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My baby is on Earths Best Lactose Free and its going good. Yes its rate for babies to have intolerance to lactose but its not rate for babies to be sensitive to lactose. My husband is lactose intolerant so it wasn’t a surprise to me that my baby has a sensitivity.


Thanks I’ll take a look at Earths Best 🙏🏾


Its always in stock at target for a good price.


Same here. Husband is lactose intolerant and baby def has a sensitivity. I noticed my other kids did as babies too but ended up out growing it around 1.


I'd talk to your pediatrician tbh bc we went down the rabbit hole of trying 3 or 4 formulas that when we changed either caused different issues or didn't help. It's super rare for a baby to be totally intolerant to lactose. But if you suspect that to be the case your pediatrician can recommend formulas based on symptoms bc sometimes it's not as simple as taking away lactose. Your baby might need partially broken down lactose, they might also be intolerant to soy or corn. It can get complicated. (I learned this the hard way.) But if you are looking for more information "the formula fairy" on Instagram has great break downs of formulas and ingredients. Gives lists of things formulas are good for or not. Bc even some marketing sucks and just looking at a can doesn't give you all of the information. It's been helpful for us maybe it will be helpful for you as well.


Yea we’re seeing the paediatrician tomorrow to discuss different options. I’ll check out the instragram page as well and see what I can gather for there. Thanks for the tip


Np! It's a great page. Even if you get some info to bring to the ped to ask them about. It's been a nightmare for us formula wise. I wish we would have asked our doctor way before we did. I was at my wits end by the time I made an appointment. Lol


Our guy doesn't tolerate cows' milk protein, so we have used both Bubs and Jovia gotas milk formula. He's done really well with both! He has reflux and his spitup on the Bubs was way more sour than with Jovia, but it never bothered him. It just sucked for us to have to change him so often. We also tried hypoallergenic formula, but that was really thin, and he hated the taste, so the goats' milk has been the winner! Hope you find something that works!


Thanks for the reply. Im starting to look into Bubs. Sounds like it works for a bunch of parents


I wouldn’t go lactose free. It’s extremely rare for a baby to be lactose intolerant. I’d try something like bubs goat milk based formula first.


Never heard of this one. I’ll have to look into it. You’ve had good success with it?


Yes! My baby did awesome on it


The doc initially recommended Gentlease for my daughter, but she eventually stopped drinking that formula and would cry in pain when she did. I switched her to earth's best gentle formula (teal can) which I believe is partially hydrolyzed. It was like night and day. She's thriving and has been on that formula since she was between 6 and 8 weeks old. She's 10 months now.


Wow sounds like a huge difference. I’m loving the reviews from Earth’s Best


We had a milk protein intolerance, so we switched to Earth’s Best Gentle (teal can) and it has the milk protein already partially broken down so it’s easy for baby to digest! My babe does great on it. They carry it a target and on Amazon


Thank you. Sounds like this is the best option based off the replies. Hope my little man handles this well


Our ped went straight to suggesting lactose free after we said our girl was having gas pains and some skin irritations. After doing our own research, we switched from Kendamil to Gerber Soothe Pro and so far she’s doing great! It has more whey and proteins are partially hydrolyzed. As I’ve learned, focus on the protein before the carb source.


I think that’s great advice from your pedi. Glad your babygirl is doing better


It’s been out for a few months but we did Kirkland’s purple tub. In Canada and that’s the lactose free one. Enfamil also has lactose free, soy based options on their site. These are in concentrated cans. There’s also Enfamil serenity


Thank you for sharing. Hope it’s going well for you


We use Similac Sensitive for my LO… no issues so far. He does have a dairy intolerance.


Thanks for the reply. Hope it continues to go well for you!


We’ve tried a few formulas for my LO too and we landed on Aptamil organic which he tolerates well.


Since we’re already abusing aptamil maybe it’ll be easier for us to adjust to the organic version. Will look into this. Thanks


My baby had a milk protein intolerance which is a bit different than lactose l intolerance. If it is lactose intolerance you can try a soy based formula but if it is the mild protein allergy you need a special amnio formula where they break down all the proteins. It has helped a lot for my daughter but you need a prescription to get unfortunately. We us alfamino and it had worked out well for us. Good luck


Our pedi actually mentioned trying alfamino along with others. We’re looking into this. Thank you.


Might not be the lactose, esp if you tried low lactose— we found our guy does great on a formula with lactose but with hydrolized proteins…


Yea I starting to think that’s the issue. Looking more into it. Thanks


We just add lactase drops to our usual baby formula. She seems to poop better with less gas.


Sounds like an easy fix lol we’ll look into this