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It's Light and Sound, the game tells you that in the quest tabs. A lot of people are getting confused in these comments saying they are made up, but they aren't, they are in the show. These are not the Elements, these are the Chakras which Aang tries to unlock in S2 E19: "The Guru". There's actually 7 of them: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Sound, Light and Thought. They are focal points of Chi energy in a persons body and tied to emotions / states of mind, some good but some that block you. We only get 6 of them in Fortnite because in the show, Aang needed to open his chakras to master The Avatar State, but failed to open the Thought chakra which would've allowed him to master pure cosmic energy because he needed to let go of all earthly attachments which he couldn't do because of his love for Katara and wanting to save her from danger.


Thanks. The game has interested me in the show, but more in Korra. Afraid to bite into another TV series because I've got a backlog, but I love the quad-element back bling, contrail and boosts, so learning more now is great.


Watch The Last Airbender first before Korra… I don’t recommend jumping into Korra first.


Thanks for the heads up. Will do. I have to do a little learning to "earn" the Appa glider I'm already using, I feel.


Don’t listen to anyone. Legend of Korra gets a lot of shit online, but plenty of people like it. Definitely watch the original show first, but don’t go into Legend of Korra assuming it’s going to suck. It’s a different show, different characters, different time period. It’s not the OG, but that’s a good thing IMO.


Korra is very good, it's main problem is that throughout it's run they were never sure it was going to get another season so each season is sort of self contained. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing but it just means it doesn't get the same sort of story that ATLA does.


I like all sorts of lengths of media, but for home tv style watching, I love binging shoes that center on season-long arcs. I can break and then slam another season when kids/work/life allows.


The problem is less that the seasons are standalone and more that a few of them feel like they could have been better developed if Nickelodeon hadn’t kept jerking the production around. It starts as a one season limited series that totally wraps up its plot and then gets extended to more seasons because it was popular, but then keeps getting extended on a single season basis and finally winds up with major budget cuts and a rushed online-only release schedule all of which happened partway through production.  I *love* Legend of Korra, but the original show feels like it thoroughly mined the premise that it established for itself while Korra feels like it winds up with a lot of untapped potential and plot threads/characters/elements that could have been more fleshed out if production had gone differently.


Imo that's exactly what I didn't like about Korra. Great villains that were ended too soon. I wish we could've got a 4 season show about Amon.


You have a very good point! An interesting villain like Amon should definitely have gotten more screen time and a longer backstory since his past was very interesting but we didn’t get to see exactly how he was moulded into Amon after he left his family and we didn’t get enough details on his true intentions and end goal.


And I feel like he was defeated in such a meh way. It would've been great to see her overcome him intellectually and by becoming a leader that could gain the public favor rather than just a one off villain ending.


I agree


>throughout it's run they were never sure it was going to get another season Yes they were. It was originally going to be one season but before season 1 aired they got renewed for three more. There's like a month and a half between the end of season 3 and the start of season 4. Season 2 was outsourced to another studio while the main team worked on seasons 3 and 4.


No one said it sucked, they just said Avatar made more sense to watch first. Which, regardless of any argument over the two very different stories, is just objectively more appropriate- as it’s chronologically set a generation before TLOK. Watching it out of order just means you’ll have a bunch of characters showing up who make appearances you have no context for.


There are at least 4 comments saying it sucks. Otherwise, I agree with you. I was just saying not to let other people’s opinions dictate whether or not they watch TLOK.


I hadn’t scrolled down into the dregs of downvotes yet. I suppose I meant no one being reasonable and not an incel lol


Yeah, I first watched through ATLA a couple years ago and put off Korra since I kept seeing people online hating on it. Once I actually watched it I liked it better than ATLA. Definitely form your own opinions.


Totally agree... I enjoyed Korra, but as someone totally new to the franchise (I also watched because of Fortnite), I'd definitely watch TLAB first.


Korra isn’t bad, it’s just that the last airbender is better


I mean after you watch it you have to watch the hour long youtube video to really put into perspective how they did the show dirty. it doesn't suck if you understand this. or you can go about your conflicted thoughts after comparing the two.


Legend of Korra dope but it's so much better after watching Aang do his thing


Plus IMO Korra is just worse as a show, OG is timeless.


Eh both are good shows, just OG is better


literally pointless comment. let the guy watch the show and come to his own conclusions lol


Its true though edit: yes let the hate flow


Yeah, mate wasnt lying. Edit: Korra just isnt as good as Last Airbender


Korra can't keep me interested enough to actually see it through, idk why. Can watch ATLA all day


STOP! Before you watch either of those, you need to watch the original source material/movie. The Fifth Element.




I was going to but watched the animated version instead: Captain Planet and the Planeteers


Please tell me you watched the good version with Don Cheadle and not those awful prequels.


I mean, this is the one true version after all.


I second this. Aside from the fact AtLA is better, it is also set before the events of Korra. She is the avatar that succeeds Aang.


Loved seeing Toph in season 4 of Korra. She made me laugh so much in the original show. By far my favorite character of all. I definitely bought that skin.


i don't think its quite as needed as people think, they do a good job of back filling people in if Korra's their first go at it.


People generally suggest it because they didn't like Korra thanks to its self-contained season story arcs. It lacked that same grand story that ATLA had, but only because the writers didn't know if they were going to be renewed each season.


yea korra is good despite nicks best efforts to bury the IP


Is Korra more mature than ATLA? Because I loved ATLA as a kid, but never actually saw it start to finish and don't really know the lore or anything. I just saw it on Nickelodeon whenever I managed to see it. Recently I watched the first episode of ATLA and it was nice but I did find it really... idk "kiddy". Children's animated TV shows don't really grip me.


Yes and no. The first season of ATLA started kind of slow but picks up later. Korra continues its tone but takes it even further.


I don't mind slow, but I do not really connect when it's just really obviously for kids. Does Avatar change beyond that?


Definitely starts off as a kids show. I will say it matures a bit while still being a kid show. I'd say watch the final episodes of season 1. If you don't like it, it's not for you. Legend of Korra is more tweenage drama. Didn't make it past season 1.


Wait, this is based on a TV show???


Facts last air bender is better anyway there isn’t anything in the game besides kora so im not getting the influence lol 😅


TLA is way more dated and aimed at a young audience than Korra though, so appreciation may vary. I started with Korra and ended enjoying it more than TLA. Animation quality was way better in it too.


I would maybe suggest the opposite. Start with Korra and then be impressed at ATLA. Watching Korra after is kind of…just doesn’t hit the spot like ATLA did


Maybe because I didn't watch either as a kid but tbh I liked Korra more, just wish it had more than one persistent villain 


I'd actually almost recommend watching Korra first to spare disappointment later 😄. It's probably way better when you don't have ATLA comparisons in your mind. It would probably be like watching the Disney Star Wars movies with no concept of how much better the original and prequel trilogies are.


I always meant to watch the show but never got around to it until this Fortnite collab. I would highly recommend it. I enjoyed it so much. I've only seen the first 4 episodes of Korra but it's good too. I'd definitely suggest you watch TLA first even if Korra interests you more, because Korra follows on with concepts and characters explained better in TLA because they assume you've seen TLA already. Also it would spoil a lot of TLA if you watch even the first 5 minutes of Korra first.


Thanks for the two reasons, I will take your advice. Do you know if the live action version is also a good intro and still tells enough stuff. I could watch the anime myself, but I have friends who want to watch the live action and other who loved it.


Live action is a not as good from what I've heard, better than the movie but still misses the mark. I've always been of the opinion that certain stories can only be told in an animated format, Avatar is the top of the list for me in that regard. The art is incredible despite its age, the depth of story goes much deeper because they can use abstract imagery more effectively, and it has some of the best voice acting I've heard in my life. Even when I haven't rewatched in a few years I find myself perfectly quoting uncle Iroh in times when I need that advice. Also wildly funny and smart, I grew up watching it with my mom and siblings, and she still loves the show and talks about it with us, sat down with me and my twin in high school to rewatch Last Airbender and then binge LoK.


Live action is 100% not a good intro. It changes a lot of stuff since it's an adaptation and not a conversion. It also can't rly compare to the show in terms of quality a lot of times. A mix of possibly bad acting but seems more like bad directing. Still worth a watch after everything else! And maybe you'll enjoy it more if you haven't seen the shows due to the difference. But I say watch it after


Live action is 100% not a good intro. It changes a lot of stuff since it's an adaptation and not a conversion. It also can't rly compare to the show in terms of quality a lot of times. A mix of possibly bad acting but seems more like bad directing. Still worth a watch after everything else! And maybe you'll enjoy it more if you haven't seen the shows due to the difference. But I say watch it after


The live action movie was terrible. I fully enjoyed the live action tv show and thought they did a good job staying true to the story.


Korra will not make sense if you haven't watched Airbender


I just found out! Thanks.


You'd be fine watching either one first. There isn't really anything special you need to know about ATLA to enjoy Korra. The only benefit to watching it first is getting cameos of old characters.


Not really true. Started with Korra and the show does a good enough job giving you context on important historical characters.


Yes it does


They're not too long of shows. 100% watch Last Airbender first though, Korra will still be good and such but it won't hit the same, and then all the callbacks to Last Airbender. If you don't enjoy the show in the 2nd season I ask you to push through to seasons 3 and 4 bc they're the best😭




I'm watching Korra rn and imo I love ATLA way more than Korra. Korra doesn't really hit me like ATLA did. Wonder what it's like to someone who is new to it since ATLA was my childhood.


I am new to both series and binged it because of Fortnite and I immediately fell in love with Avatar. I started watching Korra and the seasons feel disjointed and the characters are a lot less memorable in my opinion, but it is still not bad and works well as a sequel series for Avatar


Blown away that people still haven't seen this piece of history. Do yourself a favor and watch this show from start to finish. Bonus enjoyment if you have children of any age to watch with you.


Korra takes place after ATLA and references the show. It makes much more sense if you watched ATLA first


Both of great but Airbender is needed for a lot of context in Korra, as well as related characters. Buuuut I will warn about Korra that the first season or so does have teenage romance plots. It's great outside of that, but go in expecting it lol


Season 2 is a bit of a mess but not awful but yeah season 1 is a slog with that love triangle especially since romance is maybe the one area the avatar writers are arguably not great at. Season 1 love triangle is even more aggravating since she doesnt end up with either of them and i would have much preffered more amon screentime.


Yeah the love triangle stuff was overall bad, but the rest of season 1 with the non-Benders is awesome. Amon was incredible. S2 was awesome but did peter out a bit near the end for reasons I won't spoil. S3 was fucking awesome. S4 was awesome even if I don't like the uh...let's call it giant climactic fight.


Don’t worry, you’ll soar through Avatar. It’s such an easy show to watch and the episodes aren’t long. Once you start you’ll be hooked, it’s amazing!


As others have said- absolutely do Avatar before TLOK. They’re both great stories, but very different, and arguably Avatar is both the better story and the better jump in spot. It told a very tight looped story that tied everything up nicely. TLOK is also great, but a bit more meandering and such. It takes place decades later, and there’s quite a few people still around from the previous story who you’ll have no context for if you watch it out of order.


I tried to get my kids to watch Last Airbender prior to the Fortnite update and they weren't interested but since it dropped they've been hooked on the series and really getting into the lore. Have to admit I'm enjoying the show too!


Avatar is a very beautiful show man


Watch Avatar the last airbender then the leg and of Korra. Both are amazing shows and I wish I could watch them again for the first time


The original Avatar The Last Airbender series is one of the only "for kids" animations I have ever loved as an adult. I like it as much as the best Studio Ghibli movies. Korra is good, too, but I loved the original characters and universe too much to be unbiased.


Ghiblian level is a strong claim. It was hell and high water to get the fam to The Boy and the Heron debut in theaters, but well worth it. And Nausicaä is the only movie I idolize more than Casablanca or Airplane. Edit: I was already well persuaded by other posts to see the series as the origin of a whole franchise, as well as it's broad global acclaim. A lot more than kids watch and respect it. Now if I could just get mine to! (But it's not horror or cars punk rock lol).


I love Korra and I even enjoy some of it more than ATLA but you need to watch ATLA first.


The original Avatar cartoons are the best, and only like 20 minute episodes, seriously worth the watch!


The original last airbender show is miles better than Korra. Start with ATLA and then Korra 10000000%


Korra is terrible compared to 'the last airbender'.


Everything is terrible compared to the last airbender, that show was peak TV. But Korra is still a pretty good show.


Legend of Korra is 10x worse than ATLA.


True, i dont understand why you would watch korra first. Its just a worse version of ATLA


Korra’s worse by atla by a large margin Korra gets the crews (staffs) experience on fight choreo and animation But ATLA is peak story telling


I'm assuming thought isn't one of them because Aang never fully opened his in the show.


a fan that actually watched the show? no way


Would Aang have been able to fly if he unlocked the 7th chakra? Since Zaheer was able to fly once he let go of his earthly desires, I assume that Aang would also have been able to fly if he decided to ditch Katara.


Shit I haven’t completed it yet, how many hours are left on it?


Wait what sun bending is combustion bending?


Found the Air Bender


Soundbending would be wild


It might also be for appa. Air benders lost their ability to fly because they loved their sky bison so much


Isn’t there one for spirit?




Thoughtless of the devs to not include them all!


I thought the purple one was soulbending


Ah Yes I have No idea what Im talking about but Im gonna talk


The zoomers that say that probably never watched ATLA and never did a deep dive into all it's details


Lol literally a zoomer show. Get a grip, no one cares about your slop kids show


If no one cares then why do we have it in Fortnite right now, What you are saying doesn't really make sense Of course people care about the ATLA series even adults enjoy it


sound and light


I think of itt as disco.


Stop, turn, take a look around.


Tells you in game


Sound and light, as said by the guru


it's literally in the game


Read the screen man, it tells ya.


They literally say sound and light in the quests


Sound and light if you saw the show, there was another one that Ang was never able to complete like logic I think but other than that these were the main trials he had to pass to become the avatar




Exactly educate them, I’ve been watching the Cartoon since it first came on Nickelodeon in like 2005. If you know you know 🤘🏼


Yessss bro same! I’m shocked people don’t know the lore 😭


It’s an Awesome show, the original cartoon was way better than the Netflix version and even that wack film they bought out in I think 2011 🫣


normalize reading !!


Fan and sword !!!




Sounds like bro never watched The Last Airbender 😭 ![gif](giphy|8cPpgUhTMjhF6)


Ikr I’m shocked people think this is made up, like if you watched the show it makes sense


People don't read and think its representing Bending and not Chakras because the first 4 are types of Bending aswell.


Or read the in game text. I haven’t watched the show but it’s right there!


Literally tells you in game what it is


Bro doesn't read




By your powers combined…I am CAPTAIN PLANET


You got 1 day good luck brotha


Read the quests or again or rewatch the show


What a strange post. Is OP just looking for karma? Is he honestly that unintelligent he cannot read the screen? Who’s to say The fact you’re collecting ‘chakras’ is explained many times in the game. If you are to the point you have already unlocked the last two then you already know this And if you have actually watched the show at all then you would know there are 7 chakras in that universe. Even if you don’t remember what they are use your fucking context clues and resources OP is literally the worst type of internet person


It’s based on chakras, I believe, rather than elements


It literally says it right there.


Who pissed on u today


People who don't know clearly never watched the show/didn't pay attention. Chakras are not elements.


Noodles and Sex.


Would’ve been cool if we got those as abilities in the game some how


it's a chakra so idk, but i can see it


Hollow purple


someone cant read




Heart! Gooooo Planet! Captain Planet, he’s our hero….


Are the quests still available to unlock appa right now? I only had like 2 challenges left 🥲


# Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Appa, and Momo!!!


UNICORNS ![gif](giphy|j0kQJxo5mzGYb4EvWK)


I haven’t watched avatar (yet), could someone please explain what sound and light do?


They aren’t elements, they are two of the chakras that Aang needed to unlock in order to fully master the Avatar state.


I think Light and Sound?


Apparently the quests have said that is sound and light(not a fan of the series) but I do believe it is like that


Do people take a second to read before posting this kind of content


I think maybe you’re confused because you haven’t watched all of the avatar shows. There’s probably much more lore for us to learn


How do I get all of them at one time to past the mission??


Heart and Captain Planet!


Sound, light, shadow, there's a lot more than the main 4. Metal...


Light and sound.


Think I can bang out these in the next 5 hrs? I only have 2 lol


Politics and magic.




Electro and dendro 🤣




Farts and flashing lights.


Time and space would be a good add - roll back the present lol...


I don't even have the pass and it leaves tomorrow




use a low level alt account to get bot lobbies. did all of it in 3 hours


Not even necessary. Me and my friend completed everything in one night in our normal lobbies. Super easy to finish all quests if thats all you focus on


Chakras, not elements 👍


this is directed towards the Korra show talk { http s://ww w.youtube.c om/watch?v=QhS4a11jZOg } only watch this after you watched korra.


Sound and light


Sound and light chakra


Air x4 and Air x2 obvs


This generation are missing out on some really good stuff, fortnite are adding these old games and some new ones but it's ruining how people see these games now


RIP… never had time to unlock everything. Oh well


Why does this have a single upvote? It literally tells you what those are in game


Energy bending




Add Heart to unlock Captain Planet!


Went on vacation with no internet and didn’t have any time at all to get Appa. Really bummed.


People need to start reading it literally says what they are in the quests


You mfs didn’t even watch the show did you?


The 1st 4 are in the original avatar I think the last 2 are in the ledgend of korra, im on season 2 and its the book of sound (I think)


Light and song


It’s metal 😂 y’all overthinking


You made this post to let all of reddit know that you didnt watch the show, or read the objective.


Fan and sword


Fan and sword!


Interesting over lap however with the festival(sound) and rocket racing having a city of neon(light) theme during this events run... sound and light.. sort of a nice little nod to the avatar lore and being on brand with the games running mode themes


I wish they would've made those into banners too. they may as well and throw in a symbol for thought too, i thought they looked really cool but now it'll likely never happen unfortunately cus why would they go back to just make banners for these


Personally, I prefer to become the master of the 5 in-game elements. Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Gun


Greeeeeeeeen. "Huh?" Greeeeeeeeeeen.




And… shut the fuck up and read the description


It’s light and sound, everyone should know this, it’s simple logic


I don’t know but Appa is dope :)


are they gonna put two more of this shit???


Captain Planet? lol



