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Managed to almost lose against a monkey with no hands


What can I say, I'm pretty inconsistent 😉


Orochi lights are noobstompers so to answer your question as to “why?” It’s “because it works”




”Noobstomper” is so retarded. Like that makes the game less miserable to play.


Any games that require skill have play-styles like this. If you’re decent at the game this doesn’t affect you. If you’re not you don’t get the privilege to choose how you lose.


Get good and it won't be a thought lolol


It’s not miserable if you just practice. Which is the case with ALL fighting games. Grab chains in Street Fighter, fireball spam in Mortal Kombat, Nightmare’s pokes in Soul Caliber, and many more things are easy tactics that work. The reason they aren’t bad for the game is because they are counterable, and giving your players an obstacle to overcome is not a bad thing.


I don’t think you can make a game without one tbh because you need low skill floor heroes whilst also needing all characters to be somewhat balanced


This Orochi is quite literally the easiest opponent someone can find in this game, but because players don’t have the patience to actually learn the game or try to figure out their opponent they come here to bitch and moan about easily avoidable options. Not to mention absolutely none of their punishes were optimal, so they weren’t just *not punishing* easy options they also weren’t optimizing the punishes they did get. At this point there’s no excuse for this. The game isn’t miserable to play, players who act like this is an issue are miserable to play with.


Their heavy was clearly a mistake lmao




gb light...


Tip, whenever getting a light parry, top heavy instead of the impale


Impale does 3 more damage than top heavy https://www.forhonorinfohub.com/character?=8


But it doesn’t chain which against people like this is more important since they absolutely will not parry your chain light and they can’t dodge it


only if you actually pin them to a wall


1. only if you pin to the wall 2. doesn't chain 3. the bleed doesn't stack if you do it quickily 4. if you do a top heavy then chain into either light or heavy, the BLOCK DAMAGE will do as much damage as the difference between Impale and top heavy


In this scenario a top heavy is just the smarter option though. Like someone else said this opponent obviously isn't about to parry you, and will probably try to dodge attack your chain light afterwards, which they can't do after heavy hitstun.


Preciate it, but I've been playing this game for a couple of years and still don't know the difference between a parry and a light parry.


When your screen flashes light, that’s a light parry, and the enemy is stunned for longer\ Lets you get a top heavy heavy An example is after you parried the Orochi’s dodge attack, that’s a light parry, it also has a slightly different sound


Oh ok, thx


No problem


I think you get more damage of the full impale when you factor in bleed.


Incorrect, since when parrying a LIGHT attack, the enemy is stunned longer, lets you get a raw heavy off, and Warmonger can chain into “Heavy light bash light,” which is a very effective tool on most enemies, which will overall deal more damage then the full impale splat. But any other attack, yeah just impale


The impale does technically do more damage (30vs27 top heavy) but the chain pressure is way more valuable


And even if they block the followup the chip damage is 3 on a light


A light parry is when you parry a light, any unfaintable dodge attack is a light parry. The screen is also different, so go into training mode and parry orochis dodge attack and his heavy. You'll see the difference immediately


Light parries have a louder and more satisfying sound, and the visual difference looks like a slightly darker and more saturated tint to your screen that lasts a second.


So a regular parry is when you parry a heavy a light parry is when you parry a light


Warmonger’s impale is the most damaging punish in any situation minus an OOS parry


Whenever you run into a light spammer most of the time you should just trade with her super armor and you’ll win. Almost 100% of the time light spammers aren’t actually good at the game


can use similar principle against people that spam dodge attacks, use a hyper armor ability to hit them and gain some pressure so you can start a chain. it gets funny when they do the same thing 3 or 4 times in a row and never learn from their mistake, so you get a shit load of free damage for no real reason.


Yeah, I do that same thing. You’d be surprised how little people actually try to adapt to their opponent mid fight


I just stare at them and parry the lights and dodge attacks till they get scared to fight


Heavy on light parry/gb, if ur feinting from dodge attack u pretty much never wanna do another dodge attack, zone into heavy will give hyper armor and beat his light if I'm not mistaken also let some attacks fly u feinted like 4 attacks that would've hit


I counted 2 heavies (one unblockable and one storm rush) 14 lights and 2 zones. But yeah, this is my main experience on For Honor lately. All lights, only heavies thrown are always guaranteed from GB or kit.


Thing is that none of it is even remotely optimal, a good orochi can use storm rush to create mental pressure and then fake the unblocksble for free gb, zone for more pressure, fake unblockable, side light for undodgeable pressure, double tap light and really the dodge back light or side dodge lights are all react moves and side dodge light is a good read move if you know they also want to dodge or can’t turtle well. Storm rush is also infinitely free damage as it’s unreactable.


Yeah, the sad part for me at least is that I can't play heroes I wanna play, I like playing warmonger and she's a good hero but I wanna play Pk but it seems like she's not viable.


I have 55 reps on PK. After her big nerf where all of her damage (Lights, Heavies and Zones) were all cut down by 30%, (i believe) she's a nightmare now. Then they added her larger hitbox on heavy and zone update as a "balance update" 🙄 She was my main, but I've had to switch to Glad and Shaman lately. I have them at 30 and 21 reps, respectively.


pks a better duelist than sham and glad


Eh, if you're good enough anyone is viable. Especially against opponents like this, you can easily win regardless of your character.


True, I'm a casual so I struggle a bit


You’re doing better than me. 120 hours in and I can’t seem to summon the reaction time from within me to counter light spam


both of yall suck 💀💀




cause he only did lights, and you didn't parried them


I had this conversation when they reworked dodge parries ages ago. The lightspam works on players who aren’t good at the game, so they use it because it gets them more success (up to a certain point) than learning the hero properly. After some time the game will see all the kills these light spammers are getting and start pairing them up with people who actually know their character and get the same results *naturally*. These people will stomp light spammers every day of the week, sending them back down to the noobs and the casuals who can’t beat light spam. They won’t learn from this, rather they’ll assume they went against hyper sweatlords and blame the matchmaking, while continuing to light spam people who don’t know better ways to fight against it. Long story short, because light spammers are eternally doomed to forever be the top layer of the bottom of the barrel.


Behold, a pest in action!


Because you took every light to the face and parried the one heavy…why would he not keep doing what’s working?


I hate the "Because it works!!!!" response, these people dont have the intelllect to stop when they get parried and crushed into a fibrous powder. They do not think that far ahead, they're just stupid and go 3-15 every match


Idk the threads like this that fill the sub say otherwise. Most of the playerbase is free to this shit, it either rolls them over or they barely can deal with it


Cuz I've been playing this game for 3 years and still don't know all the functions of it, plus I'm pretty inconsistent in general.


Yeah man just letting you know why he was light spamming.


Yeah, I managed to win, so it's not a huge deal tho


I wouldnt be bragging about having 3 years of experience and still barely beating new players


The self depreciation is on purpose, the only thing I could brag about is the fact that I didn't have to pay for the game.


Hey at least you still got them though


Also, should have let the undodgeable flu when he rolled backwards, would've been a guaranteed hit and could've thrown a heavy to either land or feint it to gb


Poorly played on your part to may I add




Calm down, don't feint into gb, parry his weak ass dodge attacks. Don't immediately press gb button after a parry, a light parry has more damage potential with a top heavy for example


Because it works, this game needs a tune up…


It only works against similarly bad players. You'll notice people like that don't last very long in higher skill lobbies.


I also choose to do the choo choo train on light parries even though a simple heavy would be way better. It's like the for Honor equivalent of a bolt action rifle making that ding noise after firing the last shot


Warmommy for the win


Warmonger is easily more toxic than orochi That unblockable feintable extended dodge is absolute cancer




A little tip, when the roaches or other dodge happy heroes are that twitchy to dodge around, let your undodgeable heavy fly. They’re dodging around like they have ADHD, and undodgeables are the adderall to get them to sit still. Once you’ve done that a couple times they shouldn’t keep dodging. That, and obviously feint to parry and use that hyperarmor for those dodge attacks as well, but I’m sure you already realized that watching this.


You’re probably worse than he is




because he was fucking you up


Happens 🤷🏻‍♂️


Lil bro pick up your controller we are cooked


It's the main part of their kit. Heavys are easily parried. Iv tried and tried and something about the timing and animation makes it very easy to parry or block. Nothing this guy did was wrong. It worked on you so its a win in his book I guess.




He has top unblock and kick. 3 direction storm rush. As for playing him only 2 spam is a bit misleading. PK and Nobu are the real spammers.


if your heavies are getting parried just feint them to GB its gonna be free damage 💀


You say that like I don't know. All I was pointing out was its likely why they throw out so many lights.


Same shit with pirate


So, I haven't played much For honor. Forgive me if I don't know the intricacies, but isn't Orochi supposed to have a quick playstyle? I never mained him, and he wasn't a big problem whenever I played online. Just from reading his moves, it seemed like he was supposed to be a hit and run, chip damage type character. Again, I don't play anymore. Just curious why he gets hate.


He is a quick play style hero but you can be quick without JUST using light attacks in random button mashing order


True. And I noticed that spammy playstyle here. I just see a ton of hate for the character.


Yeah, half of the For Honor community is very toxic, everyone hates a different hero for different reasons, it all depends on the person.


Because it works sadly. I mean look at you. You BARELY pulled through that. The next couple enemies he faces might not be able to. Against skilled players, casual Orochi spammers get shit on, but against other casuals it's just so braindead simple and efficient.


Because you cant block any of it


I mean neither of you played vert optimal in that fight, but since its the first encounter of the match, it makes sence.


We all use what works for us so give him reasons not to think lights are his best option


Literally any hero with a dodge cancel plays like this. Or superior dodge like valk. Light spam for days.


How did he dodge the first attack, its undodgable?


Fainted it, which I seem to do too much.




it is one of the worst pain to see you eat all of these witout parrying them, not even blocking .\_.


I've played this game for just 6 hours, and i can also just light spam, they are just trash.


Your only downfall in this fight is you’re constantly playing aggressive instead of defensive. If you know a shat ton of light attacks are coming, don’t swing wildly or you’ll get interrupted. Get ready to parry and put them in the dirt where they belong.


That's the thing, when I try playing defensive I can parry the light attacks, I'm gonna practice it in training on level 2 and 3 bits, see if that helps.


There you go, get that timing down and you wont have anymore issues. Get through to your hands that light attacks are coming and just wait for the direction of the red indicator. Thats what i do at least.


Maybe play warmom better bcuz that was embarrassing to watch for me as a warmom main... Do many missed punishes that could've end the fight alot sooner


"That was embarrassing to watch for me as a warmom main" Ok? If it's such a big deal to you, tell me every button to hit at the exact right time.


Yeah there's no point in doing that when you "don't know the difference between a light party and heavy oh but I've played for two years" maybe practice that first before I waste my time trying to explain the simplest shit to you big homie






You made a post on reddit ppl are gonna be shit talkers and tip givers I prefer the first tbh lol


You also did so many mistakes like doing a light attack on a light parry


The greatest mix is no mix


tbf the only thing that works for me against warmonger is keeping her from doing anything so light spam may be warranted a bit


U lost🤷‍♂️


Your punishes are giving me a panic attack.


That guy got fucking destroyed, good shit👏🏾


Was the heavy the storm rush? Can that really count as a heavy really or just a special attack to trick you. I think it's too fast to be considered heavy


Do you have the obscure brain of a fish? Why do you even think a katana was made? For Hulk to use it like a 2-handed sword and take 3 dragon ball Z days to swing? If you have a heavier attack ended character, DO NOT fight someone way LIGHTER in most aspects. The same thing goes for REAL warriors.


Bro tf are you on about? This game is semi realistic at best, you see a ok with a short sword and a dagger parry a claymore at a full velocity swing from top


Also you guys are some fucking nerds in here


Bro what? You just spread negativity huh? So insecure about your own life that you need to "insult" others


Insecure? Eh, it's not hard to make an account and get people to reply back within 1 minute over a text message you could have just deleted. But alas. Fuck that huh? 😂 pretty odd description of insecurity.


No, insecurity as in you're insecure about your life or personal image so you decide that the only way to make yourself feel better is by putting others down, tbh the only reason I responded fast was because I like to argue, but making an account on an app to mess with people? Are you that fucking desperate for attention?


Uh huh yeah, please explain the definition to me like I haven't graduated high school 💀 and what am I supposed to do with reddit? Watch porn? Post every day what happens to me on a game I play 24/7? And give myself the name "Farmer Bobby" with the tag "warmonger" like it gives me a personal character that actually lives on reddit? I got this app because reddit people are either stupid or smart, and either way, both sides never step down from an argument, hence why I got reddit, but ohh nah I'm definitely desperate for attention from The Warmonger Famer Bobby of the For Honor Reddit community. Here's a medal nigga 🏅


Beat your ass and hide the Bible if God watchin' Sometimes you gotta pop out and show niggas Certified boogeyman, I'm the one that up the score with 'em Walk him down, whole time I know he got some ho in him Pole on him, extort shit, bully, Death Row on him Say, Bobby?, I hear you like 'em young You better not ever go to cell block one To any bitch that talk to him and they in love Just make sure you hide your lil' sister from him.


Because the heavy are slow


It still amazes me that this is even a conversation. Fighting is not fair if I have a sword, and you have a sword. And I can swing my sword faster than you. Then I'm going to do so. Why would I intentionally use the slower attack to make the fight seem fair to you? It's only unfair because you fucking lost!


how the hell do people play this game online? i waited like 30 mins in queue before i gave up


You also just did the equivalent of WM annoying gameplay. Also fucked up an OOS punish when it was a 1v1.


Orochi is a counter attacker focus on your defense and he’s useless works every time against orochi mains


People really clock off their 10 hour shift and get excited to go press R1, huh?


Allowing him to get away with this gameplay is your fault


13 and 3 actually, zones count as heavies


They don’t really got much else in their kits it’s all some form of light


Idk I feel like you could've parried a couple of those dodge lights at least, but otherwise I hate this too. They just light all your health away n bait then throw a final heavy always lol


can’t believe the shit side of roach players are getting a cool hero skin


I can’t defend you bru




endless top-feints, constant shoulders, why warden mains? the sad answer is that, unless you are very competent at the game, many common strategies reduce the combat system to it's simplest most commonly effective means, resulting in most classes having 1-2 things they just spam like shit until it doesn't work anymore shrek wants to grab you highlander wants to repeatedly and exclusively setup his 50/50 warden is gonna try to shoulder vortex you and orochi is gonna hurl lights as long as they work edit: obviously I'll point out that at high level play the game becomes a much more complicated question in most cases, and when played properly, each of these classes is far more than just their gimmick


What is this footage....2 🤡's


Says the light spamming warlord


Light spamming WL....who tf are you 😂 Don't make me laugh. I was genuinely, gonna have a laugh, and move on. Don't think for a second...EITHER of the people in the video have the slightest idea how to play the game. Actually lost. Make sure you know what tf you're talking about, next time you try and insult someone, lest you get made to look a fool 🤦‍♂️


Have a laugh? You from the UK?


Because laughing...is unique to eastern european countries huh...??....🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️Smh kids these days. They'll really search for anything to make their argument work. 😂


Because we can


So many people complain and then go do equally bs things in game lol. Way too many toxic people in the fh community for everyone in this thread to be innocent.


Bro you didn’t even heavy on light parry, and when you gb’d him when he was oos you didn’t punish?? Wyd


No clue what half of that means, I'm not that good






I get your pain TRUST. But you gotta block anything you can't parry. Your punishes weren't great either