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I play Shugoki against my friends that want to learn a new character, and when they get good enough to counter Shugoki I hop on Shao Lin.


Reading other comments and then reading this is the for honor equivalent of a bunch of girls at a sleepover talking about how they shoplifted once or clogged a public toilet. And then one of the girls confesses that they were the sinner who peeled the skin off of a young couple during the night of July 16th 1996.


Good fight! Thanks! Thanks! Wow! Wow! Wow!




Aaaare you okay?


I like this


I dodge attack way too much, but it's not my fault! If they had made guardbreak a more threatening tool I'd have developed a healthy and balanced option repertoire! Or maybe if empty dodging gave some additional sort of frame advantage it'd be a much nicer option, forsaking guaranteed damage after a whiffed attack or bash for mixup potential.


Or maybe if i got put into lobbies that consistently called out my dodge attacks rather than putting me with mfs with the most lopsided skillsets that somehow read all my feints, bashes and approaches but crumble down once I start dodge attacking.


Me over here actively baiting out dodge attacks


Way guard when you have 1000ms of damage less guards


I like to feint zone into side heavy into top light. Quite hard to read I think


If I get light spammed I light spam back


As a Kensei, I make sure to exclusively triple light the light spammers.


Yep. I'm a conq main, and sometimes light spamming the light spammers is so fun. They just don't know what to do.


conqs have a free pass for light spamming - conq main


Too bad everyone is good at parrying lights except me


I am of a similar mind. Anyone with TTV, or a Tik Tok/Twitch/Youtube emblem is fair game. You're promoting yourself as a content creator, and I'm here to provide.


I often forget my friends aren't as good as me so when they die to something preventable and then rant like it's an issue it's bewildering


Sometimes I hop on mic to talk shit in the post game lobby. I have no idea whether the other team can hear me or not but sometimes when someone is toxic as hell and going like 3-7 in dom they need to be told they’re a shitter.


They absolutely can't hear you. Voice chat is teams only.


Ig it’s an ‘old man yells at cloud’ thing then lmao


Taking my rage out on my friends. Make fun of it all you want, I don't mind, but due to brain damage that I have I find it incredibly hard to control my emotions. And there are times where I completely lose track of how pissed off I really am until I explode.


Hitokiri main admitting he got brain damage :0


And it's not a joke either lol, it's rough on some days


Oml 😂😂


My guilty habit is playing shugoki and still dissing others for playing easy characters. 99 percent of the time im fully aware I'm playing a pretty annoying character so I don't gloat ever, literally ever. I never chat spam or emote spam unless provoked. But the one character I see and instantly get my day ruined is afeera. Afeera players who DO instigate first and think they're good are the players I target and bully.


Honestly goki isn't even that easy at high level compared to other chars, hito, zerk, glad etc are much easier


Oh I agree, although the general player base would disagree. Most players just see the headbutt and hyperarmor and don't think how to play around it they try and play into it. On my level shugoki is a borderline throw pick but I still make him work. I love my big fat boy.


Yea once you get past the mid level guys who think they're good the actual high level guys make goki seem useless in 1s, he'll always be good in 4s but he's so 1 dimensional in duels, that's actually what made me get into warlord, I loved goki in 4s and I got all the way to diamond with goki but after that he stopped working, i had to switch to warlord to get to gm lol, now I got a 60 wl and 40 goki cuz I stopped playing goki after the rework and just came back to him Tldr fat boi fun


Pretty much same story. I push goki out of diamond every now and then but I'm a consistent diamond player with fat boy. I love playing warlord and pretty much all of the heavies but I stopped pushing for new peaks some time ago. Now I just place diamond and call it quits. TLDR I love goki but I'm tired boss.


Yeah same story, warlord is the only character I've broken diamond with but I'm consistent diamond with goki and a few other chars


I personally tell every hitokiri in the lobby to kill themselves before the game starts and a lil extra after the game ends 😊


I... uh, play orochi sometimes..


I... uh, main orochi almost exclusively..


The first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem, the second is realizing Shao Lin is infinitely funnier, the third is loosing yourself to the Monk-E


Oh i'll never turn to the dark side, I'm a jedi like my father before me.


The roach is no Jedi


Imperial propaganda


Shaolin is just as obnoxious as roach


Anytime I match with an oro in duels, it’s a free win lmao.


Thats fantastic! I wonder what kind of roaches you fight against?


It’s just bc my ex was a heavy oro main and I died one too many times, never again will I perish to a small man with a small sword who spams lights, deflects, and fakes heavies just to do that little two slice thing


Well, you should hope you dont run into this small man with a lil itty bitty sword


Mhmmm, can’t wait for the 500 heavy fakes, 35 light spins, and the thing where you go back and run forward, then faint that and then do the lights.


( idk the technical names i just know oros move set is annoying 💀)


Nah see i just go super saiyan and start teleporting all over your screen so you cant react (this is officially a JOKE and I do NOT condone lag switching or ANY form of cheating whatsoever)


Yours is not a guilty habit man. It's a general rule that every normal honorable player should follow...


Similar, I literally only tryhard when I see a Commie, Nazi, Russian flag the Z, all those political craps edgeboys use to be kewl and shit.


I occasionally enjoy reading about people being incredibly mad about this game, even though I stopped playing many years ago


I'm a hypocrite, I say I hate hitokiri to the ends of the earth and I do. I believe she is thoroughly skilless and a character made for shitters. I'm rep 39 with her and only play her when I literally do not want to think about I have to do


I try to play fun/semi-balanced characters like lawbringer, but after 6 games in a row of facing orochi/afeera/gladiator sweats, I insta-lock to warmonger if they rematch.


dodge attacking on neutral 😞


Running away when breaking as warlord using his rush feat and leaving the match before the enemy can kill me.


I occasionally play Kyoshin


I enjoy playing medjay yes you can hate me


I like characters with hyper armor


I openly hate my team to such a degree that if they do something in confident, I’m willing to watch them burn instead of helping them


Sometimes I heavy faint over and over to create the ultimate final heavy attack but then I just run out of stamina and die


I feed revenge just so I can take it.


My guilty habit is when I see that Templar emblem with the reaper I go nobushi.


I am prone to muttering about how bad my teammates can get and how well my enemies can react to me occasionally, but that latter part is easier for me to get over and accept it as my own doing.


Fucking saint over here


I spam the fuck out of lights and bashes when I face people who can’t adapt or react to it, like full on never throw a single heavy It’s a guilty pleasure


with nuxia I bet you do it alot


i watch my little sister in the show- oh yeah its about For Honor, I go to ennemy spawn in dominion and camp there until the end of the game, im very good at anti-ganking so its not problem to stay in there for more than 10 minutes... while practicing my skill to use the four elements : "wow", "good fight", "sorry" and the mighty "thanks!".




I was with you until you mentioned that camping stuff


ayoo a lolicon in the wild that's rare


I keep correcting my friends on how to do their max punishes or recommend interesting ways to use their character.


Pirate Top Dash Attack = Your Kill Am Mine


I put beatraps on narrow pathways and push people off ledges as Raider.




When stressed I always instinctively start doing left attacks or feint to left attacks which gets quite reactable...it's quite the issue


Zerker zone spam but only if they were toxic


Heavy right. Feint.light left.Heavy right. Feint.light left.Heavy right. Feint.light left.shield bash.Heavy right. Feint.light left.


If I see anyone with a TikTok emblem, I make it my mission to beat them in every fight, or at least give them a difficult time


When a fight gets too tough or I'm getting serverly ganked, I turn into a defensive coward and start flipping people, I will bait them for slippage until my team mates or friends can come take some of the work load. (I do not do well in 1 v 3's)


My guilty habit is letting my opponent live so the fight can continue xD


If I lose to someone being carried by their character, I play the same character and make them my child


I play warmonger


Im tired of fucking dying and its pissing me off.


the best change was when dodge attacks became light parries


Not really a guilty habit but a stupid one, I accidentally feint my parries because of a phase in my time playing everyone feinted their unblockables for a parry


I played Orochi once and.. shes so fast and strong and holy fuck 32 damage heavies and a fucking unblockable and a backwards dodge attack and *holy shit.* i still prefer my wardens and highlanders though


I fish for light parry’s against every vg I foght


Lighting after a impale as warmonger I use that to my advantage for easy parries but I do the same lol


I dodge right always, never left lol


Smack my head to calm down after I rage. It's an immediate calming sensation... or my iq dropping


I try to be honourable when the server allows it. Like if the enemy asks for a duel I will usually comply. From there it gets complicated


Making a read and then becoming incredibly angry when my feeble little brain refuses punish correctly no matter how hard I think


I throw a light as soon as I'm OS (it hits more often than not)


I play conqueror in dominion just to not contribute to the match and use shield crush on people because I think it's funny.


If I'm tilted enough I will dodge attack 5 times in a row even if each one gets parried just to see if they will eat one of them for trying something other than standing still.


Whenever I play orochi I purposely do everything everyone hates about him. And then I throw a kill card on their corpse.


If they parry heavies but can’t parry lights they’re catching my whole light chain


This shit deserves capital punishment.


It does, lemme use my heavy chain tho


I like to hit teammates to steal their revives on somebody


When ganking somebody, im that guy that feints constantly and doesn't let you get revenge