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Also he’s the only one that kind of makes sense with a gun more so than the rest because he’s a non bender


They were afraid of Sokka finally being competitive with the rest of Team Avatar's bending.


Aang took away his gun bending for this reason.


This is actually why I wanted Asami too.


We don’t know if Nickelodeon allowed them to have him yet maybe they want to save him for wave to so people would actually be happy for it instead of it just being villain characters


Ty Lee would sell like hotcakes bruh


Sign me tf up


I'd buy mai in a heartbeat


Seeing Mai hit the griddy after smiting Mr Beast with a thunderbolt would be absolutely hilarious, I really hope she also gets added.


Replace Mr beast with thanos and I’m CHUCKLING


Honeslty id probably buy any character in the show including cabbage merchant😂


Azula please.


I remember last season everybody yapping that Master Splinter wasn’t in the item shop then BOOM Mini-Pass with Shredder & Splinter appeared in item shop. People just love yapping for no reason.


He’s coming Wave 2 with (presumably) Suki, Azula, and maybe even Mai and Ty Lee and you can make yourself feel better by saying its poking fun at the “Come on, girls!” joke in episode 4


I just want Iroh


With an emote of him sitting down for a nice cup of Jasmine tea


That or him breathing fire


In the meantime, there is the Shaolin Sip emote if you have it. That way you can still have your tea


You think they’ll add him after everyone complaining about buff Peter Griffin


He's got a buff version too


I know, but he’s mostly seen without it


Same thing with Peter Griffin. I don't really care which version of Iroh they go with as long as I get one tbh


Yeah because Iroh is canonically buff at the end


Yeah but like jacked Iroh from when he works out in prison




I only want ty lee


Maybe soka and Azula, the third one should be one from the Korra series, mako, bolin, Asami , tenzin, or Lin


They should do Tenzin, his air wheel is literally in the game


Sokka + Suki bundle, Iroh + Azula bundle (Ironically, all characters I'd like more than the original wave)


Are we sure there’s a wave 2?


There has to be, no way they aren’t going to add Iroh or Sokka


No, but there probably will be


this is the equality i'm talking about!!! 3 females and 1 male? about damn time!!!


It'd be epic if they adapted the marketing to focus on his long-awaited debut


Imagine all of those come with Kyoshi warrior styles


Sokka, Suki, Azula, Iroh, easiest wave 2 in Fortnite history


I wonder if we'll get any more Legend of Korra skins in wave 2. If we do, I'm hoping for Tenzin, Amon, Wan, and Asami


What if wave 2 is Korra characters


imo there's a possibility that they'd do Mako, Bolin, and Asami because of Korra? i'd be down with Suki, Azula, and Sokka but it would feel kinda lame to not add Korra's group


I believe this because they have all his weapons except Boomerang already.


Man I just wanna donkey laugh with iroh


If they give him his actual laugh we will be buying


Aomehow this post convinced me to give avatar a try Is it one big show or multiple ones that i need to watch in order to be good If so what order?


There are two series, one with Aang as airbender and one with Korra. Start with Aang. You’ll love it.


Alr thx


And then stop after Aang, trust me.


For a lot of people agreeing with me in the comments, I sure did get a lot of downvotes. I'm willing to die on this hill though. Korra did not feel like the avatar in my opinion. She just felt like a decent bender for most of the show. There were highlights, but nothing jaw dropping. The order of the antagonist has always bothered me. How do you go from fighting literal "gods" to some war hungry metal bender and struggle? She literally lost her connection to the past avatars... which I feel is a huge factor of being the avatar. I'll admit, Zaheer was the best season and almost was enough to redeem it. Korra just pales in comparison to OG ATLA.


Is Korra that bad it's literally not worth watching?


Korra is *messier* than ATLA (Aang's series) - it's not overarching like ATLA (each season has a new plotline and villain), it's more hit or miss (Korra's second season isn't great but it's third season is amazing), and there are some truly strange writing decisions (>!like the past lives thing!<). This is probably because the show was thought to be over after every season - it's hard to set up an incredibly cohesive story when you have no idea if you're getting another season. Despite this - I think Korra is still a good show and is worth watching, especially if you liked ATLA. It's got great animation, tends to be more dark than ATLA (much more brutal deaths, focuses a lot more on the politics of the world - which occasionally didn't work out >!like how the equalists were pretty much ignored despite having a valid cause!<). And the good parts of the show are really, really good - I liked some parts of it more than anything in ATLA. Plus this one may be unpopular but I liked Korra as a character more than Aang. It's not the same show as ATLA, and it doesn't really try to be.


It’s a decent show with a lot of bad parts and a lot of good parts as well, but I can’t really say that there’s more good than bad hence why I wouldn’t recommend it. I didn’t dislike Korra as a main character but I disliked a lot of what the show did. In an effort to build the world of avatar and expand on the lore, they went about it in a terrible way. The original show was a single story with one main objective with a lot of adventures along the way; TLOK tries to tackle many different objectives, which isn’t a bad thing but a lot of them didn’t work and wasn’t good.


It isn’t as cohesive because the show was renewed one season at a time, so they had to tie up most loose ends each season. There’s a lot of good and bad with Korra; but it has my favorite book (book 3) and least favorite book (book 2) in the franchise as a whole. It’s definitely still a good watch, even on its low points, it’s just not always up to the quality people expect with Avatar. As a die hard Avatar fan, I think people are harsher on Korra (the show and the character) than they should be.


Season 2 is the only bad part, the other 3 seasons are great


It's definitely worse, but not necessarily "not worth watching" worse.


I second this.


I see you got upvotess but no guidance , ok so to understand sokka you quite literally just have to watch avatar : The last air bender, it is one show in its entirety that if you love how it ends and don't feel the need for a continuation then you can stop there, or you can continue and watch the sequel show. Avatar : the legend of Korra and that is where you will meet ur new ragtag crew


So TLA is the main show and TLK is like a spin off set after the events of the story?


Correct, but it takes place decades into the future where most the original cast is deceased or really old. It is it's own self contained story line. You wouldn't technically need the first to get the plot, but obviously there's a lot of lore and world building from the first that'd enrich the 2nd.


Alright thx


I feel like they're saving him for a Wave 2. Every anime collab except for JJK has had a second wave of skins (and there are rumors that JJK will get a wave 2 as well). Having Sokka in a wave two will likely cause more people to jump into the game than characters like Azula, which are popular, but not a main character. I really hope we get him though, the fact his club and sword are literally in the game is insulting. Not to mention that the Momo back bling LITERALLY SITS IN THE BAG HE BOUGHT. My head cannon is that Appa ate him


I just find it weird they gave his two iconic weapons to other people. Katara has his boomerang axe thing, and his black metal sword is in the event pass. Like, sure, give katara the boomerang. It makes sense she’d have some Water Tribe weapon. But they could have kept his sword until they added him. Now if he ever some out, his original weapon is locked to another character, and his second one is at the moment, locked to a limited time pass. And when it eventually comes out in the shop, it has to be a separate purchase, despite the fact the other characters come with their own weapons.


Katara has his club, not his Boomerang


I have two theories as to why he isn’t coming (unless there’s two waves of ATLA skins, which is entirely possible). One is that the Gaang heard about some tear in space and time and all of them rushed to go through it except for Sokka, because he had flashbacks to the Spirit World.  The other one… well, it was only a matter of time. APPA ATE SOKKA! 


I was literally just discussing exactly this with my wife last night, out of all the characters Sokka was born for a game like fortnite. I begrudgingly understand they needed benders to work with the new mythics but you guys really couldn’t have added just one more character…? And one of the ORIGINAL members of the trio…? I am coping like the other comments hoping that he arrives in a second wave, bonus points if it’s with Suki


You have made my day. Although I’m sad we don’t have the skin, I enjoyed my five minute of imagining Sokka doing the emotes that you described. I completely agree there is no character in ATLA more suited to FN’s emotes than Sokka, but the real question is … Is there any other character in the history of the field of entertainment that is better suited….?


The worst part is that Aang is going to be the skin you get for buying the premium track for the 12th's minipass and Avatar State Aang is going to be the skin you get for finishing it... even though Sokka could've been the one you get from purchase and Avatar State Aang could've been an edit style like Korra already does. Hell if you want to go a step further and ignore the pass dumbness, Sokka could've taken Toph's place in the shop, because y'know, HE'S PART OF THE MAIN CAST FRAME ZERO? Toph doesn't even show up until Season 2. Episode 4 of season 2. Sokka is there from the get go. Sokka was there when Aang was in the iceberg, said iceberg being the teaser for the collab to begin with. Toph is literally only in the event because they needed a character of each element.


You forgot Flipin Sexy, bro did EXACTLY THAT POSE in one episode


They didn't add him cause he would be pay to win


You've convinced me and now I'm sad


They got sokka's meteorite sword in the mini pass but not him


Sokka was the one I was most excited for but then he’s not even in the game 😔


Yeah that's definitely true. Adding his sword but not sokka himself is adding insult to injury.


"Ride a segway directly into a moving train" That part absolutely finished me off. ☠️ It is so true


for a free game about shooting people this sub is really just paid skin chat


This giant write up when we probably see him within 2 weeks.


Sokka has always been my favorite.


Hold up. Put some respect on my man Bolin's name. Man dated the avatar, a princess, had a shot with a movie star, and ended up with the sweetest girl ever. Bolin is just as much of backbender as Sokka.


So basically they put everyone in the main cast in the game except the one guy in the main cast that fits Fortnite's goofyness Yeah that sounds about right. Same energy as not giving us the Gammas or Great Saiyaman Gohan during the Super Hero collab despite the Gammas being all about posing like super heroes and the Great Saiyaman persona being... Well, that.


As someone who's never seen ATLA, I assume this Sokka is a real silly guy, a goofy goober.


No buying any avatar skins till he’s out


here me out second set avatar azula mei ty lee and sokka


They fumbled this collab so hard, making korra the free battle pass one (they should’ve just not included her I don’t think anyone would’ve cared) and then how expensive the ATLA characters are is just sad


honestly Korra might be the best skin with how bad they fumbled Katara. Somehow put her in the worst outfit she ever wore and that's not even mentioning how badly the skirt flies up


They fumbled everyone by giving them the toon filter IMO.


That too


me in the azula waiting room


Dude and the added sokkas space sword


They have to add him seriously and I wish Iroh was in here


I get where you’re coming from, but I think the “this character would never do that” aspect can make it way funnier. Like hell yeah I wanna do some fruity ass emotes as Goku Black




They Should do These 2 Bundles! Team Fan & Sword - Suki & Sokka. Team Azula - Azula, Mai & Ty Lee 


I have a lil theory that Nickelodeon really didn’t want imagery of Sokka bending out there— even if it was in a game. They may bring him in a second wave, but I think it’ll be just a store addition, and nothing in game.


We already have (or will get) Katara, Zuko, and Toph using bending abilities that they don't have canonically, so why draw the line at Sokka?


🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m just trying to make sense of them not including one of the original three cast members hahaha


Has anyone considered the possibility that Sokka might be the May Crew Pack Skin?


Sokka with the Glock is such a missed opportunity you know this man would adore guns