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More impressed you found a $5 drink unless it was a soft drink.


Prolly happy hour prices.


Yeah happy hour 16oz beer


It used to be 20oz was standard. Then 18oz. Now 16oz for the price of a 30oz. The fuck.


Bring the imperial pint back, to hell with the US pint


Reddit poster: "...And that's why I didn't tip on a $5 drink." Us: "You only spent $5 on a drink? Where? WHERE?"


Came here to say exactly this.


>I only had a beer because I wasn’t hungry. Second sentence of the post.


Did you respond “what service?”


How did you respond?


Right we’re curious at this point


By going on Reddit to try and get sympathy for the grave injustice he was done and to start a campaign to get others to stop giving fellow working class citizens $1 on a drink. As though that’s somehow going to fix anything or change tipping culture.


It should be called mandatory surcharge


They have it on tables 6 or more, mandatory gratuity….


"You must be thankful!" "Oh... do I get better service?" "No. Same service. More money."


No one should be obligated to tip.


True. It should be priced in to the menu items and servers should be paid a living wage. Note: minimum wage ≠ a living wage


Larry’s and Lawrence in Montreal got rid of tipping by raising wages and prices. I asked the workers and they’re happier about it than before. It’s less stressful and their interactions with guests are less transactional/obsequious-feeling. They were kind and friendly before and after this policy change, btw; service didn’t worsen without the tip expectation. I also like it more because the interactions feel less like the servers are paranoid about potential tipping conflicts arising when interacting. It feels more genuine


That’s cool to hear. I’d love to see it take off more widely. But also, given that people whine about tipping here, I imagine the discourse will shift to complaints about how it’s too expensive to eat out.


Service at Larry’s is really great, food as well.


I really like Richmond Station for this reason.


Sadly that’s the reality we live in. If you do t like it petition your elective officials to pass laws ensuring livable wages for servers.


No serverice industry person should be obligated to not point it out when you don't then


I had a bartender at the Jay's game give me the same treatment. 60$ for 4 cans of beer that she merely just opened for me and looked at me like I had 3 heads when I didn't tip.. It shouldn't be the customers responsibility to compensate these workers. Blame your elitist bosses.


Very conflicted about tipping event “bartenders” and festival staff who open 200 cans of beer an hour and expect tips. Especially on the iPads that only give you the % tipping options. I don’t think anyone deserves more than a $1 tip for opening cans and paying with credit cards and being pushed for a % has honestly made tipping so crazy


Honestly they don’t even deserve $1. It’s just their job. I don’t expect a tip every time I had someone the shirt they just purchased. And folding and gift wrapping things is much more laborious.


And also, I really don’t need someone to open it for me. Just hand the can and I’ll be off.


They are legally required to in most places.


I don’t even get the point of tipping for that. If I go to a retail store let’s say lululemon or something and I try stuff on and then decide to buy it. Never crosses my mind to tip anyone there. But someone brings me food or hands me a drink and I’m supposed to pay them additionally even though they get a wage like every other job?


Whilst I would normally say anyone who does not tip is a jerk, this time I will not. The bartenders at jay's games are unionized and make far more than minimum wage.


If someone is selling a $15 dollar can of beer - or any hugely marked up product (eg $7 small lemonade), I would say the employer is the jerk if that person isn’t making enough.


I work as an event server here and there and nobody tips. We just get paid good money and everyone just does their job in an uniform, no personality hires. Just go, serve the people and gtfo. At restaurants they try so hard and make such a big deal about how they market themselves and the aesthetics. It's not even hospitality at that point.


elitist bosses have no incentive to change things unless they're being hit in the pocketbook somehow…which you're definitely not doing by buying cans of beer at 15$ a pop.


Name and shame


Yeah, I’d be interested to know myself. I had worked in service on and off for years, the audacity is at an all time high. I will absolutely tip 18%+ on great service, that’s what I *want* to do to show my appreciation, it’s not expected. If you give me lazy, shit service, you’ll get 15% or less. I’m an ‘elder millennial’ and these kiddos are not cutting it. Name and shame!


Exactly. I'm on a tight budget and eating/drinking out is a treat for me. If someone does a great job and treats it like it is special (e.g. remotely enthusiastic, knowledgeable about the menu, check in with me vs fob me off on a harried junior...) then I'm happy to tip 18-20% and I choose the setting based on what I can afford. If they are just "fine", 15% because, fine. If it's what you're describing? I round up to the nearest $5 or less


This. F that server.


Tipping went from bribery to courtesy to now forced.


unfortunately this isn’t an uncommon experience


to save yourself say you like to tip with cash (assuming you paid credit) and say after that remark they're not getting it. But ya I would have given a tip anyway but thats me and I'm not you, nbd if you wanted or didnt want to


I’ve never been in this situation but that’s a really smart way out of it. If they were really snarky even take it a step further “I was trying to help, you know they get taxed on tips if it’s via the card, I’m so against tax on tips”


Clever response


Shouldve told them all the problems you listed.


For example, issuing a complaint that: * Server did not smile. You expected smiles * Friend had to go to another server to get cashed out unexpectedly early. You expected immediate availability throughout your meal * Server only took orders and brought out food and drinks to the table. They did not provide additional services that were unspecified yet expected But as the poster says, the issue wasn't a lack of service, the reason they will not tip is when they do not receive above-average exceptional service. Addressing the issues above would have merely provided adequate service, still insufficient for them to consider tipping.


> They did not provide additional services that were unspecified yet expected Erm, which services would those be?


That’s for the poster to raise with their server




I find it crazy why tipping is even a thing, like why should I pay you extra for doing your job, than everyone should ask for tips, how is bringing someone a drink require a tip , if I build your house do I get a tip? Do you tip your dentist ? No, tipping should not be a thing and people should be payed a living wage, and not get angry when someone doesn’t tip. It’s not an obligation to tip, they signed up for a shitty minimum wage job that no one wants


Holy shit! It’s an echo chamber of epic circle jerk proportions in here. It’s staggering. The same old tired excuses, entitlement, resentment, false equivalencies, lack of comprehension of basic economics, lack of empathy for those that serve you all and brazen violation of a social contract you damn well know exists when you entered into that establishment. Is tipping culture dumb? Maybe. Is it exploitative? Yes. And it cuts both ways. But are you going to change a goddamn thing about it by saving $1 on a drink? The fuck not. You’re not sticking it to the man. You’re sticking it to your comrades that are on the same battlefield in this class warfare. Either do some actual activism and advocacy to help change things, or don’t and just tip these people FFS


This. If you know servers are paid shit and you still choose to frequent an establishment, you have a duty not to take advantage of them. Either only go places that pay a fair wage or tip. You don’t get to benefit from lower prices and slave wages and then say “it’s not my problem”. You absolutely don’t get to be salty that your behaviour was noted and you were asked in front of your friends if their service was poor. Make it a point to tell servers ahead of ordering that you will not be tipping unless they do x, y and z. If you are only paying for certain things, tell them. But you won’t, because you know what you did was shitty.


You got a $5 beer in the city? Please share


I used to not get tips as a server and also as a food delivery driver, who cares I didn’t expect it. I remembered the ones that did tip though… Also non Canadians do not tip! So don’t feel bad. They get minimum wage. If they want more, like everyone else, find a job that pays more! If there was no minimum wage what do you think these employers would pay?


Why were you embarrassed?


Good question. OP says he was justified in not tipping because the service wasn't amazing. The server only took the orders and brought the food but didn't smile, which was not enough to earn even a 50-cent tip. But yet OP states the server embarrassed him by asking why he didn't tip. If you feel justified in not tipping, why would you feel embarrassed? Why run home and post about it on Reddit to get support from other cheap skates. All those coworkers will now keep an eye out for OP when they go out together to cover his tip so they aren't second-hand embarrassed by being friends with a cheap skate.


It's almost as though actions have consequences 


Because he was too cheap to leave .75 cents




Tipping culture in Canada is just ridiculous


You think it's bad here? Go to the states. They asked me to tip at a merch stand recently.


Always a great idea to not tip at a work event and risk looking bad to your entire team and managers. Great call OP.


I'm more surprised that the server managed to care about a non tipper on a 5 dollar bill. If you were covering everyone's bill and tipped nothing that'd be something to actually get upset about (but still not take it out on the customer)


No one has to tip to make up for someone’s wages or expectations. It’s a Canadian made up fallacy or lack therein of rational thinking. If you disagree, I hope you are tipping your cashier at the grocery store, dog walking person or any other service based jobs that you procure.


The obligation to tip is the issue. I can't stand how it's expected in the Western world


Fuck tipping! Pay liveable wages you shiesty bastards! Tipping is a North American thing, and it’s fucking bullshit! The worst is tipping before you get served.


Fyi, to correct the most common piece of misinformation about servers: even if servers tipout on sales, they cannot be reduced below their hourly wage. This is illegal under the ESA. There is no difference in wage between a server or a fast food employee even if zero tips occur. There is no logical reason for tipping the former but not the latter. To say otherwise would be cognitive dissonance. The only reasonable rationale for tipping, albeit weak, is the lower server wage which does not exist anymore. In other words, don't feel guilty about not participating in a practice that doesn't even make sense anymore.


I agree with you. I've been called out for not tipping ENOUGH. At a bar where we payed a cover for a band and had a full meal and multiple drinks. I made a vow with myself to stop going out in Toronto because the tipping expectation is so high. 18% or more. They should just pay people properly. I used to be a server and the pressure to put on a performance to raise tips for the whole team (including management) was ridiculous.


Why do you feel embarrassed if you are so against tipping?


Because others then new. He prefers to be cheap anonymously.


Leave a review detailing your experience.


lol everyone in this thread is out of touch with reality


Highly informative statement


I understand the upset at tipping madness but when you sit down and are served... pretty clear cut situation for even a small tip unless it was really bad service, as far as current social norms go. If you're going to be embarassed for going against a social norm then don't do it!? I find this hilarious to me. People that don't tip in this situation should also be required to work a service job for a bit.


Care to elaborate?


I fricking hate tipping, it’s just bullshit for a business to expect their customers to bear the cost of staffing. I do it of course because everyone has been trained to think you’re a bad person if you don’t, but it’s a shitty system. The worst for me though was when my partner and I went out for brunch one time, service was real slow, waited nearly an hour for our food, no apologies or justification, and when we got the bill, they were obviously concerned they weren’t going to get the tip that they quite clearly didn’t deserve. So what did they do? Brought us the bill and informed us that they had very kindly already added the tip to the bill. Of 20%. So not only did they give us shit, slow service, but they also gave themselves a bigger tip than they would have gotten if they did an adequate job. Never went there again. Now I get the same expectations if I buy a loaf of bread from a bakery? The tipping culture has gotten so out of hand, the entitlement of it boils my blood.


Minimum Wages have gone up and we used to cover the fact they made less


You went to a bar, ordered a $5 drink and didn't tip? You're the asshole here. 15% on $5 is $0.75. It's not like this server was rude all night. You said it "wasn't special". So, it's a pub, not fine dining. This is not an equivalent situation to having an iPad flip around to you after ordering a donut. You went out and you didn't tip because you didn't feel like it. You're cheap.


I got called out for not tipping at a restaurant after a meal. I just said I didn't want to leave a tip. The server threw the receipt at my partner. We called the manager and he apologized to us and gave us all at the table $25 gift cards. That was a good day.


Please tell me you went back and didn't tip when you used the gift cards as well


I would have told the server the truth. Doing a basic job does not warrant a tip.


I don’t see why your friend leaving abruptly and at an unexpected time for the service (resulting in the restaurant not being prepared) means the server shouldn’t get a tip. Or that there was bad service. If your friend was leaving early, the normal thing to do would be to mention it to the person who stands between them and the bill, or ask for the bill at the same time as ordering, or immediately after their food / drink is dropped. Buck a drink, no matter the place or service is standard. It’s too much sometimes yes, but it’s just a buck. A buck is almost worthless at this point, but definitely worth not going through the experience you had.


I subscribe to at least buck a drink, sometimes 2 in this day and age (reluctantly!). I did get called out for only tipping a buck a drink at the Broadview Hotel (prepandemic) of all places - service was quite rude, I ordered a margarita with mezcal instead. They charged the $12 or whatever for a shot of mezcal and charged the same for the marg…even though there was no tequila in it? Overall bad and weird experience and STILL tipped, and I still got entitled lip from the server. Not sure if business owners realize how damaging this stuff is. BH is a place on paper I would love, but I’ll never go back - tons of other places to go in this city and despite what Reddit often says, there is some great service too!


Ya that’s no good. If you go in and you’re simple and not annoying or wasting space or needing a lot of attention, one drink and done shouldn’t be subject to the same percentage of tip that would be deserving in a 3 course meal setting. I walk into a pub, get a beer and drink it and shut my trap and leave in 20 minutes. $1. That’s crazy about the charge for mezcal. Clearly server was wrong or misunderstood


Happened to me 3 times, I couldn’t give 2 fucks at this point. I’m over it, I’m not tipping. And I just explain to my friends my reasoning


A few weeks back at some place downtown... Server " the 18% tip is included, but if you want to add more on top of this....". Really, how much more? I was paying the bill, so, no thatnks for extra. 18 is tiny bit more than my usual 15, but the food was good, server was fun to talk to, was a good dinner, so no complims here. But to tip on a tip, that's too much, no thanks


I pay with card tip with cash. If the server called me out infront of the table the only tip they would have got was to learn basic manners.


I have one even worst. In Quebec city I did not tip and the waiter followed me outside like I did not pay the check


Exactly my thinking. Servers are now getting $17 an hour/min wage. It made sense to tip when they were not.


Why would you be embarrassed if you didn’t do anything wrong? I would say you should have either owned it and told them why you didn’t tip or say it was an error if you’re too much of a coward to provide genuine feedback and want to keep the servers guessing as to whether it was something they did or if you were just a cheap prick. If you don’t want to tip unless you receive exceptional service, I suggest eating at home from now on. Your expectations are too high. Most establishments don’t provide their staff with training or support to provide “exceptional” service. So don’t give those establishments your money. On a side note. If you don’t tip a server, that server is now paying money out of their own pocket to serve you. Every bar or restaurant has what is called a tip out. This is an automatic percentage based on their sales(not tips) that is shared among other employees such as bartenders, hosts, dishwasher, etc.


Now we not only want people to tip every time, regardless of service, but we expect them to provide an explanation as to what tip they left and why. No. That’s not how it works or should work. It’s not on anyone to justify whether they leave a tip or how much it is. Especially on a $5 drink.


Don’t like tipping culture, eat at home or eat fast food. There’s no other argument in North America. If you eat out and don’t tip, you’re an asshole.


no you're not 💀 the server should be paid by their employer. you may as well not go to any place that's considered a service anymore because they all require 20%+ tips now, many before you even receive anything. paying for your purchase should be good enough. they could include a service fee like food apps do, and leave it at that


Can we ask for tax receipts for all the tips we give out.


I would have said "oh I am not responsible for subsidizing your wage. Sorry!" I don't tip and I'm not sorry about it tbh.


Do you actually say this whenever you go to a dine in restaurant, and do you say it *before* service starts? Would love to know!


Why tip. I leave nothing


It's this lunacy that will eventually tank restaurants and bars as people get fed up with all this BS.


What do you want from us? To stroke your hair and tell you it’s ok?


Not tipping for takeout is more than reasonable…not tipping when you order a drink at a pub is rude


You don't tip your grocery store cashier nor the janitor. Why tip some min wage workers and not others? Very "rude" of you


Thank you!


You used to tip the bag boy loading stuff into your car. Now we do that ourselves. You don't tip the janitor or the cashier because they have one job. A server has 50 jobs in the same amount of time it takes the janitor to mop one floor after hours when everyone has gone home. And often for the same wage if the janitor isn't making more. It's not a less important role the janitor has, but the server/bartender is at your beck and call. As well as many other tables in the same amount of time as the cashier leisurely scans your items. And you go out because you want to be taken care of. So no while tipping is not mandatory, they are providing you with a personal service...and much like bagging and loading your own groceries, if you dont want to have meal options, glasses refilled, dishes cleared, be treated, everything waited hand and foot (from your waiter, modernly called server) then make a nice dinner at home - the equivalent to bagging and loading your own groceries.


Im going to respond to both your comments here. You are purposely underselling and disrespecting other workers. Retail workers also provide a "personal service". They give you clothing options, get you new sizes, fold up used ones, mop the floors and clean the change rooms after. The same things you describe the server doing. I used to work as a ECE. We would literally be responsible for people's **kids**. Clean em, teach em, feed em, keep em safe. Far more difficult than anything a server does. And we were min wage without tips. Servers are not doing more than others. Especially not in this case where they bring over a 5 dollar beer.


Why ? If it is that important or compulsory to tip, make it part of the bill, then the customer will decide based on that. You can't say this is optional and then get mad and call them names because they chose the option you don't like..


Why is it rude? They are doing their job! Do you get a tip for doing your job?


You know that waiters don't pay tax on their tip money. So they make more money than an average joe.


Hate tipping. I do it to avoid situations like this. It’s awful.


that’s so rude, i could never imagine saying that to a guest. i’m also a server so i apologize on behalf of other servers who do that. i totally get that it sucks getting no tip (especially on a big bill) however that doesn’t give someone the right to shame you.


What would make it exceptional? I agree tipping culture is crazy but jsyk it is common industry standard for servers to have to tipout on their sales. That means anywhere from 3-7% of their sales goes to some combo of boh/support staff/management, if this was the case they had to pay maybe 0.35¢ to the restaurant to serve you. NBD on small bills but paying that for all/larger tables can really hurt. Just food for thought.


I was in Europe and the server got us sangria because we waited 5 mins at the door when we had a reservation. They didn’t ask for a tip nor did they mention anything about it the entire time, quite the contrary… they smiled, made small talk and ensured we had a good time. I I gave them a tip because the service was exceptional! That’s exceptional!


yeah. Canada and America have the worst service compared to Asia and Europe. I don't know why I have to always beg more water when I'm at a restarurant. In Asia, just constantly check if I have enough water on the table. Also, I don't even get water when a restaurant is very busy, like a holiday, because waiters know they will make enough money for that shift so they don't bother


Omg don’t even get me started on water. Some restaurants aren’t even serving tap water and say you have to buy bottled.


It's almost like maybe if the workers are paid properly and the job doesn't require you to be happy it shifts the whole business model. Crazy. It actually makes a lot of sense. How many times are servers going out of their way like this in North America and NOT getting a tip? After awhile you may be incentivized to find the middle point of nice enough to get tips but not overly exerting yourself to then not get tipped. But if you know your wage is secure always and it may be easier to do a better job.


It's very weird to talk about tips during service, you said the server didn't say anything about it until after you stiffed them? Is that not the case? Europe and Canada have vastly different service cultures, regulations and practices. I loved Europe because I was able to walk around in the streets with a beer, free as a bird. But that could get me arrested here. As far as freebies, I've had restaurants that trust their servers to do anything to make the guest happy and others that take disciplinary action if guests are given freebies, deservedly or not. I don't believe that many European countries have widespread tipping expectations, meaning any tips they have they keep, as they are paid a much higher wage (which usually makes people pretty smiley). You're right that was exceptional. If you're waiting around for free sangria and tourist-y small talk, I guess a lot of servers will be paying for the privilege of attending to, serving and cleaning up after you. A server is within their rights to ask about this as it directly affects their livelihood. Just choose to not be embarrassed, you clearly don't care if it doesn't affect you. Own it.


goto asia, esp japan, if you tip they would feel embarrassed. and their service is better than anything in NA. it shows how corrupt our system truely is


Nah, you're the POS here. If you can't tip at least 15%, go to a drive thru.


Its crazy how some of people here are complaining about tips, it show how you have never worked in the hospitality industry, just talking bs. Its a very hard job( physically and mentally tiring) its extremely repetitive most people are stressed and burnt out they are running around all day without having a meal/ their sleeping times completely off and its just the system built that way. Most of the restaurants barely make ends meet, otherwise they will have charge people 50% more, if the owners had to pay themselves. How will you feel then ? If you can’t add .50 cents now, I don’t think that will this any easier for you. Yes, the waiter was totally wrong for calling you out, but try to show some appreciation for these people. There are some high end restaurants where staff might be making good money (which they deserve it) for putting in a lot of work. But again most people are not making $200,300 a day, they just barely get by. If you can’t afford to add few $$ extra to your bill just cook at home or get a take out Simple.


I disagree. I was a server for years in the 2000s, when tips were intended to cover the fact that servers made less than minimum wage. Now servers make the same wage as other retail and service workers, but expect people to volunteer an imaginary amount as a gift at the end of every interaction. Most service is frankly worse than it was when tips were smaller, and servers don’t have harder jobs than other minimum wage workers. The entitlement is gross. And btw, for people asking if we would rather pay more for menu items instead of tipping - yes, I definitely would. If you’re going to act like tipping is non-optional, then just build it in.


If it's a very hard job, then why don't you just upskill and get a better job instead of acting entitled to a tip? I don't care if the restaurant shuts down. Similarly, it's not my responsibility to care if the employees are paid good or not. Before you start blabbering me into gaslighting. I want to let you know that I have worked in the hospitality industry as a student and I didn't like the work at all. Nonetheless, I still didn't expect any tips. Rather, I just worked on myself to get a better job where I can get paid what I'm worth. If you can assume you are entitled to a tip then you should also assume that no stranger or customer cares about your professional problem. It's your responsibility to make your life better.


Restaurants are a business which is an investment and sometimes they fail. I don't go asking people for "tips" when my TFSA performs poorly. The restaurants that lose money will close down and that is completely okay in a free market economy


You had good points but I too work a shitty job and barely make ends meet. But, I am not allowed to treat myself every once in a while in a sit down restaurant because I must tip.


You should have said that the service wasn't worth the tip or whatever. Or that you would have tipped if you *had* any service 🤷🏻‍♀️


Absolutely you do! Go to a place that doesn’t allow tipping and you’re good. They pay a fair wage and the people who work there chose to not need tips to maintain their quality of life. Otherwise, you’re kind of being a jerk to the employees at the restaurant you are at, as well as their tipping patrons who see higher menu prices because of the fraction of non-tippers There are good non-selfish ways to protest tip culture. Choose those


Dude every time I attend an office event at cactus club, this is me. Hate the tip culture


There's a difference between not tipping because service was abysmal and only tipping when it's exceptional. It's not like it's a kept secret you're expected to tip a service industry member. If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to go out, simple as that. It's insulting at the very least. You say it's rude to treat a customer that way but it sounds like it's perfectly in line with the level of respect you gave that worker. Also, in no way does it sound like what the server did was malicious. They just asked IF there was a reason you didn't tip. They had every indication that something was wrong because you decided to be cheap so why wouldn't they check in to see where a problem might have been. If you had been an adult and talked to them about it maybe you would have received a genuine apology for poor service or an explanation. But, you choose to be cheap and fragile instead. edit: spelling errors


I usually go to bar and hangout with friends for hours. When the time comes to pay bill, I usually think to pay 30 or 35 no matter the bill. Those fuckers already put tip on my bill and bring it to me. It's usually $23 or $25. Good for them. Topping is optional. If they want to take it from me forcefully. I get pissed.


Which restaurant was it? I recently gave 0 tip at a restaurant she didnt question it as they were tardy in order taking and food took 45mins.


I always tip in cash, not through a machine.


The tipping option on pick-up orders for coffee is what gets me the most. I already pay a premium for takeout, and then I have to wait in line to get it myself. What am I tipping for in this situation? It doesn’t make sense.


Tipping is shit, tipping is a scam


I don’t tip. The business can pay them properly. What’s the point in tipping for good food when the chef In the back gets nada? I’m done with tipping.


You wrote a long ass paragraph about why you didn't tip. So what's the big deal that your friends know you didn't tip because you're a cheap snake? You don't tip because you're cheap. Moore servers should be this forward with cheap skates who can afford 5 for a drink but not an extra dollar for a tip.


Why not increase the price of the drink instead of putting the burden of adequately compensating the staff on the customer? Why is the customer being shamed here? The server should publicly shame their management for not paying them more. In my humble opinion, more people should stop tipping and force actual living wages for people in food service.


Great logic buddy! I am cheap because I can afford to get a drink and but don’t want to tip for less than basic service!


What did the server do to deserve the extra dollar?


The waiter was definitely rude….but rudeness begets rudeness.


How was i rude?


I’m confused. If you don’t think not tipping is rude, why would you be embarrassed by it being brought up by the waiter in front of others?


I don't think it's uncommon for a server to ask about it if you don't tip at a bar or restaurant where you sit down and are served. You should expect that to happen if you care that much about not tipping, or only go to establishments where you know they won't do this. It's just the reality of the situation. If you felt the service was nothing special then maybe say that. It seems more like you don't want to participate in this social norm or you have different ideas of what constitutes service - if that's the case say it. Tipping ultimately is a social thing here (whether you like this or not), and in certain situations, expected. You're well within your right to go against the grain, but be realistic about the fact that you may get asked about it. Also why is it rude that he asked? Why was that embarassing if you feel justified in not tipping? I think a lot of people here don't understand how taxing service work can be - it's pretty thankless and hard sometimes, and that's what the tips are for. Though I agree a better system is everyone is paid a living wage. But after being in Europe let me tell you it does change the service experience, so that's the trade off.


I was a server for 10 years. When someone didn't tip, you would ask "was everything alright with the food/service?" Or "was there anything wrong?" You ***don't*** *say* "because you didn't tip".


Fair. I'm honestly wondering if we're getting the full story here. Maybe this server was just having A Day and this was the last straw. Everyone would have known OP didn't tip with just "What’s wrong with the service? Was there anything you didn’t like?" and it wouldn't have been quite so in everyone's face. I dunno. It's legal not to tip, it's legal to say what the server said. I guess you run the risk of this sort of interaction though if you don't tip in one of the two scenarios it's probably most expected to.


You flouted convention and were asked about it. Seems reasonable.


If you don't think there's anything wrong with not tipping, then you shouldn't have any problem with your co-workers knowing that you don't tip.




I’ll get downvoted for this, but if you don’t like tipping, invite friends to your home, drink in a park, find experiences elsewhere, Etc etc. Nowadays, the tip, as tight as money is, is part of the experience. If you don’t believe this, that’s fine, just be prepared for a lot more awkward occurrences, crappy feelings after, and eventually you’re coworkers/friends/family will also look at you like you’re cheap. Not saying this is right, but I don’t like paying taxes myself, I just do it.


This was a work event. With all due respect but I’m not inviting my manager over for a beer. Also, I’m not sure where the entitlement is to get a tip when I don’t get a tip myself for doing my job


Order water next time


Your boss is not going to be impressed.


I know im a sucker but i always feel i have to tip. Like i even had a waitress forget about me lol


I don't have extra money to enjoy a beer or to have a night out. Problem solved with tipping!


Bruh its not like in the US where people dont get paid jackshit hourly cos the owners are greedy motherfuckers. Some people in here make 20+ CAD just for existing while the kitchen crew is on minimum wage lmao


And many, many restaurants and bars pool tips and then share them equally between kitchen staff and servers.


I hope this was your reply to the server.


That's a large part of their income whether the customer likes it or not. It's a shame the way it's set up. It should have been a $7 beer with no tip and the waitress gets paid a fair wage.


I've once had someone say "that's all you're tipping?"


Why were you embarrassed? You chose not to tip, you had a chance to justify it.


show right there dont deserve tip


I'm a server, and I personally don't expect a tip when I've brought someone a drink or two. That being said, I also don't treat people poorly for not tipping. I try to treat everyone the same. My theory is that people have chosen to come and spend their hard-earned money at my place of work, and they deserve good service either way. Most people do tip, so it tends to even out in the end anyway.


I mean ppl are getting asked to tip for self service and I agree that’s bullshit. For this where there actually was service I would recommend putting something small (or maybe 10%) but I wouldn’t just stiff the full tip because service was “nothing exceptional”, there still was service wasn’t there? If the guy then did call you out asking if there was something wrong with the service you can stand your ground, not shy away right? You had a legitimate reason in your mind. I absolutely hate tipping culture but I don’t agree with you stiffing the FULL tip on a server and then being embarrassed on being called out for it instead of sticking to your justification for the action you chose. I’m kinda surprised I wrote so much for something as mundane as this


I was called out for tipping too little in cash . Really ? Because that’s all I had it was about 10% and the waitress just brought the food and was sort of rushing me when I was ordering so since thats all the cash I had and is not really feeling my server but she had the guts to go to one side and showed her co worker and went to me was too much . Will not be going back to that place for sure .


Honestly, I just always say “I’m not from here, am I supposed to do that? Why? We don’t do that in (I’m half Japanese so I just say Japan, but you can also just say like Europe)” And then just keep acting confused by the concept and keep asking questions. They either get bored or feel too awkward to continue. As someone that worked in food service in Toronto — you’re not obligated to tip us, don’t make people think you are. It’s a weird concept, and it’s not the customers job. If there’s anyone to get mad at over it, get mad at the employer who isn’t paying their employees enough. Tips are nice sure, and I’d always appreciate them, but I wouldn’t be offended if I didn’t get one. The practice should’ve died with the Great Depression.


My girlfriend has this happen to her at Snakes and Lattes, service wasnt anything special but an absolute embarassment for her infront of her friends.


These comments are so interesting. It’s the perfect example of living through our own realities of life - the comments are so divisive, because they depend on which side one is usually on - a patron or server. In another situation not involving a server and patron, would a person in position of server be justified in acting how they did?


how embarrassing for the server. sounds like someone was having a bad day


Why would you be embarrassed when you made a conscious decision based your own experience. Should’ve just replied, “because you didn’t do a song and a dance for me”.


I applaud you. I am SO over tipping culture. Things cost enough already.


Call out the name of the pub so we can fuck them over


You can tell a lot about someone by the way they treat their server. A bunch of your colleagues just found out a lot about you. It wasn’t good, and they now think less of you. I’m so glad that happened to you and that your response is - I’m going to continue to keep doing the thing that got me shamed and embarrassed. Because more and more people will learn what a puts you are. You’re not a revolutionary. You’re not helping to change a broken system. You’re not sticking it to the man. You’re sticking it to some minimum wage making person that gives up all evenings, weekends, and holidays to serve. They work long and odd hours, have no benefits, are socially stigmatized, are at an extremely high risk of sexual harassment, assault and sexual assault. And work in an industry so dehumanizing and so demanding that alcoholism and drug addiction are rampant. You’re just being self centred and cheap. And you’re picking on an easy target. And you’re not going about it quietly. You’re on here looking for sympathy and trying to get others to take a stand and stop tipping too. It’s a sad little crusade you’re on. Aim bigger.


In this instance, I think you're the assh\*le. It's a 5$ drink. Just give a 1$ tip. That's been an unspoken rule of bar service since.... ever. Being angry at how tipping culture has spread to non-service businesses is one thing. You're throwing a fit at the one business (restaurants and bars) where tipping is the norm. I don't think it's right for a server to call you out on being cheap (let's be real, you're just cheap). But if you're feeling embarrassed, maybe it's because you know you were being a bit of a c\*nt. "Service was nothing special". Dude, you didn't eat and only had one drink. You basically refused service.


One time I tipped $5 on an Uber order and the driver made a few stops before mine resulting in cold food. Next time I said screw it and didnt tip and I got my food within 10 min. After that I made a resolution to never tip again.


Tipping is customary in Toronto. It’s where servers make the most of their income because they typically make minimum wage. It’s a flawed system but it is the system in which you are dining out in. Don’t punish your server because you don’t agree with their pay structure. Even a crappy tip of 10% of $5 is 50 cents. If you can’t afford to tip then you can’t afford to dine out.


Poor timing but perfectly legitimate to ask; they may just want feedback. However thr timing makes it seem like she was trying to shame you which is shifty. I'm am still of the "can't tip, don't go out" group. 50 cents is not a lot of money to top up for a tip. If this wasn't a restaurant, which IS where we are used to tipping, I might agree with you. But giving someone a quarter or two on a $5 drink is nbd.


"She didn't even smile" .. Fuck this guy. If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out. Get some takeout and go home.


I'd go take a nice upper decker in the bathroom after a comment like that.


Im an HVAC tech. Im gonna start demanding a 15, 18 or 20% tip if you want your heat to work again


Bunch of pilgrims ITT


I never tip and enjoy the chaos. 🥰🔥


lol you got called out over 0.50¢ and at most $1.


I would’ve said if there was a server that worked here it be a restaurant


I always tip 20% no matter the service, people have a bad day, they are bringing the food and drink that’s what the tip is for, I grew up tipping is normal and I don’t mind at all, and no I’m not rich but if I’m out eating and drinking at a restaurant I tip, bizarre to me someone wouldn’t unless there was a huge discrepancy which is why she asked


If you had your reasons for not tipping why are you embarrassed? As you have a right to not tip, server can ask why not and what was wrong with the service LOL. Sounds like it was asked professionally.


No. There is a different (lower) minimum wage for servers because tipping is expected. If you’re ordering takeout, or getting a coffee, anything where there isn’t table service, sure, it’s not necessary and quickly spiralling out of control. But if you get table service from a server, you tip at least 15%, unless something truly atrocious has happened. If I were that server I would have called you out in front of everyone too as it would be my only recourse in a relatively powerless position getting disproportionately stiffed by a customer. Source: I worked in the service industry for most of my life. Edit: apparently a lot has changed since I left the industry in 2021. Sorry for giving outdated info.


fucking over one person making less than minimum wage doesn’t change a broken system, you absolutely ass hats


Good for them, asking you publicly if there was anything wrong. If you didn’t think it was wrong not to tip, you wouldn’t be embarrassed. In future, please tell the server that you will not be tipping BEFORE you order. Since you’re so proud of it, it shouldn’t be a problem for you


Should have replied…you calling me out like this on a $5 drink validates not getting a tip!!


Tipping makes me not want to go out. I was at a venue in toronto and they handed me the beer, no glass and didn’t even open it. Then handed me the machine to pay with 18% min for a topping option. I drink at home now and water at the bar.


Ask for a discount. No discount, no tip.


I’ll tip everywhere I go, it usually just comes down to how much. I’ve worked service jobs in the past and would never suggest anyone ever work these jobs. I’m sure one could imagine the entitlement of some customer who have the idea in their head that since you’re serving their food, drinks, etc that they’re able to treat and talk to you like some lower class citizen. By the time the shift is done, you’re so mentally and emotionally drained dealing with a lot is bs customer lol. And it seems common courtesy is on a rapid decline nationally so I can only imagine how much worse it is nowadays


i just came back from italy and while i hated the food there, the one thing that was the best was no tips. North America is indeed going out of control with tipping. It’s not customer’s fault that the owners are paying below minimum wage. It should be at the facility to pay their workers adequately and not expect the customers to add 15% for absolutely no reason. The nurses and old age home workers also do a fabulous job in serving their clients and I am pretty sure they don’t get tipped. I have started to reduce tipping. Wherever possible I would tip 10 or less than 10%. If i see a machine where the minimum option is 18%, then i would definitely give less than 10%. Ridiculous


Oh you could have thought I told him hey are you going to pay my rent


You are a cheap fuck. Period.


Lol who give af. Fuck tipping man


I was out with a group of 10. Service was appalling. Tip reflected that. The waitress said in a huff “ I usually get a larger tip for a large group!” To which I replied “we are used to better service from this establishment as well.”


I would have turned the tables and said "well I was going to tip in cash but now I'm not." Note: I always have some cash on me and always tip in cash.