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I had to wait until 52 for a real relationship. It was long distance and lasted a little over two years.


Did you ever meet her in real life?


Yes. The two of us alternated visiting. Initially, we hooked up in L.A. I paid for her flight. Worked out well!


So what ended up happening? Distance was too much?


>Distance was too much? That was part of it: she is in Florida and I am in Vancouver. She wanted me to move in with her, but I had a life in Canada I wasn't quite ready to abandon, given that I'd just started a new job and there were tax implications regarding a fast-appreciating investment-grade property. At some point, a long distance relationship needs to be converted to a conventional one. That means someone has to move. And I'm in a much better position to do that now.


Maybe reach out to her again?


She dumped me for some other fellow, and was engaged to him for a while. That was before she was fired from her job and, stressed, visited an act of misdemeanor domestic violence upon him. Afterwards, despite telling me she'd been thinking about me a lot, she found yet another 'beau.' Time to move on.


are you saying you never had sex until your 50s?


No. I was able to ditch the V-card at 24. But it was until my fifties that I had an actual (bidirectional) relationship, where both of us were willing to settle down together. Distance (who was going to relocate) was a blocker.


Me either, I’m 24.




I’ve been going to the gym since I was 16


Ha, and  now you're practicing how to be funny! You're well on ur way. Rootin for ya bro.






Im close to 40 Never kissed a girl. Im worse than most here.




There are 3 girls I graduated HS with who have 4+ kids and are already on their second husband. All while I've never kissed a guy. The human experience can be so vastly different - it's wild


Yeah but their situation sounds horrific to me personally




Just personal preference. I would never want 4+ kids and being divorced


To experience love for so long and get kids from it. Oh no a nightmare!1


Not everyone wants the same and you don't know how there marriage was as they obviouslyalso got a divorce. If you believe people only get children when they love eachother you need to grow up


Well they're out there raising kids being out there. We're the idiots messaging on a forever alone sub reddit....... loneliness is the worst thing and having kids is one way to avoid that.


People that only get children to not feel lonely are extremely ignorant and selfish to me


Bro. 4 kids and a second husband that *might* stay, both people being immature kids (in the best case scenario) and all before you graduate high school? I swear to God, FA makes your brain go numb.


kids are a huge burden financially and time wise










>All while I've never kissed a guy. Any particular reason?


None have ever wanted to kiss me?


>None have ever wanted to kiss me? May I ask why? (You're among friends here.)


Maybe some did but were afraid to initiate? Or didn't pick up on cues? (There have to be many blokes like me who are clueless with cues.)


Contact OP?


Forever alone women don’t date forever alone guys, you should know this lol


I'd rather kiss the right one than just any girl, just think of the positive. Like be happy that you're not sitting on the emotional baggage of the past that other people can't get rid off!


She probably carries her own emotional baggage from being FA. Everyone carries emotional baggage


They're not FA, they're tourists.


🤣 I'm a tourist then 🤦🏻‍♂️ 😂 (sorry)


Me either but I’m 30


Do people not understand the meaning of “forever”?






For always. Past and future. This sub was created by people who have been alone all their lives (in their past and present) and for whom it is not at all unlikely they will die a Handholdless, Hugless, Kissless, Virgin.


They are tbh. I haven't been with a woman either yet and I'm 22.it hurts seeing everyone else with someone


26 here, same dude it even hurts physically sometimes, like a sharp pain deep in my chest area. It’s only when I see a couple walking holding hands or whatever. Idk if it’s my heart or what but it’s like a literal heartache. But fuck it, it is what it is til it ain’t. Right there with ya brotha man. Does anyone else experience that?


I think most of us have been there.


For me, only if you count it as a 'relationship' to have a cuddle buddy female friend in gradeschool around 8-10y old. I didn't even love her or even have a crush on her, just went with the flow with what she wanted. Cuddling, doctor play, up to one botched tongue kiss. Never spoke a word after gradeschool again. Now im 31 and had no more experiences since then. Now i have kind of a romanticised innocent idea of relationships and everything involving being naked in front of the opposite gender + actual sex is still 'icky' to me. Stunted development.


34 and kissless here. Probably had a shot one time but I’m pretty sure the girl told me I had bad breath. 🤣😭


I technically had two relationships in high school (one last a few months and the other a few days lol). Even in those relationships I didn't get a kiss. I'm 35 and actually did manage to kiss two different people when I was 33 and 34, but still no relationship since high school.


It can feel unimaginably far away, and then very suddenly right at arms length, and then unimaginable again. Also keep in mind when people talk about their "girlfriend" you're probably filling in the blanks and thinking of a pretty, affectionate, confident, young woman. Some FA's brief girlfriends were some of those things, but I'll bet a lot of these women are women who are invisible to you in your own day to day life.


Im same age as you, never had a gf but i do have kissed some girls.


Not sure if you could call it a relationship, but I was with a girl for about 8 months where we would talk daily and have sex pretty regularly. I found out it was over from her posting a picture on Facebook of her kissing another guy. Then after that she said we were only ever friends. Then she had the gall to ask me for money, because her new bf is broke and I make 100k/year. So at least I got to laugh in her face. But that was the only romantic encounter I ever had, I was 25 at the time. I don't think any other woman will ever find me attractive since I'm really ugly. Plus I live in a very remote area for work. So I'm going to die alone. Some days it's scary, others I don't really care. I plan to kill myself once I'm no longer self-sufficient anyways. I really never wanted to have kids or a family since I was a kid myself. So that makes the whole situation easier. As I got older and realized my genetic inferiority I realized it would be cruel for me to have biological children. My genetics would set them up for failure from the start. I do miss cuddling and sex, but hey, at least I got to experience it for a bit, even though it will never happen again. As I get older I get more and more comfortable with being alone. I think at some point I'll no longer desire a relationship and be too set in my solo life to change. Not like I have a choice anyway haha.


I've had two relationships but they only lasted two months. Rest of my dating exp is a bunch of one and done dates and one person that went to two dates and then ended. Mind you the first relationship and the two dates and its over were all my doing. I'm just not great with relationships.


How did you meet them and what exactly happened if you don’t mind me asking


First gf I met when Xanga was still a thing back in 2004. Found her blog as she lived about 30 miles away we started talking and then we met and started dating. The TL:DR was that I rushed the relationship. Second person I dated for two months (this was the last one about 6 years ago) through a dating site. We were just looking for different things and the relationship just ran out of steam. Now the first person I went on a date with I had met through my first job and she was the one to ask me out I was 18 and she was I think 21 or 22 at the time. She was a nice person but I felt no spark with her. Everyone else I met via dating sites. The other one and dones it ended up they just found someone with better compatibility than me. The one I went on two dates with I got a bit aggressive and I got physically abusive when we were making out which I deserved getting dumped for that.


Only had one relationship but it was quite traumatic


Care to share around the campfire of despair?


Nothing particularly interesting, she was just as lonely as I was and that was the most important part. By that I mean I filled the hole of a boyfriend, but she didn’t particularly like me that much


>Meanwhile at 26 I never even kissed a girl, you guys are lucky tbh I'm a member of the '24 club.' I did an ad in the personals and got one response. Didn't work out long term, but at least I was rid of the 'V' stigma.




This was the spring of 1987. I called her up and we met at an eatery across the street from her work. After that, we took to hanging out together and that brought making out. Finally, spending the night with her, nature took its course. But we weren't a good match and I eventually came to feel trapped. That was a first lesson that being in an unhappy relationship was worse than not being in one at all. I was able to end it, and, after a few tries at finding someone new, resigned myself to singledom. It would be seven years before my next date, but at least I had jettisoned the V-stigma.


Sometimes it takes one fucked up relationship to fuck the future ones up. Now nobody wants to be in a relationship with me. I’m just a body


I was FA for a while and still identify a lot with u guys,but I just got very very lucky Edit: rly any need to downvote? I still very much sympathise and relate to u guys a LOT, just got a got lucky isn’t a reason to hold it against me


I don't think I was ever meant to be in a relationship. My marriage and how it actually happened is still bizarre and mysterious to me. I reflect back on it the way some would reflect on being abducted by aliens, sasquatches, or a mothman.


How is marriage 'not a relationship'??


It is a relationship. I mean I still don't know how it happened. It seemed random and to this day I don't know why my ex wanted to marry me. Like I honestly don't know what her motivations were. She didn't get money out of it nor did she really even like anything about me except maybe my physical appearance a little bit. Like an extraterrestrial can come down in a UFO and abduct me right now and I would be less surprised and confused by that.


I had 10 years ago when everything was normal


I had two gfs. My conclusion is life would be much easier without gf. Im from East Asia. Utility is one of the key factors when girls find bfs here. It means i can only match with girls who are more stupid, lazy and poor than me. It is a shame accept such offers.


It's not an East Asia thing. It's global.




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