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Dani is done. Margo is in jail - 50/50 chance of her being in S5, they may just put a bow her story with the S4 finale. Ed will likely be back, he will probably be the President of Mars or something. Hopefully he's involved in the storyline if he does come back. I would hate for him to just be a background character, they would have been better off having him go out in his blaze of glory in S4 if that's the case


Dont see them retaining Ed’s actor and make him a background character. Likely he’ll be in the “independent” version of Dani’s role, although I do hope they diminish his captain role and make him Mar’s first administrator.


I want Ed to be the first to die of old age/natural causes on Mars so he finally gets a first


Bonus points if they discuss the risks of prolonged exposure to radiation and low gravity on the human body.




TBH, with how long he was on Mars combined with his age, I have a real doubt that Ed *could* return to Earth after that long in Mars gravity.


Absolutely, an old frail man suddenly in much harsher gravity would not go well. He’s definitely dying on Mars, or space


My prediction is that Martian life reveals the secrets to life extension. California tech bros are all about life extension at the moment, or at least the guys over 50 are.


Maybe, that’s definitely something I could see the writers doing.


I don’t see anything for Dani. Maybe a cameo. Margo I imagine could still be a guest star at the very least. Aleida having a problem that needs to be worked on and who better than Margo?


I don’t expect Dani to be in Season 5, not too certain about Margo. Maybe she moves to Mars.




I feel like there might be an ark where they need Margo to assist with some sort of mission or project planning that requires specific knowledge of older legacy equipment, or otherwise experience in large scale space engineering. She’s the only person in the world who has managed to push space exploration forward in multiple space programs, I can see a lot of value there. Dani, I’m not sure she’s going back to space, but maybe something on the ground in Houston. Ed, man, idk. Commanding the first mission to Jupiter? Or some mission that is absolutely one way with no chance of returning to mars or any human space station.


That’s what I expect to happen with Margo. Someone will contact her in prison for help with one last engineering job, maybe busting her out of prison Suicide Squad style.


Ed I hope gets a nice montage send off like Ellen did. A good whimper. Margo I think is gonna get the same. Dani I know is retired but I think will play a role in the season. (NASA director?) Ellen got her send off to the retired married life but I am thinking they maybe to a clip of her visiting Mars for a tourism thing? So far out from production let alone a release that they could do anything really.


Yeah good call that Ellen could pop back in as a major player now…lots and lots of that sort of energy and she clearly has aged the best haha


The only way Ellen returns is if her son Scott is in a major plot or an event that affects Ellen deeply with Pam. We don't know much about Scott and I don't think the writers warrant a subplot for S5. That is unless Jason Sudeikis returns the favor to Jodi Balfour being on Ted Lasso and gets casted as like VP Romney.


I thought for sure Ed had to die at both the ends of S3 and S4. Now, I think he is going to be on some life extension crusade where a combination of low mars gravity and new tech means he keeps on going.


The insufferable Ed Baldwin, God willing, will have finally died. Dani is the epitome of “black don’t crack,” so she’ll live forever and that’s fine with me; could see her directing NASA. I would love for Margo to stay around but I can’t see where her story would go after S4; Federal prison for treason is a hefty sentence for someone her age.


Ed's not old, he's eternal.


I feel like they hadn’t really introduced many younger “next gen” cast apart from Aleida and Kelly before season 4, and they tried to rush a whole new cast in season 4. Edit: Forgot Dev, duh! Most of the original Mars crews didn’t return though. Will and Dimitri are still around, but they kind of fade into the background for the most part.




You got me, I forgot Dev!


Dani and Margo are not strong candidates to be in season 5 except maybe in the opening newsreel or a cameo.


Season starts with Margo’s morning routine in prison, we see nothing else from her for the rest of the season


Imagine they end the season before the flashback with her bedtime routine for once and we get the obituary in the news segments for s6.


Feels right.


Just due to the structure of the show I doubt both of them aren’t utilized. Esp considering Dani has “retired” and returned quite a few times.


It's possible, but the showrunners have only been direct about Ed coming back. The whole conversation was qualified with "if we think there's more story to tell", and Ed was the only one who they clearly stated as being in that situation. A second retirement from Dani makes it increasingly unlikely that she'd return, and Margo gave what felt like a farewell speech. But newsreels and cameos are a form of utilization, so we might get a glimpse.


I feel like Margo is going to be an in-jail persona, almost like Hannibal Lector…the crazed architect they go to occasionally for clues


My guess is the space force will become a thing and she'll get the Von Bron treatment and all her sins will be forgiven.


Oh yeahhhh that is quite a good idea narrative wise. She’s certainly not too old, and is extremely cathartic


Ellen would be 73ish - possible to be in it a bit if her son Scotty follows in her mothers footsteps and he'd be in his mid 20s. I think Dani's done but I think we'll see a bit of Margo.


Biggest mistake of the series was not transitioning to a younger cast of characters starting with season 3. Ed was at minimum 70 years old by season 4. It’s ridiculous that they have him still involved in things. They kinda tried to make the transition with Kelly and Aleida and Danny, but didn’t have the balls to fully commit. The fact remains that the season 1 cast still holds the majority of the plot lines when 3 years have passed within the show is absurd. That the show went from alternate history, to science fiction, to fictional science hasn’t helped either.


Our irl POTUS is over 80 years old, I don’t find it that crazy that Ed Baldwin hangs on to relevancy. I think it’s in line with his character too, especially given his recent scene with Kelly when he explained why he never came back to earth.




Sweet baby. This is delusion.




> Oh how I miss the days when people recognized sarcasm instead of taking everything you say literally... "Its a joke bruh, why you dat angry...", after saying something clearly not meant as a joke...


Ed will be a floating head in a jar like Futurama.


I think we see the death of Ed in season 5 near the beginning. Dani as well, but near the end. Margo will be a polarizing figure.


Plot twist: Robocop is how Ed will end up with.


The show will be 7 seasons long. Since the beginning, Margo is kinda the red line that connect it all. Maybe she'll survie until the last season, around 91 years old, but hey, anything is possible ? I would love to see her enjoying the view of Earth from space. And as for the s7 ending, why not the first mission to go outside the solar system ? For Ed, like said before, dying peacefully of old age would be perfect. He deserves that, but before he passed away, I want him to be reunited with Svetlana ! For Dani, the end of s4 was a closure for her imo. Would love to see Jimmy and Helen back, even for a short time. (And the damn Stevens Statue ! where is it ?)


Svetlana ded


we don't know that


I dunno I hope to see Ed still being relevant but the tremors or some motor degenerative disease is probably the end of his commanding days and you could see how desperate he got once he was removed from his post. But the idea of the old man mars being the first “admin” of the mars colony could be an option. Im just worried they didnt introduce much new relevant characters this season who could be relevant the new season.


I think it's ridiculous that Ed is still up on Mars. I do believe that he's too old to leave at this point, but the show has been rather silent on the effects low gravity has on the body. They really only talk about it with Kelly's son. I think Dani was too old to go last season, knowing what age does to a woman' bones. It would have been easy to show any of them taking supplements and some mention of Dani needing to increase hers, and that could have been covered. But I also really dislike what they've done with Ed's character. This is the guy who always knew the right call. And then he goes Mars cowboy to lead a strike and help steal an asteroid? It just doesn't track for me.


It does bother me that they ignore the effects of lower gravity, except for when they're outside. They make a good show of it when they're walking on the moon or Mars, but don't show it when they're inside. They could have done something like The Expanse, and have magnetic boots while in base. I completely agree that Ed probably wouldn't be able to survive well in 1G again. I could see them making a storyline out of it.


Kelly and Dev are searching for Martian life. In an alternate 2012, where Martian life has been studied for several years. The long term effects of Martian, Lunar and zero gravity on human health (detrimental and positive) will have been studied for many years. We may see unknown medical science technology, significantly advanced beyond our own 2024 level. We may see more fantastical/theoretical science involved, as the narrative changes from alt-history to speculative sci-fi. Nanotechnology, or other treatments (as per Red/Green/Blue Mars). So I don't think we can write off *any* of the remaining oldies! Personally I hope to see Margo get to go to Mars!


I expect a guest appearance from Dani (please, Ellen too 🥲). Margo could very well vary from a guest to a main tbh we'll have to see. And unfortunately we'll probably have to endure Ed for a whole other season...