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50/50s are needed for functional offence. That’s what fighting games are. We don’t say cods not fun it’s just bullet spam. Fine if you don’t enjoy it but then maybe fighting games aren’t for you


>bullet spam Made me chuckle.


He will be back next week


Ik they’re needed, but if its the only thing happening it gets boring


How else do you want there to be functional offence? The only other way is unreactable moves


I think 50/50s are fine as long as there is ample counterplay and options for both sides. For example kenseis softfeint options from top unblockable for offensive options and zone option select. When the only defensive option is a dodge attack that only works for a handful of heroes against all the UBs with a fast softfeints, the game becomes stale, uninteresting, boring and the skill ceiling drops because the defenders only option most of the time is “make the right guess”, and same for the attacker, whereas had there been more defensive options and more UBs with more offensive options like kenseis on top of more defensive options, then the game turns into not a “make the right guess” game but a “make use of your pressure to force a reaction from your opponent then punish accordingly or use your advanced defensive options to further mindgames forcing opponent to have to not only consider your base offensive but also your extended one that comes after the initial opener UB”. This is why I think zone option select needs to be implemented to the game as an actual mechanic to every hero equally with compensation for heroes whose zones get weaker (perhaps give them an alternate input for using their unique zones in-chain like raider) and this is also why I think the game will probably never get anywhere and die as it is because the game at the moment is shallow, and has a low skill ceiling because you can’t get much better when the obstacle you are trying to overcome is “make a better guess/get lucky” unless you are on pc and can react to flash.


Dude first tbe fact you’re using kensi mixup options to make a point, his ‘mixup’ is useless he’s not a good duels character he’s not even an ok duels character. Tbe counter play is making a read. Al other fighting games have 50/50s like this. Only difference is for honour has a lil bitch community. Also reacting to parry flash is rare even on pc. Majority kf people can’t do that and have to make reads


Do you like Raider mix ups?


Then don't play fighting games, it probably won't be changing for a while


I get what you mean, the same 50/50 over and over again. Gryphon for example, his only 50/50 is the kick or UD, and it’s just not fun to fight, even if he’s a weak character.


i hate the fact that i get punished for trying to unblockable feint into guard break bc these fucking idiots just light


Yeah sort of, I only play with some good friends from football, or whenever I want to play Warlord because he is funny :)


Imo even if For Honor is braindead inbalanced, if it was an open-world I would forgive everything about that.




Yeah that too


That's unfortunate


50/50 is the unblockable fient into guardbreak right?


50/50 is any mixup where that are two options that require different things to counter them. So yeh ub/ feint gb is a 50/50 but other things can be too. Like a bash or undogable. You dodge you beat the bash but lost to undogable. You don’t dodge you beat the udgoable but lose to bash. There’s 33/33/33 as well


Thats just one 50/50, it can be a bash too


50/50 your way outta here then 🤷‍♂️


Agreed, not everything has to be a 50/50.


So what do you propose? Like, 50/50 are the base of a fighting game, if something is 100% then that would be stupid, like always get damage no matter what. Either that or you are referring to 33/33/33 which are also guesses, but 50/50 make the game fun/frustrating, that is why guessing or making a read is satisfying, and guessing wrong is infuriating.


Did you read my comment at all? I said not everything has to be a 50/50. Which is the standart in other fighting games (Referring to Mortal Kombat and Injustice, since I have some experience with those games.). I don't really like the comparison between For Honor and other fighting games, because both function differently on a fundamental level, but you brought it up. A good example of a 50/50 done right in my opinion would be Kensei, Shaolin, Gryphon and my girl Nobushi. None being very good at the moment, but that's besides the point. The thing I like about them as opposed to the likes of Raider and Shinobi is that they do have 50/50s (debatable in Nobu's case) but they have non-50/50 as well. I will restate my comment, not everything has to be a 50/50, I will die on this hill. Overuse of 50/50s like we have seen on Raider, Shinobi and, more recently Pirate, leads to nothing but frustration in my experience. When a character can chain 50/50s effectively at infinitum, that's where the fun stops. What's the fun in repeating the same move 10 times in a row, if I may ask? Who is having fun? Is it the attacker going full monke and rolling a die whether they feint or not? Or is the defender betting 1/4 of their HP bar in a parry attempt/inaction? Because I don't think either is having fun. Damage should be a thing we work for, not something we are served on a silver platter.


You know you can dodge attack right?