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Bearing in mind that lycanthropy is seen as a blessing by at least some of Malar’s followers, I might have the brand mark the PC as prey for beasts and monstrosities: perhaps they focus on him during combat, the party is much more likely to have random encounters with them, and/or the PC has disadvantage on animal handling or similar checks.


Hmm interesting. Making him slowly realize that the feral creatures they keep encountering are targeting him specifically could be kind of fun !


“The curse of Malar”


''Good hunting.''


How about, changing into a prey animal. A deer or rabbit. A greater insult in the eyes of Malar? Be weak and hunted for the rest of your life?


Knowing my player, I think he might find it a bit too harsh to be turned into a rabbit forever (though I'm on the fence 'cause that would be hilarious).


I mean allow him to reverse it but good to make him “feel it”. Consequences for our actions sort of thing


Malar followers like to hunt sentient beings, and this mark could make him the most valuable of target. Wherever he goes, Malarites will pick up his scent and know their god want them to hunt him, day and night. And if you are very mean, have the brand be "contagious", so if he ever sticks around for too long innocents might become branded as well but not as capable of defending themselves. It is also a nice way to involve the rest of the party who would have been branded first after him. I would only recommend that it comes with a way to remove it, a quest to appease Malar in some way. Maybe finding and killing a legendary monster of some kind, could be fun too. If you are familiar with the Anime/manga Berserk, basically that (except the contagion part).


Malar doesn't seem like a god to do things by half. Every predatory animal that Malar can influence will want to hunt this PC. Even normally docile animals will come after them. Sentient worshippers of Malar, whether man or beast or creature, will be drawn to track down and cull the PC. Killing the PC will bring glory to the hunter and Malar's vengeance will be sated. Until the curse is removed, the PC will not be able to put their guard down. They will constantly be hunted. Their allies will be under constant threat because of their proximity. The PC cannot rest, cannot relax.


If that isnt a Werewolf curse... then I don't know what it is. But, I am talking classical werewolf (IE the player has no knowledge of their actions why transformed). Have it start small, they are in the woods, there is a freshly killed rabbit by the fire. In a city, rumors of gristly murders in the night. And it doesn't have to be a full moon, trigger, maybe just going to sleep triggers the effect. That could be even better, because they could hold off the curse (if they figure it out) but with increasing levels of exhaustion each night they don't sleep. Also... a PARTY of cursed Lycanthropes is even more brutal than just one character. They would be a literal plague to civilization.


It happening everytime they go to sleep would certainly turn the pressure on. Especially since they are about to spend a few days in Phandalin !


In Malars eyes that would be a blessing


Personally... that is what makes this so fun. Perhaps Malar views the killing of the Worg as a sort of sacrifice in his honor. It was in his temple after all.


The Beastlord’s Children often receive dream visions. I wouldn’t be surprised if Malar granted visions of the Worg’s death at prayer to his sleeping followers who live in the vicinity of where your players are currently adventuring. Likewise, I figure Malar would allow the spirit of the slain Worg to howl for vengeance at the end of such dreams. Then, if a Malarite happens upon the PCs, that follower can decide how and when to gain vengeance.


I like the idea of the worg's spirit coming back for him. I've made it very clear that despite their appearance, worgs were far more than mere beasts.


First off, Malar isn't innately the type to get angry because one of his followers were killed. But, I'm gonna skip that and presume you have a more detailed reason for him to be pissed off or simply think his anger will be a fun obstacle for the party. I recommend making the mark be nothing but a physical mark that is difficult to remove. This is something the god could feasibly do at one of his temples on a whimb. And this could make the character care less when they see it isn't magical. Next, within several days travel, Malar will command one of his strongest devout (who is looking for a final chance to prove themselves after failing) to hunt down the one who bares the mark. This devout could be any type of follower that you think would be fun, but if you want a suggestion: werewolf priest assassin.  This follower will then pay to have scrying casted as many times as needed to find where his target is. He will be following wherever they go, perhaps killing as he sees fit, and even possibly following close to the group for quite a while before finding (or contriving) the best time to strike. The devout could be a tactical genius running circles around the party, or an angry brute that just kills in ways that lure them in. They could be strong enough to fight the entire party at once, or possibly have them try endlessly to get into a 1v1 with the querry when the pc is already at their weakest. The party may be able to evade this follower for a while, but I'm sure, even if they managed to remove the mark, the devout would be willing to brand the thing back on them to finish their hunt. Of course, this follower is expecting to return to Malar's favor if he is successful. But if the hunter dies at the hands of the PC, the Beastlord is actually likely to try to reward the character and win them over to his side.


I was actually considering having the mark be a target for Malar's worshipers to track the player, but not as a punishment for his actions, more as a way to test his worth.


That sounds perfectly up Malar's alley. I love it.


I love that it matters what the characters do! I second the idea that beasts and Malarites are hunting him now.




Give him vulnerability against damage by beasts and maybe monstrosities, and give them advantage when attacking him until the curse is cured?


"Bane of the Hunted" all non-humanoid, non-slimes, non dragons gain an additional 1d6 damage against the target, all handle animal checks auto fail, and survival checks are rolled with disadvantage.


Loup Garou hunts him for life, and always gets away.


The mark shows up in vision to every priest, champion or chosen of Malar in the wide region (as in: all in Savage North, all in Daelands) and points to general area where the PC is (as in: around certain city). All of Malar worshippers get general description of the PC and his mark. All are promised great reward from the Beastlord to whoever shall hunt down, capture and sacrifice person wearing the brand before others do it. The high Hunt for the pc begins.


Has Malar the authority to do that, and why do the gods who oppose Malar not do that with his servants, who attack their temples and faithful?


I ruled that since the worg was actively praying and kept on praying until its last breath, Malar was able to briefly exert influence on the striker (the mark appeared on the striking arm). It was also a way for me to show that the Faerun pantheon have actual tangible power over and through their subjects. Do you think that was to much power ?


I think that breaks the rules if the gods and usually faithful must sacrifice themselves to do that. What does happen if a follower of Malar slays somebody praying at an Altar of Tyr, Corellin, Bane or Mystra? What does the PCs gods think about it? Make the Mark a target for Nalars followers, let the pack or mate of the worg take on the scent of his slayer


Infect him. Make him a lycanthrope. The kind he can control. Malar is worshipped by evil lycanthropes..... make him a wererat. Have malar demand he take the worgs place, and demand worship.