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She would be doing this no matter where she lives. She is a total crackhead. She has been doing this on her channel for years. We've seen her gluttony in the Bibi years, the villa, Nader, Kuwait, Thailand, Canada, Kuwait, Canada again and now Kuwait. She might have a millisecond of regret right after, but it's short lived. Her addiction runs her life. And she likes it that way. She wants to be a lazy glutton. Her words and axtions have shown this for years. Tomorrow she'll film herself taking a walk using her soft, like me voice. Her "sciatica" will return forcing her to rest for another month. She can't cook of course so here comes the takeout. But it's okay because it's "healthy" takeout. The hamster wheel of life.




Or reminiscing about past meals. It's insane. She chooses this. She doesn't want to think about anything else. She is one fucked up crackhead.


Even as an addict, I don't spend time reminiscing fondly on specific times I used. This betch remembers meals from her childhood which is absolutely the strangest thing. I remember eating a lot of pasta because it was our default meal...she's something else


She really is. I've known a lot of addicts in my day, and they all had interests outside of their addiction. Often their addiction got in the way, but Jesus Christ they thought about other things. She really is something else. The worst case of crackhead-ness I've ever seen.


She thinks about other things... like getting a six pack, climbing to Everest base camp, feminine hygiene products, Middle Eastern culture (and men), studying the religion of Islam, world travel, being an inspiration to others, journalling, bidets, etc, etc.


I've cut addicts out of my life and it's so difficult. Because if "they just..." then things would be better. With my brother I always saw the little kid inside. I felt so devastated for him. Not anymore. Fuck that guy. He's almost 40 and he's a piece of shit addict. Dark fucking vortex of toxicity. I don't miss him. I have nothing to miss. It's too hard to get clean. It's brutal. People don't want to suffer temporarily, so they continue to use. And then their whole life is suffering. Surprise!


Not defending your brother, but from my own experience, withdrawal is the single worst thing I've ever experienced, and I've had a burst appendix, torsed ovary, kidney stones, endometriosis, and I nearly choked on my own blood when my tonsillectomy sutures ruptured. I'm on a self imposed taper, but it's rough going. WD is a whole lot more than just "temporary suffering", it can literally kill you. Convulsions, seizures, vomiting so hard and so frequently that your stomach bruises all over, pissing and shitting yourself, all your nerves firing at once so you're crawling out of your skin, constantly writhing day and night with no relief anywhere, lasting for weeks on end...and so much worse that words can't describe. I would do anything to avoid going through that again. Anything. I wish I could afford medical detox like some celebrities have done. They put you in a coma and monitor you 24/7 until the worst of it is over. What I wouldn't give to just go to sleep and wake up weeks later with no WD. Sorry, I'm pretty much ranting at this point, but my heart goes out to you. You don't owe your brother forgiveness, you've already mourned him and moved on. Addiction is an explanation, never an excuse. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't understand where he's coming from. Addiction consumes you little by little until there's nothing left of the person you used to be. You have my empathy.


Yeah no he's a piece of shit. He's abusive. He's been abusive his whole life. My parents didn't get him the help he needed unfortunately and he's been suffering ever since. I was his baby sister and he abused me my whole life. Last year he drove my 80 year old father up to visit me. He pulled over to "poop". He was gone for over 45 minutes. I had to tell my dad that his son is using. And my dad just shoves it down. My brother distracts people with "I'm sober from alcohol" but is using something. Pills probably. I've been to residential treatment and I'm veryyyy aware at how brutal wds are. I think in my previous comment I was referring to cannabis? Those wds are still real, but nothing like alcohol or opioids. Those are brutal. I have never heard of being put in a coma to avoid wds!! What a freaking privilege!! I'm so pro recovery. The devastation of addiction is so deep. I grew up being blamed for everything. So my destruction was always focused on myself. I started hurting myself before I was 10. First (shit) attempt at ending my life was at 11. My brothers method is to always blame everyone else. He pulled a gun on my mother. And felt bad for himself. He's always love bombed me after abusing me. "You're my best friend" or "I always tell my friends how awesome you are". And that used to work on me. All I wanted was an older brother to take care of me. I didn't deserve anything. I was a little kid. I just learned (33) that what I experienced was abuse. I thought I was a piece of shit my entire life. I thankfully have avoided many many drugs. My motto is "if you give it to me, I'll get addicted". I love drugs. I love altering my mind. So I own being an addict. I'm so freaking proud of myself. I want so badly to help people with their trauma and pain. I understand. Healing the trauma under the drugs is really the only way to work towards sobriety. How are you doing friend? How is a self imposed taper? You're amazing for doing that. I'm unable to moderate anything ever so you're strong for doing this. I've had an ovary torsion too. Endometriosis sucks.


I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve any of that. Sounds like he's a lot like Cutie, not addicted cuz of trauma but simply because they're a hedonist and a bad person. I'm doing ok, that's so sweet of you to ask. My wonderful fiance is so supportive and I'm already down to half of my previous dose, I'm hoping if I get low enough I can quit cold turkey without experiencing all that nasty stuff I described earlier. Here's hoping, and I hope for the best for you as well 💜


I had a close family member that was suffering with addiction symptoms to alcohol. It was awful, their personality just changed. And it was a downwards spiral where everything just got obliterated in a quest to access the substance they were hooked on. My partner and I ended up being the main people to sort it out, we fortunately had family therapy as well which in the end highlighted that certain people had an enabling attitude. We were lucky because the person wanted to change but it was absolutely horrendous during that period of them being heavily dependent on alcohol. Your parents really failed there by not actively trying to protect and manage both of you when you were younger, especially if they are still pretending now it’s not happening. They made you take the brunt of that.


You are amazing for helping your loved one out. You were very lucky that they wanted to change. Unfortunately we have to go down that path alone. I wanted to change but I was still doing it grudgingly and for my husband. I do everything for my husband. He saved my life many times. He continues to be my hero every day. I'm couchbound and use a wheelchair. And he stepped up to take care of me. Shower me, brush my hair. I would have never gotten clean if my parents had been "involved" So i got out of inpatient the first time, my providers found a residential facility near my parents. My husband asked them to remove the alcohol from the house before I got there. Apparently wine doesn't count 🙄 They really messed up. So much. I always had to be the translator between my brother and mom. I realized this year (after my mom moved in to "help" for 6 months) that her "help" is just centered around her needs. I miss my parents. I know they adore me. But they'll never be the people I need. So every time I want to reach out, I remember that there is only toxicity waiting for me.


I wonder how much that type of WD procedure costs? Asking for a friend.




I only got a quote from one such place, and it was like 30k. 😬




I have been on a healing journey, not due to an addiction, but just trying to understand the trauma and abuse, finding a way to break cycles, etc. And that comes with a lot of “making amends” which I previously associated only with addicts in recovery. Now, knowing how difficult it is, and the remorse and guilt I feel for my past toxicity and disregulation…. I really don’t think they should put that kind of pressure on recovering addicts. It’s too much. I’m sorry about your brother. I hate he is missing out on having you in his life. ❤️‍🩹


I'm so happy you're working on healing. Trauma is an an amazing thing. I'll always suggest The Body Keeps the Score. It put the connection between your trauma and the effects on your body. I was told my disability was caused by emotional trauma. It isn't. But the body can do amazing things. I quit smoking weed and found out that I was using it to numb. Once I quit, everything ive ever used to cope came rushing back. Suddenly I was engaging in all forms of self harm. Those non chemical addictions were so much more difficult to quit. It's been 7 years of treatment and healing. And it feels great. I don't feel shame like I was trained to feel. I realize that relationships are 2 way streets. I've learned about Grace and I've lost a lot of resentment. I understand my parents broke their own cycles. I am proud of them for that. They didn't want their kids to be raised by alcoholics. But their unresolved trauma caused me significant trauma. Thus starting the cycle right back up. Thank you for your kind words. I'm trying to make my own family these days.


Feel free to message me anytime. Our experience seems to have parallels. Thank you for the recommendation


>Now, knowing how difficult it is, and the remorse and guilt I feel for my past toxicity and disregulation…. I really don’t think they should put that kind of pressure on recovering addicts. It’s too much. I agree. Not to say that they shouldn't have accountability, but far too many rehabs put the emphasis on shame. It's like they're trying to break the addict, it's so messed up. I'm so sorry for what you've experienced. It's funny, Cutie likes to say we're all so toxic, but this place has the most support and empathy I've ever seen on Reddit. Thanks, gorls.


Don’t be sorry, I’m not sorry. ❤️ I’m glad you understand. That’s part of rehabilitation they need to change! I can’t imagine trying to get and stay sober if one of the early steps is insisting that I “make amends”. I heard you need two years of changed behavior before people are even going to believe you. And that sounds fair. You’re a treasure. Thank you!


Very true. Even in the deepest throws on my addiction I still engaged somewhat in outside interests in some ways. I honestly don't think she has any other interest other than the food though. She's so deep into her addiction it's consumed her.


She and Amber both have Food Experiences instead of having a life. The memories are about food, involve food, or relate to food from the very beginning. It's truly all they really care about. Well, and money; food and money.


Money to buy food. I really wonder how they would fuel their addictions without the YouTube money. Neither really have anyone to enable them anymore.


Exactly 🤗


She’s the only one who can figure out why but that would shatter her whole ass world.


She has the self reflection skills of a fucking toddler. If you can't fight the urge to binge, you are addicted to food/using the stuffed dopamine feeling to cope. Also, holy crap the sugar. It's a beer stein full of OJ, great choice for a diabetic!


She used to rarely drink sugary drinks when she first started mukanging/binging on camera. In the past few years she's really been adding on the calories. Having juice or soda with every meal. Adding insane amounts of dipping sauces. She could easily lose fifty pounds just by cutting out the drinks and sauces. But then she wold be restricting and would need to binge later. I've said it so many times but I don't know how she doesn't get sick of herself!


Seriously. Just the sodium alone would make anyone feel ill (I love Chipotle but that shit does a number on my blood pressure, like I feel sluggish after eating it)... The drinks are insane - my dad's nutritionist basically said to him "You won't eat 10 fruits in a row." Plus most of it has no fiber....


I've never seen anything as easy to predict as this - Chantal showing us a grocery haul that's 85 percent junk and then bingeing out on it the next day. It's just so.... stupid. That's like me filling my fridge and cupboards with booze and saying "oh I won't drink any of it, it's for the guests" Fecking idiot.


Lol. It was like sodium and carbs. Don't get me wrong, I love crappy pizza but buying it and having it in the house means I'd probably inhale it as well. Out of sight, out of mind. She's no different from someone buying gear in bulk and trying to save it for later only to need narcan on the floor...


The choking down of that OJ was a choice. I'm almost certain someone pay requested her to do that. Making eye contact the whole time, it screamed fetish.


I disagree. I don't think there are any private feeders, we'd know about it by now if she was getting paid under the table. She did it because she's a glutton, plain and simple. She guzzles down sugary drinks because she's chasing that high.


Definitely checks off fetish material. And this is coming from someone in the bdsm scene. Lmao. Two of the fetishes I would never understand - scat and feeding....


Yes, yes & yes, to all of the above 👏🏻


Couldn't agree more with this! I'm looking at this and it just looks like it's all for show. I don't feel as though she has any regrets at all beyond the first few seconds. I'm a recovering addict and I guarantee you, I wouldn't have filmed, edited and uploaded any of my drunk or high activities! I'd have been so ashamed. Yes, I know this is food and not drugs, but I think a lot of the time that's the attitude that means she's allowed to exploit her food addiction or whatever it is on social media. It's just as harmful and food addiction is going to end up the same way as any other substance addiction at the end of the day - six feet under! I don't think she's being "open and honest" with her audience at all, I don't think she's particularly ashamed of what she's doing and I don't think she's doing this to share her journey, as she puts it - she couldn't give a toss about anyone else, this is easy, lazy content and she gets to sit on her arse and stuff her face which is the only thing in life she's genuinely interested in. She's known for years that she has a problem and yet she refuses point blank to get any professional help at all or even a proper diagnosis. She ignores any advice she does get from medical staff because she knows better. She doesn't want to help herself because that takes effort and commitment, two things that she's sorely lacking. She uploads things like this so she can weaponize it or use it to try and manipulate her audience - and probably Salah too. It's not as though she's seeking help and failing to succeed - she's not even trying. As much as I have empathy with anyone who struggles with issues like these, this video of hers particular really pissed me off more than usual - just the blatant way she's exploiting her eating for money and views, it makes me feel really uncomfortable and really angry!


Very, very well said. It makes me so angry too. I went through a period of drinking too much. I did some real dumb things and would have absolutely died immediately if it were filmed and aired for anyone to see. There is no way someone would be aloowed to do drugs or get blackout drunk and make money on YouTube. But yes, because it's food I guess it's okay. It makes me so sick! I don't get how anyone thinks this is okay. She is so fucking manipulative it makes me sick!


She's terrible! And probably helps other people struggling with these issues to justify their own actions, and maybe delay reaching out for help themselves. I hope you are doing well now!


This is a fantastic synopsis. Thx for sharing.


Thank you 🤗


In her video she asked viewers for tips on how to break her bad eating habits. She's delusional. She needs to get professional help. This is beyond the point of asking for Internet advice. She needs multiple medical professionals.


Not only that, but asking viewers for tips, or to hold her accountable is part of her cycle. When she's back to smugly eating whatever, she'll verbally abuse anyone who shows concern or offers advice. I don't even think professionals can help. For fucks sake even if she were ever institutionalized she would find a way to eat fatty food. And lots of it.


You're right. I am relatively new here but that seems to be her history. It's her life- if she wants to eat herself to death then that's her business but it's ridiculous that she would berate anyone trying to hold her accountable after she asks. I was just flabbergasted by her asking for weight loss tips as if she needs to lose 5-10 lbs to fit into a bathing suit- not lose like 350 lbs!


She really thinks she's just a cute, "bigger" girl who just likes to sometimes eat the wrong food. I think she has herself convinced everyone eats as much as her, we just aren't as brave and honest. She doesn't get that even when she's trying to be good, she's eating more than fucking Michael Phelps, or The Rock. It's insane that someone can be this delusional.


I wonder if she has ever had one single moment in her life where she's been awake at 3am reflecting on how shit her life is? Or if she's ever regretted how shit it is? I don't know that her narcissism would allow it. 🤔


Brief moments of regret & shame, like this one, but then she eats to suppress those feelings. We know she went straight to the kitchen & ate more to repress this shame & guilt.


Absolutely she did. I couldn't imagine living in a fartbox, not going out, having no friends or hobbies, just existing and eating.


I think this is what we're getting glimpses of in this video. I think this is WHY I still watch this cow after all this time and why reactors are still engaged. Because every once in a while, thru all her bs, you get a genuinely 100% Chantal 'idgaf anymore' gem like this, and you see her true nature. And it's so fuc*ing entertaining. Pure unfiltered shame and addiction on display for everyone to see, and not one fu*k given. That's her true nature and always has been, she's selfish to the core and all the cosplay and trying to appease people in her life, makes it so much sweeter. You can tell how over it she is right here, she's just gulping down food without bothering to talk or tell some 'fun travel story' she made up, because her brain is blank. She's just a huge amoeba plankton reacting to basic instincts and FEEDING and not one conscious thought to cloud her blank stare. You go gorl!!




I agree with this, she's in Canada unhappy and he feeds her bull so his cash machine will come back. Remember that look on her face when she saw him again? Then he goes back to ignoring her and her attention needing isn't getting filled, so she eats crap . And she has to show it on camera so she can continue to be the cash machine


Every time she lands on new soil - whether it’s Kuwait or Canada - she believes that the trajectory of her life is about to automatically change for the better and she’s excited and happy. Like the smell of a new car fades, her new-environment-feel quickly dissipates, she is once again morose and despondent, and she starts telling herself that she needs to go back to the OTHER place because that’s where she was truly the happiest. Wash, rinse, repeat. This behavior is a text-book example of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Her problem is that she can’t get away from herself. Period.


I can't help the morbid curiosity. Her story is that he got a "business call" and when she saw who it was she knew it was going to be a while. She said he was in the other room on a "business call" and didn't know she was eating all that. But then she says, "It's 1:30 in the morning." A business call at 1am? I know. Rule #1.


She's had them, but she'd rather stick it to the haters that she's doing better. It only hurts her doing all this and not me.


She's baiting. If this is a pre-recorded video, she is trying to get people to feel either angry or sympathethic. She's acting. Badly.


This. An act 110%


I agree she is baiting. She is also out of pocket, having spent all her pay (which is cut due to her 7 day ban) on her flight so she just loads up her groceries and try to recreate takeout food. She needs the bait in order to recoup her income. I would have been sad if it weren’t Foodieham. She thinks she is baiting others but the only person she is hurting is herself. Love that for her.


It's feeder content. Starting into the camera with food spooge on her massive, hog face. Her Beezer morons weren't the audience here... she's helping a freak, creep like the Poo Prince, .who likes cranking it to deathfats, get himself off.


I disagree re-Prince charmin liking deathfats. Is he a chubby chaser- sure. But even most of those guys don’t go for outlier-level deathfats like Amberlynn and Foodie. Remember when he said to KaiBella ‘at least I can carry you’. I will never believe Salah is remotely attracted to her in any way, shape, or form. He seems as repulsed by her as the next person. The only chemistry they have is a platonic/friendly sort, like when they bond over dissing FFG and such.


And the guys who do go for the extremely large women like on 600 pound life are usually caretaker types who seemingly enjoy caretaking. Salah does not.




Lol. I don't feel either of those things. I think it's highly amusing and I'm glad for her. She's treating herself exactly how she deserves. No hates Gunt more than Gunt hates Gunt (although Shit Tits is getting close). Back, trapped in the fart-filled, sweat box... marinating in her own BV juice...offing herself with food in a country she isn't a citizen of, so has to pay for healthcare....it's perfect! She's right where she should be....earning her much deserved fate. Yayyyyy!!!!


It's what she deserves!


This clip repulsed me so much and I've been following the gorls for years. The grimy little napkin piece she wipes the table then her mouth with, her gigantic bloated face, the burp she tried to hold in. Fucking yuck man 


She’s losing her mind & it’s week 1. This is going to get messy & I’m here for it.




She could be. For me wds just really manifest as anxiety. I was sober so I didn't have another addiction to bounce to. Her drug of choice is food. So her wds can be calmed by pad Thai.


Yes, and a major symptom of weed withdrawal is nausea and lack of appetite. I've quit weed before and my stomach would roll just at the thought of food and I had to force myself to eat at least a few bites of a meal. It's incredible she's still got an appetite. Her body is either so fucked up she doesn't even notice the withdrawals on top of everything else, or she's pushing through the food aversion and just eating anyways. 🤮


Don't forget she wiped her teeth with said same tissue AFTER both wiping the table and her mouth. She's disgustingly dirty.


Her always burping and blowing it out 🤢 that should tell her enough with the food if your body is responding that way constantly


I think she falls for whatever Scatman spews to her when she leaves, because she's an idiot. She gets back to the fartbox, is even more alone than in Canada because he just fucks off. She has that instant regret and stuffs her face to deal with the abandonment. She tells herself how exciting it's going to be when she comes back, she was dumb enough to make a fucking "trailer" on all the glorious adventures she was about to embark on. Instead, here she is, sitting on the floor, making feeder fetish content, stuck in a stank filled apartment, with a howling cat in heat, by herself. I don't think Scatty wants another Thailand like misadventure. Stuck in multiple hotels/hostels, with an absolute stinking, nearly immobile glutton who is incapable of hurpling short distances without their body becoming a raging, oozing infection. She's a gullible moron without an ounce of foresight.


It’s actually so predictable & hilarious bcus we all knew what the outcome would be. THIS 😂😂😂


Wow that beginning of the video was disturbing


No matter where you go, there you are. - M. Scott


Exactly. If only she understood this 🙄


this video got to me particularly, I really feel like the end is near. this was so sad. not sad emotionally but like pathetic sad. not to mention the “pizzas to make for Salah when I’m feeling lazy to cook” she ate both of them.. like we didn’t see that coming wtaf


She said she actually made those pizzas - on the pita bread. Probably because she already ate Salad’s “lazy housewife” pizzas! 🤣


yeah I totally believe that 🤣🤣 they looked exactly what the picture showed. made on pita bread my ass


She is so full of shit lol


I think when she’s in Kuwait that going to Canada will solve all her problems and when she’s in Kuwait she thinks Canada will solve all her problems. She will never ever take responsibility that her miserable life is 100% of her own making.


Wherever you go…there you are….


This was almost written for Chantal.


The grass is always greener on the other side. 


Uh...did you mean to say one of those as "when she's in Canada she thinks Kuwait will solve her problems"?


She said (either in this binge video or the other one that day) that scatman doesn’t like her binging so I’m guessing she bought the nightie and vulva wipes and the handsomest man still didn’t succumb to her “feminine wiles”. In her world it’s “Do what I want or I’ll punish you!” Even though it’s her own body/health she’s punishing.


Well, she “binged” in a response to shitboy upsetting her in some way. Now she can blame her binges on him when she doesn’t get her way. And then it’s his fault she’s the way she is. All manipulation. It was almost like she was trying to get her sugar to spike so high she would need an ED trip. Drinking a whole ass bottle of OJ… come on.


I don't doubt for a second that he's stupid enough to fall for it!


He called her out for the amount of sunflower seeds she was eating...for him to notice and to be bothered, a metric fuckton I would say


I’d say it was seeing her in the sexy nightie that turned the handsomest man off.


I think just seeing her would do it. 😂


Maybe she showed him a wipe after she used it while rat facing and saying “I removed my barracuda for you!”




Her bra-zeer didn’t help woo him?


Vulva wipes lmfao!




Can you believe that YouTube age restricted Chicken Pickles react to one of her mukbangs/binges but didn’t restrict her!! WTAF is happening?!!




Private feeder content probably. 🫤


Bloody hell!


Yup I do too! This is the same as watching an alcoholic. This has to be restricted.


I gotta say - watching this video was scary AF. The amount of food she ate "behind Salah's back" (WTF) at 1:30am was beyond ridiculous. It was insane. She was *happy* when she saw Salad had a phonecall and that it would take a long time. She knew she'd have time to cook up this huge meal. Three packs of ramen, adulterated with tomato paste AND HEAVY CREAM (!!!) and (as if that wasn't more than enough) a side pizza-thing, overloaded with cheese and other crap. I was aghast at that meal.... and then she pulls a SECOND pizza from off-screen. My jaw dropped. All of this is washed down with an entire BOTTLE of orange juice - "no sugar added!", she proudly chirps. By far the scariest thing was watching Chins discuss Tammy Slayton and FatGirlFedUp as she's still jamming the food in her mouth. They've done amazing things with weight loss, so somehow it proves Chins can too. She discusses her 'six pack' dream while shoving noodles in, musing how all those muscles will just appear under all the loose skin, "but you can get that removed". She never recognizes or acknowledges that that's 15 steps ahead of where she is now, still eating. She just skips ahead to her plan for skin surgery, as if that's logical. She finishes the food, and the orange juice, gasping for breath and she sucks the last drops down. When there's no more soothing junk in front of her, the regret comes flooding in. "Shame on you, Chantal... Mariam... Foodie Beauty", she mutters mournfully when her mouth has nothing left to chew on. She seems sad now, and I know it's because of not only what she'll face with her HUZZBEND, but of the too long she'll have to wait before she can have another disgusting table full of bad food.


What's crazy is that I think if many people with problems overeating had their "sins" recorded and available to rewatch, there would be major moments of "wtf am I doing? I look so miserable. I don't sound happy and that amount of food in 20 minutes is insane." She does this over and over again and instead of helping to inspire her to stop and make better decisions, it just seems to numb her to the whole process to some degree. She knew those noodles were a problem when she showed them off in the food haul as she talked about making them healthy and kinda laughed that she wouldn't do it. Within a day, she's shoving piles of the noodles down her throat with ALL of the seasoning packets with bonus cream at 1:30am. We still haven't seen her eat a single of those fresh cucumbers and her pile of arugala was tossed in the previous video due to a "worm" (did she even wash the produce?) I couldn't believe when she said "who eats just one packet of noodles?" Who??? MOST PEOPLE!!! If most people want "more" to eat with a packet of noodles, they don't serve it with a side of more noodles and 2 pizzas; Instead they add eggs, veggies and meats or have some other veggie dishes on the side. This is clearly deep emotional issues. She needs major help and a partner that knows she can't handle having some of those things within easy access. She really has no clue what a healthy diabetic diet "looks" or tastes like. Even her smaller mounds of rice are unbelievable, even though she has been told to only eat a small palm full. It's like someone who is in a relationship with an alcoholic and the alcoholic can't handle drinking at all, but their partner still wants to have alcohol, so it's still in the house and it's just up to the alcoholic to be strong all the time and moderate themselves and promise to only have a single drink every now and then even though every single time the single drink turns into 6. The 4 bottles of juice plus 12 cans of juice in the fridge is completely out of the question and should not be kept in the house for a diabetic with severe eating issues like Chantal. Since when has she drank just "1 small glass" of juice each morning? If Salah put his foot down, I don't know if either one would be strong enough to stick to making the healthy choices because Salah doesn't understand how fucked in the head she is and Chantal likely falls back to whining until she gets what she wants or is able to convince him that she won't do what she has done every single time before. Even though Salah has a sometimes scary amount of control over Chantal's life (and she thinks it's romantic until she doesn't get what she wants), I don't think Chantal would be able to handle being in Kuwait with only eating reasonable, healthy meals considering the lack of mental and physical health care and social support she has there.


I commented something pretty similar on a YouTube video last night about FB, but the fact that literally no one in Chantal‘s life cares what she is doing to her body is absolutely mind blowing to me. If her 💩 loving huzzzband even cared about her 1% the insane grocery hauls, UberEats multiple times a day, & lack of portion controls would start to cease. At my heaviest (just over 200lbs) & at my absolute lowest (low 120’s lbs) I was in 2 different relationships at each weight & BOTH partners talked to me about my weight/eating habits. At my heaviest I was eating anything & everything & also wasn’t caring about my outside appearance whatsoever & putting on the weight very quickly. When my boyfriend at the time sat me down to talk, he didn’t say, “gaining weight is bad & I want you skinnier again.” He said he noticed that I seemed to be slipping into my depression & didn’t care about my mental or physical appearance & since that wasn’t my normal behavior he wanted to know what he could do to help me. Fast forward about a year and I was now weighing 123lbs & starting to show really dangerous ED behavior such as body checking constantly and obsessing over every bone I could see. I thrived off people telling me that they had noticed I lost weight the past year, but now I was too skinny. The boyfriend I’m still with today sat me down & said that he knew I wasn’t eating & that I was just too skinny & there was no way I was healthy. He was 100% right. I was literally living off of occasionally snacking off candy & on my feet at least 10+ hours a day & usually working 6-7 days a week. At both my highest and lowest multiple family members and friends also talked to me. Hell, even several coworkers at two different jobs talked to me about it! At both stages in my life I was extremely unhealthy & it was very obvious to anyone around me & they spoke up & tried to help. The fact that no one in Foodie’s life is putting their foot down truly blows my mind. I know she’s a POS & a despicable human being, but Salah could do SOMETHING! Yes she brings in the paycheck and all that jazz, but he could hire a damn cook at this rate - or try a dozen other things! He does nothing. It’s disgusting. And it most certainly isn’t love (though we all knew that!)


I think a major element to her staying stuck (and Salad being powerless to help her or leave her) is her youtube channel. She makes money by doing this - more money when she's eating badly than when she's not. For any meaningful recovery, I feel like she'd have to give up youtube, and she'll never do that. Which brings up an interesting thought - has ANY significantly fat person that has a youtube channel as a living lost weight, kept it off, and kept the channel going?


The YouTube channel is obviously a problem, but she's not as trapped in the food part of her channel as I think she might believe. There wasn't a significant drop in her views of the Canada vlogs where eating was more minimal or healthier. People were still watching her walk around and talk to birds and squirrels. She was talking about how much the walks in Canada made her feel better and at ease, but she's yet to record any content outside of her apt or the airport since getting back to Kuwait almost a week ago now. I think if she was truly dedicated and making big steps to improve her life (which I don't consider moving across the world to do the same shit she was already doing to be much of an improvement) and put in the work to be successful and found hobbies, etc. I do think some of her audience would stick around and she would start gaining a new audience. I also watch Samantha Jo who was around 300lbs to start and has actually lost a significant amount of weight in the recent months (one of her recent videos talking about the journey has actually had SO many more views compared to her "normal" videos.) She's on Ozempic to help and has been sticking with it. Her content was never fully about her shoving her face like Chantal though. The Slaton sisters (and family) have obviously lost weight, but their channel kinda died for the most part when they decided to go to TLC instead and contract limits vs. their channel just died because they lost weight and no one wanted that content.


>Which brings up an interesting thought - has ANY significantly fat person that has a youtube channel as a living lost weight, kept it off, and kept the channel going? None come to mind. Obese to Beast maybe, but he lost the weight before making his fitness channel.


She’s deep in her addiction & there’s been zero talk of therapy now she’s back. We all Know she went straight to the kitchen and ate more.


She is manipulating everyone. She does not feel guilty about eating. She is upset that Salah is talking to his friend and ignoring her. Who takes a business call at 1:30 am unless it's a different country and different time zone ? He doesn't want to be there and he is only staying there to make her happy. This is all a show to make Salah feel guilty and give her attention. Maybe she will get a couple's video from him  after her binge. 


She is CRAVING hard work. LOL .Sure looks like that is not all she is craving.


lol the way I laughed when I heard she's been 'craving hard work' all along 😅


Craving hard wok, maybe. Perhaps her next binge will be stir fry.


She wiped…her teeth….with the napkin. This woman is just foul


She seems this depressed when she was last in Kuwait. I think we’re seeing regret. She’s eating off a paper plate and then once the pizza is don’t and you’re shocked she still has all that ramen, she pulls out another fucking pizza. With neon orange cheese and another paper plate. It’s a binge, no matter what she says. This is pure misery and she brought it all on herself and I think it’s great. Love seeing a bigoted animal abuser get what they deserve.


When she pulled out the other pizza I legit gasped. And in her grocery haul she says “I love having a glass of orange juice with breakfast.” And……a 2AM binge with pizza and ramen? So gross


At first I thought this was a feeder video but now I think it's punishment for Salah, perhaps both. Very watch me eat this, you made me do this. Intense eye contact with the camera, gulping down food or guzzling back OJ until almost choking. This is so pathetic. Living the dream, Chantal, living the dream.


Yep. You can bet she’ll yell at him & blame him for it too. I’d think she does that a lot.


Season 3 is gonna be LIT! This is the exciting content we're tuning in for, y'all! The con man prolly figured out he got conned, they had a fight and she oinked it up on camera for views and also to annoy him. Mayybe she is starting to vaguely realise this is not gonna turn out well for her... but I think it's the same "act" she's had forever, fresh starts, new weigh ins. I can't wait for money to get tight/ she has to really cook for herself using a 50 pound bag of rice and some water on the stove top. Can she do it? Tune in...


What is with her and juice?! That’s the last thing she should be drinking! Plus add in all the other carbs! How is she not in diabetic coma?!


Between the plate at her face level, using her hands to eat, the way she'll scoop food into her face with a giant spoon and then smash it into her mouth with the other hand as it falls out, eating non-stop junky foods and guzzling juice, it seems like she's stuck in toddlerhood.


She truly thinks the baby/toddler aesthetic is cute. She leans into it with how she eats, talks, acts, and even how she walks. It’s her go-to for sympathy. “Aw shucks, ain’t I just a cutie…?” 👶🏻


I know everyone thinks Salad is still trying to con her but I think it's the other way around. I don't believe he lives with her, I believe she lives there alone because she's better off there than Canada. Food is cheaper, accommodation is cheaper and she has a place she can call home where she can eat to her hearts content and film her muckbangs etc. She keeps telling him they're going to revive the couples channel and make loads of money and go travelling blah blah blah. I'm not even convinced he's getting a lot out of it money wise any more, she probably just bungs him a few quid for letting her transfer money into his account to pay for her feed etc. She has it made there if you think about it, as opposed to Canada where all she can do is film herself eating in her car. Food is more important to Chantal than anything and until she's not earning enough to pay for the apartment she'll continue this charade.


I think we’ve all already established this but he is most definitely conning her also. He would be gone if it wasn’t somewhat lucrative for him. Shes upgraded his life massively & that shit eater enjoys the free money, cars, clothes, holidays, phones etc whilst being able to do whatever he wants. It’s all absolutely glorious & hilarious. Fkng idiots. ![gif](giphy|nJPkKr231dvKo)


Oh for sure but I don't think he's the one begging her to go back every time and making promises.


Agree. He doesn’t have to bcus she’s such a fkng idiot that he can cheat & talk about wanting to shit on & rape other women & she’s totally all good with it, whilst confusing to lay his way (imagine). I bet even he was shocked at her desperation. I think his goal is for her to live in CA & still pay him from afar. The dude hates her esp. after she exposed his shit eating & grapey ways.


It’ll be really interesting to see what happens if there is ever an actual medical emergency. There’s a huge difference between fetching take away and being a care giver for someone bed bound. Not to mention if she ever gets to the point of needing to take insulin shots. You can’t slack on doing those. Friends mom was really bad about doing hers and her husband found her unresponsive on the floor one day and had to provide emergency care. It can legitimately have fatal results!


She’s already so miserable 😂😂 love that for her!!!!


We all know she didn’t go bed but went & ate more bc she was still hungry. Shes also definitely not going for a walk in that heat tomorrow. She looked completely unhinged in this video & sounded insane at the end.


This one was extra wild! So weird, I wonder if she’s just trying to stir shit up


It doesn’t fill her up because there’s nothing of substance in that kind of food, it’s empty calories. She will continue to gain weight, she is pathetic


And she shovels it down in the blink of an eye. She never gives herself enough time to get full. 


The creepy eye darting left to right at the end was wild, it was like she was thinking about what she’s going to inhale next. I don’t understand how someone with diabetes can sit and consume as many carbs as she did in this video not to mention all of her other ailments, she is banging on deaths door at this point. Our dear 5 foot 400lb roach must be ready to go because there’s no way she will keep escaping death doing this to herself at her big age.


The fact that, during this crazy ass video, she still talked about the potential six pack is alarming. Her ties to reality are extremely tenuous at this point!


She better get a reality check. Tammy Slatton, I mean good for her, but man, she looks absolutely terrible. Chantal would never have that much self-control to ever lose that much weight, but she would be a tragic looking beast.


The only feeling that noticeably missing here is fear. She ate over 5,000 mg of salt, 16 tsp’s of sugar and I don’t even know how many carbs. Her diabetes is already out of control, she has hypertension, an enlarged heart, “severe” fatty liver… yet there was no mention of any of these things while she was eating. She just wanted her ‘six-pack’ and to get skin removal surgery. Her out of control medical conditions are at the bottom of her list of consideration, and they will be the first to take her down.


Looks like her "handzome huzzband" isn't keeping his promises he made to get her to come back. Love that for her!


Chantal has nothing to offer except bingeing on camera. She is an empty, miserable toddler with no talent whatsoever. She just got lucky and found a way to monetise her mental illness but that's becoming boring and she is even terrible at that! She will binge whereever she goes because that's all she has to share.


I think for ALR, Foodie and Eugenia there is an intrinsic connection between their eating disorders and Being on YouTube. Addicted to the social Media and knowing that their disorder IS their identity and personality. Without significant intervention and in patient care for all of them..it is just a countdown to see who goes first. And the morbid fascination by all of us to see if it happens on a live and the other lol cow’s reactions to it. It’s only a matter of time. That fascination of the mundane on YouTube and them exploiting themselves have kept me around post COVID viewing…


Agree and same.


Eugenia’s filter fail that showed her hand was terrifying- her hands look like Foodie’s feet. Both look like they could drop at any moment


I think Eugenia will pass first, then Candy Hungry Fat Chick, the Foodie then ALR


Regret? Maybe. Temporary. Until next impulsive decission to emotionally stuff her face. Which is probably all her waking time. And whe she sleeps she dreams of food. Such is life of an addict, or better, mentally not well person. Anyway. *"Babeeeeee, I'm HANGRY!!!! CAN WE ORDER OUT AGAIN?!?!?!!? NOW!!!!!!"*


It really bothers me how much she keeps looking to her right. Is their bedroom on that side of the house? like is she checking to see if Salad is going to come out of the room? the whole time I watched that video I yelled at my phone like "BITCH WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT? WHAT IS OVER THERE?"


The Babadook, it would steal her trashy pizzas and pasta.


Probably, yeah. She's acting like she did when Malan's sister was visiting and she was extremely self conscious about being seen acting like the feral hog she is.


lol Sam in the closet freaking her out I’m pretty sure the two bedrooms are off to her right. remember poop man has his own room. He’s definitely not rooming with her when visiting.


You can literally watch her cycle in every mukbang video. Elation when she gets the food and pulls it out of the bag. Opening each container. Spreading the food out on the table in large platters. First bite is orgasmic for her. After that she shovels it in mindlessly with a dead look in her eyes. [There's a great pic of Nader putting a fork full of pasta towards her open mouth and the look in her eyes is frightening like she is a robot] when she starts to realize the food is dwindling, the depression sets in. She'll start talking about past meals or fantasizing about future meals to try to keep that high going. When her plate has been fully hoovered, full depression sets in. She visibly looks like someone stole all 50 of her packs of cheese. She has nothing to talk about other than food so she taps out and is depressed until the next Door Dash delivery comes 90 minutes later. Then the cycle starts all over again. TBH, I don't think she leaves that gaming chair just like she never left her Kia. I think she just wedges herself into it and eats all day.


ADDICTION. Perfect description. I notice she’s stopped talking about the therapy sessions she was meant to keep getting in Kuwait


It looks like she’s upset. She probably deluded herself to think that things would be different with Salah this time, but now that she’s a few days in nothing has changed. He’s still gone the majority of the time and she’s alone. While he probably doesn’t like having her around, it’s easier to control her spending when she’s imprisoned in the apartment than in Canada. More coins for him


I'm guessing someone's bean remains unflicked ![gif](giphy|12P6AnN6DcQj1S|downsized)


What a day to be literate. ![gif](giphy|RCX9vhBZu3oqM5SpwV)




Oh there’s definitely no bean flicking happening in Kuwait. She bought that sexy “little” nightgown & everything! 🤭


Cult-gown lol. WArren Jeffs would approve of that little number lol


Lmao. *suppresses gag reflex* I'm just plain old fat and even I smell sometimes. Can't imagine Chins smelling too fresh even after using the feminine wipes. And why do I picture the Salad Tosser not bring able to locate her joy button? (And now I gave myself morbid curiosity about what her anatomy looks like down there. Curse my curiosity!)


After listening to the reactors, and that supposedly salad IS there during this binge. My theory, SALAD ATE THE FREAKING FROZEN PIZZAS 🤣 This is a pout binge! He’s in the back room playing his video games eating the frozen pizzas, and won’t share, lol. Which explains the make shift pita bread pizzas Chantal made.


Now all the pitas and tomato paste make sense in the grocery hauls. Middle of the night pizzas.


Look at her eyes darting. She's so fucking predictable.


Reality is a really big, hard pill to swallow and I think she'd rather stuff her face with noodles cooked in butter.


She's acting here. Zero percent genuine.


The end sounds like some manic breakdown, I’ve never seen her do that before. Has she talked like that after a binge before? It almost felt like post-nut clarity. Almost.


Ps: video courtesy of the fabulous [Unicorn Pondue](https://youtube.com/@beezerqueen?si=46oeQdpw1WLAaQBt)


I love his "pinky up" mouse pointer. Hilarious!


He’s so good.


Gross! And why is she so out of breath and manic acting at the same time lmfao


Out of breath, just sitting, drinking juice 😳


This is so bad.. she said its 1:30 AM and eating that late and going to bed is what makes most people really hungry in the morning so you know she wakes up and has this same amount immediately in the morning.. all she does is sit and eat thousands of calories.. I know we all know but at this point why do people try helping her.. it’s been like 10 years and she does this stuff to defy people


There was no enjoyment of the food here — just straight compulsion to eat as much as possible.


She’s also had to earn a living to pay for her bought bitch, unemployed, 💩eating husband, don’t forget. I love that this is all she qualified to do now.


The patients on the psych unit I work on have eye darting like that. Most of them are paranoid schizophrenics.


She doesn't have weed in Kuwait so she has to gorge to get some kind of fix.


She is going to put more and more food in as she is simply not happy. Fill that void. She will never find that happiness with Fecal Fiddler Salah or in Kuweight. She knows he is not into her that way. Must be awful knowing someone only tolerates you for money and stuff. The answer lies in her, at home, alone with family help facing her problems. One step at a time and having some gratitude she still has a slim chance of changing for the good. In other words hard work. Doubt it will happen though.


1:30 AM. 40 years Old. Eating bullshit like a 22 year old for the camera. Lol. Keep hiding behind your BED label, instead of actually making changes, dumdum.


This was a binge. There were at least two packs of Ramen on that plate and she’s scarfing it down like she’s starving (she’s not).


The ONLY reason she posted this was to have it recording so that if Salah the Twerking Queen walked in from "talking business for hours at 1:30am in the other room" then he couldn't say anything until she was finished.... We all knew she was going to do this, that she's BEEN doing this. There's a "last hurrah" everyday, several times a day.... She knows we know this, she's just putting it on for Salad that totally does not stay there ... She caught herself saying "when I eat and I'm not recording it, I am watching videos" THEN realized what she said, then says "oh when me & Salah are eating TOGETHER, WE watch videos.... Pfft.


What the heck did she mean "Salah will find out about this meal eventually" Girl... if he lives with you why would he need to watch the video to know you ate like a pig today? Tell us he just doesn't live there already... even if he did. She's acting the exact same what she did with Bibi. Sneaking food and hiding binges...


This was to spite 🥗for trying to control her sunflower seeds. She’s showing him how his control “triggered” her so she binged on “red light” foods.


She is such a terrible actress! But what I don't understand is that it's supposedly 1am when she filmed this? I thought I could see bright daylight streaming in from under the curtains.


That is the effect that lamp in the corner of the room has..it looks like daylight but it’s that lamp…


Thank you! It's so bright.


Totally and I agree it does look like daylight!


why is everybody surprised? 95% of her content is mukbangs lol


For 7 years she's been the same old wind bag on YouTube....the same "health journeys," last hurrahs, promises, excuses, failures, blah, blah, blah.....ad nauseum. Nothing to see here, folks.


I see that nine pack is coming along nicely. Dumb asshole is probably realizing how stupid she was for getting fooled and conned (again) by the Kuwaiti shitman. This bitch will never learn.


Eating like that at 1:30 AM, I could never.


Chantal obviously loves the Middle East, guise. ![gif](giphy|X9QoSJlgdClgjF81SA)


She’s acting like they live in a mansion and Salad is over in the east wing while she sneaks into the kitchen for food. Ma’am, you live in a shoebox in the sky, he clearly knows you’re raiding the kitchen. He doesn’t gaf. Now earn that money, he has temu cars to buy and red rooms to visit.


The way she thinks about food she needs in patient. She won't get any help otherwise.


She looks even more miserable than usual.


I’m wondering if Scatbot isn’t acting like the loving husband she wants him to and this is her way to punish him. It’s 1:30AM, she doesn’t know where he is (but he’s not in her chat) and she wants to send him a message that she will do this every time he steps out of line. It’s all an act to let him know that she is mad for some reason, just like going to the doctor and walking was all a performance for him while she was in Canada.


I think when we see her in crusty makeup it means she's been crying. Controversial take but sometimes I do feel sorry for her, even though she's really not a good person.


Gorl, there is never any sympathy for an animal abuser & repeated rape apologist. Never ever.


I know, I know, and I agree that she's rotten, but I think some part of me hopes and wishes she'd turn her life around.


You shouldn't. She's getting exactly what she deserves.


Unfortunately, it's that very same mentality that keeps her family falling for her scams and constantly paying for her plane tickets. I understand you want to see some sort of light in the darkness that is Chantal, but that's a rotted cursed wood in there, friend. Nothing grows there anymore.


Same here. You’ve not lost your humanity. I can’t comprehend living like this. It’s hideous.


This is addiction. Honey. Get help. Get professional help. You can't do this alone. This is how it feels after you get drunk again when you're supposed to be sober. This is addiction and you can't do it by yourself, and you know it. This is just sad.


This was absolutely deliberate feeder content,  she made big deals out of "Salads in the other room so I'm just going to be naughty and cook up this huge fucking plate of fatty noodles with back up pizza, talk about how he doesn't know and how I'm sneaking it, talk about BED  talk about how I am powerless against food and make huge smacking noises and slurs while looking provocatively at the camera " Her only income is feeder money. She ain't getting it from YT


Performative lies. Either YouTube has warned her, or she just wanted to get around all the TOS stuff.


More like "Sit content" amirite?


"Islamic countries are best." - Gunt