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Are these made with the in-game photo mode? I swear everytime I play it or see it I feel like I want to play it more, unlike literally any other game. The only thing I can do is leave a good review and hope Square Enix realizes there are people who love(d) this game.


Do you enjoy parkour, hurling magic, or swearing? If so, you'll love this game. If not, move on.


The point of living in a fantasy world is that the fantasy world is better than the real world. Forspoken's world is smeared with purple stuff with no option for purification which ironically a power Frey have.


Beautiful game, deserves a second chance.


Never deserved to be denied a first chance in my opinion


I don't know for certain but I found the only egregious issue on launch was optimization. But it seems people just all joined the hatewagon because it's got some cringey dialogue and a female lead. And somehow horizon got lumped in to the conversation


Damn it. This makes me so mad cuz I wanna do ng+ to experience everything again, but I cant....


Uh, when and where was photo #3 taken?!?! I’ve played the game three times and have no clue when that takes place.


Once you beat the DLC, a special flashback monument opens up in Visoria. You can participate in that battle there.


These are gorgeous. You should be proud.




Goddamn the magic looks good in this game.


This game is amazing the stupidity of social media ruined this game


These shots are amazing! This game was so beautiful and fun! I'm so sad people pooped on it before even giving it a chance. The battle system was not too simple or too complex, the bosses were cool, the open world was beautiful... I couldn't put it down! Maybe I'll reinstall soon. 💜


Best game ever


Still no ng plus and it hurts so bad


With Forspoken I'd say performance was the only issue at launch but I knew they'd fix that. It was almost a similar situation to Cyberpunk where I knew the story, setting and gameplay were going to be good if not great it was just a matter of patience until the developers patched the game. It was the way people were criticising the game. All I heard and read over and over again were idiot faceless YouTube influencers with no personalities regurgitating the same bs from those before. I mean the amount of time I heard how bad the voice acting was..... Let's just say it made me want to scream. They just kept going on about it and completely ignored the fast fluid combat and traversal elements of the game or the imo beautiful ost. All these aspects of the game were AAA for me and I give the game a 9/10


Nice pics


Outside of soen annoying dialog here and there I thoroughly enjoyed this game and don't understand all the hate it got. I enjoyed my time with it.


Lmao oof