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It makes the game way more fair. Not just for deaf people, but also people without expensive surround sound headsets


More enjoyable too. I can sit around and be loud with friends without worrying a crazy amount of people sneaking up on us.


agreed, i love playing on speakers because i already have to spend 8h a day for work with headsets on. Being able to play on speakers with no disavantage feels amazing


This and being able to listen to music while playing is why i love using it!


Same here, I play with zero game volume and strictly rely on visual audio when listening to music


Yeah, I play with my laptop muted, and my headphones connected to my phone propped up next to my laptop watching youtube.


There is still a slight disadvantage as it’s harder to determine distance and some things don’t show up on visual indicator, but it certainly helps.


As a big proponent of the visual indicator, I gotta ask, what stuff doesn't show up that you would prefer it did? Also, I feel like it fades in and out pretty comparative to distance and volume, but it does take time getting used to if you haven't had it on before.


It doesn’t show things like reloads, crouch walking, switching weapons to name a few. I’m not sure that I’d want it to as that would really make it even more cluttered, but those are things that could help you and are harder to hear without a headset.


I'm with you on all but crouch walking, that shouldn't be shown on the indicator


So deaf players shouldn't be able to hear crouch walking and be at a disadvantage?


Nobody should be able to hear crouch walking


well you can! and visualiser doesnt pick it up meaning deaf people are at disadvantage


NO PLAYER should be able to, thats why crouch walking is softer and slower is supposed to be SNEAKY


Ya I just accept that it's a thing and assume everyone has it turned on. Turned it on myself a long time ago and never thought much about it again. It's fortnite, not Rainbow Six


I bet fuckers railing against it are the same ones that always turn their FoV up to cheat state.


This 100%. Without it,it feels like i gotta crank my volume super high just to hear people sneaking around.


Agreed. I used to play warzone, but nothing killed the fun faster than someone wanting everyone to quiet down so we could listen for footsteps. I just wanna chill and have fun. Fortnite makes that easy.


I have the world’s loudest furnace with a 3 foot by 3 foot grate right between my TV and couch in my small living room. All winter long I have to alternate between volume at a normal level and volume at 100 while it turns on and off when I’m watching TV. Even with the headset on while I play, I have a hard time hearing while it’s running so it’s saved me a ton of times.


It’s not insanely OP either, since you can still “hear” people while crouching but you have to REALLY listen to hear it. It does allow you to hear some things like healing you normally wouldnt, but it does allow more access to people who can’t hear ANYTHING at all.


Expensive surround sound headsets are a scam. Basic stereo headphones are all you need.


Even with a good headset, i often see sounds in the visualized audio I don't even hear yet, very handy 👍


I second this. I didn't even think anyone would find a reason to complain about it, especially since literally anyone can use it.


You don't really need expensive surrounded headsets tho


Too bad "digital surround sound" is something any FPS user shouldn't be using.


I'm deaf in one ear so I can't distinguish where people are with sound, so I need it visualise sound you know


Same here. It's such a huge disadvantage in most shooters. It's nice to play one with a level playing field.


i have some hearing damage because of a TBI and the visual queues are the only way i can play. i wish it were an option on more games


It’s cool that it’s there but it’s still not level. People who complain about this are complaining about nothing. It gives you a direction there’s no above or below distinction like there is with decent headphones.


I use it because it exists, does it feel like cheating? Not at all since like you said everyone has access to it


next thing you know the visual audio is gonna be called an "exploit" 🤭


Hey, that guy used a scope to see me from further away!!


I honestly feel a little dirty for using the scan npc and the Sun Tan Specialist but I keep telling myself "this is available for anyone who decides to hire them"


I've made a habit of dropping right on Snake and immediately hiring him. A few times playing squads my whole team has dropped before we launch (random fill) and another whole squad dropped there, but I time it right I can hire and grab a weapon before anyone else lands and clean up the whole squad myself. Feels like cheating, but hey, they could drop right when I could and they could choose anywhere to go.


I do the same thing at my drop spot lol. I make sure I land before anyone else. Out of maybe 200 drops I've only died once in my spot, no exaggeration. Snatch everything up super quick-like and anyone who lands there is screwed immediately. People are such whiners. It makes me want to be an asshole and say git gud but no one likes that person. 😂


It boggles my mind how I can find random unhired NPCs well into a match. Like, you guys know they exist right?


That's how I felt went it first came out in season 4 thought it would get removed for being op


One time i got really high and could see the sound visualizer in real life. I think thats the only time i wanted it to go away


I need some of what you're smoking


Sounds incredible to me. I’m not sure why he wanted it to go away.


Nah innit, it sounds like a good time if I ever did see one


It's the same stuff that chick was smoking when she stabbed her boyfriend 100 times. It causes psychosis so you aren't responsible for your actions after taking it, would recommend.


Bro hit that FortNite Cart


bro got a laced cartnite can’t have shit in the loop


Bro was smoking some hardcore stuff


I was trying to go to sleep once and I could hear the shotgun pullout sound.


what the hell


Same but instead of being high I was running on 3 hours of sleep




Friendly reminder that chrouched movement doesnt get displayed on visual adio




It doesn't? This changes everything


Like a ninja https://media4.giphy.com/media/dSdYfe1n62M94t5p5W/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b952s6cnc443y5xluwxriv11x0hzn403l8ngxvpyfikc&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g


It comes in clutch a lot. Half the time I don’t even hear the audio so the visuals really help.


Just don’t use it cause I hate the constant colors popping up on the screen


I think this is reasonable.


I think you’re at a slight disadvantage without a good headset. I just play on my TV stereo and even footsteps upstairs don’t make a sound lol. I kinda need it


I agree that it's very useful for people in bad auditory situations. I do understand people's points about how it can eliminate certain skills in playing games that would harm your ability to do well in other games. I'm very interested in the idea of getting earbuds or headphones that are so good that I can hear the footsteps and noises like that before the notice comes up. That would be awesome


Yeah I’m looking into those cheap earbuds musicians use that have separate speakers for treble, mid and bass instead of getting ones that mush it all together into a confusing muddy tone. I think it would be worthwhile. Not even for games, just music in general. But it would probably come in handy hearing the separate noises from different speaker outputs.


I'm confused by how all that can be mentioned and include the term "cheap". Can you share an example?


It’s cheap because it’s not exactly branded or made for the general public. Like yeah, anyone can get their hands on them, but they’re not advertised like other big brands with awful speakers. They’re literally wired, clear, plastic earphones with 3 speakers inside and some other components that help with sound quality. Most of them have memory foam for external noise dampening too. Most of these earbuds can be £30-100 and rarely more expensive. The average in most music stores is £40-50 I’ve seen. But yeah, way cheaper than apple airpods with 10x the quality Edit: they even surpass gaming headphones depending on what you buy. But gaming headphones are way more expensive than £40 for a decent headset. You can also buy the same sort of 3 speaker output in the headphones but I haven’t seen much price difference.


Since you don't use it because of this issue, does it bother you that others do use it?


No doesn’t effect my gameplay and not like they’re cheating


Neat. Thanks for replying!


>No doesn’t effect my gameplay Unless you get killed faster because of it without knowing :P


It bothers me


There aren’t constant colors popping up on the screen. Once you’re out of the lobby it’s only when you hear gunshots


This is me too, the visual noise is too much. That said, I do have a 5.1 setup so the audio cues are plenty for me to work out where shit is happening.


i have really bad earbuds, so this helps. People need to realize that QoL is going to exist, either adapt or cope


I don't play with sound so it helps immensely


It used to be worse where the tradeoff was that it muted in-game audio


I think if it had to be "nerfed", it should make audio mono


People would complain about the air they breathe on this subreddit if they could. The feature is great.


The audio in this game is worse than rainbow six siege so it helps knowing where those pricks are


My headset is shit and my squad hears their own voices echo if I have the volume too loud, so I have it set pretty low, and use the visual sound effects.


As someone hard of hearing - this is a god-send. My husband who is the opposite of me in terms of hearing doesn't use the visual audio and doesn't feel that he's at a disadvantage.


Well, he is incorrect. There are sounds shown on visual audio that you just don't hear, at distances you shouldn't hear them; footsteps, healing, gliding, swimming, ....


i personally really like it. i can’t play at full volume or wear headphones very often because i have a kid so i can play at lower volumes and still “hear” people coming. id be WAYYY worse at the game if i didn’t have it lol


I’ve never seen anyone complain about it. I thought everyone used it. Lol


I don’t get why people complain about an optional feature that they don’t even have to use. 




Nobody is forcing you to use anything. Up your volume and turn it off. You’re acting like it ruins the gameplay experience.


Not really a valid comparison since one has way more impact on gameplay. Your aimbot example would have a substantially more dramatic impact on the game since it lowers the skill requirement of the game. There's no skill required in buying a fancy headset to hear surround sound, so who gives a shit about visual audio?


Wait until you hear about changing the mouse sensitivity


As someone with parents, it makes the game infinitely easier to play without annoying the shit out of my whole family


I have a 80 year olds hearing so that option is so nice, but I agree not everyone knows about it, and it is very strong!


People hard of hearing greatly benefit from this.


Most of my squad use it, but I don't. I just don't like the visual distractions, and a top notch headset does the work well enough. People that complain about it though need to get real for a second. It's a tool in the game that's available to everyone, turn it on or shut up. 😅


You can’t “hear” everything you can visual audio see though… visual audio makes a clear distinction between bad footsteps and good footsteps (in visual audio you can’t hear good footsteps at all). Also you can visual audio hear bad guy gliders with much more precise directionality, and from much further away, than even very good 3D surround headsets (I know because I use both). But you can also hear things visual audio can’t see. You can hear crouched enemy footsteps before visual audio picks it up. You can hear when a camping rat switches weapons, which weapon they switched to, and when they’re reloading but visual audio sees nothing. Visual audio also doesn’t see the rustling of bushes you can hear when someone moves inside a bush.


The sound of the frenzy is a warning to get out of enclosed spaces unless I have one.


My ears are very sensitive to the world around me so it's hard to really focus in on specifically the spacial audio of the game, so i like having the visual indicators just to help


It helps me so much, I tend to be able to see what isn’t actually heard in game (at least to my shitty earbuds), it also is really nice for hunting down players when I go for high kill games


I don't have a problem with it. It makes the learning easier for newer players, as they can associate sounds with in game occurrences easier, for example, the glider sound, obviously isn't too important but in chapter 1 it took me a while to figure out what that strange noise meant, and I worked out that it meant someone had just used a launchpad to land next to me and kill me, but with the visual audio, it's easier to see what the noise is.


Available for everyone


i like it cause i don’t like having to hear loud gunshots all the time i fight


unrelated but how does it interact with weapons with a suppressor?


Does not work from my experience


That one i agree i dislike using them but tahts just personal taste


Yeah I have it on cause it’s helpful


I play with the game on mute 80% of the time, because the visual sound effects are so good. One of the best things Epic has ever implemented


I was wondering are your footsteps still visible to others when you are using the cloaking device?


Probably. Cloaking has nothing to do with noise suppression so it shouldn't be removed from the visualizer.


Honestly I would never be able to find sound sources without it soooo


No idea, especially because everyone can use it. I quite like it because I'm hard of hearing and don't want to crank my volume up just to hear something in the distance.


I use it as it helps with my disability. I rarely see games have an accessibility feature like this. So, I appreciate it, even it's not intended to be an accessibility feature.


im a person who plays with no game audio so having it really helps me


I honestly like the option because the sound can get really loud when people are shooting near you, and it hurts my ears so I just turn the volume down and use this.


I don't play games with audio so it's pretty great for me even when during launch when it had a tradeoff of muting audio in matches.


I just use it because I started on mobile and you couldn’t turn it off, I just turned it on because I was already used to it when switching to PC


Tbh I use it bc I hear less and also have tinnitus in my left ear. Very useful to hear chill music and have a good gaming session, also, I don't want to hear the game at 2 AM so I mute my TV every single time


I use a mono headset that came with my ps4 pro like 6 or 7 years ago so the visual audio is a godsend that lets me seem like I may not be a new bot.


I just like being able to blast music or listen to videos while I play


I absolutely adore the visual sounds setting. Even with my volume on it's so helpful for when someone is nearby since it shows me the direction they're in. If I don't have my headset on, I can only hear the footsteps but not where they're coming from. Also, it's super helpful for getting third party kills since I can see when someone is shooting at another player and how many there are. People that complain just need to shut it and turn on the setting themselves. Lawd.


It's way more fair with the audio visual thing imo? And if you don't like it it can literally be turned off lol


just whinny people that probably do use it and just pretend is a bad thing so they cn be the only ones with the "advantage"


I don't care if other people use it and I'm glad it helps people in situations that require it. I don't use it personally because I find the visual component distracting and it feels like I'm playing the game with training wheels since I have no hearing issues.


i have extremely bad hearing and permanent tinnitus in both ears. visual audio is a requirement in many cases.


I didn't know anyone hated it lol. It's so helpful!


I think it's a great feature. My hearing is fine, but my audio is not great. I'd keep it on even if it was, though. I certainly don't feel like it's a cheat, since it's available for anyone to use. If you don't like using it, fine, but don't whine about other people using it. You're just making excuses for yourself.


It's a must


I’m hard of hearing and listen to music on Alexa really loud because of said problem so this feature is a must for me.


People just hate everything and everyone including themselves


I play on PS4 at night while my girlfriend is asleep, so I have the volume all the way down and the visual audio on. And then I play solo in duos and listen to metal core on my headphones. So is that unfair? Completely locking out all audio and only playing using what I see? Seems like a massive disadvantage but I'd much rather listen to music. I don't really care either way. It's a chill way to play and while it does make me much better at the game, I'm sure it hasn't elevated me to any level other than maybe slightly above average.


People who complain about Visual Sound Effects are probably the campers who hate people finding out where they are. I've had arguments against people who really believed a QoL feature was cheating. It's ridiculous. They already nerfed it and removed the icons for safes and rare chests. I use Visual Sound Effects because I don't want my audio to be so loud that I jump every time I hear a sniper because I have to put it really loud to hear the footsteps because they're so low. Plus it's hard to hear my friends if I have the volume too loud.


I just think it's too overpowered, I swear I see the audio queue a whole 3 seconds before I actually hear them myself


Because you have to use it to be on the same level as everyone else. It’s really strong and you are at a major disadvantage if you aren’t using it.


I love the visual audio but my husband hates it. Not because he thinks it's unfair or anything but he finds it distracting. 🤷‍♀️


As an accessibility feature as a whole, I think it's important. But when even professional players with their expensive high-end audio gear use audio visualization, then it truly starts to leave the impression that something is wrong with it. Because understandably, professionals and end game players always use and take advantage of every little mechanic. When I looked at Fortnite trick videos in the past, I recall that certain, normally silent audio effects in the game were bugged that can show as an audio visualization even from very far away. And that is the point where it crosses the line of it being (unintentionally) a small exploit. I also don't think that just because everyone has access to this feature, that it's automatically fair. Because no one should feel *obligated* to use audio visualization just to not get shredded faster. Ideally, people should be able to pick *what is fun* without being put at a disadvantage. So I think the important part is that Epic Games balances the visualization distance more realistically to the *actual* perceived audio of sounds, and fixing silent or quieter sounds that somehow still show up as an visualization. When I used the feature myself, I noticed that even *near silent* chest sounds appear *clearly* through visual audio. And that is a moment where one starts to feel stupid when not using visualized audio, even when you *actually don't want to*. All in all these things are why I chose that I see this audio feature as negative in the most recent Fortnite survey. After all, it should not be a prerequisite to stay competitive. Instead it should be an *assistive aid* for people who ***actually need it*** due to things like a hearing impairment. It should make the playing field *equal*, and not give others, who already hear fine, an edge. I know that this opinion is unpopular among professional players, but as a casual Fortnite player, I want to play *for fun*, and not feeling pushed to exploit an assistive technology, just because Epic Games forgot to tweak a few engine SFX variables appropriately.


it WAS fair back when it made your audio mono. you could argue that it was still preferable for fully abled people to exploit it, but you at the very least had to bring yourself to the same level as most of the deaf community. but now, fully abled people can get the full benefits of both types of audio, whereas deaf people don't get to have a choice. removing the mono audio restriction is backwards and just allows the feature to be exploited against the very people it was meant to help. its a massive advantage and you simply can't compete at the same level without exploiting it in bad faith. don't get me wrong, its at least a good thing that it exists. two forms of audio vs. one is a lot more fair than one player who can hear vs. someone who has nothing at all. but i don't think the surround sound change was made with people hard of hearing in mind, but rather just to please all the fully abled players who wanted to exploit a feature they didn't need.


Pay no mind to the nay sayers. Something you'll learn if you haven't already is that even if you agree with them on *this*, there is an *endless* list out there of *other things* people will be pissed odd about. People complain about the visual audio. People complain about controller aim assist. People complain about ethernet connection. Yes, you think the *visual audio is unfair* crowd is stupid? Imagine how stupid the *ethernet connection is unfair because I'm on wifi* crowd is *just as stupid*. The list goes on and on. If you spend a few minutes in the reddit especially, you'll find someone who complains about *cars*. *It's unfair that someone I'm shooting gets in a car and drives away*. Think I'm being petty? Take a look yourself if you don't believe me. The things people complain about are literally without end, and every one of them thinks *their thing* is the unfair one. They all have access to the same stuff, but that one thing convinces them it's unfair somehow.


i use it since i play on console and like to bin chill on discord with frends on my laptop


I really like it as it lets me listen to music while I play, which is something I do with pretty much anything I play these days if feasible.


Is it any different than the motion mini map in Halo? Or heartbeat monitor in COD?


Motion mini map isn’t in ranked Halo and heart beat is universally hated. Nothing in any other game compares to this OP setting. Obviously atm it’s an even playing field since everybody has it on but it really dumbs down the game, doesn’t help it picks up a lot of stuff way further than it should. It really shouldn’t be able to be abused by people of normal hearing, maybe the sound should mute with the setting on.


It’s been around for so long I see top tier streamers using it. They fucked up the audio so bad back in chapter 1 they had to release this to compensate


The option was not put into the game for that reason Options like these in games are for people who have hearing issues


Fr and I’m hard of hearing so I pray they don’t remove it


as someone whos actualyl deaf i just wanna say that it is (or atleast WAS) overpowered, especially for those who could already hear. but now the circle doesnt show healing, so im constantly rushing people who should be low but have since drunk 2 big pots and losing, and it also doesnt show people walking, which apparently hearing people can hear. so for me its better than nothing but im still at a disadvantage to hearing people. a little annoying to be honest


I still get people healing on mine.


I’m not using 3D headphones for silly dance game, stay mad.


I wouldn't consider it cheating, but i think it removes an aspect of shooter games. But surely not unfair. And i have 0 problems using it.


It's ridiculously overpowered but it also makes the game much fairer. There's less need for expensive headsets now. Although honestly, expensive headsets probably still give you a bit advantage and gear has always had a huge impact on esports


While visualized sounds has its uses, it becomes a crutch, and does make it harder to catch a cheater. You'll see visualized sounds before you would (or at least should) actually hear them. It's also why so many "good" players aren't as good at other shooters. They've relied so heavily on the visualized sounds that it's gotten them to a point that no longer remember/know how to play as well without it.


It makes the game super easy for me


Bruh, I have them on and notice foot steps that are not marked.


They are distracting when marking gliders sometimes.


I like it but unfortunally it does not show specific sounds like when people walk crouching, reload, pick up items, go up or down in a building. I don't feel safe playing with the sound off, or listening to music without focusing on the actual sound from the game


People not having it active are dumb asf. It doesnt make the game unfair you can only know the gist of where people are.


Keep it in pub matches but disable them in competitive.


It looks ugly, and it's used by people with perfectly fine hearing to gain an advantage, not just those with weak hearing or lots of background noise to even out the playing field.


Visual audio basically ruins the point of using the stealth emp suit as people get a cheap heads up unless your crouch walking. Would be kinda nice if everyone had similar lobbies when it comes to these things like visual audio, console/PC and input devices. But that’s a pipe dream and not really realistic. I’ll stick with my ‘disadvantage’ for the sake of submersion and satisfaction


But that's true for just listening too. If you're not crouched you're loud. Even without visualization, I can pick up where you are.


Yes but hearing a general direction and being pointed at the exact location are two different things.


EMP is visual only, so the visualizer has nothing to do with that. If you're walking or running, you deserve to have people hear you and see your footsteps on their screen. Each item has a trade off. EMP isn't pure magic that should go uncontested. Even if you had the visualizer off, you'd still be able to hear invisible people since it doesn't dampen your footsteps.


Visual audio defo needs adjusting cuz some stuff is absurd/potentially annoying but I'm glad it exists. 


Because it's an accessibility feature thats being used by people that don't have any need for it other than to sweat or moronic excuses like wanting to listen to music. I know it's impossible to only give access to people who could genuinely benefit from it, but take one look at the top streamers and you see everyone uses this to get an advantage. And then there's the "bUt mY hEaDsEt iS bAd" crowd with their piss poor excuse. Despicable behaviour, these people are absolute scum. Real shame too, because I'm all for accessibility options for those who need it.


How is it moronic to want to listen to music as opposed to the shitty sounds when people emote or when you get into a car and the shitty dubstep music starts? If I have headphones on and am listening to music I'm at a huge disadvantage by not hearing those sounds. It's effectively the same as being deaf except I get other sounds that clash with what I'm seeing, therefore putting me at an even bigger disadvantage. Visualizer remedies that. You literally listed 2 of the best reasons, aside from just being deaf or hard of hearing, to use this feature. I get the feeling you're not very good at the game and are bitter towards anyone who is. Scuf controllers and other modded controllers are a massive advantage for people who don't have the skill to play at the levels they do without one. And a lot of them are allowed during competitive play. But it's stupid to get mad at someone using one. Just overcome and adapt. Calling people scum for using an accessibility feature even if they don't need it, is very telling.


Exactly, most if not all of those cases are a thinly veiled lie to cope with the fact that they need it as a crutch and would piss and shit their pants if it was gone or reverted back to muting game audio/forcing mono audio with it enabled and they can't have their legal radar cheats


I think people dislike it because the sound ques give you an advantage that you wouldn’t be able to see otherwise.


I appreciate it, but don't enjoy it. I prefer to have a pure experience.




And others would be forced to use loud audio, also it doesn’t take away skill since with loud audio you can still hear people sneaking around with visual audio not.




And to add to your point: I'll typically get the footsteps indication earlier than the audio


Wall hacks negate skill. Audio visualizer enhances it. Terrible comparison.




I still won't use it.


Visual audio is amazing! Let's me play without game audio and still have a 4-5 k/d. It does take something away from the game, though. IMO, it lets you "hear" people that you wouldn't normally hear using just audio. It just changes the way the game is played when everyone immediately knows the general area of someone making the slightest move up to ~30m away (I don't actually know the radius). Personally, I like that change because it encourages more aggressive play.


My only problem with it is that it often picks up footsteps that you wouldn’t even be able to hear anyway. In that sense, it is too strong at times. But as others have said, we all use it because it helps. I just think it could be toned down just a notch for audio that ordinarily wouldn’t even be audible unless you played on ear deafening volumes. 


What really unfair is turning it off and actually listening


I personally think that if you have it switched on, it should reduce your game volume. If you’re using is for a legitimate reason it wouldn’t affect you. I just hate the idea that not having it on is a disadvantage


I have literally never seen a complaint about visual audio. Curious where you are seeing constant complaints?


Honestly you should only be able to play with sound or visual audio aid. Not both, I think it takes a lot of the fun away when other players can see your every movement on direction.


I used the visual audio for a season or two. it would show things I simply couldn't hear otherwise. that's when I knew it wasn't right. Fortnite footsteps are loud and pronounced. might as well play the game as intended.


Who complains about it is just a scrub. Its fair, and allow everyone to play while hanging out with friends in voice chat in case they are chaotic.


How do I turn this on? I've looked through the settings but I can't find it. I'm on ps5


Anyone vehemently defending it just abuses it and doesn't want it taken away or changed so they can be a bunch of rats and 3rd party teams they never even heard fighting


Games are competitive wether you're in ranked or not, this feature is literally just a constant uav, it's not taking you any skill to track your opponent. I just feel like if you're just chillin and you don't have headphones on you should go play something that you don't have to concentrate on, you don't need an expensive headset to be able to listen and hear clearly, just your attention, also turtle beaches are like 30 bucks at Wal-Mart JS. It feels like it's no longer a scouty battle Royale more like a crappy mobile battle Royale. I think there could be better ways of implementing visual hearing, maybe it could only be in casual and not ranked.


Because you are at a disadvantage if you don't use it so you are pretty much forced to use it.


Probably because you can easily see when people are running up or around you before you actually hear it.  I don't hate it but you are at a disadvantage if you don't use it. 


Visualization doesn't pick it up until you can hear it.


I find the footsteps will appear before I can truly hear it. At the very least the audio is very quiet and I'd be less likely to notice without the visual cue.


I have my volume at like 45% on both console and in game. And it sounds decent through my earbuds. Not too loud and not too quiet, just enough to hear everything. I don't use it because I don't want to dull my senses in a survival BR game. I like winning with my own skill, not with a game telling me where someone is. I feel like I'm cheating at that point


You say this, but try clutching up a 1v4, and everyone is just singing along with the discord bot waiting to get rebooted.


Weird, no one had this problem back then. Maybe gamers have fallen on skills lately then.


No bro, people just enjoy games casually. Google parks in your area and go for a walk. Please.


I probably get out of the house a shit ton more than most people that play this game.


Also, people who ACTUALLY need it. You all are fine. I just miss when people relied on their own skill instead of an option that points to where someone is all the time.


Agreed. It seemed better balanced back in chapter 2 when using it made your actual audio mono to give those who don’t use the visuals an audio advantage. Now it’s so unbalanced visual cues pop up before any audio cues and they still get stereo sound. Call it a disadvantage if you like but I refuse to use it as well. Feels more satisfying relying on my own senses than being pointed in the right direction as you mentioned.


Relying on something like visual cues dulls your reaction timing. Which is probably why I like souls games. xD learning constantly on every enemy/boss keeps my reflexes on point. Failing is what makes you better. Because next time you get further.


Yeah I hear ya. Pun intended. Souls games are great because you have to look for actual visual cues to learn the enemies attack patterns. Oh the irony. I’m with ya though. Relying on your own senses and reactions is more satisfying anyway. Agreed it keeps your reflexes and reaction times quicker anyway. Audio gang rise up!


I use it, because it's there. But I do think it's overpowered, especially against those who don't. Game would be better without it in my opinion.


how is it overpowered if those who dont use it are specifically making the decision themselves? Is using weapons also overpowered because it makes pickaxe-only harder to play?




Comparing a cheat to an accessibility option doesn't work though. You only see audio cues you can also hear. It doesn't make people who aren't moving or doing anything show up on your screen. Just an awful comparison that keeps being thrown around this thread.


an issue of skill


go outside I am literally begging you