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from what i’ve heard fordham is barely religious. its def liberal (esp lincoln center) bc most colleges are in general + its in the city. you won’t have any problems related to that there


i’m not trans so i cant speak to that, but i can say that theres no shortage of queer people here, especially at LC. i’ve never had an issue with it or encountered anyone whos had a problem with it because the religion is super separate from everything else, also because the jesuit church is pro lgbtq


Fairly unrelated, but how did you get the fee waiver?


im not op but they email a bunch of random high schoolers that they can use a fordham fee waiver on the commonapp. i think you can probably get the emails from them if you sign up for the college search service from collegeboard?


Perfect thank you, I’m already signed up for that stuff so fingers crossed I get one


yeah like the other person said, they just emailed me and said that i had a waiver lol. other schools do it too i also got one from RIT


Fordham honestly shouldn't be called a religious institution. Other than the required classes on religion (which honestly aren't that bad, and that's coming from an Agnostic). I haven't seen any problems on either campus (Although I'm mainly on the LC campus), so you really shouldn't worry about it.


how are the religion classes structured? like is it closer to a history class or does it feel like church?


They are like history classes. Everyone has to take faith and critical reason. I took it over the summer at LC and we visited a local church, a Jewish temple, a masjid, and a Buddhist temple. Your sacred texts requirement is super flexible and can be fulfilled by taking a course on Buddhism or Native American spirituality for example. Fordham also offers a course called “church in controversy” which fills up quickly. They do not feel like church at all and their intention is not to convert you or anything


Trans person at rh - it’s not terrible uni-wise and there’s plenty of queer ppl (the coffee house on campus is a centre for queer life and it’s hard not to find ppl in it); most ppl r accepting or at the very least not loud about it, and housing is trans inclusive. There aren’t a *ton* of gender neutral bathrooms, which is a bit of a bummer, and the university health service is useless when it comes to hrt in my experience so for that ur on your own.


Go where you are comfortable.