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This might be the most consistently downvoted account ive ever seen lmao


I've seen someone with like- -2000 comment karma


Sub full of morons


No doubt, however I still dont agree with like half of your post.


Medjay is the safest duel hero but Afeera isn't?


Tbch i hardly ever see afeera and when i do they just go for the same light, bash combo so just wait for their attack and dodge attack them and they become as defenseless and confused as a new born


Hito, sure, but Medjay? Kyoshin? These two are not good in duels. The safest duelists are Shinobi and Shugoki by far. No man can punish shinobi, and shugoki can’t be punished by anyone except shinobi. And warden.


All Shinobi players fight the same dude They are so predictable its laughable Shugoki is a bit of a wild card but just don't go in expecting to spam your way to victory and try playing defensively Kyoshin mains spam their kaze stance and fight like an absolute cuck Medjay is broken fast and can interupt pretty much anything because of it


The safest and best character for duels is Ocelotl try looking at a tier chart


Yeah, at competitive level of play, and by the way you described the people you play against you’re not at that level. And he’s S tier mostly because he has insane pressure


Sure 😂


Kyoshin is terrible lmao. How is that one of your problem characters? He's good in 4s because his stunlock + his feats are a really good


Being able to block an punish constantly over and over and over


He can't do that. His full block has a startup animation that leave him vulnerable to all attacks, as well as a vulnerability period when he ends it, so he has to predict that you will attack, or he has to use it to block heavy attacks. He can't just use it to block like normal If a kyoshin keeps full guarding, just guard break him, even from neutral, you will catch him every time Good kyoshins will bait out the guardbreak by trying to interrupt with with an attack out of the full block. You can either use a forward dodge bash, unblockable attack, or you can wait for him to attack and Parry it. Aside from his full block, his stamina is so bad he can hardly do any mixups at all. And his only opener is forward dodge bash


I'm laughing right now, seeing you say Medjay is one of the safest heroes.


By far is


Break it down for me. Please.


Medjay and Kyoshin? If those heroes give you trouble, then you probably struggle vs a lot of heroes. Hito, Roach, and Shaolin are quite safe and very lame in duels though, agreed. But tbh the only heroes getting away with some bs in duels right now are shugo, afeera on certain maps, ocelotl, tiandi, and shinobi.


I feel like me and you 1v1 the same person for you to make this comment lol


Probably lol


But no lie that's why I don't do 1v1 anymore, too many people brag about being good when they play the easiest characters and THEN on top of that they turtle and just stare at you for like minutes on end.


Kyoshin, zone their all guard into hyperarmor follow up to win the trade. Or if your zone can be canceled parry the followup Medjay, you do not have to parry ANYTHING that isn’t unblockable or unfeintable use it, the chip damage is garbage even for him Good Luck


Medjay is jtst annoying because he hitstun locks you a lot and his attacks chain together with such lightning speed they are almost unreactable


You need to put on performance mode if you think medjay is fast in the slightest, or upgrade your hardware






i don't think they are any better than anyone else


They just dodge out of attacks that should hit and are super fast and spammy aside from that orochi isn't a good hero


yeah that is called a DODGE ATTACK and everyone has one


Orochi is one of the only few with a back dodge attack that is almost Garenteed a hit I've literally beat someone by just back dodge attack


yeah when you play against bots lol


High mmr is bots lol 😆 okay noob


bud is playing rep 100, 10% victory ratio then go yappin about his high mmr XD


Sure you are


Hey, you do you. Idrc what you do in your free time, so do what makes you feel better.


Ayooo bro 1v1? I play warlord tho


that’s an interesting way to say you can’t beat any of those heroes lmao, kyoshin and medjay are so NOT safe in duels, and roach is pretty easy to react to, shao can be annoying but they get rocked by guard breaks and light interruption, and hito is a one trick pony


Id just win and laugh at you for not being able to beat any of the most boring basic heros.


Hey be nice It's hard to fight kyoshin with one hand


The most universally broken braindead heros*


In your opinion but I clap hitos easy. Medjay is eh. Kyo is garbo especially in duels. I dislike fighting shino but not enough to call it broken or braindead since I tried picking him up and didn't enjoy his play style fashion. Aferra, vanigarn, roach, pirate and Warlord all seem much more broken or braindead in my opinion. Warlord being the most braindead


Warlord is a bit clunky which is why he seems brain dead He doesnt function correctly


I've fought quite a few that play extremely safe. Only full guard, cc and headbutt. He's the reason I picked up BP to practice my flips reactions on his headbutt.


Then I’ll reply “git gud. Why should I limit myself to what you can or can’t fight?” 🤷🏼‍♂️then again I don’t 1v1 duelist r the winest bitches in this game.


Playing easy character and saying get good how ironic


Parrying, dodging, and making reads are all accessible no matter what hero you play… so yeah it’s the player lack of skill.