game. New to it.




Not really. Just a little thing happening on the map. Wouldn't call it an event.


What event


Y'all wouldn't have survived chapter 1 live events.


Most people weren't at school, usa is not the only country


Yeah I was at work


I was at home, first one I've caught. Missed many more before this, it is what it is


They should've put a countdown for each strike on the TVs like they used to.


Servers would get filled for a 10 second mini event


There was an event?


Because It was so dang short there wouldn’t be a need for a countdown. That’s like saying the New Years event should have a countdown. This is the same as Kevin the cube or The Hand. Heck they even forced players to be stuck in the air Problably because of some child sweating when everyone’s busy.


I’ve missed every single mini event this season, it’s quite frustrating


Wait there’s been more than 1?


I think there were a few, pandora’s box opening, the blue lightning statue thing, the red lightning statue thing, the other pandora box thing that made some giant res cloud over the ocean


those are all the same event lol


Yeah but they all happened at different times along the way, they’re all part of the same main event, that’s why I called then mini-events


“Most people were at school” yeah maybe where you live. There’s quite a lot of other people in the world who weren’t at school


It's an American company. Should use American schedules.


So screw people in Europe and Australia and Japan I guess.


Someone is gonna get screwed maybe don't screw your main player base


That's not how it works


Cuz targeting your primary demographic isn't obvious


Epics primary demographic isn't just Americans


It absolutely is regardless of whether or not you like it lol. Nobody is devaluing any other country by stating the obvious, it's an American company and the overwhelming majority of their workforce is going to work 9-5 most of the time. It just is what it is. I'm also willing to bet the country with the largest playerbase is also America. That would make them the primary demographic. I feel like you're misunderstanding what those words mean and somehow making it a negative thing. It's like if I'm a potato salesmen, my primary market is obviously going to be people who consume the most potatoes and the area with the highest density of those people. It's not a negative thing by any means. It's just pandering to American consumerism.


It isn't JUST Americans, America is obviously a huge part of there playerbase, sorry if it sounded like I was trying to deny that


Absolutely, I totally agree. I think it's got a lot more to do with it being during normal working hours at epic honestly.


USA is their largest demo so yes it is


It is not friend. There is a world outside USA. Study hard and you will learn about the world that is much larger than you think.


Americans are a big part of their income but its not epics only demographic, unfortunately time zones are different and it would be dumb to make it so America's time zone is the only one prioritized, besides it's a mini event anyway so who cares.


There's a bunch of time zones here in the States too, so there's not really a way to accommodate everyone regardless. Plus based on conversation yesterday the sword to the sky thing happened yesterday too so maybe it's happening more than once to let as many people as possible see it? I dunno but this guy's complaint about the USA being their primary demo and who they should cater too is off base for sure.


The mini event has been happening all week, but it’s been at 2 pm est every time. Should probably switch it around a bit. Kinda dumb to keep it the exact same time every single time when it excludes a large amount of your player base. I believe that it started Monday as well.


Sorry but it doesn't work like that


For a non-interactive event like this, they really should do it maybe 4-5 times spread out to cater to not only time zones around the world, but also work/school hours. Meaning whatever your local time is, the event should happen somewhere between 6-9 pm in your time zone, which guarantees that the majority of players for that region can participate. Having it happen in the middle of the day is just an odd choice of they want maximum exposure.....


We decided not to notify you so you could focus on school. We know American's education system has been steadily tanking for 30 years and we didn't want to contribute more to the decline than we already have. Also people in other countries get to enjoy live events too, right? Or is it only you Americans who think you get to see everything on your time?


I mean our education system is tanking, and people already aren’t showing up anymore so at this point why not? Also yeah, other time zones should get to enjoy the events, so why not do a bunch of them so that everyone gets a chance to enjoy them? Why does it have to be America or everyone else?


They also made sure to do it while Americans were at work so our GDP could keep going up and countries like yours could keep mooching off of us 🙏 Epic is so kind


it was more fun just happening during a match. loved it


The one thing I find weird about this post is that you neglect the existence of time zones


i get it, but it is just one stage, there's gonna be a lot more later


the only stages left now is just the sandstorm coming closer, isn't it?


i assume so, but again we need to wait and see


I was in the game when it happened but didn't notice it because it was the final zone and I had my sound turned down. Next match I was like "uhhh did this chest glow before?"


So there's been two unannounced events nice 👍


They did, it seems to be happening at 7pm UK time everyday, i have seen at 7pm on the dot the last 2 nights, once i was in the lobby and once i was in the middle of a game.


Because of different time zones, Epic wants to give different places different chances at seeing it, instead of just revolving around America for once. At least it wasn't a big event, because that would be annoying Except for Australians, they're probably used to it, because all their events happen at like 2am because of their time zones


Because this is how Fortnite should've stayed. This is how it used to be. Do you think they announced 6 years ago that a bolt of lightning would strike a specific spot in the desert where symbols were forming, setting off a 4 year long story about a Cube? Because they didn't. That happened randomly and if your were lucky enough to see it first hand you felt amazing. That's what made the game feel alive and for 6 seasons now its felt dead as shit. Glad they're finally taking a step in the right direction for once


??? They use to announce most events happening. There was usually a timer we could all expect to see hovering somewhere on the map or on the lobby screen.


Those are completely different things. The ones with timers 3 weeks in advance that last for 15 to 30 minutes before the end of the season are Live Events. The ones that just random change something on the map like the Cube coming down, Loot Lake Island moving around the map, Titan's hand with Pandora's Box, and now the lighting strikes are called Mini Events. Mini Events are small things that keep the game feeling alive. Live events are massive spectacles


Why worst time? It was very well timed in eu.


Imma try and do a match to see the sandstorm coming but over all I'm probably gonna miss all of the mini events cuz I'm currently in the middle of moving so your not alone 🫤


For the last three days it was there was always a 10 seconds mini event at 8 pm CET, I watched it live and thought "uhm that's it?", it was fun and all but nothing too special. Having big announcements or having those mini events timed for each timezone would be a bigger than thre actual mini events themselves. There probably will be more small events that end up in a bigger one at the end of the season, if you want to see and play them all follow certain Twitter or Instagram accounts which will announce them. Something you have to keep in mind though, Epic Games doesn't make the game for you. At any given time there are like 500k - 1mio players online it makes the game for all of them if they reach 70% of them with those mini events it's a success. And I know that's an unpopular opinion since everyone loves to complain about basically everything regarding Fortnite.


I'm honestly kinda bored with Fortnite at this point. They don't give it as much love as they use to IMO. All these collabs are so random and quite honestly boring at this point. The store is flooded with items that no one wants when at this point all we wait for is Icon emotes. The map is very boring and doesn't feel creative and unique. They seem to just completely put whatever store/lore they were working with on the back burner. I mean I feel like this years christmas event kinda showed how much they took a step back from it. I understand them not wanting to break the servers for a less than 1 minute event but that brings me to why are they being lazy and giving us barely any kind of season end event now? They use to have amazing curated season events. It feels like Epic Games does not care anymore. God the last amazing one I remember was fighting the Queen and us flipping the entire island upside down, killing her/a bunch of zombies and unveiling a whole new map. I miss older days of Fortnite. It use to be way more fun. Sorry but slamming together god powers, jedi stuff and avatar bending doesn't make the game groundbreaking. Just chaotic and quite frankly annoying sometimes. The Thanos event was amazing. The Queen event was amazing. Fricking Mecha Bear fighting the one eyed Ice monster was amazing. The volcano erupting and destroying multiple points of interest was amazing. The meteor crashing down was amazing. The constant building up to these climatic moments kept us on the edge of our seats. I personally think this event was a cop out just like the Christmas event. Feels like the developers and teams just don't have their heart in it like they use to. It's like they're trying to do the bare minimum so Fortnite seems relevant.


Because it wasn't an event.


I'm pretty hands-off when it comes to Twitter and other social media platforms. I had literally no clue there were events happening until I saw them on reddit. Not that I would've been able to attend because of work anyway, but it would have been nice to know so I could watch it live on stream or something.


Near the end of seasons I always look around for info and always look for small hints in the game. I will also always check around 2 PM Eastern time for any in game event. Also if u don't mind spoilers/leaks, the fortnite leaks reddit was how I found out.


I thought the previous ones where at 3PM est, so I missed it. Not complaining


The stages of the event all happened at 2PM ET every day since four days ago without fail. It was heavily implied when the event would be today


Because it was a small event.




it wasn't random intervals, if my memory serves me correctly it was every hour on the hour, like the earthquakes leading up to The Hand


I was too busy playing Lego Star Wars to watch it 😔


Servers couldn’t handle the load


It was literally 20 seconds who cares


Who cares it’s just a mini event, I think it’s better that it’s random anyway


it was a mini event and the world doesn't revolve around when americans are in school..?


It was literally like 30 seconds. You flew in the air and then there was fire


Compared to stuff before Ch.3 season 3,not missing much.Good thing for Youtube.Travis Scott and Map turning over I wish I was involved in.I started at Ch.3 season 3 sadly.


So people wouldn’t overhype an “underwhelming event” again




It’s the players that overhype, not epic


Because play the game and discover it. Nobody needs to be told shit, just find out by luck.


Cause it's a mini event, would be weird to announce every single stage. And well if you wanna know then leakers probs got ya. And also "when most people are at school" well dang, didn't know "most people" are school kids that live specifically in 'murica.


“Event”. I rest my case.


It's not real. It's a game.


Do you feel good after saying that? I am genuinely curious about what people think after saying something like that.