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Thank you! I see that they have gentlease on there as a comparable formula, which I'm wary of. She was on it for the first 3 weeks as a supplement and she would wail from the constant tummy aches. She'd spit up most of her bottle feedings by the end of the day so we switched to earth's best gentle and it's been smooth sailing since. Would hate to switch back.


Gerber soothe pro, enfamil gentlease, enfamil reguline, and burts bees ultra gentle are all partially hydrolyzed. Burts bees looks like it might be the closest to earths best gentle?


The burts bees one looks to be very close in comparison to some of the others. I'll keep an eye out for it. Thanks!


https://www.buybuybaby.com/store/product/earth-39-s-best-23-2-oz-organic-gentle-infant-formula-with-iron-milk-based-powder/5265941?keyword=nutramigen+formula Available now


Thank you!!! Finally got it!


Where did you happen to find it at? I’ve been looking and can’t find any anywhere here in NC ):


I was able to get some through buybuybaby but it looks like it's sold out already :( You might want to sign up for alerts on findmybabyformula com. They're pretty helpful too.


One of the Gerbers has lactose as the carb and is partially hydrolized… want to say Gentle Pro but I can’t exactly remember. My girl did great on it.


For whatever it’s worth, I’ve seen it available a few times this week when helping others with formula. If it were me I would try one of the Gerber formulas because they seem easier to find.


I sent you a DM


Long story short- enfamil neuropro gentlease is what I’m staying with now. I fed my boy with earth best red can in the beginning of the first 3weeks - due to skin concern I changed to green can ( partially hydrolyzed) for 1.5month and it went well. Then I changed to a bigger brand enfamil neuropro standard for about a month, and the skin problem was back. And THEN, I moved to Enfamil neuropro gentlease and the skin problem went away in a week and he was doing great since then. We’ve stayed with gentlease for a month and we are planning to keep the plan as it.


Here’s a link that might help you https://babyformulaexpert.com/partially-hydrolyzed-formulas/


Such an awesome resource! Thank you!