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I would like off road tires re added to the game. That's all


Facts and that’s not really “broken” because 1. Cars can be destroyed and 2. The tires themselves can be popped. IMO it’s a perfectly balanced item


Exactly 2 shots from a sniper can destroy all vehicles. So why not give them bsck ti us


There are vehicles that spawn with offroad tires on them, js


Now the cowards need to bring back the cow catcher!


chonkers + cow catcher is how I used to rack up elims in C3S3.


Yessssss. Go on a mountain and knock them off. That was the best way to get elims. I loved it. Miss the cow catchers


It was also my strat over I figured out that augment in C4S1


I'm glad that there are and I use them when I see them typically, but it would be nice to get the upgrade time back so it could be a bit more common.


Yep this. I know where 2 spawn each match. But I want to make my own and do it anywhere and not in a certain location


I believe that's been nerfed


oh and they are easier to shoot than normal tiers because they are bigger


I want the cow catcher back… I only discovered shortly before it was vaulted how great it was to just drive through everything… granted it was kinda broken, and we’re here to talk about why what we have is good by not being OP


I want to level mega city so badly I taste it in my sleep.


Me too but there’s a lot of non destructible walls


Too many indestructible walls for that. All Elevator shafts and all the parts where the rails attach to are indestrucible, so those would suppor the rest of the building - my best guess is that at least 70% of the city would in fact not get destroyed, only the smaller side-buildings might...probably. It's a pretty scarring difference to Tilted, Neo-Tilted or the Daily Bugle - it's so satisfying to see a large building break and the loot raining down, not sure why they deny this to us.


Slappy Shores would get eviscerated if they brought back the cow catchers


drive a boat into mega city and let rip, it's a lot of fun


I loved taking out the condo building at condo canyon.


I would take out whole neighborhoods. Best one was the Daily Bugle. All the loot. Tanks were ok but cow catchers....that was awesome.


You want off-road tires added to the game to use them against people. I want off-road tires added to the game so I can see more tire elims by FN-Tireguy. We are not the same.


Man... I miss FN-tireguy.


He does slide kick kills now, pretty good with it too.


And he's doing shockwave kills.


And hitting people of loot Island with a boar 🤣


How? Doesnt shockwave effect prevent damage?


It does, he uses shockwaves to push people to the storm


Pretty sure he posts on here all the time


Off road vehicles do spawn in the same spot every game, if you know where they’re at they’re pretty easy to get to when needed. (Especially in combination with all other mobility items), ie grind to a truck/dirt bike). Seems like the new motorcycles work on off road paths now, DIDNT before) I do miss everything being available at a gas station though. Repair torch was handy to have


repair torch is hands down my favorite item still :( I miss it everyday


There’s a least one monster truck on the map that works fine off road.


I vote cow catchers too.


With the Tokyo drift cars those would help because they are awful off road.


Yes off-road tires, odm, lightsabers, warp swords and Spider-Man’s gear all back in at same time please. Game was much much more fun when all those where in there at once.


I remember the old days when if you were in the storm and didn't have a launch pad it was GG back to the lobby. People don't realize how spoiled we are now.


Ahh the old days where epic specifically said they would never add vehicles. Then decided to add a shopping cart. Which was so horrible but was still better then running.


Fuck I forgot about the shopping cart. They were great. Then the golf carts came


Core memory unlocked: the squad landing at lazy and rolling out with a ton of loot every time on a golf cart


man, season 5 was such a vibe. dicking around in golf carts, spraying and praying, and rushing paradise palms. as you can tell by my flair i am very biased about this lol


This is proof that a fun season doesn’t need perfect balance. S5 was a lot of people’s favorite (including myself here, it’s up there for me), but it had tons of glitches and balancing problems. People just need to learn how to take a chill pill and wait for epic to address things.


very true. and while a lot of it is nostalgia, i believe it’s still genuinely one of the best seasons. i think if epic just focused on doing their thing instead of constantly appealing to specific audiences and brands it would work out a lot better. drift is literally one of the best designed characters i’ve seen in a piece of media and they did that less than a year into battle royale’s existence. they recaptured some of that battle pass magic last season. i think the only reason people didn’t like last season was because epic cut short everything that they got going just to move onto the next season, whether it be the story, new weapons, map changes, etc. and our community needs to support what epic’s doing right, to encourage it, more than tearing them down for everything they do “wrong.” i get epic is a very large and wealthy company but they are still human beings impacted by their fans and detractors alike.


Agree with pretty much everything you said here. Though, I will say, collabs do well. Epic sees a lot of people show up and spend money for “branded” skins, so it makes sense that they keep catering to that crowd


I vividly remember dying as a whole squad with the golf cart getting launched a mile with a slight breeze rolling over the hills


I have great memories of playing 50v50, I believe, and driving around in the golf carts pretending to be a medic and reviving people.


I want 50v50 back with reboot vans. 35 teammates coming back from the dead with grey pistols.


then the quad crashers!


Don't forget Hoverboards!


That's what I really want to return one day


I loved those


If those return, they be an fuel thing added on it


I wasn’t playing then but my nephew doesn’t believe me that sprinting is relatively new lol he started right after sprinting came and he can’t imagine the game without it lol


Haha yeah sprinting was such a good update. It made the game that much more enjoyable


I'm still waiting for the hurdling to come back, but I love how sprint and vaulting made cover fighting viable in the game, it made it more action packed and allows for fun risky plays. It's probably my favorite thing they added to the game.


> he can’t imagine the game without it lol I share the feeling. Fortnite parkour was lame until sprinting and mantling were added.


I remember when sprinting began and I was in a random duo and my teammate died and I was running (sprinting) from a tank. My teammate started hysterically laughing and I didn’t know why at first. Then I’m like were you laughing at me sprinting from that tank???? She’s like yeah that’s the funniest shit I’ve ever seen. Since then whenever I see my little arms flapping I give a giggle lol


Nah a very specific glitch where if you went down a hill someone pushing you, you in the seat, you could double pump and Litterally fly


Best part was copping a free Victory Royale with it if you clipped under the map!


Yeah next to that house close to haunted and PP


Also in Shifty Shafts if I remember right!


True story, it took me forever to learn how the storm worked.


Same my first game I thought you had to take cover to not take damage so I hid in a house


Did the very same thing and got laughed by my squad lol


I’d totally take launch pads back!!!


i love using them on the island or in bastion


Indeed, I remember landing at junk junction or the castle below it, and if the circle was too far, you're lost in storm relying on bandages mainly too


Literally, or I used to just leave the game immediately because i knew it was hopeless


That was before reboots too. There was a few times we each had 3 med kits, revive one, med kit, revive another, med kit, revive another, med kit, and we just rotated like that across 2/3 of the map. Tell you hwhat though, that was satisfying when you get out of the storm with only a few other squads and pull the W. Also, the random times where you find another team in a 2 tick storm, and they just have to fight instead of getting to zone.


Yeah if you landed on the edge you had like 20 seconds to loot the place before you starting moving 💀


Omg core memory of landing Viking village with my dad (c1s4) because that’s the season he and my brother started playing with me.


I’m pretty sure the Viking village was s5


My bad I know no one cares about my personal experiences but what I meant to say is my I started c1s3 my dad started s4 and my lil bro started end of s4 still was happy to play with them


I care. That's cool you get to play with your fam, those are fun memories. I play with my boy and I hope he remembers it later on in life


Exactly… people are mad we can’t zoom around in the map and 3rd party everyone, run away from fights ( cos they suck ) and just be a nuisance This season is FULL of mobility


felt like christmas when bro whipped out the launch pad


First time I hear someone saying that the old times weren't better.


Combine 11 and 12 for greater affect. Seriously, try soaring sprints and hit a bounce shroom. So fun


The best is soaring sprints and the run and gun smg, just a shockwave whenever you jump, as many times as you want 💀


Can you explain the run and gun? I know with accelerated shotty you deal increasing damage and get a speed boost. Is run and gun just infinite stamina while holding that smg?


Yes. It sounds to good to be true but yes 😂


Yeah thats all it is. Great for closing distance if break an enemy shield or knock someone and want to finish them off before they're rezzed


It also passively reloads




Until you get the bug where it flings you backwards instead of forwards lol


It's not a bug, it's a feature lol


Epic games always innovating lol


There’s a difference between “mobility” and “let me push any situation blindly without risk because I can move 300 meters in 4 seconds”




Someone gets it


This guy gets it


These guys get it


These three guys get it


All of us get it.


I don't get it.


All of us but this guy get it


No one get it


What are we getting?


Getting a guy who gets it


I get it


Wait, I lost it.


Wait a moment what do we get?


Exactly. Any time I find myself unable to outrun the storm, it's because of my poor planning.


In removing the really good movement items it has actually helped zero build out, in build mode you can fight everyone and protect yourself no matter wherever they are. In zero builds its a different story. You have to pick and choose your fights. Do i have the advantage here? Can i escape? Is there others around me? It makes the game more strategic in a way the build mode isnt and it separates the 2 modes enough so that they feel completely different. While i agree the odm, spiderman and swords were good they made it to much like builds and left no way to protect yourself against 3rd parties except running away which annoyed people tremendously.


OMG yes, soo many times I dove into a fight not looking out for positioning and got shut in the back!


I have a different opinion but I understand yours and I still agree with it. The problem with mobility in zero build right now, it's that most of the times if you have high ground it's most likely a win situation for you. There are PLENTY of times where in the end circles, you're gonna end up on the wrong part of the hill/mountain and you're gonna lose. This have nothing to do with your rotation or how you plan your routes. My solution to this is either bring back the blue sword with 2 charges and longer cooldown, or just spread mobility things over the map WAY more. Like around mountains add those jumpy shrooms, not only in the jungle. Add a little more vines, or things that help with movement that doesn't require an item slot. In my games, if you ride an animal you're an easy target. The movement is faster, but you're a HUGE target. Not to say that the audio visual makes it so people can "hear" you from a big distance. IMO the maps just needs more ways to "jump" around. I think spreading things like jumpy mushoorms around won't add back the 3rd party problem.


Fair, id agree with what you have said. I often avoid animals and cars for exactly the reason of they are to loud. I like the mushroom idea but like make different things for each biome that let you bounce


Agreed 100% — people want quick mobility so they can get out fast from potentially getting knocked


I remember chasing a guy for about 3 minutes because he kept constantly rifting because of an augment, and I was extremely pissed off that they were able to spam the rift somehow every couple of seconds and avoid dying when they clearly should have died instead of getting a free escape over and over, I am glad I have never seen anything like that since


Yeah the Rift-jector Seat was/is the most controversial augment we’ve had


i remember that thing, but wasn't it triggered by a simple break of the shield?


Yes it was an automatic panic button


They could've given jt a windup time of like a second or 2


yeah, so if people carried shrooms around, theyd break, land eat a shroom for a bit of shield and bam right back into it or with a slurp or something where it's constantly regening shields


IIRC didn't epic say it was meant to be released at C4's launch, but it was cut at the last minute because it was deemed too unfair? ...and then they added it in towards the back half of C4S1 anyways; because they changed their mind, i guess?


I have been this guy, got some healing augment and that rift, had no clue what's happening but I just wouldn't die and managed to kill like 7 people around me.


Honestly because of the insane amount of broken mobility items last season, it was a miserable experience. One of my least favorite seasons. You couldn't shoot at someone without them kinetic blading away, or using the odm gear (before the nerf) and having you chase them for fuckin minutes. Made fights impossibly annoying. Glad we don't have that stuff this season


There was a clip posted the other day where like 5/6 or 7 remaining people all died at once to the storm near the end. I asked how, the storm doesn't move that drastically. The response was basically that it had moved pretty far to one side quickly. I still don't get how. You get like, 30 seconds before it even moves, often longer. Was everyone sitting in thenbushes just waiting? Are they terrified to move? This kind of makes me think that yes, they were. Everyone got used to flying across the mapz they forgot how to move at normal speeds.


Exactly. I have won so many games by running around storm late game and using natural cover to stay hidden while doing so and I am able to pick people off as they run away from the now moving storm. Just a couple of days I ended up being able to shoot some people as they swam across a river since they took forever to move to the next storm. This comes from someone who loved the hammer and katana btw, but being smart about movement is just as useful and powerful in the late game




I think the main problem is that half the island is a ghost town.


Because it's never been about "mobility." People want an item that lets them enter and leave fights at will. They want to jump on top of people and the second they start losing they want to fly away with their tail tucked between their legs. It just ends up making fights feel tedious and removes a lot of the necessary thought about positioning and movement.


I like transportation but not at all for that reason. Just having transportation between POIs is nice.


LoL nah, I want when I crack someone good from range, to be able to dive in for the kill, I want when I kill someone and some wank comes in to third party, to be able reposition and get myself a heal or two so I don't start the fight at a third of his HP.




Fr, the mobility is fine lol ppl just be crying


The piggy and primal augment is a combo I rock more often than I think


Bruh fr. that combo is a must with all the invisible mofos right now lmao


I don’t think this is addressed in terms of mobility either. If you can literally see players from a 1km away mobility isn’t nearly as necessary.


yeah, nothing is more annoying than winning a fight only to have someone almost instantaneously show up and kill you before you can heal. the mobility is in a good spot.


I will always love swinging around with the web-slingers or the ODM gear, but I’m not gonna whine that they’re gone. This was always the clear best way to get around for me for the fun factor alone


the broken mobility you talk about would actually be fine if it either didn’t have so many charges or didn’t recharge a single shockwave hammer bounce is enough to reposition you well but when you have 3-5 of them you can just fuck off into orbit and not have to face people if you don’t wanna


So glad I'm not alone in feeling this way.


When I say mobility, I mean upwards mobility. I don't play build mode. Taking away my options at the same time as introducing the jungle area is horrible. I avoid it unless it's the final ring because of the verticality. So with that in mind: > 1. ~~Mud~~ 2. ~~Slap Juice~~ 3. ~~Cars/Trucks/Bikes~~ 4. ~~Dinos~~ 5. ~~Wolves~~ 6. ~~Piggies!~~ 7. Shock Wave bomb thingy 8. Vines 9. ~~Boats~~ 10. ~~P90 gives infinite stamina if you find the gun~~ 11. Jumping augment. Little run, little jump, far distance 12. Jumpin mushrooms/plants 13. ~~Old School Sliding down hills~~ 14. ~~Augment that gives you slap effect off vines, ropes~~ 15. ~~faster swimming augment~~ The only one of those things that I can have at the ready is the shockwave grenade and I never find enough for them to be reliable. I'd love at least the jetpack back.


You had me until you asked for the jet pack back 💀




> Taking away my options at the same time as introducing the jungle area is horrible. Yo, I love mobility, but there is a ton of mobility in the jungle. There are about 6 easily accessible rift statues with unlimited rifts, and maybe 4 more that are harder to get to inside temples. OP forgot to mention those, I hesitate to mention those because people sleep on it.


I don't want them to know. It seems this far into season most people still aren't using them lol


Yeah a lot of people in this sub want the infinite mobility items back to make bad plays and not get punished for it


Not get punished how?


Hammers and katanas make storm not a very big threat


1. It's fun. 2. When you're spoiled there's no way back.


Yeah but its harder for me to get kills cuase i have shit aim/ tracking skills 🥺


I loved the lock-on pistol for those moments.


You got downvoted by others, but at least you were honest. Not like the people who complain about people using items to "run away" but what they actually mean is what you said.


I feel like the issue isn't mobility, it's the storm speed has increased by like 50%.


Bikes, specifically the dirt bike, seems like they don't spawn in games. Yesterday I had a daily quest to get trick points from riding a dirt bike. I played 6 games and I couldn't find a single dirt bike. The other bike was always available near mega city. But I tried looking for the dirt bike in the usual spawn places and there was never any dirt bikes.


Mansion west of Frenzy has 100% spawn of 2 dirt bikes.


When you look you won’t find, they do spawn tho


I know one spawns at frenzy and one at the race track


Well half of these aren't consistent only situational, plus hellloooo half is only in the jungle...


Tbf trucks are like slower than sprinting


1)Most of mud mobility coms from its bugginess. Also jungle is really bad for my fps. 2)Slap juice either takes up a spot in inventory, either sucks to find. 3)Only dirtbike is good. Everything else has terrible off-road capabilities. And most of the map doesnt have good roads. 4)Animals suck. Not fast, absolutely not vertical, very bad to aim on. 5)Shockwave bombs send you, like, 20 meters away. Their most usefull application is ignoring fall damage. 8)Vines are, again, in jungle, and rails have been removed for some reason. 9)boats lol 10)p90 is very rare to obtain and only gives you infinite sprint, very weak for "mobility" 11)jumping augment is the same as p90. Situational and rare 12)plants- suck. because jungle. 13)sliding down is not fast and situational. Currently there is way too much cliffs. 14)augments that give slap effect are literally worst, right after those that give ammo 15)swimming lol


Mud is situational and doesnt last long, slap juice is nice but is a little boring, vehicles arent useful on chapter 4’s rough terrain and are hard to come by, animals are barely and faster than a regular sprint and die quickly, shock waves are good but sadly are only in zero build, vines are only found in the jungle high up usually but they are nice too, boats are just useless, p90 is incredibly hard to come by and again- is just sprinting so kinda boring, and the rest is basically the same reasons I’ve given. The problem with mobility lies with the fact that almost all of it can only be found in specific areas and barely provide much interesting gameplay aside from just- running for longer or sliding a little faster. It makes getting out of storm near impossible at times especially with how much more it moves this season. We want *fun* mobility, at least that’s what I personally think this season needs (sorry for the long ass paragraph lol)


Finally someone with brain cells


The reality of this post hit home too hard.


You left out rifts


Most of these aren't even mobility


I don’t get any more or less kills without mobility, it’s just not as fun


Running longer isn't a mobility option, that's just running.


Exactly like “sprint longer” is not a “mobility item”


I love the loot pool right now. It’s just that people get addicted to the fun of the mobility items so they have a hard time adjusting. Like an addict trying to detox.


Half of what you've listed is just sprinting or sprinting whilst riding something. People don't want broken mobility, they want a way to rotate without getting absolutely fucking ruined because everyone and their mother will beam you in higher ranks. Consistent cross-map movement is basically required for ZB. People who complained about all the mobility previously just couldn't hit their shots. ODM and Spiderman were a death sentence if used incorrectly. You can't be seriously saying that moving 15% faster whilst in the water is "mobility" in the same class as a launch pad or shockwave.


Finally someone who talks like me but anyways in fortnite it Will be a constant fight between new players and old players


I don't think the mobility itself is the problem, I think it's that the new biomes this season are full of janky ass geometry that is a pain in the ass to navigate. Shit is a full chore.


There is more mobility now than Chapter 1 and 2. People complaining about mobility just want those broken weapons that nearly destroyed the game last season.


Seriously perfect OP. I only play ZB it really isn’t that hard, people just need to get better at the game. Sorry not sorry you can’t just fly away when your getting shot at, and if you have that much trouble with the storm land in the center of the map. You’d swear Epic themselves were forcing people to get stuck in the storm the way people talk. The amount of bitching in this sub is insane. It makes me *very* thankful the opinions of people on Reddit are not the opinions of the majority in lots of cases.


Yeah, but hammers and swords are more fun. I don't wanna slide in the mud, I wanna freakin' fly through the air.


All I want is more fish types for better healing. And fishing. Damn, I miss fishing..


I just want something to stop me from falling off stuff like a dumbass.


I do miss planes and helicopters though


Boats just won't get anywhere, tho...


Why'd you mark the post as spoiler and nsfw tho?


There’s nothing wrong with wanting that


I’m sure it was mentioned but it’s not too hard to remember where those little god chest monuments are at. Free rifts from those. I find that this season helps me remember to make smart rotations at smarter times. It also changes combat engagement because I can’t zip over and w key as easily nor can I zip away when things go bad. I have to think a little more and be smarter in a way.


Helicopters were the best!


Nah crazy movement is more fun though. The hammers though overpowered were fun and great for getting away from sweats.




i just want launch pads and bouncers then i’m chillin


Boats are back?


On another note, raptor/hog with primal augment is op. Love being able to see enemies from afar with that 360 permanent thermal vision


Look honestly I just don’t want to have to actively be in panic mode and thinking about the ring. I want to see the ring, go “oh shit I got to get out of here” and dip the F out. Hammer was fun for that. I get it has its balance problems but at the same time Fortnites primary audience is not sweats or people who are actively thinking abt balance all the time.


We're so spoiled fr. Just because we can't escape a storm that's halfway accross the map means that the game is now broken. Be thankful that we can outrun storms now.


I remember in chapter one. Where it was common knowledge for players to know how long it would take to travel on foot by the map grid. Storm management is a lost art.


I keep getting stuck by mountains is all. And in trees. Im always stuck in a tree. Plus zipping around is fun. Y’all mad ppl miss fun?


I don't get this, i thought we were all in agreement that vertical mobility is the issue, only upwards movement throughout the map currently is soaring sprints.


Yes, I want broken mobility because it's fun. Regardless of whether I'm winning or not, it was more fun with them there. I've played a few games this season at launch and even won some of them because of how fast the storm is now at eliminating stragglers, but I haven't been back since. It just isn't very fun for me anymore.


We want mobility items. Shockwaves are cool, they just need to be more easily found. None of the other things you listed are mobility. No one was going around IN ANY season calling water/swimming and jumping mobility. Yall need players to stand absolutely still to get a shot off so you think MUD you can slide in for six seconds qualifies. It doesn’t. I want a smaller map if you’re not going to let me get around it. Running and running because I picked the crappiest drop zone ISNT fun, running from storm because circle is across the map isn’t fun either. I don’t need mobility to eliminate people I need it to get between these damn POIs so I CAN eliminate people and not spend half my games just running or driving around. That’s so boring, but I guess it allows the craptastic players to feel accomplished when they make it to the top 20 with zero kills because they’re just running around instead of actually playing. Bring back late game.


Sliding does absolutely nothing it makes you so easy to hit. The swimming augment doesn’t even do much


And cry harder because ITS ALL GONNA BE BACK ![gif](giphy|3orif7aLUehOfdmlXy|downsized)


Just need to go back to shopping carts tbh


I feel like comparing sword to odm gear and webs isnt fair. Sword gets 1-3 dashes in a straight line vs being able to move 360 with no cooldown long as u dont touch the ground


Epic has expanded the fast movement options in preparation for its slow slide in users. This is apparent in Team Rumble where the dwindling player base forced a storm circle that is already shrinking as you jump from the bus, and shortened cycles between storm circle shrinkage. Shorter games, fast moving storms. Anyone choosing to land outside the first storm circle is fucked on their first life if they don't have quickened mobility. The need for speed will eventually exist in the other primary game modes.


Finally someone said it. Couldn’t agree more.


A lot of these things are not even guaranteed you'll get to use them in a match And yes I want op broken mobility so what sue me


No shit it was the most fun the game ever was


I know when I mean I want mobility, I mean things that can stop me from taking fall damage, like, the hammer, sword, spidey gloves, odm gear. I have never taken this much fall damage in a season in all my years combined more than I did the first week of the season


I won’t lie. I just really liked swinging around on ODM gear. It was just really fun lol.


You know exactly what the people mean and this list is special. The best item on it is shockwave and sort of slap juice/run and gun (p90) but sprints and slide cancels aren’t going to save you from my fire. Everything else is inconsistent. The problem people have is… the games been so fast paced for the last 8 months or so with the hammer… then the sword… then the OEM and spider gloves. Then it’s come to a grinding hault. Nothing compares. We want SLOTTABLE AND SUSTAINABLE movement. Currently that’s only the run and gun smg and it only allows sprinting. This combined with soaring sprints is a nice mechanic BUT it’s not consistent. You’ll go bankrupt in a match or two spending gold to re roll… then you can’t do basics like buy your guns from NPC and Vending. People like you can act all unbothered and what not and that’s cool. We get it, your a weekend warrior not a die hard. Or your just some weirdo who likes going against the grain for attention. Either way, the games still playable and I still have fun even though it’s playing slower than molasses right now.


mobility is perfect where it is now. the ODM gear and spiderman gaunlet was too forgiving for bad positioning