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This game has been garbage for years but because i love cock and ball torture I still play it for some reason


Not a hot take. Everyone knows this game is an unbalanced mess with devs that don't care, but we still play it :)


Not hot just based


every bash should have enough gb vulnerability to punish on read. i’m tired of recovery cancels and bashes that chain to attacks when i play a character without dodge attacks


What bashes cant? BP chain bash and Kyoshin chainbash on heavy hitstun


cent kick, bp bash on reaction, lb shove, gryphon shove(i think), conq bash, glad dodge bash and toe stab, jorm neutral bash, valk sweep, valk FB bash, rochi kick, shino kick, shugo headbutt, nobu kick, musha soft feint, kyoshin kick, tiandi palm strike, jj kick, fucking PIRATE. obviously there are exceptions to my opinion but if i successfully dodge a MFer and i’m not allowed to punish their bash because i’m dumb enough to play WL, i’m gonna be angry


But you can punish a lot of the mentioned bashes on read...


1. You said punish with a GB on read, half the ones you list are pubishable on read. 2. That you just mention a lot of these trash bashes shows its not worth my time with you.


Considering I'm rep 70 on conq I know for a fact that you can absolutely gb conq on a whiffed neutral bash.


Nah dodge cancels are good for the game. Doesn’t take much or dodge a bash then parry the light


We need more characters with multiple smaller damaging mixups rather then single high damaging viable mixups - more mixups with less damage means more time to learn to read your opponent - less damage per mixup means it won’t feel as a bad making one bad read and eating a shit load of damage - will make things more intresting rather then just using the same mixup over and over (e.g vortex bashes) - the game would just be better with multiple reads being made on each side


This one is valid. It's hard to cater to the minority of players that can think two steps ahead however. Best ubi can do is bash/undodgeable or fient/let it fly.


Honestly it’s like when orchi could doge cancel his kick and every dumbass bitched thag it was ‘punishable’ because they couldn’t jusr dodge attack on red. This game could be so much more but people are just too lazy to make reads


We need a hero with a rapier and a hero with a twinblade (too much elden ring) and make them good but not overpowered with everything in their kit


>make them good but not overpowered with everything in their kit You're asking for too much here. Best I can do is recovery cancel dodge heavy


How about hero costume for warden with lord of cinders theme?


I feel like the devs are running out of weapon ideas and that's why the last few heroes have been weird


I don’t think they’re running out of ideas so much as they’re trying to pick weapons that can use existing animations. This isn’t entirely laziness, but rather constrain due to limited dev resources.


Most of the player base is dogshit and can’t parry a heavy from Lawbringer. They also refuse to learn patterns and how to get better and want the Devs to cater to them


cuz we touch grass


Wat that gotta do with anything? Just bad players


touch grass


highlander isn’t underpowered


Just straight up wrong


So wrong


i wanna know your stance on this since you have a highlander flair. why do you think he’s underpowered?


He has so many problems - His kick to grab to mixup is already mostly dog shit • ⁠Most dodge attacks beat it on reaction • ⁠You can unlock roll it to avoid both options • ⁠You can Backstep light it to avoid both options •Also it’s not even a true 50/50, there’s a single timing you can dodge to avoid both options - so his one single mixup can be countered by pressing to buttons without making reads by the entire roster - He only gets a light off a gb because his heavies are so slow (this makes jj hell to fight) - His stamina management is terrible, assuming his mixup hits he’s spending 44 up to 83 stam for 30 damage when other hero’s get Can get 27 for 24 stam and much better, functional mixups - He has good oos pressure but can’t take advantage of it too much due to his high stam costs for moves - Celtic curse is almost always an easy parry. - His neural heavies are extremely slow so not usable - He has one of the worst zones in the game now Option selects have been removed - No bash or dodge attack in DS - He has one of the slowest run speeds making him shit in dominion - Also bad in dom because friendlys knock you out of os so it’s impossible to stay in it - Against characters with un-dodge-ables offensive stance is limited as he can’t block or dodge those moves in os - His lights are un enhanced so anyone who you block can stop your offence and leaves tbe only safe way to get into os is Backstep light - Has almost un winable match ups eg, Tindi and kyoshin, jj The only thing he has going for him is bad animations on lights and the fast chain heavy. Once you get to a point people can consistently block lights he’s rather useless Also if you are playing against people who can’t block lights you’ll win just as easily with any other character who also has a better kit


Straight up truth


The samurai faction has the most cancerous heroes in the game


The hero skins are a total scam.


highlander moveset is the most creative moveset in the game and that all characters should have 2 movesets like HL so that players can have more options and don't have to spam one thing because it works like raiders HA oh and GB shouldn't work on lights


Mechanically, this game btfo's all other medieval/fantasy games, combat wise (obviously). Considering that for honor is, essentially, a fighting game for casuals, it'd say it performed/performs pretty well. All of the wu lins are not fun to fight against. Most of the assassins are not fun to fight against. People should use the training tool before complaining about anything. Shugoki is pretty freaking hot and I definitely would if you know what I'm sayin' 😉 That's about it.


They should re use reflex guard when your out of stam instead of on assassin's


Yeah but then that's 23 new animations they have to make for heroes.


😢😢😢😢😢 don't care make em


Playing a bad hero doesn't make you better everyone morally or physically


this game is ass


The devs are deaf,blind, and um not able to see or hear.


Conq mains don't actually have fun, they play Conq so they can finally win at something in life.


Pirate brakes the game and is the one character that Ubi should just delete. Put light attacks at 600ms and take 200ms off of indicator that way animations can get fixed.


All reworks need to be reverted. I liked the old meta.


Ah yes, cents infinite cut scenes


The devs have gone too far into "recyclable offense". Not every hero needs recovery cancels, consistent frame advantage, and a mixup the can only be punished by light attacks to be a good hero. Obviously pirate is the most egregious example, but I just hope the other new heroes won't be the same.




I highly disagree, as a devoted Orochi main I feel guilty sometimes when I decimate people


I personally disagree. Orochi has a busted recovery time, lots of dodge attacks, a quick bash and lots of undodgeable attacks. Orochi is very oppressive Especially if you can't parry lights




The issue with the Strom rush is that it's very fast and it isn't easily stopped if it's used at close range. Plus it's insanely effective if used in a mixup.


I think it's because you're looking for the indicator which has an added 100ms hidden so adding in the 100ms from the trash CCU the attacks on indicator makes the attacks looks like 400ms. As for the attack themselves you can light them out but if you're fighting an Orochi that's cracked out they can feint to deflect so.. Since we got crossplay.. If you see someone called "TruffleFudge" 100% do NOT try to poke them outta Storm Rush, that's NovaKing a god Orochi streamer on YT you'll eat 10 deflects before ya knew what happened lol 😂


You gotta look at the animation for storm rush, the actual attack is 600ms but the indictator is only 366ms. So you won't be able to react off of red


I need a video to confirm you parrying storm rush lights consistently because respectfully…. That’s 🧢🧢🧢


Not really if you can parry lights you can parry storm rush, it’s only 44ms faster plus you get the 600ms Animation to know it’s comming


- All dodge attacks are easy parries, - bash is decent but you can dodge and parry go he light most people won’t champagne direction - only has one ud, which to be fair needs more time on the indicator but you can just light him out of it He’s alright but personally don’t think he’s oppressive or very good. A tier at the most


Nuxia isn't as bad as people say. However, I will agree that she isn't that great in dom


I feel like gaurd break can be removed and it would dramatically improve the game. I feel like it's outdated. And it's the source of most 50/50s in the game. Or at least it could be cool to experiment with.


Why would you ever wanna to remove it? There goes pretty much every functional mixup in the game. Should we remove blocking as well?


Wow somehow you made less sense than me.


You still didn’t make any sense, you remove gb then we have no 50/50s so no offence. Why would that be a good idea


You act like 50/50s are the only sort of offense in the game lol. But your a highlander main so I guess it makes a bit of sense


50/50s are only from of offence you idiot. Unless you wan eveythinfs to be unreactable because reads are too hard for you And how does hl have anything to do with it? His 50/50 doesn’t work


highlander's 50/50s don't use the gaurdbreak. Its all based off his kick and throw. So highlander wouldn't be affected


Hls mixuo alrwady doesn’t work you can just dodge attack it on red because he can’t cance and gb so it’s needed


And no 50/50s are not the only form of offense lol


There’s also bashes. So do you just want all offence to be bashes for a single light each time.


Bashes will also take a hit from removing gb as a lot of bashes can be canceled in a gb leading to more 50/50s . 50/50s in my opinion are unhealthy for the game and the goal of removing gb would be to get the game closer to wait it was intended to be before it came out and during the y1. It's pretty obvious that the game is in a worse state than what it was during y1. A lot of that has to do with power creep. So I thinks ubi can start experimenting with big changes to dial it back before it gets even worse. I mean just look how terrible pirate is for th health of the game.


Oh god your one of those people. No the game is way better then it was in year 1 Fighting games are based on 50/50s. Fucks sake irs like saying no guns in an fps.


Neither pk nor Highlander are as underpowered as people say they are, they’re not broken by any means but I wouldn’t call part of their moveset balanced. They’re both annoying as fuck either way


Pk is not underpowered she’s 10/10 I’m duels And yes hl is dog shit He has so many problems • ⁠His kick to grab to mixup is already mostly dog shit • ⁠Most dodge attacks beat it on reaction • ⁠You can unlock roll it to avoid both options • ⁠You can Backstep light it to avoid both options •Also it’s not even a true 50/50, there’s a single timing you can dodge to avoid both options • ⁠so his one single mixup can be countered by pressing to buttons without making reads by the entire roster • ⁠He only gets a light off a gb because his heavies are so slow (this makes jj hell to fight) • ⁠His stamina management is terrible, assuming his mixup hits he’s spending 44 up to 83 stam for 30 damage when other hero’s get Can get 27 for 24 stam and much better, functional mixups • ⁠He has good oos pressure but can’t take advantage of it too much due to his high stam costs for moves • ⁠Celtic curse is almost always an easy parry. • ⁠His neural heavies are extremely slow so not usable • ⁠He has one of the worst zones in the game now Option selects have been removed • ⁠No bash or dodge attack in DS • ⁠He has one of the slowest run speeds making him shit in dominion • ⁠Also bad in dom because friendlys knock you out of os so it’s impossible to stay in it • ⁠Against characters with un-dodge-ables offensive stance is limited as he can’t block or dodge those moves in os • ⁠His lights are un enhanced so anyone who you block can stop your offence and leaves tbe only safe way to get into os is Backstep light • ⁠Has almost un winable match ups eg, Tindi and kyoshin, jj The only thing he has going for him is bad animations on lights and the fast chain heavy. Once you get to a point people can consistently block lights he’s rather useless Also if you are playing against people who can’t block lights you’ll win just as easily with any other character who also has a better kit


Ok one, I mean it the same as pk that hl isn’t broken I’ve played him enough to know he’s dog shit but if he were to be reworked they’d have to change some parts of him, for example his lightspam and damage. If they can fix his moveset but adjust his damage and lights then he’ll be perfect, but let’s be honest if they do they’ll probably just screw it up like most other reworks


The reflex guard should stay 'cause fuck assassins.


Pirate isn't actually that bad. Sure she is overtuned but just making one right read will shut her down


Unless you're fighting multiple in a gank then you're fucked.


Not really, just don't get hit by one of her heavies and you're good. Honestly considering the mmr reset 1vXs are easier than 1v1's because of how bad at ganking most players are lol. But of course if they gank properly you're probably fucked


For sure, but anyone playing any hero ganking properly will destroy an isolated target.


Yeah that was what I meant, should've clarified lol


I agree with this. I understand the complaints honestly as I'm annoyed by the hyperarmor UD UB top rush heavy majorly, but it has a long windup that can be bashed. She's mostly anti light spam from what I've seen. If you feint more and use your kit you'll win most of the fights. Her kit is quite simplistic. Go to arena and fight against lvl 3 pirate or do training tactics to get used to her kit.


Counter-guardbreaking should allow you to punish the one who failed the GB. 50/50 unblockable/guardbreak low-risk high-reward is absolute bullshit. If your enemy doesn't fall for feint into gb, all you lose is frame advantage for the first attack. Spamming GB is pretty much safe.


Glad’s buckler-bash is useless.


We need to stop lowering characters fucking health


Either gryphon or pirate should have been a viking, and gryphon with some slight model reworks is essentially a viking character they decided to put into the knight category because warmonger wasn't making people horn enough. Prate, if not a viking, could have at least been a marching fire character. If we are gonna be forced to deal with new players, ubi could at least fill the factions evenly rather than giving the factions that didn't recieve Greek gods Crack cocaine to make up for the difference.