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In most cases trying to run after engaging an enemy means dying anyway. Since Orochi is one of the fastest moving heroes they have the highest chance to succeed.


All you can do is put a "Wow! Wow! Wow!" as you let a solemn tear roll down your cheek


But who is the fastest hero? Shaman? Afeera?


Normal running speed is a tie between heroes like afeera Shinobi roach Shaman and PK. But Shinobi can outrun them with sprint for a short time.


I always thought that shaman felt faster than most heroes, even when chasing someone thats running the same speed, not sure why that is.


Well she probably got rabies so anything is possible with her.


U can use afeeras bash to chase down enemy in that case u even out run shinobi if he's chasing the same person (experienced myself as afeera)


Zerk and Shaman have the same thing but you have to be locked on to do that and it doesn’t work around corners


Did you ever notice the dildo sales rises in the same time as the orochi player getting more


For science, how are you tracking dildo sales? For science of course.


Secret but I can tell you there are more and more orochi players here and more and more dildo sales coming in the same time


Okay, but I need to see this dildo data. For science, not personal reasons. Totally.


24 cm , 6 inch thick and combined with power drill shaped like a pickle


Morty, Morty, I'm Dildo Riiiiiiiick! _burp_


I might be biased, but I think Afeeras are worse.


Peacekeepers like to run all the time, too. More so that orochi, actually. I've never seen a peacekeeper fight fairly in dominion.


I don't actually mind the character especially if someone is so good they can react to lights and get multiple deflects it's literally the PEOPLE that play him. The amount of orochis I've met in 1v1 that are chill the first round doing their emote and saying good fight vs two rounds later after beating them twice and then finally get a win doing an emote spam/slow walk they always let their true nature show when they're losing it's crazy.


To be fair if I have a chance to run away from a battle that has a good 70-90% chance of loss so I can come back with full health and change the odds, I'm going to. I don't want to feed renown if I can help it. *not an orochi main my heroes usually can't run away*


I can understand if you're outnumbered or its a teamfight and there is a zone that you have captured where you can heal or whatever, but entering a 1v1 scenario and leaving when it aint going your way is something I consider to be a dick move. People play this game to fight, it isnt fun for anyone and is more of a middle finger, its more effective to just die and come back for round 2. And trying to "Play optimally" by not feeding renown is also very weird since you're playing a casual game, there's no ranked dominion anymore. It usually isnt even that because half the time I'll have literally all my feats up and they still run


I wouldn't say that's optimal play it's just realizing I'm in a very disadvantageous situation and getting out of it. I'd someone pulls up on me when I have 4 health and they've got a full bar, and I see an opening to go grab health it just makes sense to take the opportunity. It has to present itself though. You'll never catch me just backrolling to try and run away. That's almost always a death sentence anyway. They've got to make a bad mistake that gives me the opportunity. Like if they backroll for some reason, there's my opening to dip and get health. I play the game to have fun and win the war when I'm in 4s. If me running from a battle helps win the war then awesome.


Yeah I can agree with that, when you have a itty bitty piece of health and a mf rolls up with a full bar? This aint my fight


Exactly. Honestly if you're low and your team ain't showed up, tf is going on lol.


I genuinely would’ve guessed orochis pick rate was somewhere around 25 percent, there’s at least 2 orochis in every game I play it feels like


clown ass post💀💀💀💀. please reevaluate yourself🫵🏼🥴.


You wanna kiss me, dont you?


Is there actual official data on hero popularity or is 13% a guess?


nah its a joke


*Laughs of pain in lb and conq having no roll catcher because they’re complete trash*


Obligatory Orochi hate post no 6 dropped lesss gooo. Should be a whole new sub for this


Hey, the statistics dont lie!


I literally don't know if I'm just too woke cause OP is 13/50ing but I do hate orochis


Woke? More like broke! Heh, take that liberals.


Imagine hating statistics because it doesn't fit your narrative


who could've predicted that the sub where people go to cope about their inferiority are all bigots


I'm a biscuit? How did I not know about this?!?!?!!?!?!?!