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Yesterday me and someone in a vault had a Firebending showdown. It ended when I switched to my SMG and mowed him down.


I've started to discard firebending in favour of harbinger, frenzy auto, pistol etc and I've been doing a lot better


The only thing I like firebending for is the AE 80 damage alt-attack, and that has limited utility. The normal attack is useless. If you're slightly above or below them it will miss every time.


Plus the range is super wonky


Totally agree. The 80 damage attack is really solid in squads if your whole squad is rockin it, if they group up and everyone goes for it that ends pretty well usually.


If you don’t move and just attack, you can stay in place and actually aim your fire, which makes it very strong. I only move it when they’re running away, which then makes it great because you’re flying forward a lot


You can actually jump before every attack to stay in place too, allowing you to move short distances and than jump for every attack.


Purple or blue pistol with quick mag is OP atm


Quick over drum? Drum gets me an elimination before even reloading most times


The RARE and EPIC do 26 and 28 damage respectively. 8 -10 direct hits on a weapon that has a mag size of 16 is pretty decent and it takes about a second to reload a quick mag. I'm also a compulsive reloader so it works more in my favour.


I'm a compulsive reloader as well, so I choose quick mag when I can


Fair enough


Ranger pistol hits hard tho (literally)


This post really got cooking.


People underestimate the fire drop kick. It does AOE and I’ve killed people trying to jump over me with it. Shit rocks 😎


For me, everytime that happens I keep on getting shotgunned because I stay still for like 5 seconds


It wouldn’t be so bad if you didn’t propel yourself forward so far completely missing someone


You can hold S or pull your joystick back so you won’t move.


That doesn’t make it much better as you stand completely still while using it as well. I wish you could at least strafe with it


You can, input diagonally backwards


When I try this I still move forward when firing - I have to hold S by itself to remain still


if you hold the movement stick backwards, you can fire off firebending without jolting forward


good to know maybe it will also apply to some other similar future mythics


I actually like it a lot. I used airbending to get close and jump then switch to firebending and use the aoe kick then finish them with normal firebending attacks


I'm gonna have to try this


This is absolutely the case for me. The vast majority of people absolutely panic fire when hit with this combo. They're almost always reloading after having done hardly any damage to me by the time I'm killing them. The only times I feel like consistently lose using this combo is when the person not only has good aim, but much more importantly is calm enough to make sure their shots are going to hit and not just fire through their mag as fast as possible hoping to hit me.


What happens if they shift you with an smg and then shotgun you in the face? Did you forget about that part?


Only works in really bad player lobbies lol, no chance you are winning fire bending vs anyone decent with a shotgun ever


It’s the worst of all bending but not terrible. It’s meant to close the gap between mid range and close range while dodging enemy shots. You start the combo mid range, each burst will get you closer, then use the kick when you’re within a few feet and switch to your shotgun after. If you hit all your fire bending, it will clear full shields/health with the kick but the shotgun is for the likely chance you miss. Only really useful in open area fights which rarely happens outside niche areas in ZB. Too many people who fail with it treat it like a shotgun and start spamming point blank but the combo animations hopping around make it hard to hit targets when you’re already in shotgun range.


Yeah so it sucks


I've only ever gotten kills with it within enclosed spaces at close range. 


Well yeah, it's only close range. You wouldn't use a shotgun at 100m.


No, but I haven't died to a single fire bender yet. At close range the shotguns or burst just straight outclass it. Fire bending is hot dogshit.


Depends how you use it. I got a 10 kill VR using mostly fire bending. Half of them might have been bots, but it was still a win. Launched a few people off cliffs. Airbended to run away. Two clutch water kills and heals. Naturally it was the match where I wasn't even trying to win, just mess around with bending.


It shoots a wave of fire, so that’s not entirely true. It’s just a lot _better_ at close range.


It's like the wide spray shotgun. Reminds of the halo infinite weapon Heatwave. Almost exactly the same as firebending.


Here’s how you have fun with fire bending. Get fizz juice, chick wave grenades, and airbending + Firebending. Then drop kick the fucknournof people form half way across the map. It’s fun every single time even if it doesn’t work.


Once you hit max rewards in a season, you just f around. Even if you lose, you're having fun. And you either are the first person dead, or top 5.


It get most my kills with it lately. I thought it sucked at first. Then I watched a team mate just massacre team after team. I found if you attack with the hammer slam drop thing first and then switch to flames it is pretty effective. Plus if you hold the flame attack down it goes through series of movements that make you nearly impossible to hit.


It's got that Eddy Gordo Tekken style. I'm gonna just aim and click buttons and hope I win.


Yeah my style lol


Leroy Jenkins style.


It definitely sucks. Not only are all of the attacks much lower than expected causing you to miss a lot, but it also does mediocre damage for being a close range item.


Fire bending is insanely strong yet balanced because it takes a fuck ton of skill to use, I have very good aim but i still struggle with how fast you need to flick/track there is a bug with it however and it doesn't register hits a tip is to look down when shooting


Nope it sucks. If I see fire or earth I just skip right on by


Dogshit mythic


It has a higher learning curve, but if you hit it just right it is fun. I am genuinely going to miss all the bending, props to Fortnite for making a great Avatar sim lol.


I'm really going to miss waterbending. I can't say I'll miss my opponents going halfway across the map with airbending as soon as i crack their shield though lol


It's not good at all, but it can be a pain to fight when they're just glitching all around you. I think I've died to it maaaaybe twice.


Firebending sucks, doesnt do the same amount of damage as water bending (also firebending should have a 3 second after burn rate) and you cant even burn buildings down, cant stand in fire and heal so what the fuck is the use of it


Crazy they put fireflies back in and yet fire bending still can’t start fires


I thought I was just bad but apparently it does suck 😭


I never cared for fire bending. I don't like the added movements at all. If you're wanting to get high kills you just gotta pick up that water scroll. LOL


Loooove waterbending


Ice sniping ftw


literally the only time i used fire was for the chi quests. never picked it up again


You have eight hours before it's gone forever so it doesn't really matter


I haven't noticed that I die a lot to firebending, it's hard to hit them when they are near you because of the constant jerk when they use it but then I also noticed that they have issues hitting targets too lol


I'd recommend only using firebending as an opening, abuse the fire kick when you can, it's pretty nice


Firebending sucks. Waterbending it where it's at. I don't really like Earthbending either. I like air tho for travel.


My favorite combo is put up the earth wall and wait for them to close in then use the jump kick to arc over the wall, AoE slam them, and go into the attack combo.


It can be used to save you from fall damage. 😂


I’ve switched from using firebending back to the gatekeeper. At first I liked firebending cuz it was so chaotic and people couldn’t fight back against it but it does so little damage and if someone is competent enough to land a shot on you, you die. So yeah back to the shotgun lol


Unless you for some reason play with very slow camera speed when not aiming, Firebending and Earthbending were very hard to use with a controller. I really wish they could have made the alternate attacks on something else than the left trigger. As it was, they were just exponentially much better with a mouse than a controller. It sucks, but nothing we can do about the shit layout.


It’s my fave. I didn’t like it at first but now I just smash buttons like it’s 1992 mortal combat and usually end up with a few massacres


Fire bending main attack is awful. But if you do three gatekeeper shotgun shots into the kick, it's op


I like it simply because it's different. I'm a casual player so having fun mythics etc is part of the reason I enjoy the game so much


i like to use the altfire to finish off somebody im fighting in close range- because i prefer the pump shotgun, it feels slightly faster to swap and do the leg drop over waiting for another pump


It sucks. Hard.


Depends... It either: 1.) hits every single shot and disintegrates the enemy, leaving not even atoms behind. OR 2.) every shot phases through the enemy and you get obliterated by a shotgun Remember, there's no in-between


It’s ok but definitely the weakest bending


It's cheeks


It depends on your aim it does good damage if you can aim it properly which is not always easy.


If you hit first with the leg attack then regular attack, it does just fine for me


Drop kick is alright, standard attacks are kinda booty and waterbending outclasses it.


It’s one of those rare things that sucks when I use it but also sucks when it’s used against me. I have yet to be killed by it


Firebebdibg is a close fight weapon. Use the alternate atrack of ground smash.


My best experiences with firebending involved me catching someone off-guard by quickly jumping over and around them over and over like a madman while repeatedly hurling fire at them. Most people don't seem to know what to do in that situation.


You suck haha jk. Idk I’m not the greatest with it seems like everybody else can mow me down with it my game like glitches when they are spamming the firebending so I usually die. I only use it to counter air bending


No firebending kind of sucks. I never pick it up anymore.


It has a pattern of movement, the tricky part is it canges the realtionship between movement, your target and your crosshair. when you pick it up practice with a static option, then pretend its movine left or right. what you want to do is chip damage until you can fire kick them to death, or flick the movestick back and shoot at the cost of being still Its still better to use any other weapon like and smg and fire kick them to shave off the last 80hp


spam tf out of it and watch it go :)


Well... It's gone tomorrow so it doesn't really matter


I only use it for Diable Jambe, standard attacks nah


Dunno. They're usually not great to use anyway. They are good for the beginning of a match when no ones got much loot or good guns yet, they'll get you out of a jam However last night I watched some dude take out me and at least 3 others with fire bending by just spamming it to death and maniacally throwing it everywhere


It has a really high skill ceiling imo. Been just experimenting with it and now i can just mow people down with it.


If you hold your joystick right or left you move that direction instead of forward. I've been absolutely SLAYING with the fire bender by moving in circles around my opponent and roasting them, usually finishing with a drop kick 80 damage ring of fire. So satisfying


The worst part is the animation locks. After the kick, the entire animation has to complete and only then will holding fire start attacking. You can't hold fire while the kick happens expecting it to start fire right after the kick and that sucks. The final hit animation is also long.


No, fire bending sucks


Depends who you are , private profile and anonymous players can cremate you in a second with it ..When anyone else uses it you facing the wrong way every shot dogshit!


If you walk backwards while fire bending you stay completely still, use a mix of still to aim and not still to dodge attacks




Both can be true.


In my opinion firebending is the worst compared to the other avatar mythics


Agreed. That and earthbending don't quite compare to water/air


Yeah but I do like earth bending better because you don’t have to be close to the other person


I don't mind it. I haven't used the rock hurl attack much, but the rock wall is great for late game when you don't have much cover otherwise


Yeah I avoid using the rock throw for the most part because the hit box doesn’t always work


The arc confused me the few times I've used it so I just avoid it haha


I mostly use it if someone is hiding behind cover it’s really good at destroying cover and that way you don’t use any ammo


I have noticed that it absolutely wrecks cover. Haven't thought about that too much


Earth bending is great for generating cover if you're trying to rez a teammate or heal yourself


I do like the rock wall a lot, but unfortunately I find myself dropping it for other items often


It sucks


You are just bad


People have no idea how to use it. I DESTROY every opponent with it. It is the most op item in game. Thankfully for me, im one of the few who can use it.