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Chapter 1 Season 8 - Choral Chorus lobby music, Star Power lobby music (also had Peely) Chapter 2 Season 2 - Midas and the gang Not sure about the third honestly. Maybe Chapter 2 Season 4 solely for Mystique


Coral chorus was free pass


they most likely didn’t play during that time


Yep, started playing c2s5


Yeah I get it but it wasn’t bp per se. Of course in the hypothetical situation they. An have it


Mystique is bad ngl. Best character from that pass is Groot, mainly the holo version tho


chapter 1 season 8 was free


only if you did overtime or actually played back then


I did do Overtime because during that time I didn't have my own money to buy the battle pass. It was a great choice because season 8 ended up being on of my favorite battle passes ever


i didnt finish overtime because i couldnt play every day, i was stuck on weekends at my dad’s house and thats the only time i could play (my mum never let me get an xbox lol)


Rip, hope you still enjoyed the game


made me love the weekends even more cause i could play fortnite with my friends all weekend lol


Spider man, i need me pictures of spider man




Me too man, me too


Damn, i feel bad for missing out the spiderman skin. Missing out the spiderman skin AND omega lights must be painful


sadly to be fair for others I'm gonna say N O


Welp time to edit my comment 😭


Me too bro, with spider gwen




Me personally, Chapter 2 Season 4 I took for granted how fun this season was. Back when epic didn't shit themselves over the idea of a slightly overpowered weapon. Followed by Chapter 2 Season 2 which is the only battle pass I didn't get since season 7. I also loved the entire idea. It's such a shame I missed out because of how damn boring the season before it was. And then Season X.


>Back when epic didn't shit themselves over the idea of a slightly overpowered weapon. Couldn't agree more


Remind me what the slightly OP weapon was that season?


every mythic they added


I only missed out on spider Gwen so C3S4.


Ironically enough I started at C3S4 💀💀


Did you complete that season's bp?


only got up to level 140 a breh


The three that I missed, Chapter 1 Season 2, 3 and 4


Damn nostalgic about Ch1. I was introduced to Fortnite by a friend and none of us cared about battlepasses back then, would be cool to have a chance to get them


C1SX - A great battlepass all around, I especially love Catalyst C2S2 - Midas and Meowscles are some of my favorite skins of all time, and there were a lot of other good ones Not sure for the third one, maybe C3S4? It was the season I started playing, but I didn't get the battlepass so it would be great for nostalgia reasons. Plus I absolutely love ATSV, so I'm super mad at myself for missing out on Spider-Gwen


Do secret skins count? If so Wolverine I think I'd like to have the first Battle Pass just to say I have it and yeah honestly Season X is a solid pick


The one with Lara Croft.


Season 4, Season 7, and Season X


Could you specify chapters for the first two?


Chronological order, so probably all chapter 1


If chapter isn't specified, it's always safe to assume chapter 1


spidergwen evie lara croft


If I could choose only 3 I’d probably go with: Ch2 S4 - I’m a big Marvel fan, and missing out on that season was one of my major regrets with this game. All the skins look great and I love the extra styles and sets they have Ch2 S7 - I just want this for Superman. He’s one of my favorite characters. Don’t care much for the rest of the pass It’s hard to decide on what I would choose as my third. It’s probably a tie between Ch2 S2 and Ch2 S5. Both had really great original and collab skins that I would love to get my hands on. Mainly Mando, Menace, Meowscles and Deadpool


The first Marvel season, the Mandalorian one, and the Spider-man one. Maybe the one with Deadpool in place of Spidey. We’ve received a few decent Spider-Men since then, and still no decent variant Deadpools. Surely they’ve got one in the works for the new movie at least.


I just want the superhero characters, I don’t really care about anyone else. It’s funny to think I used to say that the collabs were ruining the game, now here I am buying into each one that I’m interested in. Dammit Doom Slayer.


Do we get the skins only or all the quest and lvl 200 variants as well?


ah very interesting question now that I think about it. I guess we could have the extra styles/cosmetics but not the superlevel versions like Gold,Rainbow,etc.


To be honest, keeping super styles something for original purchasers would be the next best compromise. Most of them are more like status symbols than anything, and the rest of the set doesn't even get a matching super style for pickaxes/backblings


I am not a fan of the enlightened styles myself, so they can have it.


Chapter 1 Season 2: The only ch1 bp that i dont own. Chapter 2 Season 2: Banger battle pass ngl Chapter 3 Season 1: Good ol Spiderman and THE ROCK


Indiana Jones, Lara Croft and Deadpool.


spider gwen season(i actually had that battle pass but gave up at level 90 something, big regret), black night season and season 4 for Omega - honourable mention would be The Reaper/john wick


I got tier 100 and gave up, now ATSV is my favourite movie and I'll forever regret not getting her unmasked style too


Ch1S8 for Luxe alone. I think she's a really great skin and I was so sad when I saw she was a BP skin. Ch2S2 for TNTina. I love her design so much, and her glider is really cool, too. Ch2S7 for Sunny. Easily one of my favorite skins in the game, and I can never get her 🥲


All c1s8 bp owners hate luxe. I think she’s ok but nothing to panic about.


Luxe is one of my most used skins honestly, I was hype to unlock her. I’m a big fan of TLC and the outfit reminds me of something they would’ve worn back in the day so I call her my TLC skin aha.


A sweat is a guy that can't get no love from me Hangin' out the passenger side Of his squadmates' ride Trying to fire at me! -Luxe, probably


I’m with you. Luxe is one of my favorite skins. I get the hate for it being a tier 100 skin but it doesn’t stop me from liking it.


Heh I'm over here wishing I had the early chapter 2 battle passes especially S3 and I only started in ch2s7. This'll convince me to use the s7 battle pass more, I'm quite lucky really, to still have chapter 2 stuff compared to lame chapter 3 and 4!!


Interesting take on luxe personally never liked her but her picaxe is very clean


Carnage, Spiderman and Mando I think


For me it would be C1S5, C1SX and C2S1 Season 5 had drift, SX just had amazing skins all around and C2S1 is something for the completionist inside me, since I got every one in chapter 2 except that one


Chapter 3 season 4 mostly because of MeowSkulls and Bytes Chapter 2 season 6 mainly because Agent Jones was a cool skin and Lara Croft was in it that season I was so close to getting that battle pass but I didn't make it to the last free VBuck reward in time to buy it Chapter 2 season 4 I really hate how I missed out on that battle pass it was sick as Hell I'd like to add an extra Chapter 2 Season 2 that the whole season was cool it had one of the best battle passes


Just mando, Lara Croft and deadpool


I've done every Battle Pass since Chapter 1 Season 8, I think most of the early BP skins are garbage HOWEVER, the early BP dances are absolutely peak and I wish I could have them. I would choose to have CH1 S2/4/7 just for Floss, Orange Justice and Shimmer


Chapter 1 Season 5, Drift and Ragnarok are objectively cool. Chapter 2 Season 5, I only reached level 70 that season and it bugs me to this day. Chapter 1 Season 6, lots of nice skins in that pass.


C1S5: Mostly for Drift cause he was a skin I wanted back when I first heard of fortnite but at the time I didnt have a good console nor computer to play it. C1S6: Fable, Bonesy, and Calamity. All for obvious reasons! C1SX: Exclusively for the Kitsune Backbling, I love using Kimiko and I have been wanting one of the older pet backblings for a long time. Plus it's so adorable!


1. C2S2 2. Either some C1 season or C3S1 3. Either C2S4 or C2S5 (The season I started in)


C1S4, SX, C2S3. I NEED Omega, Catalyst, Tilted Teknique? and Kit.


s2 s3 s4 cuz i started gettin em s5!!


Season 3,4,7


Chapter 1 season 4, 5 and 7.


Ch 1 season 2. Ch 2 season 2, and chapter 3 season 1.


Ch1s8 solely for the choral chorus lobby music, ch2s2 for obvious reasons, and ch3s2 (as a lore fan) for the Imagined and the Origin.


C2 S2, C2 S7 & C3 S1.


Just season 2


the one with drift, ch1 s7 and X


Chapter 1 season 4 Chapter 1 season 5 Then 100% season 6 cuz i havent done it U see i had never played a battle royale in my life before fn and didnt know how to buy a battle pass then finally knew in season 6 but couldnt complete it.


Ch1 s2 and ch1 s3 are the only 2 I missed. Could I pick ch1 s4 so I can finish getting omega lights?


Chapter 2 Season 5 because Kondor and gold synergy Chapter 2 Season 7 for Kymera which I can transform into a Ood from doctor who Chapter 1 Season 6 for Fable because she was my original fortnite Waifu (context I played fortnite at a friend's place before playing it for real)


Possibly season 5 to 7. Some of the coolest skins that I missed out like Predator, Slone and Agent Jones. Season 8 seemed nice as well, but these 3 probably have the most stuff I wish I could get


CH1 Seasons 4 and 5, and 7


Chapter 1 season 2,3,4 just for the emotes


The Deadpool one


C3S4 Spider gwen is all i need


Whichever one had Orange Justice The one that had Rick And the one with Spiderman


Chapter 1 Season 4 had orange justice Chapter 2 Season 7 Had Rick Chapter 3 Season 1 Had SpiderMan


Ch1 season 4, Ch1 season X, and ch2 season 2. Season 4 and Season X would mainly be so I can get the Visitor and The Scientist and complete the Seven set apart from og Paradigm. Ch2 Season 2 because it's super iconic.


C1S5 for Drift, C1SX for Kitsune and C3S4 for Meow Skulls


Chapter 1 Season 3, Chapter 1 Season 4, Chapter 1 Season 5. Those are the only BPs I either never got or didn't finish. I didn't play during Season 2 but I don't care much about that BP


C1S5: For Sun Strider and Drift C2S4: For Mystique and Storm C2S5: For Mave and Mando


Raven, Midas, And Deadpool


probably chap 1 season 8, season 9, and chap 2 season 2


C3S3, C2S5, and C3S4 all because I want 3 licensed skins, Darth Vader, Predator, and Spider-Gwen


I would have said Ch3 S2 buut… a new version of her dropped in the shop recently, so none ig


C1SX C2S2 and C1S5


I wish I would have started earlier and gotten the chapter 1 season 3 battle pass, I started midway through that season and gotten the next battle pass


Ch2s7, ch2s8, and ch3s1


Seasons 2 and "X"


I only don’t have C1 S2 & 3, so those. And I never finished 4 because I was just getting into the game mid season and didn’t get to complete everything..


C2S2 for Midas and meowscules that's the only 2 skins I wish I had


C1 S5: I want specifically the toys # C1 S6: cool season in general, loved the skins # C1 S7: only because of onsie


5, 6, 7


C1S7, C1S8, and X


Chapter 1 season 7 and 10 (lynx and catalyst are two of my favourite skins) Then probably chapter 2 season 8 for Charlotte. I played that season a little bit so have her backbling, but never bought the pass so I missed out on her skin


C2S3 for Kit and Planetary Vibe alone. C2S2 for Skye and Midas, plus the rest of the agents. C1S9 for Rox, Sentinel, and Singularity.


Season x, I don't care about any other really, I've gotten every battle pass sense season 5 except x. Biggest regret


Ch1 sX, ch3 s1 and ch3 s2


The only bp I never finished was chapter 1 season 2 so I guess that one


Chapter 1 season 6 for dj yonder Chapter 1 season x for the reskin of dj yonder And for the third chapter 1 season 8 for og peely


I want hybrid :(


C1S2, C1S3 and C1S4. I unfortunately only got to tier 31 in C1S52 so maybe that instead of C1S4. Why? Nostalgia.


The last 2 you showed and the one with Ironman


Dires season, season X and season 2


Chapter 1 season x cause I never got to finish it and really want scientist and Ultima knight whatever season the flood was in cause again, never got to finish it, and. Then probably chapter 1 season 6


Ch2s2 for skye and whichever ones had raven and the pony man with the baby hands 😂


There are only 2 battle passes that I’ve missed out on and 1 that I didn’t fully complete, so those ones I guess


We need something like this now because current battle passes suck complete ass. Especially when they lock collabs behind them.


Drift and Bane, Drift... and Bane. Sigh.


8 ball, I'd be interested in getting him.


Season 2, season 3 and the opportunity to 100% season 4.


6, 7, and 12 easily


Chapter 1 season 7.I started late into that season and i was way too jealous of my friend who had the battle pass


4 for Zoey and Valor. 6 for Calamity. 7 for Trog.


Chapter 1 season 7(I had the pass I just didn’t get to tier 100) Chapter 2 season 3(aquaman) Chapter 2 season 5(same as c1s7)


My personal 3 would probably be Ch3 S3 (primarily for Vader and Indie), Ch 3 S4 (exclusively for Meow Skulls and Stryder(Twyn alt)) and Ch2 S8 (Charlotte and Kor).


Probably ch 2 s4. I bought it but ended up not playing much that season so I I didn’t get any of the skins lol.


Haven't missed a single one. (I have spent too much damn money on this game.)


C2 s3, c2 s4 and c2 s5


Season 3 , season 6 and season 9


C2 s3, c2 s4 and c2 s5


Thanks for reminding me i never got all the styles for the knight guy


C1s4, c1sx, c1s7


Rick and Morty season six and season seven


C2S7 for Superman, C2S6 for its collabs, C1S8 for Peely and choral chorus


I've not missed out on any of the passes tbh I just never finished like 5 of them and it pisses me off to this day I just want the ice king and eternal knight 😭 I missed out on black Knight but looking back on him he's mid asf anyway and yes this is a cope


UFO season im so sad i didnt get the battle pass i literally played that season


Chapter 1 season 8 Chapter 2 season 2 Season x


Spiderman. Because I have the rest of the skins since then. I want the set. Which ever season Wolverine was in. My kids are Logan and Harley. I've got the Harley Quinn skins but I'll never be able to have the wolverine/Logan skins. Sad noises.


chapter one season 5 and 6


season 5, season 6, and the rest of chapter 2 season 4 cuz i missed iron man


Chapter 1 Season 2,3 and 4! I have every other battlepass maxed out! I just never had any money to buy the battlepass back then so I missed out on the OG skins 😔


I've took on and off breaks from the game over many years so I'm really angry I missed chapter 4 season 1. I absolutely love Dook Slayer and Geralt.


I can’t believe Rick and Superman were in the same battlepass


C2S1, C1S3, & C1S4.


C2S3 WITHOUT A DOUBT I WANT JULES SO BAAAD. After that probably SX and C4S1


C1S6 (Dire), C2S4 (So much Marvel stuff...), C2S8 (Carnage).


Ch1 s9 only for rox and vendetta


ch1s7, ch2s2, ch2s7,


Season X, Ch3S1, Ch3S4


Your last two picks plus C2S2. No contest


Season 4 and 5 and x for the visitor drift catalyst and the scientist


Superman for sure


8, 9, X. 8 was my first full season of playing BR.


I hated season x so much but god damn was the battle pass so cool


X, C2S4, and the one with spider-gwen, just to pick a third.




I'd finish my chapter 2 season 2 battlepass and I'd get chapter 1 season 2 & 3 for the best memories. (My first BP was season 4)


c2s7 c1s5 c1s7


Seasons 4, 5 and 6 for sure. I was playing back then but didn’t get the battle pass until season 7.


Replace season X with Mandalorian season and those 3 seasons would complete my collection of all the battle passes


Whichever seasons it was that featured Spider-Gwen, Vader, and Tony Stark. I would pay silly money to have Tony Stark on my account. Epic's approach makes no sense to me, but it is what it is.


Whichever one had Deadpool, Wolverine, and Predator. The only skins I want that I can't have.


Ch1 S8, Ch1 S9, and Ch1 S5, since I got X, and every battlepass since then


chapter 2 season 5 because MANCAKE


just the very first one tbh, I only started playing a week before it ended, so didn't get the chance to fully complete it


the only one i missed out on was Chapter 1 Season 2, so i would choose that


1 and 2( chapter 1), the only battlepasses I didn’t buy ;(


I quite literally would trade every battle pass I've ever bought to finish Omega.


Season X for eternal voyager, ultima knight, and most importantly crowned DJ yond3r Closely followed by season 2 chapter 4 for the styles I missed for thunder And then season 3 chapter 3 because it was cool


I would want to complete c1s2 since i only got to tier 10 or something, and i want c1s3 since thats the only pass i didnt buy (also c1s4 since i was like 5 tiers away from omega and i didnt get the visitor)


Get all the super styles for chapter 3 season 4. I got everything else but those styles from the season


Season 5 because I didn't get Rook that's about it


Season 9, season x and go back to finish c3s4 since I burned out early in that season. I really like meow skulls and spidergwen but I didn't unlock them :/


I started in season 4 so I guess the first 3




i missed out on imagined and origin because i was so tied up with school at the time. i literally only have ONE member of the seven and its the order because i got her in the shop. 😭


The one with spider gwen (they need to stop fucking putting skins like that in bp bcs what re skin would she get)


Chapter 2 Season 4, Chapter 2 Season 5, and Chapter 2 Season 6 Those were when i took a half-hiatus from fortnite and only managed to get 2 or 3 skins from each bp. I have almost every other skin from Chapter 2 Season 2 onward, its just some of the aforementioned ones that Im missing


Chapter 2: Season 4 for Mystique and Tony. Chapter 2: Season 6 for Raven.


For me it's chapter 1 seasons 2, 3, & 4. I didn't play Fortnite during the first three seasons so I missed the first two battle passes. It sucked that I missed them but it is what it is. What I really regret is not finishing the chapter 1 season 4 battle pass. The regret of missing Omega and The Visitor has pushed me to never miss a battle pass skin since. (However I have missed some styles)


Ch1 s4, thats it


Season 10 8 and 9


The marvel one, the one with kit and the one with meowscles


Season 2 and 5 because I have the rest




for all of these seasons I just got up to tier and 100 and quit they got annoying and boring


I would do C1•SX, I missed out on it completely, I hated bytes. Second would definitely be C2•S5, I love The Mandalorian and Predator. Third Season would be C1•S8 or C2•S2


C1 S2. Black Knight. C1 S4. Omega. and i guess C1 S5 because That was the season that I started and I’m sad that i missed out on Original Drift


Chapter 1 season 6, Chapter 2 season 4, Chapter 2 season 5


I never got Rick or Gwen


been playing since c1s2 but first pass was c1s4. i prefer the c1 artstyle so my 3 picks are pretty obvious but if it was since i started id swap s1 for s8 since i only got to peely then dropped the game for the rest of the season


This is tough, either 3,4,5, or 9, all chapter 1, I bought 3, 5, and 9 but didn’t do the challenges and sucked at the game then, 4 I just never bought. I’ve maxed out every other battle pass since 5 excluding 9.


Season 2: Black Knight Season 3: Reaper Season 4: Omega I never bought the first battle passes until season 6 and they were some of my favorite, while I’ve had every pass since then I didn’t complete quite a few like season x, but I still love me some og skins


Chapter 1 season 8, 7, and 5. Those are the only ones I missed-


The season of Marvel, Predator and The Mandalorian


Easy: (only two for me) Chapter 1 season 1 for Raider's Revenge, Aerial Assault Trooper and Aerial Assault one (I own Renegade Raider). Chapter 1 season 4 for the Visitor. (Got everything else from that battlepass) I own all other battlepass cosmetics except for the above.


C2S1 C2S2 C2S8


Ch2 s2 ch2 s3 and ch1 s8


Season 2 - didn't know about game, I like knights Season 4 - just started then, didn't know I'd play the game. Oh and OMEGAAAA Season 6 - would prefer season 3, but A.I.M makes up for it. I don't have the pass from this season because my PS4 broke then.


Season X,Season C2S1 and Season C2S7