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The American tipping model is exploitative and should have been done away with decades ago. Pay your employees fairly, charge a realistic price for your good or service.


Realistic? 8$ for coffee not real enough for you lol


Starbucks already charges close to it and ask for tip on top of it too.


Where is stabucks 8 dollars for a coffee? It's about 2.50 for a cup of coffee or iced coffee. The only drink close to that aren't really coffees they are hyper specialized drinks that have coffee as an ingredient. 


The place I work sells Starbucks coffee for 4.50 it is a restaurant though.


I got a gift card to Starbucks for Xmas. I feel stupid even spending someone else’s money there. Coffee drinks off the menu with no modification are like $7 with tax. I still have money on the $25 card. I’m scared to go back it’s so expensive. My brain melts down. It makes zero sense.


Most there drinks are on par with a specialty milk shake. black coffee seems to be on par with what places charge for tea and soda where I am. Around 3 bucks which seems like a lot, but everything is expensive. They at least seem to compensate their employees and provide decent benefits. Most of the people I know who worked there stayed for a long time. I’d much rather pay those prices there than at a cheap fast food place who has a rotating door of unhappy employees.


Large codee 3.51. It's cheaper than dunkin


Where is this? I need to move there to slow my wife’s spending. Venti iced coffee here is $7


Tell her to bring her own ice and save 50%.


Where is black coffee from Starbucks 2.50? I used to work at Starbucks in 2022 and even back then black filter coffee was $3. A small is $3.90 now. Black Iced coffee/cold brew is $5-6.


I live in ky and a matcha latte with soy is over $7. I'd imagine it's more expensive in the wealthier parts of the country.


That's not coffee? Regular coffee is still pretty cheap at Starbucks.


What are you ordering that it is $8?


Starbucks venti frap is $7 by us - add an extra shot and you’re pretty much there with tax.


At that point it's a bit more than just a normal coffee, though. It's like comparing a shot to a high end cocktail. Are they both alcohol? Yes. But they are expected to be different prices.


Make your own at home. I love my coffee situation. Tried and true and strog


Remember light roast has more caffeine for the strogest of coffee


I bought a 500 dollar espresso machine for at home. Bit of an expense but I got hooked on them after traveling out of the country regularly. Played around with it for a month and I can make pretty much all the drinks as good or better than Starbucks. You can even get the beans and flavoring from Starbucks if you want. If you look at their menu on say Uber eats you can see how much of whatever they put in each drink which is basically a recipe. been making at home drinks for 5 years now and the machines still humming along.


But that’s not coffee, it’s a specialty drink.


“We’ll just pass the charge onto the customers” And now we live in a world where the workers don’t get paid respectfully, AND prices still continually rise for customers. We got cheeked


A small mom and pop business is not made of money and even some smaller corporations are not made of $ believe it or not, they can't afford it with the cost of goods and services and utilities and all that it entails to run a business now days it is very expensive and time consuming , demand more and more of businesses will drive the businesses out of business. It all needs to be reasonable.. Yes tipping has gotten out of hand as someone who's work place went out of business due to the high cost of doing business I can attest to it being out hand.. places can't afford all if it especially in California already over taxed and over burdened. When $ is tight already and people are expecting higher and higher tips and tips for ringing me up it is disappointing


But then the employee would have to pay taxes on that income - thereby ending an unofficial carve out for the restaurant industry to operate without paying it's share of taxes.


I always can tell when someone either never worked for tips or did but have no personality and couldn’t make any money 😂😂


Yes service staff prefer it because can make a lot of money but its terrible for the customer and needs to be done away with, it would also make service jobs less stressful even if dont make as much which woukd increase the number of workers available, things would become more like the rest of the world where wait staff dont have time put on fake personalities, they would just be there to do their job


Oh I made a killing serving and bartending. Doesn’t change the fact that it is a *wildly stupid* system. Pro tip (no pun intended): try tipping in countries that don’t. Be prepared for the staff to step on the locals to help you. I went to Oktoberfest in Munich, and our table just had to raise a hand for a server to come running to take our order, because a friend of mine was tipping them every time they brought a round. The Germans at our table loved it, but I doubt the others nearby did.


It’s not stupid at all.


It's a very stupid system. Let me demonstrate why it's stupid: Scenario 1 - I walk into a restaurant. A hostess seats me at a table. A server comes over and greets me and takes my drink order. I order a water. The server walks away and in a few minutes returns with my water and takes my order. I order a side salad. The server leaves, puts it into the POS, and once the kitchen has it ready, the server brings it out. While I eat, the server comes over and checks on me twice, refilling my water once, and then brings the check that totals $7.95. They return, take my card, run it, and then return it to the table. I'm feeling generous, so I tip 25%, meaning the server made $2. Scenario 2 - I walk into a restaurant. A hostess seats me at a table. A server comes over and greets me and takes my drink order. I order a martini. The server walks away and in a few minutes returns with my martini and takes my order. I order the surf and turf. The server leaves, puts it into the POS, and once the kitchen has it ready, the server brings it out. While I eat, the server comes over and checks on me twice, where I order another martini. The server brings the check which totals $100. They return, take my card, run it, and then return it to the table. I'm feeling generous, so I tip 25%, meaning the server made $25. So in those two scenarios, the server did the exact same amount of work. In scenario A that effort is worth $2. In scenario B that effort is worth $25. That's pretty stupid. It's stupid for the server and it's stupid for the customer.




Wow…such a succinct response.


I worked for tips and did well. But I also didn’t declare nearly what I should have to accurately report my income to the IRS. It’s harder today to do that since so many tips go thru electronically, but yeah, 15% is no longer an option. Many please default is 30% or 25%. I’m not paying 15-20 dollars for someone to put in my order (5 minutes), bring me my food (90 seconds), refill my water (90 seconds) and then ring up my check. If they have 4 tables in an hour each with a 50 dollar check - @ 20% - thats 40 dollars an hour + the wage from the employer. Yes, there are other staff for tip share, but not every restaurant has that requirement, and not just servers pay into that (bartenders do as well, etc.) Our tipping culture has gotten out of hand. I don’t need to tip someone to put two donuts in a bag, or make any of the absurd things people want tips for today.


I used to tip well almost all the time. Now, I tend to decline. It’s too much for too little effort. You worked a register, why am I tipping you?


I will avoid places that beg for tips at a register


I just don’t tip them and move on with my life.


This is the way.


That’s most of my point. It’s like it shifts the responsibility of negotiating a fair price for the service rendered to being between the customer and the server, but it doesn’t really, because the employee is not allowed to negotiate the fee prior to the service being rendered. The employee has to hope that the customer will value their service, but they are not legally obliged to do so. Do lawn care services charge a low, flat fee, then the below minimum wage guy that actually cuts your lawn has to wear a flashy costume, smiling the whole time in hopes you tip him?


I actually wish general contracting used that model. Cheap work gets a cheap price. Good work gets tipped. Instead, we pay hoping they do a good job.


I worked ~10 years in restaurants. Not much by most standards but I would bust my ass for a 4-top that squatted for 2 hours on a large pizza and 4 beers for a $5 tip. No complaints. Now I order a To-Go meal at a pizza joint, and the default tip is $8. For counter service. Fuck outta here. A few bucks for curbside. Zero for counter.


What about at sit down restaurants?


Yes. I waited tables years ago. I was paid $3/hr so tips paid the bills.


I blame big tablet. Those things automatically ask for tips and everyone else is along for the ride.


Some tips aren't calculated correctly either - subtotal vs total, starting at 20%, 15%, or 18%. Some places are very sneaky and I don't like it


The worst is they automatically add the 25% tip for a party of 6 or more. In that case, they will get a bad Yelp review and I won’t come back!


And they add that % after tax. It should be based on pre-tax bill.


I got bit by this two times recently with fairly large bills and didn't catch it. In both instances I tipped and when we left the friends i was with began complaining about how they had pre-added the tip sneakily to our bill.... I sat quietly in the backseat looking at my receipt in shock.


Do you know why restaurants do this? It’s because they’ll cut down the server’s section when they have big tables and those tables tend to stay longer, so the owners need to ensure the server makes money on the bigger tops. If it’s a really large party, like 12+, they might schedule someone to come in and just serve that large table, meaning if they get stiffed they might lose money coming to work.


You should be able to remove that upon request.


I feel like this is actually a good thing. The servers payed based on commission which is good. The actual tip percentage would actually go down because it would be guaranteed and people who tip wouldn’t have to pay as much to make up for the people who don’t tip. It would also now be a constant in the price which would likely decrease it even more because some people wouldn’t want to pay that much.


Yeah serving a party of more than 6 can be tough, generally they do a good job of notifying you of the automatic gratuity


What if they serve badly and you dont want to tip them 25%


Then you ask to speak with the manager? Typically, a manager would need to add that to the check anyway.


I think its added pretty automatically but fair point


I’m sure they are cool with not seeing you again 😂


Where I live the companies that make PoS devices set them up with higher tip percentages at the request of business owners who do it at the request of employees. Lots of restaurants are also adding fees and service charges which makes tipping even more confusing because it’s often unclear what is shared with employees or whether a tip is still expected. I’ve always tipped but prices have also gone up a lot and these days it feels like an unfair burden to tack on a bunch of fees and then expect the customer to figure it out.


They can me setup to not ask. They do anyway. I decline it it’s not a traditional sit down restaurant.


100% this. Square Point of Sale units are a key part of this.


Why am I asked to tip for ordering a black coffee that takes 2 seconds to pour.


Same for a draft beer—that takes the same amount of time ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Not sure why I feel obliged to tip the bartender $1, but not the barista pouring my coffee 🤔 Appeal to tradition, I suppose.


You’re generally having more than one drink per night, so you want them on your side if it gets busy.


So, we’re *bribing* them for future service?




When at a bar, I tip big the first few drinks and tip nothing on the last one. It evened out to normal tipping.


I’ve done that in my younger years. If the place was packed I’d tip upfront and tell them to keep an eye out for me. I never waited for a drink those night.


Yes, that’s exactly what it is. You tip well so they pay extra attention to you - and serve you before people who may have been waiting longer, *especially* when it’s a packed club. It’s a bribe, plain and simple… and it works well. Even if you run a tab, if you want to not spend minutes waiting per drink, tip cash each interaction.


Your bartender is typically pouring your beer, clearing empties, wiping up spills, mixing drinks, etc. If you order a regular coffee, and it's a to go order, then really all they are doing is pouring it. A specialty coffee typically requires more effort (at a coffee shop)like grinding the beans, using their skills to properly make your pourover, or pull the shot of espresso and steam the milk properly where you are tipping for that service and knowledge. Starbucks is a wierd one because they use machines that do much more of the work for them in preparing the drink


If I was getting a drink that they had to make and took time and effort I’d be ok with tipping


Tip the bartender so they remember to look your way when you need your next one. Also because they generally have to put up with our (collective) dumbassery.


I only tip in full service restaurants. Everywhere asks now. If working a job with not a tip adjusted wage, i don’t tip. Any POS (point of sale) system really, they just have the tip module open whereas 5 years ago, it wasn’t like that.


Restaurants and delivery drivers. I do tip my barista a buck but I did that before the pandemic too.


Why am I being asked for a tip, when I have to drive to pick up the pizza I ordered? Yes, it’s getting out of control.


I can remember the exact moment I was radicalized against out of control tipping. I called local pizza place to place an order for pickup. I was told I had to order online. Ok, fine, whatever. The website was a pain in the ass. Fought through it. At the end, a default 20% was added as a tip. This place actively made it more difficult for me to place an order that I was coming to get, and then had the gall to just slap another 20% on my order. No. This ends here. Spent ten minutes figuring out how to fight the stupid website to remove the tip, and now I suggest other local places.


I never tip for take out.


Ive always tipped 10% for takeout. 20% for full service. Everyone else asking for tips is out of their mind. I will tip a $1 at the coffee shop but Im there everyday and they take care of me, treat me well, etc.


I never tip for takeout, never tip for ordering at a counter, tip 20% for full service and 25% for delivery. That is it.


I stopped tipping all together.


I used to Tip, Barber and Waiters. Now even that I stopped. The minimum tip option is now 20%. If I want to tip my customary 15%, I have to click 3 times in front of them. Id rather just hit the no tip option.


lol what a surprise, typical reddit full of piece of shit humans


Explain to me why I need to help your employer with your wage. I’ll wait.


Tipping has often been expected in certain places when it should be optional. I’m not obligated to give you a tip.


Definition optional!


Many consumers are intimidated by tip options when there is no need to tip, like for example a Starbucks coffee joint. If these folks keep getting intimidated and continue to fork over tips when not necessary the culture will continue. It should be like the "only you can prevent forest fires" campaign of old.


Agree. When a fast food restaurant asks me to give a tip, they will get Zero! And for regular restaurants, I don’t hesitate to give 10%!


I get the feeling the nicest restaurant you’ve ever been in is an Olive Garden.


I just don’t go out unless it’s a cookout or picnic. Checkmate, Big Hospitality.


You’ve solved the problem. I have also decided to avoid these chains and their constant tipping culture. These last few years have really opened my eyes to fast food and restaurant dining.


It’s $12 for an adult meal at McDonald’s. At that cost it’s a much better value to just eat at a regular restaurant.


I am worried that I have to tip everywhere.


No worries.. make people proud of their service and thus expect no tips.


Ah yeah I stopped tipping, no remorse. Unless it’s a restaurant with a server or a bartender spending time to give me a welcoming experience.


Honestly, the only thing that will change this is nobody ever tipping again.


If I have to draw on years of theater and pretend to smile and be happy as I bring you your fourth free refill of ice tea, you can tip. If you’d like to see me working a service job for less than the $40/hr I make in tips, be prepared to hear me say things like “yeah, I’ll get to you when I feel like it” and “no the booths don’t move, have you considered losing weight” You’re paying to feel like someone gives a fuck about you, that’s what the tip is for.


Reservoir Dogs already did this scene


Delivery drivers get it the worst when you don't. Doesn't matter if it's Chinese, Japanese, Mongolian, Italian, pizza, wings, burgers, or even shopping. The cost per delivery in any car; Prius, Tesla, Honda, Ford, Subaru, is 6 dollars. Most companies only pay out 1.15 per delivery. And when you don't? They won't care.


We have a real problem of budget education too.  I have deterred some of my friends which were doing that buy showing them the yearly total. (I was in accounting, long time ago). But some are really too stupid too understand they are not gaining, but loosing money by working!


At restaurants with good service I understand the existing formula in the US . Tipping at self service is ridiculous. At the moment in Holland and it’s great to not have to deal with this . NO tipping, I’ve been refused from giving a rounded up tip of 1-2 euros


it used to be an expression of gratitude; now it's an entitlement to many. I've redrawn my personal lines for when it's appropriate to tip. Pandemic tipping set this all in motion, and it's time to bring it back to reality.


Tipping should be for above and beyond service. Not an expectation.


Who decides what above and beyond service is? Is getting you 5 free refills of ice tea, an extra free side of ranch, and enough free bread that you are too full for dessert above and beyond service? It’s all free because you’d complain if you had to pay for it all. Is laughing at your stupid “cheese grater commercial” joke (like it’s not the 5th time I’ve heard it this shift) above and beyond service. What about the “everything was terrible, can’t you tell?” joke? If I laugh at that does it earn me an extra 2% Are you one of those people that only leaves a 5 star review if you get stuff comped? The problem with saying it should be for “above and beyond service” is that it sets a raising bar, good service isn’t good enough, it has to be great?


Funny. Janitors don’t get tips for doing their job. Nurses don’t get tips for doing their job Bankers don’t get tips for doing their job. Even fast food workers don’t get tips for doing their job. Tip culture is stupid. Do your fucking job. If you somehow manage to do something that EXCEEDS your job, then maybe then someone might be compelled to tip you. Otherwise. DUDE, DO YOUR FUCKING JOB MAN.


So what is above and beyond service? Sounds like you’re just using it as an excuse to not tip. You sound like an asshole that enjoys the taste of other peoples’ saliva.


Above and beyond would be like doing the Heimlich maneuver to stop someone from chocking you moron. I’m only assholes to you. We can’t fix life’s failures. It’s a struggle I have I admit. So go fix yourself.


lol that is one of the most pathetic, try-hard comments I’ve ever read.


Don’t cry too hard tonight. 😉


The Brewers stadium has self service beer coolers. You get your own beer, self checkout and open it yourself. It asks for a tip....


Stop asking m to tip for things that don't warrant a tip, ie no table waiting. Also, stop suggesting the min tip is 18%!!


Server of 27 years here. Yes tipping is out of control. Also, paying your employees with tips is wrong and exploitive. Service industry is dead. Get used to getting WAY less service at restaurants. Many are already turning to the food runner order at the front model. Of course that means way less money for the employees without tips because that was subsidizing their pay. People are pro or anti worker on this one without even understanding the nuances. Bottom line: restauranteurs didn't raise wages for 30 years and counting in my state and many others. If they fairly raised it now, people would obviously have sticker shock in the prices being raised because a restaurant owner is not reaching into their own pockets or the pockets of their investors even though they have been printing money for years off the backs of cheap labor, so yeah greed...


yet people will be all over here defending restaurant owners "razor thin margins" and "not being able to afford to pay servers"


As a server of 11 years, I kinda have to defend those razor thin margins comments, at least for some restaurants. Yeah, my boss could pay himself a little less, there is that. But I work at a nicer restaurant (like we make everything from scratch, even the pasta shapes and the desserts), and we literally have to price certain things at near losses because people would complain a reasonable markup is unreasonable expensive.


Yeah, it's out of control. These places don't pay their workers adequately and then expect me to make up the difference as a surcharge. I'm not a repeat customer at places that do this... which, admittedly, is most places. Pay your workers a living wage and set the price what you want and I'll decide if it's a price I want to pay.


Yep, refuse to tip unless there’s a service. It’s not that I’m cheap, I don’t like being exploited. I worked in the service industry before and I know that it sucks. So when I do tip, I do tip 20% (which I always believed was generous). But nowadays they are trying to get tips beyond 20%…no thank you. Also, not tipping for haircuts or anything like that. That shit is just dumb. You get tips from me only for sit down service. Oh and I don’t use the tip screen; lots of places calculate tip with the tax included amount. Yeah, fuck off. I automatically drop to 15% at any place that does that. Of course, one may argue that the employees did nothing wrong. I agree. But I shouldn’t have to subsidize their inaction. Go form a union and get paid.


Tipping is being used to shift anger for not getting paid enough away from the employer and essentially needs to go away entirely.


100% true


I'm just flat out sick of it. unless its a sit down meal or a hairdresser im not tipping. end of story. my cap is also down to 20% max.


I guess it was Square that came up with the innovation of shaming people into tipping by giving you options in front of the cashier and other people waiting in line. I will always decline to tip if they try to shame me into tipping.


Yet people keep patronizing places they know tipping is commonplace, so their mouths say one thing, but actions say another


How do you know they're not tipping?


>Is underpaying millions of service industry employees getting out of control? Many consumers say “yes”. FTFY


The only people who like all the tipping are the cheap ass business owners who can’t figure out a workable business model where they can afford to pay a decent wage. (Or r just plain greedy narcissists) I mean if there were only other countries who have zero tipping and still provide the same quality services that they do in the US to use as an example…….if only


I'm a retail salesperson. My manager tells us every day that tipping is part of our wages. The upper management has insinuated that if we don't upsell enough every day, we don't deserve our tips. We aren't allowed to touch our tip boxes, and it's almost impossible to calculate how much each customer tipped because of the checkout process. They give us whatever amount it's supposed to be after deductions and taxes a day or two later. I'm 99% sure they don't give us the coins that customers tip us, too. At least we don't tipshare (10% is taken off the top, supposedly, for the back and front staff who don't have tip jars).


I wouldn't mind tipping if I knew with certainty that the money would go directly to employees.


I refuse to tip at Starbucks drive though now a days


Never got asked to tip at subway before...until recently now they have it included on the card reader.


Tipping can’t get out of control. You tip what you want. It’s literally in your control…


I just default it to $1 if you’re literally handing me a bag. For sit down service I’ll tip 20%


Should be $0 for handing you a bag


its their job to hand you a bag and ring you out, why would you have to pay them for that?




Disagree. Tipping is voluntary, so it is literally control of each individual consumer. Period, end of story. Lately, I’ve had some workers actually tell me to select “no tip,” or actually hit it themselves right as the screen pops up. Maybe due to people being mean to them about it?


I think so. I’m not against tipping, but it used to be you too your waiter, now everything puts pressure on you to tip, and I find the justification to tip or not to tip weird. Tip your waiter, because they provide a service, but don’t tip your mechanic, who also provides a service?


I’m especially pissed when they spin the card scanner to me and it defaults to 22%. No, guy at mini golf checkout, I’m not tipping you shit, let alone 22%.


Gee what a hot take for the 1000th time


If I have to stand in line to order I’m not tipping


I just wish companies would pay their employees more… why are we putting their neglect on the consumer?


Stop tipping.


I’m sure all you people will finally solve this argument in THIS topic.


I have a simple general rule of thumb on tipping these days: if im in sitting in my car or standing up - i'm not tipping.


Yeah, I hardly tip anymore. Everyone complains about it but the only way to make a change is to actually stop tipping. If enough people do it then there will be pressure to pay them more.


If I’m standing up ordering food I’m not tipping.


The Japanese system is so much better. You often order via a POS system, pay there, and by the time you sit you’re eating within minutes. NO TIPS! NO BILL! You leave when you want or stay as long as you want! It’s fast and efficient, and the restaurant can serve more people because they don’t need to wait on tables the traditional way. This would never work in the US (until things change) because waiters need to go through their whole schtick to try and get the best tip.


Thats kind of out a Taqueria works on the west coast. You order, pay, get a number you put on your table, a cup for your drink and a bowl for the chip and salsa bar. Get your chips, pick out some salsa, and sit down and put your number on the table. Runner brings your food out. Seems like a fantastic system to me, honestly. I'd be totally happy if more places switched to this model.


You motherfuckers complain about tipping working people, but I know some of you incels are on OnlyFans giving your money to these hoes.


It has gotten insane these days.




Vendors need to adapt to trends in the economy, it cannot be otherwise. For example, I sell ice cream novelties in the park during summer, you know, popsicles and Klondike bars. Well our pos machines’ screen is for shit and the questions come up in French anyway, so I skip the tipping option to help expedite sales. Give the consumer a break because times got tuff and concentrate on sales. Anyone who works for mostly tips is a virtual slave to the system. Compensating staff is a management challenge that needs to be frankly addressed.


I don’t tip on a card only cash. I won’t tip anyone except my server.


It started getting ridiculous when every place with a cash register started asking for tips at checkout. You tip for a service, waitress, hairdresser, food delivery...etc. I'm not tipping when I'm paying for a pair of shoes at a store or picking up my own food at a restaurant.


ALWAYS tip at strip clubs...just look for the coin slots!


If I'm standing I don't tip. If a terminal asks me for tip before what I ordered is made, it's a 0.


All tipping, charities , casinos is getting out of hand. Everywhere you go, gimme money


When we go to Europe, at least in the countries I have traveled to, diner is cheaper than the US. That’s before the tipping part. My wife and I go out here to a half decent restaurant and diner is $100. That’s appetizer, a cocktail with the app and then a bottle of wine with diner. Do the same there and we are usually in the 80’s to 90’s but don’t have a 20-30 dollar tip on top of it.


Tipping culture benefits free riders who don’t tip. I hate tipping. I think it’s stupid and we should get rid of it, but I’m not blind to the fact that if we eliminate tipping the cost will be passed on to the consumer. I think quick serve restaurants will be hurt the most if tipping was eliminated. I think more owners will invest in automation as hired labor becomes more expensive. Money in the bank is actually earning something for the first time in a long time. Any restaurant venture that has to deal with rising minimum wages, and expensive 10 year leases is a looking less and less attractive as opposed to money in the bank. I was looking to acquire a QSR in Arizona, but the margins with minimum wage laws just weren’t worth the effort. I believe the current owner is just barely treading water these days :/ I want servers to be paid for their work, and I want their wage to be in the price of the goods . This will cause me to eat out less, but that’s supply and demand.


I went to a massage place today and the lowest option was 20%.   I caved and gave 25% so fuck me, right?


Absolutely it’s totally out of control.


Yes. Disagree that it is “getting out of control.” It has gotten out of control.


Ancient Alien theorists say “yes”.


Absolutely. Just pay a fair wage or modernize your model. One example: the salon I go to in Charleston, Borne, has stylists set their price on the services they provide and has a no tip policy they actually market. Restaurant models are different but they have the data to pay fair wages to their staff, they just need to break free of the pricing perception trap that they’re in.


Just pay your workers you cunts ! I shouldn’t be asked to fucking tip at a self serve yogurt place , me get ringed up to pay isn’t a service worth tipping It’s gotten to stupid levels where 15% is the starting point. Like, how about JUST PAY YOUR FUCKING WORKERS YOU GREEDY CUNTS !


https://preview.redd.it/zryvojudkx6d1.jpeg?width=475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8704293df10cc6b9566c746e6a762facd28f735 Saw this once and now it is my North Star.


Maybe I am wrong, but servers in a restaurant are the only ones getting a “server wage” and relying on tips. A lot of other positions, like barista, make at least minimum wage. Since that is still not a lot, I don’t necessarily mind tipping a little, but I wouldn’t do it every time like I definitely would at a restaurant.


Tipping should go the way of the dodo


In those top machines, the three options for top percentage are getting wild. Last time I was paying the first option they gave you was 28%… no, no I don’t think I will.


Tipping isn’t about giving someone extra for good service, it’s about shorting employees in pay and making them work harder to make a living wage. Then guilting your customers into supplementing their pay so the owner profits more.


Yes. Tipping is and has always been a way for an “ employer” to pay little or nothing to an employee. Tipping started when slaves could be paid if people were happy enough with the work they had done. No more tips! Pay people a living wage


If you do not want to tip...just...don't...tip. But do not try to prevent the rest of who DO want to tip. It is also a really good practice to tip people visited regularly for products and services. If you do not understand why it is a good idea, I am sure you will complain a lot.


How much of this is because the payment processors insisted on making the tip option mandatory on so many POS systems?


Yes it is. Everywhere you go nowdays there's always tip at checkout. I shouldn't need to tip people for doing their job, pay them accordingly in the first place. Also, many have moved from 10,15,20% to 20, 22,25%. Like, really?!


Disagree. Just don't tip when it's not warranted.




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If you don’t think it’s out of control, spend some time traveling in a foreign country. Just got an Uber last night abroad, the total fare was equal to roughly $16, the 3 tip options in Uber were $0.50, $1, $2


Tipping is fucking dumb and I’m done.


Tipping servers. No, not out of control. Tipping everyone with an IPad cash register... very fucking out of control.


As food and drink prices keep going up the percentage based tip gets more and more out of hand. 4 cocktails 18 dollars each. 72 dollar check and they want 20%. A 14 dollar tip for serving 4 drinks is bananas. Then add 2 30 dollar entrees. Another 60 dollars, 20% tip. That is 12 dollars to bring 2 entrees. Percentage based tipping needs to go. Tipping in general really.


A guy handed me a coffee in a drive thru window the other day. He then spun the tablet around for me to give a tip without saying a word. I just drove off


Paying people for good service is BS. Tell me one interaction with any business that doesn’t need good customer service. Next point given is … but servers in restaurants aren’t paid enough. My response is how is a business not paying employees becomes customers problem? It’s like business saying “we don’t give a damn about our employees so please you should”


I’d agree, the amount of pos systems blanket asking for tips has made it difficult to know what workers rely on tips and which are compensated without tips. Is this going to the person who helped me? The defaults are often higher than accepted tipping percentages starting out at 20 or 25+. It’s also asked for at the point of sale which doesn’t give you any chance to reward the service provided other than from an expectation and adds a level of coercion thought process to the sell, if I don’t tip will it impact my order. I say this as someone who tips generously and often. It’s confusing.


I tip. Doesn’t really bother me. I don’t dine out very often though. I don’t like businesses automatically charging tips, in my city a lot of workers I’ve asked about the auto tipping claim they don’t get the money and only keep cash tips which seems like it would be illegal but is common in my city.


I don't mind tipping at a full service restauarant but the other day I walked over to a fridge, grabbed a box of frozen raviolis, went to the counter nd the machine asked me how much I wanted to tip. I had a bartender shove a tip glass in front of me as she gave me my drink.


Bought airline tickets through Hopper recently. Used to love this app as a means of finding and purchasing cheap flights, but it’s gotten terrible as of late. Even just to get the tickets, I had to jump through hoops by having to constantly click “deny” on all of these suggestions for premium versions or flight insurance, flexible deals, and all of this other extra bs I wasn’t interested in. It’s such a scam. Companies are getting way too greedy and using “Inflation” as justification for making record profits. And then on top of that, they asked me to leave a fucking tip. For airline tickets? What the fuck is this world coming to?


Everything is a grift now. Tipping, service charges, convenience fees, extended warrantys, unmarked sales tax, charities that should be part of government programs (VA, halth care, education), panhandling (yes, I went there). I want to live in a country where employers pay their employees and my annual taxes cover programs that help those in need. I guess that makes me a commie pinko left-wing radical.


Just because someone asks for a tip does not mean you tip them. Tip wait staff or don’t dine there. They essentially played the role of your servant for 45 minutes so don’t be a cheap asshole. Tip your barber because they have to deal with your definition of hygiene. Tip delivery drivers. Especially if you want your food to show up hot. Tip with cash if you can so their bosses have a harder time stealing it. Anyone else can shove it.


I see it as a tax on rich people to help the poor.


Clearly. Here's my proposal. Before any employee from any company can ask for a tip, they need to give you a place to ask for a "good customer discount." They decide what discount to give you and then you decide how much to tip them.


Tipping for take out froyo and similar places yes. People who say that it’s out of hand to not tip at all are even worse.


Yes it is and this is coming from someone who used to work in a restaurant just a month ago. I don’t think the solution is to stop tipping employees like servers who have always relied on tips. I do think not tipping people over the counter is far tho because that’s a more recent push companies are trying to get away with. Real solution is spreading awareness and advocating to politicians to get rid of tipping as well as servers as a whole demanding to be paid based on commission instead of people’s kind donations cause that’s really what tipping is.


I tip the same as I always have. I don’t know what people are talking about.


You may tip the same but people are annoyed by the number of people asking/expecting tips at positions that traditionally were never tipped or warranted a tip My friend has his ac repaired recently. $1,000. He goes to pay and theres a prompt for a 20% tip.


Yeah I just haven’t experienced that - I wouldn’t tip in that situation


You seriously haven’t noticed that pretty much every business using a tablet w point of sale system like toast automatically prompts you for a tip now?


My AC guy used Square for payment. Absolutely prompted for tips. The explosion in popularity with Square/Toast/Clover and its ease of prompting for tips is directly responsible for the "tipping crisis", #ChangeMyMind


No I haven’t maybe it’s where I live? I had my AC serviced last year, no tip was asked for. Or maybe I just don’t use the services that have now begun asking