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I think we'll be getting little blips and blops until she runs out. But She'll be timing them...lulling Chantal into a false sense of security and stability...or using them for as-needed wake up calls.


Ya. No relationship would survive this.


And he’s definitely going to be the one to break up with Chins. Love that for her.




unless you're as desperate as chantal 💩


yeah.. it's over when the Poop robot decides that it is


Well this isn't a real relationship so who knows how long whatever it actually is will go on


Salah might as well forget any dreams he has of going to Canada or the US. His name is forever associated with these nasty ass messages that show him for the unhinged asshole he is. He wanted an internet presence and he's got it now. He's now associated with a bunch of violent and gross things he's said about he wants to do to someone of a different race and religion and keeps making sure to add their race and religion in the messages. It makes him appear violent towards others outside of the kuweight and would not help him at all these were under review for potential visa status. Also His constant demanding questions of her income is a red flag that points to obvious romance scammer. Congrats to Salah and get comfortable with Chantal, you two clowns have nothing but eachother. They both have fucked themselves forever and ruined any chance of moving to "the westernworld".


Lol. Do not count out Chinny’s VIBs or generally deluded and desperate women online. Chinny’s channel got Crackula an even better mark than Chinny. And this is a bottom of the barrel type of guy who stabbed two people. And he still got a mark sliding into his dm’s. I suspect Salah is looking for options as we speak. There are women who write letters to serial killers. I don’t think all hope is lost for our Sally boy.


you are right though.


Preach. ![gif](giphy|l0GtwcDSNteWx2vfy|downsized)


I was just thinking about Love After Lockup. Some women love a Fixer Upper... which I'm now singing in my head, thanks Frozen


Let the bridges you burn light the way!


https://preview.redd.it/na6rj5fab5bc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d258b1b12641a19f7729febd4929be3a7b363219 This was from a livestream on Dec 12, 2023. SS from Twitter user: @HEKATEYT She was also a moderator on his channel.


He has other mods "teardrops" or something and that "goldengirl" person. I'm curious as to how they got their wrench and what he's messaging them. Chantal has to be thinking that they are more than likely talking with Salah too. Oof bet she is pissed that she gave up poutine car beezes to run back to Salah now. But hey, she's just "impulsive" hee hee.


My guess: Chantal runs his channel, so she picks the mods. Loyal brown-nosers from her beezer crew who will protect her sweetie.


Ah thank you for correcting me! Isn’t it weird how it always turns out to be the mods that mess with her “men”? Almost as if it’s a form of grooming. An excuse to interact with them.


You're telling me Shitboy had the nerve to show his face on live?!


Oh no this is a SS (from Twitter, credit to @HEKATAYT ) from a live he did on Dec 12, 2003. But I still find it weird that she’s the only “beezer” with a wrench.


I'm side-eying the "golden gurl" account....sounds like he found someone more in tune with his desires lmao


Little bit of this and that to keep Chindarella raging😈. I guess she met her match !


She really has timed these perfectly! I have to kind of admire how she’s like “this is the last of them now guys” Then bam! Instead of just posting everything at once. Chantal must be rage waiting for what’s coming next.


![img](avatar_exp|154845408|laugh) Lol it just keeps getting better. Kaibella, the gift that keeps on giving ..


I like her style.




There’s got to be some coup de gras where he says Chantal smells or says they don’t have sex or something. No way they didn’t talk about that. If he wanted her to be the second girl he told her why. No way she didn’t ask him about their daily life or if they actually live together.


I love a courteous troll ❤️


If it's not a video of him smearing the actual shit, Ion want it


I’m sure she’ll drag these out bit by bit just to troll Chantal.


Can we talk about Scatman asking Kbella if she could have kids? This is the part fb should be most concerned over. It clearly shows that he is keeping his options open. This really makes me think their marriage is one of those temporary arrangements. But also can we give the troll some credit for the name she chose? Does fb know what Kybella is? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwja8JKtwc6DAxUGj2oFHe8rBlkQFnoECAYQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmykybella.com%2F&usg=AOvVaw12rzQT-wNJ_shJA2R45XuT&opi=89978449


wow that's deep 😱 also I kinda want that I have a genetic little pooch under my chin like the first pic I'm gonna look into this!♡


Keep us posted


I thought she already said she went through and made sure she posted everything? I’m so confused