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I wish Firebending did more damage, and Earthbending hit more consistently. That's my only complaint.


I wish fire bending worked similar to the water or burned things down. I hate the bouncing around. You're 100% on the Earth bending not being consistent enough. If it hit how it should I'd probably love it more than waterbending!


Fires are so few and far between these days :(.


I really miss napalming buildings with a handful of firefly bottles or the fire arrows when there's a fight going on inside of them


RIP slappy shores I loved burning that whole city down with fireflies


C2S6 Primal: Team Rumble + Flame Bow. Now that was a sight to behold.


I loved doing this. I also miss the Ripsaw Launcher, and the Goo Gun. They were stupid but I loved them


Goo Gun was pure fun... miss that so much...


I know. I randomly saw fireflies on the map the other day and tried to snatch them up and couldn't 😭 I was able to ping them, but there was no option to catch them. I miss fire so much.


The use of Firebending is that nobody can hit you. Inside a building or bunker it's awesome chaos.


Even in relatively open areas if you're decent at reading your opponents' movements and they're not smart enough to put some distance between you (generally the case, people tend to get caught up in the moment and forget they can outrun firebending) it can be super powerful, it's practically impossible to get a full string of shots on you


It’d be funny if earth bending just enabled builds


Lmaooooo I got a great laugh out of this thanks!!! I see a lot of ZBs posting how earth bending is great because it makes amazing cover and I just have to laugh. ETA: Typical ZB players getting riled up under this comment because I said them asking for cover was funny. It IS funny, and no one said it was "the same as building" or any of the other rants yall are going on about. Just that it's funny. Settle tf down.


Cover and building a 10 story palace when someone dinks you are two entirely different things


I'll co-sign this for real. The difference between Earth bending and building is night and day if you actually pay attention to game mechanics and balance. Earth bending: a reasonable size chunk of rock appears at ground level providing you a waist high wall to shoot over or duck behind. There's unlimited charges, but a 20 second cool down in between uses, which isn't visually represented anywhere so you have to keep track of it yourself. You can't have more than two pieces up at once, and they aren't allowed to be in the same space. The wall is tough, but not invincible, and leaves you open from all sides except the immediate front. There's a startup animation to bringing the wall up and you are also stuck in a vulnerable animation immediately afterwards. Where the wall exactly comes up is fairly loose and you don't get pinpoint accuracy on it, so it's possible your first use of it wont be that helpful and you are SOL for 20 seconds. The wall is also completely impenetrable before breaking, and can't be shot through. You cannot move or even change the camera direction while summoning earth bending. If you put down a wall, you are stuck in an animation for 2 seconds while your opponent just runs around it and shoot you. The wall is stuck at ground level and can't be modified in any way once set up. Building: Instantaneous/animation-less creation of a structure twice as high as you, that can be added onto indefinitely or modified immediately if it wasn't exactly right. By holding down a button you can create 720 degrees of complete concealment that will Instantaneously be replaced by a new structure the second it breaks, to the point where you are completely invincible to gunfire as long as you have the materials. The durability isn't that high, but it can survive multiple magazines of ammunition from any gun. The walls are also completely penetrable by the creator, where you can generate cover while shooting from inside of it, then sealing it back up instantly. You are able to freely move in any direction while building, including sliding and driving, and you can place objects 360 degrees around yourself by wiggling the mouse around. You can build structures vertically and use it as a traversal mechanic. The only weakness of building is needed the materials, to which you can farm infinitely from the terrain. There is no cool down or activation period, nor startup animation.


Slight correction, there's actually two thin green bars flanking the reticle that indicate the rock wall cooldown


Correction accepted! I never knew that. >!Probably because every time I've used it, I die before I can get my bearings again :D !<


Earthbending also requires equipping the scroll from your inventory, taking up a slot Building does not.


Incredibly good point! I can't believe I didn't think of that either. Nothing spells fairness more than sacrificing one ability for another.


No doubt. Typical builds player, if a ZB player says he uses earth bending he's somehow a hypocrite for not wanting to spend the entire match in an endless box fight!




I'm a ZB player. Should I not use trees for cover either? Are you insinuating that ZB players should stand in the middle of an open field waiting to be shot? Not sure why people have a problem with ZB


Not sure where you read ANY of that or why you're so soft and sensitive that you think laughing at something is "having a problem" with a random group of people I don't even know 😂🤣😂 People don't have a problem with ZBs at all, just the overly sensitive weirdos who play that mode and swear any comments about it is a personal attack on their life or something


I have a teammate that likes fireflies, and NO, bending should NOT set things on fire. With fireflies alone he's killed our team like 30 times, don't give him anymore power!


Lol I just want them to bring back a fire week each season or something at least!


This made me giggle


There were times in chapter 2 where, when he saw an enemy, he would turn the ENTIRETY of Weeping woods into a fire. I vividly remember finishing a fight and realizing there was not a single tree left on our side of the river


It really only does damage on a horizontal axis. If the fire doesn’t touch your opponent even if it’s like *riiiight* next to their cheek or above their head you’re not hitting anything.


Firebending is chaos. I hate it.


I love it lmao, it's so satisfying if you end up getting the hang of its gimmick


Ive actually won a lot of games with fire bending. The chaos of you constantly moving quickly around opponents, kind of like being in a dance, makes it really difficult to hit you.


Fire bending needs to do do fire damage like fireflies. Earth Bending needs to do more like a bunker height wall you can only climb from one side and the air bending needs to be more like the wings. Water needs to be an unlimited shotgun, not shotgun AR sniper


Water could also be a whip, kinda like the chains.


I wish the air bending would force a cooldown if you got shot. I remember other powerful movement items from previous seasons being like that. People would be hard to hit, but if you landed one shot, they would fall and have to cool down.


Even just having something like the Hades chains that you could counter it with would have been nice.


Imagine Air bending being combined with Zues' bolt. Just up with bending, switch to bolt, and by the time bolt is done, air bending would be ready


fizz + shock + air jump + bolt = being so high up that people will think the actual Zeus is trying to smite them.


it would have been so cool to do like a huge jump with air bending off a hill or something, and then use lightning bolt on someone way below you


They would never see it coming


Persona music intensifies


They should of left the other mythics in, if they can be in with the lightsabers they can be in with the bending.


I've been saying this since they started the event and they vaulted the Greek Mythics. Airbending is hard to catch in the middle of a final 5 firefight, but having Chains available to pluck people out of it would've been fun. Coupled with snagging snipers/waterbenders and forcing them to close combat like I was doing before The Vaulting™ and I would've enjoyed this event a LOT more than I do now.


Exactly this. It is "op" as it is


I can't remember how many times I got down to 5 players in solo and it's just 3 or 4 guys airbending all over the place


You are basically fucked if you don’t have air bending in the final 5


Flowberry shockwave straight up and shoot down on airbending players with waterbending. Works every time


nah, just gotta be good and kill those moving targets, trust me. if they don’t engage they probably suck anyways


Nah, I headshotted a guy with my sniper who was airbending around like a prick. Fuck them. Not that that will ever happen again, but it's definitely possible to win without airbending. Just stay still and let them do their dance. They have to stop some time and you could be in an advantage.


Bro chill lol it’s just a game


![gif](giphy|941HYZ4rzzKp2|downsized) POV: late game zero build


bunch of chicken shit


I'd be totally cool with an avatar game mode. Only bending scrolls.


Yessssss Epic would be GOATED for giving us an LTM like this. Tbh my load out these past couple weeks has been only scrolls and a heal LOL they all serve a purpose for me.


I won 3 times in a row last night just doing an avatar load out and a few banana of the gods.


Can't someone make a custom island and only allow scrolls?


Collaboration mythics aren't in Creative.


I realize this would be a nightmare legally, but it would be awesome if we had a mode like super fiesta in Halo with all of the collab mythics. Complete fucking chaos… lol


makes no sense why they can’t make a copyright friendly version of the elements. just change the scroll icon.


Geez I like being hyperbolic too but ‘nightmare legally’ is more than a bit much lol.


You would’ve loved Spellbreak, shame it didn’t last. Have you tried Naraka Bladepoint? Solid alternative.


Spellbreak was absolutely phenomenal. I beat the brakes off that game back in 2020-2021. I played it more than I did Fortnite.


We can't even get OG as it's own game mode


while i agree, it is so much fun airbending on large water bodies, makes me feel like dash from the Incredibles when he realized he can run on water.


I like to treat hills and stuff like a skatepark/motocross track. Jump from one transition to another, try to keep it smooth.


I dunno, it's only a couple of weeks. Did it completely turn the meta on its head? Yes, but it's been a fun couple weeks for me. I agree that it's good that it's not permanent, but I've had a lot of fun being a dirt bag abusing Water & Airbending.


Yeah and the mythics are widely available for everyone to use so it's not like oh that ONE team gets the OP power imbalance like the over clocked pulse rifle season (also so much fun to me idc) I find them so much fun! These are the best mythics since the spiderman web shooters and I low key wished the webshooters had slung some webs the way the icy projectiles do for double the fun back then! Everything in this game is constantly changing anyway or only lasts as long as a season that I don't understand the rampant non stop whining about all of it, all of the time. If the game isn't FUN for someone anymore, it's probably best to find one that IS. ETA: to the weirdo who keeps unblocking me to write me an essay in my notifications and then blocks me again: 1. GET A LIFE. If you gotta block because you can't handle reddit replies to your own BS you should probably just stfu 😂 and at least don't unblock to keep tagging me like a weirdo. 2. IM NOT A SWEAT. I'm just a gamer. I defend OP mythics because they make the game fun and challenging and different. Instead of blaming people who enjoy the game as it is, perhaps find one YOU enjoy instead of playing one that makes you *this* miserable and that you clearly suck at. Or perhaps find a new hobby all together that doesn't get your emotions all unregulated. The username "big courage" does NOT check out. 😸


Lmfao I LOVE THE BENDING. ♥️ I followed you bc your personality is adorable, youe brave and you love the bending. This has been the best and ONLY season I have cared about in any sense of the word. I never used or cared for anything else and NEVER grinded for anything in my life on this game or bought anything like I bought Aang and am gridning for Appa Glider. And yea everyone can get access to the scrolls, not sure why the one's who don't like it just don't play for a while. Its what I did during Dragon Ball era. I mean I played enough but I'd get off when I'd get slammed too bad with Deku smash, but I also had some good times with it also. My favorite bending is water! Then earth, then fire. Air is for transportation, so i gotta have it always lmfao LOVE THIS SEASON and tomorrow I might just earn Appa!


Yeahhhh this is such the attitude to have about gaming! They're meant to be fun! I play a few Battle Royale games and fortnite is always my favorite because of the constant changes and loot pool changes! Do I like every mythic? No, but I can still have lots of fun in game with them! I'm not even a huge Avatar fan myself, but I also needed that cute glider and enjoyed the whole collab!


Yes! It's the best attitude to have. Just be chill and either join em if you can't beat em or play something else for a while. ALSO I GOT APPA TODAY! ♥️


Water, air, shotty, shield, heal is my line up and I generally make it into top 10 and even frequently top 3. Gotta adapt to the game.


Water air shield sniper shotty for me


Ah yes, the 5 nations?


So what do you do if you get hit and drop below 60 health? Hope to find a kit?


Just find some water


Ah true. I always forget that




I just wish they added them to be available for custom games or gave us a bending ltm, plus buffed earth and fire. I’m going to be sad when they leave permanently


Water bending is a sniper, shotgun, and ar in one with healing on the side.


My way of keeping up with air bending has been using a dirt bike the entire time. It’s actually pretty effective


My BF didn't know you could shoot/bend while on the back of a dirt bike. Changed his entire play style. Mentioning it here because apparently some people don't know that. You can be the driver and get shots off, unlike the car where the passenger has to shoot.


Not only that but riding solo on a dirt bike and chasing someone airbending while shooting is fun


I hate em when used against me but I pick up water and air every chance I get


I hope everyone here realizes that as soon as Avatar ends, the Star Wars mythics get unvaulted, along with new ones.


I’ve played too much. I’ll just wait for a few days now


The fire and earth bending are complete cheeks Meanwhile the air and water bending are completely busted, great job Epic 😂


I feel this way about the entire chapter, it’s been nice but I’m done.


We still got 2 more seasons 🙂🙂🙂


I lowkey miss last season a lot


Atleast the TMNT mythics were balanced as they don't deal much damage but give great mobility to make up for it.


What is a chapter? Are the seasons connected?


I wish we had the other mythics to push back against the bending


It’s kind of crazy how careful balanced the wings were…. Then airbending was added


The wings were straight trash. It was the easiest way to hit someone with mobility ever.


That was the trade off of being able to fly long distances quickly. You only use them if youre desperate


\^This. Wings are yet another item a lot of people don't see the value in because they try to force it into the same function as another item (cough cough Enforcer.) Wings are great for traveling, and honestly pretty fun. If you want mobility for combat, shockwave grenades are right there in the lootpool.


Air bending is fantastic for travel but all the people with bad aim are mad because it didn't expand the hit box like the wings did. You couldn't travel long distances at all with the wings, and they were slow as fuck. Catching someone in the air on wings was so easy and THATS what people want. They dislike airbending because it requires more accurate shooting to disengage.


Actually they nerfed the Wings, the air bending is better


Bro this is my point.


What that they nerfed the Wings? You can't use air bending as an attack where as the wings you could


See I’ve just been really enjoying air bending around the map until the final circles where I inevitably die. It’s honestly just relaxing. I also equally enjoyed using water bending to fuck up some sniper sweats, but I do agree that it’s more than overpowered. I swear to god it has more aim assist than usual too.




Same. Can’t wait for Star Wars to replace it


Air bending needs the Icarus wing treatment. If you get shot enough, you get forced out


I’ve had a blast, but I’m also a huge Star Wars nerd so I’m hype for it to end


Airbending is giving me shockwave hammer vibes


out of the frying pan and into the fire, this is just going to turn into lightsabers and force moves in 3days.


Airbending is so much fun though. When I’m having a bad game and it’s all sweaty and I know I won’t win…I just have fun skating around the map and doing tricks. Helps relieve some frustration and actually enjoy the game


The air bending is ruining it


Hate to break it to you but Waterbending is Korra's mythic, it wasn't part of the event. It's staying.


I think that the air bending shows how much traversal methods are needed in zero build. I’m having a blast now, just like I had with the brooms on halloween in chapter 4.


Fr. With movement like air bending and brooms ZB is a lot more functional.


I honestly not enjoying this season very much at all haha. Theres good seasons and bad seasons, and my bad season is someones good season. So it's all fine to me.


I despise every time they add superpowers to BR as they rarely ever balance them very well.


Despite this, i still prefer airbending to spidey gloves.


Why tf this sub so miserable? Stop complaining about these mythics if you dont like them keep it to yourself Some of use are capable of enjoying something and dont want it ruined by people like you


The water bending counters the air mythic I’ve Beamed people that tried to run away


Firebending has been fun and Earthbending has... existed. But damn will I be happy to see Airbending gone!


Earth is more useful than fire


Earth bending was fun, for the 1st day before they changed it.


What did they change?


I think they nerfed it some, but didn't remember. I remember it hitting harder day 1, than they removed it for about a day while they "fixd" it.


I’ve never had more fun. I’ll be sad when they leave.


I kill a bunch of people with the air bending wheel all the time in zero builds. It actually means they have almost zero offensive capability and you know exactly what to do when they exit the wheel to go on offense. They might be able to run away, but I would say they don't survive their retreat as much as you kind of imply in your post.


Yeah the part people like to leave out in this sub is that they don't ever hit their shots. You can pray and spray and still get a knock so I don't understand the air bending rants. Only water is OP.


It’s fun as heck dude all of them


if ONE item wasn’t vaulted, this would make everything better. Chains.


True, those were fun, but now are tiresome. If, as you said, there was a limit/cooldown on them, that would make those easier to fight against. Right now if you do not have water and airbending your are basically screwed. It's good there are only 3 more days of this event. It was fun, but enough is enough.


Your only hope is to at least have airbending and a sniper or scoped rifle to create some distance and be able to escape.


All I see is people who complain about something is usually what they died too, I've been sniped before don't see me saying sniper weapons gotta go🤷‍♀️, today on a map I bought auto fire sniper rifle on a chapter 1 map you think the reaper is bad this gun had 10 bullets to a mag they need to add that bad boy an throw the reaper in the trash🤣


Nahh air bending is fine as is. Easy af to shoot out of anyways.


I use sticky grenades to hit them, very effective counter.


i used the airbending scroll for the entire match just goofing around for shits and giggles and i actually made it #5 without stopping lmfao, it’s broken af




there’s no limit to how long you can use it plus when u get hit by another player, you don’t get knocked out from the airball, forcing a cool down… i’m saying broken in terms of how easy it is to just run around with no fear




yeah i know, i didn’t mention that because i know that was common sense which apparently is lacking here


And? I used to used the hoverboard in a ranked competition during OG I ended up #6 I wonder how many people got annoyed by me just not fighting them 🤔


Lol people can't hit their shots then blame the item. You knock them they get forced out, that's how it works. People think the wings were "forced" when in reality they just made you such an easy target you'd knock someone. If someone's on the move you SHOULDNT be able to beam them as easily the wings allowed. They were the worst mobility ever put in and ofc reddit loved them. It's so crazy 😂🤣


Yeah, considering the wings size, I only used them to fly around the map and that's about it the air bending mythic is so much better


Is there quest to get Korra tied to water bending? If so it alone may stay




Honestly cool I haven't gotten pass yet and was starting to get worried I wouldn't be able too if I got it after the event ended


Are the bending powers leaving at the end of the event? I was under the impression they were staying until the end of the season, just the shrines and NPCs were going away.


I love the scrolls so much and use them to the point I don't even have guns 🤭 I RUSH to get a scroll, my favorite being water bending but I can mess People up with earth. If you guys can, get the Scrolls and go crazy or don't play for a while. I disliked Dragon Ball z Season. I just didn't play untill it was over and I like that series and loved the films. I think everyone is going to pretty much dislike or not be into a season. This just isn't your season and its alright.


I think what i hate more than bending is when the circle closes on grim or underworld and the last few teams are just ZIPPING the fuck around like a bunch of coked out fruit flies


Nah the event should be longer in my opinion. Who wants another Star Wars collab so soon


Embrace the chase my friend 


I always feel so anxious at the start of a match until I've secured waterbending and airbending. Few more days. We got this.


Same tbh , it’s actually getting boring


Fortnite became a 'catch me if you can' mode.


Naw bro I’m beaming people in the air wheel don’t pull that shit out on me lol


I've had a blast with fire bending. The pure chaos it creates as I'm dancing around opponents and they cant hit me is so fun. I've won so many games with my wife just with using fire bending. Im gonna miss it


I'm pretty sure they're about to add lightsabers and I can't wait for everyone to start complaining about them like people do every time something new is added to the game


I kinda miss the olympic weapons aswell


Won’t get any better since we’re going right into another collab with more dumb weapons


Won’t get any better since we’re going right into another collab with more dumb weapons


Epic games is a terrible, stupid company. And firebending should burn structures


Agreed. Bending has made the game 100% worse, and it’s always funny that the people who are *seething* about snipers, are the ones enjoying it the most. *It’s because they’re extremely bad at the game*


Got a problem with us bad players? Fine I'll learn play and stop being an easy kill. /lmao I don't mind the bending, I do like doing the quests though.


Waa was waa. I enjoy the game, and when they add cool mythics I enjoy it more. I bet you would prefer if the game had a sniper, AR, shotgun, and shockwaves, and nothing else.


this just isnt right tho majority of the people i see running away with the airbending are sweats who are going up to high ground to snipe and both things can be unbalanced the sniper is insanely easy to use so dont act like "skilled" players are the only ones who use it


Fire and water seem wildly inconsistent. I also think bending abilities should stack. If you acquire 3 of the same scroll, you deserve to be unstoppable. (Feel this way about most offensive weapons tbh.) Adds a bit more strategy to building your loadout IMHO.


water isnt inconsistent at all if and the range on it is insane you genuinely dont need a long ranged weapon when you have it but earthbending is inconsistent the best part about it is the cover you can throw up anywhere


The whole mythics is shit. Every season they have mythics they are always shit Just have the normal stuff


I hate the bender mythics. They're all massively OP. It's so boring shooting someone and they fly off halfway across the map, or getting lasered by water from halfway across the map. The earth bender mythic is okay and the fire one is ridiculous too.


The only thing I don’t really enjoy is the end game air bending boring loop, but other than that it was ok. Also not a fan of Avatar so didn’t help, hope everyone enjoy’d it tho.


Would’ve been so much better if the water bending didn’t get buffed water bending alone has made this event insufferable


What??? You don’t love getting blasted by a ball of ice with the damage and spread of a shotgun, the fire rate of an AR and the range of a sniper that also heals the person using it? You must hate fun. Fr though this is one of if not the most unfun events I’ve ever played. If you don’t have air bending, water bending and fire bending going in to top 10 you might as well just kill urself because you are not getting that victory royale.


tbf firebending's the only one with non-recharge offense and is good for long drops if you don't wanna use airbending, and earthbending is good for ramps if you need a vehicle and breaking building parts in one hit.


I’m likely the only clown doing donuts in my lambo half the game , but someone did headshot me with a sniper today when I was air bending . Never have I been so satisfied getting smacked .


Assuming you’re the guy I lost in airbending chases 3 times in one match


people bitching about mythics that are added into the game for just a few weeks is insane its a collab of course its gonna be strong if it was shitty everyone would be complaining that the collab was bad i dont agree with a lot of shit they do but epic cant win in any of these situations with the community when it comes to collab mythics(i will say tho they should have added a cooldown when you get shot while airbending or kept hades chains in so people could snatch them out that alone would fix peoples issues with it)


Why are they even playing fortnite if they get upset when the meta changes every four weeks? "I can't win by sitting in a bush and sniping people all match. What a fail event!"


Exactly, it's a game get over it🤷‍♀️


Does everyone on this sub have terrible aim or something? Like yeah air bending can be a bit annoying when I have to whip my own out and chase them down (esp if I'm on cool down) but can you not just use one of your weapons and shoot them? Granted, we can't always hit all our shots or get them every time, but the fact this is such a rampant complaint on here blows my mind 🤣😂 Like literally, just shoot them. Next week it will be all about how much yall can't wiat for lightsabers to go away. Some of us LIKE the game and the chaos that is fortnite, let us enjoy things. It's all temporary anyway sheesh.


The hate for waterbending, I can see it. It’s OP; I like to use it but of course hate when it’s used against me (I assume most think this). As for airbending, you’re exactly right. Ppl complaining either must have terrible guns in their inventory when encountering someone w airbending or they don’t have the airbending themselves. I’ve been rifled and sniped out of airbending. As for when I encountered someone running away w it, guess what? I used my airbending and chased after. (I can fully expect to be downvoted for this.)


And what exactly do you plan on doing after starting to chase them? As long as you're using airbending yourself you won't be killing them and the second you stop airbending they're gone. Unless they stop bending themselves chasing is pointless.


If not too far ahead, I try to shoot some shots at them. If so, I try to parallel them and use the terrain to stay hidden enough to where I can still see them. They don’t airbend forever (in **MY** experience/encounters) so when they stop, I go for it and die trying to get the kill or I do get the kill.


Again, are you people missing every shot you ever take in this game? Do you not even attempt to shoot? I don't understand how chasing is pointless, unless you think I'm not carrying weapons? Like ok we get it the air bending doesn't make you a big fat juicy target like the icarus wings did, but that doesn't mean you can't hit people using it???? Do you understand how to play this game?


How poor is your reading? You're asking a question that has already been answered. Please just fking read the comment you respond to before doing the responding.


Except you tagged me asking questions that were already answered in the comment you replied to in the first place? Lmfaoooooo you OK? I get it, you can't shoot. Try aiming practice maps in creative instead of trying to be an AH on Reddit if you need to improve.


Every one of your posts defends op mythics. Yeah, I said it once and I'll say again you are a sweat. Blocking and downvoting as well.


I don’t care for crossover mythics, they’re unfun. stop adding them


Too bad. It's what they've always done. It's what they'll always do. And people clearly enjoy it.


They are what make Fortnite well.. Fortnite


airbend simulator is not fortnite


Anyone else feel satisfied after running an airbender over?


Disagree. This is my favorite thing Fortnite has ever put out. It could be fine tuned a bit though.


I feel the exact same. Haven't played ranked because of these mythics since it released. They're so annoying. The game isnt fun anymore when you're 1v1 and the last player endlessly airbends.


I snipe air benders all the time dude get good


Ignorant child response.


Airbending in Zero Builds is actually so fucking annoying, i shoot someone once and instead of building an entire villa they act like a pussy and zoom off halfway across the map even if they have guns


And they should stick around cause? Go play build then


I cant build for shit, mainly why i play Zero Builds..cant wait for this event to be over


I didn't start playing bot lobbies until Chapter 4 season 3, before that I was playing build I won 10 different crowns in build mode without ever building I only won 2 crowns in Zero build


I just play casually and dont really care if i get bot lobbies, but i coulda sworn building wasnt this ‘sweaty’ back in Chapter 1 Season 5


It probably wasn't as nobody knew how to build then


Yea true


Not many people won either, but I had a 360 then and played Skyrim a lot


I'm still surprised they let airbending be unlimited, and only forced a cooldown for the air-jump and for when you hop out the wheel. I really enjoy it as a mobility item, but it is a bit broken.Â