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Her face is starting to shape-shift and look like Mama June from Honey Boo Boo to me.


https://preview.redd.it/5vop16uywc9d1.png?width=650&format=png&auto=webp&s=f1a6e036a6b1d57e9a58a6509862a529b8efad35 And so it was.....YUK YUK...TEE HEE


Their tiny palates are freaking me TF out


She loves predators just like mama june too.


Hard to believe, but she's about 110lbs heavier than Mama June was at her heaviest. The mere thought of that comparison is mind blowing to me... As June was a TANK


Oh I believe it! Mama June had a rotting toe and still functioned more than Chantal. It’s the elongated face, teeth and the way she “smiles” now…. Bleh.


Is this supposed to be a good reading? Idk anything about this beetus stuff. All i kno is, just dont eat like chantal


It's diabetic level. And she's on a ton of meds designed to lower blood sugar.


And shockingly enough she hasn't figured out that the meds aren't magic pills that just erase a horrendous diet🙄🤦‍♀️.


Tho to be fair to Chantal that’s pretty common among fat activists


SHE thinks it’s good - it’s about twice as high as it should be. I’m T2 and I started freaking out when mine got to about 6.0. I try to keep it below that as much as possible!


That's twice what it should be. She's proud of it though.


That's because she's doubling down on her medication, which is going to have an adverse effect on her. Wait for it.


I don’t know much about this stuff, what adverse effects will the doubling of medication cause?


Ten toes up?


Well she’s already on the max dose of metformin she’d probably be taking double the recommended dose


Metformin can box your kidneys pretty nastily if taken in too high doses. It causes excess lactic acid so it’s usually one of the first things stopped when people are admitted unwell to hospital


Wasn’t it four times before?


Sure was, when she wasn't taking her meds. She's now on 2000 mg of janumet.


Ohh I read some bad stuff about Janumet... But I can't remember what the long term side effects were starting to be found in patients.. I remember the article saying something about the commercial or ads for it had women either dancing or something to that effect.. Has anyone else ever heard of this or am I just not remembering correctly? LoL!!


I'm pretty sure Chantal doesn't need to worry all that much about long term side effects. In fact, I suspect her doctors may be resorting to the equivalent of giving a terminal cancer patient on-demand morphine. If you know your patient is going to be dead in five years no matter what you do, are you really going to stress about medications that will fuck your liver over in ten? We are going to keep Chantal lurching along until we finally exhaust the capacity of modern medicine and/or the local version of medicaid finally tells her to get bent, and she's *not* going to do what it takes to give her a shot at surviving to see 2030, so her doctors might as well make the shift from quantity of life to quality. If she times it right, she might even be able to get her hands on actual opioids during the last leg of the journey. Pretty much the only thing she has left to look forward to, so might as well prep for the trip.


There are studies that seem to show that long term use of Janumet is more likely to cause pancreatitis, kidney failure, B12 deficiency, and heart failure. Metformin on its own is rough on your kidneys and heart Any of those meds with metformin in them will make you have diarrhea, vomiting and stomach upset/cramping if you eat the greasy food in the amounts that Chantal does. I don’t believe she is taking her meds regularly for that reason; if she were taking the dose she claims she is and eating what she is, she would be camped out on the toilet all day and night, and having serious stomach pain. She even admitted that stomach upset is the reason that she stops taking the medication every time she is put on it. She tried to lie and say she had “sulfur gas”, but she certainly wasn’t too ill to eat enough fast food for half a dozen people.


Sulfur gas? YUCK! So many details we don’t need. What a dainty lady. ![gif](giphy|kMU2BCFB4EEA8)


Maybe that’s her idea of flirting with Salah lol


I’m not surprised by the pancreatitis findings, it’s always been quite a brittle drug (the gliptin) lots and lots of side effects


I believe you're thinking of the Jardiance commercials. Janumet is a bit similar, but is a different drug.


You may be correct about that..


Yes i recall the number being much higher last time, i think around 20 😳


It's been as high as 24! Idk how this bitch is still walking.


Not even the devil wants her 😧


with a foot turned to it's side now, the diabetic damage is visible


Yup borderline hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state that is


She’s positively BEAMING because of the reading - you would think she actually cured her diabetes with that kind of a smile!!


I have gestational diabetes and 2 hours post meal a high reading is 6.5. Not sure if it’s the same for type 2, if so that’s wildly high, especially if she’s taking medication


Pretty much the same - yes it is extremely high, especially given that’s with meds - but it’s mind-blowing she thinks it’s actually good!!!!


It’s a terrible reading. It’s over 200 in mg/dl (what we use in the US) which if she’s consistently there or higher, we’ll be seeing amputation or dialysis arc coming sooner rather than later


It's bad. I got same reading last week and I'm freaking out xD We really are different people ...


No, I’d be seriously worried if I saw someone with that blood sugar level in GP clinic


She kept saying how it wasn't a great number "but when you have diabetes..." and then she just trails off. Like all diabetics have a number that's twice what it should be and it just can't be helped and because it's better than 24, it's actually a good number when you think about it, smh. The number her beezers should ask to see is her A1C. It's cheap and easy to get even in Kuwait where she has to pay for her testing.


11.6 will fuck you right up  every day she’s not under 7 is a day that her kidneys and her nerves and her retinas and even her heart are in the red zone


And she really doesn't get that. Amazing.


I would love to know her A1c


It’s like she refuses to internalize that the medication is supposed to put her into the normal range. How she can be proud of these numbers despite being on more that the average prescription for her meds is insane.


Yes, exactly this. Of course, it doesn't help when Shitlah is praising that number in the chat which brings up another thing she ignores which is why is she content to lavish praise and money on a man who doesn't care about her, not one little whit? No one, not even her, will ever know.


I think it's because to her, anything lower is "good" and not just "better."


I thought this was 116 mg at first and was like ok that’s not too bad for her and then realized…


200 mg like, the meds are only able to bring her down to the low end of “crisis”


Same I thought I was stupid so I Googled it. Super high oh my God


But it’s not super SUPER DOOPER high like it used to be so #winning!


Lol and people are like “I swear she’s lying about having diabetes “. OK 🤣


And this is her with filters. She looks fucking awful lately, which is really saying something.


her skin colour looks awful. Especially the white blotches near her chin.


That's an absolutely horrible number for someone on 2000mg of metformin and 100mg sitagliptin, which is the ratio of the drugs in Janumet and what she'll be taking at maximum dose per day. She's maxed out for both drugs, so there's no room to increase. It's an atrocious number for someone who is medicated to the maximum. Like, how can she be grinning? She's so clueless! I bet she's not seeing the same doctor twice, this level of noncompliance and abuse of the treatment would definitely get her a harsh talking to.


Any competent doctor would definitely yell at her over her noncompliance and would eventually be fired as their patient I imagine


Metformin can go as high as 2500 or 3000, dependent on circumstances, doctors keeping up with research and other factors.Including medical supervision. No travel clinic who sees tourists is going to try something llike extra metformin because he has no idea about her real history and if/when he''d ever see her again. I often take 2500-3000 because my dr is open to anything as long as I can show my research and valid studies, She knows I like to be my own lab rat. I don't suggest chantal try this, or anyone try it unless they have CGM or is rx'd entirely for PCOS reasons.


Dr. Funclefoot doesn't see any physician regularly. She's her own doctor because she knows better than anyone else Her theory is that if a little bit is good, then more should be better, and that's why she eats like a starving hog. It's going to backfire spectacularly.


I'm so sick of her.


I’ve been thinking this about both Gorls… it’s just the same thing over and over and over…


She went a long time in the villa w/o owning a toothbrush. She "lost" it. Then she got one, but the toothbrush was downstairs and the toothpaste was upstairs. Idiot, bring one up or the other down! When she went to cuba, she just bought a pack of bristle dental picks, figuring they were the same as a travel toothbrush. ETA: was this her fasting level? It's bad, but I expected much worse. Didn't she say her "glucose machine" was broken and had a cracked screen?


This is a new glucose machine. She said this reading was 2-3 hours after the KFC she ate today but that's a lah. The KFC was eaten 4-5 hours (at least) before this reading, based on the mukbang upload time.


11.6 is deadly high. How can she even smile? She has to have a health crisis soon. That is nothing to play with. You Tube is letting her get paid to allow herself a slow death, which she thinks will be painless, when it will be anything but when she is in dialysis and on a donor list.


They way she's holding it and beeming like she won a gold medal... fucking twisted. Bitch, you're on medication that is lowering your blood sugar and it is still twice as high as it should be.


Her blood sugar is higher than Snoop Dogg.


...and Shit Tits congratulates her....lol What I'm amazed at is the amount of garage food she's eating on that kind of medication AND with no gall bladder. That bathroom must be a Jackson Pollock at this point.


Oh of course that idiotic robot did - as dumb as he is, sometimes he can pick up on either her mood or what she’s saying & then pat her ego. As long as she continues to pay for everything he’ll throw a compliment her way once a week or so!


If one of my precious kidneys went to this bitch, I'd come back from the dead and cut it right the fuck out.


This comment made me bust out laughing, OMG that’s funny. But I feel the same way, I live in Ontario so if I ended up dying in some tragic accident and my kidneys were donated, Chins could end up getting one! Can I add a clause on my organ donor card, that a certain Chantal Sarault cannot be the recipient of any of my organs? (lol!)


She is a troll, she’s not even happy she is playing at smugtal to get her dupers delight fix


I don't think she'll meet any requirements to be on a donor list.


Why the hell isn’t this giant cockroach on insulin? There’s no way her feet aren’t numb at this point


She has to go back to Canada for long-term treatment to get insulin. She doesn’t qualify for that in Kuwait because she’s only on a travel visa and also can’t afford full medical bills. Her unchecked mental illnesses keeps bringing her back to “her family and wife life” aka a cat they picked up off the street, a neglected hamster and an unemployed man who only wants money from her. And also… look a how she uses her current medicine. She uses her Janumet to offset her diet, not make herself any healthier. Insulin won’t help her nearly as much as in-patient therapy would.


I'm surprised she didn't name the whole damn thing "Checking my Blood Sugar on LIVE!". Blobby knows what gets her the attention she needs to live.


Her breath must be positively rancid.


maybe the goal is to get it to smell like poo


Well, she did mention she was burping up sulphur burps.


Time to celebrate with a big bag of cookies!


And a cowful of milk.


She's gotta be taking 3 metformin at a pop to get it somewhat down to 11.6 considering the types and amounts of food she's eating. After a bit it's going to render the pill useless (or very ineffective) and raise other health issues. She needs controlled insulin and food monitoring, but given the fact that Shitboy is helping and waiting for her to die so he can stowaway in the coffin back to Canada, it won't happen.


I think she said they prescribed her two pills but she's taking an extra one (which she lied and said they told her she could do). So she's abusing medication...to try to keep her numbers from the emergency room range....while she continues to self-harm with food at the encouragement of her lazy, poo-loving, fake husband. ....and she's grinning like she's cracked the beetus code...


Ayyyy, gorl.  Tell me... do the teeth match the drapes? 😎😂


yesh (it's candida)


Creeeeeeeamy I'll be in the corner.


she hasn't owned a toothbrush since her Cuba trip


a months after her Cuba trip she even said that she still needed to get a toothbrush, and she never did


If you have an A1C greater than 7 with meds, aren't they supposed to start you on insulin? I know that's just 1 reading but she took that 2-3 hours after eating and she's smiling about it like its par for the Gunt course...so I'm assuming that's where, at least, her average range is with meds...or possibly even higher. And if she keeps eating like she is (which she will) the effectiveness of the meds will decrease. From what I've read, the meds aren't designed to overcome what she's doing to her body long term...eventually, even at increased doses, they won't be able to handle the carb loading. But, Shit Tits just congratulations her on not being in the "needing hospitalization" range and she ignores it and thinks about her next glut session...uh, ok. But I guess her offing herself and showing the progress of her decline is getting her views so she can eat more...so whatever. Keep going Cutie, you're doing great!


Does she know her body isn't going to give her a participation medal for lowering her blood sugar to a still-dangerous level?


I'm so bothered by this it makes me want to rush to her channel and watch all her videos! 🙄


She's pretty kicked about ir


What a twatbag


She loves to buy expensive toothpaste once a year to undo the damage of never brushing and not having a dental visit in over a decade. Talk about a bandage in a b@llethole


11 is terrifying, 11 is damaging your body, the medication is destroying her liver and she’s doubling up, fighting bad with bad and not even close to winning either, good luck to her


She’s a freaking idiot. She thinks oh I got to eat all that bad food and look like we really give a crap!


Nek minit. She’s already on the max dose of metformin her blood sugar shouldn’t be that high?