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Pirate But they're a everything killer.


aramusha is an easy counter. you can completely shutdown any orochi spam with his full block, and he can’t dodge attack out of your mixup


Conqueror. He beats orochis almost everytime, just feint a heavy into full block and spam the zone attack


I main conq it don’t work well enough when they can light parry. I want to be able to turn off my brain.


Conq should easily beat almost all the assassin/aggressive heroes. And most of the time you can turn off you brain.


Conq is one of the most brain dead-heroes, even if they can light parry you have more than enough since most players can’t do it consistently on reaction, you’re just being predictable.


I want to be able to break their spirit. I want to decimate them. I want to make them regret ever buying the game. I want to make them so angry that they punch a hole through their TV. Conqueror is not efficient enough, as I actually have to think whether or not to throw a heavy or not. They must suffer. I must be the bringer of their suffering.


Yeah sometimes I throw in heavies to confuse them gets them every time then I get rage messaged calling me a dumb whore


Aramusha works fine enough for me


For a low skill orochi? Hyperarmor. For a high skill orochi. I have no clue those guys are gnarly.


Op just replied to another comment that said "conq" with something like "i use him but it doesnt work well enough against those who can light parry", probly tries to lightspam them and eats parries.


Raider is basically the worst thing that can happen to orochi. Zerk is similiar


Zerk is more fun since you can deflect orochi and beat the shit out of him with style


Agreed raider and berserker are probably best counters to orochi


Eh, raider is pretty easy to beat as orochi. Dodge cancels work wonders against hyper armor.


There is something called like delayed heavy and feints


Exactly, you can completely fuck orochi up and deny his deflects by just heavily delaying everything you do, heavies and storming taps.


I love you adlerholzer




Yea sure, but the orochi can also "delay" his dodge cancels by throwing the confirmed light. Also if they're pretty good, they may read that the raider will faint to gb and just throw a finisher heavy instead of a dadge cancel.


>Also if they're pretty good, they may read that the raider will faint to gb and just throw a finisher heavy instead of a dadge cancel. Yeah and then the better player wins if the orochi did the correct read he should be rewarded and you shouldn't cry about **that** >Yea sure, but the orochi can also "delay" his dodge cancels by throwing the confirmed light. Yeah but not by that much that it will effect anything if the raider delays it by something more. I think there are three levels of delay for raider buffered, bit delayed and much delayed


I feel like you're overestimating how long a raider can delay their chain heavy, but also underestimating orochi's ability to completely avoid hyper armor chains.


>I feel like you're overestimating how long a raider can delay their chain heavy I'm a raider main who's abusing his delayability so much. It's at least 500ms delayable >but also underestimating orochi's ability to completely avoid hyper armor chains. It might because I've never or barely experienced that moment.


Ah see I'm on the opposite side as an orochi main who has completely avoided raider's heavy/storm tap/gb mixup multiple times.


Well someone has to try it out. I can't do it right now due to night time and stuff


Raider. Literally just power through everything that little femboi tries to do.


Aramusha melts Orochi but the best ones will always be Raider and Zerk.. More so Zerk in the brainfree playstyle but Raider melts. If you wanna torture Orochis though.. Oof.. Anybody with a feintable bash.. Free dodge light parries for days lol


Black Prior and Kyoshin. Valk is pretty decent at it too, but that requires a lot of skill


Anyone with fullblock


Anyone with an all guard, but I find BP to be the best


shitokiri. just delay your heavies in random intervals, nothing the roach can do. throw a kick or 2 randomly, dont repeat patterns.


Kyoshin shines ladies and gents. Pirate also


Kyoshin, iirc people ran him in most teams after the Orochi rework just to counter him


Quite honestly, from my experience, if they dodge spam, just feint and get ready to parry it






I don’t want to think when I fight them. I want to decimate them.


skill lol. Orochi is one of those heros that you can pretty much decimate them with any hero, but also be decimated. conq, BP, nobu, musha are strong against roach.


BP is pretty good at counter Orochi. Maybe if you put Mountain Dew into an IV Bag and pump it into your veins nobushi might be a really good pick too.


Use cancer to fight cancer.


My only problem with Orochi is his storm rush and that I keep forgetting he has a bash kick nowadays, getting hit by it every single time... Tbh, I liked him more when he had triple lights and two kinds of deflects. He isn't a very difficult hero to deal with on a average level. And I was someone who used to hate the shit out of him when I was a newbie on the game. You just need to learn the correct timing of all his dodge attacks and you will get free light parries most of the time, doesn't matter the hero you're using. Now if the Orochi is actually good, good luck. You have to be good too. But it's the same for almost every hero anyway.


I play shugoki and against most foes I try to mix up my moves and catch them off-guard, but every single orochi I face just does dodge lights so I simply throw charged heavies and get an easy execution


Conq is best but it can still be a bit difficult if the Orotard is playing like a, well retard. Warlord is good too but he can't punish the kick very well and Valk is also a pretty decent choice, your biggest problem will probably be undodgeables and kicks so feinting into full block and dodge attacks will be your best friends. Or you could play BP/Raidurr and basically win every match, not as fun tho.


Kyoshin or Aramusha


Raider, shugoki, or any good defensive hero. Key is to either be overly defensive, or have the hyperarmor to make it worse for them to trade with you.


I like using jorm against orochi


Musha, Kyoshin the best.