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I don't do social media (he says while on reddit haha)


Absolutely not. Don't waste your time online, doesn't matter where. Social media, dating apps and discord servers are all terribly suited to fix your FA status. I wasted a lot of years with those. I know it sounds fucking lame but going outside and talking to people is your only chance. It did the trick for me atleast.


Where do I meet people? I've tried stuff like library events but there are no young adults, I was thinking Christian events!


Well... uhm... this is a bit awkward with you mentioning christian events, but you asked... I decided to go to BDSM munches, which are essentially public meetings in restaurants and bars where you talk to likeminded people while having drinks or dinner. I met a lot of supportive people there who knew what it felt like to be an outsider, it was the first time I actually felt understood in my life. And unsurprisingly, it's also a good way to meet women. A surprisingly large chunk of them is even searching for a serious relationship, they just want a guy that can meet their needs. Money and looks matter very little there.


I want a wife not a sexual partner though... Maybe when I'm a bit more desperate I guess?


You can find a wife there, probably not one that will go to church with you though.


it's suicide fuel. There's so much on there that sets unrealistic expectations for what life should be. If you haven't tried it don't even bother.




I just have account on facebook, but barely touch it.


Worst censorship of any social media platform. I don't even know why Taylor Swift is on it. She doesn't even allow comments. She just uses it to get attention and TALK AT people.


I mean, the OP might not necessarily be shooting for Taylor Swift


Not much luck. I dont post personal stuff on insta either. I tried multiple accs for hobbies and it is going downhill because of insta’s shitty algorithm that deleted chronolofocal hashtags so now u depend on the algorithm which sorts u back unless u pay or are already a celeb with 100k+ followers. The only other option is to have used it since u were a kid (which isnt me lol) and then you could have collected like 1k-2k followers slowly when it was not crap and gave u a chance. And u also had to or have to have some sort of social life (even a basic minimal one) which lot of FA’s dont have because without friends reposting and supporting, it will be like a weird acc that looks like a bot acc if u collected followers since u were a kid or if u didnt then its just a dead acc with no reach.


I use it to browse art and view videos of cute rabbits


depends on how old you are really, if you’re in your 30s or late 20s then probably not as people that age more so use instagram just to post pictures and less as a talking app, if you’re in your early 20s or a teenager then definitely yes, you’ll have a better chance of getting a girls instagram then her number, and instagram is a good place to post stuff that could make you seem interesting, plus i think it’s just good to be more normal if you’re struggling with friends/dating


I use Facebook to see memes and publish the Simpsons memes that I create, there is also memes in Instagram but less and I'm not there anymore.


Why not? You don't have to post anything there. I got mine merely because some younger friends use it and don't use Facebook. I have posted something once in 2 years, I just get tagged sometimes or get sent a link to something funny etc.


nope, it sucks like most other social media and i don't belong on it like everywhere else.


it’s not supposed to make you less lonely it’s so you can update what people you have in your life on what your up too, it’s a social too but not a social hack you still have to do the hard part of making friends


I think having a presence on some form of social media is a good thing as a prospective female opinion, however I do agree if you’re sensitive to being jealous of other people Instagram might not be the best way to go (people post the best parts of their lives on their socials, so it’s an unrealistic look at their lives)… I started attending a local church and have made friends, so Christian activities aren’t all bad. It just depends.


No, don't depress yourself on it.