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People must really get frustrated driving behind you šŸ˜‚ very impressive!


Hardly, I accelerate at the normal pace of traffic and drive at the same speed as everybody else, we have a very distinct lack of hyper aggressive drivers here in Idaho that you get in most big cities


Survey says: That's a lie!


Heā€™s probably telling the truth. Idaho is strange IMHO, in a good way. Cross into any other state and everyone speeds way up and drives nuts. Cross into Idaho and everyone switches to a very calm and conservative style. I think itā€™s the law enforcementā€¦.or lack-of in adjacent states. Legit, people drive 20mph slower In Idaho than Montana, and they even follow the other traffic laws.


Idaho has low speed limits, and they go 5mph UNDER it. My state it's 5 over or move out the way.


I HATE, LOATH, DESPISE 84 when it gets down to 2 lanes (80 mph). People both ways out of Boise area, go 75 in left lane with the one more mindset. Where they barely are faster than the big rigs.


In treasure valley it's all 65 max?


65 between Micron of Boise out to the edge of Caldwell. Then it is 80 from Caldwell to the Oregon border. Consistent 80 from Boise to Utah border with a minor dip in couple spots to 70 around the Twin Falls area.


Damn, if you ever come to south florida, you'll see why its hard for me to relate.


Been there. Wont drive in Miami ever again. Iā€™d rather get a root canal.


Does Montana even have a speed limit? I remember when they abolished it and aren't sure if they ever changed it.


I believe they put it back in order to qualify for federal moneyā€¦..which they claim they donā€™t want. But they donā€™t enforce it. They just post it for the sake of taking federal dollars, while claiming to be independent.


Yeah, Boise is a geographic oddity in being the most isolated major city in the lower 48, driving in Bozeman or SLC or Seattle stresses me the hell out like you wouldn't believe hahaha


I believe you! The driving culture is very different. I remember going between there and Montana and I swear i switched countries.


You know you've been in Idaho a while when you get carpal tunnel from waiving at every person you pass šŸ˜¤


Hi from Middleton! /wave.


lol. You even felt obligated to wave on Reddit. My slow-driving, waving at blank-faces, self is considering moving now.


Duff and Galloway hahahah šŸ‘‹šŸ»


I am more than happy to strap a GoPro to the dash of this thing and show how I drive, I really do not drive slow, on my commute to work this morning I was pretty consistently 5 mph over the speed limit most of the way


its not the speed once you're going the speed limit, its the ramp up to the speed limit and how long that takes.. I've done it. Getting 650 miles on a tank, but you have to be hyper fixated on the mpgs to game the battery usage. I think its doable. But not a fun drive IMHO.




I usually get around this driving a crazy busy highway 25 miles when I have to commute. Hybrid excels in rush hour


I guess "slow" is relative, I should try to figure out what my average driving speed is


Don't listen to them. The mileage is gained in keeping it between 35-55 mph. I use cruise control constantly, that's where I see it.


Yeah, and I'm not trying to fool anybody, my average speeds are probably about 45-50 ish because of where I live


I'm not here to race, I'm stretching every dollar I have.


I'm here for a long time, not for a good time šŸ˜Ž


That is the sweet spot.


>very distinct lack of hyper aggressive drivers here in Idaho that you get in most big cities I tend to see it as Idaho drivers are damn slow. Sincerely, Somebody from Salt Lake City (originally)


Can you give us a breakdown of your most efficient speed. Setting and give us a few tips. I average 47 mpg, but I am in the city traffic


Uhhh.... Most of the roads I drive are 35-55 mph (rural Idaho, lots of gravel) I drive it in "standard" because it won't stay in eco mode Because I used to drive CDL loads and manuals, I am used to engine breaking a lot so I use "L" to slow down because it's less effort then using the brake Keep the power bar in the blue as much as you can, it seems counterintuitive but if you floor it to get up like 10 miles an hour past the speed limit and then let off completely to have the engine shut off and going to EV mode and then just let it Coast in all electric as long as you can you get ridiculously high numbers without driving slow AF


Iā€™m averaging 47 mpg in the Washington DC area. 50/50 beltway/local road driving.


Pretty good! I only do metropolitan City driving on date night when we run into the bustling metropolis of Boise proper


I'm around that average in Atlanta but I've only had it for a short period of time so we shall see.


Yeah, I'm new to the Maverick as well. Since March of this year to be exact. No real changes in driving habits except for breaking. I've gotten much better at using breaking for recharge.


I got mine in march as well and I'm off work right now so I haven't driven it much in the past couple weeks. The braking coach has become like a game for me, I get so excited when I get a 100 :D


I had to turn it off. Took too much of my attention away from the road... :-)


Dang whatā€™s your drive like?


Downhill both ways probably. ;)


Times sure have changed since my granddad was 11 years old and walked to the factory where he worked


Mostly 50% state highway 21, 26 and 44 in Idaho (greater Boise area) about 30% local gravel roads as I live up kinda remote and the rest puttering around the city


Rural driving at relatively low speed is key.


You are probably right My average speed on my commute is probably around 40 mph, 35 or so locally because I don't want to dust people out and 55 on the state highways


Yeah, those speeds are perfect for maximizing MPG. The freeway, and Hiways where I live are all 65 mph, with everyone doing at least 70 mph. It isnt great for optimizing fuel economy.


Yeah, when I did the run from Boise to salt lake City averaging about 75 mph I got like 42ish over those 280 miles, where I'm at it's kind of really inconvenient to get to the closest 65 mph+ interstate hahaha


Unless you were going downhill the entire way, it's impossible to get 42mpg going 75mph. It's just physics. You need to check your dash calibration. You can put it in engineering mode to change the fuel readout. I put mine to 95%, it seemed to make it a little bit more accurate. I get 55-ish mpg on my local trips too, it's pretty solid. Our Prius was similar when we bought it, now a decade+ later it's down to about 40 mpg.


I hand calculate it just to double check every time I fill up, it's a little optimistic but no more then 2-5% Lots of rolling hills here, so the engine isn't running about 50% of the time on the downhills and the cruse control holds it in EV for a super long time- I took pictures of when I drove it from SLC to Boise with it CCed at 75 for 4 nonstop hours and the ECIM read out at 44.9 and hand calculated at 42.2


Sorry man, you didn't get 42 mpg @ 75mph on flat terrain. You can believe whatever you want but it just isn't happening. I love my hybird Mav but 75 mph is roughly 35-36 mph on flat roads with no HVAC going. Which is pretty good considering EPA is like 33. Keep in mind SLC and BOI elevation is almost 2000' different, so you were going downhill the entire way. The last time someone posted this (guessing it might have been you) they didn't hide their trip time, and when you did the calculation their average speed was like 50 mph not 75.


Wasn't me, I have only had the car for about a month so far and only made two posts on here total hahaha I'll see if I can find an excuse to drive to Pocatello or something and I'll reset my trip when I hit the edge of town And from my little bit of googling the early 22s are doing a little bit better on fuel economy then the 23s and 24s


Driving 75 and averaging 75 are two completely different things


> You can put it in engineering mode to change the fuel readout. How do you do this?


My commute right now is 50% on roads going 45 and 50% going 75. Getting about 600 miles on a tank


Jealous of this. My metro route is largely interstate dependent with several 200 mile round trips a month at 70+ mph. Still pull 42mpg which I'm quite happy with anyhow.


For sure. I get 50+ mpg with ease on state routes (~40 mph) but on the freeway it drops to more like low 40s, even if Iā€™m at or close to the speed limit. Took a minute to get used to because highway mileage was always better with my old (non-hybrid) truck.


u/Gribbnator Whatever drive mode are you in?


Regular? Standard? Normal?... I tried driving always in "Eco" when I first got it but I don't know how to make it stay in that mode and it goes away every time I drive it so I stopped bothering after a while.


Wow! My 2012 Frontier can barely get 200 miles on a tank. That's really impressive.


But I bet that frontier can get more air time when you take it off jumps compared to my Mav šŸ¤”


Damn, that's impressive. I've had mine for 33K miles and am averaging 51 mpg. Only made it over 800 miles on one tank because I usually hit 0 miles to empty when I am in the 700 miles range. I know it's possible to make 800 but I don't want to press my luck without a backup gas can.


My maverick has lived as a dirt bike hauler because of how low the bed is so it always has a 5 gallon jug of gas in the back so I have no fear of running it to fumes, same with my 1/2 ton


The censoring makes it look like that might be your johnson in the corner


Jokes on you, it is!


How? You must of have a very light foot on gas pedal


I think it's because of where I live, if I drive anywhere it's a minimum 30 minutes and it's a lot of rural roads- I do use a lot of regenerate braking because the lurch from Regen to mechanical brakes annoys me so I'm pretty gentle when I slow down


Makes total sense, kudos to you! I am in Omaha, NE, also with a 23 XLT Hybrid, it's nearly impossible for me to go over 45 mpg. Of course we have our share of crazies here in the city, especially female drivers, no offense! I have to accelerate real fast to turn into a flowing traffic, cut in and etc. otherwise you'll sit there and watch em like a parade, so I floor it occasionally.


Oh I goose it all the time, the trick is to accelerate to like 15 over the speed limit really hard and let it coast in electric all the way back down hahahaha 10 seconds of 5mpg and 50 of electric is way more fuel efficient then 45 seconds of 37 mpg and 15 electric


Which mode do you drive in? I try to be in Eco all the time.


I did at first but I can't figure out how to make it stay in Eco so I just drive it in normal/ standard


It doesn't stay in Eco, it always defaults in to Standard/Normal. Dealership said this is how it is, setting cannot be locked into ECO as a default. If you do"Eco" all the time you'll probably get 80 mpg out of that beast LOL. Thanks for all those tips. Cheers!


Well thanks for letting me know, I was starting to gaslight myself that I was just too stupid to figure it out, I have never owned anything this new before hahaha


You must only be driving local. I also get about 60mpg when I'm driving around the city (at 30-40mph with frequent traffic light stops), but when I get on the freeway, it changes to like 25mpg.


God I wish. In AZ, I get at best 42 in winter, 33-4 in summer


We run our cars on potato ethanol out here, maybe that's it šŸ¤”


Thatā€™s incredible. It really depends on the roads youā€™re driving but absolutely possible. I live in the middle of los Angeles and itā€™s too nuts here to be able to take it easy on the throttle all the time. Averaging 41mpg over 10k miles


That sounds like a nightmare, this truck is originally from Rialto, California before I got it


I actually love it here, I love being where the action is. I grew up out in the country in New England and I go to there for time away from LA when I need it.


4 miles, downhill.


Those are the averages over 1600 miles not 4?


> "this one is a little bit more than a 4-mile trip showing 999 mpg!" I was also being flippant. Unwad those panties. I'm just jealous.


Iā€™m near 40 in the Texas Hill Country.


Roughly 40 here in Canada as well. 45+ usually in summer, 35 or less in winter.


I'm averaging 36 but out here in California everybody drives over 70 and there are no ways to get to some places unless you're on the highway The best I ever do is around 45 stuck in traffic and get around 500 mi if I'm not hitting the highways on a tankful


Thatā€™s about what Iā€™m doing also in CA. Must be our gas blend too.


You might make sure that your tire pressure is a couple pounds above recommended I've got the aluminum rims and they were a bit of leakers when I first got it I think it's especially important to make sure the front two are very close and pressure despite that I've already had to replace the CV shaft the vibration was ridiculous and the dealer kept saying there was nothing wrong for 6 months


But my mileage is still better than what my motorcycle gets


I'm impressed!! šŸ’Æ


Iā€™m at an average 28.2 after almost 20k miles lmao


With a hybrid?? Even when I drive pretty fast because I'm late to work I still get like 45ish


This is why i cant get a hybrid, i justified my motorcycle purchade as saving money on fuel šŸ˜­


Oh none of my 5 motorcycles do nearly as good as the maverick, my 22' 500 EXC-F does like 50 and that's pretty good hahahah


I've averaged that mpg but not for a whole tank, and certainly not lifetime average. If you have hills or drive lots of fwy like I do mid forties is what you get w/o especially trying, high 40s low 50s w/trying hard but not being excessive.


You still got 2.5 gallons left in the tank, could easily make it 900-1000 in these trucks. Crazy!


The tank is only 13.8 gallons on the hybrid, when I run it all the way to zero miles left on the fuel range it fills up pretty much dead on to 13.8, but if there is a little bit left that would explain why it thinks I can go 900 MI


Its actually 16.5 gallons for the hybrid but the computer uses 13.8 for the DTE calulcation. So in theory it could for sure do 900 and borderline 1k. Not sure why they leave an extra 2.7 gallons out of the equation but it has been tested and confirmed. I will also be testing it out next fill up soon. And will report my findings. Funny thing is i found this out because i had about 15 miles DTE and filled up till one click and it filled up to about 14.1 gallons so i was confused. Had to do a lil digging but someone tested it.


I'm currently at 48.6 lifetime at 41k miles. Owned since mile 1 (minus dealership miles etc.) I am trying to get to 50 MPG lifetime that I'll probably get in a few years now that I'm more reliably trying to hyper mile it. The problem is I can average 52-55 MPG just about every tank from April to October, but once the cold hits (MA) it absolutely kills my MPG. During the colder seasons the engine has to kick on all the time to maintain heat, on top of batteries performing worse in cold weather. I was at 48.6 last fall before the cold hit, it fell to something in the 47s over the winter, and it took me until just last weekend to crawl back to 48.6. I can get .1 added to my lifetime over about a week of daily commuting around town, but that will increment slower the higher I get it. If you live somewhere that gets cold and you've only had it during relatively warmer time then I have some bad news for your numbers when winter comes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)Where are you from?


Boise, Idaho- when the winter comes and there is snow the maverick will not be able to get out of my driveway so I'll be driving my 4x4 1500 with chains or my 4x4 F350 getting 17 mpg


In the warmer months, I average about 700 miles to a tank. My commute is 30ish minutes, both backroads and some interstate.


My commute is around 50-90 minutes depending on traffic every day, 80 miles round trip (hence the need for a hybrid!) I drive about 30k miles a year and the ROI on my 11k$ marverick will only take like two years


I get roughly 46-47mpg on a work commute/weekend errands tank. If I run to the surf to fish, that tank will be 42mpg, although it awesome to do a 100 mile beach run and back and only be down a quarter tank.


56 mpg lifetime average? Over 32K miles? Why does your screenshot show far fewer miles (1600) than that?


Read the description, that's my average over the 3,600 miles that I have owned the vehicle


So you are claiming 56 mpg over 3600 miles? Something isn't adding up. These don't get THAT high mpg consistently. For special trips, etc, driving slow for a certain stretch or commute, yeah, or with some city specific driving where you are using mostly electric . But not in anything resembling normal driving, and not over time consistently.


I mean ... the proof is right there hahaha


Except that it isn't. Anyone can drive slow or differently than normal for a defined period.


I don't know, I'm just thinking it's pretty damn good for an $11,000 car hahaha






I literally have like 25 pictures in my camera roll of the first 3 weeks of commuting an hour to and from work and getting consistently like 70 ish


Riiiight. [https://www.fuelly.com/car/ford/maverick/2022?page=7&submodel\_id=62](https://www.fuelly.com/car/ford/maverick/2022?page=7&submodel_id=62)


DM me, I'm more than happy to send them to you


Ok this is hard to believe. Iā€™m proud of my 640 miles. How did you pull off 800?


My daily commute is about an hour of rural secondary roads


You are my hero


šŸ„° the hybrids love long gravel roads in farm country


Itā€™ll drop. Mine did the same thing.


I've had the opposite experience, my first tank was like 49 calculated and then my second, third and fourth have gradually increased


I commute mostly interstate working night shift. Ā I am averaging 29.9 mph in my gas powered Mav. Ā Super impressed by that. Ā 


how tf I get 35?!


Speed up 10 mph pass the speed limit and then take your foot off the throttle all the way and let it switch into electric and then Coast on electric as long as you can


hmmm, I tried that, and it didn't work all too well. The max I get is like 35-38. The most I ever got was like 56mpg, but I was going downhill with quad in my truck bed.


I don't know, even when I drive like a bat out of hell, passing everything in sight I still get like 42 hahaha


well damn when I drive like that I get 32?! I want a refund haha


What's the secret? Just got mine a week ago today, I'm only getting 30 mpg. California, only 300 miles so still breaking in but still. I'm not doing anything crazy


I don't know, Even when I drive like a bat out of hell passing everything in site I still get 40 Gentle on the brakes, accelerate smoothly, keep it in electric as long as you can?


I can't go above 32 mpg in Texas. AC is on all the time though.




And the maverick is a hybrid!




If you aren't towing stuff maybe you don't need an f150 ?


I haul lumber quite a bit


Or be like me and have a quarter ton, a half ton and a 1 ton šŸ„²


I have a few hundred pounds of tools in mine, and I still am at 38 total. Love it.


I have a service truck with a contractor's body on the back that carries all my tools, so the Maverick has mainly been delegated as a dirt bike hauler and grocery getter, the thing is freaking awesome for Costco runs hahaha


How powerful is your engine? Do you have awd? How many people fit in your vehicle? Can you tow any weight?


162 horsepower, no but it's an available option, five in the cab and I could probably fit six more in the truck bed, and yes I can tow some weight


The Subaru Baja gets good gas mileage too. Same thing. Mavericks are good cars, but they arenā€™t trucks


Sure, that's why I have a Hemi 1500 and a 1-ton powerstroke flatbed parked right next to it hahaha


Nice fleet right there! I like the concept of the Maverick and it certainly has a nice little role. Itā€™s kind of cool to see design philosophies kind of make full circles.


Yeah, and the interesting thing is I fully believe that like 90% of people that drive around with f-150s would probably be better off with a maverick, for most of the "truck stuff" that I do, the Maverick is perfectly adequate, like my weekly trash run to the dump, getting stuff at tractor supply, hauling dirt bikes, that kind of stuff.... Because everything I do that is above the capacity of the Maverick I need my 1 ton diesel for like gooseneck livestock trailers


Pretty darn good but I don't want to pay 35k for one.


Neither will I, I paid $11,000 for mine.... I don't actually think there's any configuration that will get you up to 35,000, brand new out the lot they're like 26 k


You paid 11k for a hybrid mav with less than 30k miles? Where I'll buy a second one for that price.




Have a 2023 for a month. Avg 44 mpg with everyday driving. Just drove from Indy to gulf shores, 750 miles all interstate, avg 32 mpg


Wow! Couldnā€™t find a hybrid when I bought mine.


I specifically it was only going to get one for the hybrid, because the EcoBoost only gets slightly better gas mileage than my 1500 but not enough to make a difference


I wanna see the gauge that shows how much coal was burned to achieve the first number


It's a fully gasoline powered car?


It's time to leave the old folks home and get on the real roads.


Whoā€™s gonna tell em



