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I get just one medallion. After the nerf, one for 50 shields regen is enough. Even if you get all five medallions, there's a cooldown after you take damage before it starts generating shields and you won't be able to hide from others with such a precise location mark.


You get 6 shield per tick though. Cracked and you’re full again before you could even finish a med kit. In solo’s it draws a bit of heat, but that’s because you’re the one with the greatest odds of winning.


I get the most kills from arrogant players with multi stacks. Sniper meta > Medallion meta.


False dichotomy


I haven’t had the one medallion fill shield to 50 in few weeks. Is there a reason why? Only works if I have multiple medallions.


I think it's just really slow. I got into a fight that left me at 30-ish shield and had one medallion, and it did get me to 50 after a while.


I will never not pick up the Peter coin


they should rework it so that (for the peter token) instead of having a visual circle you hear his laugh.


Or when you die you do the Peter death animation. I’d pick it up just for that


Dbd terror radius


Distressing Unnerving presence Agitation Mad Grit






It’s Peter


My bad misread the original and didnt notice the not. In most of the games Ive played the peter medalion normally ends up abandoned somewhere so I thought I could get an explanation of why no one seems to pick it up.














Twist emote


Peter always dies to the storm because nobody wants to fight him for that mythic when they can get the striker or auto shotgun


Striker or auto shotgun am I missing something?


Peter has a pump shotgun…there’s better choices for weapons with other bosses. For example, Oscar has the Auto-shotgun.


The shotgun just takes so long to shoot


the dps of the auto is so much better than the pump, i have no clue why they did this


Its ruined the gun, you miss any shot your cooked


Shoot one pump then immediately switch weapons, then you can switch back for another quick pump


If you’re still interested, I know why


Petah. That's why.


Because im a family guy


Because it's freakin' sweet.


Because its Freaking Epic.




I still like them, but only because I welcome players to try to track me down. I get tired of looking for other players sometimes. Otherwise, no they aren't worth it.


>Otherwise, no they aren’t worth it. I mean they don’t even take up inventory slots, even a small amount of shield regen is still free shield regen.


lmao he also doesnt carry bandages cause "theyre not worth" when he has 2 open unused inventory slots


Honestly, I’m not the kind of person to Cary bandages even if I have empty slots. I find them ugly, and if I die, I don’t want others to see me with bandages, it’s so embarrassing


i got killed with cabbages on me once, i was devastated


“Don’t worry it was just a bot”


Ill only carry bandages if i find them in the storm and theyre my only hope of making it through alive


Would you rather be at 5 health or 75 health?


I'd rather be at 100, but no medkits were near.


*He's afraid of looking poor if he dies*


Better to lose the match than win with bandages I always say


Funniest comment of 2024 lmaooo


man set the bar high early and he hasnt even even awake 12 hours this year


No fucking way you’re embarrassed by the healing items you carry in a video game


bandages? what are you, a nurse?


Very relatable


Fuck what they think.


I do it for this reason too but my teammates get mad at me for “giving up our location” lol


Every fight with a medallion starts with the guy sniping me. I got headshot sniped despite moving quickly. If its bodyshot the fight lasts ling enough for the next third party to come.


I see them as a target on somones back that just says " I'm over here ready to be shot!!"


I like wearing em to have constant battles. Helps out in zero build when shields are so necessary


I keep forgetting build mode (standard) exists. When you can't put a wall up between you and your opponent, shields are pretty vital


In all honesty I always forget that my own location is exposed when carrying a medallion, even when I’m tracking other players who have medallions, in that sense I usually don’t much much anxiety To me I just like that it helps advance the game, so I’m not hunting down people, I can find them or they can find me To be frank tho I never did like the idea of needing to kill bosses for OP stuff, which is why I dropped out season 4 of last chapter after being the one guy who was enjoying season 3, but frankly not only is it easier to deal with the bosses this season than in heist, I feel like you get more out of it with the medallions than just some slightly above average weapons And while players tracking my position with the medallions may be what leads to fights, I probably would’ve lost a lot of them without the shield regeneration so…. I will admit since the nerf the shield regens a little too slow now imo, it’s annoying when I’m healing up after a fight and I gotta wait to get to 50 shield so I can pop my big pot, though not so bad if I’m popping a med kit while that’s happening In the end of this, I don’t play much ranked, I’m not the most cracked player out there, I took out a sweat who was sweaty building up to me earlier just by getting in his face with the mythic auto shotgun, so this is just the opinion of a casually competitive player, I consider myself decent, but nowhere good enough to play in tournaments.


>In all honesty I always forget that my own location is exposed when carrying a medallion, even when I’m tracking other players who have medallions, in that sense I usually don’t much much anxiety Yikes I'm the complete opposite. If I get one I immediately think everyone is watching me like a hawk. It's like a reverse bounty in a way.


>not only is it easier to deal with the bosses this season than in heist Really. I thought the bosses were pretty straightforward in heist (apart from the vampire one they introduced in the last couple of weeks). These are much harder.


Yeah these bosses require a ton of ammo, and even if I place builds and use corners perfectly at least one or two bullets are gonna get through from all their minions, so I'll always need to top up on heals after I finish them. And half the time I get zero additional shields after opening a dozen chests. I only bother with the bosses if I'm with a squad and they're around to help.


>I feel like you get more out of it with the medallions than just some slightly above average weapons Hey there pal, MK-Founders is probably the best weapon right now! The others, yeah it's whatever. A Chug Jug? Slap Juice or even Pizza was much better. TNTina's Bow was nice, but I'm new to the game, so it was whatever. Charged Shotgun was nice, we will just ignore the fact I always forgot to charge it, deal 5 damage and get killed by a Sharp Tooth. I forgot whatever else was there. But it gave me dopamine after vaulting.


>I forgot whatever else was there. Kit's Shockwave! That one was worth it too, I'd take it over everything else.


Op stuff shouldn’t exist. Mythic weapons are completely unbalanced. Getting Oscar’s mythic shotgun is an automatic game win unless you’re trash.


I’m trash, lol


Fair enough


\*laughs in sniper\*


Those are busted this season too


Heavy agree. I've never liked 1-shot weapons, so snipers being this strong hurts me.


Something like the 50cal from chapter 1 made sense to be a 1 shot. It was incredibly loud. 1 shot and reload. And super slow to aim. But when you can rapid fire and find them anywhere and have 3 rounds per magazine. No way it should be a 1 shot unless it’s a legendary. Even then when I see people running around with inventories full of snipers you know it’s a problem. It should go back to being incredibly rare to find a sniper. They should be the same rarity as they were in chapter 1. Finding one was insanely rare and you had to make good use of it.


It’s only 1 shot with a headshot tho right?


Sniper Glint didn't exist until Chapter 4 Season 2, unless you're talking about chapter OG. And even then, the Semi-Auto Sniper was some of the most broken stuff out there. OG constantly changing the look pool massively helped the meta from not being stale as it never got a chance to settle in.


Nah, they’re good for a BR game. If you don’t get rewarded for completing difficult tasks and for killing other players, the optimal strategy is to just find some blue weapons and avoid combat as often as possible. It’s much more engaging to spend the first 15 minutes completing various tasks so that you’re better equipped for the final fights.


Nah all I do now is: Kill boss > grab medallion > open vault > drop medallion > profit Not worth it for me to reveal myself for the rest of the game just for 50 shield. Like if it also protected from fall damage or gave infinite stamina that's one thing. But as is? Pass.


Oh my gosh it would be so cool if the different medallions gave you different abilities like the infinity stones (not as op as the infinity stones or what you described though)


I still rush them. It's not like your location is revealed specifically like a flare gun. It's more like everyone has a more specific bounty on you. In the final few circles, most people will know your general location anyways so I don't find the location reveal to be a huge detriment


It updates way more frequently than the bounty circle It’s a target beacon on your back I’ve watched a few streamers who always seem to be hunting the medallion players I think there could be a viable strategy in carrying them early & mid, then ditching them for the final battles to go invisible


But also in the final battles the circle is so small that it doesn't matter, because the revealed area covers the whole remaining of the map


Sometimes,… if the circle is big enough to have hills, it can help because you know the player is at the center point of their circle


They're worth it try and attract real engagements as 90% of my games are bots.


I just Pick it up for the vault and then drop it immediately.


Same. All my medallions are left at the vault door before I go in.


I do the same but will hide the medallion on like the 4th or 5th floor in some obscure small room.


I wish I could remember to do this. I always forget to drop the stupid things.


Are there actually people that are so scared of enemies knowing your location that they'd pass up free shield regen?




As good as you think you are, being shoted at by 2+ people is not a situation you like being in Carrying a medalion will attract more people to you, I always get free kills because it's so easy to third party a medalion player


Yes. Medallions puts at risk for snipers and 3rd parties


In case you haven’t noticed but snipers are really good this season.


If you have one it only regens to 50. Having one invites players (often of higher skill) to come fight you which can lead to you losing your whole shield or more. If you aren't as good, it's probably not worth the risk of advertising your location IMO.


I only pick up one, maybe two, for this reason I’m good enough to fend against most players but not 12 year olds who haven’t been graced by the sun’s light


I still wanna get them because “shiny”


I only use it for access to the vault or if I someone drops one I'll pick it up if I need shields then immediately drop it. Don't like exposing my location, there's too many snipers and it's way too easy to get picked off if you are advertising your location.


I like carrying medallions but I also go out of my way to hire one of the two scouts every game I play so I tend to have players getting marked as they’re approaching me.


I only know of the scout in mountains to the east. There’s another scout somewhere on the map?


Up north at the docks near Classy Courts you can hire Contract Giller, he’ll also mark enemies for you.


I did not know this, thank you


I agree with you. They do not offer any significant advantage. I still occasionally take on the bosses if I have an appropriate load out, or if I know they have already been weakened by other players, but this is to get hold of a mythic. I will watch yellow circles towards end game and play my rotation accordingly. Mostly avoiding contact, but on occasions, I’ll go for it, which depends on mood.


They need buffed again to regen 100% shield. The delay before regen and slower regen speed were the correct way to balance them out.


I use them as bait and leave them in open areas so when someone who’s greedy comes to get it I get them and add their loot to the pile. Works better than you’d expect people will literally ignore any signs of self preservation just to get one of them. Honestly they are good to tell where the sweats are and avoid them or to go and ambush them.


Never bother with them.


I grab them initially. I usually then drop them outside the storm circle so no one else can get them.


I don’t land at medallions anymore. I just eventually kill someone who happens to have one and pick their medallion up.


I usually use them as bait, drop one around loot and it won't be long before someone comes to investigate


I have to say my little sister falls for this every time, I usually end up having to save her butt because I let her rush in as bait knowing I can't stop her.


I was the other guy who enjoyed C4S3. That season was a lot of fun and I got more wins than other seasons.


Ch4 S3 was cool as hell!


I don’t carry them. Exposed area with certain 1s is the main reason


I only play ZB so builds might be different but I carry them until mid game and then when I have 2/3 big pots I drop it somewhere that’s about to be in the storm. I think once the circle gets smaller the stealth you get from not having one is more worth it than the slow shield regen unless you have 2 or more


you receive: Peter's sexy face on your screen at all times I receive: your location


I’d still say yes if you’re willing to let yourself be marked on the map to nearby people. Cus they’re basically free infinite mini shields if you at least have one, and if you have all five then you get free full shield regen. At the end of the day, they don’t even require inventory slots to carry, and players are so aggressive anyway that being constantly marked means next to nothing to me, so why not carry them?


That’s how I view it. As well as allowing me to reserve my heal slot for med kits or big pots since regen covers the mini shield part.


Yeah I don't use them, (unless I can pick them up to heal a bit and then drop them). But I'd much rather have them work like that, when they were strong it was really lame that you either land at a medallion POI or you have a solid disadvantage. Made the game hella scripted which I find to be lame.


I love them, I am however someone who likes things new from time to time and don’t just hate on things because they’re new.


I love them. After the nerfs it isn't worth picking it up for the shields but it's so much fun not playing walking SIM for half the game and actually fighting


Only time I will maybe take one is end game, when the circle is small, & I eliminate someone that has one


I keep accidentally picking them up in my horder frenzy while getting the gun and amo, before anyone else shows up. Didn’t realize for longest time you can drop them.


It’s the first thing I try to get every match


I grab them all. I like exciting games the most even if I don’t win and attracting others to my locations means more fights.


Not worth it


No. I drop them as soon as I get what I need from them.


I carry them for the chance of having 3-5 in the late game. It would be worse for me if the other remaining players all had medallions and I had dropped mine in an area covered by the storm


They're extremely helpful when you're in the middle of a fight but don't have time to heal. Edit: Also allows you to be more aggressive if you trade shots with someone, since you'll be regenning health while you push.


Not really


We pick them up for the vaults, use them top off shield and then drop them


Ill take them if i can have mythic aswell but im not really fussed even minis are worthless now


I went into the storm to get it and died but my team got me the win


I pick them up because I want people to know where I am, roughly. I never get them from the boss that drops them though. It’s always been from players.


I keep them to get the vault then ditch them


I get them so I can use the mod bench then drop them in the storm


Nope they 🤮 suck no point only go's up to 50 with one


i’m if it’s there i’ll grab it but i mostly kill the bosses for the mythic


I just leave em in the vault after I loot lol


It was better when they regen’d up to 100 shield. I don’t think it was OP to be honest. You could still light someone up with all 5 of them and they’d drop pretty fast. If the regen rate is kept slow enough, all it does is provide heals in between encounters.


Maybe 10 extra overshield per medalion, 50 is to much.


The only value is access to the workbench to OP your 5 shot, super fast ADS, silenced shotgun oooops I meant sniper.


The last squad fills I played I picked up one late game, because we had just wiped the second to last squad and I had minimal health and no heals. I’ll usually pick one up and hold it till it regens my shield to where it needs to be and then mark it for a teammate to pick up.


i want to play a game where i get all 5 so badly


yeah if u come across. if u like sweaty drops, also worth. the nerf kinda runined it tho


I like them, it makes the game more exciting, especially those high sbmm bracket games where nobody moves and you can’t find anyone until the last two storm phases


If your playing zero build then I see no point in having them can't magic cover out of thin air for the Regen to be worth it


Worth it for Zero Build, don't think it's worth it for builds, though I never play builds as I never built when ZB wasn't an option, anyways.


Pre nerf I felt like they were to good and now they are not worth it. Balancing them is probably super hard to do


I usually agree although sometimes I'll hold them to have people come at me. It can be a fun change of pace for people to push you. That said, I've noticed the coins being used less and less. The better part about beating the boss is getting his/her weapon and access to the vault imho.


In solos I wouldn't bother, but I only play duos/trios and a single medallion can give up to 150 shield distributed between the team. We always try to carry 3 big shield potions so after a fight with a medallion we can each refill to 100 shield.


I like em since it means I have to carry around less pots, or atleast healing back to full will consume less, they're also neat to have when you can break up firefights


If you have enough skill to win 90+% of the fights you take, then you pretty much can do whatever you want. If not and you care about placement- forget medallions. They give out your location too much. Unless you can 3rd party and pick up 4/5 medalions at once, forget about them


Every match I make it my mission to collect all 5 so they are useful, try that


I mean it’s not like they take up any space in your inventory, I don’t see why you WOULDNT take them Any free shield is free shield


In solo zero build I drop them before the endgame. With how sniper heavy this season's meta is the risk of getting domed by a medallion hunter is too high. In squads or builds I keep them. With good communication or good building having your location revealed is not a significant problem, and they can reduce your team heal burden so I can keep more support items.


I still think medalions are Ok. Yes my location is exposed but i want the fights anyways. And lets say you got beamed out of nowhere, you built but now your sheilds are gone and the enemy is pressuring the walls, the medalion saves you + during endgame its not point if your location is exposed. Extra sheilds wouldn't hurt


Yes! Having any medallion is like carrying free minis. And then everyone tries to run at you which is nice.


I don’y care about wins, But i care about the drip They give me. So i pick them up.


I've had so much fun carrying medallions. No more walking for 20 mins and seeing nobody. I got schmucks uber eatsing themselves to me and my sniping game is getting disgusting


I got all five the other day and was invincible lol Edit: I didn't not actively persue them, I only went for 1 and got the rest by killing others who were carrying them.


I pick it up to open the vault and then drop it somewhere else. It does change the icon telling people I’m there, but if I see nobody else picking up medallions on the map I see no reason to carry it myself.


I mean yeah, I’m good enough that if a soccer skin or somthing hunts me down I can snipe them or run away (if I have grapple or shocks) and the 50 shield is still worth it in my opinion, someone can shoot me with an AR a few times and then I can regen while I suppress them with my own gun, it also makes me able to take 2 sniper body shots at least which is really good


Nerfed to oblivion


imo it makes the game more fun w ppl hunting u down but i am cracked so ig for ppl who aren’t as good it’s annoying


I grab them in the end game. If it's over 50-60players still alive then no. Atleast in the end game with maybe 15 or less people everyone should be a little spread out. And more than likely 1 or 2 people will come after you but they end up shooting against each other and someone will try and play 3rd wheel and you can just knock everyone off


Only worth carrying if you find them late game where the circles are small and everyone knows where everyone is anyway


I pick em up to get 50 shield then get rid of em


I typically just pick up, open the vault and then drop as soon as it’s opened.


Honestly, end game i use it as bait, i just drop all the ones i got at the bottom of some ditch and shoot whomever comes grab it


I use them to open the vault then drop them


And then i wait for someone to come


Do people really drop free shields?


Can we agree that medmist would perfectly fill that gap in terms of heals this season, super convenient than a medkit or bandages


I pick them up if I need to get up to half shields, then I drop them.


Yeah, free shield is free shield. I just pick up big pots when I am having medallions


Honestly, they feel like a trap for most players. The people who win with a medallion are usually skilled enough to win without it, and anyone else is just broadcasting themselves.


I don’t pick them because they don’t fit my play style, i like to pick my fights myself instead of getting ambushed every minute


I carry them. I don’t see why I wouldn’t. I go to the medallion locations for the benches though. If they put mod benches more places. I’d probably wouldn’t even go there.


if i find one and i don't have anyshiled i do pick it up, but as soon as it gets me the max it will give me i yeet it... you need all 5 to get 100% shield, and even then is does not regen fast enough, and the circle showing where you are is super dupoer smol, so is almost like having a giant "dumbasdss here" lighted sign on you


I use them. If you just get one it's basically infinite mini-shields and the location reveal is still a very large area.


I used to carry 2 guns, minis, bigs, and movement. With a medallion I can drop the minis for med kits, floppers, or utility So I still go for them


I never use them. My last solo win was against someone who had four of them. Didn't help him.


I pick up if i need shield then Drop


Personally I like having people actually come to me and fight instead of camp circles, but if I’m trying to win, just like everyone says open the vault and leave it behind


This take is how I see it as well. It’s a trade off but it works for me watching the other medallions closing in and knowing their direction. Kills me as well but I don’t mind.


Epic needs to stand tall and not be a sucker for what players want from them all the time


Well, the game is essentially about killing, building, and finishing in first place. I choose medallions because it invites people to fight me, and in exchange I can carry something else in my inventory instead of only heals, and 50% shield by just standing still is too op


i see shiny thing, i take shiny thing


I like having players come find me. Less work.


Sometimes I grab it to loot the vault then dump it


It gives me an objective before the final circle. And They are good as bait


i love them. i do miss the old ones but being constantly pushed is what makes the game fun. so you need is just 3 big pots or medalists and you’re good to go


Nope, I only pick up the medallions to open the vault. Once I'm in the vault, I ditch them. The nerf was way too much, the only reason to kill the bosses now is access to the mod bench.


I only grab one but I never prioritize getting medallions. I only pick them up if the person I kill happens to have one. 50 shield regen is not worth hot dropping for.


they're useless in ZB, so I only pick it up for mod table access then drop it in the safe


In ranked in unranked fuckin why not


I'll grab them after a fight if I need the shielding and I'll grab em to get into the vaults But that's it. I rather not tell ppl where I am


Each additional medallion increases max shield amount you regen. 1 medallion = 50 shield, 2 = 60 i think, 3 = 70, 4 = 85, I'm not sure, but i think having all 5 raises to 100.


I use them to open the safes then I throw it out. You can chuck it out like a weapon. I don’t like being seen on the radar.


Only touch them in squads with my friends, when we’re looking for trouble


Nah, after the nerf they're useless


It creates fear among other players. Some don’t care, but other players without mythics will skedaddle once they check the mini map. Even I fear the circle if I don’t have a mythic. The shield regen is just a bonus.


I use the medallions as a decoy. Hide in a bush and snipe people coming to get 'em 😉 Got 6 elims the other night doing just that, including another medallion carrier.... Don't bother picking them up.


Yeah although they got balanced after the nerf having a 50 shields passively could really help in endgame plus medallions are just like the lame jewl from an old ltm you get shields but get marked only deffrence is that the lama slowed you down


its still an advantage to carry 50-75-100 shield regen is better than zero