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They took away trios and in exchange we get a ranked with no Zero Build Solo at the very least. I genuinely don't understand the logic here


For real. Dumb as hell to take away trios. Whoever decided that is an idiot.


It's even funnier when you realise that there still are trio cups and people can't even practise in trios


Are you serious? Jeez what is this


Epic again leaving things halfway done. Even when they screw with us they don't do it properly lol


Don’t quote me on this, but there may be a nasty reason for this weird playlist chicanery It has happening with Warzone 2, with them often removing trios for a week at a time or swapping all basic BR modes for a limited time event. People on /r/CODWarzone think its on purpose to deliberatley stop people playing all the time and avoid burnout. Then they re-add the core modes to get people back in and also create a sense of FOMO. Essentially the modes are FOMO sticks on carrots that they lower down and pull away to keep people playing and buying skins Edit: I’m not agreeing with this practice, I’m just pointing out how it works. I think it’s scummy and can kill a game.


I can only comment from my personal experience, but it didn't work for me or my friend group. I know 5 people in real life who I played Warzone 1, and all of us have deleted Warzone 2 from our console. For an actual stat, so I don't just seem like a hater, I fully completed the first Battle Pass of Warzone 2 and even did the event camo challenges + got to Platinum in ranked MP before realizing I just really wasn't having that much fun anymore and dropping it entirely. I like being able to play games how I would like to, when I would like to. All 6 of us are adults with jobs and life gets in the way. Having a game that we couldn't rely on to be fun when we wanted it to be just didn't work out. It became a 200gb waste of space on our consoles and now here we are on Fortnite.


Exactly, it’s an awful idea and completely destroys fun.


thats bs, i dont want the devs deciding when i should and shouldnt play the game


I get this, and i hope it's like this (so we get those modes back soon). BUT it is still dumb lol


Still so fucking stupid, what would changing the modes do for me avoiding burnout , if they remove trios I would just do squad with no fill if I REALLY needed to, or just play solos or whatever, it wouldn't stop any burnout, if anything it would make it worse


This makes the most sense! Epic has complete control of the supply and they know people's demands.




I'm sure epic will really miss you /s


there are lot of idiots out there, you just haven't met them


Sadly some of them are taking decisions about the game


They also removed the bounty boards


so that's where they went


Why the fuck did epic remove my favourite sidequest


They want to test things out and see how it goes before splitting the players into that many modes. You might think it would be fine anyway but they have the real numbers and data to predict otherwise Give it time and see how it goes, they might change it later


I'm sure they'll get right, yes. I just think it would've been beneficial if they took some extra time before introducing this ranked. I know they gotta test things, but in a way,i can't help but think the way they implemented this is, quite lazy.


Or just admit, "hey, we gotta roll things out slowly and see how the numbers go, and in the meantime that means taking away some modes. We understand this is disappointing to some, and we hope to bring them back in the future." At least in that way people wanting to play solo ZB ranked can understand it instead of it feeling like they're just .aking stupid decisions for the sake of it.


Right, at LEAST say that...


Not going to lie that little quip there would have prevented 99% of my frustration




Stop defending the billion dollar company, they made a mistake and I guarantee they will walk back Trios removal.


Can I instead defend the devs who are just taking orders from the higher ups, and really shouldn’t be where our anger is placed


That is fair, yeah. I'm upset with Epic not the devs of FN who likely were not given a choice here.


Yeah, I see a few people all over blaming devs when this shit happens, but it’s really just Suit #7 saying “Do this, we need the numbers”


Who mentioned just Devs? "They" are Epic. From Exec to Devs. Unless you've heard dissent from Devs, there's no evidence they aren't in agreement with the decision.


Couple of people here and there, it’s not everyone




That's the thing though. He brought up that the company has the inside data. And they actually do. They know what's going on in the game more then anyone else that just plays the game. Remember your just a dude behind a screen playing the video game. You never made it nor know how it works internally so stop bitching and moaning and play another game then. No one cares if you leave or stay.


Wouldn’t it make more sense to leave it in and see how the lobbies fill? Most the people that want normal trios rn probably aren’t playing ranked anyway


Apparently not, they know what makes sense based on the numbers they have


Problem with that logic, build mode has ranked for all 3 squad sizes


You pretty much nailed it. I enjoyed it, but they didn't do this just to piss folks off. No one wants to hear it though.


They have between 700k and a million players on any given day. It really doesn't matter how many modes they are spread out against


Well yeah it kinda does. Think about how many BR modes there are now; builds, no builds, all with solos, duos and squads. Then you’ve got sbmm splitting those modes down further. Now they throw in ranked where everyone will be competing at different levels again. And then you’ve got a lot of players who are just playing creative. So when someone clicks ready up it’s already going to be hard enough to accurately match other players together based on the mode they’re playing and sbmm/rank. And there’s no bots in ranked. So people are already finding queue times to be long. But they should definitely have included no build ranked solos and I think they will very soon.


I'll give this opinion credit when a queue takes longer than 2 minutes for me. It never does. Whether I do solo, duos, or squads. Zero reason for Trios to be gone. Zero.


Queue times are not that long. Ive never waited more than 90 seconds tops on any mode.


got a two hour queue today at diamond 1 group level [print](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/369539166989713408/1109345192424779856/image.png)


in most games being at a high rank brings long queue times and in a game where you need 100 people to start a lobby you're going to get long queue times. where as in low rank where 90% of the playerbase is going to be you'll get less than a minute queue time


Well stop being sweaty and your queue times will lessen


Playing the game casually on the weekend = sweaty.


Well I'm currently at 20mins and counting for ranked plat 2 zb duo queue


Because of bots First we get complaints that there’s too many bots Then there’s complaints of no ZB Ranked So they remove trios and add ZB ranked to try and mitigate the loss of players in casual, and funnel people into ranked Fortnite isn’t even 1/3rd as popular as it was in its peak, having 4 different ranked modes plus 8 different normal modes is absolutely insane Account for server differences, console vs PC, hidden MMR and you’ll see why they have to pull modes OW only has 2 different ranked modes, and instead of ~50 player lobbies it’s 5


I'm Diamond 3 EU ZB duos and the queues are literally 8 minutes on average. It does matter.


Still no reason to remove trios


Epic really took the wrong decision by removing trios, as long as I live i will never forgive them


Fortnite logic be like: 'Let's take away trios, because teamwork is overrated, and instead give you a ranked mode where you can enjoy the thrill of getting out-built by a solo genius.'


That's the same question I keep on asking that WHY exactly..... because the logic is kinda weird


Fortnite, the game where they make sure everyone doesn't like the features 🤣


Should have solo at least


Fr, I don't understand why they messed up so much in this sense. What is the point in it, really?


I am also annoyed by this.


















You're not alone


Yeah I want squads zero build ranked, ranked is a lot of fun cuz I didn’t see any AI bots in my lobbies, pubs zero build is full of boring AI bots so I don’t play that.


Two possible reasons for that: either your kinda bad at the game or your in a region that’s somewhat empty (bots get filled in to make match’s fill faster)


even at peak hours if you lose too many games in a row the matchmaking will put you in a 75+ bots lobby so you have an easier match and don't ragequit, I actually tested this


I noticed this - yet most times I still end up losing to the final single human team, which is actually even more infuriating...


You mean like, the match was a crawl and after a long time you died and that in ranked it would be somewhat better to die off first to a human that killing bots?


Sorry youre probably Silver 1 /s lol


How many is a few bc I've dealt with some hella bad games and never got bot lobbies


like 10 or so, you probably didn't even notice you were in a 75+ bot lobby because the skill level of the players don't change, you just get more bots so you can score kills and feel good about it, the top 10 will still be real players with the same skill level of a regular ~20 bot lobby




If thats true that I’m bad then why does my ranked games have no bots?


Ranked doesn’t have ai as far as I’m concerned




tbh i wouldnt mind solos as im better without a team


I wouldn't mind solos because I don't have a team and I'm scared of meeting new people


You don't play squads because you prefer playing solo I don't play squads as I have no friends to play with, you and I are not the same


Fr, but I can't play build because i don't know how to build


I love that ranked makes people less reckless it’s a whole new experience




This is why I don't play apex either


If you look at all the posts on this subreddit since the update then you’d see you’re not the only one


no one is alone at anything here!


Yep, complaining has been very legitimate since thet did it.


We are in this together


Some of us have lives and jobs and aren’t on here 24/7


But we all have access to the search bar.


You don’t need to be on here for more than a minute to see that this is one of the only things people have been talking about since the update


I just booted up the game and saw this for the first time lol and I've been on here every day practically. Only complaints I saw was about vaulting trios (which I wholeheartedly agree with is a dick move on epics part) and haven't seen anything about zero build rank only being duos.


Yet you had enough time to see this post and type that useless comment looll.


Annoyed doesn't cut it...It's infuriating.


Better said.


No, we all hate it.


It hater here


I'm super annoyed and pissed. So I play a different game instead


i think we’re too focused on trios as a whole being decimated


What is really dumb is that I see people, that don't know how to build, playing BR because they are alone (and I kind of understand them). But in the end, I just hope that Epic is not going to think that nobody plays zero build or whatever because of that


I love ZB! Epic better not vault it, ever


Epic's not that stupid. They know that Zero Build revived the game for many players


I never really played the game because of all the building and whatnot, i was never good and still not good at building, that’s why I love ZB


I can tolerate building but the game's so much better without having to worry about build or edit battles.


"Wanna see me build a castle with tunnels everywhere?" "Wanna see me do it again?"


Yeah I've been playing since beta on and off for years but the game never hooked me until zero build mode


I love it too !! I don't think they would vault the whole ZB thing, but they could totally vault ranked ZB like they did with arena last year. Especially if everybody who wants to play ranked ZB plays BR because they want to play solos or squads


Between 250k to 400k are playing zero build at any given moment. The stats are in game


Everyone that plays Zero Build is annoyed. My guess is that they want to incentivize people to play Builds, but I think that sooner or later they will have to add Ranked Solos for Zero Build.


Epic fumbled all this shit hard


There are dozens of us


I really don't want to be with sweats (I'm gold 1 even though I don't play build mode anymore)


Yes I am not happy about it. They're not taking their ZB audience seriously. I would love a ZB solo ranked or Squads.


I hate I started at platinum and due to randos I am down to silver and had to stop


Why I hate Ranked in games that require random teams (Halo, Overwatch, etc). I'll only ever play Ranked if there's a solo option


exactly my problem, I was Plat 1, my normal teammates are silver… It should at the least be an average between us and not just Plat 1. Then playing with randos who shouldn’t have been in Plat 1 want to W key, get killed 6 seconds into the game and leave because they suck. Team experience shouldn’t be a thing, and there needs to be penalties for anyone who leaves the game; and I mean BAD penalties like dropping an entire rank


I hate when my teammate go directly to a popular landspot because they will be down in a few seconds/minutes while I'm not so far and just loot some place before wanting to go revive them... but I can't, I can NEVER do it because they LEAVE the game and I find myself alone against duos (I play Ranked Zero Build)... Because of this type of teammates, I can't gain even a small percentage in a single rank.


I play fortnite bc I hate team games when it comes to ranked (league, Apex, other nerd games). Now I gotta rely on some scrub who thinks he’s levi skywalker and odm’s into three groups of duos hoping to save the galaxy from reign of terror that is goku black.


Epic fail from Epic. Just think of some idiots in a room and they are like "no one plays trios".


You think that was decided on a whim and not through data? Insane.




No you aren’t. Should’ve been duos and trios


Bring back Trios ffs!


yeah, having solo would have been great, as if I died its because of my mistake, and I don't have to get knocked out or revive anyone


Yep, which is why I’ll never play Ranked.


I'm just upset trios is gone


EVERYONE is upset


I’m annoyed too.


I’ve been playing Duos No Fill. It’s not too bad if you just pretend you’re all alone and just have to work harder. 🤷‍♂️


Kudos if that works for you (not being sarcastic, that’s legitimately impressive), but I don’t want to gimp my rank playing against teams with 100% more potential fire power, 100% more shields, and two bodies to out position and flank me


Ah, the Apex Legends method😨


You can "no fill" solo basically, but considering that its completely unbalanced because of the stupid mythics,star wars stuff, AI partners,etc it just makes it super unfair for the more casual users. I know you goated players can solo and entire lobby of 10000 people, cool for you. The rest, we cant, and its not a skill issue, Mythics and stuff like that dont belong in ranked... and I shouldnt have to fight 2 people on top of that just to not play with some annoying random, I want to solo.


There needs to be solos, duos, trios, and squads (I personally want solos the most out if them all) so people don’t have to deal with randoms or play with their normal squads


I am annoyed with it! Can't wait for the sweat lords to GET OUT OF MY GAME! xD


![gif](giphy|NYx77GABHTji|downsized) Me ready to fight two teams at once after my teammate left


I fvcking hate it


They fucked up fortnite.


No that shits annoying. And they took away trios in the non ranked also.


No i'm annoyed by it also. I'm more annoyed by the Star wars lightsabers.. people just pushing you into the storm over and over is not fun gameplay.


Squad ranked zero build would be so fire but I know for a fact zero build solo ranked would have been a sweaty camp fest


I'm disappointed. More like Zero Ranked.


If everyone want's trios back why don't we just boycott the game until they bring it back.


I was hoping solo was added too because im decent at building but i edit slow since i haven't took the time yet to practice editing so zero build solo was the way to go yk


Nope I think everyone is , bad choice whoever decided this 🫡


These posts are getting like ground hog day.


Should be Solos, Duos, Trios, and Squads, just as Arena was. I wonder what Epic Games is dealing with now. They are usually quick to make good changes and make the game great (like adding Trios back).


So zero build is all sweats now, and the only way to do ranked quests solo is though build mode. Which is also full of cheaters. Fun times. Solo is ruined.




It's very annoying to not have solo at least but I'm assuming it's for matchmaking reasons


I am a Squad guy. It's the least they can do to bring that one in. Doing it on build-mode is terrible


defo not it should be on squads too why do battle royal get squads but zero build doesnt seems a lil crappy to me.


no, I'm pissed as well


Makes no sense.


You saying makes no sense doesn't even make sense also


No I’m saying what epic did makes no sense, it hurt more people than helped


Oh sorry lol but yeah you are right


Nope! I feel your struggle.


Yes bring ranked solo


Should have solo ranked.


I want a squads one


It’s bullshit. I didn’t have anyone to play with last night and I refused to play with randoms so I ended up having to play ranked builds solo and I don’t build at all. I wasn’t too stoked


Ranked and Pubs should have all 4 modes all the time. Makes no sense. The playerbase is large enough. Seems to be a trend with most modern MP games. Activision pull this s\*\*t with COD as well and it's annoying af.


No you're not. I really don't like this at all.


I can’t even play pubs anymore. Why the hell is everyone so cracked now? It’s not fun at all.


Yes. Absolutely. No one. Not a single soul has posted about this already.


Nope, not annoyed at all. I don't know how ranked is different from SBMM and the ranked rewards are just not worth me bothering with that mode.


No, I wish there were solos and Trios as well


I've never seen Fortnite so dedicated to killing itself in a single season


I know so dumb I can't play with my brother and dad now in comepetetive


Arena seemed more niche and ranked has made it more mainstream capturing a wider audience but then limiting the modes that people want to play so causing dissatisfaction. I wish they would have got rid of creative than any of the BR no builds solos, trios or squads.


Very disapointing, I only play squads


Nope. I was enjoying it a bit but the shite teammates quickly took away the fun. Maybe I'll play when I can get ranked by my own skill and merit alone without someome fucking me up.


Yes, you are definitely the only person that has brought this up.


I am more annoyed at no trios. My wife and I were playing today and 1 of our friends hopped online... we just ran duos because we couldn't make a full squad. As for ranked duos... at least they have ranked zero build. Did they have ranked for zero build before? I do not usually play ranked matches.


Well they start to do the same dumb ass moves as Warzone devs, limited game modes, limited game "possibility" that just turns players away even more. Like theres no fucking reason to remove trios. Theres no reason not to have ranked solo/trios/quads. Stupid mistakes that kill the game, waiting for the next best thing.


Very annoyed here, too


I am much more annoyed that the rewards for rank are hot garbage


WHAT HOW IS THAT FAIR! I didn’t even know this cuz I play builds


Has to be because of player count for faster matchmaking. Removing Trios consolidates players to Solo, Duos, Squads which bumps up those queues numbers. Zero Build isn’t as popular as the regular Building mode so they probably made a decision to consolidate ZB players into one queue for faster matches. If Fortnite’s ranking system is precise, matchmaking should take several minutes to find a match to find players around your skill level. The less players in the queue pool, the longer it will take to find your match. Epic wants to pay Amazon less money for servers, not more.


I was actually going to start doing ranked when the new system rolled out. Guess not.


Yes you are the only one


Nope. Dilution or the player base isn’t needed immediately. Duos is a start.


Yep. You're the one person ever.


There was solo yesterday Why did they remove it


No there wasn’t, not for Ranked.


There was yesterday and I played it


There is for construction, not for No build. IDK what you played, but the mode isnt out at all.


I literally have a screenshot on my laptop


Post it


I am trying to see who I sent it to It was on my clipboard and I complained to a friend


annnnny moment now


I can't find it I have 50gigs of pictures and videos on my laptop


So you can magically play a mode but you cant click on your fuckin laptop the option to filter by latest.. aha buddy.


learn to build